What remedy is effective against crickets in the garden. Probable reasons for the appearance of a cricket in the house: a folk sign and how to drive a "singing" insect out of the house

Electrical measuring instruments

If you notice gnawed stems from seedlings, eaten leaves, then you have crickets in your garden. How to get rid of them, consider in detail. Around the beginning of April, at the dacha, as soon as evening comes, “night musicians” start trilling - crickets. The chirping of crickets is directly associated with summer, but all romance ends there, since in addition to “chants”, they cause significant damage to garden plantings. These insects have a good appetite, eat all vegetables and cereals with pleasure.

Black cricket close-up photo:

Crickets, for those who are not familiar with them, look like black grasshoppers in the garden, just as briskly jumping. Crickets in the garden, what harm do they bring? These insects are omnivorous; they cause the same damage to strawberry bushes as well as potatoes, corn, legumes, and other plants. Spraying the garden with chemicals is not always advisable, since the berries or vegetables will subsequently be eaten. If you follow certain rules, you can still use chemicals, but today they have a worthy bio-alternative.

What do crickets eat in the garden? The answer is everyone! In addition to the plant diet, these insects do not disdain relatives, their larvae, worms, and dead animals. Even their own clutches of eggs, as well as young members of their own species, can become a "lunch" for adult insects.

An adult individual reaches a length of 1.5-2 cm, has a black color of the body. Black cricket (field) is the most common species from the cricket family.

Field cricket:

Field (black) cricket, photo

Pest control: preparations and methods

To protect gardens from this insect, complex measures are practiced - agrotechnical and chemical. Loosening the soil, its thorough digging in the fall slightly reduces the number of pests.

Also, to reduce the number of insects, the site is treated with Nemabakt or Antonem-F preparations. These are biological products, they are considered safe for humans, pets, birds, plants. These tools give good results and are very effective.

The results of the tests showed that 78% of crickets die after 4 days after treatment, and 100% after 30 days. Before fighting crickets in the garden, the drug is diluted with warm water 1:100, in terms of temperature it should be similar to the soil in the area. Irrigate the soil directly, preferably during rain, in the late afternoon. The container with the composition must be periodically shaken, and after processing, additionally water the entire area (to facilitate the penetration of the drug deep into the soil). These preparations can be sprayed on the ground even during the growing season of plants.

I have not seen these preparations on open sale, but they can be ordered in online stores that, in addition to Nemabakt or Antonem-F preparations, offer Protection soil containing a predatory nematode that successfully fights soil pests, including crickets.

If you opt for chemicals, then before poisoning pests in the garden, carefully study the instructions. It is always necessary to maintain the prescribed time so that the drug completely “comes out” of the plant before eating the fruit. For such purposes, Karbofos (8-10 ml per 10 l of water) or Decis (3 ml per 10 l of water) is most often used.

Other Methods Against Crickets

Birds are our selfless helpers in the fight against crickets. To attract their attention, install birdhouses and all kinds of feeders on the site. Tits and starlings are the most active fighters. As practice has shown, the birds do an excellent job with the “task”, the main thing is not to forget to regularly replenish the feeders so that they feel at home on the site.

If snakes are found in your dacha, this is very good for you and bad for crickets. The fight against black crickets in the garden will become even more productive if snakes help the birds.

Harmless, but very useful for fighting crickets already in the country pool

Hedgehogs will also help you deal with crickets - this is their favorite treat.

When you harvest, make sure that between the beds there are no extra items, remnants of building materials, covering films and other things. During the autumn digging of the garden, leave it clean, remove everything superfluous - crickets love to spend the winter in wooden fragments and under layers of film.

Good results are shown by box-baits for insects (helium, granular), for example - "Delicia". They can be laid out between the beds, as well as in places where pests accumulate.

Folk remedies for crickets

If you are haunted by crickets in the garden, folk remedies can also help.

Wormwood is good against these pests in the form of a strong decoction for tillage, as well as simply spread between beds and plants. For this, a metal bucket is taken, tightly stuffed with wormwood grass, filled with water, put on fire. It is necessary to wait until the water boils, remove the bucket from the fire, dilute the resulting broth with water 1 to 4. The resulting liquid must be treated with all the soil in the area, especially where there are minks of crickets.

Cricket and his minks

After a couple of days, we loosen the ground and cultivate the soil again - this method is not a panacea, but it is harmless, it significantly reduces the number of pests. The larvae of these insects also die from wormwood.

Sprinkling the soil near the stem with red hot pepper powder repels the pest. Sometimes pepper is mixed with tobacco dust (sold for gardeners) and the land is cultivated between the beds. Neutralized poultry droppings also help well for these purposes.

Oddly enough, a plastic film can become an additional technique, it is especially good to use it in spring or in cool weather. Crickets are heat-loving insects, if you spread the crumpled pieces of film around the area, then at nightfall they will climb inside the folds. In the morning, you can start “hunting”, the main thing is to show dexterity, since crickets are jumping and are afraid of bright lighting.

If you talk with summer residents on this topic, you can learn many different ways of how to get crickets out of the garden.

For example, draft beer poured into the bottom of a three-liter can (about a quarter of the container) is an effective bait for insects. To do this, the bottle is buried up to the very neck. Attracted by the bread smell of beer, the pests fall into the trap and drown.

The cricket leaves the chase

At first, pests can be exterminated mechanically, but keep in mind that they are prolific and actively multiply with the onset of warm weather.

If you have crickets in your garden, you have already decided how to get rid of them and even purchased chemicals, remember that the irrigation frequency is a maximum of 2 times! At least 30 days must have passed since the last treatment, only then you can start harvesting.

In order to understand how to get rid of a cricket, you first need to know the "enemy in the face." So, a cricket is a jumping insect with two wings, it lives mainly in a humid climate. Crickets are often confused with grasshoppers due to the similarity of their "chirrs". However, there are several ways to distinguish them:

  • In size (grasshoppers are larger);
  • By color (grasshoppers are more often green or gray, crickets are light yellow and brown).

Crickets feed on small insects and plants. They often “chirp” in the dark, when, like grasshoppers, in the light. Crickets are divided into two types: field and brownies. They live in meadows, fields, farms and industrial premises, basements, country houses, respectively. The optimum temperature for these insects is 30-35 degrees, and at 20 degrees or less they fall into an apathetic state, stop eating and multiply.

Why get rid of them

The biggest problems are associated with house crickets, as they move to warm rooms in the cold and interfere with their owners with their chirping. Another reason why it is desirable to get rid of the cricket is unsanitary conditions, which immediately appear due to insects in the house. They can also ruin the furniture and wallpaper in the house.

In addition to these reasons, there are certain signs associated with the appearance of these insects in the house. Although they vary, the main "dangers" that "tenants" of crickets may face are:

  • A cricket flies around the house - to a fire;
  • He flew away from home - to grief or illness;
  • Stopped chirping - to poverty or illness;
  • He began to chirp during the day - to a quarrel;
  • To notice a white insect - to death.

All signs agree that a cricket can promise bad luck, but in no case should you kill an insect, you can only catch it and take it out into the street, otherwise you will have to expect bad news.

Methods for getting rid of crickets

Insects are one of those creatures that are quite difficult to get rid of, because they are "tenacious" and never neglect the opportunity to have offspring. All methods of breeding crickets are divided into types depending on the habitat of insects:

  1. in the house;
  2. greenhouse;
  3. apartment;
  4. bath;
  5. car;
  6. garden.

How to get rid of crickets in a private house

There are two ways to fight, in this case: chemicals and traps. Of course, the first can be discarded if the owners are against the use of various harmful substances or there are children and pets in the house, and the second is not suitable for those who want to do everything faster and less troublesome.

Chemical method

The method will not cause much trouble. First you need to choose a poison. In this case, it should be taken into account whether the crickets had time to lay their eggs (there are special sprays that fight them as well).

The most popular substances based on dichlorvos, as it is both safe for humans and effective. You can also buy poisons from insects in general, and not just from crickets. There are specific features of the use of each tool, however, a universal trajectory of actions after the purchase can be distinguished:

  • Close doors and windows.
  • Shake the substance.
  • Spray 30-35 cm from the surface on all places where pests have been seen.
  • Ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

It is mandatory to use protective goggles and a respirator. Animals and children should be kept away from chemicals. Re-treatment should be carried out after one and a half to two months in order to neutralize the crickets that appeared during this time from the eggs laid earlier. When processing, special attention should be paid to skirting boards, spaces between the floor and walls. These places are inaccessible to humans, and often the inhabitants of these zones survive after all efforts.


The method is more troublesome, but safe. All types of traps differ, perhaps, only in the complexity of their manufacture. The following options are effective:

  • Glue strips. Making them is simple: cut paper and cover it with any sticky substance. It is better to place on windows, near walls and doors, as well as in damp and warm places;
  • A bowl of water. In a warm, damp place, you need to put a medium-depth bowl (or similar container) with water and molasses; The latter will lure the crickets, after which they will not drown in the tank. The bait must be periodically changed and the bowl cleaned;
  • Trapping hole. In a glass, mix milk, sugar, corn flakes and alcohol. The pleasant smell of food will lure insects, and the evaporation of alcohol will complete the job;
  • Animals. Pets eat not only special food, but also small insects. Therefore, a cat or bird can become reliable helpers in the fight against crickets😉;
  • Sealing wax (dyed fusible mixture). It is enough just to light it, and the crickets themselves will leave the house, because they cannot stand this smoke;
  • If there are few crickets in the house, you can simply catch them in a jar and take them away from home.

How to get rid of cricket in the apartment

Most often, crickets appear on the first and second floors of high-rise buildings, forcing residents to frantically recognize , how to get rid of cricket in the house forever. It's not difficult - you can use both methods for a private house, as well as several others:

  • Create uncomfortable conditions. Crickets prefer a warm and humid environment, but if you turn it into a dry and cold one, they will leave the apartment themselves or die;
  • If insects enter the room from the basement, all cracks must be eliminated. This also applies to windows and doors;
  • The easiest method is to invite exterminators.

How to get rid of cricket in a greenhouse, garden or plot

To the question "how to get rid of crickets in the garden or in the greenhouse?" the answer is unequivocal: not by chemical means, as they will harm the crop. It is better to use traps or folk methods:

  • Pollinate plants with a mixture of red pepper and tobacco dust;
  • Pour sugar syrup into the teapot on the bottom and leave in the greenhouse;
  • Bury a bottle of draft beer in a greenhouse or garden. The neck should peek out a little from the ground. Crickets will run into the bottle, after which they are easy to take out;
  • Make a strong decoction of wormwood, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and pour over the ground. After two days, loosen the soil and water again;
  • Spread the wormwood between the beds.

How to get rid of crickets in the bath

Cricket in the bath - a situation similar to the options already considered, when a house cricket settled in a house or apartment. How to get rid of it is a simple question: you can apply all of the above methods without exception.

How to get rid of crickets in a car

Crickets in a car are rare, and most often there are one or two insects in a car. The easiest way is to catch them one by one or just open the windows and doors so that they fly away on their own. In this regard, the topic - how to get rid of crickets in the car - is quite simple. The only possible problem is that the living creatures have laid eggs, which in itself is unlikely. But still: in this case, it is best to use chemicals, since driving with eggs is unpleasant, and cleaning absolutely everything is a difficult task.

Most often they start up in shades - where it's warm, here's a video on the topic

How to get rid of cricket eggs

There are three methods:

  1. Exterminate the eggs along with the crickets with chemicals;
  2. Do not destroy the eggs first, but re-treat after a new "batch" of insects appears;
  3. Vacuum the apartment thoroughly, especially in hard-to-reach places, after installing a nozzle with a high throughput.


If insects have appeared in the house, you need to exterminate them immediately, since every day it will be more and more difficult to do this. When choosing a method of struggle, you need to consider exactly where the crickets appeared. After the initial cleansing of the space, it is necessary to make sure that there are no eggs, otherwise they must also be immediately exterminated.

The appearance of crickets in the house is hard to miss: regular "concerts" at night unbalance even the most calm people. Small insects make characteristic sounds; when several individuals live in a dwelling, you can forget about sleep.

It is difficult to catch a cricket, you have to use chemicals, traps and folk methods. Competent actions will save the owners from unpleasant "neighbors". How to get crickets out of the house? Let's figure it out.

General information about the insect

In temperate latitudes, several species of crickets are represented. The main habitat is green spaces, the basement of the house, but often insects "give concerts" in the corner or on the wall of the room.

Two types of crickets climb into a person’s dwelling more often than others: field and brownie. The second variety is always located next to private houses and high-rise buildings, the first type sometimes settles in an apartment. Not all people know what crickets look like: during the day it is difficult to meet them in prominent places of the dwelling.

Features of appearance and life:

  • An insect from the order Orthoptera lives in warm, humid places. Basements are the main place where house crickets meet. Body color - grayish-yellow, body length - from 15 to 25 mm. Field cricket black. Both species have long whiskers, like those of cockroaches;
  • the body is squat, but shorter than that of cockroaches or grasshoppers;
  • the hind limbs are longer than the forelimbs, adapted for jumping. Insects move shorter distances (grasshopper jumps farther);
  • crickets look for leftover food in a human dwelling, eat small insects, such as moths. In the absence of food, they attack smaller individuals of their kind;
  • during the day, mustachioed “singers” hide in crevices, baseboards, climb into dried-up window frames, go hunting at night, make characteristic sounds.

How to get rid: methods of struggle

The first thing that comes to mind is to catch a cricket. Despite the apparent simplicity of the method (you can clearly hear where the sound comes from), it is difficult to implement the idea. Insects feel air vibrations well, hearing is sensitive, it is difficult to get closer than three or four steps to the “singer”. Owners have to use other, more efficient methods.

Crickets destroy small pests, for example, but the constant nightly "concerts", insomnia among residents neutralize the benefits of living next to a person.

sticky traps

To catch a cricket, a device with a sticky surface will help. Hang adhesive tape in areas where night "singers" have been seen. For greater efficiency, it is advisable to buy several products for catching annoying insects. Adhesive tape is inexpensive, gives a noticeable result.

Important! When breeding "singing" insects, traps alone are not enough: toxic aerosols and mechanical removal of ovipositions will be needed.

Folk remedies and recipes

To scare away annoying "singers", formulations based on medicinal plants are suitable:

  • decoction of wormwood. For a liter of water you need 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves and stems. Boil the composition for 5 minutes, close the lid, remove from heat, let it brew for two hours. Pour the strained product into a spray bottle, spray baseboards, floors, walls, window sills, window frames;
  • pyrethrum powder. The herbal remedy does not harm people and pets. Owners often use a special kind of chamomile to repel harmful insects. Crickets also do not tolerate the characteristic smell of the plant. Sprinkle pyrethrum powder over areas where annoying "troublemakers" have been seen.


Toxic drugs will be needed if the insects have had time to lay eggs. Compositions based on Dichlorvos are suitable for the destruction of crickets - varieties of Super, Neo, Varan. A universal remedy with and without a smell has a detrimental effect on adult insects. To destroy individuals hatched from eggs, re-treatment of the premises helps.

Disinsection rules:

  • put on a protective suit, plastic transparent glasses, a respirator, protect your hands with gloves;
  • a can of Dichlorvos is ready for use;
  • close all doors, windows, take household members out of the apartment. Pets and an aquarium with fish are also not needed at the time of processing;
  • shake the can several times, start disinfestation;
  • treatment is carried out in areas where crickets have been observed. Be sure to spray the composition on doors, window sills, corners, window frames;
  • the optimal distance to the surface is 25–30 cm. Carefully go through all zones, spray the composition into the cracks, behind the baseboards, if they lag behind the walls;
  • Keep a container with a toxic composition at arm's length so that the vapors do not get on your face;
  • leave the premises after disinfection;
  • return after 6 hours, open windows, pick up dead insects;
  • obligatory stage - airing for half an hour;
  • it remains to collect with a vacuum cleaner with a disposable filter the eggs at the baseboards and in the corners, do a wet cleaning;
  • re-treatment of the apartment is carried out after 40-70 days. During this period, adult insects appear from eggs that have gone unnoticed;
  • after the destruction of crickets, the owners should think about how to prevent the reappearance of annoying "singers" in an apartment or house. The "Prevention Measures" section describes the available ways to protect your home from insects.

How to deal with? See an overview of effective chemicals and recipes for folk remedies.

Crickets in the house: a sign

It is said that the "concerts" given by the little musician testify to the good news for the hosts. Cricket in the house - to joy and goodness: that's what it says folk omen.

But often the owners dream of getting rid of such “happiness” that interferes with sleep. If two or three individuals settled at home, oviposition appeared, crickets bred, then signs fade into the background.

Prevention measures

Compliance with simple rules will save the owners from the appearance of annoying "singers" in the house:

  • install mosquito nets on windows;
  • cover all cracks in doors, window frames, floors;
  • tightly close the bin, remove crumbs, food debris from the table;
  • prevent dampness in the premises;
  • warn sanitary services and employees of the management company about the accumulation of water in the basement;
  • double vigilance when living on the lower floors: basement dwellers (crickets,) often climb into a dwelling if there are holes, cracks near sewer pipes, in the floor, baseboards;
  • illuminate the yard with medium power lamps, the best option is yellow light;
  • close the ventilation grilles with a mesh with small cells;
  • compost heaps, a scattering of sawdust should be located at a distance from a private house, in the far corner of the site;
  • cut greens near the house, avoid planting close to the structure of climbing plants;
  • close the blinds in the evening, draw the curtains: bright light attracts insects.

Subject to preventive measures, night "singers" from the Orthoptera order will not disturb sleep. If a cricket has climbed into the house, it is important to get rid of the insect until several individuals have settled in the dwelling. With the active reproduction of annoying "neighbors" that disturb the peace of the household, you will have to carry out self-treatment with insecticides or call sanitation workers for pest control.

Cricket in the house: well-being or sleepless nights? Helpful information in the next video:

It is very difficult to get rid of crickets, since there are practically no specialized means to combat these insects, while cricketing with compounds designed to combat domestic insects, such as ants and, for example, is almost impossible. The fight against these insects can be made effective, there are several ways to get rid of them.

1. Catch a cricket

As you know, crickets cause the most anxiety to the residents of the apartment precisely with the sounds that they make at night. However, crickets not only sing, but also actively move. If one cricket lives in the house, the easiest way to get rid of it is to do it at night.

2. Create conditions that are far from natural

Crickets live in conditions of high humidity, which is why they most often settle in bathrooms in an apartment, since it is here that the conditions are as close as possible to the natural environment for crickets. If the conditions change in the bathroom, or in any other room in which the cricket has settled, it becomes very dry, the insect will have to find a new habitat, or it will simply die due to lack of moisture. Fighting a cricket with dryness is quite simple, in addition, this method allows you to get rid of an insect quickly enough without the risk of harming the health of a person or animals living in this apartment.

3. Chemical attack

Some insect control chemicals are known to be very effective and can be the best help in controlling crickets. However, this method should be used only if a family of crickets has settled in the house and it is simply impossible to get rid of them by other methods. However, when using poisonous products, for example, such as Dichlorvos, it is worth remembering that they are dangerous for people and pets, and also very toxic. That is why, when using this method, you should take care not to stay in the treated apartment for at least a day, and then ensure that the housing is thoroughly ventilated.

It is difficult to get rid of crickets, in many respects precisely because even specialized pest control services do not clean houses from these insects. However, it is always worth remembering that the methods of dealing with crickets described above are very effective, although extremely simple, with their help you can even clean the house of crickets in a short time, as well as prevent their further appearance in the home.