The foal grew up every day and became. Sound culture of speech

Electrical measuring instruments

>> Literature Grade 2 >> Literature: A. Shibaev. "Who becomes who?" , N. Sladkova "They and we"

Lesson 25



Goals: instill in students a caring attitude towards “our smaller brothers”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message topics, goals.

- We are starting to study a new topic, it is called "About our smaller brothers."
- Who do you think this topic is dedicated to?

2. Work on the story.
If you want to find instructive, kind stories about nature, stories about animals, then the work of Nikolai Ivanovich will suit you best.

The easy, accessible language of stories about nature in a simple form conveys to children the mystery and diversity of the world around them.

Reading stories about Sladkov's animals brings up love and responsibility in a child.

This wealth, which Nikolai Sladkov left us, is priceless.

1) Children reading N. Sladkov's story "They and Us."

Listen to the story and try to guess which animal the author is talking about.

Guess the riddle:

What kind of forest animal
Has become, like a column, under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head. (Hare.)

And now let's get acquainted with another forest dweller - the hero of the story "The Bear Measures Height." Reading the story by the teacher.

What was the bear doing in the forest? (He scratched the bark of trees, biting it, rubbing against the trunk, leaving pieces of wool on it.) Why did he do this? (He marked his possessions in the forest.) Why is the story called "The Bear Measures Height?" (From the outside it looks like he actually measures his height.)

2) Collective discussion of the story.

Conclusion : "Do no harm!" This is the rule for man in relation to animals.

3) "Poetic game". A. Shibaev "Who becomes who?".

A. Shibaev. Who becomes who

There was a little puppy.
He grew up, however,
And now he's not a puppy -
Adult ... (dog).

Foal - every day
He grew up and became ... (horse).

Bull, mighty giant,
As a child, I was ... (a calf).

Fat lamb ram -
plump ... (lamb).

This important cat fluff -
Little ... (kitten).

And the brave cockerel -
Cro-o-hot ... (chicken).

And from the little goslings
Grow up ... ducks -
Especially for the guys
Those who love jokes.

Children read the lines, guessing the end of the phrase.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Homework: draw a pet, write a story about it.

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans for the program "School of Russia". Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Riddles about pets have been invented by people for a long time. Of course, who else to write about, if not about those who live next to us, with whom you see and “communicate” every day.

Riddle about a sheep
She is artiodactyl,
And we know - curious
Gives us decent wool,
Kind, excellent.

famous representative,
We know it's Dolly
Got her in science
Major roles.
Answer: sheep
Riddle author: Iris Revue

Riddle about a goat
They say that the garden
Can't watch
A bush shoot
Gnawing without a hitch.

She goes horny
For the little guys
The guys from the song
The one that sings fun.
Answer: goat
Riddle author: Iris Revue

Riddle about a cat
kind word
She's definitely pleased
Although what is said
She doesn't understand.

playful, loving
drink milk,
And jump sometimes
Answer: cat
Riddle author: Iris Revue

He loves to eat grass
She has a bunch of big narva.
May you always be healthy
Our glorious ... (cow)

In the middle of the yard
Worth a mop
front forks,
Behind is a broom.
Answer: bull

sly cracker
Catches frogs.
Answer: duck

During the day - lies, guards the house,
Resting under the porch, the tail is ringed.
Answer: dog

scarlet hat,
Vest, non-woven
The coat is ribbed.
Answer: chicken

Buttercup, cornflower always
Very tasty food.
I will pluck an armful for her,
Let ... ( cow) eat grass.

Thick grasses were woven, meadows curled,
Yes, and I myself am all curly, even a curl of a horn.
Answer: ram

Sensitive ears, pillows on paws,
Mustache, like a bristle, arched back.
Milk laps, the sun meets.
He wanders around the closet, goes hunting.
Answer: cat

Over the mountains, over the valleys,
There is a fur coat, yes a caftan.
Answer: lamb

In the grandmother's garden
Peacefully walk her ... ( geese)

Riddles of Alexander Shibaev

"Who Becomes Who"

There was a little puppy.
He grew up, however,
And now he's not a puppy -
Adult ... ( dog).

Foal - every day
He grew up and became ... (horse).

Bull, mighty giant,
As a child, I was ... ( calf).

Fat goof ram
Thin ... ( lamb).

This important cat Fluff -
Little ... ( kitten).

And the brave cockerel -
Tiny ... (chicken).

And from the little goslings
Grow ... (ducks) -
Especially for the guys
Those who love jokes.

GBOU "Secondary School No. 11 named after S. S. Vinogradov"

2 - to class

EMC "School of Russia"

Lesson of discovering new knowledge

Teacher Okolita Zoya Evgenievna

Topic: About our smaller brothers.


    Introduce students to the new section.

    Develop imagination, coherent speech, expressive reading skills.

    To instill a love of animals and an interest in reading.



    navigate in the textbook: determine the skills that will be formed on the basis of the study of this section; find answers to questions in the text;

    extracting the necessary information from texts of various genres, from illustrations;

    conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral form;

    the use of sign-symbolic means;

    analysis of objects in order to highlight essential features;

    establishment of causal relationships;

    ability to analyze, draw conclusions, build evidence.

    independent creation of ways to solve search problems.


    the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes in terms of moral standards;

    development of readiness for cooperation;

    interest in a common cause;


    definition and formulation of the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher;

    ability to predict text;

    the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task.


    listening to and understanding the speech of others;

    ability to work in pairsability to negotiate.

Equipment: exhibition of books by N. I. Sladkov, cards (for work in pairs), textbook "Literary reading" for grade 2, simple pencil, computer presentation, karaoke video "Do not tease dogs"

I Organizing time. Psychological support. (Slide 2)

Guys, stand nicely, straight. Turn to each other, smile at each other. After all, a smile adorns a person, gives everyone a good mood. We will need such a mood today for work. Take each other's hands and recite a poem.

We are smart, we are friendly,

We are attentive, we are diligent.

We are excellent students.

Everything will work out for us!

Let's check the readiness for the lesson.

Arms? - On the spot!

Legs? - On the spot!

Elbows? - At the edge!

Back? – Direct

II Speech warm-up (Slide 3)

Firefly! And where's your house?

I'm looking for you around.

Where are you hiding? Tell!

I want to be friends with you!

Look at the screen. Read silently and identify the genre of the literary work.(Poem.)

What is the name of the poem?("Firefly")

Who is a firefly?(Insect. Beetle.)

Why was it named like that?

(It glows in the dark. It reflects light.)

Where does he live?(In grass.)

Read the poem to yourself.

Read the poem out loud.

III Self-determination to activity (Slide 4)

Solve puzzles

Name all these creatures in one word.(Animals.)

(Slide 5)


Here is the encrypted phrase. Who guessed what the secret is? How to decipher words?

Decipher the words and you will find out the name of the section to which we are moving today.

("About our smaller brothers")

Who guessed who is called "Our Little Brothers"?(Animals.)

How do you understand the word "smaller" here? Why smaller? Is a hippopotamus or a giraffe smaller than us?

(Animals are smaller in mind. They do not know how to think, speak. They are weaker and more defenseless than us.)

What is emphasized by the words "our brothers"?

(Those who live near us. Those who require special care and attention from us.)

Which animals require special care and attention from us?

(Pets. Animals of the living corner. Animals that live in zoos. They do not know how to forage on their own.)

Today we will talk about animals.

State the topic of our lesson.

"Our little brothers."

IV Work on new material

    Partition Prediction

Having learned the name of the section and understood this name, can you guess what works we will study in this section?

(These will be works about animals and about the relationship of man to them.)

Open your textbooks to page 125.

Read what will we learn in this section?

What will we learn?

What will we be learning?

    Work on the text by N. Sladkov “They and Us”

1) Acquaintance with the writer (Slide 6)

- Read the name of the author of the introductory article on page 126.(N. Sladkov.)

Look at the portrait of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov. He was born in 1920 in Moscow, but lived all his life in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Since childhood, he loved nature, was interested in it. From the 2nd grade I wrote down my impressions and observations about animals in a special notebook. Look at this exhibition of books. Sladkov has written more than 60 books, and each book contains a huge number of stories. In them, he writes about how beautiful and unique the life of nature, about the endless diversity of the world around us. He wrote a lot about the need to protect nature, about the education of respect for nature. Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov died in 1996 at the age of 76. Now let's get acquainted with his article.

2) Reading prediction

Read her title.

("Them and Us")

What do you think this text is about?

(About animals and people, about the attitude of people towards animals.)

3) Vocabulary work (Slide 7)

Whether our assumptions are correct, we will see when we read the text.But first, let's clarify the meaning of some words that will occur in the text. Which dictionary will help us interpret the meaning of incomprehensible words? (Dictionary.)

Here the words are encrypted.


2124365 81532467

outskirts - 1. Fence around the village or at the edge of the village; at the end of the village. 2. The place around the village, next to it, the surrounding area.

Vulnerable - one who is easily offended. Weak, poorly protected.

Now I will read the text, and you listen carefully.

4) Primary reading of the text (by the teacher).

Checking the primary perception of the text

What text did you listen to: artistic or scientific and educational?

(Scientific and educational.)

Prove that this is a scientific and educational text.

(In a scientific-cognitive text, the author does not convey his feelings and experiences, he only reports facts, information about the life of animals. There is a lot of cognitive material in such a text.)

Think about what facts the author tells us?

(Animals live in forests, fields, swamps).

What is the difference between a literary text and a scientific text?

(In the literary textthe author conveys his attitude towards the hero, evokes sympathy in the reader, experience for his fate, a desire to help him in a difficult situation.)

(To give knowledge about the world around.)

5) Secondary reading of the text (children)

Read the text with a "buzzing" reading in an undertone, in a "chain"

6) Work on the content of the text

What are these creatures in feathers?(These are birds.)

What are the creatures in scales?(These are fish.)

What are the creatures in the fur?(These are animals.)

How to call these creatures in one word?(Animals.)

What do we have in common with animals?(Life.)

(Neighbors because they live next to us. Countrymen because they live with us on the same earth, on the same planet.)

For many millennia, birds, fish, animals, insects live on the planet next to us.

Think about what is the main rule when communicating with animals N. Sladkov suggested to us?

("Do no harm!")

How can a person harm animals?

(People pollute water bodies, air. They also throw small kittens, puppies into the street. They become homeless.)

- Tell me, have you ever seen homeless animals in your life, have you had to deal with situations when people offended animals?(children's answers)

Why do you think writers turn to this topic?

(There are many cruel and indifferent people who offend animals or simply pass by.)

Can we do something to help animals?

(Yes. You can take at least one small kitten home and take care of him: feed him, treat him. You need to take pity on them, show compassion for them, because they are small and defenseless. You can feed the birds in winter.)

Make a conclusion, how should animals be treated so as not to harm them? What needs to be done for this?(Slide 8)

Conclusion: you need to love animals, take care of them, feed them, do not litter or pollute water bodies and air. Communication with animals has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer.

V Physical education minute (Slide 9)

Three cats were walking on the roof.

Three cats Vasily. (Walking.)

Raised three tails

Straight up into the blue sky. (Raise of hands.)

Sat brushes on the eaves,

Looked up and down. (Squatting.)

And the three cats said:

- The beauty! The beauty! (Clap hands.)

    Work on the poem by A. A. Shibaev “Who is whom becomes"

1) Acquaintance with the writer (Slide 10)

Look at the portrait of A. A. Shibaev. He was born in 1923 in the city of Volkhov, Leningrad Region. He fought in the Great Patriotic War, was seriously wounded. For many years he struggled with diseases. He died in 1979 at the age of 56. A. A. Shibaev composed cheerful, joyful children's poems. We will meet one of them today. But first, look at the illustrations on page 127. What do you think the authors of the textbook wanted to show us?(children's answers)

Read the title of the poem.

("Who Becomes Who")

What does this name say?(children's answers)

Find task 1 on page 127. Read it.

What should be done in the poem?

(Insert missing words.)

Complete the task. For those who find it difficult to remember, you can write these words on a card.

(Students read the poem on their own and fill in the missing words.)

2) Primary reading of the poem.

Verification of the perception of the poem

Did you like the poem?

What is it?

(Cheerful, humorous.)

What did you imagine when you read it? What pictures came to mind in your mind?

(The teacher asks each student.)

Now let's read the poem expressively.

3 ) Expressive reading of a poem

(Students read the poem in sequence.)

4 . Game "Who's Who" - Work in pairs (Slides 11, 12, 13)

You have cards with the names of animals on the tables. Write down the names of the baby animals next to them.

The cat has...

The dog has...

The hare has ....

The duck has….

The sheep has...

The chicken has...

At the hedgehog-….

The cow has...

The pig has...

The fox has...

The fish has...

Moose have - ... .

The she-wolf has….

The cat has a kitten.

The dog has a puppy.

The bunny has a bunny.

A duck has a duckling.

A sheep has a lamb.

The hen has a chick.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog.

A cow has a calf.

The pig has a piglet.

The fox has a fox cub.

The fish is small.

Elk has a calf.

The she-wolf has a cub.

The starling has a chick.

VI Reflection (Slide 14)

Raise the emoticon that reflects your attitude to the lesson material.

    Yellow: I was interested in the lesson. I did it.

    Green: I was interested in the lesson, but there were difficulties.

    Red: I was not interested in the lesson, bored. I failed the task.

VII Summing up the lesson

What section did we start studying today?

("Our little brothers")

Do you like that the textbook has such a section? Why?

What does this section teach us?

(Takes care of animals, pity them.)

Video of the karaoke song "Don't tease the dogs".

VIII Homework (Slide 15)

Elena Kolchina
Sound culture of speech. Reading a poem by A. Shibaev “Who becomes who” in the second junior group

Second junior group. Sound culture of speech. Reading a poem by A. Shibaev "Who becomes who."

Target: Exercise in clear pronunciation of vowels E, Y; reinforce the pronunciation of a sound M (Mb) in words and phrasal speech; contribute to the education of intonational expressiveness of speech; activate the children's vocabulary: the names of animals and their cubs.

Course progress.“Have you ever heard the sound of steamboats?” the teacher asks. - Steamboats have different voices. Some buzz for a long time, for a long time, something like this: s-s-s-s (pronounced in one breath), others buzz differently: s - s - s (pronounced abruptly)". Children all together and individually (3-4 children) perform the "songs" of the ships.

“Who among you knows,” the teacher asks, “what is an echo?” And he explains: in the mountains, on the high bank of the river, you can shout something, and the word will return to you, but along the way it will lose a number of letters, it will sound different. Offers to play "Echo".

Children, folding their palms like a mouthpiece, shout: "We-s-s-s." “Returns” to them: “Y-s-s-s” (3-4 exercises).

A little bear appears. He whimpers: uh-uh. The teacher explains that the baby wants to sleep, but can not fall asleep. He asks the children to sing a bear lullaby together: uh-uh. Why is the bear cub rocked and the children sing a song to him in turn, carefully, passing it to each other. The teacher takes the teddy bear and puts it in bed.

Shows the doll to the children. “This is a talking doll,” the teacher explains. - I turn her on with the key, and she says: “Ma-ma” (imaginary situation). What and how does the doll say?

Then the teacher offers to play the Clockwork Dolls game: “You will all be talking dolls. Any (any) of you I will lead - like this! - key. The one whom I will lead must say: "Ma - ma."

After 5-6 kids act as clockwork puppets, the game continues in various options: children are depicted in various ways: children depict clockwork calves, clockwork kittens, etc. The teacher reminds that the voices of calves are bassier, “thicker”, and kittens are “thinner”, more tender.

“I’ll take care of this little black calf. And now I will get a little white kitten. But I won’t get a cat named Kotausi. She is very cunning, this Kotausi.

The teacher reads the English song "Kotausi and Mausi" in the processing of K. Chukovsky. He repeats verses, and the children finish the words, including those beginning with M (mouse Mouse). Then, with the help of a teacher, the children read the dialogue between Kotausi and Mausi in their faces.


And Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waving her tail...


Ah, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mousey.

Great song, Mousey.


But smart Mousey answered ...


"You won't deceive me, Kotaushi..."

All children.

So answered clever Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi.

The performers of the roles of Mausi and Kotausi change 2-3 times.

If the teacher decides that the English song is difficult for the children of his group, we recommend that you read in faces an excerpt from the fairy tale "Mustache - Striped" by S. Ya. Marshak:

The girl began to teach the kitten to speak:

Kitty, say: ball.

And he says: Meow!

Say horse.

And he says: Meow!

Say: e-lek-three-thing.

And he says: Meow - meow!

All "meow" yes "meow".

"Do you like to joke? - the educator is interested. For children who know how to joke, I have a wonderful poem. (Reads 2-3 times.)

There lived a little PUPPY.

He grew up, however,

And now he's not a puppy -

Adult… (dog).

FALL - every day

Growing up and becoming... (horse).

BULL, mighty giant,

As a child, I was… (calf).

Fat sacked RAM

Plump... (lamb).

This important CAT Fluff -

Little… (kitty).

And the brave Cockerel -

Cro-o-hot… (chicken).

And from the little goslings

Grow… (ducks)

Especially for the guys

Those who love jokes.

(A. Shibaev. Who becomes whom)

Related publications:

Synopsis of the OD “Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds [C] - [H]. Reading a poem by J. Reeves "Noisy Bang" Technological map of OD with children senior group“Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds c - h. Reading a poem by J. Reeves “Noisy.

Purpose: to fix the articulation of the sounds “A”, “I”, “O”, “U” with children. Tasks: Educational: to fix the articulation of the sounds "A", "I" with children.

Synopsis of GCD in the second junior group “Sound culture of speech. Sounds [b], [b '] " Summary of GCD in the second junior group on the topic: “Sound culture of speech: sounds b, b” Purpose: To form children's interest in speech activity.

Synopsis of the GCD in the second junior group "Sound culture of speech: sounds [b], [b ']" Synopsis of GCD in the second junior group

Who lives in our barn?
I know them all very well...

And from this the sky is hidden -
She looks into the trough
Or, with a hooked tail,
Digs the ground with a patch.

Here's the family:
Mother and daughters.
Everything is like snowballs.
It's hard for me to distinguish them
Daughters are the spitting image of mother.
Together they will gnaw carrots -
They won't leave each other.

These go everywhere together
They nap together on a perch,
Get up early together
Drinking water for a very long time
After every sip
Look at the clouds for a long time.

And this one I call
Very simply - Lena.
She eats grass in summer
And hay in winter.
I approach her without breathing:
She's very big!

This one is hiding on the roof -
I call, but he does not hear.
Pretends to be asleep
He takes care of the birds.
Mom will come out of the canopy -
He quickly runs after her.

This one is black and shaggy.
He's our watchman, guys.
Only during the day he sleeps in the barn,
Walks in the yard at night.
He barked me cheerfully
Wakes up early at dawn.

Let's play-guess

What do you guys know
About my riddle poems?
Where there is a clue, there is an end.
Who will tell - well done!

It is important to walk around the yard
With a sharp beak, a crocodile
I've been shaking my head all day
He muttered something ominously.
Only this, right, was
No crocodile
A turkey's best friend...
Guess who?..

Yes, turkey, confess brothers
It was hard to guess!
A miracle happened to the turkey -
He turned into a camel!
He began to bark and growl,
Tap on the ground with your tail.
I'm confused, however,
Is he a camel or...

The dog's name is not Shavka
And she does not sleep under the bench,
And she looks out the window
And meows ... who? ..

Right, right! Guessed
It's like they've seen her somewhere!

Now let's go with you
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.
Look guys
Here - chanterelles, there - mushrooms.
Well, this, in the meadow,
S. Mikhalkov

Riddles - tricks

Vladimir Borisov

Fastest of all from fear
Rushing .... (tortoise-hare)

In winter in a den
Sees a dream
Clubfoot ... (elephant-bear)

Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (crocodile goat)

In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (nightingale, ant-frog)

Down from the palm tree
To the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... (cow-monkey)

Above the forest glade
At night
Heard for a long time
hoot, ahal,
howl like a wolf
And scared the animals ... (mosquito-owl)

Put your ear to the flower
And it buzzes, sings
Diligent ... (bee fly)
And collects honey.

Mark Schwartz

More often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (wolf giraffe)

Curled up in a ball - well, touch it!
Prickly on all sides ... (hedgehog horse)

You won't find a longer neck.
Will tear off any branch ... (hedgehog-giraffe)

Sing a song under the moon
Sat on a twig ... (bear-nightingale)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
- Clubfoot, brown ... (wolf-bear)

On the fence in the morning
crowed ... (rooster kangaroo)

Like a bus showroom
I jumped into my mother's bag ... (elephant-kangaroo)

Eats sedge in the river Nile
Clumsy ... (hippo crocodile)

Above the forest
The sun's ray went out,
The king of beasts ... (rooster-lion)

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful hoof beats ... (lion-horse)

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (elephant hippopotamus)

A simple question for kids:
"Who is the cat afraid of?" ...(mice-dogs)

Daughters and sons
Teaches to grunt ... (nightingale-pig)

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (peacock crow)

On a pine tree, as in a drum,
Knocked in the forest ... (boar - woodpecker)

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, red ... (squirrel fox)

Who is beating the drum?
Sitting on a pine tree ... (ram-woodpecker)

Run out to the shore!
Toothy floats...

Although he lost his hair
Satisfied coolhorn...

Goes from dune to dune
Desert worker...

tall, long-legged,
He is not too lazy to fly -
On a straw roof

I lifted my head,

A bird stretched its neck
Well, hiss, pinch, get angry!
I rushed into the river with acceleration -
"Ha-ha-ha" - screams ...

Igrun lives in warm seas,
He can easily ride a surf.
In a kind smile, the mouth will open -
Welcomes you with fins...

The fur animal is accustomed to washing:
Everything rubs in the water, sometimes to the hole!
During the day, he sleeps when he finds a hole,
And wanders at night...

From red fox
Into the bush
Wrapped up in leaves

Such a long neck
Did not see people:
All higher in the world

Well, a bird - a ball of feathers!
Evil mutters "Klu-klu-klu!"
I look through the trees
I'm looking for a broom for her.
You have to speak strictly
I will learn...

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! -
Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird!
Made a noise...

Grass and straw
Chews constantly
And then
Gives milk...

If she whinnied
If kicked
Means to carry you
Doesn't want...

Animal on the nose
He wears his horn -
Don't give him a side
When he is angry, when he is angry,
Everything in the way will be demolished...

Dur-cancer! - shout from the cell.
Do not be afraid of fear.
outlandish bird
It's called...

Get into clear water
And fight with claws!
It's under the snag
I'll catch it with my hands.
Not a bit scary.
Try it yourself
And fill the full grid ...

It's worth it
Take a look:
I took it with my trunk...

Not a mattress, but a striped animal.
Don't hitch him to the wagon.
Even if brought up, -
Treat him with fear.
Well, in life, evil roles
He himself plays a predatory ...

On the river and in the swamp
You will always find it:
With shiny smooth skin
Curled into a ring...

The light of day has gone out,
Wandered in the dark

How? Unknown so far:
The secret is the secret
This beast is like a traffic light.
Its color changes.
In green, yellow ... Scare -
And blush...

The bird walks in the swamp
Regardless of the weather.
The acquaintance will not go smoothly,
Kohl came to the frogs ...

She lives under the shell
Do not be angry with your life!
When crawling somewhere
It's not in a hurry...

When it flies, it always buzzes
And he flies to the meadow.
Where fragrant flowers
Gathered nectar...

Give a bone for lunch _
Do not take away the bowls:
Terribly bark and growl

The hippopotamus opened its mouth,
He asks: "Throw a sandwich!"
And while he waited, nimbly
Flew into the mouth...
The hippopotamus sat down in fright -
He did not understand: what did he eat?

A load of hay for ten
The bull drove, sighing heavily "Yh!"
Got to a new stack
And exhaled again...

And doe, and elk - with horns:
You don't fight with them!
Not a holiday with pies, -
When threatening with horns
Running through the tundra...

This bird does not fly
But quickly runs away
Saddle up -
Immediately become a horse.
Not for every workout
Hold on...

Bird, namesake Yurkin,
small, brisk,
The whirlwind is carried by two wings:
Busy life...

Shaggy, horned, lives in the mountains,
In any frost, fear is unknown,
And where the path is closed for everyone
I promise to deliver...

Who flickers in the dense forest,
Red fur coat blazes?
He knows a lot about chickens!
This beast is called ... (Wolf - Fox.)

Who is not friends with the bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
His nose dug up the entire slope.
It's just gray ... (Elephant - Mole.)

Who in the forest trembles under the tree,
So as not to meet with a double-barreled gun?
Rides the field, emboldened.
This beast is called ... (Lion - Hare.)

This animal sleeps in winter
He looks clumsy.
Likes berries and honey.
And it's called ... (Behemoth - Bear.)

Lying under the stump
Twists his tail
And even in a puddle
Doesn't bother at all.

Don't put it in your wallet
This strange patch.
He has four legs
The tail is a pink hook!

Piglet instead of a nose.
Instead of a ponytail, a hook.
My voice is shrill and thin.
I'm funny...

They have a very strange look:
Dad has curls in a wave,
And my mother has a haircut.
Why is she offended?
Gets angry often
For all mother...

What a miracle Here is a miracle:
Dish on top, dish on bottom.
A miracle is walking along the road -
The head sticks out and the legs.

Goes slowly, slowly
Let everyone see how good
Comfortable and durable shirt
In which he walks...

Who is this walking
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
They go...( turtles)

Wow baby!
She does not have a neck - a tower!
You're right, my friend, of course -
Kalancha's name is ... ( Giraffe!)

He's tall, he's huge
It looks like a crane
Only this crane is alive
With real head.
That one of you guys is right
Who will answer us...

He is not a deer and not a bull,
I'm used to living in hot countries.
Has a horn on the nose
So this is... ( Rhinoceros!)

Riddles about animals
I get comfortable
I have a closet with me
And reliable and faithful
Storeroom for grain.
Where is the closet?
Behind the cheek
Here I am cunning!

The trunk is long, the mouth is with fangs,
Legs look like pillars
How big is the mountain.
Guessed? It... ( Elephant!)

In rich clothes, and he himself is blind,
Lives without a window, never seen the sun.

She is the most dangerous in the river
Cunning, voracious, strong,
Besides, such a badass
Of course it is...

Goat and dragonfly
Under the bush
closing your eyes
sleeping two-horned goat.

Here is the goat
opening my eyes
In the sky - Dragonfly.

The goat is upset
that she -
not a dragonfly!
I also want
spin around
over the road.
Tim Sobakin

White lumps
Near the yellow tub
Jumping lambs -
white lumps,
Eyes - corners.
Hooves on the feet
So as not to catch a cold!
G. Novitskaya

Squeak and bark
noise and din,
howling bears in the corners;
noise and din,
squeak and bark,
scared parrot,
saddened monkeys,
ran rats, mice
I don't understand...
Angry and roar
(1914) Moravian


Before dawn, very early
the gopher came out into the clearing.
Stood on a steep hill
gray thin pillar,
and he stood there for a long time,
paws stretched out at the seams.
I thought: soon the dawn,
will it rain or not?

At dawn with boxcars
Vaska went out for mushrooms.
He sees the column is standing,
looks very small.
Vaska thinks: “Wait,
I'll take him with me
might be useful...
You can make a chump…”
Gopher Vaska saw -
shuddered, squeaked and disappeared.

little gnome -
Old inhabitant of the forest -
Sat on a fungus
Under the green pine
Sat down and looks
Who is this from above
The cones are flying
And shines through the branches
black eye,
This squirrel is naughty!
"Come on, you bastard.
Get it!..
So follow me
It won't stay...
I'll climb the tree
Now I will punish
spicy burdock
I'll put it on my tail."
Belka laughs:
“You are tired!
Is it for me
Are you running away?..”

{1911) G. Galina