What should be the length of the barrier. Various types of automatic barriers

All about switches

To restrict access to any protected or closed area, to the courtyard of a private or apartment building, the best option is a road automatic barrier. Such a device will not be superfluous in any yard, in a closed parking lot, with travel restrictions on a particular road. It has an automatic control that allows you to open its boom with the push of a button. The convenience of using such a device can hardly be overestimated, because the driver or other person responsible for the safety of the passage does not even make an effort to open it.

Automatic barrier at the entrance

Advantages of automatic barriers

These designs have the following significant advantages:

  • Opening and closing of an arrow is made from the panel, at pressing of the button. In some cases, automatic barriers are equipped with photocells that give a signal to close after the passage of vehicles.
  • Provides reliable operation of the device when operating in outdoor conditions. For example, in the yard of the house or in the parking lot.
  • The length of the boom can be different in length, blocking even a very wide passage. The manufacturer also produces barriers with two arrows, allowing you to further expand the barrier zone.
  • Installation of an automatic device can be carried out in almost any place where electricity can be supplied. Especially often one can observe the operation of such devices in the courtyard of an apartment building, at the entrances to the courtyard of an elite house, in private property.
  • Ability to work from various control devices.
  • In the event of a power outage, the operation of the automatic barrier does not stop. Backup power can be supplied to it, and similar structures can also be controlled manually.
  • The cost of the device is quite acceptable, slightly exceeding the price of a manual barrier.

The disadvantages of such barriers

Along with many advantages, automatic barriers also have several disadvantages that must be considered before purchasing them:

  • Installation of the device is possible only in those places where electricity is supplied. Without this, the barrier will not work. Rather, they will have to be controlled manually.
  • Difficulty in power supply. An underground power cable must be provided. This leads to additional costs, which are not always justified. For example, if in the courtyard of a multi-storey building such costs are distributed among all residents, then only the owner of the house conducts food in the courtyard of a private cottage.
  • It is necessary to ensure regular maintenance of the electronic and mechanical devices that ensure the operation of the barrier.

Where are automatic barriers used?

Installation of barriers of automatic type is advisable in the following places:

  • Railway crossings. Signals to close barriers are given at a certain distance from the approaching train.
  • Guarded parking lots. For example, the restrictor of entry into the territory of a restaurant or hotel allows you to get rid of the presence of foreign cars on its territory. Also, such a device facilitates the control of the exit of vehicles from paid parking lots.
  • The courtyard of any house, both multi-apartment and private. Moreover, in the yard, the installation of such a device allows you to ensure the safety of playing children. It also excludes the placement of cars of residents of neighboring houses.
  • Territories prohibited for entry, nature reserves, private property.

The design of the automatic barrier

In appearance, an automatic barrier practically does not differ from a manual barrier, but in its design it is a more advanced device. It consists of the following elements:

  • The main cabinet, inside which are the control unit, engine, gearbox and balancing spring. The pedestal is installed on a concrete base.
  • Boom made of aluminum or steel. Usually is hollow. May be round or square. The boom length can vary from 2 to 12 m.
  • A support post designed to support the tip of an arrow. If the boom length does not exceed 2.5 m, the support leg may not be used.
  • A system of sensors that respond to various actions of the driver and vehicles. Several sensors receive signals and then issue commands to open the barrier. There are also security sensors. If for some reason the vehicle was delayed, did not pass through the checkpoint on time, the boom will not be lowered until it passes.

Very often, hydraulic mechanisms are used in the construction of barriers to facilitate the raising and lowering of a heavy boom. They slow down the speed of the arrow on the way to the extreme points. This ensures the smooth operation of the mechanisms, extends their service life.

Device management methods

Automatic devices are controlled in the following ways:

  1. Radio controlled key fobs. Each driver who has the right to enter the fenced area or the courtyard of the house has such a key fob. He does not even need to get out of the car to open the passage.
  2. Magnetic cards. Upon their contact with the reader located on the barrier pedestal, the boom opens.
  3. Code panels. To clear the passage, you need to type the given number combination on the keyboard. Usually such panels are located at the security of the facility.
  4. Mechanical opening buttons. They are controlled from the remote control. The guard, after checking the driver's documents, presses the button and opens the passage to the courtyard of the house or to a certain territory.
  5. Automatic barriers can be connected to video surveillance systems, intercoms or other control systems. These systems can be indoors or outdoors.

Characteristics of the automatic barrier

When choosing an automatic barrier, you must first familiarize yourself with the features of its operation, capabilities and characteristics. This will help you make the right choice. The manufacturer can complete his devices at his discretion, so you have every right to choose the elements you need. Attention should be paid to the following parameters:

  • Arrow length. It is chosen in such a way that it is possible to block the entire passage. It should be borne in mind that when using a longer boom, it is necessary to ensure the installation of a more powerful gearbox, as well as a more efficient engine. The barrier manufacturer must ensure this conformity.
  • Presence of security features. In the closed position, the boom should be clearly visible from afar. For this purpose, reflective elements, LED lamps and lamps are attached to it.
  • throughput. From this indicator depends on how long the device will be able to function smoothly. For periodic use of the barrier, there is no need to purchase a mechanism for intensive use. An inexpensive household option is also suitable. And vice versa, in industrial enterprises or paid parking lots with a continuous flow of cars, it is necessary to install only a professional barrier. In this case, it will not have to be repaired annually.
  • Device management. You must decide in advance how the operation of the barrier will be controlled. Most often, the boom is controlled from the guard's remote control, if such a remote control is provided. Radio controlled key fobs and magnetic cards are also often used.
  • Decide in advance whether you will improve the operation of the device in the future. For example, change the control method or install backup power. To do this, you need to provide additional space.

It can be concluded that an automatic barrier is an excellent choice in many cases. With proper installation and proper operation, it will ensure the safety of the territory or object.

Which automatic barrier to choose? With similar characteristics and external similarity, of course, all barriers are able to restrict passage, form a controlled access system and interact with control devices. Of course, it is important for the buyer that the barrier is reliable, fast, resistant to intensive work, not demanding for periodic maintenance, resistant to hacking, and also has a set of additional control functions or connecting external devices. Here our experience of operation and installation can help. We constantly meet in our work with the manifestation of the nature of these devices, we are surprised at the merits of some, the shortcomings and shortcomings of others, we hear the answers of technical support services, we read the conclusions of the official service departments of different manufacturers of barriers. As a result, we can confidently recommend with reservations to future owners of these devices.

Barriers for driveways up to 4 meters

What I like: fastening of arrows - when a car hits an arrow, only it is most often deformed, the gearbox remains intact, the fastening can be replaced in different ways, a signal lamp is built into the pedestal - it is practical and looks like a single whole. The setting of the extreme positions of the boom is programmed by automatic memorization - learning, quickly and without compulsion. The barrier has outputs for connecting and controlling traffic lights. It withstands well (in the morning and in the evening) high intensity. Arrow options, low maintenance, few complaints. The barrier resource is declared - 500,000 opening and closing cycles.

What I don't like: when installing photocells for non-standard use, additional built-in logic options would be useful, for example, closing by a photocell with a time delay.

What we like: Built-in signal lamp, reliability, light round arrows, boom fastening - when a car hits an arrow, only the arrow is most often deformed, the gearbox remains intact, Automatic programming of the extreme positions of the barrier boom. Withstands high intensity, boom balancing is not required. The price is one of the most affordable. Arrow speed. built-in

What I don’t like: the appearance is not for everyone, the gray color of the pedestal is not striking, the balancing spring is designed for a light barrier bar without hinges, when trimming the boom, there are difficulties with balancing.

What we like: There is a variant of the arrow with duralight - the backlight of the arrow, the barrier copes with high intensity (Not constant), there is a weak point in the gearbox in case of rough handling - it saves the gearbox from serious damage. The round barrier boom helps with wind loads, the availability of spare parts, and not high prices for spare parts.

What I don't like: It is necessary to shorten the arrow from the one declared by the manufacturer. Confusion with a complete set of springs for different lengths of the boom. The manufacturer's service is always right. With a high intensity of the barrier, early wear often occurs. There are weak points in the rocker arm attachment. Requires painstaking and fairly frequent balancing of the boom.

Advantages: Composite boom is easy to replace, there is an option of a 7-meter boom, a round profile reduces windage, which is important for long lengths, an induction loop sensor is built into the barrier control unit, a signal lamp is harmoniously built into the body, convenient installation and replacement of a protective damper, the boom mount protects gearbox, the warranty resource of 1,000,000 operation cycles is declared for the gearbox.

Cons: Boom support not included, must be purchased separately.

Advantages: boom support included, intensity of use - 100% with a guaranteed resource of 3,000,000 cycles of operation, the hydraulic system of barriers is equipped with two working cylinders, built-in hydraulic force protection. In the winter version, guaranteed operation in the temperature range from -40 degrees

Disadvantages: Adjustment in spring and autumn is desirable. the work is affected by which oil is filled into the gearbox winter or summer - different options for the north and south of the country.

Advantages: the gearbox has a protective gear against rough handling, the boom is visible from afar,

Disadvantages: replacement of protective damping pads requires titanic efforts, and in the cold it is simply impossible, while it cracks in the cold, crumbles when hitting the rack, the rocker arm fastening loosens - maintenance is periodically necessary, the gearbox resource is small with intensive use 100%, The service of the barrier manufacturer is always right - it is necessary to shorten the boom from that declared by the manufacturer, it is not suitable for places with strong winds - the boom will not hit the support when lowering, which threatens with a quick failure of the gearbox.

Average price: 78,000 rubles. All characteristics of the barrier

Notice for barriers with a boom length of 6 meters or more

All are characterized by high windage, the obligatory use of supports for arrows, at high intensity it is still preferable to use two barriers from a long boom up to 4 meters.

This article is intended to help in choosing an automatic barrier for specific needs.

An automatic barrier is a means of restricting access to the territory. It differs from mechanical counterparts in high speed, intensity of work, and the presence of several available control methods. Also, the automatic device is characterized by advanced operating capabilities. It can be used in integration with video surveillance systems, license plate recognition, etc.

Automatic barrier: the main selection criteria

Are you wondering which barrier to choose for a private or commercial facility? Among automatic devices, several types are available, models with different technical characteristics. Taking into account 5 basic criteria will help not to make a mistake in the choice:

  • purpose of the device
  • lane width,
  • opening time,
  • maximum boom length
  • frequency of use of the device.

The appointment of an automatic barrier is the first basic selection criterion. The market includes devices for the private sector, small and large parking lots, and the industrial sector.

The width of the passage affects the cost of automation for limiting access to the territory. If the width is very large, it makes sense to install two barriers. The maximum length of the boom is determined by the width of the passage.

The opening / closing time in seconds most often corresponds to the footage of the boom. As for the frequency of use, it is recommended to focus on the maximum possible load. It is better to choose automation with a power reserve.

After determining the main parameters of the device, it's time to choose a brand. Italian automation is of high quality. The FAAC barrier is a technique that has been tested by many domestic facilities. Reliable automatic access control devices work effectively in all weather conditions.

A barrier is a device designed to quickly block and unblock the path of vehicles or pedestrians. Its working part is an arrow, which is a long bar made of a pipe or profile, which, as a result of movement, blocks or opens the path. The device got its name from the German word Schlagbaum, translated into Russian as "fallen tree".

How the barrier works

Rack or cabinet (1) - this is the basis of the design of the device, which is equipped with a power mechanism if the system has an automatic drive. It is made from durable corrosion resistant material. Usually steel or its combination with concrete elements is used.

Arrow (2) is the direct work item that is used to cover the path. It is usually made from steel or aluminium. More rarely, wood and plastic are used. The arrow can have a different section, ranging from rectangular, round and ending with triangular. The round shape is used in areas of high windiness. For better visibility, it is usually painted with stripes of red and white. Often, photocells are glued to it, which effectively reflect the light of the car's headlights. This improves the visibility of the boom when it is lowered, which prevents it from being hit. It can have a different length, which is selected individually.

Barrier catcher (3) is an optional structural element that stops the boom and provides an additional point of support when the structure is in the closed state. This reduces the load on the rack. Also in addition barriers can be completed with a skirt. These are hinged elements that allow a visual increase in the boom. This provides better visibility of the obstacle in heavy rain or fog.

In addition to the use of reflective photocells, it is possible to equip the barrier with its own illumination or light siren (4) , which greatly increases the visibility of the arrow during bad weather conditions. Often, barriers can be equipped with sound equipment to create a warning signal during operation. This is especially true in conditions of poor visibility.

Types of barriers by control method
The main criterion by which barriers differ is the method of controlling their boom. According to this parameter, they are divided into two categories:
  1. Manual.
  2. Automatic.
Manual type

These are the cheapest outdated designs that are practically not used anymore. They can also be found in places with low traffic, where it is necessary to carry out a rare lowering and raising of the boom. To ensure the operation of the barrier, the direct influence of the physical strength of a person is necessary. Such an arrangement may require direct application of forces for opening and closing.

Sometimes there are improved technical solutions when the boom is equipped with a counterweight. In this case, if you unlock the structure, the barrier always opens. To lower it, you need to pull the hanging chain or cable. Using your own weight, you can put the boom in the closed position and block it with a special latch. This method is less labor-intensive in comparison with the direct movement of the arrow, using only one's own forces. The device is ideal in the event that there are power outages or there is no power.

If the boom provides for vertical opening and there is a counterweight, then the latter has the ability to adjust its location. Thanks to this, it is possible to adjust the barrier not only for its unauthorized lifting when unlocking, but also to give the boom almost zero weight. Having achieved balance with a counterweight, you can significantly reduce the mass of the boom, so apply a minimum of effort to open and close. Even if initially it was very heavy, then with good balance it will be possible to move the device with just one finger.

Automatic type

Such barriers work without the need for the use of human physical strength. They can move as a result of pressing a button or triggering a special alarm, for example, on the railway, when the boom lowers when a train approaches, without the need for human control of the process. An electric motor or a hydraulic system can be used as a drive to ensure the movement of the boom. Electric barriers are the most popular due to their relatively low cost. However, they are less resistant to wear and reliability than hydraulic devices.

Types of barriers according to the method of opening the boom
According to how the opening is carried out, barriers are divided into 3 main types:
  1. Vertical.
  2. Swivel.
  3. Rollback.

Vertical the barrier is the most common type. In it, the free end of the arrow rises vertically upwards. Usually this option is used on automatic devices. Such a device is very convenient for installation on the path of traffic. At the same time, it also has disadvantages. When triggered, the boom is lowered with the probability of it falling onto the roof of the vehicle. This happens very rarely, but it is quite possible. The fact is that from the inside of the car, at a close distance to the barrier, it can be difficult to determine that the boom has worked. Such devices are also traumatic for pedestrians who can pass under them at the time of lowering. At the same time, a huge advantage of a vertical device is the minimum use of usable space.

Swivel barriers imply the movement of an arrow in a horizontal plane. Usually such devices are manual, but they are also found with automatic control. The arrow opens on the same principle as the door. She moves in the opposite direction from the vehicle. In this case, it is required to release the radius along the perimeter of its movement. Such devices are more secure. During the movement, you can immediately notice that the arrow has worked and avoid colliding with it. In front of such barriers, it is necessary to apply markings on the asphalt with a line for stopping vehicles, because if the car approaches too close, the boom will be blocked due to the lack of free space for turning.

retractable the barrier is more like a light gate. It does not have a classic arrow, but is a kind of barrier. At its bottom there is a system of rollers that allows you to roll the obstacle away from the roadway. It's also a safe design that looks good. Thanks to this, collisions with it are excluded even in rain or heavy fog. An electric drive is used to ensure movement. A manual control option is also available.

Alternative types of barriers

In addition to the classic design with a standard boom, barriers can also work using a completely different technical solution. Chain barriers have become quite popular in recent years. They have 2 racks between which the chain is stretched. It acts as an arrow. Hidden in the post is an electromechanism that tightens or lowers the chain. This allows you to securely block the passage. Typically, the chains are lowered into a special groove on the road surface, so when moving through the barrier, vehicles do not come into contact with its links. Such a technical solution can be found in parking lots, as well as near shopping centers.

The indisputable advantage of a chain barrier is a high degree of security. It cannot harm pedestrians, but it is quite capable of starting to raise the chain while a car passes over it. To eliminate this situation, equipment manufacturers of a higher price segment equip it with a sensor system. They react if the vehicle is on the trajectory of the chain and block the mechanism for pulling it up. As soon as the machine is removed, the boom will be pulled up to the end.

parking barrier

Also relatively new equipment for blocking passage are individual parking barriers. Of course, their design has absolutely nothing to do with classical devices of this type. The size of the barrier is approximately 60 by 80 cm. Such a barrier is a small metal frame, which is mounted into the asphalt with the help of anchors. It is much more reliable if it is welded by electric welding to previously concreted metal rods or a special stand.

This technical solution is used to block the passage of strangers to an individual parking space. When raised, the device blocks the entrance and does not allow it to be lowered without authorization, since it is equipped with an ordinary padlock, the key to which is available only to the owner of the parking space. This is an inexpensive device, the use of which implies the need to get out of the car every time and open the barrier lock. After its frame is lowered down, you can drive freely, because when folded, the height of the barrier does not interfere even in the case of low ground clearance of the car.

Right at the end of the working day, two buyers from Novokuibyshevsk appeared in our store "GATES and BLINDS". They were interested in buying a barrier. Having tested the current model of the barrier manufactured by DoorHan, having agreed with the price, the buyers asked about the intensity of use. That is, for what frequency of use the drive of this barrier is designed. As a result, they gave an exhaustive lecture))). The RIM company, an expert on gates in Samara, considered it necessary to provide this information not only to them, but also to our potential buyers in the online store.
So. The intensity of the equipment is measured as a percentage. For example, an intensity of 50% for a barrier means that for normal operation without overheating of the drive during an arbitrarily selected 10-minute time interval, the barrier boom should move no more than 5 minutes, and the rest of the time it should “rest”.
Example. The boom lifting time of the barrier is 5 seconds, and the full opening-closing cycle is 10 seconds. In this case, “painlessly” for the barrier, you can make it rise and fall no more than 1 time in 20 seconds (that is, no more than 30 times within 10 minutes). If the boom works 2 times slower, then in 10 minutes not 30, but only 15 lifting-lowering cycles are allowed. Thus, the choice of intensity of equipment operation is determined by the estimated number of arrivals and departures in 10 minutes. More intensive use than stated by the manufacturer is undesirable, because it can lead to a malfunction of the barrier and its premature failure.

The opening time of a conventional (not high-speed) barrier in seconds, as a rule, is numerically equal to the length of the boom in meters. Knowing this, it is possible to approximately estimate the required intensity of the barrier operation. If the equipment will be used by several owners, as in our case (the guys bought a barrier to enter the courtyard of an apartment building, where each tenant has about 200), then the way out may be to purchase equipment with a deliberately overestimated permitted work intensity.
You can purchase a barrier in Samara by filling out