Rear up the value. Get on your hind legs

SIP wire

Get on your hind legs ROOSE. STAND UP. Razg. Express. To protest sharply against someone, to show disagreement with someone. [ Women] demanded to take them home, but Golub reared up. “Don’t let anyone out of the hall, put sentries,” he ordered.(N. Ostrovsky. How steel was tempered).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Pull up" is in other dictionaries:

    rear up- rear up, rebel, express one's disagreement, express disagreement, speak out, protest, rock the boat, resist, object, take up arms, protest Dictionary of Russian Synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Get on your hind legs- in front of whom. Bryan. To curry favor with someone, to flatter someone. SBG 5, 59 ...

    RACKS- Stand up. Perm. Stay straight, stretch out. Sl. Akchim. 1, 265. Walk on hind legs. Perm. Be provocative. Sl. Akchim. 1, 265. Rearing. Psk., Sib. About a state of extreme irritation. SRNG 8, 290; SPS, 35; FSS, 67. Rear up. Gorky… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Become gopki- Volg., Don. 1. Rear up. 2. Sharply show disagreement, obstinacy. Podyukov 1988, 154; SDG 1, 107 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    rearing up- RACKS To stand up (to rise, etc.). 1. Get on your hind legs. The horses reared up. The bear stood up. 2. Stand upright, stand up. The impact caused the truck to rear up. 3. Sharply show disagreement, protest, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    rearing up- ◊ rear up ((or rise, etc.)) 1) stand on your hind legs. Frightened horses snored, reared up and did not give a bridle. Kuprin, Moloch. [Bear] reared up, raising his front paws. Garshin, Bears; 2)… … Small Academic Dictionary

    become- [get up] vb., nsv., use. very often Morphology: St. become 1. If someone becomes, then this means that someone takes a vertical position, rises to his feet from a lying or sitting position. Get on your hind legs. | St. Become… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

ROOSE. STAND UP. Razg. Express. To protest sharply against someone, to show disagreement with someone. [ Women] demanded to take them home, but Golub reared up. “Don’t let anyone out of the hall, put sentries,” he ordered.(N. Ostrovsky. How steel was tempered).

  • - Get up. In response to our suggestions, he...
  • - on the...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - /, adv. Rise...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ́ 1) standing on the hind legs. Rear up; 2) translation, about opposition, disagreement, stubbornness ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - . Only in expression: on the hind legs - 1) on the hind legs. The horse reared up. Rear up. 2) trans., about someone expressing extreme disagreement, stubbornness, opposition ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - adv. quality.-circumstances. 1. Standing up, rising on your hind legs. 2. transfer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - rear "s: on rear" ...
  • - on the rack "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Who. Prost. Express...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Psk., Sib. About a state of extreme irritation. SRNG 8, 290; SPS, 35; FSS, 67...
  • - Gorky. Resent, object to someone. BalSok, 44...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Stand up. Perm. Stay straight, stretch out. Sl. Akchim. 1, 265. Walk on hind legs. Perm. Be provocative. Sl. Akchim. 1, 265. Rearing. Psk., Sib. About a state of extreme irritation. SRNG 8, 290; SPS, 35; FSS, 67...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - in front of whom. Bryan. to curry favor with smb., to flatter smb. SBG 5, 59...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 4 high-steppers lifting candle stilts...

    Synonym dictionary

"Pull up" in books

It's hard to become an inspirational seeker

From the book Inspirational Seekers author Popovsky Alexander Danilovich

The teacher becomes a musician

From the book Anton Bruckner 1824 - 1896 Brief essay on life and work [Popular monograph] author Beletsky Igor Valentinovich

A Teacher Becomes a Musician In the monastic school, Bruckner's position as a musician differed little from what it had been before. In addition to teaching school subjects, he taught three chorus boys how to sing and play the violin. His salary rose to 36 guilders a year.

2.6. Periodically become a contemporary of the gods

From the book Sacred and mundane by Eliade Mircea

2.6. Periodically become a contemporary of the gods Analyzing in the previous chapter the cosmological symbolism of cities, churches, houses, we showed that it is connected with the idea of ​​a certain “Center of the Universe”. The religious experience contained in the symbolism of the Center, apparently, comes down to

"Russia reared up"

From the book For the Good of the Horses. Ippian essays author Urnov Dmitry Mikhailovich

“I reared Russia” “I ride ...” Pushkin in a letter to his brother From the stable of the First Stud Farm to Zakharov, or Zakharyin, where Pushkin grew up, it was an hour’s walk on a good horse, and I kept looking for ways to “ride on horseback” to Pushkin. But there was no living link as a stimulus. In Moscow

People need to become investors

From the book CASHFLOW Quadrant author Kiyosaki Robert Toru

People Need to Become Investors As we move from defined benefit plans (which I call industrial age pension plans) to defined contribution plans (or informational pension plans).

When it makes no sense to become an entrepreneur

From the book Small Car Service: A Practical Guide author Volgin Vladislav Vasilievich

When it makes no sense to become an entrepreneur It is not worth becoming an entrepreneur - it will not work: - if you do not have a penchant for self-education, a desire to learn a lot of new knowledge; - if you have an innate dislike for work and a desire to avoid it, if

Why You Shouldn't Become an Entrepreneur

From the book Small Business from Scratch. Stop dreaming, it's time to act! author Shesterenkin Egor

Why you don't need to become an entrepreneur 1. There is a good phrase: “It was in those days when the word “business” was not yet associated with the word “work”. I will say right away: those times have irretrievably sunk into oblivion. Any small business requires a lot of time

Desire to become an adult

From the book How to Raise a Healthy and Smart Child. Your baby from A to Z author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

The Desire to Become an Adult Children have a dual desire: on the one hand, they enjoy being children, and on the other hand, they yearn to become adults. Sometimes they want one and the other at the same time. A three-year-old kid runs to his mother, scratching his knee in the nursery


From the book Russian torture. Political investigation in Russia of the 18th century author Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

“And he said from the rack…” Usually, the search began with “interrogation at the torture chamber (at the rack)”, that is, interrogation in the torture chamber, but so far without the use of torture. Another name for interrogation in a torture chamber is “interrogation with prejudice.” They interrogated “at the torture chamber” as follows. The man was taken to

Fear that it's too late to become a writer

From the book School of Literary Excellence. From concept to publication: short stories, novels, articles, non-fiction, screenplays, new media by Wolf Jurgen

Fear that it's too late to become a writer Nowadays, many works of young and talented writers are published. And if you are no longer very young, it can be frightening and suggest that you will not be able to find your place in the modern literary world.

37 Should I become a vegetarian?

From the book The Easy Way to Lose Weight by Carr Allen

37 Should I become a vegetarian? I am often asked, “Will I eventually become a vegetarian? I have nothing against animals, but at the thought that I will be forbidden to eat meat, I feel deprived. Why is not clear, because one of the advantages of the program is the ability to



WHAT IT MEANS TO "BECOMING A PERSON" This chapter was first presented as a summary of a talk at a meeting at Oberlin College in 1954. I tried to combine in a more complete and clear form some of the concepts of psychotherapy that were maturing in me. Later the material was


Don't try to be a hero

Don't try to be a hero

From the book "Kremlin Empire". Fortress or fortress system? author Belkovsky Stanislav Alexandrovich

Do not try to become a hero There is such an old short anecdote. Rabinovich is dying (clarification: our, Russian, Orthodox Rabinovich). Appears before the face of the apostle. Chaotically reports for his life. Gets, oddly enough, the direction to heaven. And for joy

"You put Russia on its hind legs"

From the book Children (May 2007) author Russian life magazine

"You put Russia on its hind legs" He has the eye of a supply manager. He sees where the overexpenditure of paper clips is, where is the extra hole punch that was not supposed to be according to the estimate. But the same caretaker calmly walks past leaking pipes, cold radiators and dilapidated roofs - being sure that building anew is cheaper than patching up,

  1. DB

    Twin engine bomber

  2. dB

    Unit of measurement; Wireless
    A unit of measure that defines a power ratio and is applied to boost or attenuate a signal.

  3. DB AD

    Long-Range Bomber Aviation Division

    Abbreviations used in the USSR
  4. DB AP

    Long-Range Bomber Aviation Regiment

    Abbreviations used in the USSR

    DECIBEL - a tenth of a bel, denoted dB.


    DECIBELS (symbol dB), logarithmic unit, one tenth of a bela, used to compare
    air 2310-5 pascal), conditionally taken equal to 0 dB. The threshold beyond which the sound becomes
    painful for a person, is 120 dB. The volume of a normal conversation is usually around 50-60 dB.

    Scientific and technical dictionary
  7. Savran

    right tributary of the Southern Bug (Mashtakov, DB 36). Dark title.


    signals is on average 140 dB in relation to pressure 2 10-5 Pa (see THRESHOLD OF AUDIBILITY), and for noise
    continuous spectrum - 120 dB. In the absence of P.'s training. O. in both cases by about 10 dB


    dB, dB), fractional units. from white - unit. logarithm. relates. quantities; 1 dB\u003d 0.1 B. In acoustics - units
    sound level. pressure; 1 dB- sound level. pressure p, for which the relation 201g(p/p0)=1

    Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary
  10. Replay gain

    This technology allows you to transfer sound information with a volume identical to the original, and a barrier value of 89 dB.

    Glossary of computer terms
  11. Yagorlyk

    left tributary of the Dniester, on the territory of Moldova (Mashtakov, DB 28). Etymologically identical to the name Egorlyk, see above.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  12. wedding

    General Slav. Suf. derivative of swat; db < тьб в результате озвончения т перед б после падения

    Etymological Dictionary of Shansky
  13. Tikich

    Gorsky T., Rotten T. - the names of two tributaries of the Sinyukha, the Yu. Bug basin (see Mashtakov, DB 37). Dont clear.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  14. BOLHOVITINOV Viktor Fyodorovich

    Heavy bomber designer DB-A, a fighter with coaxial propellers, etc.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  15. Threshold of pain

    b. O. for sinusoidal signals is on average 140 db in relation to pressure 2․10-5 N/m2
    or 2․10-4 dynes/cm2 (see Threshold of hearing), and for noise with a continuous spectrum - 120 db. With absence
    P.'s trainings. O. in both cases by about 10 db below. Acoustic injury may occur when exposed to strong sounds.

  16. NOISE

    acoustic pollution. Noise is usually measured in decibels: a normal conversation takes place at 60 dB, and pain sensations begin at 120 dB.

    Scientific and technical dictionary
  17. Bolkhovitinov, Viktor Fyodorovich

    engineer, professor, doctor of technical sciences Creator of BB bombers and DB-A, the first Soviet rocket fighter
    Aircraft designer, creator of the heavy bomber DB-A, a fighter with coaxial propellers, etc. Since 1943, Major General-Engineer.

  18. Sound pressure

    sound is 5 dB, and the level of the pain threshold (when sound can lead to rupture of the tympanic
    membranes) - 120–125 dB.
    In acoustics, the maximum sound pressure contains the value at which

    Glossary of computer terms
  19. Sullivan exponent

    indicator of the mobility of the base of the stirrup, which is the sum of the differences (in db

    Medical Encyclopedia
  20. Audiogram

    Audio + Greek gramma notation)
    curve showing deviations of hearing thresholds from normal (in db

    Medical Encyclopedia
  21. ACR

    The ratio of the per unit attenuation and crosstalk attenuation at the near end of the line, expressed in dB.

    Glossary of computer terms
  22. Peyser test

    to noise exposure, based on the determination of changes in auditory perception after exposure to sound intensity of 100 db within 3 min.

    Medical Encyclopedia
  23. Kuyalnik

    Mashtakov, DB 31). The etymology from Turkic is doubtful. Kügeldi "grass river" (Rashonyi, AESO 1, 225).

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  24. Balashov, Vladimir Mikhailovich

    Balashov, Vladimir Mikhailovich
    (? - 06/26/1941) - crew navigator DB-3F Captain A.S. Maslov, Hero

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  25. Bolkhovitinov, Viktor Fyodorovich

    heavy bomber DB-A, the first domestic fighter with a rocket engine (BI), etc.

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  26. Reutov, Grigory Vasilievich

    Reutov, Grigory Vasilievich
    (? - 06/26/1941) - gunner-radio operator of the crew DB-3F Captain A.S. Maslov

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  27. Macaya, Damian

    1942 his DB-3F was shot down near Koenigsberg. The crew was taken prisoner. Macaya was extradited to the Francoists and shot in a Barcelona prison.

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  28. Beiksbaev, Bakhturas

    Beiksbaev, Bakhturas
    (? - 06/26/1941) - crew gunner DB-3F Captain A.S. Maslov, Hero of Russia

    Big biographical encyclopedia

    the magnitude of the signal at the output of the amplifier of electrical oscillations with changes (up to 80 dB) values

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  30. Tato - Lombara sample

    in level registration (in db) of gradually increasing noise, at which this phenomenon is detected.

    Medical Encyclopedia
  31. Decibel

    pressure, etc.); equal to 0.1 bel. Designations: Russian db, international dB. D. is more often used in practice than the main unit - white.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    ripple within the passband - in relative units, usually in dB.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  33. Attenuator

    reaches 120 db(106 times). At frequencies above 200 MHz (up to 80 GHz),
    radio waveguide. Absorbing A. decoupling type weakens the power from stakes db up to 40 db(104 times
    reporting type - up to 100 db(1010 times), and the limit A. - from 10 to 120 db(10-1012 times). A. apply

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  34. sound level meter

    the loudness of the sound expressed in decibels marked A, i.e. dB(A), at any volume. Value
    sound volume level in dB(A) used in noise volume regulation in industry, residential
    houses and transport. The scale of the output device is graduated in dB relative to the standard sound. pressure 2 10-5 Pa on one of three scales: A, B or C.

    Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    stimuli (e.g. both sound intensity and light intensity equal to 130-140 dB are beyond
    and physically dangerous to the senses, while 60-70 dB is the level of stimuli that are average in loudness and brightness). Wed Rumor, Fon. (B. M.)


    sound. pressure (in dB
    (rice.). With the same sound
    with a pure tone volume of 1000 Hz. sound level. pressure (in dB) pure tone with frequency

    Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary
  37. VOLUME

    tone 1000 Hz intensity 60 dB above the threshold of hearing. G.'s sensation of sounds depends
    not only on their intensity, but also on their frequency. (See DB.)
    With an increase in tone intensity of 100 Hz by 50 dB G

    Big psychological dictionary
  38. Novikov, Vasily Loginovich

    crew DB-3F junior lieutenant P. V. Igashov rammed Me-109, after which he sent the plane to the crossing

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  39. Carhart trial

    at 10-20 db, and in case of damage to the auditory nerve or the central part of the analyzer - by a large amount and repeatedly.

    Medical Encyclopedia
  40. Sukhozgar

    other rivers in the basin of the Dnieper and Yu. Bug (Mashtakov, Dnepr 57, 167; DB 34), originally. - "drying river"

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  41. Khokhlachev, Alexander Mitrofanovich

    Daugavpils as part of the crew DB-3T junior lieutenant P. V. Igashov rammed Me-109, after which he sent

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  42. Tiligul

    Mashtakov, DB 32). From Kypch., Karaim. täli "stupid, insane", Tur., Chagat. däli - the same + göl "lake" (see

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  43. Bryandinsky, Alexander Matveevich

    bombers TB-3, Pe-8, DB-3. Participated in a number of record flights, including June 28, 1938

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  44. Vasilchenko, Alexander Grigorievich

    wars. Since 1943, at test work at plant No. 22. Tested Pe-2A, Pe-2I, Pe-2M, DB-108

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  45. Gorbunov, Vladimir Petrovich

    developed the heavy bomber DB-A. Then he was the head of the scientific department of the NKAP. Together

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  46. Nyukhtikov, Mikhail Alexandrovich

    aircraft type and 15 gliders. experienced DB-A, Tu-95. Built 3 gliders of his own design.

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  47. Frequency response

    graphics: amplitudes are plotted along the y-axis (often in db) or relative amplitudes, and along the axis

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  48. Parfenov, Dmitry Grigorievich

    crew DB-3T junior lieutenant P. V. Igashov rammed Me-109, after which he sent the plane to the crossing

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  49. Kulishenko, G. A.

    trials DB-3. In 1939 he fought in China, commanded an air group. Led a famous raid on the airfield

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  50. NEPER

    8,68 dB.
    NEPER (Napier) (Napier) John (1550-1617) - Scottish mathematician, inventor of logarithms.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  51. Noise effects

    Noise (Sh) is defined as an unwanted sound. Its intensity is measured in decibels ( dB). Zero dB
    55 dB are equivalent to sounds produced by light vehicle traffic, and 120 dB- W
    aircraft. In most behavioral studies modified dB a scale called dBA
    or unusual sh. are more disturbing than familiar sounds. However, Sh.'s acquaintances with a volume of more than 95 dB- especially

    Psychological Encyclopedia
  52. Hydro-dust explosion protection

    water or special solution. wetting agent (type DB). In the areas of ventilation drifts adjacent to lavas
    an aqueous solution of calcium chloride (20-25%) and a wetting agent such as DB (1-2
    per day irrigated with a 0.1% solution of a wetting agent of the type DB. G. from friction sparks during the work of excavation

    Mountain Encyclopedia
  53. Sound level meter

    filters, a detector and a pointer indicator, which shows the noise level in decibels ( dB). Scheme W
    safe for health) values. Permissible noise limit - 110 dB.
    Literature: Beranek L

    Mountain Encyclopedia
  54. Sound volume

    a simple tone with a frequency of 1000 Hz. Sound pressure level (in db) pure tone with a frequency of 1000 Hz, so
    equal loudness - the dependence of the sound pressure level (in db) on the frequency at a given loudness (in phons).

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  55. Dry, Pavel Osipovich

    ANT-29), RD (ANT-25), DB-1, DB-2. In 1940-1949. chief designer of his own design bureau. Designed by: BB

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  56. NOISE

    and school performance of children. Sh. with level 75 dB leads to a decrease in auditory sensitivity, an increase in
    blood pressure; high-frequency sh. with level 80 dB- to a significant change in arterial

    Big psychological dictionary
  57. Bel

    current, pressure, field strength, etc.) N = 2lg (F1/F2). Usually, 0.1 fraction of B. is used, called the decibel ( db, dB).

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  58. headset

    usually used at noise levels above 120 db) is fixed on the neck at the larynx. Headset Sh. is connected to internal and/or external communication devices.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  59. unfavorable conditions for designing balconies, loggias and terraces

    °С and wind speeds over 5 m/s; noise from highways or industrial areas 75 dB

    Construction terminology
  60. Ingul

    left tributary of the South. Buga (on maps it can also be found as Angul; see Mashtakov, DB 42

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  61. Maslov, Alexander Spiridonovich

    along the enemy column on the Molodechno-Rodoshkovichi highway DB-3F was hit. Tried to guide a burning plane

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  62. Zbruch

    Dnepr 100, DB 23) and bruya "flow", bruit "flow, stream". Next, cf. lit. briautis, briaujuos

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  63. Vdovenko, Ivan Timofeevich

    consisting of 81 dbap. August 28, 1941 sent a burning bomber DB-3 for enemy crossing

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  64. Igashov, Petr Vasilievich

    Igashov, Petr Vasilievich
    (1915 - 06/30/1941) - torpedo bomber crew commander DB-3F 1 AE 1 mtap Air Force

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  65. Kodyma

    right tributary of the South. Buga, also Kodym (Mashtakov, DB 37). Possibly, from Turkic; cf. alt., tel.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  66. Hearing

    50 dB) - the child clearly perceives speech at a conversational volume at a distance of more than 1 m and hears
    whisper at the ear; at the 2nd degree (from 50 to 70 dB) the child perceives speech at a distance of 0.5
    1 m, does not hear a whisper; at the 3rd degree (St. 70 dB) - hears the voice of conversational volume
    at a distance of no more than 0.5 m. In Russia, the conditional boundary between hearing loss and deafness is considered to be 85 dB
    frequencies (500, 1000 and 2000 Hz): 1st - 26-40 dB, 2nd - 41-55 dB, 3rd - 56-70 dB, 4th - 71-90 dB, deafness

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  67. dB.
    The higher the frequency response

    Glossary of computer terms
  68. Audiometry

    audiometers. When changing on the audiometer height (from 100 to 8000 Hz) and sound intensity (from 0 to 125 db

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  69. Noise suppressors

    slag, etc.). The use of P. reduces the level of noise acting on a person by 20-30 db

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    octaves), relatively low noise and large coeff. amplification (up to several tens dB).

    Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary
  71. Grechishkin, Vasily Nikolaevich

    after a forced landing DB-3F. Made 152 sorties. September 30, 1943 in the Gatchina region

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  72. sagaydak

    DB 42). Loans. from Turkic, cf. tat., chagat. saɣdak "quiver", Tar. sāɣidak – the same, Mong. sagadag

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  73. Gastello, Nikolai Frantsevich

    In an air battle in the Radoshkovichi region (Belarus), he was shot down. Tried to channel the burning DB-3F

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  74. frequency response

    where the frequency is 1000 Hz, it is customary to plot the level 0 on the vertical axis dB.
    The higher the frequency response

    Glossary of computer terms
  75. dB
    - Cochlear form (involvement in the process of the bone labyrinth
    - Mixed form - bone conduction thresholds
    are within 21-30 dB. Pathomorphology
    - Macroscopic picture: proliferation of oto-sclerotic
    conductivity is 20 dB and more)
    - Bilateral defeat. Operation complications
    - Damage
    dB in 90% of cases. Associated pathology. Van der Hoeve syndrome (a rare triad representing medical dictionary
  76. Speech sounds

    normal speech level does not exceed 80-90 db, while the pain level of the sound is 120
    130 db.
    In modern phonetics (phonology (See Phonology)) the leading role is generally recognized

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  77. Application. The most important units of acoustic values ​​DB -60; to warn Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary
  78. Vibroacoustic safety

    workings of acoustically hard reflective surfaces, leading to a mean. (until 6 dB) increase in noise level
    noise intensity by 10-15 dB. Increased noise levels are also generated by drilling rigs, pumps
    frequencies 2000-6000 Hz; they have a damping capacity of up to 40 dB. The choice of these means depends on the level
    levels ( dB) in octave bands from 1 to 63 Hz (for general vibration) and from 8 to 1000 Hz (for local
    amounts to cp. 25 dB).
    Literature: Noise control, ed. E. Ya. Yudina, M., 1964; Directory

    Mountain Encyclopedia
  79. telephone

    sensitivity characteristic within 300-3400 (maximum 5000) Hz with unevenness 10–14 dB
    the sensitivity characteristic should be within 20–20,000 Hz, its unevenness should be less than 2–3 dB

    Technique. Modern Encyclopedia

    bone conduction do not exceed 20 dB
    ● Cochlear form (involvement in the process of the bone labyrinth
    bone conduction thresholds exceed 31 dB
    ● Mixed form - bone conduction thresholds
    are within 21-30 dB. Pathomorphology
    ● Macroscopic picture: outgrowth
    the difference between air and bone conduction is 20 dB and more)
    ● Bilateral defeat.
    ✎ Complications
    improves hearing by at least 15 dB in 90% of cases.
    ✎ Concomitant pathology. van der Hoe syndrome

    Disease Handbook
  81. hearing

    the threshold to-rogo lies apprx. 140 dB, and sound at 150 dB

    /m2). Sometimes sound pressure level is used to characterize sound - expressed in db

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  82. Myasishchev Vladimir Mikhailovich

    Under the leadership of Myasishchev, various types of combat aircraft were created (Pe-2B, Pe-2I, Pe-2M, DIS, DB-108, M-4

    Moscow. Encyclopedic reference
  83. Bel

    loudness instead of bela, its tenth part, decibel, is used; designation decibel: dB(international dB

    The fate of eponyms. Dictionary-reference

In life there are people who show a sharp protest against something with their behavior. Such disagreement, expressed by its whole appearance, is often found in animals, especially in horses. They stand on their hind legs and assume a vertical position, thus demonstrating protest. In such cases, they say: "Rises on its hind legs!". Where did such an expression come from, and how to deal with such a rebel?


Usually the behavior that expresses resistance is somehow related to self-defense. The phrase is often correlated with it: “Rises on its hind legs!”.

However, the very word "rack" is a term that denoted an instrument of punishment and torture. It was used in Rus' and Europe from the 14th to the 18th century. This is a terrible weapon. It was intended to stretch the body of the punished person. In this case, as a rule, his ligaments were torn. In Europe, it happened that the rack was equipped with additional spikes. In Rus', the word meant a deck. They said this: "Put the accused on the rack."

In our time, they use the expression "to stand on their hind legs." This means - sharply resist, protest, rock the boat, disagree. To rear up means to object, to oppose, to take up arms, to express sharp irritation, to behave defiantly, while straightening up, standing on one's feet. And then, when in the XIV-XVIII centuries they said "put on the rack", which means - to punish with the help of an appropriate instrument of torture.


There was another type of punishment - on a pillar. The accused was hung on a pole with his arms twisted behind his back, and a weight was tied to his legs. With this method of punishment, the unfortunate hand came out of the joints. A suspended man was beaten with a whip, they could set it on fire, break his ribs. There was no difference between male and female, except for the ribs. Their women were not broken. Basically, in the Russian Empire, the rack is a tool for punishing thieves.

But this type of punishment was applied not always and not everywhere. For example, in an agreement between Riga and Smolensk, dating back to the 13th century, it was said that the Rusyns should be bailed or put in iron, and not on the rack. But the Pskov judicial charter said that the rack is a punishment for those who fit into the court or hit the doorkeeper.

Horse protest

Among people involved in horse breeding, dressage, equestrian sports, one can often find the expression "the horse stood on the oak." This is the same as on the hind legs or on a candle. The reasons for this behavior of the horse can be different circumstances. If the horse rears up, and the rider sits on it, then most likely this is a response to rough treatment. Perhaps the rider is inexperienced and inept with the reins. Then the horse, wanting to get rid of the sensations of pain, does not obey and refuses to move forward. At the same time, she abruptly stands on her hind legs and turns in a direction convenient for her.

It happens that the horse just plays from an excess of energy. This behavior is typical of young unbroken individuals. The behavior of a horse standing on a candle shows a discrepancy between the strong excitation of the horse's nervous system and the rider's restraining actions.

It happens that the horse rears up, staying in the pasture, in the levada, on the lunge. Then it speaks of aggression, the desire to attack, to strike with a hoof. But not only. Often horses play like this, express a good mood, pour out an excess of energy. To distinguish between these conditions, look at the legs and hooves. If the legs are straightened, and the hooves are open and point forward with the edge, this is the readiness to strike. If the hooves point inward and the legs are bent, it's a game. But even at such a moment, it is not worth approaching the horse. Almost everyone knows what a horse looks like on its hind legs (the photo can be seen just below).

How to deal with a horse that has stood on a candle?

If the rider is on a horse, and she rears up, then she must be forced to lower herself on all legs. And it doesn't matter why it happened. If the horse under you has already reared up, you need to do the following:

  • To do this, loosen the reins to sag, but in no case give up!
  • The weight of your body must be transferred forward, so the horse will be forced to lower. Under no circumstances should you lean back! So you can throw the horse on its back, and fall yourself, injuring your spine. If a fall cannot be avoided, you should try to push off from the horse so as to fall away from it. Otherwise, it may injure the rider when falling.
  • Perhaps there are sharp irritants nearby, then you need to immediately move aside.
  • When on all legs, it must be energetically sent forward. Rein work should be relaxed.

If there is a disobedience of the horse, and he wants to turn in another direction, then it is necessary to practically lie down on his neck and not let him turn his head. To do this, you need to pick up the outside rein a little, just enough to prevent her from turning her head. You have to be careful not to overtighten the reins. It is important to know that if she turns around, she can gallop sharply.