How to properly plant zinnia seedlings. When to plant zinnia seedlings? How to Grow Healthy Zinnia: Key Factors

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Zinnia is known to many experienced flower growers and simple lovers of ornamental vegetation. This flower strikes with a rich variety of colors and sizes of bushes. In addition, such a flower culture needs only minimal care. And growing zinnia from seeds is such a simple process that many gardeners have fallen in love with it. For those who are not yet familiar with these flowers and do not know how to grow it from seeds, we dedicate this article.

plant description

Zinnia is famous for its benefits - long flowering (for one flower - this is about 35 days), as well as longevity in the cut. So, for example, you can use zinnia not only as a spectacular and long-flowering element of flower arrangements, but also as beautiful plants for a bouquet. In the cut, zinnia will be able to decorate the room from 1 to 2 weeks.

Zinnia is an annual grown from seeds. Thanks to their rapid growth, zinnias can give the garden more brightness from the beginning of summer until the arrival of autumn.

The seeds of this flower culture are quite large. Therefore, growing charming zinnia from seeds will turn into an exciting process, because working with it is very simple. From the date of planting the seedlings, only 2-2.5 months will pass when the buds bloom and the plants bloom. How you can achieve these results can be found in more detail below. We offer photos of flowers and a step-by-step description of the planting process and cultivation.

Magnificent zinnia is able to grow, reaching gigantic sizes (for example, like the California giant variety), and may be dwarf bushes, representatives of the Liliput form ( on the picture).

It is possible to grow such beauty by sowing seeds for seedlings at home. Another method is also practiced - planting zinnia seedlings immediately on the garden. But both the first and second options involve preliminary preparation of the site.

Choosing a place for plants

Zinnia is a warm and photophilous plant. Therefore, growing it on the site should be carried out in a place that is abundantly lit by the sun and not shaded at all. At the same time, it is better to exclude places where there are drafts so that wind currents cannot damage the stems of the bushes.

In terms of soil for growing zinnia in a personal plot, fertile and loose soil is suitable. An important quality that the soil should have is drainage. Since zinnia does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, you can add sand when planting. Thus, it will turn out to “dilute” the soil and avoid stagnation of water after irrigation or rain.

You can grow zinnia on the site using seeds in one of the following ways:

  • sowing seeds at home for seedlings;
  • sowing seedlings immediately on a bed under the open sky.

Sowing for seedlings

Zinnia seeds can be planted for seedlings when the second half of April comes. Planting seedlings earlier is not recommended due to the fact that zinnia is gaining growth very quickly, as mentioned earlier. This can significantly complicate the transportation of seedlings and transplanting them into open ground. Even early planting of seeds to obtain seedlings of zinnia is fraught with excessive elongation of seedlings, which, in turn, will affect the condition and development of flowers.

For planting seedlings, you can use individual deep pots, which are filled with a light and loose substrate.

Seedlings of this flower culture are enough large sizes. Therefore, they must be buried in the soil to a depth of about 1 cm. At the same time, additional cover of the containers with a film to create a greenhouse effect is not required. You can see the first shoots in about 5-7 days. They will be as shown in the photo.

If the seedlings were planted in a box, then the seedlings will need to be picked in separate vessels. Only 2-3 sprouts can be planted in one pot.

Further care for the seedlings is not difficult. It will be enough for seedlings to carry out fertilizing with fertilizers a couple of times. Also, until the transplantation of zinnia sprouts to the garden, they must be hardened, periodically taking them out into fresh air, gradually increasing the intervals. The grown sprouts need to pinch the tops. So you can achieve the formation of a more beautiful bush.

Zinnia does not belong to frost-resistant plants, and therefore, it is possible to plant seedlings grown at home from seeds only when the earth warms up enough. As a rule, seedlings can be transplanted to the garden at the end of May. Scheme for planting seedlings: 30-35 cm between plants and about the same - in the aisles.

Sowing directly in the garden

Growing zinnia in a personal plot from seeds can be done by sowing them immediately in open ground. Seedlings can be planted when the solid cold has passed.

Wells for seeds are prepared with a depth of 5 cm. Several seedlings can be placed in one hole. With the right planting time, the first shoots will appear on the surface of the soil after a week. If necessary, it will be possible to thin out the sprouts, leaving about 30 cm between them in order to grow full-fledged flowers. Shoots are recommended to be covered with special material so that possible frosts do not damage the crops.

Caring for seedlings growing in the garden is also not difficult. The main thing is to moderately water the soil and feed the plants using complex fertilizers.

Often, flower growers use this particular option for planting zinnia seeds, since growing it in this way is much easier than with the seedling method.

Even despite the fact that seedlings begin to bloom in the garden much later than the planted seedlings. So, for example, planting seedlings at the end of May, zinnia flowers will bloom in June, and seedlings planted in a flower bed in May will delight in flowering at the end of July.

You can get acquainted with the process describing the cultivation of zinnia in the video.

How to collect planting material

It is quite possible to collect the seeds of zinnia growing in the garden yourself. It is necessary to wait until the seed pods in the inflorescences are fully ripe. The change in their color to brown will tell you about this.

Seed pods should be carefully cut off the stem using sharp scissors. Dry seeds need to be removed on a sheet of paper, which can later be used as an envelope for storing seeds until next spring.

Zinnia is loved by many gardeners for its rich palette of colors and variety of species. This flower needs minimal care and will become a real decoration of your flower bed. Growing zinnia from seeds it will not be difficult even for novice gardeners, the main thing is to know when to plant. See the photo and use the tips from this article, then zinnia will take its rightful place on your site.

How to grow zinnia outdoors

Zinnia is an annual flower that, although not whimsical, loves a lot of light and fertile soil. After sowing, the first flowers will appear after 1.5-2 months. If you cut a flower, it will stand in a vase of water for more than a week. Surprisingly, the more flowers you cut from a bush, the more of them will appear again.

zinnia seedling

Growing zinnia for seedlings is a fascinating process, the main thing is to prepare the necessary containers and choose a place for them. Seeds for seedlings should be sown no earlier than April, as this flower grows quite quickly. If you plant in March, then the seedlings will already have buds by the time of warming, and large plants are difficult to transport and transplant.

For seedlings of zinnia, prepare special containers with a depth of at least 10 cm. Plant the seeds at a distance from each other, as the seedlings are quite large. The depth of planting in the ground is about 1 cm. After that, moisten the soil from the pulverizer and cover the containers with cling film. Already after 3-4 days you will have the first shoots, so you will need to remove the film. Try to water the seedlings regularly, but not too much, so that the earth does not turn into a swamp.

Flower bed with zinnia

Wait until your sprouts are about 10 cm high. After that, transplant them into a separate pot. At the same time, it is desirable to deepen the seedling to the cotyledons, then it will develop a good root system. Experienced gardeners recommend pinching the main root before transplanting so that the root branches well.

Types of zinnia

Harden off seedlings before planting them outdoors. To do this, at the end of May, seedlings are taken out to the balcony in good weather. Already 1-1.5 months after sowing the seeds, zinnia seedlings can be planted in the ground in the country. Depending on the type of zinnia chosen, plant seedlings at a distance of 20 to 40 cm from each other. After the flower has taken root in your flower bed, pinch the crown.

Growing from zinnia seeds

Don't want to mess around with zinnia seedlings for a long time? Sowing seeds in open ground will help get rid of unnecessary trouble. Zinnia is one of those flowers that sprout well, so seeds can be planted immediately in a flower bed. Sowing the seeds of the plant must be carried out when the threat of frost is completely gone. Most often, this period occurs after mid-May.

Make beds in the flower bed and sow the seeds. It is not necessary to plant zinnia in a row, this flower will add zest to your flower bed, so show your imagination and plant in a circle or in a checkerboard pattern. Keep in mind that zinnia has many varieties, some of which are undersized, while others are tall.

Now you know all the subtleties of growing zinnias from seeds when to plant and how to care. This flower will delight for a long time with abundant flowering until autumn. See photos of zinnia and arrange a flower bed for every taste.

How to create a paradise in the garden of zinnia flowers, where the body will rest and the soul will find peace.

If you saw a colorful flower bed in the summer, then most likely this “multi-colored carpet” was created from zinnia flowers. After all, zinnia is a flower that has a very wide range of colors. It is easier to name the colors in which the petals of a flower are not painted than to list the shades that they are. So, zinnias can be:

  • White and ivory
  • Purple, lavender and pink
  • Burgundy and bright red
  • Lemon yellow and orange

These flowers are so bright that they can compete with the kings of the flower bed: roses, gladioli and chrysanthemums. You can plant zinnia so that the color spots of its different varieties will form an original ornament.

Zinnia flowers can be a separate bright stroke in a flower picture.

These flowers are even able to even emphasize the beauty of natural beauties, for example, this volcano.

Zinnias are bright and invisible at the same time.

Before planting flowers in a flower bed, it would be nice to figure out what pattern you will end up with. If you are planting different flowers, then you will need to think about their flowering times and determine if they will match. If you are going to plant zinnia and, for example, gladiolus in one flower bed, then zinnia will look faded in this combination. It will also look invisible against the background of roses.

And best of all, zinnias are combined with daisies, bluebells and other small, low flowers.

And this is what zinnia looks like in combination with pink and white lavater.

A good combination is obtained from marigolds and zinnia. These flowers do not overshadow each other, but successfully complement.

Zinnias and daisies compete in modest beauty. This combination does not look like a pompous flower bed with roses or gladioli, but invariably caresses the eyes of the owners and guests of the estate.

If you plant zinnias of different colors on a flower bed not mixed, but separately, you will get a puzzle of multi-colored geometric shapes.

Zinnia can serve as a flower bed framing. The flowerbed in the photo below is made in the form of a pyramid: its top is high lilies, and the base is zinnias.

Flower bed - pyramid

Well, if there are a lot of these flowers, then the “sea” of zinnia simply fascinates with its beauty.

"Sea" zinnia

Zinnia seeds: what do they look like, should I soak before planting?

Zinnia seeds are quite large compared to others. Their size is comparable to the size of small sunflower seeds, they have a powerful germination force and germinate very quickly. If you sow these seeds in warm and moist soil, seedlings may appear as early as the fifth day after sowing. It is not necessary to soak them before planting, it is enough to moisten the soil well.

When to plant zinnia flowers for seedlings: timing

Zinnia seedlings are stronger, and plants develop better if no more than a month has passed from germination to planting in open ground. It must be remembered that these plants are afraid of frost, which means that they can be planted after the threat of frost has passed. In each region, these terms are different, and you need to focus on the average readings for each region. For example, for the Moscow region, the probability of the last frost is May 8, in Tatarstan - May 28, and in the Komi Republic they may be in the first ten days of June.

Zinnia seedling

How to care for seedlings, how to water, dive?

Seedling care begins with sowing quality seeds in ideal soil. Since the seeds of zinnia are large, the seeding depth can be up to 0.5 cm. The soil for plants should be loose, watering the seedlings moderately to avoid the development of fungal diseases of the root system. Moderate watering means that the seedlings are watered after the earth has dried in pots or boxes, excess water should go through holes in the bottom. If you have planted zinnia seeds too thickly, then the chances of the plants stretching will be high. In this case, the seedlings will have to dive or plant.

There are two polar opinions: some believe that it is necessary to initially sow the plants thickly and then replant, others that it is better to plant them right away so that they do not interfere with each other. Zinnia shoots are so powerful that they can survive one, two or even three transplants. Each transplant is stressful for the plant if the root system is damaged. Therefore, planting plants in 2-3 in one pot and then planting without damaging the roots is the best option.

How to feed zinnia seedlings?

You do not need to feed zinnia seedlings if:

Plants look healthy and develop normally

You need to feed zinnia seedlings if:

Plants look weak, have yellowed leaves and are stunted

In the event that the plants are weak, you need to find out if they suffer from a lack of light, fungal diseases and pests, and then carry out top dressing. This is important because too much fertilizer is just as bad for plants as too little. You can feed the plants with preparations based on biohumus.

Here are some of these fertilizers:

  • Fertilizer "Ideal"
  • Fertilizer "Humistar"
  • Fertilizer for flowers "Rose"
  • Fertilizer "Gumax"

This product is the result of the vital activity of earthworms. It has natural components easily digestible by plants. Promotes the growth of the root system and increase the resistance of plants to fungal diseases. You can also use a mixture of mineral fertilizers. It is more convenient to use liquid concentrates, which are added to water for irrigation according to the instructions of the drug.

Zinnia seedlings stretched out: what to do?

Before puzzling over the question "what to do?" if the plants are stretched out, you need to understand the reasons why this happened. The main reason for pulling seedlings is a lack of light. If the plants are grown outdoors, in a well-lit area, you will never notice the plants stretching. You can try to replace the sun with artificial lighting, but the plants still won't get enough light.

Plants reach for the sun - it's a natural process

The only way out when growing plants indoors may be to try to give the plants the maximum possible light and not let them stay in such conditions for too long, if possible, illuminate the sun on the windowsill or under the film, plant the plants in open ground as soon as possible. If the seedlings have already stretched out, it is difficult to return it to its normal state and it will be able to recover under the sun, after landing in open ground.

Planting zinnia seedlings in the ground: timing

The optimal time for transplanting seedlings in open ground is one month. If the seedlings sit in pots for two or more months, there is a high probability that, without receiving enough light, the plants will stretch out, get sick with fungal diseases and eventually lag behind in growth. As a result, plants sown in spring in open ground will not only look more powerful, but will also outstrip those that suffered in close quarters in pots. Therefore, it is necessary to sow zinnia for seedlings a month before planting in open ground, plus the time for germination.

Zinnia is not just a flower. This is a plant of absolutely extraordinary beauty, literally captivating the eye with an unusually beautiful combination of the richest spectrum of bright colors that indescribably decorate the garden in summer, and in autumn zinnia is especially desirable in the garden, because it enlivens dull autumn colors, prolonging sunny summer. Here is such a beautiful and necessary flower - zinnia. From seeds, you can get both flowers immediately in a permanent place, and seedlings.

It is quite possible to sow zinnia in early and mid-May immediately in open ground, but the use of covering material is mandatory.

Most often, elegant zinnia is found on the plots of amateur flower growers. This annual plant is simply stunning beauty, reaching a height of 20 centimeters to one meter. The stems of the plant are erect, branching, the leaves are large and rough. The flowers are united in inflorescences in the form of large baskets, reaching 16 centimeters in diameter, very elegant, of various bright colors. Zinnias are terry, semi-double or smooth.

Known in horticultural practice and another type of this plant - narrow-leaved zinnia. It looks completely different than elegant zinnia. The narrow-leaved zinnia is low, reaches only 35 centimeters, its stems strongly branch already starting from the very base, as a result, original spherical bushes are formed.

The inflorescences of narrow-leaved zinnia are also not so large and reach only four to six centimeters in diameter. The coloration is also quite bright, sometimes quite bizarre, two-tone, while the colors can be arranged in regular rings, spots or a border.

The popularity of the flower cannot be hindered even by the unpleasant fact that zinnia is afraid of the cold. Of course, zinnia, the cultivation of seedlings of which was accompanied by hardening, withstands small, up to one degree below zero, frosts, both seedlings and adult flowering plants, but the flower does not withstand more sensitive frosts. But as if in compensation for this lack of zinnia is very drought-resistant.

This beautiful flower is characterized as long-blooming. Bushes bloom towards the end of June, and flowering continues until frost, decorating the garden for a long time. A flowering plant looks good in arrays and groups, perfectly decorating borders and borders. Many gardeners are used for planting on alpine slides.

In a zinnia flower, seedlings are grown as follows. First, zinnia is sown. This is done at the very beginning of April in greenhouses, it is also possible in greenhouses. Under normal conditions, seedlings appear about a week after sowing.

After about a week and a half, a pick is carried out, after which the plants need to be fed using complex fertilizers. This top dressing must be repeated a couple more times before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, then the plants will look like a real zinnia by the time of planting. Growing seedlings ends here.

Planting hardened seedlings into the ground becomes possible immediately after the end of frost. Graceful zinnia is planted at a distance of 30-35 cm between plants, and narrow-leaved zinnia, as a smaller one, will feel good and more dense - the distance between the bushes is enough 20-25 centimeters.

The soil for planting a flower of zinnia, the cultivation of seedlings of which was somewhat troublesome, should be rich in nutrients and have a neutral reaction. The site must first be dug up well, add humus, leafy soil or compost, about a bucket per square meter. You can add one tablespoon of nitrophoska, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. After fertilization, the soil is again shallowly dug up.

The site for growing zinnia should be well lit and protected from the wind. Waterlogging or, on the contrary, prolonged drought is completely unacceptable. Two or three times throughout the season, plants need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

OK it's all over Now. If we do everything that this wonderful plant requires of us, then this flower will thank us in full, whether it be zinnia from seeds or grown through seedlings.

Picking seedlings of flowers - requires skill and patience

Any seedling is a very gentle natural creature. But seedlings of flowers require special care. And gardeners who are fond of growing flowers very often face the problem when improper picking of seedlings of flowers leads to the death of seemingly well-grown seedlings. We address this article to those who are interested in the correct picking and seedlings of flowers and other seedlings.

Let us dwell in detail on how the picking of seedlings of flowers is made. Most of them have a very vulnerable and weak root system. These include the popular petunia, fragrant fragrant tobacco, the amazingly beautiful snapdragon, cochia, phlox and other flowers that give us joy with their splendor if they are properly cared for. Here they need to dive into special separate pots, so that when transplanted into the ground, you can simply break the container and pull out the seedlings from there along with the ground, so as not to disturb the root system once again. And such cultures. Like dahlias, asters, salvia and others with sufficiently strong rhizomes, they can be transplanted immediately to their permanent habitat in the garden or greenhouse, making a preliminary pick in ordinary boxes. There are also such varieties of flowers, the picking of seedlings of which is recommended in groups in one hole. The fact is that, for example, alissum, lobelia and other varieties of some flowering plants are thus well accepted, as if supporting each other's root system.

Proper picking of plants involves taking into account the fact that after they are planted, some seedlings may lie down due to excessive stretching of the cotyledons. To prevent this from happening, you need to deepen the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. And if you notice that the plant continues to stretch the cotyledon knee after it has practically already taken up in the place of its main habitat, then you will have to worry about sprinkling the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves with the soil mixture.

Successful picking of seedlings of flowers also depends on how proper lighting received seeds from which seedlings were grown. If there was little lighting, then there is a problem with lodging of plants after planting.

And, of course, an important factor is the temperature of the room where the seedlings grow. It is difficult to create the optimal air temperature for all plants. Therefore, when planting, it is necessary to sort the seeds of heat-loving flowers and separate them from those that grow well at lower temperatures. By planting them in separate boxes, you can easily rearrange them from place to place, lowering or raising the temperature background. For example, aggregum and perilla grow well at room temperature, for asters and petunias 18 degrees of heat is enough, and viola and fragrant tobacco feel great at temperatures up to 15 degrees. By creating such conditions, you will get hardened and healthy plants and the picking of seedlings will take place without any problems.

Picking seedlings of flowers should be carried out in a timely manner. This process cannot be delayed. Picking begins when the first leaves appear on the plants. The seedling is carefully separated from the box together with a clod of earth and carefully and carefully transferred to a diving container. The earth in the bowl should be moist, and some time after picking, the seedling is sprinkled with soil to the required place so that the hypocotyl knee does not stretch excessively, and watered. As a tool, in order not to damage the weak root system, you can use a manicure set that you no longer use.

After that, before planting in the ground, they require three feedings a day. After two or three weeks, you can fertilize the soil with a complex mineral fertilizer, then after another 10 days (twice) use the special Uniflor micro composition.

Growing and picking seedlings is exciting. If you do not have time for this activity, you can purchase good seedlings in specialized stores.

Zinnia: planting and care | growing from seeds -

Zinnia (zinnia), or major, is a cute plant native to Mexico. Quite interesting is the fact that it can reach a height of 15 to 120 cm! Zinnia is an upright and branched plant. Depending on the size, it can be sprawling or compact. Rigid stems are greenish-purple in color. Slightly pointed zinnia leaves are distinguished by a light fluff in the form of long, stiff, colorless hairs.

Zinnia inflorescences are of three types: simple baskets with a number of reed flowers; semi-double, having a row of two to five reed flowers; terry, which are multi-row. Reed flowers of zinnia can reach one and a half centimeters in width and up to four centimeters in length. They are slightly elongated, have an oval shape. Zinnia flowers are able to delight growers with their variegation, merging into many shades of white, pink, red, yellow and orange. A large lanceolate achene is the fruit of an elegant zinnia.

An annual plant pleases gardeners with a huge variety of its forms and varieties, so every lover to decorate his garden or balcony with unusual plants will have plenty to choose from. Most often, they are classified precisely by height: tall and short. Tall zinnias include super cactus, fruwunder, giant cactus, dahlia, grandiflora.

Growing zinnia at home

On the territory of our country, as a rule, in the Non-Black Earth Region, it is customary to propagate zinnia by seedlings, and in the south - by seeds.

If we are talking about growing zinnia at home, then seeds for seedlings begin to be sown no earlier than April. Such a late planting of seeds is quite easy to explain. The fact is that zinnia grows very quickly. If a grower plants a flower in March, then by the time the flower needs to be replanted, he will already have time to acquire buds. This will make it difficult to move the plant to its landing site. In addition, a fairly large seedling is rather painfully experiencing planting in open ground.

To grow seedlings from seeds at home, you will need a pot or container at least 10 cm deep. We have already mentioned that zinnia in most cases is a tall plant, so the seeds need to be planted at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other in order to in the future, the seedlings did not interfere with each other. After planting seeds, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly. Next, cover the pot or container with thick plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. As a rule, the first shoots can be seen in 5-6 days.

In the event of the appearance of the first green leaves, it is necessary to immediately remove the film from the container. Seedlings begin to dive only after each of the pots reaches up to 10 cm in height. After four weeks after the dive, the seedlings are ready to move to the country. However in open ground should be transplanted no earlier than June, when the danger of night frosts has finally passed.

The site is preferable to choose in the sun or in partial shade. Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 40 cm, and undersized -20 cm. After the plants acclimatize after transplantation, they need to pinch the crown. This is done for better branching of seedlings.

Growing zinnia from seed outdoors

Before planting zinnia outdoors, you need to find a good place for the plant. For a plant, such a site is one where there are no drafts, and the midday sun often peeps out, since zinnia is a light-loving flower.

Most often, zinnia seeds are planted directly into open ground in the southern territories of our country. This is done in late April - early May. With this method of planting, it is necessary to take care of some kind of covering material that will protect young shoots from low temperatures at night. Subsequently, the plants must be thinned out, leaving approximately ten pieces per square meter.

Zinnia Care

Zinnia loves medium and heavy fertile soil mixtures with pre-applied organic fertilizer. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers should be carried out during the active growing season. Zinnia does not tolerate frost well, so it should be transplanted (or initially planted) into open ground only when the danger of a strong drop in night temperatures has passed. If, nevertheless, the gardener managed to plant zinnia, but the onset of frost is inevitable, then you need to take care of a good shelter for the plant. Zinnia is a drought-resistant plant, however, with a prolonged lack of sufficient moisture, the plant may lose its decorative effect. With an excess of moisture (especially in cool weather), the baskets rot very quickly.

Zinnia is an elegant annual that, with proper care, will delight the owners with its iridescent colors throughout the entire flowering period. . The main thing: observe the watering regime and do not plant the plant until the end of night frosts.

Is it possible to dive Zinnias deepened to cotyledon leaves? How are you doing?


does not form lateral roots on the stem, so it makes no sense to deepen to the cotyledons ... the seedlings grow very quickly, so I sow at the end of April in the apartment ... the roots are injured when transplanted into open ground, it is difficult to endure ... the development of plants is delayed for a month ... I plant on the same the depth to which the plant was buried earlier ... I still advise you to dive now ... this will delay growth for a month, which is what you need .. + survival in the exhaust gas will be easier.


I sow already in the country, and then seated in place.
I think that if the seedlings are very stretched out, then you can deepen it a little.

Elena Smirnova

If not sown too often, then it is quite possible to do without a pick. The fact is that young zinnia sprouts are unusually fragile and it is better not to disturb them once again. If they stretch, then move them to a cooler place.
After my, poorly successful, first experience of sowing zinnia through seedlings at home (I lost some during picking, some during transportation), I sow directly into the exhaust gas.


Yes, but when will you plant? I sow for the north of the Moscow region on April 20-24 ... I plant it at the entrance, one year in early June they came under frost, turned black. Since then, I have been in no hurry to plant.


dive is not worth it, try to carefully pour the soil between the plants. There is no room up - build up with a paper ring.


I just sow them in the ground on May Day ..

Irina Shabalina

why bother with a pick.... I always divide and plant from a common box, it doesn’t even fade, you can deepen it, but a little.


I sow zinnia in the ground under lutrasil in mid-late May

It's me

It can also be deepened. They stretch strongly at the seedling stage. Therefore, I buried them in the ground by 20 cm (I had to dig trenches). They grew up fine. Now I don’t sow - I’m tired.


mine is tall too. I deepened last year. but my zinnia is beautiful and powerful. Johnsons seeds. height 75 cm and flower diameter 14 cm. There are recommendations on the sachet—TRY TO REPLACE AND DO NOT DISTURB THEIR ROOTS AS LESS AS POSSIBLE. I really love zinnias.

At what time is zinnia sown for seedlings, growing from seeds, when to plant, how to dive and feed this plant? All of these topics should be studied by a novice amateur who wants to get his own seedlings of simple, but very attractive and decorative flowers.

Zinnia - growing from seeds

This plant comes from the warm regions of South and North America, therefore, in our climatic zone, it is practiced mainly to grow zinnia through seedlings. Even slight frosts can destroy a flower in an open flower bed. Majors, as the people call zinnia, are represented by many species with double or simple inflorescences of different colors with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm. Their flower stalks, depending on the variety, reach a height of 20 cm to 1 meter. For landscaping, one-year-old zinnia narrow-leaved and elegant zinnia are often planted.

When to plant zinnia seedlings?

Majors have a serious advantage over other ornamental plants - rapid growth and rapid entry into the flowering period. Only 2-2.5 months are required for seedlings after germination to decorate the flower bed with elegant buds. It is not recommended to plant a heat-loving crop in March; by the time of planting, it will outgrow and create problems for the owner of the summer cottage. The optimal time for sowing zinnia for seedlings in most regions is in the second half of April, which allows you to get excellent seedlings by mid-May, when the threat of frost has passed.

From the end of May, in warm climates, you can plant large marjoram seeds directly into the ground, but for early flowers, it is better to use a proven seedling method. At home, zinnia is easily and easily bred, growing from seeds, when to plant, how to care for seedlings are simple questions that even beginner flower growers can solve. Majors in optimal conditions quickly sprout and take root without problems on the open ground.

How to sow zinnia for seedlings:

  1. The depth of the container for growing zinnia is from 10 cm.
  2. An excellent soil for majors is obtained by mixing black soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1.
  3. We plant seeds germinated in moist tissue at a distance of at least 2-3 cm.
  4. Seeding depth - no more than 1 cm.
  5. It is advisable to cover the box with foil.
  6. Germination can be expected after 3 days, but the timing depends on the freshness of the seeds.
  7. The optimum temperature for growing zinnia from seeds is +23°C.
  8. The pick is made when the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm.

For zinnia, growing methods are suitable, both standard - in large common boxes, and modern - in individual peat cups or. The latter option allows you to plant adult seedlings in the ground without injuring the delicate roots. The survival rate of majors in this case increases significantly, so if you have a limited amount of planting material, then the use of peat tablets is an excellent solution to the problem.

Another modern way to get seedlings is to plant zinnia in a snail. This simple method of growing annuals is gaining popularity. Bulky containers are not needed for its implementation, compact rolls made of soft material allow you to significantly save space on the windowsill. Even a schoolboy is able to make a snail for seedlings at home.

Growing zinnia in a snail:

Carefully study the rules for caring for zinnia, growing from seeds, when to plant and plants. This culture is growing rapidly, which often leads to problems for people who do not follow the basic rules for caring for young plants. A common mistake novice flower growers make is that zinnia seedlings are very stretched out, become brittle, thin and lie on the ground.

The main reasons for pulling seedlings of majors:

  1. Early sowing dates do not allow planting zinnia in a flower bed due to late frosts.
  2. Growing seedlings at high temperature.
  3. Thickened crops.
  4. Poor lighting of seedlings - the optimal length of daylight hours for zinnia is at least 12 hours.

Majors can be saved if you use special techniques for planting overgrown flowers in the soil. Sprouts should be planted in the ground with the stem deepened, sprinkling an extra length of the sprout in the hole, then adventitious roots form on it over time. Elongated plants are recommended to be tied to pegs so that they do not break from a gust of wind. If you notice the stretching of zinnia in a box or snail, then immediately pour the earth into the container. At night, try to reduce the temperature, and during the day, take the containers out into the sun.

The time when to dive zinnia after germination depends on the temperature in the room and the level of illumination. It is undesirable to let the sprouts stretch above the ground above 10 cm. When picking, the majors are deepened to the level of the cotyledons, which gives a positive effect. Adventitious roots will soon grow on the green leg, which will strengthen the young plant. When planting zinnia, it is recommended to pinch the long central root up to 2 cm; this technique, when grown from seeds, stimulates the branching of the root system.

The method of sowing seeds directly into the flower bed simplifies the cultivation of zinnia in the open field, but slightly pushes back the timing of flowering plants. You can start planting with seeds from mid-May, when late frosts no longer threaten heat-loving crops. When sowing, we lay the material at a depth of 1 cm after 10 cm. If the plantings are thick, then they need to be thinned out at the 5th leaf stage. Extra majors can not be thrown away, but carefully transplanted using these sprouts for landscaping in a neighboring area.