Houseplant dracaena looks like. Proper care of dracaena at home

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Dracaena are among the most popular indoor plants, not only beautiful, also easy to care for, grown mainly in salons, also in office space. It is worth getting to know them better, many bright varieties have appeared, in addition to an interesting cut, they delight with striped leaves. At home, several species and varieties are grown.


Exotic dracaena were brought from tropical and subtropical parts of the world, in particular from Asia and Africa. Under natural conditions, they reach much larger sizes than at home, the height, depending on the variety, can reach up to 2-3 meters.

In the wild, dracaena are characterized by a woody word, wider leaves. At home, species with narrow leaves are grown, more or less rigid, elongated or hanging, green and striped.

The genus includes several dozen species of plants, few have gained popularity, becoming the main house plants, valuable because of the cut and decorativeness of the leaves.

The following types are very popular:

  • Dracaena marginata - D. bordered
  • Dracaena aletriformis - D. aletriformis
  • Dracaena draco D. dragon
  • Dracaena cylindrica
  • Dracaena sanderiana - D. Sander
  • Dracaena reflexa - D. bent
  • Dracaena aurea - D. Airea
  • Dracaena deremensis - D. deremskaya
  • Dracaena goldieana - D. Golden
  • Dracaena fragrans - D. fragrant
  • Dracaena surculosa - D. Godsefa
  • Dracaena hookeriana - D. Hooker
  • Dracaena steudneri - D. Steudneri

The name dracaena comes from the word drakania - a female dragon.


The most popular species include, Dracaena sanderiana (), Dracaena marginata (Dracaena bordered), Dracaena deremensis (Dracaena deremskaya), Dracaena fragrans (), Dracaena reflexa (Dracaena bent), Dracaena surculosa (Dracaena Godsefa), Dracaena goldieana (Dracaena Golden), Dracaena draco (Dragon tree).

is currently one of the most popular and widely available species of the genus Dracaena. Because of its appearance, it is often confused with bamboo. You can purchase decorative spirally twisted specimens. Leaves are lanceolate. The plant grows well at room temperature, propagates easily, does not respond to excessive fertilization. Of course, you should pay attention to varieties with striped leaves.

- one of the easiest to grow, originally from Madagascar, characterized by narrow leaves with a reddish edge. At home, it reaches a small size, in the wild, the height reaches several meters. The best looks in the form of a standard, with several tops and numerous leaves formed into bunches. Variety "Tricolor", with a cream stripe.

- one of the most popular types of dracaena, will decorate the room with decorative leaves, during flowering with white fragrant flowers. The leaves are planted on the upper part of the thick trunk, the old plants are devoid of leaves in the lower part. The leaves are wide (up to 10 cm), lanceolate, varieties with stripes of various colors, can reach two meters in height.

Dracaena recurved- decorative variety, characterized by cut, thick lanceolate leaves. Striped varieties look the most beautiful. Cultivation is typical for dracaena, a little problematic.

(Dragon Tree) - an easy variety to grow. In its natural habitat it reaches several meters in height. An interesting plant with lanceolate sessile leaves forming a dense ball embedded in the top of a branched trunk.

- differs in decorative stripes on the leaves. Numerous cultivars can be found in cultivation, the most popular being 'Warneckii' with striped leaves. Reaches almost 2 m in height. The ‘Compacta’ variety looks interesting, more compact, with rather wide leaves. There are varieties with a yellowish edge, also a stripe running through the center of the leaf. An example of a cultivar with a lighter margin of 'Yellow Stripe', and a stripe running through the middle of the leaf cultivars 'Massangeana' and 'Bausei'. The first has a yellowish stripe, the second whitish. Varieties are grown without any problems.

- an original and rare species, originally from Western America. The advantage is more oval, pointed, spotted leaves. Requires high humidity, better suited for a winter garden or for growing in a greenhouse.

- an interesting species, characterized by transverse stripes, more oval leaves enclosed on petioles. original look, difficult to grow.

It was described by William Jackson Hooker in 1862.

Herb or shrub up to 70 cm tall, usually unbranched, straight stem, rarely up to 10 cm long, leaves alternate, densely variegated, bases hiding the stem, petiole straight, leaves speckled (not always) transversely with pale yellowish elliptical spots. End of inflorescence, 1.5-10 cm long, consisting of several closely packed clusters, pedicel 5 cm long, flowers white, sometimes purple tinged at the tip, orange-scarlet fruit.

Natural habitat. Fairly humid, deep shady patches in intact rainforest, 50-1500 m.

If you have cats in your home, then you must be careful, dracaena is considered a toxic plant for these animals.


It is better to put the dracaena in a well-lit place or partial shade, not direct sunlight. The plant is heat-loving, preferring moist air and diffused light. Don't be surprised, dracaena will grow in a sunnier environment. Species and varieties with striped leaves prefer bright lighting. Home-grown dracaena love warmth and thrive at room temperature. Dracaena dragon (Dragon tree) in the summer, can be taken out on a covered terrace, is one of the least demanding plants among dracaena. Dracaena should not be exposed to drafts.

The soil

Dracaena need a permeable substrate, with plenty of humus. You can use peat or make a mixture of peat, sand and earth.


The plant is transplanted if necessary, when the root system does not fit in the pot. Basically, young specimens can be transplanted every year, old ones every few years. Large specimens are not transplanted. Simply remove some soil, being careful not to damage the root ball, then fill the container with fresh, fertile soil.

When transplanting a plant, do not forget about drainage.


Dracaena feels great at room temperature, in the range of 18-24 ° C. In summer, during active growth, it is better to provide a higher temperature, in winter a little less, although the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C. Certain species tolerate lower temperatures, such species include dracaena dragon.


During the period of strong growth, spring-autumn, the plant is fertilized every two weeks. In another period, you should stop feeding. For nutrition, liquid fertilizers are used, preferably organic. In case of application mineral fertilizers, it is better not to use the full doses recommended by the manufacturer. Most of the cultivated dracaena are characterized by striped leaves, it should be remembered that too large doses of nitrogen, adversely affect leaf color.

Watering and humidity

Dracaena requires regular moderate watering. In winter, watering should be limited. During the growth period, from spring to autumn, they are watered in such a way as to prevent the substrate from drying out, to prevent overflow, and it will end with rotting of the roots. Permeable substrate, also drainage prevents plant overflow. A properly watered plant will have slightly damp soil. In winter, watering is limited, adapting the plant to home conditions. Between waterings, the soil should dry out slightly. In warm apartments, watering will be more voluminous.

Most home-grown dracaena loves spraying, fragrant dracaena, Godsefa dracaena, sander dracaena, bordered dracaena. Spraying increases the humidity of the air and has a positive effect on the plant, in the absence of humidity dry ends of the leaves. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature.

In addition, to increase the humidity of the air, the pot can be placed on a stand filled with pebbles and water.

Other care procedures

Of the other care procedures, you should remember to clean the leaves from dust with a soft, damp cloth.

Old specimens require rejuvenation

When growing dracaena at home, they often encounter dry tips of leaves. To improve aesthetics, the leaves of the plant can be cut off in a place bordering on healthy tissue.

Purchase of a plant

Plants are best purchased from a reputable retail outlet (garden center, flower shop). Choose a plant with good leaves, without spots or other lesions indicating the presence of pests. Do not forget about the root system, it should be healthy, without any lesions. If the plant is not signed and there are doubts whether we are dealing with cordilina or yucca, the difference can be found by examining the roots, the dracaena are yellow-orange, the cordilina are white. The plant itself is best placed in quarantine, so that in the presence of pests, thrips, scale insects, they do not master other ornamental plants.


Dracaena, depending on the species, can be propagated generative or vegetative. The second way is widely used, the first way is to resupply Dragon Dracaena. Vegetative propagation of dracaena can be carried out air layers, often propagated by rooting apical and stem cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds- the method multiplies, in particular, dracaena dragon. Seeds are sown in spring in a permeable substrate, peat, mixed with sand. To maintain a constant substrate moisture, the container should be covered with a transparent film.

Reproduction by apical cuttings- in the spring, a stalk is taken, about 10-15 cm long. Two upper leaves are left at the stalk, the stalk is in "Kornevin" (root formation stimulator) and planted in the ground. The right soil should have high permeability and light structure. It is worth mixing peat with sand (1: 1). Cuttings for rooting require a higher and more constant temperature, it is worth using a greenhouse, with the help of a greenhouse we can easily provide the plant with soil with a temperature of about 25 ° C. If there is no greenhouse, the container with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill, under which the heater is located. The container with seedlings should be covered with transparent polyethylene, remembering to air the cuttings daily.

By providing optimal conditions, in a few weeks the cuttings will take root.

Apical cuttings can root in water. Apical cuttings, you can propagate bordered dracaena or Sander dracaena.

Propagation by stem cuttings is a method of propagation of dracaena, which includes cutting the plant stem into 10-15 cm fragments containing 2-3 nodes. Root the lower part of the cuttings. After cutting, the upper wound is sprinkled, for example, with powdered charcoal. Cuttings are rooted in warm conditions, in a greenhouse or container, providing constant humidity. Propagation by stem cuttings is used when needed. rejuvenate the plant.

Another propagation method using cuttings, the cutting is placed in a greenhouse, but horizontally.

Seedlings rooted horizontally take root better.

reproduction air layers- consists in an incision under the knot, then the incision is wrapped with wet sphagnum moss and covered with a film on top. A few months later, after the formation of roots, the trunk is cut off and planted in a pot.

Growing problems

One of the main problems is excessive soil moisture, which most often leads to root rot. The leaves are withering turn yellow and fall. You need to water the plant when the substrate is dry.

From fungal diseases may appear, leaf spot, gray rot.

Due to poorly chosen lighting, the dracaena will get sick, will not be characterized by development. A weakened plant is susceptible to pests.

Shchitovki- the presence of a pest inhibits the development of the plant, occurs leaf yellowing. Scale insects hide under a characteristic shield, they are difficult to remove. Mostly scale insects feed on leaf petioles and along the central vein of the leaf. With a small number, you can try to fight the pest by removing it with a cotton swab moistened with denatured alcohol. Removal consists in removing the shield with the first moistened cotton swab, and then washing the place with a new moistened cotton swab, thereby removing the eggs and larvae of the pest. An appropriate chemical agent may be used.

Mealybugs- pests are easily recognizable by their characteristic waxy, cotton-like spots.

spider mite- a common pest that feeds on the sap of the plant on the underside of the leaves. The presence of a spider mite is evidenced by yellowed leaves and a delicate cobweb. IN fight against spider mites home methods can be used, when there are large numbers, it is better to apply appropriate measures to avoid the spread of the pest.

thrips- small pests that appear at too low humidity and high temperatures. They appear as silvery spots on the leaves. Requires immediate removal.

Dry tips of leaves a sign of too dry air. Too sunny dracaena leaves may fade, too shaded place, negatively affects the striped leaves, in such conditions they fade.

If the plant is being sprayed, do not expose it to direct sunlight as the flower will get leaf scorch. Avoid drafts.

If the plant's weak growth is noticeable, the leaves are small, small, distorted, most likely the plant needs universal fertilizer. The lack of fertilizers is also indicated yellowed leaves and drooping of lower leaves, this process may also be associated with the aging of the plant.

Dropping of the lower leaves be caused by too high temperature, dry air, also too low temperature.


It is better to install dracaena in the living room, where you can fully show its beauty. Large specimens look great, individually, in compositions you can extract a lot of beauty. In successful compositions, a microclimate favorable for the plant reigns. The optimal conditions for growing dracaena at home can be obtained in the winter garden.

At home. Someone does it for sale, but there are those for whom this activity brings incredible pleasure. The most important thing is to know how to do it right.

In order for the plants to be beautiful, you need to carefully care for them. If you provide the dracaena with the right conditions, you can increase the life of the flower up to ten years. In shape, the culture of this species is more like a palm tree. It is also called lucky bamboo because it is similar to the Chinese symbol for prosperity. In this review, we will consider the care of dracaena at home.

Primary requirements

The main distinguishing feature of the dracaena is a rosette of striped or green leaves on top. A notable feature can also be considered transverse stripes on the stems.

In order for a plant to please its owners with a well-groomed appearance for many years of life, it needs to create the right conditions. Soil acidity should be neutral. You can check this indicator using indicator strips. You can also buy soil with the right pH value from a flower shop. To prepare the substrate, you can use the following proportions: 3 parts garden soil, 2 parts peat, 1 part sand. You can also use a mixture of sand, humus soil and peat. Any stable pot is suitable for growing the plant. The container for planting dracaena should be 25 cm high and 20 cm in diameter.

Requirements for temperature, humidity and light

Dracaena? Caring for this heat-loving plant involves keeping it at a temperature of 19 to 25 degrees Celsius. In a cold room, the plant may simply die. You also need to monitor the level of humidity. Dry air can adversely affect the growth of dracaena. As a rule, the plant develops well in partial shade. But development in such conditions will be a little slow. Variegated varieties require more light. The best option is to place the dracaena near a window oriented to the west or east. If they face south, it is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

How to water correctly?

Many housewives are interested in such a flower as dracaena. Home care for this plant involves regular watering. The optimal interval is every other day. It is unacceptable for the earth in the pot to become dry. In addition to watering, dracaena also requires frequent spraying with settled water. In summer, the flower should be irrigated daily. Dust may accumulate on the leaves. In this case, it is recommended to use a cotton swab or napkin.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Dracaena care provides for regular nutrition with useful substances. Usually this procedure is carried out twice a month. You can alternate mineral fertilizers with organics. The nutrient composition is usually added to water for irrigation. Dracaena are highly sensitive to chlorine and fluorine. Therefore, it is better to select fertilizers that do not contain these elements. It is not recommended to use chlorinated water for irrigation.

How to transplant

What other procedures may require indoor dracaena? Care must necessarily include a transplant. When the plant becomes cramped in the old tub, it must be placed in a larger pot. The flower is removed very carefully, along with the root ball. The bottom of the new container should first be prepared. For this purpose, gravel, ceramic fragments or pieces of foam are laid on it.

Here is an approximate order of actions that must be performed when transplanting a plant:

  1. The drainage from above is covered with a layer of washed sand and part of the prepared soil.
  2. The root ball is placed in a pot. On the sides you can add soil.
  3. The earth is properly watered.
  4. You need to add a substrate. There should be 1.5 cm left to the top edge.
  5. At the final stage, the soil should be compacted and sprinkled with a layer of peat.

Before reaching the age of three years, the dracaena should be replanted every year. Then the procedure can be performed less frequently. At the same time, experts recommend once a year to change the top layer of earth in a pot.

How to care for dracaena in winter?

What else should you know for those who are interested in dracaena? Home care, photos of adult plants, requirements for keeping conditions in the cold season - such information is usually required by potential owners of this flower. As for the content of the flower in winter, in a warm room it will be the same as in summer. Best of all, it will endure cold at a temperature of 15 degrees. The number of sprays and waterings should be reduced to once every seven days. If the air in the room is too dry and warm, then the frequency of watering can be increased. In winter and autumn, the plant does not require additional feeding.


How does dracaena grow? Care and reproduction at home do not include any complex labor-intensive processes. As a material for cuttings, branches extending from the central stem are quite suitable. The main thing is to separate 12 cm of the top. The rest is cut into cuttings 7 cm in size. On the mother plant, the cut is treated with ash and crushed charcoal. In the future, new shoots may appear at this place.

The resulting cuttings should be rooted in a glass of water or a pot of wet sand. At the cut top, the leaves are shortened, leaving 5-7 cm each. The air temperature in the room should not fall below 20 degrees. You can also cover the top of the cuttings with a film. It must be removed every day to spray the substrate or ventilate. After 3-4 weeks, rooting will occur, and after a couple of months you will be able to see new shoots. They can be divided and transplanted into different containers.

What else should you know about breeding dracaena and home care? Propagation by seeds is usually used exclusively by specialists. If you still manage to buy them, then before planting you need to soak in warm water. Five days later, seeds can be sown in moist soil. It is best to plant them in plastic boxes with lids or miniature greenhouses. They take a long time to grow.

Growing problems

What problems can be associated with the cultivation of a flower such as dracaena? Home care, reproduction and conditions for normal development are quite simple and do not require special training. However, some difficulties in the growing process can still arise.

In a dry room, the leaves of the plant may turn yellow and fall off. Another possible cause of this phenomenon can be cold air and a draft. In a month, under normal conditions, the plant may lose a couple of leaves. Incorrectly selected fertilizers or the presence of fluoride in the water can lead to brown and yellow spots. If the plant looks sick, it should be removed from the pot. Damaged and rotten roots are removed. Further, the dracaena can be transplanted. The plant after this process requires moderate watering and regular irrigation.

The sun's rays can also cause burns. In this case, it is better to choose another place for the flower. If brown spots appear on the ends of the leaves, increase the amount of water when watering. Make sure the soil in the pot is always slightly moist. Over watering can also have negative consequences. In combination with a decrease in temperature, it can lead to the complete death of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Dracaena care must necessarily include the fight against diseases. This plant is rarely attacked by pests. But many modern varieties still have a high sensitivity to a number of infections. So, with a fungal infection, rotting of the roots and the base of the stem can be observed. The formation of black and red spots on the leaves may be a consequence of a disease such as fusarium. In this case, the plant must be treated with a biofungicide, and the soil with a solution of wood ash.

If white threads appeared at the bases of the leaves, then most likely the plant was attacked by a spider mite. In this case, the plant should be wiped with a cloth dipped in a solution of laundry soap, and then washed under a warm shower. If a mealybug has been damaged, then the dracaena should also be treated with soapy water. After that, the flower is sprayed with an insecticide containing pyrethrin.

Dracaena: varieties

Dracaena is considered an exotic plant. Such a flower will easily fit into the interior of a living room or office. There are several varieties of this plant. Bordered dracaena, or Marginata, has a rosette of thin leaves. With a good plant, the flower retains its decorative qualities for a long time. This species needs good lighting. The Colorama variety is characterized by a pronounced crimson hue. Dracaena Bicolor is characterized by a spectacular combination of green and pink flowers. This variety also needs good lighting and frequent spraying. The Fragrang species, or fragrant dracaena, is distinguished by glossy leaves in the shape of a lancet. There are also varieties with two-color and three-color leaves.


Dracaena is very popular with home flower growers. The plant will harmonize well with dieffenbachia, variegated varieties of chlorophytum. Caring for dracaena does not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is to choose a well-lit place. The plant needs regular watering and irrigation. Also, to maintain a thick rosette of leaves, experts recommend rinsing the dracaena with warm water from time to time. When buying a flower, pay attention to the leaves. The main thing is that their ends are not dry. Healthy dracaena, with proper care, can retain its decorative qualities for up to ten years.

top dressing

As well as watering, dracaena should also not be particularly carried away. An excess of fertilizer is very bad for the well-being of the plant. I do not advise beginner flower growers to experiment with "home" fertilizers, but to use specialized ones, strictly following the recommendations in the instructions. The frequency of feeding dracaena, depending on the fertilizer, is once every 7-10 days.

Dracaena transplant

The root system of the dracaena is quite powerful and grows quickly, which means it quickly fills the space allotted to it in the pot. It is traditionally believed that young dracaena should be transplanted annually, and older ones after two to three years. In very large specimens, for which it is difficult to carry out a regular transplant due to their impressive size, the topsoil changes (annually). But this is traditionally considered ... In fact, those who have been growing dracaena for far from the first year know that sometimes a young plant has to be transplanted twice a year, or vice versa - a planned transplant is skipped. But this comes with experience. For beginner gardeners, I advise you to adhere to the canonical rules. The only thing, for starters, try to limit yourself to transferring the plant to a larger (2-3 cm) pot along with a clod of earth, partially removing only easily detachable soil. After moving the plant to a new pot, add fresh soil to it. For the first time, the dracaena will have enough nutrients contained in the added soil, and after that it will receive them with top dressing. On sale there is a special primer "For dracaena", but you can also use mixtures for palm trees. Those who wish can make it themselves from equal parts of soddy land, humus and sand. This is the easiest recipe. Before transplanting, check the presence in the pot. Excess moisture should be freely and quickly removed from the ground. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay a drainage layer with a layer of at least 1.5 centimeters (depending on the size of the pot and the size of the plant).

Note! Plants sold in stores usually grow in special soil and often in a pot that is already cramped for them. Therefore, after the purchase and a two-week quarantine, transplant the dracaena into normal soil and, if necessary, into a larger pot.

Reproduction of dracaena

This section of caring for dracaena at home deserves a separate article, so I will limit myself to only a small overview of how to propagate dracaena.

It can be propagated by tops, stem pieces and seeds. The latter method is rarely used by amateurs. And not because of the complexity of the process. On the contrary, it is very simple and no different from growing ordinary seedlings. It's just a very long process. Seedlings from seeds will have to wait up to two months (although this is nothing compared to). And the seed material often comes across, to put it mildly, not quite high quality. In addition, only dracaena with pure green leaves can be propagated by seeds.

Most often, dracaena is propagated by apical cuttings. This is the easiest and most efficient way. Moreover, it allows you to significantly change the appearance of the mother plant. For example, if you have a plant with only one top, then cutting it off and rooting it in a separate pot, you will not only get a new plant, but also stimulate the growth of new shoots on the mother plant. Often there are two or three. To do this, it is enough to create additional greenhouse conditions for it. If the dracaena is young, then cover the left stump with a glass jar. If this is a side branch of a large plant, then make a cap from a PE bag over the cut. Very soon, the kidneys will wake up and grow. The top can not be immediately planted in the ground, but first placed in a container with water to grow roots.

This dracaena originally had one top. Four years ago, it was cut off, and two grew in its place.

The length of the apical cutting from the lower leaves to the cut point (optimal) is 15 centimeters. But if the cutting is taken from an adult plant, then it happens that it turns out to be longer. It's even good! Having cut the cutting to the desired length, the remaining fragment of the trunk can also be used for reproduction. For rooting, fragments of a stem 5 cm long are best suited, with at least two buds (they can be seen). Then it’s enough just to put them flat on wet soil and cover with a transparent cap. Experienced flower growers, to speed up the process, make another longitudinal incision on the bark of the cutting in the part where it comes into contact with the ground. But for beginner gardeners, I advise you to refrain from this for now. In a month and a half, the cuttings will sprout.

Note! With any method of propagation of dracaena, cuttings need warmth, soft diffused lighting and high humidity (not dampness!). The best time for breeding is from mid-spring to early summer.

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Dracaena (“female dragon” in Greek) is a tropical African plant from the asparagus family, which got its name for its ability to release cadmium, which has a dark red color, when damaged. There are many legends about this, but they all come down to one thing - the plant arose exactly where the blood of the dragon was shed.

Dracaena is found in the wild in South America, the Canary Islands, and India. True, there are a few species outside the African continent, when about 150 of them were found in total. Conventionally, this number can be divided into shrubs and trees. Among those and others there are dracaenas that have an external resemblance to palm trees, for which many flower growers mistakenly call them that.

How wild dracaena bloom

Dracaena refers to decorative foliage flowers. Therefore, when it comes to its varieties, experts describe the shape and color of the leaves more than the beauty of the flower stalks. Indeed, dracaena leaves can be bright or dark green, differ in a variety of specks, veins, have an oval or pointed shape.

Dracaena blooms very rarely. It happens once every 10-12 years, or even less often. For example, cinnabar-red dracaena, which belongs to the relict shrubs of the Cretaceous period, can bloom after a quarter of a century of age. Due to such a rare phenomenon, flowers are not of particular decorative value.

Dracaena peduncle is a set of pink, greenish or white flowers collected in one paniculate inflorescence. You can see this rarity only at night, because it is at this time of day that they open up, attracting nocturnal flying inhabitants with an abundance of fragrant nectar. It is extremely difficult to call it a fragrance, because rare species of dracaena smell nice. Even if the aroma is honey, it is very sharp. Some flowers generally have a heavy, repulsive smell.

The flower is bisexual, the perianth of which reaches a length of half a meter, because it consists of separate segments connected into one tube, which occupies 1/3 of the corolla. The ovary is three-celled, where one round seed resembling a pea is formed and ripens in each nest.

It is believed that dracaena live for more than one millennium, so they are in no hurry to show all their capabilities. After the first flowering, the trunk begins to expand and coarsen to such an extent that the shrub is likened to a tree. Further, every year, not growth, but expansion of the dracaena in the circumference of the trunk is noted. The tree-like dracaena called the "dragon tree" is distinguished by its gigantic dimensions both in height and in the width of the trunk. The largest dracaena of this species is located on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. Its height is 21 m, and its diameter is 4.

Flowering dracaena at home

A dragon tree was also bred for keeping in, but its dimensions are much more modest - 1.5 meters in height. There are only 7 cultural species:
- Deremskaya blooms every 7-10 years, it is distinguished by two-tone flowers that are bright red on the outside and white on the inside;
- fragrant blooms with white or yellow-green flowers with a pleasant aroma;
- godsefa has greenish-yellow flowers and is more prone to flowering than other species, can bloom even if located on a window facing North;
- sandera in nature blooms with small pink flowers, which almost no one has seen at home;
- bent has in nature inflorescences-panicles with red flowers exuding a disgusting smell;
- bordered dracaena in the wild blooms with green flowers with white, but indoors flowering for her is a rare exception;
- the dragon tree also practically does not bloom in conditions, but if this happens, then white flowers should be expected.

Everyone who “lives” dracaena at home is more concerned about the problem of the integrity of the leaves, protecting them from diseases and pests, because the decorative effect of the plant depends on their condition. Almost no one expects flowering from her, and if this happens, then the owners will certainly try to capture this miracle in the photo. There may not be another good time for this.


  • Flowers and flowering of dracaena
  • Dracaena
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Dracaena is a very beautiful and spectacular tree. It can beautifully emphasize the dignity of your apartment or drastically ruin everything. This unpretentious indoor plant needs care, like any other, but does not require special conditions, which makes it a great helper when decorating an apartment. Decorating interiors with plants has long been a common thing for designers, but what should you do if you yourself decide to take on this difficult task without outside help. There are several nuances that you should pay attention to.


All flowers need light and preferably sunny. When placing a dracaena in the house, make sure that it receives a sufficient amount of sunlight.

With the help of a large plant, you can visually divide the space in a room into zones or make a partition between rooms in the form of several large plants. The main thing is that the pot in this case does not play a leading role. Plant the plant in smaller pots that match the color of the floor or walls so that greenery is the main background.

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Resembling a miniature palm tree, dracaena often adorns the window sills of apartments and offices. A plant from the Dracaena family with an elegant upright trunk and falling leaf plates of various colors attracts with originality and unpretentiousness.

In the wild, the genus includes about 150 species, represented by trees or succulent shrubs growing in the tropical, subtropical climate of Africa, Asia and America.

Some of the varieties are grown as pot crops:

  • Dracaena marginata is a plant with a bunch of thin green leaves, which are decorated with a red-violet border around the edges.
  • Dracaena deremskaya - a species with lanceolate green leaves growing upwards, which begin to fall with age. Based on the type variety, several varieties have been bred that are spectacularly distinguished by variegated foliage: Bausei with a wide white stripe in the center of the foliage, bordered by Shriveriana.
  • Canarian dracaena - a species also known as the "dragon tree", is represented by tree-like plants with long bluish leaves, the ends of which are crowned with thorns. When optimal illumination is provided, the edges of the decorative sheet plates are effectively highlighted with a reddish tint.
  • Dracaena Sandera is an original variety with long narrow leaves of a dark green color with silvery stripes.
  • Dracaena shoot-forming is a branched shrub, the pointed foliage of which is decorated with yellowish stains.
  • Dracaena bent - the plants of the species branching from the base resemble fluffy bushes with bright greenery.
  • Dracaena Godsefa is a semi-shrub, radically different from other species with oval leaf plates, the brightness of which is expressively emphasized by cream spots.
  • Fragrant dracaena - the species owes its name to the pleasant aroma that the flowers exude. Since flowering is extremely rare at home, the variety is valued for decorative leaves of various colors. Popular varieties: fast-growing Lemon Lime, variegated Victoria, Massangeana, dark green Compacta.

The nuances of growing a plant

In order for an exotic plant with high decorative qualities to develop well, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the flower, close to natural.

Location and lighting

Dracaena bordered or marginata, one of the most common species. She has graceful, drooping leaves with a light burgundy stripe along the edge. This is an indispensable plant for beginners and those who do not have much time for flower care. Description and...

A flower with plain dark green leaves is undemanding to lighting and feels great even in the back of the room. Variegated forms are recommended to be placed closer to the light source, protecting the plant from direct sunlight, which can burn the decorative foliage. The window sills of the eastern and western windows that do not open for ventilation are considered the optimal location for the dracaena. In spring and summer, you can move the pot to fresh air in a place that is protected from drafts and the open sun.


A heat-loving representative of the tropical flora, it grows well at room temperatures. In summer, the optimal temperature values ​​can vary within the range of 20-25°C. In winter, the mercury column of the thermometer should be monitored so that it does not fall below 15 ° C, which can lead to hypothermia of the flower and its death.


Under natural conditions, dracaena grows in the tropics and loves a high level of humidity. So that the dryness of the apartment air does not harm the decorative qualities of the crop, regular spraying is required. Moisture-loving dracaena respond well to a warm shower, which also removes dust from the leaves and prevents the appearance of various harmful insects.

The soil

Dracaena is undemanding to the soil composition and grows well in almost any soil with a loose structure that provides free air access to the roots and good water throughput. To fill the pot, you can use a universal soil mixture purchased at the store, or make it from turf, leafy soil, peat and sand in equal parts.

Dracaena care at home

Successful cultivation of dracaena of any kind involves the implementation of comprehensive care.

Watering the plant

Dracaena loves not only high humidity, but also soil. It is recommended to water the culture abundantly after a slight drying of the surface layer in order to avoid stagnation of water in the roots. In winter, the frequency of humidification is reduced. For irrigation, warm, pre-settled or filtered water is used.

Top dressing and fertilizer

During the period of intensive vegetation, dracaena of any kind are fed every 2 weeks. As nutrient complexes, liquid mineral fertilizers are used, including nitrogen, and an increased concentration of phosphorus and potassium.

Transplant and pruning

After the tree reaches its maximum height, the stem stretches and becomes bare as the lower leaves die off. To return the decorative appearance of the false palm tree, you should rejuvenate the flower by cutting off the upper part and rooting it.

The transplantation procedure, which may be accompanied by rejuvenation (reproduction), is carried out annually for young specimens. Mature plants are transplanted every 3-5 years. However, every spring it is recommended to restore the fertility of the earthy coma by removing the upper part of the old substrate and pouring fresh.

When transplanting:

  1. A new container of slightly larger diameter is disinfected.
  2. The bottom is covered with drainage material, which is crushed with prepared soil.
  3. Dracaena with an old earthy clod rolls over into a prepared pot.
  4. The voids are filled with fresh soil mixture.

Care after flowering

At home, flowering is extremely rare. If the phase has come, then after its completion, dried inflorescences should be removed.

Reproduction of dracaena in reliable and simple ways

Dracaena reproduces in several ways.

Propagation of dracaena by apical and stem cuttings

During the rejuvenation procedure:

  • An apical cutting 10-15 cm high with an oblique, smooth cut is being prepared.
  • The stalk is slightly dried, treated with a growth stimulator and placed either in water or in a substrate.
  • When rooted in water, its warm temperature and transparency are necessarily maintained.
  • If the cutting is buried in the soil mixture, then it is covered with a bag to create greenhouse conditions.

Dracaena propagates by stem cuttings in case of death of the top as follows:

  • Healthy segments are prepared, which are placed in the ground vertically or horizontally.
  • With the vertical method, the cutting is buried in the soil mixture for dracaena by 2 cm, after which it is sprinkled with a layer of sand of 5 cm.
  • In the case of using the horizontal method, the cutting is pressed into the ground and lightly crushed by it.
  • The container is covered with glass.
  • After the appearance of shoots, indicating the successful formation of the root system, new specimens are seated in separate pots.

How to propagate by air layering

Another effective method of reproduction, in which:

  1. A thorough inspection of the stem is carried out, on which a transverse, rather deep incision is made at the location of the leaf.
  2. A toothpick is inserted into the damaged area to prevent tissue fusion.
  3. The injured area is covered with wet moss, which is fixed with a film.
  4. After the formation of aerial roots, the top is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

seed propagation

In addition to vegetative methods, reproduction can be carried out in a generative way. At the end of winter, the seeds are embedded in the soil, which is filled with individual cups, to a depth of 5 cm. The containers are covered with a film, which helps maintain the required temperature regime, which is 25-27 ° C. Also, we must not forget to systematically ventilate and spray the crops. After the emergence of seedlings, the protection is removed. Seedlings dive after they reach a height of 5-6 cm.

Pests, diseases and methods of dealing with them

Dracaena are resistant to disease damage. However, with systematic overflows, the development of such a fungal disease as gray rot is possible. In case of signs of root decay, the plant should be transplanted into a fresh, disinfected substrate, after removing the diseased parts of the root system. After transplantation, it is recommended to spray the dracaena flower with a fungicidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package. If brown spots appear on the leaves, then the irrigation regime should be reviewed by increasing the volume of water and frequency, as well as increasing the level of air humidity. Black ovals indicate improper placement of a flower suffering from exposure to direct sunlight.

Among the pests, the attacks of which, as a rule, are recorded at too low humidity, there are spider mites, scale insects and thrips. To quickly get rid of harmful insects, you should treat the dracaena with an insecticide.

Attention! All treatments should be carried out outdoors with a previously covered earthen clod.

Thus, while providing the necessary conditions of detention and performing simple care measures, even a novice florist will be able to decorate an apartment or a winter garden with a popular plant with a spectacular bunch of decorative leaves.