Military allowance of military personnel. Calculation of the monetary allowance of a serviceman under the contract of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

wiring diagram

The monetary allowance calculator for military personnel allows you to independently calculate the cash allowance in accordance with the 2012 reform that has entered into force.

In 2010, a draft of a new law was posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense, and in 2011 it was adopted. The long-awaited Law "On monetary allowance and other payments to servicemen of the RF Armed Forces" came into force in January 2012.

But the reform did not happen overnight. Two stages of its implementation are planned:

  1. Since 01/01/12, it has affected all servicemen of the Armed Forces. forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  2. Since 01/01/13, it has extended to the military personnel of all other departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSO, FSB, military prosecutor's office, SVR, Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee)

In short, the reform was designed to increase the income of servicemen by 2.5-3 times, and the pension by 1.5-1.7 times. The increase in allowance occurs due to an increase in the very structure of accrual of money. Now the amount of income is influenced by such factors as:

  • Military position held
  • Awarded military rank
  • Total duration of military service
  • Tasks in progress
  • Conditions and procedure for military service

Before the start of the reform, there were numerous cash bonuses for all the factors listed above, but now they have become part of the monetary allowance itself. Therefore, the structure itself has become more transparent and salaries have become "tied" to the official inflation rate in the country.

Thanks to the adopted law, the maximum allowance for special conditions of military service is 100% of the salary. The maximum amount of the allowance for performing tasks in peacetime that are associated with a risk to life and health is also 100% of the salary.

If a soldier dies in the line of duty, his family receives an allowance in the amount of 3 million rubles. For example, in 2011 the allowance was 746 thousand rubles.

As for military pensioners, an increase in pensions is also provided for them. The average pension in 2012 increased to 17 thousand rubles. This amount will increase by about 4% per year, depending on the indexation due to inflation. The increase in pensions is not divided into stages, all power structures receive a higher pension from January 1, 2012.

Monetary allowance of conscripts

Most recently (until 2012), ordinary conscripts received approximately 400-500 rubles a month. On January 21, 2012, the Law on the experiment on the unification of the monetary allowance of conscripts for the period 2012-2013 was signed. Now all conscripts receive 2,000 rubles a month.

In addition, conscripts are given cash payments for travel by public transport.

Monetary allowance of contractors

Those military personnel who serve under the contract receive allowances consisting of:

  • Military salary
  • Salary by military rank

Both of these indicators in total are now called the salary of the monetary content, to which monthly or other payments may be added. Starting from 2012, military salaries range from 10,000 to 45,000 rubles. For example, the salary of an officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle (tank) corps is 22,500 rubles, and the salary of a foreman is 18,000 rubles. Salaries by rank have also increased, they range from 5 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. So, the ensign will receive 8 thousand rubles for the rank, and the colonel general 25 thousand rubles.

Taxes deducted from military personnel allowance

Despite the increase in the allowance of military personnel, their income tax remains at the same level. Like all other citizens of Russia, the military pay income tax in the amount of 13% of the allowance.

Along with all citizens, military personnel can claim tax deductions. We list the most common cases:

  • If the taxpayer took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, then a deduction of 3,000 rudders per month is available to him
  • Disabled military personnel of groups 1,2,3 can also apply for a deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles per month
  • The tax deduction is given to parents of children under 24 years of age. For the first and second child, the amount is 1,400 rubles, for the third and subsequent, as well as for disabled children - 3,000 rubles.
  • tax deduction for treatment
  • tax deduction for education
  • Tax deduction for the purchase of housing - up to 260 thousand rubles.

To start calculating your allowance, you need to fill in all the fields of the form with data on your rank, position, period of service, etc. and click "Calculate".

Monthly salary for a soldier

Military salary: Choose a position 1 tr. (Shooter, road builder, masker) 2 tr. (Sniper, machine gunner) 3 tr. (Senior grenade launcher, senior sapper) 4 tr. (Head of the pass office, tank commander, head of the autodrome) 5 tr. (Squad leader in a motorized rifle platoon) 6 tr. (Paramedic, head of the landfill) 7 tr. (Deputy platoon commander) 8 tr. (Translator, assistant on duty at the command post) 10 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle platoon) 11 tr. (Engineer in the management of a motorized rifle battalion) 12 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle company) 13 tr. (Senior officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle regiment) 14 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle company, anti-aircraft missile battery) 15 tr. (Officer in the directorate of the motorized rifle corps) 16 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle battalion) 17 tr. (Head of intelligence in the directorate of a motorized rifle brigade) 18 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle battalion, (artillery) division) 19 tr. (Officer in the management of the combined arms army) 20 tr. (Deputy regiment commander, officer in the USC VO) 21 tr. (Senior officer in the command of the combined arms army) 22 tr. (Senior officer in the management of USC VO) 23 tr. (Regiment commander; officer in the department of the Ministry of Defense) 24 tr. (Head of department in the management of USC VO) 25 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle brigade) 27 tr. (Senior inspector-navigator in the Air Force and Air Defense Command) 28 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle brigade; Head of a department in the administration of the OA) 29 tr. (Head of department in the USC VO department, deputy division commander) 30 tr. (Deputy Head of Department in the Department of the Ministry of Defense; Head of the Arsenal) 31 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle division) 32 tr. (Commander of a brigade of surface ships) 33 tr. (Head of department in the main office, Department of Defense) 35 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle corps) 36 tr. (Deputy Head of the UMC VUNTS) 38 tr. (Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense) 39 tr. (Commander of a squadron of ships) 40 tr. (First Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army) 41 tr. (Deputy Commander of the VO Troops for MTO) 42 tr. (Head of the Main Directorate, Head of the Cosmodrome 43 tr. (Deputy Head of the Military Inspectorate of the Moscow Region) 44 tr. (Commander of the combined arms army) 45 tr. (Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the branch of the Armed Forces) 47 tr (Commander of the troops of the Military District; Commander of the branch of the Armed Forces) (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces) 49 tr. (Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation) 50 tr. (First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Aircrew qualification allowance: Choose a category Pilot (navigator) 2nd class Pilot (navigator) 1st class Pilot (navigator)-sniper Pilot (navigator) - instructor 2nd class Pilot (navigator) - instructor 1st class Onboard specialist 2nd class Onboard specialist 1st class Onboard specialist-master Pilot- test pilot 2nd class Test pilot 1st class Air gunner-radio tester 2nd class Airborne gunner-radio tester 1st class Airborne test engineer 2nd class Airborne test engineer 1st class Airborne test technician 2nd class Airborne test technician 1st class Parachutist- 2nd class test parachutist 1st class test parachutist
Salary by military rank: Select rank Private / Sailor Corporal / Senior Sailor Sergeant / Petty Officer 1 article Senior Sergeant / Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer / Chief Ship Petty Officer Ensign / Midshipman Senior Ensign / Senior Warrant Officer Second Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain / Lieutenant Commander Major / Captain 3rd rank Lieutenant Colonel / Captain 2nd rank Colonel/ Captain 1st rank Major General/ Rear Admiral Lieutenant General/ Vice Admiral Colonel General/ Admiral Army General/ Fleet Admiral
The amount of the salary of a soldier: 0 rub.

Monthly extra payments

Seniority allowance: Less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years 20 to 25 years
Skill class allowance: No class qualification Third class Second class First class Master class
Allowance for work with information constituting a state secret: No "Secret" "Top Secret" "Special Importance"
Special conditions of military service allowance: 0% 10% 15% 20% 23% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Award for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Bonus for work experience in structural units for the protection of state secrets (PSGT): Choose experience from 1 to 5 years from 5 to 10 years from 10 years and above
Allowance for military personnel with higher legal education: No legal education Military positions in the directorates of formations Military positions in military command and control bodies Military positions in the central office
For the performance of tasks associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 80% 100%
Monthly bonus for special achievements in the service: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Surcharge for military service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas: Select coefficient District coefficient - 1.15 District coefficient - 1.20 District coefficient - 1.25 District coefficient - 1.30 District coefficient - 1.40 District coefficient - 1.50 District coefficient - 1.60 District coefficient - 1.70 District coefficient - 1.80 District coefficient - 2.0
High mountain military service allowance: Select factor Coefficient 1.15 Coefficient 1.2 Coefficient 1.3 Coefficient 1.4
Allowance for military service in desert and waterless areas: Select factor Coefficient 1.1 Coefficient 1.3
Total additional payments: 0 rub.
TOTAL accrued: 0 rub.

1. The monetary allowance of employees is the main means of their material support and stimulation of the performance of their official duties.

2. The provision of monetary allowance to employees is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The monetary allowance of employees consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the position being occupied (hereinafter also referred to as the official salary) and a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned special rank (hereinafter referred to as the salary for the special rank), which constitute the salary of the monthly monetary allowance (hereinafter referred to as the salary of the monetary content), monthly and other additional payments.

4. Salaries for standard positions of employees and salaries for special ranks are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve. The salaries for other (non-standard) positions of employees are established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, in relation to the salaries for standard positions.

5. The amount of salaries in cash is increased (indexed) in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year and for the planned period, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexation) of salary salaries is taken by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The following additional payments are established for employees:

1) a monthly allowance to the salary of monetary maintenance for the length of service (length of service);

2) monthly bonus to the official salary for the qualification title;

3) monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service;

4) monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

5) bonuses for conscientious performance of official duties;

6) incentive payments for special achievements in the service;

7) bonus to the official salary for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk (increased danger) to life and health in peacetime;

(see text in previous edition)

8) coefficients (regional, for service in high mountain areas, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses to monetary allowance for service in areas, areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote, in high mountain areas, desert and waterless areas provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

7. The monthly allowance to the salary for the length of service (length of service) is established in the following amounts for the length of service (length of service):

1) from 2 to 5 years - 10 percent;

2) from 5 to 10 years - 15 percent;

3) from 10 to 15 years - 20 percent;

4) from 15 to 20 years - 25 percent;

5) from 20 to 25 years - 30 percent;

6) 25 years and more - 40 percent.

8. The procedure for calculating the length of service (length of service) for the payment of the monthly allowance specified in part 7 of this article is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The monthly bonus to the official salary for the qualification rank is established in the following amounts:

1) for the qualification title of a third-class specialist - 5 percent;

2) for the qualification title of a second-class specialist - 10 percent;

3) for the qualification title of a first-class specialist - 20 percent;

4) for the qualification title of master (highest qualification title) - 30 percent.

10. The monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service is established in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary. The procedure for payment and the maximum amount of the monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service, depending on the conditions of service and the nature of the tasks performed, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific amounts of the specified monthly allowance are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve.

(see text in previous edition)

11. The monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret is established in the amount of up to 65 percent of the official salary. The procedure for paying the specified monthly allowance and its size, depending on the degree of secrecy of information to which employees have documented access on legal grounds, as well as the powers of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which they serve employees, to establish the amount of the specified monthly allowance for certain categories of employees admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis, are determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

12. Bonuses for the conscientious performance of official duties at the rate of three monthly salaries per year are paid in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve.

(see text in previous edition)

13. Incentive payments for special achievements in service in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary per month are established in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve. The head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, within the budget allocations of the federal budget for the monetary allowance of employees, has the right to establish the amount of incentive payment for special achievements in the service in excess of 100 percent of the official salary.

(see text in previous edition)

14. The bonus to the official salary for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk (increased danger) to life and health in peacetime is paid in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary. The procedure for payment and the maximum amount of the said allowance, depending on the conditions for fulfilling the tasks, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific amounts of the bonus to the official salary for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk (increased danger) to life and health in peacetime are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve.

(see text in previous edition)

15. To the monetary allowance of employees serving in the regions of the Far North, areas equated to them and other areas with adverse climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, coefficients are established (district, for service in high mountain regions, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses to monetary allowance for service in the regions of the Far North, areas equated to them and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, in high-mountainous areas, desert and waterless areas, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For the application of these coefficients and percentage surcharges, the following are taken into account in the composition of the monetary allowance:

(see text in previous edition)

1) official salary;

2) salary for a special rank;

3) monthly allowance to the salary of monetary maintenance for the length of service (length of service);

4) monthly bonus to the official salary for the qualification title;

5) monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service;

17. Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, in addition to additional payments and allowances provided for by this Federal Law, other additional payments and allowances may be established for employees. These additional payments and allowances are set differentially depending on the complexity, volume and importance of tasks performed by employees.

18. The procedure for providing employees with monetary allowance is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which the employees serve.

(see text in previous edition)

19. Employees temporarily serving outside the territory of the Russian Federation are paid part of the monetary allowance in foreign currency in cases, according to the norms and in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

20. The part of the monetary allowance in foreign currency, established by employees in accordance with part 19 of this article, is not taken into account when calculating payments (including pensions and insurance amounts) determined in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation based on the salaries of the monetary content.

21. For employees captured or as hostages, interned in neutral countries, as well as for missing employees (until they are recognized as missing in the manner prescribed by law or declared dead), monetary allowance is retained in full. In these cases, the monetary allowance of these employees is paid to spouses or other members of their families in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, until the circumstances of the capture of employees as prisoners or as hostages, the internment of employees or until they are released or recognized as unknown in the manner prescribed by law absent or declared dead.

(see text in previous edition)

22. An employee temporarily performing duties in another position is paid a monetary allowance based on the salary for the temporarily occupied position, but not less than the salary for the main position, taking into account additional payments established for him in the main position.

23. An employee who is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body in which employees serve, its territorial body or an organization that is part of the system of the said federal body, before the expiration of the period determined by the federal law governing service in the internal affairs bodies, a monetary allowance is paid, calculated on the basis of the size of the official salary for the last position to be occupied, the salary for a special rank, as well as a monthly allowance for the salary for the length of service (length of service) and coefficients (district, for service in mountainous areas, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses provided for, respectively, in paragraphs 1 and 8 of part 6 of this article. An employee who is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body in which employees serve, its territorial body or an organization that is part of the system of the specified federal body, and who performs duties in the last occupied position, in accordance with by order or order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, or a head authorized by him, the monetary allowance is paid in full. By decision of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, or the head authorized by him, to an employee who is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body, in in which employees of its territorial body or an organization that is part of the system of the specified federal body are serving, and who does not fulfill the duties of the last occupied position, taking into account the actual volume of official duties performed by him, additional payments may also be made, provided for

27. Features of providing monetary allowance to certain categories of employees are determined by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

28. Employees performing the tasks of ensuring law and order and public safety in certain regions of the Russian Federation or serving in a state of martial law or a state of emergency, armed conflict, conducting a counter-terrorist operation, eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural and man-made disasters, other emergencies and in other special conditions associated with an increased danger to life and health, a change in the working time regime and the introduction of additional restrictions, increasing coefficients or allowances for monetary allowance are established in amounts determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

29. Employees seconded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to state authorities and other state bodies (hereinafter referred to as state bodies) are provided with monetary allowance in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

30. Employees seconded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to organizations are provided with monetary allowance in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the size of official salaries of employees seconded to organizations and additional payments to such employees are established by the heads of these organizations in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

(see text in previous edition)

31. The size of official salaries for calculating pensions for persons who, upon dismissal from service in the internal affairs bodies, pensions were assigned on the basis of salaries for the positions they fill in state bodies and organizations, and members of their families are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The legendary and invincible Russian army, which has known the joys of victories, nourishes the fighting spirit of more than half of Russian citizens who are confident that the patriotic mood will strengthen the country's position at the world level. Recently, capital investments have been made in defense, the salaries of the military have increased, and the attractiveness of the service has grown significantly. A surge of patriotic excitement was also caused by the events in Ukraine that unfolded in 2014.

Our army is armed quite well, given that Russia has the largest number of weapons of mass destruction in the world, including nuclear weapons. Such maintenance requires a lot of expenses, which grow by 1.2-2% every year. About a third of the entire national budget is spent on general military needs. So what are the figures for calculating the current level of salaries of military personnel?

What does the salary consist of?

The salary of the military consists of a salary and various kinds of additional payments, and there are a number of indicators that affect the minimum level of monetary allowance:

  • military position held;
  • personal achievements and merit;
  • length of service;
  • duration and conditions of military service;
  • place and time of passage (peacetime, "hot spot");
  • qualifications and tasks;
  • existing military ranks.

In many states of the post-Soviet space, it is the list of these main factors that affects the salary of the military. Additional cash rewards may be awarded for knowledge foreign languages, a high level of physical fitness, the presence of higher education, the absence or competent way out of emergency situations.

By the way, the well-being of people in uniform today is at a decent level. The average salary of the military of the Russian Federation last year amounted to 62,000 rubles, which is 2 times more than a Russian.

You can conditionally understand the monetary allowance using the table below. Conditionally, because the earnings of each soldier are affected by several indicators.

Table of salaries by military rank and position
Military rank, positionSalary according to military positionSalary according to military rankAverage accrual per month including all surcharges
Lieutenant (platoon leader)7000 12 442 50 000
Captain (company commander)7 900 13 970 52 000
Major (deputy battalion commander)8 490 14 760 55 600
Lieutenant Colonel (battalion commander)9 100 15 529 60 281
Colonel (commander of the regiment)9670 17 500 70 320
Major General (Brigade Commander)10 896 18 630 74 000
Lieutenant General (army commander)11 500 29 354 117 000

According to the new law, the salary of a lieutenant without additional charges should be 50,000 rubles, with allowances - 80,000 rubles. To many, these figures will seem quite modest for people with such a responsibility on their shoulders - to defend their homeland. But if you consider that until 2012 the average salary of a lieutenant was 14,000, then you can see a significant improvement in the situation.

What's in store for the future?

Each state understands the importance of having a well-equipped and motivated army, increasing its combat capability and the level of professionalism of its employees, as well as the importance of creating good conditions for them. All forces and resources are being urgently invested in the development of defense equipment production in order to replace earlier deliveries from other states that applied sanctions to Russia.

Due to the current economic situation, there is no need to talk about the prospects that there will be an increase in the salaries of the military, but, despite this, indexation is carried out annually for the level of inflation for soldiers, officers and generals.

What is the salary of the military in Russia and other countries?

In the US, a general's average monthly income is 1.3 million rubles. The maximum salary of a Russian colleague is 200,000 rubles. It turns out that Russia spends up to 140 million rubles a month on its generals, which is 8.5 times less than in America. An American private receives 120,000 rubles a month, including all allowances. German soldier - 141,000 rubles, English - 125,000 rubles.

In the CIS countries, things are even sadder than in Russia. So, in Belarus, a lieutenant receives 6,550 rubles a month in Russian money, a Ukrainian colleague - 15,000.

Military fees. Salary

Participants receive not only monetary rewards, but also full food and clothing. All income (salary, stipend, allowances, etc.) that could have been received during the course of the training camp is compensated.

Fees apply to those who are in the reserve and have already completed military service. The participants of the fees are also adult citizens who have been trained at military department.

Allowances and additional payments

Initially, it may seem that the salary of a military man in Russia is completely non-existent, but this is without allowances. And these are quite serious additional payments, which can eventually amount to 50% of the salary. Financiers monthly "plus" to the monetary allowance of people in uniform allowances, which can seriously differ from each other in amount. For example, an ordinary soldier will receive an allowance of 100 rubles for qualification, and the commander of an underwater missile carrier, by order of the Ministry of Defense No. 400, will receive 200,000 rubles.

A soldier in the army receives good housing bonuses, in the case of conscientious service, a contract soldier is given the right to purchase permanent housing using the accumulative mortgage system. If after 7-10 years a situation arises that the state will have to fully pay the rest of the mortgage lending.

Contract military. Salary

Service in the ranks of the Russian army under a contract is a fairly popular phenomenon. Contractors are voluntary members of the Armed Forces who carry out their activities on the basis of an agreement. The main conditions are the age limit and conscientious performance of official duties. The first contract is concluded under the conditions if the citizen is at least 18 and not more than 40 years old. It is expected that from 2017, fighters under the age of 30 will be recruited.

In 2016, the amount of monetary allowance for contractors was established according to two laws:

  1. dated 07.11.2011 N 306-FZ dated 06.04.2015 "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them."
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/05/2011 N 992 (08/06/2015) "On the establishment of salaries for the monetary maintenance of military personnel under the contract."

According to these legislative documents, the salary of the military is made up of the salary for the military position and the salary for the military rank. Bonuses and additional material assistance paid annually for good service are added to the total amount.

Average size of DD (cash allowance)

  • Ordinary contractor - 30,000 rubles.
  • Sergeant and foreman - 40,000 rubles.
  • lieutenant - 55,000 rubles.

When entering military service under a contract, the salary of a soldier is:

  • in the ground forces - from 19,000 rubles;
  • in the navy - from 22,000 rubles;
  • in the air force - from 20,000 rubles;
  • in the navy on submarines - from 40,000 rubles.

In 2016, these data were presented by Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Military personnel under the contract also receive worthy benefits:

  • Compensation for the costs of rented housing, if a service apartment was not provided. The amount of payments depends on the region and averages 50%.
  • When moving to a new place of service, "lifting" is paid for all family members.
  • With a length of service of more than 20 years, a contractor receives a cash allowance in the amount of 7 monthly salaries. If the total length of service is less than 20 years, lump sum payments are equal to 2 salaries.

Contract service in the army is a prestigious profession, and the number of contract soldiers is increasing every year, so the question always remains: what is the salary of the military? For the period 2015-2016, this number is 200,000 people. By 2017, it is planned to double the figure.

Regardless of the size of the salary and position held, contractors receive paid leave every year, taking into account 30 days or more.

Profession - military pilot

The work of a military pilot is very difficult and dangerous. Moreover, as a rule, during military conflicts, pilots are not left in captivity, but destroyed. The profession is considered unhealthy due to emotional overload. Military aviation in Russia is given special attention, including material support and housing. Rapid career advancement and the same early retirement.

The salary of a military pilot is not less than 100,000 rubles, this is in peacetime. In addition, employees are provided with food, and the first are on the list for housing. According to the latest data, the size of the pension of military pilots is on average 1.7 times higher than that of civilians. Pension payments are accrued in the amount of 55%, but not more than 80%.

Cash allowance for medical staff

There is such a profession as the military among doctors is seriously different from other specialists. A military doctor is one of the most respected professions. This is a person with an exclusively higher medical education. Only an officer from the junior staff can become a doctor in the army, ensigns go to paramedics, privates to orderlies, and sergeants to instructors. But, unfortunately, this respect is not traced in the salary of military doctors.

Colonels, heads of departments, receive from 20,000 rubles. The average allowance for lieutenants is 10,000 rubles per month.

Should we expect a salary increase in 2017?

Will the salaries of the military increase and will indexation be carried out? Federal Law No. 306 of 2011 states the need for annual indexation of wages, bonus payments and monetary allowance. In 2017, indexation is expected to occur in February, based on price increases in 2016. But it is too early to talk about wage increases, even despite the current law, especially in the context of economic instability.

Indexing and Crisis

The crisis in our country today is really serious, every resident of Russia has felt it. This could not but affect the income of the population, which decreased by 20%. The increase in military salaries depends, as already mentioned, on the length of service, position held, military rank.

Not so long ago, everyone who was called up on a mandatory basis was paid an insignificant amount - 500 rubles, today the figure has increased to 2000. Considering that the soldiers are provided with food and housing, we can say that for a start the amount is quite tolerable. An increase in monetary allowance can only be carried out during indexation.

The indexation for employees in the Armed Forces is scheduled for 2017 due to the increased inflation rate. Today, the average military salary is 30,000 rubles, but the government believes that it should rise to at least 50,000 rubles. In 2016, indexation was also expected, but was never carried out.

military pension

Soldiers tend to retire early. Already at the age of 40, you can count on pension payments, but on the condition that the military continues to serve further. To date, a bill has already been prepared to increase payments to pensioners by 7%. This indicates the desire of the state to strengthen its army. It is extremely important for Russia to have a powerful armed structure.

It is also planned to index pension payments by 3% for employees who are on vacation.

Summing up the resume

The annual increase in military salaries and the improvement of conditions are due to the fact that Russia has recently needed to strengthen its combat positions. And, as you know, for a long time, service in the ranks of the Russian army was unpromising and completely unprestigious. In order to attract people, monthly salaries are also being increased and issues of improving living conditions are being addressed.

The main task of the state in the military sector is the replenishment of officers in the army ranks.

In general, the salary of the military today in the country is decent, especially in comparison with civilian incomes. Although it is quite difficult to earn money on your own housing. For many conscripts living in the outback, the prospects for working in the Russian Air Force are very tempting, given the current crisis and complete unemployment in the countryside. High patriotic feelings are, of course, good, but whether or not to serve under a contract, everyone decides for himself.

Work, albeit monetary, but hard, harmful, sometimes thankless and dangerous, and the risk to life is already inherent in the salary. Service in the army allows you to receive a stable income now and confidence in a secure future.

Recently, military service under the contract has been actively promoted. The prestige of this profession has grown markedly. Salaries have grown, conditions have improved, there are more guarantees from the state and fewer salary delays. I.Q. Review I tried to figure out whether professional military men live so sweetly in modern Russia, what salaries they actually have, and whether young people today want to serve their country for that kind of money.

Service in the army for money - is it possible to combine the unpleasant with the useful?

Soldier with a Kalashnikov

How to get into contract service

Conscription military service has its supporters and opponents. Conscription service is full of hardships, restricts a person's freedom, takes a year of life, is not voluntary and applies only to men. There is little pleasant here, especially for those who do not aspire to the army. Today we will drop this question.

In light of the existence of a contract service, doing the same thing for free for a year is somehow insulting. Well, that is not completely free. That's how much they pay in the army on conscription per month? The officially declared allowance in Russia is 2,000 rubles for all conscripts (there are small regional allowances in special zones). Those young people who are thinking of becoming contract soldiers in the future often ask the question, is it possible not to serve on conscription, but immediately go to service under a contract?

Viktor Goremykin, head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Russian military department, Colonel General:

“After 27 years, we will only be happy to recruit those who have not completed military service by conscription. But if an 18-year-old young man comes to us and immediately asks for a contract service, we will offer him to start serving a year on conscription.”

And then who can conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense and receive money Who is this advertisement for?

Requirements for those wishing to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“It is possible to conclude a contract for military service only: after receiving a diploma of higher education, after completing military service, being in the reserve, subject to other requirements of Article 33 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 53 “On military duty and military service”.

At the same time, the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On military duty and military service” in the latest edition says:

“The first contract for military service is concluded with a military conscript or other citizen entering military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman - for two years or for three year at the choice of the citizen.

Based on the text of the law, you can go on call, and then immediately conclude a contract. Apparently, on conscription, they will force them to serve for a full year, the wording of the law is vague, it is better to check with the local military registration and enlistment office.

In general, everything is clear with the target audience. Now we need to clarify the current level of military salaries for 2015. But first, for a couple of minutes, let's delve into the history of the formation of a contract service in Russia in order to understand where the legs of the numbers grow from.

How to raise the salary of contract servicemen

It's time to protect the boots, the boots won't protect themselves!

Talk about high salaries for the Russian military began in 2008, before the crisis, just at the peak of economic growth. The screenshot shows the figures from the 2008 article - how much the officers actually received, and how it was planned to increase the allowance after the reform (this was still under Serdyukov).

Salaries of senior officers under Serdyukov before the reform

Alexander, reserve lieutenant:

“When I studied at the military department in 2008, after graduation, everyone who wished was offered to sign up for service under a contract with a salary of 50 thousand (for a lieutenant with higher education) from next year. Nobody went there. For us, students of a civilian university, 50 thousand then seemed like a very small salary for such conditions - to live in some shabby hostel in a military camp, wake up at 5.30, eat almost and not be able to quit at any moment. At that time in Moscow he could earn so much.

As I remember, just the next year the budget was “cut”, and the military were waiting for their “big” salaries right up to 2013. But today, these 50-70 thousand that they were given is still a little more than a thousand dollars, and even if we assume that the military does not go abroad and spend everything in rubles, then inflation over the years has already been 80%. From the experience of communicating with the military, which I have, I can say that they think quite straightforwardly and still think that their salaries have increased many times, although this is only a nominal increase.

The only positive in the military profession is a free apartment. But from communication with officers at the department, every student knew that these apartments were not given for decades, and to whom they were given - for decent kickbacks and in some hole. In principle, apartments in Moscow were not given to anyone with the rank of lieutenant colonel and below, and 90% of officers never rise above this rank by the time they are transferred to the reserve. Therefore, I did not particularly believe in receiving an apartment from the state. Well, they will send you to some urban settlement in the Murmansk region and, at best, in 20 years they will give you a one-room apartment, which has a red price of a million, you will cuckle there and drink yourself into a military pension of 25 thousand rubles. I have my arms and legs in place, I will earn the equivalent of this million in 2 years without eating slops and getting up every day until dawn.”

Contract service - salary, benefits, allowances, apartment and pension

Money in my chest pocket

We turn to the most interesting - how much they pay in the army under the contract. It is clear that wages are different for a soldier and an officer. There are also quite a few allowances and coefficients on which the salary of a contractor will depend.

Monetary allowance and the system of allowances - how is the military salary calculated

The monetary allowance of military personnel in 2015 is determined by the Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306-ФЗ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”. It consists of monthly salary and additional cash payments. The salary depends on the military rank and the position held.

In more detail it looks like this:

  • monthly allowance for length of service - from 10% to 40% of the salary;
  • monthly allowance for excellent qualification- from 5% to 30% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly bonus for secrecy - up to 65% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly allowance for special conditions of military service
  • monthly allowance for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, as well as for participation in exercises, ship cruises, working out the tasks of combat and combat training in the field outside the points of permanent deployment of a military unit - up to 100% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly allowance for special achievements in service- up to 100% of the salary for a military position;
  • premium for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties- up to three monthly salaries per year;
  • annual material aid- at least one monthly salary;
  • monthly allowance for the qualification level of physical fitness military personnel;
  • monthly allowance for knowledge of foreign languages;
  • lifting when moving to a new location- in the amount of one monthly salary for a serviceman and 25% for each family member;
  • payment of compensation for renting housing in accordance with the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for Moscow and the Moscow Region - 15,000 rubles);
  • lump sum upon retirement from military service: with a total length of service of less than 20 years - 2 salary salaries, more - 7 salary salaries.

Social package and “free” apartment when leaving the reserve

In addition to allowances, the military has other "buns" to the salary.

Obtaining housing for military personnel regulates the Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 2004 "On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel". You will find all the details in the text of the law. In short, an apartment can be obtained in two ways.

  • After 20 years of service or upon dismissal after 10 years of service due to age or health, you can use the accumulated funds in the accumulative mortgage system. This is enough for an apartment in any city except Moscow (the money is not given in kind, but through the issuance of state housing certificates).
  • Through the military mortgage system. In 2015, the funded contribution is 245,880 rubles per year and is indexed annually.

In the first case, you save up virtual money, and then buy an apartment. In the second case, you take an apartment on a mortgage, and the state pays it in a certain amount (about 20 thousand rubles a month today).

Important: when obtaining a mortgage loan, all related costs - for real estate valuation, life and health insurance of the borrower, insurance of the collateral - are borne by the NIS participant.

In addition to the apartment, there are other types of assistancemilitary personnel :

  • higher or secondary vocational education;
  • free treatment in hospitals and polyclinics of the Ministry of Defense for a serviceman and members of his family;
  • food;
  • outfit;
  • free travel to a new duty station, on a business trip, to a place of vacation and back once a year (for military personnel serving under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas). Also, one family member and a container (20 tons) with personal belongings travel free of charge;
  • preferential pension from the age of 45, subject to 20 years of service;
  • payment of compensation to relatives for death in service - 3 million rubles. For disability - 2 million.

Interestingly, the military pension is calculated on the basis of salaries for the position, rank and bonuses for length of service. That is, it is charged only from half of the real salary.


Salary of soldiers and sergeants

From the complex system of allowances and bonuses, one can understand that you cannot find out the salary of a contractor without knowing his base salary. These are the salaries according to the pay scale for privates, sergeants and foremen (former warrant officers) in positions up to platoon commander. These are positions for people without higher education. On this infographic, the “salary to accrual” column shows numbers with bonuses.


To verify the information, we selectively interviewed the military.

Nikita, instructor of the recruiting station for military service under the contract:

“Money allowance consists of a salary according to military rank, a military position held and other allowances established by Order of the RF Ministry of Defense dated 2011 No. 2700, APPROXIMATELY from 17,000 to 60,000 rubles.”

Sergei, contractor with 10 years of experience:

“I have the fifth tariff category. Secret - 1 form. Zp - 26 thousand rubles in hand. But this is with deductions for housing, union and so on.”

Alexey, serves in the North:

“I serve in the Murmansk region, the foreman receives 100-110 thousand rubles with 5 allowances for the “polarity” plus an apartment anywhere in many, many years. Without the “polarity”, the foreman receives 60 thousand, his duties include receiving allowances and driving to meals in the canteen. Lieutenant, deputy platoon commander - 120 thousand a month, there is nothing to spend them on. I get 25 thousand in a forensic examination as a medical registrar, working 6 hours, before that I received 25-30 thousand in a call center.

And here is a graph that clearly shows the growth of salaries and the timing of the payment of military mortgages. The figures are given from the table above, already with surcharges.


Attention! Don't let these beautiful numbers fool you: the base salary of a private in the first two years of contract service is only 15,000 rubles before paying 13% of personal income tax.

How much does an officer in the Russian army receive

Service under a contract with higher education implies an officer rank and an officer position. Officers get pretty decent, especially with the "northern" allowances. At the same time, without allowances, the salary of a lieutenant in the first year of service is only 30 thousand rubles.

Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial Affairs:

“The average level of monetary allowance for servicemen today is more than 62,000 rubles. This is 10% higher than the average salary in the oil and gas sector.”

Here table of salaries of officers - from lieutenant to general of the army.

Table of salaries by position and rank for officers

The table of salaries for the rank and position was compiled in 2012, and since then the salaries of officers have not changed significantly. If you need accurate salary data for a certain military rank, taking into account all allowances, you can use the military salary calculator. It allows you to calculate the expected monetary allowance with all allowances in accordance with the position and rank. There are given figures taking into account indexation for 2015.

Interesting facts about the contract army

  1. The budget for 2015 included the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel by 5.5%, but the Ministry of Finance proposed to cancel it, arguing that there would be nothing to pay.
  2. Since 2008, the authorized strength of the Russian army has been 1 million people.
  3. Today there are about 250,000 contract servicemen in the army.
  4. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans by 2022 to staff the army with contract military personnel by more than 50%.


In general, we can say that the wages of military personnel today are quite high. The difference with ordinary hard workers in the "citizen" is especially strong due to the fact that it is very difficult on your own in Russia. In fact, many positions are utterly lafa, and salaries for small towns where there is no work are simply fabulous. Whether it is worth going to the service under the contract, everyone decides for himself. The work, of course, is monetary, but tedious and dangerous, taking into account the political situation and professional risks. Do not forget that the risk to life is initially “included in the price”.

Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when colleagues with the same ranks, the same length of stay in the army, occupying equivalent positions, receive significantly different monetary allowances. I will be retiring soon. It is known that a military pension is formed, first of all, based on wages, so I decided to find out in detail what it consists of payroll calculation and what a soldier can do to increase the amount of payments.

The monetary allowance of contract soldiers includes 2 main components: salary (salary for a military position + salary for a military rank + ATS coefficient or an increase in ATS for class qualifications) and monthly allowances. If everything is clear with the first part of the DD, then we had to deal with the allowances in more detail, because often the amount of additional payments significantly exceeds the basic salary. Looking ahead, I will say that with a little effort, I managed to influence the size of the DD. I hope that my analytical experience outlined in the article will help my colleagues improve their financial situation. To understand accounting intricacies, special education is not needed. You just need to carefully study military salary calculator below.

Online military salary calculator 2018-2019

What influences the formation of wages

Mandatory payments

So the first part military DD calculator are mandatory payments. They are the same for all employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military positions are divided into 19 categories, each of which has a salary. So, the salary of the I tariff category is 10 thousand 400 rubles, X TR - 20 thousand 800 rubles, and XIX - 25 thousand rubles. 480 rub.

Military rank salaries also fall into the fixed amount category. For privates (sailors), the DVZ is 5,200 rubles, a junior lieutenant receives 9,880 rubles, a colonel - 13,520 rubles, and an army general - 28,800 rubles.

The third position in the definition of mandatory - the coefficient to the ATS - varies from 10% to 100%. As a result, DD for the listed positions is fixed and ranges from 16 thousand 640 rubles. (for privates) up to 82 thousand 160 rubles. (for the Marshal of the Russian Federation).

Military personnel cannot influence this part of the salary calculator.

How to increase the monetary allowance of privates, sergeants and officers of the RF Armed Forces

The second part of the military pay calculator includes monthly additional payments, which are calculated as a percentage of the ATS. Soldiers and officers can receive bonuses for 11 positions, and they can directly or indirectly influence each of these bonuses. For example, NVL depends on the length of stay in the RF Armed Forces. However, there are territories of the Russian Federation (the Far North, Kurile Islands etc.), where 1 year of service is counted as 2. That is, after actually serving 5 years, a soldier can count on a 20% bonus.

Private and officers can increase DD up to 30% of the ATS by increasing their qualification category. The physical training of a contract soldier also plays an important role in the formation of his DD. So, the Masters of Sports of Russia (USSR) receive an additional 100% of ATS, and those who confirmed (received) the 1st category in one of the military-applied sports - 80%.

Also, the maximum allowance (up to 100%) is given to citizens of the Russian Federation who perform their military duty in hot spots outside of Russia. To be included in the group of Russian troops participating in operations involving a risk to life and health, it is necessary to submit a report addressed to the command. In addition, in the Syrian Arab Republic and other places of temporary deployment of a limited contingent of the RF Armed Forces, members of the mission receive additional travel allowances.

There may be other allowances during the year:

  • bonus (up to 1 salary);
  • awards (for medals "Combat Distinction" - 30%; "For Military Valor of the 1st Class" and "For Demining" - 20%; "For Military Valor of the 2nd Class" - 10% within a year from the date of receipt);
  • lifting (when changing the place of service: 1 salary + 25% of the salary for each family member);
  • material aid.

Summing up, we can distinguish at least 5 actions that will help to increase wages in a short time:

  • increase personal level of physical fitness;
  • undergo training under the programs of the Higher School of Education "Physical training and sports", "Mountain training", "Physical training and sports work; transfer to the service in the region with a coefficient of payroll and accrual of preferential service;
  • take part in the peacekeeping actions of the RA Armed Forces in hot spots;
  • perform their duties at a high level.

Tax collections and salary indexation

The generally accepted conditions for the deduction of income tax apply to the monetary allowance of military personnel. Today it is 13% of the total amount of DD. The salary is adjusted for inflation. In 2018, an indexation of 5.6% is planned.

In the review article, we did not cover all the "pitfalls" military salary calculator so ask specific questions, share your stories. Our site is planning a series of articles on the features of monthly preferential payments in different branches of the military, the formation of the size of the DD of private military companies of the Russian Federation, additional benefits for military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, so add the article to your bookmarks and social networks.

Documents that regulate the amount of DD for military personnel:

  • Federal Law No. 306-FZ of November 7, 2011;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1074;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2012 No. 46;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 1198;
  • order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2012 No. 2195;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2015 No. 542;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1073;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2011 No. 1122;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 No. 573;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 No. 1639; order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 1998 No. *24.

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