How to make a monolithic ceiling in a private house. Interfloor ceilings in a country house

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Ceilings are special structures that separate floors. They can be made from various materials and be of a wide variety of types. Custom construction is becoming more and more popular. A large number of urban residents dream of getting out of their apartments and becoming the owner of a spacious house. In order for the construction to be of high quality and reliable, it is necessary to consider the types and features of the overlap.

The device of overlappings in a private house

The ceiling structure has various variations, but there are rules that work in relation to each option: the ceiling must be rigid, reliable and be adapted to the intended load.

Overlapping is a structure, the purpose of which is the separation of adjacent zones in height. We can say that this is a ceiling space that separates the living area from the roof area and the basement. The main requirement is assigned to this design - strength, due to the fact that bulky objects will be installed on it and the inhabitants of the house will move. There are certain construction parameters for floors: for the upper, attic floor, the load weight should not be more than one hundred kilograms per square meter, as for the floor between floors, it must withstand a load of up to two hundred kilograms per square meter. The second, no less important condition put forward for overlapping is rigidity. It should not "play" from loads and bend.

You should also think about soundproofing when building such a ceiling yourself. This can be achieved by sealing cracks and gaps at the junction. Those structures that will differentiate residential and non-residential areas require the use of an additional layer of heat-insulating materials.

Do-it-yourself ceilings in a private house

In a private dwelling there can be a variety of floors, which can be grouped as follows:

  • basement - share non-residential unheated premises;
  • basement - in fact the floor of the first floor;
  • attic - serve to protect residential premises from high and low temperatures of the attic;
  • attic - divide structures in height.

The main requirements for floors were listed above: strength, rigidity and a high level of sound insulation. In addition, the following features can be noted:

  • fire resistance - in the event of a fire, it is necessary to have a margin of time for evacuation;
  • heat-saving qualities - it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier, as a barrier to the formation of condensate;
  • waterproofing is a necessary condition, provided that the overlap borders on non-residential premises;
  • resistance to fungus and mold.

The structures that are erected are of two types: prefabricated and monolithic. Or another name for structures - beam and beamless. The beam version consists of a lag and filler, and the beamless version consists of tile or panel components.

Installation of ceiling in a private house

Before erecting a ceiling in your own house with your own hands, you should treat the wood with a special solution that will prevent the development of microorganisms and mold. Provided that the beams will be inserted into concrete walls or stone, the edges of the tree should be carefully wrapped in roofing felt. The so-called nest is prepared in advance, where the beam will be inserted. It should have a bevelled edge. After installation, the nest with the beam is filled with mounting foam.

In a private house, the construction of a ceiling involves the manufacture of rolling. These are the bars that are necessary for the future ceiling covering.

The issue of sound and thermal insulation deserves special attention. Two goals can be achieved at once with such materials: sand, slag, expanded clay, foam plastic, mineral wool, sawdust. Not all of the materials listed are ideal, as they "do not breathe." Mineral wool is considered the best material, as an option that perfectly passes air through itself.

On the reel, waterproofing materials are first placed, after which there is a layer of thermal insulation.

Floor options in wooden houses

There are such types of overlaps:

  • wooden;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • metal.

But in modern designs there are such overlap options:

  • beamless;
  • coffered;
  • prefabricated monolithic;
  • aerated concrete.

For some flooring options, it is necessary to use horizontal logs, others require factory floor slabs, which are laid using special lifting equipment. Monolithic ceilings are poured in place. Prefabricated monolithic structures - a combination of a concrete monolith with beam supports. Caisson floors in their own homes are almost never used.

Beam ceilings in a private house

In beam structures, the basic foundation is beams that are installed at an equidistant distance. Filling materials are placed on them. It can be wood, reinforced concrete or metal.

In your own private dwelling, floors made of wooden material are most often used, it is used for:

  • interfloor ceilings - when the span is five meters;
  • attic floors - when the surface size is more than six meters, as for metal beams, they have no restrictions and can be used with arbitrary span widths.

At the heart of the wooden floor, light tree species are used. The construction of the beam ceiling includes the following elements:

  • beams;
  • rolling;
  • gender;
  • insulation.

The main advantage of using a wooden floor is the fact that it is mounted quickly and easily, without the use of special tools. Construction equipment is not needed, and the coating itself is inexpensive and light.

The disadvantages of wood flooring are that wood is a fire hazard, is attacked by microorganisms and is prone to mold.

Do-it-yourself interfloor ceilings in a private building: monolithic, reinforced concrete and aerated concrete

Monolithic floors have a large number of advantages: a flat surface that does not have joints and seams. For the construction of such ceilings do not need special equipment. The procedure for pouring floors is complex and requires skills. To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to prepare such tools and things:

  • high quality cement;
  • gravel or slag;
  • sand;
  • fittings made of high-quality metal;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • wooden boards;
  • formwork supports.

First, vertical supports are set up, plywood or similar material is laid on top for pouring the mortar. It is necessary to make formwork and pour concrete. Due to its complexity and labor intensity, this option is almost never used in multi-storey private buildings.

Reinforced concrete slabs are another option for flooring. These are factory materials nine meters long. Support for them are load-bearing walls. Correct installation is very important to avoid distortion. Plates are of two types:

  • hollow;
  • flat voidless.

The slabs are laid on a liquid mortar that adheres well to the slab. The gaps must be carefully sealed, and then the entire surface should be sealed with a screed.

If private ownership is low-rise and is made of a gas block, a structure made of aerated concrete is considered a convenient and high-quality way of overlapping. They can be ordered according to the required size directly at the enterprise. When mounted together, the blocks are linked using special connectors or clamps. To transport the material, you need to hire a car. As a result, the idea will be expensive, in addition to paying for the material ordered by size, it is necessary to pay for transportation, unloading, lifting and installation. It is cheaper to install the floor with your own hands during the construction of the building.

Metal ceiling in a private house

Undoubtedly, metal beams are a more durable material and can serve without the restrictions and problems that arise with wooden structures. Due to the strength of the material, you can save space by making the minimum thickness overlap. But with all the attractiveness and advantages, metal floors are used infrequently. The most commonly used wooden version.

The gaps between the beams are filled with concrete mortar or wooden shields. The final weight of the structure will be as follows: a square meter of overlap will have a weight of about four hundred kilograms.

Metal beams can cover spans of considerable size. The advantage of such structures is their fire resistance, immunity to microorganisms, mold, termites.

The disadvantages of this kind of structure is that areas in contact with moisture are subject to corrosion. To avoid this, problem areas are wrapped with felt.

Most often, a rolling profile is used for such structures. During installation, reinforced concrete slabs are laid between the beams, and they are covered with a layer of slag or reinforced concrete material on top.

For this type of overlap use:

  • metal corners;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • plaster mesh;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • plank flooring.

A noticeable disadvantage of this option is the need to use special equipment.

What to make a ceiling in a private house

After analyzing all the possible options for manufacturing floors in a private home, it can be argued that a wooden floor is rightfully considered one of the most optimal for a private building. The basis of this design is only wood: load-bearing beams and floor boards. A solid bar or board goes into the load-bearing beams. The material is affordable and can be applied to any walls: aerated concrete, brick or timber. Most home craftsmen use this particular material.

Speaking of wooden floors, the main characteristics of such a design should be highlighted:

  • cost - the price of a tree is affordable;
  • durability - depends on the quality of service and conditions of use, as a rule, it is from thirty to fifty years;
  • manufacturing complexity - is considered an average degree of complexity, but does not require special equipment;
  • fire safety - one of the most flammable materials, but the degree of risk can be reduced by treating the wood surface with flame retardants;
  • weight - the design is considered light, the approximate weight of one square meter is forty kilograms;
  • maintenance - it is necessary to use protective compounds: from microorganisms, mold, fungus.

Among the positive aspects of a wooden floor are:

  • profitability - the price is much less than other overlap options;
  • light weight - light weight compared to metal;
  • no need for finishing;
  • ease of installation - no equipment or special knowledge is needed for self-installation;
  • universality - the ability to use such a design for a building made of any material;
  • the ability to hide the insulation - thermal insulation is hidden behind the sheathing boards.

But wood flooring also has its downsides. Let's dwell on them:

  • creak - after some time of operation, the wooden structure will begin to creak;
  • high fire hazard - wooden materials are susceptible to combustion, quickly ignite and support the process;
  • the need for additional maintenance - in order for the structure to serve the maximum amount of time, it is necessary to treat it with protective agents and mixtures;
  • low mechanical strength - the material is susceptible to impact and can be partially deformed;
  • complexity in the construction of large spans - it is impossible to apply this design on surfaces of more than five meters.

If you have any questions about installing the ceiling in a private house with your own hands, you can watch the video at the end of the article. There you will find answers to all questions on the topic of overlapping in a private house.

When building a private house, it is important to choose the right design solutions for its elements. One of the most important structures can be called overlap. Properly selected thickness of the reinforced concrete floor slab in the house between floors will ensure its reliability and safety.

Types of reinforced concrete structures and scope

Monolithic slabs are suitable for use in massive buildings made of stone or brick. In a brick house, such an overlap creates a disk that gives the building additional rigidity. When laying an interfloor reinforced concrete floor, it is important to choose the type of its manufacture:

  • monolithic;
  • prefabricated.

Both of these methods are common at the present time, but gradually the first is replacing the second. The main disadvantages of a monolithic slab are the cost of formwork and the need to wait for the concrete to harden. The advantages include:

  • high laying speed;
  • reduction of financial costs;
  • no need for complex lifting equipment;
  • the possibility of pouring a slab of complex configuration in plan;
  • reliability and durability.
Scheme of a monolithic structure

The advantages of the combined technology include:

  • high installation speed;
  • there is no need to wait until the concrete gains strength;
  • reliability and durability;
  • simpler manufacturing technology.

This method has more disadvantages than the previous one:

  • a large mass of individual elements;
  • there is a need for lifting equipment (crane);
  • a limited number of standard sizes, the difficulty in overlapping rooms of unusual shapes.

Scheme of a prefabricated product

The choice between the technologies by which the overlap between floors will be erected depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house and economic considerations. If the distances between the bearing walls are far from standard, a large number of non-standard products will be required, which will lead to an increase in the cost of construction. In this case, it is better to stop at the monolithic version.

Plate thickness

Knowing the thickness of the slab is necessary in order to calculate the total height of the ceiling and floor. This will be required when calculating the height of the floor, room and the entire building. The thickness of the overlap depends on the type of construction chosen. If the decision is made to use monolithic technology, it also depends on the loads from people, furniture, equipment and floor construction.

Prefabricated slabs for PC and PB series

These elements are most often used in construction. PC boards are round-hollow. They are laid between floors, both in private houses and in multi-storey buildings. PB plates are a fairly new technology that is gradually replacing the PC series. They can be produced in any length, regardless of the dimensions given in the regulatory documents. They differ in the manufacturing method - the continuous molding method. They have some limitations and are not fully understood, but they are successfully used both in private and in mass construction.

220 mm design diagram

Plate thickness is standard. Is 220 mm. To calculate the total height of the slab with the floor structure, add to this value:

  • the thickness of the concrete screed, approximately 30-50 mm;
  • if necessary, sound insulation or insulation, the thickness of the heat-insulating material (30-50 mm for sound insulation, 100-150 mm for thermal insulation);
  • flooring (depending on the type, the largest height will be for a wooden floor, the smallest for linoleum or ceramic tiles);
  • ceiling construction.

In total, the height of the concrete floor in a private house with a floor structure using PB or PK series slabs is approximately 300 mm.

Plates of the PT series

These elements are in most cases used as accessories for the PB and PK series. Laying of such plates between levels is carried out in those places where the distance between the walls does not allow laying large-sized products. They have small dimensions in plan, which allows them to cover small spans. The slabs are suitable for laying over corridors, bathrooms, utility rooms and storage rooms. Support can be performed on all sides.

Reinforced concrete products for residential and public buildings

Product thickness 80 or 120 mm. The total height of the reinforced concrete floor with floor elements is 150-200 mm, depending on the type of flooring.

When used, they are aligned with PC and PB products along the upper edge of the floor.

Irregularities are corrected using the ceiling structure.

Profiled cover

A fairly common method for private housing construction. In this case, the profiled sheet serves as the formwork and bearing element of the monolithic slab. Main structural elements:

Profiled product design
  • load-bearing beams (I-beams, channel bars or corners with a large shelf width);
  • profiled sheet, which is laid on the beams (waves must be perpendicular to the bearing elements);
  • layer of concrete.

All thicknesses are selected depending on the payload. For a private house, you can give the average values ​​​​of a monolithic slab between spaces located at different horizontal levels:

  1. The height of the beams (I-beam or channel) for spans up to 5-6 meters is approximately 220-270 mm.
  2. The height of the corrugated board wave plus the thickness of the concrete layer depends on the step between the supporting beams and the planned load. As a minimum value for a monolithic slab of a private house, 150 mm can be given.
  3. Concrete screed, the thickness of which is 30-50 mm.
  4. If necessary, add a layer of insulation from 30 to 150 mm, depending on the purpose of its installation.
  5. Clean floor construction. The thickness depends on the type of floor covering.

Supporting a profiled sheet can occur in two ways:

  • over load-bearing beams;
  • adjoining them.

In the first case, the total height of the I-beam or channel is taken into account in the thickness, and in the second case, the thickness of the reinforced concrete floor is significantly reduced. The minimum height is given for a light load.

According to regulatory documents, the weight that falls on floors in a private house is 150 kg per square meter.

When calculating, this value must be increased by a safety factor of 1.2. For more serious loads, a reinforced profiled sheet and a greater thickness of the concrete layer are used.

Ribbed monolithic ceiling

For a private house, you can use another technology for manufacturing the base for the floor. A ribbed reinforced concrete slab consists of long ribs thrown over the long sides of the room and a thin layer of concrete between them. The space between the ribs is filled with insulation (expanded clay, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.).

The thickness of a monolithic slab is calculated from the following values:

  1. Rib height. For private housing construction, in most cases, a thickness of 200 mm is sufficient. In this case, the thickness of the section between the ribs can be 50-100 mm. The width of the rib is selected approximately 100 mm.
  2. The thickness of the cement-sand screed. Accepted within 30-50 mm.
  3. Floor construction. The thickness depends on the flooring and is on average in the range of 10-50 mm.

Ribbed overlap, as well as on a profiled sheet, allows you to reduce the consumption of concrete while maintaining a sufficiently large thickness. Making ribs is a difficult task. The use of corrugated board allows you to create a ceiling with a ribbed surface without unnecessary labor costs.

A competent choice and calculation of the thickness of the concrete slab will allow you to calculate the height of the premises, the consumption of the concrete mixture and determine the financial and labor costs at the design stage of the facility. In the case of prefabricated floors, the thickness for all elements is standard.

The main task of the overlap is to transfer and redistribute loads from load-bearing structures to the foundation and divide the building into floors. Depending on which part of the house this structure is located in, it has its own requirements for strength, rigidity, heat and sound insulation. And this is understandable, because the ceiling separating the second floor and the attic cannot have the same characteristics as the horizontal component of the lower part of the building. So, for example, the design loads (according to regulatory documents) for basement floors should be calculated at least 200 kg / m2, for interfloor 150 kg / m2 (in multi-apartment 300 kg / m2), for attic floors and balconies 100 kg / m2. Based on the standard values, it is possible to calculate the required cross section of beams, crossbars and other elements designed to absorb loads and ensure the reliability of the structure. It is also worth considering the allowable deflection, which directly depends on the length of the spans and the rigidity of the structures.

Therefore, for convenience, a certain classification was introduced, in which the overlaps are grouped by parameters. According to it, it is enough just to find out what types of floors will be used in the construction of your house. Basically there are five types:

    basement ceiling


    Interfloor overlap

    Attic floor

    Attic floor

Basement and basement floors are subject to the highest requirements in almost all respects, from strength to thermal insulation. Firstly, because they are located in the lower part of the building and therefore the main loads of the entire structure are assumed. Secondly, as a rule, the first floor is reserved for such living quarters as a kitchen, a living room, a fireplace room, which provide for the arrangement of various household appliances, plumbing equipment that have a certain weight. And maintaining an active lifestyle in this part of the house. And, thirdly, this is the separation of a relatively cold zone, especially if the basement is not heated, from residential floors, where the temperature should always be comfortable. In this regard, the hydro and vapor barrier of basement and basement floors is of no small importance, they must be reliably protected from moisture, which inevitably appears at the junction of the temperature difference and from human activity. The difference between the basement and basement floors is only that in one case this part of the house is used during residence, and in the other, not.

It is customary to call interfloor overlapping the horizontal division of residential premises. Here, the temperature-humidity criterion is not decisive, because the microclimate in the rooms for living is approximately the same, the only exception may be plumbing units and bathrooms. In other cases, special attention is paid to soundproofing, because often the upper floors of the house are reserved for relaxation and passive use. Therefore, it is very important to provide not only a zonal division of living space, but to ensure a comfortable stay in them.

To separate the attic part of the house and the residential part, the so-called attic floors are used. Naturally, not so high requirements are imposed on them in terms of strength. Their main task is to protect the living area from the ingress of cold from the attic and maximize the preservation of heat. For this, effective heat-insulating materials are used, which are able to provide comfortable microclimatic living conditions. In order for the insulation to fully perform its function over a long period of time, it is necessary to exclude its moisture during operation. For this, various vapor barrier films and membranes are used.

The attic floor should have similar characteristics.

The undoubted requirement that applies to all types of ceilings is fire resistance, in the event of a fire, it should, as far as possible, maintain the integrity of the structure and not deform under the influence of high temperatures.

And, of course, not the last role in choosing the type of overlap is played by its cost, which will largely depend on how competently you approach this issue.

Types of overlap in terms of constructive

In construction, there are many options for the design of the floor, but, nevertheless, they can be divided into two main groups, these are with the use of beams and beamless.

Floors without beams

In turn, according to the technology of execution of floors without beams, there can be




Hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs are used as prefabricated elements of beamless ceilings in private housing construction. They are mainly used at the basement and basement levels. Undoubtedly, this is the easiest and fastest way to install, but at the same time expensive. With all the advantages, a high degree of prefabrication, simple assembly and a flat ceiling surface that does not require additional finishing work and high moisture resistance, it is worth noting some disadvantages. These include a relatively high price, the need for special equipment during transportation and installation, and a high safety factor, which is not always appropriate when building a private house. They mainly offer standard slabs with a load of 8000 kg/m2 (with a required minimum of 200 kg/m2). However, all these nuances do little to stop developers and this building material is very often used to cover basements. If you decide to opt for reinforced concrete slabs, then you should know that, in addition to the proposed load of 800 kg / m2, the regulatory documents provide for the production of slabs with a load of 400 kg / m2 and 600 kg / m2, so it is not always advisable to overpay for excessive strength. It will not be superfluous to know that there is a classic hollow core (PC) and multi-hollow core molded slabs (PB). It is also worth considering some restrictions imposed by the length of the plates, its maximum value cannot exceed 8890 mm, although absolutely any standard size is provided for by this technology.

Quite often, when building their own home, developers use the technology of monolithic overlap. Despite the fact that the labor intensity of the work increases significantly (formwork assembly, reinforcement, concreting, etc.), everything is compensated by the relatively low cost of the finished floor and the ability to do without the involvement of expensive equipment. The advantages include the use of components in the process of preparing concrete, which affect its quality characteristics. Thus, the use of air-entraining additives or porous fillers reduces the consumption of materials per 1 m3 and its density, reduces overall costs and improves the thermal properties of the floor. The absence of seams in monolithic construction eliminates the presence of cold bridges and the formation of condensate.

Some developers refer to the disadvantages of this type of installation as the need for a technological break in work in order for the concrete to gain strength. Very often the figure of 28 days appears on the forums. Yes, indeed, this period is necessary for 100% maturation of concrete, but it serves only for control and has nothing to do with stripping strength. In the warm season, 70% strength is sufficient, which is gained in the first 3-5 days (subject to compliance with the recipe), after which work can be continued without damage to the structure.

In continuation of the foregoing, it can be added that non-removable formwork is now widespread, which is easy to assemble and after installation becomes part of the ceiling. The load-bearing elements of the formwork are metal frames made of reinforcing steel. The formwork itself is assembled from modules in the form of thermoblocks. Grooves located in the lateral horizontal plane ensure perfect adjoining of parts from the side of pouring concrete, and from the inside, a completely flat surface is formed as a result.

The combined type of overlap has absorbed all the advantages of prefabricated and monolithic technologies. Its idea is that beams are used as supporting elements, these can also be spatial frames made of reinforcing steel and a channel. Lightweight blocks are installed on them by stringing, they can be made of various materials, from neo-support to hollow ceramic blocks. Due to the fact that the structure is type-setting, its length is not regulated and will depend only on the width of the span, but not more than 12 meters. After installing the components, the entire structure is poured on top with a certain layer of concrete, after which the installation of the ceiling can be considered completed.

Undoubtedly, this is the most progressive and rapidly developing type of construction. It allows you to quickly mount the ceiling of any configuration, without the involvement of special equipment and with excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Floors with beams

This technology is based on the principle of transferring loads through beams that are laid on load-bearing structures with a certain step. A draft floor is already mounted on top of them, and from below, the free space is filled with heat-insulating material and sewn up with a sheet or board, since it is the ceiling for the underlying room. Rolled metal products can be used as the main elements: channel, I-beam, tee and lumber: timber, board.

In frame and wooden housing construction, the technology of erecting floors using beams is considered the most common. In this design, lumber is used as the main frame. The cross section of the beam is selected depending on the span length, the distance between the beams and the calculated loads. Recently, the direction has become quite popular, the manufacture of a wooden I-beam, its strength and weight characteristics, attracted the attention of many developers. This design also showed good performance in terms of deflection, and its main advantage turned out to be that it can be made independently and with the help of improvised means. Environmental friendliness, low price relative to metal counterparts, availability of material and ease of installation speak in favor of the use of wood. However, it is worth remembering that the tree is subject to warping, rotting and, without proper care, may lose its operational functions. Therefore, choosing a natural material, care must be taken to protect it as much as possible from moisture and harmful insects. For this, there are various antiseptic compounds that process wood parts. Along with special liquids, it can be advised to use bituminous varnish, as practice has shown, it also has good protective properties.

Mineral wool mats, polystyrene foam and sawdust-chip backfill are widely used as insulation and sound insulation.

Metal beams are much more reliable in terms of strength and rigidity of the structure. With equal bearing capacity, they are smaller and allow more efficient use of space. However, the thermal and sound insulation characteristics of metal are inferior to wood, and in some cases their use is not advisable.

For a stone house with two or more floors, the device for the ceiling of the first floor (it is the floor of the next level) of monolithic reinforced concrete is inherent. It could be floor slabs. By the way, most often they are laid. However, if a crane access is difficult at the construction site or the finished house has a complex configuration that cannot be covered with slabs without gaps, a monolithic ceiling is poured with one's own hands. The work is carried out strictly in accordance with established norms and standards, otherwise the monolith may not withstand the load exerted on it from above.

How to properly fill a monolithic floor and calculate its bearing capacity, we analyze in the material below.

Important: pouring a monolith as a ceiling can be carried out not only according to indications, but also if the master finds this method appropriate for a particular house.

The advantages of a monolith over the installation of concrete slabs

Do-it-yourself ceiling slab pouring technology has a number of advantages over laying standard factory reinforced concrete slabs. The main positive aspects of the monolith are:

  • The entire floor has a smooth and uniform structure without seams, joints and joints, which allows the most even distribution of the load on the flooded slab, the walls of the house and its foundation;
  • All bay windows and balconies can be poured directly under the existing design data, without the need to look for a floor slab of the desired size and configuration;
  • And in the interior of the first floor, columns can be used, which will make the design of the room richer and more original.

Important: there is no need to use sophisticated construction equipment to pour the monolith. All work can be done by hand, understanding the installation technology.

Calculation of the load on the slab and its parameters

Important: according to SNIP SNiP 52-01-2003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures", SNiP 3.03.01-87 and GOST R 52086-2003 for a private house, a standard monolithic floor slab should have a thickness of 180-200 mm. This is the average of a solid monolithic space of the second floor floor or first level ceiling.

It is extremely necessary to perform floor slab calculations in order not to subsequently overload the available space with additional partitions on the second floor or reinforcing the floor finish. As a result of exceeding the load on the ceiling, it can simply burst and collapse.

In order to correctly calculate the parameters of the floor structure with the recommended bearing capacity, it is better to entrust the work to a professional. As a last resort, you can use an online calculator, which enters all the data on the materials used for the monolith and its parameters:

  • The length and width of the floor of the second floor;
  • ceiling height;
  • Brand of concrete used;
  • Load per 1m2 of floor (taken as an estimated value of 450-500 kg/m2).

Important: the cross section of the reinforcement bar should be maximum in the central part of the floor slab. Since closer to the supporting walls, the load on deflection and tension is reduced to almost zero.

To calculate the thickness of the overlap (that is, its height), you must use a ratio of 1:30. Here 1 means the height of the monolith, and 30 is the span from one outer wall to the other. For example, if the house has a span length of 8 m, then 800:30 = 26.6 cm. Accordingly, for a span length of 6 m, the ceiling height will be 20 cm.

Work performance technology

To fill a monolithic ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and raw materials:

  • Formwork boards and plywood sheets (preferably glossy so that the concrete adheres minimally to the wood when it dries);
  • Supports for a monolith at the rate of 1 piece / 1 m2 of floor slab;
  • Rods for knitting a reinforcing mesh with a section of 8-12 mm;
  • Plastic clamps-stands for fittings;
  • Concrete grade M-350 and higher (it is better to order ready-made in the required volume);
  • Rebar bending tool.

Formwork installation

In order for the monolithic floor slab to have a uniform surface from the ceiling side of the first floor, concrete must be poured into the prepared formwork, which is also called the deck. We note right away that you can rent and install a professional deck made of plastic and metal, complete with telescopic supports in the right amount, or you can make a wooden floor with your own hands.

Important: if you mount the formwork yourself, then you should take boards with a thickness of 25-35 mm. At the same time, they are knocked down end-to-end so that there are no gaps. Plywood must be at least 20 mm thick.

Formwork installation works are performed in the following order:

  • First, the supports are installed in increments of 1 meter from each other. At the same time, the support poles can recede from the walls by 20 cm. Both telescopic poles, which can be adjusted in height, and a beam with a cross section of 80-150 mm can be used as supports. Note that telescopic supports are preferable, since they are able to withstand a lot of weight and not deform at the same time, as sometimes happens with a bar. The cost of one support will cost about $ 2-3.
  • All installed supports are connected by longitudinal beams - crossbars. The formwork will rest on them. Crossbars can be made from a channel or an I-beam.
  • On top of the crossbars, a horizontal formwork is arranged, the edges of which must fit exactly with the walls so that there are no gaps.

Important: the height of the supports must be adjusted so that the top edge of the plywood sheets fits exactly with the top edges of the perimeter walls of the house.

  • Now mount the vertical sides of the formwork. They should protrude 15 cm from the inner edge of the walls. The height of the vertical formwork must correspond to the design height of the slab.

Important: all verticals and horizontals of the formwork are checked with a level.

Reinforcement installation

To enhance the strength of the cast monolith, it must be reinforced. You will have to tie two grids of steel bars with a cross section of 10-12 mi. Nets are knitted with cells of 20x20 cm. It should be borne in mind that, most likely, the length of one whole rod may not be enough for the length of the net. And so you have to finish the fittings. Here the rods are joined with a viscous overlap of 40 cm.

Important: reinforcement must only be knitted with steel wire. Welding is prohibited, since steel melting reduces its strength and technical characteristics.

  • The connected reinforcement (two meshes) are interconnected by longitudinal rods in such a way that the mesh is covered with mortar by 2-3 cm from the lower and upper edges of the concrete.
  • The fittings are installed on special props for this.
  • It is also worth remembering that the mesh rods should go on the walls of the house by 15 cm (for brickwork) and 25 cm (for foam and aerated concrete masonry).
  • The end ends of the rods should not touch the walls of the vertical formwork.
  • And in order to calculate the distance between the two grids, it is necessary to subtract the indents from the upper and lower edges from the total height of the slab (20 cm + 20 cm = 40 cm), as well as 4 thicknesses of the rod used.
  • Longitudinal clamps between the grids are knitted in increments of 1 m and only in a checkerboard pattern.
  • It is also worth installing end clamps. They are mounted on the ends of the grid in increments of 40 cm to enhance the supporting ability of the plate on the walls of the house.
  • Additionally, a connector is installed for both grids. It allows you to evenly distribute the load on the plate over the entire thickness. The connector is fixed in increments of 40 cm at the places where the plate rests on the wall, and at a distance of 70 cm from the walls of the house already in increments of 20 cm.

Important: for installation in the ceiling of technological openings, it is necessary to install all the necessary boxes and sleeves in advance.

Pouring solution

It is necessary to pour the concrete mixture continuously immediately to a given thickness. To do this, it is better to purchase ready-made concrete in a construction mixer, and not use homemade (homemade). Since the solution, kneaded and poured in stages, will not give the desired strength to the overlap.

The solution poured into the formwork must be compacted with a construction vibrator, but trying not to touch the reinforcement so as not to displace it. The finished monolithic floor slab will dry for about a month. During this time, it is necessary to additionally moisten the concrete, especially in the first week (but subject to hot, dry weather). It is at this time that it is better to cover the monolith with a film in order to prevent its sudden drying and cracking.

Important: do-it-yourself overlapping of the first floor will cost about 55 USD / m2 of a monolithic slab. The price includes all building materials and bulk materials, as well as the rental of a construction mixer and the purchase of a ready-made solution.

When building a house, any developer faces the question of choosing an interfloor overlap. The most common are three types of floors - wooden, monolithic reinforced concrete and prefabricated reinforced concrete, mounted from flat hollow core slabs. It is about this type of overlap, as the most popular and practical for low-rise construction, that will be discussed in this material. From this about interfloor ceilings in a private house you will learn:

  • What is the difference between hollow-core floor slabs (PC) and floor slabs made by formless molding (PB).
  • How to properly lay floors.
  • How to avoid installation errors.
  • How to store floor slabs.

How to choose a hollow core slab

At first glance, hollow core slabs may seem to differ only in length, thickness and width. But the technical characteristics of hollow core slabs are much wider and are described in detail in GOST 9561-91.

Hollow core slab, private house.

Hollow interfloor slabs differ from each other by the method of reinforcement. Moreover, reinforcement (depending on the type of slabs) can be performed using prestressed reinforcement or without prestressed reinforcement. Most often, ceilings with prestressed working reinforcement are used.

When choosing floor slabs, one should pay attention to such an important point as the permissible number of sides on which they can be supported. . Usually you can only support on two short sides, but some types of plates allow support on three and four sides.

  • PB. Provides support on two sides;
  • 1pc. Thickness - 220 mm. The diameter of the round voids is 159 mm. Allows support only on two sides;
  • 1PKT. Having similar dimensions, it allows support on three sides;
  • 1PKK. Can be leaned on four sides.

Also, floor slabs differ from each other by the method of manufacture. Often there is a dispute about what to prefer - PC or PB.

Andrey164 FORUMHOUSE user

It's time to block the basement of the building with floor slabs, but I just can’t decide what to choose - PC or PB, PB has a better surface finish than PC, but I heard that PBs are used only in monolithic-frame houses and country houses, and the end such a plate cannot be loaded with a wall.

Sasha1983 FORUMHOUSE user

The main difference between the plates lies in the technology of their manufacture.

PC (thickness from 160 to 260 mm and a typical bearing capacity of 800 kg / sq.m.) is cast in the formwork. Panels of the PB brand (thickness from 160 mm to 330 mm and typical load capacity from 800 kg/sq.m.) are produced by the formless continuous casting method (this makes it possible to obtain a smoother and even surface than PC panels). PB is also called extruder.

PB, due to the prestressing of the compressed and stretched zones (reinforcement prestressing is done at any length of the plate), are less susceptible to cracking than PC. PC with a length of up to 4.2 meters can be produced without prestressed reinforcement and have a greater free deflection than PB.

At the request of the customer, the PB can be cut to individual specified dimensions (from 1.8 to 9 meters, etc.). They can also be cut lengthwise and into separate longitudinal elements, as well as bevel cuts at an angle of 30-90 degrees, without losing its load-bearing capacity. This greatly simplifies the layout of such floor slabs at the construction site and provides greater freedom to the designer, because. the dimensions of the building box and load-bearing walls are not tied to the standard PC dimensions.

When choosing interfloor PC slabs (more than 4.2 meters long), it is important to remember this feature - they are prestressed with special stops at the ends of the slab. If you cut off the end of the PC, then the stop (cut off together with the end of the PC and vertical reinforcement) will not work. Accordingly, the working reinforcement will cling to concrete only with its lateral surface. This will significantly reduce the bearing capacity of the slab.

Despite the higher quality smooth surface, good geometry, lower weight and high load-bearing capacity, this point should be taken into account when choosing a PB. Hollow holes in the PC (depending on the width of the plate, with a diameter of 114 to 203 mm) allow you to easily punch a hole in it for a sewer riser, with a diameter of 100 mm. While the size of the hollow hole in the PB is 60 mm. Therefore, in order to punch a through hole in a PB brand panel (so as not to damage the reinforcement), you should check with the manufacturer in advance how best to do this.

Floor slabs for a private house: installation features

The PB (unlike the PC) does not have mounting loops (or you have to pay extra for their installation), which can complicate their loading, unloading and installation.

It is not recommended to use the "folk" method of installing the PB, when the mounting hooks cling to the end of the hollow hole. In this case, there is a high probability that the hook will pull out of the hole due to the destruction of the end of the plate, or the hook will simply slip off. This will cause the plate to fall. Also, at your own peril and risk, you can apply a method in which a crowbar is inserted into the hollow holes of the PB (two crowbars on one side of the plate) and hooks cling to them.

Installation of PB plates is allowed only with the use of soft chocks or a special traverse.


To pull the chalk out from under the slab, laying it down, leave a gap of 2 cm to the adjacent slab. Then we shift the already laid slab with a crowbar to the next one.

Max_im FORUMHOUSE user

Personal experience: I laid slabs at my construction site using this method. The gap was 3 cm. The slabs were laid on a cement-sand mixture 2 cm thick. The mixture acted as a lubricant, and the slabs were easily moved with a crowbar to the distance I needed.

Also, when installing floor slabs, it is necessary to observe the calculated values ​​​​of the minimum support depth of the slab. The following numbers can be used as a guide:

  • brick wall, minimum support depth is 8 cm, maximum support depth is 16 cm;
  • reinforced concrete - 7 cm, maximum support depth - 12 cm;
  • gas and foam concrete blocks - at least 10-12 cm, optimal support depth - 15 cm;
  • steel structures - 7 cm.

It is not recommended to support the floor slab more than 20 cm, because with an increase in the depth of support, it begins to “work” like a pinched beam. When laying floor panels on walls built from gas and foam concrete blocks, it is necessary to install a reinforced concrete armored belt, which is described in detail in the article:. Read also our article, which details,. We wish you to successfully apply the acquired knowledge on your construction sites!

Before starting the installation of the plates, it is recommended to seal the ends of the hollow holes. The voids are sealed so that water does not get inside the panel. It also increases the strength at the ends of the slabs (this applies to a greater extent to PC than to PB) in case of bearing partitions resting on them. The voids can be sealed by inserting a half brick into them and “throwing” the gap with a layer of concrete. Usually voids are sealed to a depth of at least 12-15 cm.

If water does get inside the plates, it must be removed. To do this, in the panel, in the "void", a hole is drilled from below through which water can flow out. This is especially important to do if the floors have already been laid, and the house went into the winter without a roof. Water in frost can freeze inside the hollow hole (because there is nowhere for it to flow out) and break the slab.

Sergey Perm FORUMHOUSE user

I had slabs laid on the ceiling for a whole year. I specially drilled holes in the "voids" with a perforator, a lot of water leaked out. Each channel must be drilled.

Before laying the floor slabs, it is necessary to select a truck crane of the required load capacity. It is important to take into account the accessibility of access roads, the maximum possible outreach of the crane and the permissible weight of the load. And also calculate the possibility of laying floor panels not from one point, but from two sides of the house.

zumpf FORUMHOUSE user

The surface on which the floor slab is laid must be flat and free of debris. Before laying the panel, a cement mixture is “spread out”, the so-called. mortar "bed", 2 cm thick. This will ensure its reliable adhesion to the walls or armored belt. Also, before installing the panels and before applying the mortar to the wall, you can lay a reinforcing bar with a diameter of 10-12 mm.

A similar method will allow you to strictly control the verticality of mixing of all plates during their laying (since the panel will no longer fall below the rod). The rod will not allow her to completely squeeze out the cement mortar from under her and lie down “dry”. It is not allowed to put the plates "steps". Depending on the length of the plates, the divergence of the ends should not exceed 8-12 mm.

A serious mistake during laying is the overlapping of two spans with one slab at once, i.e. it rests on three walls. Because of this, loads unforeseen by the reinforcement scheme appear in it, and under certain, unfavorable circumstances, it can crack.

If such a layout cannot be avoided, to relieve tension, on the upper surface of the panels, just above the middle partition (wall), a cut is made with a grinder.

Another point that should be focused on is how to block the flight of stairs between the floor slabs, if there is nothing to support them on. In this case, two channels can be run parallel to the plates, and one can be placed across, along the edge of the opening, to tie the reinforcing cage in the form of a mesh with a cell of 20 cm and a bar diameter of 8 mm, etc. Put the formwork and pour the monolithic section. It is not necessary to tie the channel to the floor slabs. In this case, they rest on two short sides and are not subjected to loads from the support node of the flight of stairs.

How to properly store floor slabs on the site

Ideally, if the panels were brought to the site, they should be installed immediately. If for some reason this is not possible, the question arises: how to properly store them.

For storage of plates, it is necessary to prepare in advance a solid and flat area. You can't just lay them on the ground. In this case, the lower plate can rest on the ground, and, due to the uneven load, it will break under the weight of the upper plates.

Products should be stacked in a stack of no more than 8-10 pieces. Moreover, gaskets are placed under the bottom row (from a beam of 200x200 mm, etc.), and all subsequent rows are placed through gaskets - an inch board 25 mm thick. Gaskets should be located no further than 30-45 cm from the ends of the plates, and they should be set strictly vertically one above the other. This will ensure an even redistribution of the load.

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