Longan is what it tastes like. What is Longan and what benefits does it have? Longan and longkong are the same fruit

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A review article about the exotic longan fruit: where and how it grows, how it looks and how it is eaten, taste, usefulness and harm, chemical composition and calorie content.

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Longan is the fruit of a tropical evergreen tree up to 12 m in height. The botanical name is Dimocarpus longan, a class of dicots, angiosperms. And the household common "dragon's eye" plant received in its homeland in China (from "yang moons"), because of the amazing similarity of the longan fruit and the big eye. Now trees grow in Vietnam, Taiwan (locally called Lamyai), Indonesia, India, Laos, Cuba and other warm countries. Another version of the origin of the plant is the province of Vietnam of the same name.

On one of the fruit-bearing branches of a tall tree with a dense and spreading crown, it ripens in many small "nuts" from 1.3 cm to 2.5 cm in diameter. The fruits ripen from June to August and harvest 200 kg each. The peel of the longan fruit is light brown, thin, brittle, sometimes a reddish tint is seen, it is not edible. But it is easy to clean, and a delicate mucous transparent and sweet pulp appears, inside of which a large, dark, shiny, hard, rounded seed "sits". Indeed, it is very similar to the open eye of a dragon.

How do you eat longan?

The fruit is sold in bunches, like grapes. Each "nut" is not very juicy, but it has a specific taste with a hint of musk. The aroma, although pronounced, is also peculiar. Slightly stale fruits have a more pleasant taste, but keep in mind that longan quickly deteriorates (5–6 days in the refrigerator). For transportation, they are harvested while still green.

Longan is eaten fresh. Like any fruit, it is used to complement ice cream and desserts, served with spicy and hot dishes. Drinks from it perfectly quench thirst, improve appetite and refresh. For example, in Thailand they eat sweet longan soup, prepare snacks and desserts, dry them, and preserve them with syrup. In canned form, this exotic fruit also comes to store shelves from Shanghai, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Lovers of sweet spirits can treat themselves to dragon's eye liqueurs.

The chemical composition and calorie content of longan

The fresh fruit (in the pericarp shell) contains many biologically active compounds: flavonoids, polysaccharides and phenolic acids. In addition to organic acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins, fiber.

So, 100 g of fresh longan contains:

  • Fat - 0.10 g
  • Carbs - 15.13g
  • Proteins - 1.30 g
  • Fiber, dietary fiber - 1.12 g
  • Water - 82.8 g
The calorie content of fresh longan is 60 kcal, and dried longan is 286 kcal, of which:
  • 4.9 g - proteins
  • 0.4 g - fat
  • 74 g - carbohydrates
  • B1 thiamine - 0.039 mg
  • B2 riboflavin - 0.13 mg
  • B3 niacin - 0.303 mg
  • C - 84.08 mg
Macro- and microelements:
  • Potassium - 266.2 mg
  • Phosphorus - 21.4 mg
  • Magnesium - 10.2 mg
  • Copper - 0.17 mg
  • Calcium - 0.99 mg
  • Iron - 0.125 mg
  • Manganese - 0.05 mg
  • Zinc - 0.049 mg
As you can see, longan is rich in fiber, gr.B vitamins, organic acids, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other micro and macro elements useful for health and beauty.

Useful properties of longan

If we talk about the benefits of longan, then we can safely consider the whole tree as a whole. For example, the leaves of this plant have antioxidant properties. Flower extract suppresses inflammatory and oxidative processes, lowers blood pressure and improves coronary blood flow. Such a large amount of polyphenolic compounds, as in the extract of seeds and flowers of longan, can be used to prevent diabetes and oncological processes in the body and to treat neoplasms.

Separately taken longan seed extract, consisting of ellagic, gallic and carylagic acids, slows down cell aging.

The pulp of the fruits of this tropical plant (both fresh and dried) is used in oriental medicine for the prevention and treatment of inflammation, stomach diseases, as an antihelminthic and lowers high body temperature. The riboflavin contained in longan improves immunity, tones. In general, it eliminates fatigue, supports vision, normalizes sleep, soothes, relieves dizziness, and improves concentration. In traditional Chinese medicine, longan fruits and a decoction of them are "prescribed" for metabolic disorders and as a sedative, sleeping pills. Powder from the seed of the "dragon's eye" contains tannins, fats and saponin, so they can stop bleeding, cure eczema, hernia, dropsy, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits and neck, dropsy.

Contraindications to the use of longan

Nothing can be said about the dangers to health - the fruit does not contain toxic substances. But some may have individual intolerance to the product, only this exotic fruit may be contraindicated for them.

Longan (Lam Yai) is the fruit of an evergreen longan tree common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia. - it's very tasty exotic fruit.It is also known that at the same time this plant was discovered near Burma. The skin of the longan is thin and dense, but in fact it is very easy to peel off. The juicy flesh of the longan has a sweet, juicy, very aromatic taste, with a distinct musk flavor. Longan tastes like lychee and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed. Longan grows in clusters on evergreen trees, which can reach a height of ten to twenty meters.
Harvest season: June-August. Longan grows mainly in the northern regions of Thailand, in the town of Chiang Mai and Lamphun.

The longan is native to either the west of Burma or the area of ​​origin of the litchi in China. It is in these regions that they are grown on a large scale.
Longan has another name - "longyan" which means "dragon's eye" in Chinese. It is believed that longan was originally grown in southern India and on the island of Sri Lanka. Longan is sold like grapes, in bunches. The skin of a ripe fruit must be dense, cracks in the skin are unacceptable. More ripe is not the longan that has just been plucked from the tree, but the one that has already lain a little on the counter of shops. Try longan before buying, as the fruits are sweeter or more sour.

Longan can be stored for two to three days at room temperature or five to seven days in the refrigerator.

longan fruit

Like other fruits longan is most often eaten raw. But various dishes with longan are especially popular in Thailand. Sometimes it is served with coconut milk and rice as a dessert, and sometimes just with ice. A very tasty sweet drink is often prepared from the nectar of this fruit. For this, longan fruits are dried and boiled with sugar. Residents of Thailand claim that this is a very refreshing and appetite-enhancing drink. By the way, I also often use dried longan for food. It not only retains its taste properties, but also contains vitamins and minerals in high concentrations. Longan is also served with hot and spicy dishes.

This exotic fruit is also added to various salads.. And, of course, they are often used to make desserts. It is added to ice cream, pancakes and buns as a filling. Sometimes various sauces are prepared with it, which are then eaten with fish.

lam yai

When buying a longan, you should pay attention to its skin.. It should not have cracks or other defects. The ripest fruit is considered to be longan, which has already lain a little after it was plucked. Ripeness longana can only be determined by taste. Unripe fruits are slightly sour. Then you can put them in a warm place and wait a bit until the fruit ripens. Longan can also be stored in the refrigerator, as it tolerates low temperatures well. And due to the density of the peel, it wrinkles a little. At normal room temperature, this fruit can be stored for 2-3 days, and in the refrigerator - 5-7 days.

The benefits of longan

Longan contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as high amounts of vitamins A and C. Recent euphoria studies have shown that the fruit also contains phenols such as gallic acid, ellagic and corylagic acids, which indicates that the fruit can have antioxidant properties, reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy drugs and protect the liver.

Longan contains riboflavin and is a natural source of polysaccharides, supporting health at the cellular level.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, longan is used primarily as a tonic. Toning is mainly needed in diseases whose symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, pallor and blurred vision. In addition, the fruit is also used to normalize sleep, reduce unreasonable excitement, calm and revitalize attention.

Exotic longan (the second name of the fruit is Lam Yai) comes to us from the countries of Southeast Asia. The fruits ripen on one branch in the form of a bunch of grapes and are distinguished by juicy pulp with a clear aftertaste of musk.

The fruits of the fruit are "dressed" in a dense skin, which is removed without any problems. The pulp of the "dragon's eye" - this is how the inhabitants of China nicknamed the fruit for its unusual "appearance" in its purified form - translucent, brownish or yellowish-red.

Inside the longan there is a large dark bone, clearly visible through the transparent pulp - hence the name: "dragon's eye". You can buy an unusual fruit in grocery hypermarkets.

The composition of longan is traditionally quite diverse for all exotic fruits. So, one hundred grams of its pulp contains:

  • carbohydrates - 14 grams;
  • proteins - 1.31 grams;
  • fats - 0.1 grams;
  • water - 82 grams.

It is precisely because of such a high water content that the calorie content of the fruit is quite low: only 60 kilocalories per hundred grams of delicacy. Such a calorie content allows you to introduce longan fruits into all "berry" diets. Fortunately, you can buy a "dragon's eye" almost all year round.

The pulp of the fruit contains many vitamins. In particular, a large amount of vitamin C and vitamins from group B - B1, B2, B3. There are many in its composition and various macro - and microelements. Longan fruits can be called champions in potassium content - one hundred grams of pulp contains as much as 226 mg.

The benefits of Lam Yai fruits

But on this beneficial features plants do not end, since the plant itself (tree) also benefits. The leaves contain a special substance - quartzetin. This is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, which simultaneously exhibits a bactericidal and antiviral effect. Longan leaves are used to prepare decoctions and infusions, which are used in folk medicine to treat the following pathologies:

  • allergic reactions;
  • both types of diabetes (the calorie content of the fetus allows you to feast on them without fear);
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The bones of Lam Yai contain a lot of saponins. In the homeland of the plant, the seeds are carefully crushed and lowered into the water. This results in a good lather which can be used instead of shampoo.

How to eat longan fruits

The fruit is most often eaten fresh. But there is an opinion that the real taste of delicacy can be felt after the heat treatment of the fruit. Dried longan is used in drink recipes.

The fruits can be stored. For this purpose, they can be dried, frozen and canned. After defrosting, the fruit is in no way inferior in taste to fresh dishes. Longan juice is used for preservation. In this case, sugar can not be added to the filling.

How to buy the "right" longan

Before buying longan fruits, you need to assess the condition of its peel. There should be no cracks, dents or other defects on its surface.

The ripeness of a delicacy can only be assessed after it has been cleaned and tasted. Unfinished fruits will slightly sour. Such a bunch should be put in heat and left for several days. Store ripe fruit in the refrigerator.

Harm of dragon's eye fruit

As such, there are no contraindications to the use of longan fruits. A delicacy can cause harm only with individual intolerance.

How to grow a Lam Yai tree at home

If desired, this exotic tree can be grown at home. Bones are used as planting material. First you need to completely free them from the pulp and dry them for a couple of days.

How to grow longan? The process is quite simple:

  • The bones must be wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in polyethylene. For germination, you need to maintain heat and humidity.
  • After about a couple of weeks, a small sprout hatches and the future plant can be planted. The germinated seed is buried six centimeters deep.
  • The tree needs good drainage and a good planting substrate.
  • A sprout above the soil surface appears in about two weeks.

This is how longan is grown at home. In the future, the tree is grown in the same way as any tropical plant.

Longan is a tropical fruit of the same name from the sapindra family, which is widely distributed in Southeast Asia. It is a close relative of guarana and limes from Spain, rambutans, and lychees. This fruit has an amazing taste. In addition, it has many properties that have a positive effect on human health. Longan fruit can be found in Vietnam, Taiwan or Indonesia.

Description of the fruit and place of cultivation

Longan is an exotic fruit that grows on tall trees. Its second name is "dragon's eye". Its berries are collected in bunches. One fruit nut can reach 2 centimeters in diameter. The fruit is covered with a dense peel, which has a light brown color. But it is very easy to clean by pressing with your fingers. Under the peel is the pulp of a transparent color. The taste of longan fruit is specifically sweet, reminiscent of musk. Before eating the fruit, it is necessary to remove the stone, as it is unsuitable for eating and is very hard.

The fruits ripen from June to August. One tree can give up to 200 kilograms. For transportation, it is necessary to collect bunches of longan unripe, as the fruits are perishable.

The border mountain range between South China and Myanmar is considered the birthplace of this fruit. It was first mentioned in the legend of the emperor of China from the Han Dynasty, whose reign falls on the year 200 BC. Sources say that the monarch wanted to plant seedlings for further cultivation in the northwestern province of Shenxing, where the state capital was. But the climate was not suitable for the plant, as they were accustomed to the mild climatic conditions of the Guangdong and Fujian regions.

With regular use of longan fruits, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes decreases, arrhythmia is eliminated, and the activity of the cardiovascular system improves.

The flowers and leaves of the tree contain large amounts of substances such as quercetin and quercetin. They have pronounced antifungal, as well as antibacterial and antiviral properties. Because of this, they can often be found in the composition of medicinal decoctions, as well as medicinal teas.

Longan is an evergreen tree of the sapindaceae family, cultivated in Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Thailand, and Taiwan for its edible fruit. The name of the exotic fruit comes from "longan", which means "dragon's eyes".

The longan fruit is a source of minerals, ascorbic acid, polysaccharides, riboflavin and phenols (ellagic, carylagic and gallic acids), which exhibit antioxidant, tonic and antipyretic properties. The fruit saturates the body with nutrients, slows down cell aging, improves memory and sleep, activates the intestines, and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

Botanical description

Longan tree is tall, reaches 10 m in height (sometimes up to 20 m). The crown is sprawling, 14 m wide. The leaves are obtuse, paired, elliptical or oblong-ovate, consist of 4-10 leaflets, green above, greenish-gray below. The fruits of the "dragon's eye" are spherical, collected in clusters, grow up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

The pulp is translucent with a whitish tint, delicate mucous texture. Juicy, sweet and aromatic, similar in taste to lychee. From above it is covered with a strong inedible shell of orange color. Inside the fruit is a rounded shiny black seed with a white spot at the base.

Under natural conditions, the evergreen longan tree grows between hills, is able to tolerate a drop in temperature. environment down to minus 3 degrees. With increased frost, the leaves and branches of the plant die. Ripe longan is stored at a temperature of 6-8 degrees above zero for 5-6 days. Harvested by hand, used as a dessert in fresh, dried and canned form.

Useful and harmful properties

Longan pericarp shows potential as an inhibitor of inflammation. Flower extract increases coronary blood flow, inhibits oxidative processes, lowers triglyceride levels, blood pressure.

Longan pulp exhibits anthelmintic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, tonic properties.

The effect of fruits on the human body:

  • reduces body temperature during fever;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves concentration, immune function of the body, metabolism;
  • relieves heart palpitations, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, unreasonable excitement (calms the nervous system);
  • resists visual impairment;
  • supplies polysaccharides, nutrients;
  • activates the work of the intestines, stomach;
  • regulates muscle contractions, participates in the mechanism of blood coagulation.

In Chinese medicine, the seeds and flowers of the dragon's eye, due to the abundance of polyphenolic compounds, are used for treatment and prevention. diabetes, malignant tumors of the cervix, liver, lungs, breast. They induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. In addition, powder from dried seeds is prescribed for the treatment of scabies, eczema, bleeding, dropsy, hernia, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, neck. An aqueous extract of flowers helps to overcome problems with urination.

In Vietnam, it is believed that longan absorbs the poison left by the snake, so it is applied to the bite site. Seeds are used to eliminate excessive sweating.

The pericarp does not contain toxic substances, therefore, it cannot harm health, except in cases where a person is allergic to an exotic fruit.

Chemical composition

In 100 g of the pulp of fresh longan fruits, 60 kcal are concentrated, and in dried - 286 kcal. Interestingly, the taste and appearance of the fruit depend on the area and growing conditions of the tree. In China, "dragon eyes" are recommended for women after childbirth to speed up the recovery of the body.

The richer the taste of the fruit, the less fragrant they are.

Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of longan"
Name Nutrient content in 100 g of product, ml
in fresh fruit In dried fruits
84,0 28,0
0,3 1,0
0,14 0,5
0,031 0,04
266,0 658,0
21,0 196,0
10,0 46,0
1,0 45,0
0,169 0,807
0,13 5,4
0,052 0,248
0,05 0,22

Longan is most often consumed fresh. Fruits can be canned, frozen, dried, heat treated. Cooking enhances the taste of an exotic delicacy. "Dragon's eye" is used in cooking for salads, sauces and ice cream. In addition, it perfectly emphasizes the taste of hot spicy dishes. Dried longan fruits are boiled.

It is a dietary product aimed at combating excess weight. The composition of the drug includes ground longan seeds, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

The advantages of the drug:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • accelerates the process of splitting excess subcutaneous fat;
  • removes liquid;
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • cleans from toxins;
  • relieves cravings for sweets;
  • restores the intestinal microflora;
  • reduces appetite;
  • regulates the process of digestion.

In addition to the fact that "Longan An" is used to correct body weight, the drug is prescribed for insomnia, memory impairment, dizziness, visual impairment, gastrointestinal disorders, stressful situations, fever and tachycardia.

Calcium, which is part of the seeds, makes up for the deficiency of a macronutrient in the body, the lack of which worsens the natural processes of fat burning. A lack of potassium contributes to weight gain, swelling, which increases the load on the heart.

How to use: dilute ground fruit seeds (5-8 g) in (200 ml), drink the resulting cocktail twice a day instead of breakfast and at bedtime. Drink the drink immediately after preparation. The course of diet therapy is 14 days. A cocktail drunk in the morning has a cleansing effect on the body, and taken in the evening is aimed at systematic weight loss. The drug is contraindicated in people with allergies to the product.


Longan is a plant with exotic fruits collected in clusters. The birthplace of culture is China. When fresh, the fruits are more than 70% water, have a pronounced sweetish taste with hints of musk. Due to the abundance of saccharides, longan quickly deteriorates and is poorly transported, therefore, fruits are harvested for sale in an unripe form.

"Dragon's Eyes" are used in cooking to make refreshing drinks that suppress appetite. Fruits are added to salads, hot dishes, desserts,. Phenolic acids, dietary fibers, nutrients, polysaccharides, are also concentrated in the pericarp.

In oriental medicine, longan pulp is used to improve the body's immune response and concentration, lower high temperature body, removing worms, maintaining vision, relieving dizziness, calming the nervous system. Powder from the seed of the plant contains fats, saponins and tannins, therefore it is useful for the treatment of hernia, dropsy, eczema, enlarged lymph nodes. Longan is used not only in medicine and cooking, the core of the red plant is processed and sent for furniture production. The seed is used to make toothpaste.