Where should the feng shui wardrobe be placed? Arrange furniture according to Feng Shui

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Repairs in a house or renovation of an apartment always end with the purchase of new furniture, decor, pleasant and useful little things for the home.

If you are interested in Chinese culture and Eastern spiritual practices, then you will certainly need knowledge of how Feng Shui furniture is arranged. We will also consider in the material below important rules, color nuances that must be taken into account if you set out to equip an apartment in accordance with the laws of this practice.

How to put furniture according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui furniture arrangement has the most importance. This is necessary so that the flows of Qi energy, entering your home, are evenly distributed throughout it and fill every room in the house. Otherwise, we are talking about the fact that the Qi circulation is disturbed, and our home does not have a harmonious and positive energy.

How to properly arrange furniture according to Feng Shui is a question that has a huge role, but no less important is what kind of furniture will be in your home. It is best that each room is clearly demarcated, and furniture from another category is not present in it. So, in the bedroom you should not put a desk and a computer, and it is better not to combine the bathroom and toilet. A clear division of the dwelling into zones is the very first sign of harmonious Feng Shui.

In the bedroom, it is better to install only a bed, a wardrobe, bedside tables and a few small shelves. But in the office, you can install as many appliances as you like, place bookcases there, and add everything you need to the room. In the living room, it is necessary to adhere to the atmosphere of comfort and family hearth - here you can put a comfortable large sofa, several armchairs, a wide coffee table. Accents in the form of decor will not interfere either - large vases, contrasting elements (for example, cushions for chairs) will fit perfectly here.

However, you should not litter the apartment with unnecessary furniture - it is believed that its excess also negatively affects the circulation of Qi flows. Therefore, be guided in this matter by a simple rule - we buy only what we really need.

There can be no talk of any Feng Shui at home if your home resembles a museum or a warehouse, the same, by the way, also applies to decor.

  • Firstly, the abundance of unnecessary things accumulates a lot of dust, and endless figurines and vases simply cannot be wiped often. A dirty dwelling is the main candidate for the accumulation of negative Sha energy, because abundant dust and cluttered rooms always attract it.
  • Secondly, any object that is not used also becomes the focus of the Sha energy, which brings dissonance into the energy background of the home and can even cause quarrels in the house and physical illness in the household!

It is for this reason that feng shui furniture arrangement does not begin with the question of what and where to put, but with what generally needs to be bought. The less furniture in your apartment, the better.

However, do not go to extremes - if you need a lot of cabinets to store things in, then, of course, you cannot do without it. Otherwise, there will be nowhere to put things and the apartment will look untidy. But it is better not to shove small storage compartments throughout the house, but to make one large one. A sliding wardrobe in the bedroom is ideal for this, where all things will fit.

So, in order not to impede the flow of Qi, we do not buy anything extra and do not fill our house to the top with decor.

This is the first and most important rule. However, in addition to this, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the furniture, and even its height. It is best to choose low furniture - beds, sofas, tables and bedside tables. This is explained very simply - Qi lives in an oxygen environment and "floats" in it, and therefore in the lower part of the dwelling, on the floor, it usually accumulates the most.

If the bed is low, then during sleep you will inhale the life-giving flows of Qi along with the air, which will help restore your strength, and in the morning you will wake up cheerful, in a wonderful mood. High beds and sofas make us more imperceptible to the flow of Qi, so if Feng Shui furniture arrangement is important to you, pay special attention to this point.

When arranging furniture, it is important to take into account that it is worth avoiding the creation of peculiar niches and nooks and crannies between the walls, ceiling and furniture, since bad Sha energy instantly accumulates there, and Qi practically cannot get there. Therefore, you do not need to put a cabinet that will leave a large gap between the ceiling and the top, it is better to make a sliding storage compartment in which the doors will occupy the entire height of the room, from the floor to the ceiling.

Another rule - Qi loves the correct geometric shape, this applies to rooms and furniture. Therefore, beds, tables, dressing rooms and other elements should be either square or rectangular.

Avoid odd and quirky furniture, frilly designs, moldings, carvings, and other decorations. Qi glides best on the smooth surface of wood and metal, and therefore it is traditionally chosen from these materials for home furniture in the Feng Shui style.

As for the color scheme of furniture, it is important to place accents based on the element to which a particular room belongs.

The sleeping area is traditionally located in the southwest - this is the area of ​​​​family and love, marriage. This is where the matrimonial bed fits in perfectly. It is customary to equip a nursery in the west. The living room can be furnished in the eastern sector, since this zone is responsible for the family, and it is ideal to equip the study in the north or northeast (especially if you plan to study there, read a lot, and so on).

The sleeping area symbolizes the element of the Earth. Furniture for her is better to choose in yellowish, light brown, beige tones. A wenge shade is also great, but don't overdo it with a dark palette, as Qi is not too fond of dark and gloomy colors. If your furniture is made in muted and dark colors, then the walls and floor should be light, and vice versa. This will balance the qi. But the abundance of white in the adult bedroom is undesirable.

The children's room is under the auspices of Metal, and therefore its influence can be enhanced by furniture in a silvery or gray hue, and cold light shades, such as white, are also perfect.

If the office is located in the north, then it is patronized by the element of Water. The blue and blue range of furniture is suitable here, you can mix dark shades with light ones and combine them with each other. But avoid furniture in fiery shades, as this can create a conflict - you can’t make an office in yellow, orange or red.

If you do not know how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, you can be guided by a simple rule - put furniture where it belongs. This principle has already been described above: do not combine a bedroom with an office, each room in the apartment should have its own set of furniture that performs a specific function.

You can not mix a recreation area with work, or a cooking area with a living room, as all this upsets the balance of Qi and can lead to intra-family strife. The more concise your interior design and the more minimalist the furniture, the better.

However, there are still specific guidelines that directly affect the location of Feng Shui furniture in the apartment. If you have a mirrored closet or dressing table with a mirror in your bedroom or nursery, make sure it doesn't reflect the bed. A sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror, this negatively affects both the psyche and energy.

It is impossible to install mirrors in such a way that they reflect windows - in this case, the flow of Qi will be mirrored and “fly away” away, which is why there will always be a shortage of positive energy in this room.

The kitchen is the element of fire, and therefore it is the place for bright warm shades. To emphasize the ruling element, you can use furniture in red, cheerful yellow or orange tones. But it’s better not to put the dining table right in the kitchen - this is a separate area, for its own special purposes (food is cooked in the kitchen, eaten in the dining room), and therefore, at least visually, try to delimit the space so that these two rooms do not form a single whole.

Most often, the bed is placed parallel to the wall in which there are windows. And storage sections are located against the opposite wall.

If you arrange Feng Shui furniture in the sleeping area, then pay attention to the fact that there should not be any furniture next to the bed, except for small bedside tables. You can put chests of drawers, cabinets and other furniture only at a distance from this zone, and even better - against a wall parallel to the one where there are windows. At the same time, it is better not to hang any shelves and hanging systems above the bed, but you can attach a suitable picture.

For the marital bed to become the focus of love, it is important to use furniture in warm and muted, soft shades. This will create a feeling of calm and comfort. Avoid black furniture, as well as an excess of metal and glass in the interior - the element of the Earth loves comfortable and traditional solutions.

Feng Shui furniture arrangement in the nursery

Arrangement of furniture according to the rules of Feng Shui in the nursery begins with a harmonious combination of shades. If your walls and floor are dark, then it is better to buy furniture that is very light, including white. It is believed that the children's room, according to the rules of Feng Shui, should create a feeling of cleanliness and coolness, and therefore very light colors, blue and blue, can often be found in it.

If the child is very small, the crib is placed in the middle of the room - so the Qi flows will evenly circulate around the baby, but the older child needs a “secluded corner”, therefore the bed is often placed in the corner of the room, placing it in a kind of niche.

Flashy tones should not be used everywhere in the nursery - this is a common mistake of young parents.

They strive to make the room bright, and as a result, the nursery loses its comfort and turns into a mess of colors. It is better that the room evokes neutral emotions, besides, it is important to delimit the space in it, since for a child his room is both a creative workshop, a playroom, and a study.

Next to the bed, you can place sections for storing things; a workplace is equipped against the opposite wall - a desk, a chest of drawers or boxes for textbooks and books. The play area is best done at the door, and this is where you can make some bright accents.

It is very important that there is a lot of natural light in the child's room, because dark rooms accumulate Sha energy faster. Therefore, if the room is small and little light enters it through the window, make the room in bright colors and take care of artificial lighting.

It is in the children's room that large open storage sections will be appropriate - the child will find a use for them, and this will also stimulate children to be creative. But you don’t need to force the entire wall with shelving, it’s better to make a convenient built-in niche, in the center of which you can place a sleeping place.

But do not place the bed under the door or away from the window - ideally, the child's bed should be no more than two meters away from him.

Of course, when arranging a children's room, it is important to avoid an abundance of dark colors. The more light and air, the better. It is also important to leave the center of the room free and not to force it with furniture - this will allow the Qi to flow freely throughout the nursery in all directions. Therefore, the furniture in this room is placed under the walls - this saves space, and also prevents negative Sha from gathering in the corners of the room.

We put furniture according to Feng Shui in the office

What should be the ideal office? Firstly, it should be located in the north, since this sector is responsible for career. And, as mentioned above, the element of Water, which is closely connected with money, dominates here. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize this influence with elements of black, blue, cyan, turquoise shades.

The arrangement of furniture in the office according to Feng Shui is carried out so that the flow of Qi is not hindered and is not interrupted by anything, and therefore there should be nothing at all on the same line with the front door.

It is also better not to pile furniture against the walls, because this will disrupt the circulation of energy, it is better to leave some free space so that there is enough empty space between each piece of furniture.

It is very good if the office space has a square or rectangular shape - in this case, it is important to try to keep it and not cut corners, not to make a complex and ornate space, into the nooks and crannies of which Qi will not flow. Windows are also important - through them Qi will flow inside, and therefore the larger and more spacious they are, the better.

In order for Qi to enter as much as possible inside, the windows are made flush with the floor. In this case, it is also important to try to ensure that there are no sofas, tables and lockers on the way of the energy flow. Therefore, they are placed on the sides of large windows.

Bright and cheerful accents of a suitable color perfectly set off the seriousness of the office environment and give it vivacity. Chairs and armchairs in turquoise or light blue are perfect, especially if you have a lot of gray, white or black in your interior.

In the same case, if you have a very small room, it is better to furnish it in a minimalist style using a white shade - then you will get the best feng shui office.

How to arrange furniture in this case, if there is very little space? Use small square tables that do not have an abundance of drawers - such furniture looks airy and does not weigh down the space, especially if it is light. And the minimalist design and the correct geometric shape of the tables will not make them an obstacle to the flow of Qi.

It is better to move storage sections to the opposite part of the room.

In general, the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui does not contain any tricky advice - everything here is based on making the space harmonious and leaving enough light and space for the energy flow and maximize its accumulation, whether it be a bedroom, a nursery, an office or same office.

When choosing a wardrobe, you must adhere to the basic principles of Feng Shui for the selection of furniture. Whether you're buying a ready-made cheap shelving unit, you're looking for it, or you're a fan of expensive antique classic furniture. Here are some recommendations on how to choose and install a Feng Shui wardrobe:

  • Don't be stingy. Feng Shui is against hoarding and holding on to old things with all your might, not giving way to the new. Also, cheap cabinets made of fake wood can look similar in appearance, but greatly affect the energy of the house. So don't be afraid to buy a new closet to replace your old one, and remember that the miser pays twice.
  • Cabinet color. The choice of dark woods (dark walnut, oak) will create a more serious and working energy, while lighter colors (pear, ash and maple) more support a light, relaxed atmosphere for rest and relaxation. For example, a dark cabinet should be placed in the office, and a light one in the nursery.

  • Cabinet dimensions. A bulky, clumsy closet can negatively impact the energy of a room, creating a depressing atmosphere. From dwarf objects, too, one should not expect a positive effect. The size of the furniture should be rational and work primarily for the function - that is, be optimal for what you will store in it.
  • Cabinet corners. As you probably already know, it is worth paying attention to rounded corners. This is a positive sign for Chi energy, and it is also safer.
  • Where to put the wardrobe? If this is a built-in wardrobe, then it is unlikely that you have too many options - in almost any case, being located in the wall, it will successfully influence the energy. But it is worth noting that for ordinary cabinets it is worth adhering to some principles: the edge of the cabinet should not be directed to the bed, as its energy will cut through the energy of the bedroom. In the living room, the energy from the edge of the closet should not pass through the place of rest, whether it be a sofa or an armchair, otherwise it will be difficult to relax due to heavy energy.

  • Space must be used rationally. Excessive free space, cabinets not placed close to the wall, unoccupied corners can negatively affect the energy and atmosphere of the room.
  • If this is a mirror wardrobe, then you should keep track of what will be reflected in the mirror. For example, a mirror in front of the main entrance can reflect the positive energy coming into the house. And a reflecting toilet and a bathroom in a mirror are at least not aesthetically pleasing, but also wrong according to Feng Shui.
  • Tree selection. According to research by the Association of Engineering Dowsing, it was found that birch, pine, mountain ash, maple, apple, chestnut and some others have positive energy. Negative energy is found in poplar, aspen, spruce, bird cherry and alder.

What is Feng Shui, perhaps, every woman knows. This concept is replicated by women's magazines, but - what is most interesting - arranging the space at home according to simple rules invented by the Chinese really helps to find harmony in life. So, it makes sense to devote another article to the topic of furniture arrangement, or rather, how to arrange a closet in an apartment according to Feng Shui.

Why closet?

If you buy a closet according to Feng Shui, then it will definitely be a closet. With its spaciousness, it is, as a rule, devoid of unnecessary elements that would be an obstacle to the Qi vital energy slowly spreading through the house.

A huge "plus" is the system of sliding doors, which help to save free space. It is especially great if the sashes are radiused, since smooth curved lines are much more in line with ancient Chinese philosophy than strict straight lines.

Choosing the location of the closet in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui

The location of the closet in the house according to the canons of Feng Shui is not such a difficult task as it might seem. There are a few guidelines that will help you easily find the most suitable place for your new furniture. A wardrobe with mirrored doors cannot be placed either opposite the front door or opposite the windows. In this case, the positive energy coming from outside will be reflected from the surface and leave the house, taking with it the good luck of all family members. The back of the Feng Shui cabinet should fit snugly against the wall. The less space remains between them, the less the risk that negative energy will accumulate there. The sliding wardrobe in the bedroom should be located so that its corners should in no case be directed to the bed area. It is also impossible for sleeping people to be reflected in the mirror.

The great importance of design

The appearance, as well as the location of the wardrobe shelves, also have great importance. Here are a few tips that, according to Feng Shui experts, will help you order a great model.

Avoid open shelves. Firstly, it is impractical, because dust will quickly accumulate on such shelves, and you will have to spend much more time cleaning. And secondly, such regiments are dangerous because bad Sha energy accumulates on them.

Choose your color wisely. The Feng Shui closet should not be too dark. For living rooms, models of light and caramel wood shades are suitable, and for working rooms - a little darker, for example, chocolate color.

No sharp corners. Sharp corners are against Feng Shui philosophy, so choose furniture with rounded edges. This will help positive energy move freely around the room, as if enveloping it, and will also be very useful if you have small children, because every protruding corner is dangerous for them with bumps, scratches and bruises.

Add some mirrors. At least one Feng Shui cabinet door is best done as a mirror. Mirrors visually expand the space and, in addition, contribute to the influx of positive Qi energy. Mirror doors can be decorated with an unobtrusive pattern. Please note that the decor should be sophisticated and in no case be too eye-catching.

Backlight. It is very good if lighting is provided in the design of the cabinet according to Feng Shui, as light attracts positive energy.

And, of course, a Feng Shui closet is always an exemplary order inside. Not ironed and somehow folded things and the lack of a storage system will also not lead to anything good, and besides, such chaos will annoy any housewife.

Competent organization of living space not only eliminates negative energy, allowing you to more effectively balance the vitality and capabilities of residents, but also brings harmony to all aspects Everyday life. It is not difficult to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations. For example, when choosing a sofa on the site mirdivanov.in.ua, pay attention to the model with legs. According to the Feng Shui masters, this option gives additional vigor to the household.

Where to put the sofa according to Feng Shui

If you chose a sofa with legs, then you were not mistaken, because the Qi energy circulates freely both around such a sofa and under it, and there are no “pockets” created for the Sha energy in which it could stagnate. For the living room, the sofa is the most important item, so its choice should be taken responsibly.

In order not to create unnecessary and unnecessary barriers for the circulation of positive Chi-energy, the backs of sofas and armchairs should not be turned towards window or door openings. It is best to position the furniture in the direction of the empty wall.

And in order to create additional protection from negativity, armchairs and sofas are placed in the center of the room in a semicircle, arc or octagon. This solution also contributes to better communication.

Where to put the cabinet according to Feng Shui

Having set out to arrange furniture in a room according to Feng Shui, it is impossible to overlook the issue of cabinets. Their experts recommend placing them along solid walls, so they do not interfere with the positive flows of Qi.

If the closet has mirrored doors, they should not reflect the stairs, front door, or bed. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the well-being of the inhabitants of the home. To enhance the presence of Qi in the sector with cabinets, you can organize lighting inside them.

How to arrange the rest of the furniture according to Feng Shui

Tables, nightstands, bookcases, coffee tables are better to choose with rounded corners, since an acute angle according to Tseng Shui is Sha that is tangible on the physical level. The more angles, the more aggressive the energy of space. And, conversely, the smaller the corners, the more favorable the atmosphere in the room. In addition, the round table contributes to finding compromises, making communication more friendly.

When arranging these items, it is important not to "litter" the room, there should always be free space. An excessive amount of furniture does not allow energies to circulate freely, leads to their stagnation, which is expressed in various negative aspects - procrastination at work, conflict situations in the family.

The most favorable place for technology - a TV, music center, home theater - is the western side of the room. The negative impact from the TV screen is neutralized by a couple of indoor plants placed on the sides.

It is important that the TV is not directed with its screen towards a window or a door. At the same time, if the living room is used as a home theater, then it is permissible to turn the sofa, which, as we have already found out, is the most significant item, to the TV screen.

But the fireplace can also become the compositional center of the room. He is the personification of the element of fire, which promotes career growth. Sofas and armchairs are placed either at right angles to the fireplace, or diagonally, but not opposite it. Fire should not be reflected in mirrors.

Following the principles of how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui at home, the fireplace should occupy the southern sector in order to create the most favorable microclimate.

Equipping rooms, arranging furniture, choosing the shade of the walls, most people are increasingly turning to the ancient science of Feng Shui (for a house or for a very small apartment - it doesn’t matter). After all, all these factors affect the well-being, peace of mind of the owners. Listening to the recommendations of the Feng Shui methodology, a person most favorably directs the flows of life-affirming Qi energy.

Zoning of the premises

Arranging an apartment according to the Feng Shui method can not only attract Qi energy to the home, but also help to “grab luck by the tail”. Ancient science allows you to add luck by proper zoning of the room. Determine in which area you would like to reach the top, and in accordance with the recommendations, change your interior. Consider what the science of Feng Shui advises for the home?

The zones, according to the ancient method, are the following.


The eastern part of the room is responsible for it, the one where the sun rises. Strengthen this zone allow green, red and black colors. It is recommended to hang photos, pictures depicting trees, lakes with floating fish, streams. In this part of the apartment, flowers and plants should be arranged.

For good health, it is important to properly arrange items in the bedroom and in the kitchen. Given the Feng Shui of the apartment, it is forbidden to place a refrigerator near the stove. The head of the bed (necessarily high) should be far from extraneous energy and radiation. It is not recommended to keep the phone and books next to the bed.

Family and Children

The West, the place where the sun sets, is responsible for this area. It is recommended to use yellow, dark blue and white colors here. Photos of the family are hung in this zone, toys are placed. Objects made of natural stone, as well as round-shaped products, allow you to strengthen the energy in this part of the house.


White, gray, blue and black colors in the northern zone or near the main entrance allow you to improve your work. In this part of the house it is useful to place metals - copper, bronze, similar to gold, as well as irregularly shaped items.


The right corner (farthest) in each room, as well as the southwestern zone of the whole house, is responsible for matters of the heart. Here you should apply the colors of the Earth - brown, yellow. Useful shades of Fire - red, pink.

Be sure to consider the fervor of your mood. Depending on it, reservoirs with bubbling and still water, stones, metals can be placed in the zone.


Correctly arranged furniture in the southeastern zone will improve the financial situation. Pay attention to the left corners of each room. Red, black and green shades should be added to them.

Arrange plants that have round leaves. To enhance the beneficial effect, tie the pots or the stems themselves with red ribbons. A little secret will further enhance positive energy - put three coins under the plant.

In this area, electrical appliances, kettles, plants with sharp leaves should be avoided.

Living room interior

What should be the location of the house according to Feng Shui? Let's start with the living room. After all, it is she who is the heart of the house and is a multifunctional room for the owners.

An unfavorable place for a living room is opposite the main door. It is undesirable that the window in the room is opposite the entrance. The most suitable option is a rectangular or square room. Semi-oval walls, non-parallel, a room with 5 corners, various ledges or depressions - not the best option for a living room. But even in such a room, the negative impact in the form of energy stagnation can be eliminated.

It is very important to correctly place the furniture according to Feng Shui. Energy should move smoothly, without bumping into various objects and angles. Therefore, it is not recommended to put a lot of furniture in a chaotic manner in the living room. Place armchairs and sofas so that people sitting in them feel calm and confident. They are recommended to be placed along the wall. In no case do not turn armchairs and sofas to the door or window. It is undesirable that the seated person is located opposite the door. There is a sense of opposition to those people who enter the door. It is not recommended to clutter up the central zone of the room. But a coffee table is a must. The main thing - do not forget that it should be convenient to move around in the living room.

Negative energy in protrusions or depressions can be neutralized houseplants or various draperies. In dark corners, it is recommended to ring the bell periodically or hang "wind music". This will neutralize the stagnant energy that often accumulates in such areas.

It is acceptable to use a mirror in the living room. But it should be placed so that it does not reflect the front door. Do not place a mirror in front of a window. Otherwise, the Qi energy will be reflected very easily and leave the house instantly.

Bright colors are good for decorating a room. But avoid flashy colors. The living room should not cause a feeling of tension. That is why it is recommended to use various details of bright colors - pillows, talismans, fresh flowers.

Bedroom interior

This room is an intimate room in which every person wants to feel at ease and comfortable. Create the necessary harmony will help feng shui bedroom.

Subdued lighting is recommended for this room. Choose furniture with smooth shapes that do not contain sharp corners. When decorating the bedroom, use soft colors. They can be diversified with bright small objects - a decorative pillow, a night lamp.

The main subject of the bedroom is the bed. It is from her that the arrangement in the room should begin. When choosing the most successful place, it should be noted that the Feng Shui of the bedroom implies the following rules:

  1. The bed should not be placed opposite the door. A person should not sleep with their feet towards the exit.
  2. The headboard of the bed is not placed under the window. Neither the legs nor the head of a resting person should be under it.
  3. The bed is not placed in a corner. In such places, astral dirt accumulates, which burdens sleep.

The best bed position is:

  1. The headboard is placed directly against the wall.
  2. Central location.
  3. Diagonal position of the bed. In this case, it is recommended to place a small object in the legs, which contributes to the removal of the energy flow. It can be a screen, a pouffe or a chest of drawers.

Electrical appliances are not welcome in the bedroom at all. This applies to TV, computer and other equipment. If there is nowhere to transfer such equipment, it must be de-energized at night. It is advisable to cover the screen and monitor with a cloth.

An important attribute of the bedroom is a mirror. But there are also a number of rules that must be followed. Science of Feng Shui for the home recommends:

  1. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror. It should either be outweighed or covered with a cloth.
  2. A mirrored ceiling is unacceptable. It blocks the connection of man with the cosmos. And this is an important part of health.
  3. Mirrors are not opposite each other. This position creates a corridor for a variety of astral entities.
  4. The mirror is not placed opposite the door to the room. The Qi energy will be reflected and will not enter the bedroom.
  5. A favorable place is the corner of the room for the mirror. This promotes the circulation of Qi energy.
  6. Give preference to mirrors that reflect in full growth. This is much better as the crushed ones share the human energy field.
  7. It is not recommended to use furniture with mirror elements for the bedroom. They carry Yang energy, while Yin should prevail in the bedroom. Therefore, it is recommended to limit yourself to only those mirrors that are needed for personal care.

Books are undesirable in the bedroom, especially horror and thrillers. Open shelves are completely unacceptable. If books are stored in the bedroom, they should be placed in closed cabinets or chests of drawers.

The Feng Shui technique for the home advises against placing plants in the bedroom, as they are energy vampires and donors. In one half of the day, they give Qi to a person, and in the other they take it away. Therefore, in the bedroom it is better to do without plants or put them as far away as possible.

entrance to the house

Feng Shui recommends paying special attention to him. After all, this is the space through which Qi energy enters the home. It depends on the appearance of the door whether you will attract it to your house or scare it away. Therefore, it is recommended to use the following small recommendations:

  1. Make sure the lock is always in good working order. If it is out of order and replaced by another, do not leave a broken mechanism in the door. Get rid of it by carefully patching up the remaining hole.
  2. Regularly monitor the door hinges, constantly lubricate them. It is unacceptable that they creak. In this case, even "wind music" will not be able to attract Qi energy.
  3. Choose a pleasant and melodious call. It should not cause irritation or scare the owners.
  4. Do not allow the formation of cracks or cuts in the facing coating. Paint should not lag behind the surface. Make sure the apartment number is clearly visible.
  5. If a peephole is installed in the door, there should not be through holes near it. All details strictly adjoin one to another. It is recommended to choose a peephole with a protective coating with inside. Such a device should always be closed and only open when necessary.

The energy penetrating into the house must take place in order to calm down, as it were, and only then begin its movement throughout the house. That is why it is great if there is a fenced space behind the door. If this area is cluttered, it is recommended to use light sources and mirrors to "cheer up" the energy.

It is not entirely favorable if the front door is located opposite the emergency exit. After all, energy can slip through the house. To keep her in the house, you need to hang a crystal in her path or musical pendants.

Color palette

In addition to the correct placement of furniture, it is very important what kind of wallpaper will be hung. Feng Shui for each room or area offers the following palette:

  1. Kitchen. According to ancient science, silver or beige colors are more suitable for this room. For small decorative elements, a red tone is ideal.
  2. bathroom. For this room, choose light wallpaper. Blue and green shades deserve special attention.
  3. Living room. This room should create a positive mood. Therefore, equipping it, choose green, beige, yellow.
  4. Children's. It is very important to create harmony in this room and ensure a favorable effect on the psyche. Therefore, it is recommended to use yellow, green shades. Black is strictly prohibited.
  5. Bedroom. People who want their married life to boil like a volcano are advised to use pink and red tones. If the bedroom is designed more for relaxation, preference is given to calm shades, such as blue, green.

Plants - pros and cons

According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house are very active objects. They can be both harmful and very helpful. It depends on their condition. Flowers should always be well-groomed, pleasing to the eye and necessarily healthy.

  1. Tradescantia. Able to reflect a positive energy microclimate.
  2. Geranium. Plant with powerful energy. Placement in the recreation area or bedroom is unacceptable.
  3. ficus. Gives household members harmony in relationships, neutralizes anger, anxiety, aggression.
  4. Fern. Perfectly cleans the microclimate of the room. Absorbs negative energy.

And now let's consider which feng shui plants are unsuitable for the home:

  1. Orchid. The plant can absorb human energy. In some cases, it even provokes depression, chronic fatigue, and poor health.
  2. Cactus. Together with him, imbalance and aggression will appear in the home energy. This plant can be an indirect cause of quarrels and strife. However, it also has a positive feature - it improves intellectual thinking.
  3. Monstera. Such a plant is considered an energy vampire. A short stay near it forms constructive thinking in a person. In addition, the plant contributes to the adoption of a serious decision.

All of the above tips will harmonize your home. So, you yourself will create comfort and coziness in the house.