What does the death of loved ones in a dream mean. “Dream Interpretation Death of a relative dreamed of why in a dream Death of a relative

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Surely everyone knows the feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night in wild horror. So why dream of the death of a loved one, how do dream books interpret this? After such a dream, some cannot fall asleep for a long time, and then they suffer for several days and ask questions: why did I dream about this? Does this portend an imminent disaster? How to understand the meaning of this dream?

Yes, of course, many people are sure that a bad dream, especially one containing the death of a relative or friend, must carry some kind of meaning, which, as everyone thinks, is necessarily bad. But it's not. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
So, here you wake up and understand that today is not quite like your usual dreams, you dreamed of the death of a loved one.

Death is always terrible. Even in a dream, this event causes fear and sadness. If you dreamed about the death of a loved one, what does such a dream mean?

To begin with, you should remember that it is very important for the interpretation of your dream, how exactly the person died. Was he shot or maybe it was not a violent death? Therefore, as soon as you wake up, immediately write down all the details that you remember about this dream. Just as important are the images of the harbingers of death in your dreams. A broken mirror, black roses, a clock that has stopped. All this is very important for decryption.

As I said, it is not rare that the death of a loved one does not mean the worst. If you dreamed about the death of your close relative, then this may mean that with the health of this person, in reality, everything is just fine and you can even envy him.

It may also mean that soon its influence on your life will noticeably decrease. Most likely, your general views of the world will change, and you will simply no longer be interested in close communication with this person.

All children, even adults, are afraid of losing their mother. Why dream of the death of a mother in a dream.

  • Why dream of Mom's death? However, if you dreamed about the death of your parents, then this is an occasion to think and sharpen your attention. This dream may portend deceit in your direction, there may be some kind of financial fraud, just rumors behind your back.

If you dream about the death of your mother, this is a signal for serious changes in your everyday life. This may be marriage, moving, buying a private house, having a child.

  • Why dream of Grandma's death? A dream book about the death of a grandmother in a dream can mean that radical changes await your entire family. And if a grandfather dies in a dream, then in real life this promises him a long, healthy and happy life. The psychological explanation for dreaming about the death of your grandmother or grandfather is that you are subconsciously worried about the health and well-being of your loved ones.
  • You dreamed about the death of a friend. If you dreamed of the death of your friend, expect bad news, but take it calmly and try to solve your problems with a common mind. A friend died - you probably have stress, it's time to take care of your psychological state.
  • Why dream of the death of a brother or sister? In the case of a sister, this means that your family or someone close to you really needs support and if you have recently quarreled with someone, it would be best to make up soon. But the vision of the death of a brother warns of the danger of being deceived, someone wants to commit meanness towards you. By the way, this promises your real brother only good health.
  • I dreamed about the death of a loved one. If you dreamed that your loved one had died, this dream is interpreted as a fear of being left alone, of being abandoned and deceived. Do not despair, most likely these are just empty fears. Call your man, talk and for sure you will feel much better.
  • Why dream of the death of a deceased relative. Be careful if in a dream you saw an already deceased relative who is dying again, this usually happens when he tries to warn you of great danger. For example, if in reality you watched his death, this could promise serious disagreements due to inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

A dream about the death of a loved one. Interpretation of the meaning of such a dream in various dream books

Different dream books interpret the same dreams in somewhat different ways. Below we will try to list some of them:

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you saw the death of your close friend or relative, then according to Vanga's dream book, heavy losses and trials are coming.

But if you heard the voice of a long-dead person in a dream, then this is good news, a long-standing problem that has tormented you for a long time will soon be resolved. The death of a father according to Vanga means that in the near future you should think over all your actions more carefully. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, be careful, most likely you can quarrel a lot, and this will only be your fault. You should apologize and talk about it.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga writes that if in a dream you dreamed of a dying mother, most likely you will have a wedding with a rich and status man. If the father who died became the hero of your dream - definitely at this moment in your life your best friend is very jealous of you. If the husband dies, then a long and happy family life awaits you with him. Did your son or your daughter die? Then there is such a possibility that a long separation from your good friend awaits you. And if in a dream you saw the death of your friend or girlfriend, then your present or future child will have good health.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the death of one of your relatives in a dream is a sign that your life should change soon, an important role in the world has been prepared for you. If an already sick person dies, be careful with decisions in the near future so as not to make mistakes. If in a dream death was heavy, you heard the groans and suffering of a person, your subconscious signals you to turn inward and analyze your own state.

Esoteric dream book

The death of a loved one in a dream means that the time has finally come to cleanse your mind of the past, it is time to be spiritually reborn. However, if a person was muttering something at the time of death, listen, sometimes this is a warning about the dangers that threaten you.

The Islamic dream book says that if in this dream you saw the death of all your loved ones, then the Earth will not be threatened with death for about 3000 years.

Modern love dream book

Losing a loved one forever is scary. What does a dream about the death of a loved one warn us about

If a person in a dream died without suffering, quietly and calmly, then this may mean that his fate is good to him, and he can exhale, he will not have bad news for a long time.

But if his death was accompanied by torment and pain, then you should expect trouble and be on the alert. He should be careful with his decisions at work and in his personal life, and you should beware, you can quarrel with this person a lot. Best of all, after such a dream, talk to him and immediately resolve all your differences. Seeing death in a dream can portend you new love and breaking up old relationships that have long been fading away.

If you are a girl and you dreamed about the death of your future spouse, you can be sure of his fidelity and his love for you. And if the guy sees the death of the bride, then he is expected to hear from his relatives.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If your blood relative dies in your dream, this is a sign of longevity and further prosperity, but if he whispers something to you, then there is the possibility of your disagreements. The death of a close friend or girlfriend can mean major changes in your life, for a girl it can be pregnancy and a calm birth.

If you have a childlessness problem in your family, then the death of a person close to you in a dream can promise an early addition.

Children's dream book

You are overly attentive and jealous of this person, obsessing over relationships with him, limiting his freedom. These feelings prevent you from living and limit you too, it is worth changing your outlook on your communication.

Chinese dream book

Communication with this person will lose its meaning for you, he will leave your life. Forgetfulness, gradual estrangement from each other. Seeing at a funeral - he will offend you in some way, perhaps betrayal or a quarrel.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

This person will disappoint you as a person, unexpected unpleasant statements on his part. Watch death from an accident - you will find yourself with this person in an unusual situation in which the negative aspects of his personality will be revealed.


It can be said for sure that death in a dream is not always a harbinger of pain and suffering in reality, sometimes death symbolizes your well-being in the future. However, you can’t immediately relax, it’s best to remember your dream more accurately and weigh everything before interpreting your dream.

Dreams of death leave an unsettling feeling upon awakening. Sad pictures evoke the thought of an irreparable and inevitable loss. But is it really so? Why dream of the death of loved ones? The answer will be given by the dreamers.

A common meaning of dreams with already dead people is a prediction about a change in the weather. However, not everyone can endure the vision of the death of a still living person stoically, and such a dream cannot be explained by a change in the weather. Let us analyze in which cases the death of a loved one in a dream should be taken as a warning.

Symbols of death are signs of a prophetic dream. present in night vision:

  • stopped clock;
  • broken mirror;
  • black veil or scarf;
  • black flowers;
  • flower pots with flowers.

In other cases the death of loved ones may reflect an inner fear of losing loved ones. Dream Interpretations claim that dreams about the death of living people, on the contrary, portend them a long life.

For a detailed interpretation of sleep, the status of a relative in the family clan is important:

  • the death of a father warns of a dangerous deal that they are trying to draw you into;
  • the death of a mother portends significant changes in your destiny;
  • the death of a grandmother warns of significant events in the tribal circle;
  • the death of a grandfather predicts a long life for the hero of a dream;
  • the death of a brother warns that there is a vile person in your environment;
  • the death of a sister says that the family needs your support.

Often dreams about the loss of grandparents are an echo of daytime worries about the health of the elderly. Dreams about the loss of siblings can remind you to spend more time with them.

Why dream death of a distant relative? A dream may portend a cooling of relations or changes in the life of a given person, which will lead to alienation from each other or the termination of any relationship at all.

If a the death of a relative is accompanied by blood loss, expect intra-family squabbles and conflicts. To maintain trust, make concessions and be flexible. Don't let the outburst of emotions dampen the bright feeling of trust and openness in the relationship.

It is considered a bad omen death of all relatives. You will actually find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy in a helpless position.

Dreams about loved ones

Sometimes in a dream you can see the death of a loved one. What does this mean? Dream interpreters say that the people they see are on the verge of cardinal changes in fate. This may be a change in work activity, a wedding or divorce, a change of place of residence (travel abroad) or other significant events in a person’s life.

Death of a spouse, on the one hand, is a projection of the fear of being left alone. On the other hand, a dream may warn of a husband's attempt to hide something important from you.

What does loss of a friend in a dream? The subconscious mind is preparing you for bad news, which should be taken stoically. Death of a girlfriend says that at the moment you are overloaded with work and need a rest.

Death of a loved one can also be a projection of the fear of loneliness and separation. On the other hand, the loss of a loved one in a dream prophesies a cold snap in relationships and an attempt to hide true feelings.

Dream plots

  • What do they mean illegible words spoken by a dying person in a dream? This plot shows your unwillingness to take into account the opinions of loved ones and listen to their words. Sometimes you simply do not hear your loved ones and inflict emotional wounds on them with your callousness.
  • If close dying before your eyes, this may herald fundamental changes in family life- the birth of a child, a wedding or engagement. Also, a dream can portend changes in work, for example, a promotion.
  • If you saw the death of a sick man, a dream prophesies a speedy healing from an illness. see death and sudden resurrection of the dead portends a pleasant acquaintance with good people. Hear the news of the demise close - you are internally ready to enter into a new relationship.
  • See death of a loved one in an accident- Fear of being alone. If the dying person was tormented before leaving for the next world, expect a period of trials in life. A sudden death predicts a quick solution to complex problems.
  • visit the grave a recently deceased relative - a difficult life situation lies ahead, a way out of which will be difficult to find. Hear in a dream about the death of relatives You should visit them soon. If the message turned out to be false, beware of deception in real life.
  • See death of a loved one due to fire- in reality, this person was in captivity of bad habits: drugs, alcoholism or gambling. However, most often the plot suggests that a loved one cannot find a way out of the current negative situation and needs support.
  • A futile attempt to save the dying from the flame portends that in real life you will not be able to provide him with the necessary assistance. If you give artificial respiration to a person who died from carbon monoxide, and he comes to life, in reality, your attempts to help will be crowned with success.
  • If a close one crashed when falling from a height, in reality, his irrepressible ambitions will lead to the collapse of all plans. It takes patience from you to help the person get over the period of depression after the incident.

Dream Interpretations about the death of a living person

  • Family dream book considers this dream prophetic. Hearing the voice of a recently deceased friend in a dream - get ready for bad news. Talking with a dead father - beware of rash acts. A conversation with your mother - a dream calls to moderate your appetites, not to demand the impossible from life.
  • Modern dream book interprets the death of relatives for future trials. Hearing in a dream about the death of a loved one - you will soon hear bad news. If a loved one died in agony, in real life you will commit an irreparable act.

A rather difficult interpretation of a night dream is a plot where you happened to see or hear about the death of a relative. In real life, such a tragedy can leave a deep and unpleasant mark for the rest of your life. Many religions believe that death is the beginning of a new round in the development of the human soul. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep does not have an exact unambiguous meaning. For a complete and accurate decoding, it is necessary to recall the dream with maximum accuracy and consistency.

See the death of a loved one

Why dream of the death of a relative? When interpreting a dream about the death of a relative who is alive in real life, it is necessary to take into account what kind of real relationship you have with him.

Despite the terrible word "death", the dream does not portend anything bad, on the contrary, the one who dies in a dream is waiting for long life and the person will not know health problems.

if you dreamed that one of the relatives died

According to the interpretation of Loff's dream book, this plot indicates that this person is not indifferent to you and in real life you are very worried about him. The French dream book interprets in a different way: a dreamer who sees the death of a loved one expects great grief in reality.

A dream is considered a bad sign, in which the dreamer also saw: a stopped clock, a black scarf, a broken mirror.

It is always unpleasant to see a dream about the death of a loved one, but most often it symbolizes that you need to change your attitude towards loved ones, visit, talk, and provide assistance.

Also, such a dream may, at the subconscious level, indicate your quarrel in reality with the person who dreamed of the dead, or perhaps you completely stopped communicating with him.
The dream book advises you to take a night dream as a warning about imminent changes in your life.

I happened to see the death of a loved one who is sick in real life - the interpretation of sleep portends news of his recovery in the near future.

To see that all relatives have died - you are in a difficult financial situation and need help.

Death happened in front of the dreamer

The interpretation of a dream in which they saw the death of a loved one before your eyes has a negative meaning and portends a difficult period in life.

A loved one died and immediately came to life before your eyes? The vision is dreaming of new pleasant acquaintances.

Hearing a message or conversation about death is an auspicious dream, indicating your readiness for a new relationship.

Cause of death

To see that the cause of death was an accident means that a person is actually afraid of being alone.

Suddenly, it should be noted how exactly the person died:

  • He experienced great torment - a difficult period begins in the dreamer's life.
  • The dying man died quickly - all difficulties will resolve themselves.

Who died

Which of the relatives died

A close relative in a dream is dreamed of by the deceased as a sign that the health of this person will not cause alarm.


  • To see a dead mother in a dream - a dream indicates that you are mentally and physically tired. It's time to relax and take care of your well-being. The dream interpretation also indicates that the plot is dreaming on the eve of a wedding or the birth of a baby.
  • Father - the subconscious sends a signal: someone needs your support and communication.
  • Dreamer's children - quarrels and scandals will occur in life.
  • Grandmother - in real life there will be a turning point that will affect the whole family.
  • Grandfather is alive, but his death is a dream, which means he will live a long time.
  • Did you have a dream: did your sister die? Interpretation calls to forget quarrels and grievances. Help a loved one who needs support so much.
  • The husband is dreaming of the dead - as a signal that it is worth taking a closer look at his behavior, perhaps he will tell you not entirely good news. The beloved spouse dreams of the deceased - as a fear of parting with him.

distant relatives

Distant relatives died in your dream - which means that in real life moments of mutual misunderstanding await you with these people. But if you dream of a plot involving a person with whom you are actually currently in a quarrel, the interpretation of the dream portends an imminent truce.

People say that if a dreamer saw a deceased relative in a dream, it means that changes will occur in the weather.

Close friends

To know that a friend is alive, but the dead are dreaming of bad news.

Girlfriend - indicates a stressful situation in life.

See a fresh grave

To see a dream in which you visited the grave of only a deceased close relative - now you are in a difficult situation and do not know how to find a way out of this situation.

Find out about the death

The news of death indicates that it is worth visiting relatives soon. Finding out in a dream the news about the death of a loved one is a dreamer who is prone to exaggeration of events in life.

The news was false - it's worth it, be careful they want to mislead you.

see the deceased

The dead man called the dreamer? This night story is a dream to death.

Washing the deceased means leaving the past where it should be and start living in the present.

Interpretation of a dream in famous dream books

Family dream book

The meaning of a dream in which relatives dream of the dead indicates that this nightly plot is a warning.

Seeing a deceased father and talking to the deceased in a dream - the dream book indicates that it is worth considering and weighing all your undertakings well.

A conversation with your mother in a dream calls in real life to control your desires.

If in a night dream you had a chance to see a deceased relative and he tried to make you promise something, then do not lose heart and listen to sleep.

Modern dream book

Have you seen your loved ones dead? Trouble and sadness are coming. Hearing unpleasant news about the death of a loved one - in real life you will receive a bad message. To see yourself as a dead person in the plots of a dream means that you will be forced to commit an offense. A relative or friend was dying in severe torment - a night dream indicates wrong deeds in real life. Dead enemy - you must definitely overcome the evil thoughts within yourself.

Dreams have always been and are something unknown, unknown. Previously, it was believed that through dreams you can communicate with the other world. Now psychologists say that sleep is a subconscious experience of a person. They can be both good and scary. One such terrible example is a dream when you dream of the death of a loved one. Many begin to worry and expect the worst, but you should not do this.

There are dreams where a loved one or friend who is alive dies. Don't start worrying about it.

Death in a dream indicates that in real life This guy is taking it to the next level.

Some unpleasant stage in his life will end and a new one will begin. Or he will discover something interesting for himself and take up a new activity. He will begin to change his habits, lifestyle, rules, move to another place. You can only be happy for him.

How a person dies in a dream also matters. According to modern dream books, in different variants this will have a different meaning for the sleeper:

  1. 1. If a loved one or relative dies painfully, then the sleeping person will soon be tormented by remorse about his attitude towards this person. What these “torments” will be connected with, everyone must understand for himself (as an option, he has not communicated with this person for a long time and completely forgot about him).
  2. 2. If a person dies not by his own death, suddenly, this may promise for the sleeper the appearance of any doubts about the “dead”, which may arouse suspicion, vain accusations. The sleeper needs to reconsider his attitude towards others. He is too closed from the outside world and does not trust anyone. You just need to understand that there are a lot of good people around with whom you can be friends.
  3. 3. If a relative dies from a painful illness, then this is a very good sign. In the real world, this person will recover, be cured of some disease. The life of the "deceased" is not in danger. If a loved one dies of illness in the presence of a sleeping person, this may mean that this person misses you. It will be useful to meet or call him.
  4. 4. If you yourself kill an acquaintance or friend, this may indicate that in real life this acquaintance is very tired of you. Constantly climbs with his advice or tries to teach life. You just need to talk to this person so that he lags behind you in the real world.

dreams, in which people see the death of a loved one, are usually well remembered. They can be constantly present in the head, making it difficult to live peacefully. It is important not to dwell on such dreams, especially since they do not bode well.

For the interpretation of a dream, it matters which of the relatives died. This is due to the relationship of the sleeping person and the "deceased":

  • if a father or mother of a sleeping person dies in a dream, then in reality one should expect to receive a large amount. The dream hints at receiving an inheritance or an expensive gift. The dreamer will be lucky in financial matters, you can play in a casino or buy lottery tickets;
  • if you dream of the death of a sister or brother, you should think about your relationship. Those who are in a quarrel need to reconsider their relationship and make peace;
  • if you dream of the death of a grandmother or grandfather who is alive, this promises them a long life. But soon relatives will remind of themselves or convey not very pleasant news;
  • if the sleeper cries over the loss of a loved one in a dream, this may mean that the "dead" misses him very much. You should visit the dreamer. Tears in a dream portend joy, relief and happiness in reality;
  • to dream of the death of a friend means that you need to take care of your health. Any disease should be treated immediately to avoid complications.

Some people attach too much to dreams great importance. Sleep only reflects the emotional state of a person. If you constantly have nightmares, then you should pay attention to your own health and psychological state. Such dreams can appear after stressful situations or during illness.

And some secrets...

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What if you dream about the death of your loved ones?

If relatives are still alive, but dreamed of being dead and lying in a coffin, as a rule, this means that in the near future there is a great danger and one should be more careful. If in real life, they are already dead, then this is a quick change in the weather. However, if they say something to you in your sleep, listen carefully, their warnings can be very important. When a relative dies in illness or agony - a bad sign that portends the onset of adverse events. The worse his agony, the worse things will go.

You should remember what emotions you experienced in a dream, this reflects what you feel in real life. Often, a dream about the death of a loved one indicates that there is currently a difficult relationship with him, a quarrel or misunderstanding. You should analyze your own and his behavior.

How close the relationship is is also of great importance. If you dreamed of a dead or sick father - to your own illness; mother - to the pangs of conscience, chagrin; uncle - promises sudden and unexpected success; brother or sister - happiness in family life; distant relatives - to possible joy and good luck.

If you strongly mourn the dead person, then this means the fear of being rejected. Perhaps the feelings for him are very contradictory, this is love, and at the same time hostility, envy, disappointment. You need to reconsider your relationship with this person in real life.

What portends?

The death of relatives is a very unpleasant dream, but in real life it promises them a long life and prosperity. So, you should not take the dream literally, but still, you should be careful. You need to pay attention to what they were wearing. Elegant, beautiful relatives promise quick wealth and happiness.

If the deceased relative is unknown, you personally should think about rethinking the meaning of life, perhaps something should be changed. You need to pay attention to whether there is someone else in a dream, whether someone else is grieving, what is the attitude towards this person.

The interpretation of sleep can be different and contradictory, therefore, in order to find out what really awaits in the future, you need to analyze your life, think about whether there are any important events coming up, making decisions, making commitments.

The interpretation of a dream about the death of relatives always promises changes, and, unfortunately, not always pleasant ones. Do not despair, by tuning in to the positive, you can attract good luck and prosperity to yourself, despite even the not-so-pleasant omens of the dream book.

See death in a dream always brings the saddest and saddest thoughts to us. After all, we all want to see our loved ones alive and healthy and often perceive such dreams as a very bad sign and expect what will happen.

After all, dreams do not need to be interpreted literally, very often what they see does not carry anything bad, or vice versa, such a vision can protect a person from bad influence or warn.

For a more accurate interpretation, you need to remember all the details of what you saw and find out the meaning by dream book of dreams.

As a rule, seeing the death of a relative or friend does not bode well. Most often, this is a symbol of the fact that there will be changes for the better in your destiny. The departure of a loved one symbolizes purification and a bright spiritual life. This is a sign of renewal, the withering away of old stereotypes, a sign of reincarnation.

Some dream books interpret death as a rebirth of the soul and energy renewal. Many dream books also interpret death as a sign of big wars and global conflicts.

The death of a man who is alive

Such a dream most often means a big change in the fate of this person: he can suddenly change his place of work or his religious views. If you saw the death of a friend who is seriously ill, then this symbolizes a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed about the death of several people, this is a bad sign that brings global clashes, bloody wars and epidemics.

Death of a husband, mother or other relatives

This video symbolizes your close spiritual connection. If you dreamed about the death of your husband while away, then this means that soon he will return home safely. Sometimes such a dream serves as a warning about possible illness.

Such a dream speaks of big changes in your personal life or you may receive a large inheritance. If a relative spoke in a dream, then you were under a bad influence and embarked on the wrong path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps your close friends are up to something.

This dream portends the establishment of a good and trusting relationship with her. If a young woman had such a dream, it symbolizes imminent marriage or pregnancy. If death was accompanied by a car accident or murder, then soon you will encounter misunderstanding and you will have many communication problems with relatives.

If the death of your mother occurred from a serious illness, you have serious problems in the body. Visit a doctor and get examined.

The death of a man who is dead

If you saw in a dream the death of a person who died long ago, this is a bad sign. A loved one who has died twice is trying in this way to warn you of impending danger or illness. If death happened in front of your eyes, then this portends a major quarrel due to inheritance.

What does Miller's dream book say?

If you dreamed of the death of a close friend or relative, this is a warning of impending trials and heavy losses.

If you saw the death of your father, be careful in business and carefully weigh every decision you make. If you saw in a dream that your mother died - your relationship with her may worsen through your fault, you need to talk and ask for forgiveness, remember this and follow the advice.

Interpretation of Chinese and Assyrian dream books

Such a dream means a quick journey, and big changes for the better await your life. If you saw in a dream the death of a relative, then this symbolizes gold and wealth, the world is waiting for you. glory and royal honors.

Seeing the death of a loved one is a slight malaise. Seeing the death of a young and healthy person is an unpleasant and boring conversation. If you see the death of a long-dead person - empty money chores.

Explanation of dreams of female and oriental dream books

If a woman sees a dying mother in a dream - for an imminent wedding with a rich groom. If a father, your best friend envy you. A dying husband means that she is with him live a long happy life.

The death of a son or daughter - to a long separation from an old friend. To see that your best friend was killed - to the appearance of a healthy child.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To see the death of relatives is a sign that a special place has been prepared for you on Earth. If a sick person dies, this is a sign of deceit of enemies and injustice. Weigh every decision carefully so you don't make a fatal mistake.

If in a dream death is accompanied by groans and torment, then the Earth is waiting for a global nuclear war, it will destroy all life. All countries and continents will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Esoteric and Arabic dream books

Such a dream has a philosophical meaning. Through what you see in a dream, you will gain enlightenment and clarity of mind. It's time to travel and reflect on your true purpose.

If you see the death of a close relative, it means spiritual rebirth.

If you clearly heard the dead man say something - be sure to listen to his words, perhaps this is a warning about danger, remember this.

If you saw the departure of all your loved ones, it means that humanity is safe and is not in danger of death for three thousand years.

To see in a dream the death of a close relative - in a year a cure for all forms of cancer will be invented on Earth. To see a father dying from a serious illness - soon a new one will be born in Europe serial killer or maniac.

The death of a loved one - you have to live in an era of grandiose changes. Son or daughter - soon you will be informed about the plans of ill-wishers. If in a dream you saw a lot of blood - to great wars and destruction.

What is said in the modern love dream book?

If a person passed away quietly and calmly, then nothing threatens him and soon his fate will become easy and joyful. If he passes away in torment and suffering, then you should expect big trouble.

He should be careful and not enter into conflicts in the family and at work. If you are in a quarrel with this person, then this is a symbol of the destruction of your relationship.

Perhaps you need to talk and ask each other for forgiveness.

If in a dream you saw a dying child, your undertaking will not be successful, there may be problems at a new job.

Seeing death portends the destruction of old relationships and new love. If a girl dreamed of the groom's death, this is a symbol of his fidelity and self-sacrifice.

With this person you will find your happiness. If a young man dreamed of the death of his beloved girl - fast news from blood relatives. If you saw an easy death, be careful, you are playing with fire.

If a dying old man dreamed - this is a sign of infidelity and deceit, you made a mistake in your chosen one, take a closer look at him. A lot of blood in a dream - passionate and tragic love is on the threshold.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed of a dying blood relative - to longevity and prosperity. If he speaks or whispers words - conflict with relatives for money or inheritance.

The death of a close friend means the beginning of a new life. For a girl it could mean pregnancy and easy childbirth.

If a man dreamed of his dying father, he would gain strength and all enemies would be defeated. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, you should not count on an easy victory in business, a series of difficulties awaits you.

If in a childless family someone dreamed that a baby had died - expect soon additions to the family.

Dreams are joyful and those that portend sad events. Some dreams recur regularly.

Every dream is worth interpreting. Why dream of the death of a loved one? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - the main interpretation

Death in a dream does not always portend death in reality. You should not panic and expect unpleasant events, if you saw such a tragic event in a dream, most likely everything will turn out exactly in your life, but vice versa.

What should you pay special attention to if you dreamed about the death of a loved one?

Did he die a natural death;

Who became the culprit of his death;

Whether one relative died in his sleep, or several;

What emotions accompanied your dream.

If you woke up confused and very anxious, then you should carefully listen to your emotions - there may be a lot of truth in them and in fact you may be worried about the health of your loved one. If you woke up in a good mood and very joyful, it means that you foresee the positive changes that await you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative is saying something in a dream, such a dream means that you really should talk to him in reality. He may have important information for you. If in a dream you can hardly make out what it is about, such a dream means that you pay little attention to your loved ones. You give little importance to their words and actions. More busy with themselves. Soon this can lead to significant disagreements with relatives and even scandals.

If you dream that a deceased relative left a suicide note, and it is addressed specifically to you, you will receive important news that will radically change your life. You may even have to change your place of residence and social circle. If you dream that a relative is calling to him before his death, you will have significant obligations, you will not be able to avoid responsibility for any slightest mistake in the performance of work, so you should be very attentive to every assignment that you are entrusted with.

If you doubt your abilities and doubt whether you can personally fulfill this assignment, you should not initially agree to it. It is better to transfer the work to another, and do not waste your time.

It is worth noting that a dream in which your close relative dies somewhere far from you promises you a quick promotion and an improvement in your financial situation. After such a dream, the dream book advises you not to get involved in solving other important issues, but to throw all your strength into solving issues related to work and earnings. If you listen, you will get the maximum profit in a fairly short time.

If you dream that a relative died in your arms - such a dream means that you are waiting for colossal changes in your personal life. You will soon receive a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of interesting offers from the opposite sex. The dream book advises to consider all options. Perhaps, among the potential chosen ones, you will find exactly the one that will fully satisfy all your requests for the second half.

If you dream that you are trying to save a person close to you from death, but this does not work out - such a dream means that you will play a big role in solving his pressing problems, you may even have to take responsibility for his actions.

If you dream that your relative died in the war - such a dream means that you will have to become a participant in some kind of clarification of the relationship of people completely strangers to you. The dream book advises not to take their discontent and whims personally. It will be better if you move away from other people's problems and take care of the development of your life.

If you dream that your parents have died, you will soon receive a huge amount of money. It is better to think in advance what you will spend it on. Money can be a gift or an unexpected bonus. The dream book also indicates that it is from this period that a white streak will begin in your life. You can also win the lottery, or beat someone in a money dispute.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the death of a loved one is dreamed of as a harbinger of significant changes in personal life. You may soon receive not only a marriage proposal, but also the news that a replenishment will happen in the family.

If a lonely girl dreams that her mother has died, such a dream means that soon she will receive an offer to enter into a new and very profitable relationship. If a single man dreams that his best friend is dying, he will again begin a relationship with his former passion.

If a pregnant girl dreams that her husband is dying - such a dream promises them happiness in their personal lives and happy birth firstborn. Do not panic, even if after sleep you experience some anxiety and heaviness. These are just unjustified fears. In fact, nothing unpleasant will happen to you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative has become a hostage of an accident - such a dream means that you will randomly meet the person who will share your whole future life with you. If you dream that one of the children died in a dream - such a dream means that those relationships that have just begun will develop into a serious relationship.

If you dream that a person close to you suddenly came to life in a dream - such a dream means that soon you will have trouble in relationships and constant showdowns with your soulmate. The reason for this will be unspoken grievances and anxieties.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says why the death of a loved one is dreamed of. Such a dream often means significant health problems that will attack you. Illnesses can begin with a significant malaise, and develop into a significant ailment. It is important to remember the warning of the dream book and seek qualified help in time.

If you dream that your mother fell ill and died, you should not trust the people around you so much. You are likely to become a victim of their deception, while not only your moral character will suffer, but also your financial situation.

If you dream that in the middle of the night a loved one knocked on your house, and it was in your house that death overtook him - someone has long and sincerely wished you grief. It is worthwhile to figure out who it could be and take all measures in order to avoid negative consequences.

If you have secrets, they can miraculously become public. If you are not clean at work at work, it's time to stop fraud and think about your reputation. It can be irrevocably damaged. If you dream that someone from your work has died and this person was close to you - such a dream means that significant changes will soon take place at work, and they will give you the opportunity to improve your financial condition.

Why dream of the death of a loved one in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the death of your parents promises you material well-being and stability. The death of a beloved promises you trouble and trouble at work, but they will be temporary.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the death of your brother or sister in a dream means that you are a very callous person in reality, you are little interested in the problems of others. If you dream that a loved one lost a lot of blood and died from this - such a dream means that conflicts in the family will await you in order to avoid them - try not to accept anyone's point of view, but be guided only by common sense.

In any case, it is very unpleasant to see the death of a loved one in a dream. This can cause panic and apathy. But it is worth remembering that most dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of positive changes. If you want to make sure that everything is really all right with your loved one, dream books advise you to visit a relative in the near future. Perhaps you really did not spend enough time on it.

To see or learn in a dream that one of the relatives has died does not mean anything bad for those people who dreamed. For the dreamer, this dream is interpreted depending on the details and details.

If a person dreamed that his mother had died, do not be very scared. For the parent, this dream does not mean anything, but for the dreamer it promises not too good changes. If the dreamer saw that his mother died a violent death, then he needs to be wary of enemies or powerful enemies who can interfere or harm.

If the dreamer does not see the deceased, but in a dream he is sure that his mother has died, this is a scandal due to deceit. The dreamer will get into an unpleasant situation and will be accused of fraud.

If a loved one dies in the dreamer's arms, this is a big quarrel in reality with his parents. The dreamer will have to defend and prove his position, which will lead to scandal and resentment.

The dream of the death of a relative from an illness - to a calm and fairly good course of life for the dreamer. This dream does not mean anything, so after this dream you should not be afraid or worry about the life and health of your loved ones.

Seeing the death of a father does not bode well. On the contrary, after this dream, the dreamer can make peace with those with whom he has been in a quarrel for a long time or come to a compromise when resolving important issues. Also, some dream books say that this dream symbolizes strong and trusting relationships in the family. If the dreamer in a dream sobs very much and grieves for the loss, then in real life he will spend time in a very cheerful company.

Almost all dream books interpret the death of a relative quite positively. The person who dreamed of the dead, in reality, has very good health and will live for many years.

Many are interested in why the death of a relative is dreamed of, whom a person has never seen in reality, but only heard about him. This dream is a warning, the dreamer will get into trouble because of his actions or judgments.

To kill a relative with your own hands in a dream is a drastic change in life. It is possible that the dreamer will move to another job or change his place of residence for reasons beyond his control.

If a dreamer or dreamer dreams of the death of a sister, then you need to be prepared for good changes. This dream predicts joyful events not only for those who saw it, but also for the whole family. If there was a difficult financial situation, then things will go smoothly. If one of the family members was sick, then after this dream a very quick recovery will come.

If a person dreamed of the death of a brother in a dream, then one should try to remember whether the dreamer saw the dead man. If a person saw in a dream how his loved one died, you need to prepare for the meeting of unexpected guests or events where he will have a great time. If in a dream the dreamer does not see the deceased, but knows that he has rested, then this is an empty dream.

To dream of the death of a grandmother or grandfather - to new beginnings. But it is advisable to pay attention to the details: if the dream was terrible and difficult, then the dreamer needs to be wary of illness. If the dream was quite bright, calm and the dreamer did not grieve too much about the loss, this is a bright prospect.

If suddenly a person dreamed of the death of a relative who had already died in reality, then you need to commemorate the deceased and go to church to light a candle for the repose of this person.

If a mother or father dreams of the death of a child, then do not panic. This dream only warns that all the plans and ideas that a person is going to realize will not come true. This dream also signals that in the near future it is better for the dreamer not to start any serious business, especially related to finances.

And what about when you dream of the death of a relative with whom the dreamer does not communicate due to a major quarrel or disagreement. This is a warning dream. Surrounded by a dreamer, a person appeared who wants to do something nasty or frame the dreamer. Moreover, this person is familiar with the dreamer for a long time. It is better for the dreamer not to share his plans with anyone and not to talk about what is happening in his life.

If suddenly the dreamer saw that his relative died in a dream, who in reality had died a long time ago, it is better to remember the details of the dream. It is possible that the deceased person wants to warn the living about something. It is very important to remember what the deceased said or showed in reality. Psychics are advised to follow the instructions that the dreamer receives in a dream from a deceased relative.

If you dream of the death of a relative and a person has to bury him, you need to fear for the health of loved ones. Especially if the dreamer himself digs a grave. To acquire ritual attributes or a coffin in a dream for others - to financial assistance or unexpected enrichment. Also, this dream can warn of inheritance.

Seeing in a dream how relatives and close people die or have already died is very difficult and unpleasant. But these terrible dreams have no power and those who appeared in them will live happily ever after.

Surely everyone knows the feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night in wild horror. So why dream of the death of a loved one, how do dream books interpret this? After such a dream, some cannot fall asleep for a long time, and then they suffer for several days and ask questions: why did I dream about this? Does this portend an imminent disaster? How to understand the meaning of this dream?

Yes, of course, many people are sure that a bad dream, especially one containing the death of a relative or friend, must carry some kind of meaning, which, as everyone thinks, is necessarily bad. But it's not. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
So, here you wake up and understand that today is not quite like your usual dreams, you dreamed of the death of a loved one.

Death is always terrible. Even in a dream, this event causes fear and sadness. If you dreamed about the death of a loved one, what does such a dream mean?

In this article you will learn:

Variants of dreams about the death of loved ones

To begin with, you should remember that it is very important for the interpretation of your dream, how exactly the person died. Was he shot or maybe it was not a violent death? Therefore, as soon as you wake up, immediately write down all the details that you remember about this dream. Just as important are the images of the harbingers of death in your dreams. A broken mirror, black roses, a clock that has stopped. All this is very important for decryption.

As I said, it is not rare that the death of a loved one does not mean the worst. If you dreamed about the death of your close relative, then this may mean that with the health of this person, in reality, everything is just fine and you can even envy him.

It may also mean that soon its influence on your life will noticeably decrease. Most likely, your general views of the world will change, and you will simply no longer be interested in close communication with this person.

All children, even adults, are afraid of losing their mother. Why dream of the death of a mother in a dream.

  • Why dream of Mom's death? However, if you dreamed about the death of your parents, then this is an occasion to think and sharpen your attention. This dream may portend deceit in your direction, there may be some kind of financial fraud, just rumors behind your back.

If you dream about the death of your mother, this is a signal for serious changes in your everyday life. This may be marriage, moving, buying a private house, having a child.

  • Why dream of Grandma's death? A dream book about the death of a grandmother in a dream can mean that radical changes await your entire family. And if a grandfather dies in a dream, then in real life this promises him a long, healthy and happy life. The psychological explanation for dreaming about the death of your grandmother or grandfather is that you are subconsciously worried about the health and well-being of your loved ones.
  • You dreamed about the death of a friend. If you dreamed of the death of your friend, expect bad news, but take it calmly and try to solve your problems with a common mind. A friend died - you probably have stress, it's time to take care of your psychological state.
  • Why dream of the death of a brother or sister? In the case of a sister, this means that your family or someone close to you really needs support and if you have recently quarreled with someone, it would be best to make up soon. But the vision of the death of a brother warns of the danger of being deceived, someone wants to commit meanness towards you. By the way, this promises your real brother only good health.
  • I dreamed about the death of a loved one. If you dreamed that your loved one had died, this dream is interpreted as a fear of being left alone, of being abandoned and deceived. Do not despair, most likely these are just empty fears. Call your man, talk and for sure you will feel much better.
  • Why dream of the death of a deceased relative. Be careful if in a dream you saw an already deceased relative who is dying again, this usually happens when he tries to warn you of great danger. For example, if in reality you watched his death, this could promise serious disagreements due to inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

A dream about the death of a loved one. Interpretation of the meaning of such a dream in various dream books

Different dream books interpret the same dreams in somewhat different ways. Below we will try to list some of them:

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you saw the death of your close friend or relative, then according to Vanga's dream book, heavy losses and trials are coming.

But if you heard the voice of a long-dead person in a dream, then this is good news, a long-standing problem that has tormented you for a long time will soon be resolved. The death of a father according to Vanga means that in the near future you should think over all your actions more carefully. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, be careful, most likely you can quarrel a lot, and this will only be your fault. You should apologize and talk about it.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga writes that if in a dream you dreamed of a dying mother, most likely you will have a wedding with a rich and status man. If the father who died became the hero of your dream - definitely at this moment in your life your best friend is very jealous of you. If the husband dies, then a long and happy family life awaits you with him. Did your son or your daughter die? Then there is such a possibility that a long separation from your good friend awaits you. And if in a dream you saw the death of your friend or girlfriend, then your present or future child will have good health.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the death of one of your relatives in a dream is a sign that your life should change soon, an important role in the world has been prepared for you. If an already sick person dies, be careful with decisions in the near future so as not to make mistakes. If in a dream death was heavy, you heard the groans and suffering of a person, your subconscious signals you to turn inward and analyze your own state.

Esoteric dream book

The death of a loved one in a dream means that the time has finally come to cleanse your mind of the past, it is time to be spiritually reborn. However, if a person was muttering something at the time of death, listen, sometimes this is a warning about the dangers that threaten you.

The Islamic dream book says that if in this dream you saw the death of all your loved ones, then the Earth will not be threatened with death for about 3000 years.

Modern love dream book

Losing a loved one forever is scary. What does a dream about the death of a loved one warn us about

If a person in a dream died without suffering, quietly and calmly, then this may mean that his fate is good to him, and he can exhale, he will not have bad news for a long time.

But if his death was accompanied by torment and pain, then you should expect trouble and be on the alert. He should be careful with his decisions at work and in his personal life, and you should beware, you can quarrel with this person a lot. Best of all, after such a dream, talk to him and immediately resolve all your differences. Seeing death in a dream can portend you a new love and a break in old relationships that have been fading for a long time.

If you are a girl and you dreamed about the death of your future spouse, you can be sure of his fidelity and his love for you. And if the guy sees the death of the bride, then he is expected to hear from his relatives.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If your blood relative dies in your dream, this is a sign of longevity and further prosperity, but if he whispers something to you, then there is the possibility of your disagreements. The death of a close friend or girlfriend can mean major changes in your life, for a girl it can be pregnancy and a calm birth.

If you have a childlessness problem in your family, then the death of a person close to you in a dream can promise an early addition.

It can be said for sure that death in a dream is not always a harbinger of pain and suffering in reality, sometimes death symbolizes your well-being in the future. However, you can’t immediately relax, it’s best to remember your dream more accurately and weigh everything before interpreting your dream.

If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Sleep psychology

Sometimes the inability to communicate with loved ones who are currently far away from you, the feeling of losing family ties, the inability to help or in any way influence their life, leads to dreams associated with the death of a loved one. Dreams that cause discomfort, negative emotions that can haunt for a long time even after waking up.

Symbolically, the death of a relative is associated with close trials prepared for you by fate, which will inevitably affect the course of your life. Such dreams are associated with losses, even if the trials prepared by fate will be successfully passed and overcome by you.
If in a dream a long-dead relative tries to talk to you, and you clearly hear his voice, expect soon negative and unpleasant news.

The advice you received during sleep from a deceased relative can positively affect your life, try to adequately evaluate and follow them.

As a rule, the death of a living relative, seen in a dream, brings this person longevity and prosperity. At the same time, for a person who has seen this dream, events can mean excessive moral and physical overwork of the last days or quarrels, conflicts that should be stopped by visiting and taking care of loved ones and loved ones. Try to pay attention to their health, build relationships, pay a visit to the cemetery, honoring the memory of long gone, but so dear to you people.

Mysticism of sleep

The death of a recently deceased grandmother, mother or sister, seen in a dream, makes it easier to part with a loved one, brings some relief and the opportunity to say goodbye and talk about things that you did not have time to discuss during your lifetime. True, there is a belief that in no case should you touch the deceased in a dream, and even more so follow him, especially if the deceased beckons and carries along.

If in your dream you saw a mother who is now ill in reality, the dream may portend her speedy recovery or become a serious reason to give her extra attention and care.

The death of a father in a dream can mean a warning against a frivolous lifestyle, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Such a dream speaks of the need not to be influenced by emotions and mood in making important life decisions.

The death of an elderly non-close relative means difficult events that may soon change your fate. For young girls, this event means the appearance of a worthy gentleman.

"Criminal" dreams stand apart. Murders in a dream of relatives speak of a mistake made by you, this mistake apparently haunts you, and therefore it is worth considering and analyzing what was done earlier. If a relative killed in a dream is naked, expect unpleasant visitors, a lot of blood - for easy "crazy" money.

Why dream of dead relatives

What is the dream of a deceased relative? To answer this question, seers advise taking into account all the nuances of dreams. It is important to consider the degree of kinship and the emotions of a person that he experienced in a dream.

According to Miller

If you had to bury a deceased relative again, and during the funeral he suddenly came to life, the plan is doomed to failure: it means that it is better to immediately abandon it, not waste your time and energy.

Also, Miller, compiling a dream book, noted that this plot has a different interpretation. Events in reality will provoke a strong nervous shock. But as a result, it turns out that the changes went for the good.

What's going on now

Why does a sick person dream of the death of a relative? This is a sign that the disease will begin to recede. And vice versa. If a sick relative imagines that he has died, then he will quickly recover.

In the case when a loved one suddenly dies in a dream, who is well alive in reality, the predictors recommend calming down. This plot reflects your fears of losing support and being left alone.

The dream book advises taking into account the emotional mood during the vision and immediately after waking up. Anxiety is a sign of trouble starting for this person. Trust the hint of higher powers in a dream and find out how he is doing. Perhaps your help will come in handy.

What awaits in the future

There is also an opposite interpretation, why dream if a relative who is alive in reality is threatened with death, or has he already died? The feeling of anxiety that has arisen is unfounded. In reality, the character will live long and prosperous.

Some predictors interpret this situation in a dream as the appearance of tension in relations, omissions, quarrels between you and the person from the vision. This is a sign of inability to communicate and disrespect for others. The dream interpretation warns - you risk being left alone in case of misfortune. It is unlikely that there will be those who want to help, and they will be right about something.

Who died?

Analyzing what the deceased relative is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account who he was to you.

  • The dead mother is a reminder. Pay attention to yourself and your problems.
  • Did you say goodbye forever to your father in a dream? So you are missed.
  • A dead child portends quarrels in the family and in the workplace.
  • The dream book deciphers the death of someone from distant relatives as an unexpected profit, winning the lottery.
  • If you are in a quarrel with a deceased relative, then in reality make peace in the near future.

If, contrary to common sense, you rejoice at death, in reality the issue will be resolved in your favor.

Grieve - expect trouble.

If in a dream they remained indifferent to someone else's misfortune, in reality the approaching danger will pass by.


Why dream of crying over the dead? Seers predict that tears have already been shed, which means that fun and joy await in reality.

In addition, there is another interesting interpretation: crying in a dream for a dead person - saying goodbye to the past. In the morning, a person will make a final decision, entailing a change in his whole life. Although sometimes a dream book warns against choosing a deliberately wrong path.

Bad News and the Graveyard

In a dream, visiting the grave of a recently deceased relative means that you are in a difficult situation, and it will be very difficult to find a way out.

To receive a funeral mourning telegram in a dream - to receive a worthy reward for the hard work done.

But if the news was false, they will try to deceive you in the near future.

Why dream of the death of a relative. Dream interpretation

Dreams about relatives are rather difficult to interpret, because in our life this significant people. Therefore, in a dream about the death of a living relative, it is important to take into account your real relationship. Sleep doesn't seem very pleasant. But most often it implies that you are tormented by thoughts about the possible troubles of your relatives and the fact that you have not seen each other for a long time and did not communicate. In this case, the dream recommends demonstrating care for them and paying more attention to loved ones.
A dream may also be a reflection of the fact that in real life you had a big quarrel or even broke off relations with the person who dreamed you were dead. In addition, you have to overcome a number of obstacles before you achieve your goals.

See also in the dream book

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the death of a relative dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see the death of a relative in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dreaming of the death of a relative? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book

Dreams about the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive are not uncommon, but the dream book of the death of a loved one should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. The dream of someone else's death is frightening, but it can become prophetic only for those dreamers who have seen prophetic dreams more than once in their lives, but simply for mediums - people who have established contact with the subtle plane. And, as a rule, after waking up, such a person has no doubts about whether a prophetic dream or not.

If you dreamed about the death of a loved one who is not a relative, then the dream has a slightly different interpretation. For example, why dream of the death of a husband, and also why dream of the death of a friend or why dream of the death of a girlfriend? This means that the "dead" is on the verge of changes in his life, in this case, death symbolizes the changes that will happen to this person. Less often, a dream promises a certain crisis and a cardinal change with a “dead” person, after which a state will follow. inner harmony and balance for several years.

Why dream of the death of a relative? The influence of this person on your life will noticeably decrease, you will see him less often, and common topics to talk will gradually run out. This may be due to changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a close relative is an occasion to rejoice for the good health of this person. From a psychological point of view, sleep reflects unreasonable anxiety. And a sense of guilt if in reality the relationship with a relative is far from good.

Why dream of the death of parents? In addition to purely psychological reasons (worry about the health of mom and dad, separation from them due to moving, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dream books. So, the death of a father seen in a dream is a warning signal: someone in reality wants to deceive you or draw you into a financial fraud. The death of a mother symbolizes significant changes in your life in reality: moving, marriage, the birth of a child, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning points, but they expect not only the dreamer, but the whole family.
The death of a grandfather means that in reality he will live long and maintain good health.

The psychological explanation of the dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather is associated with the dreamer's concern about the health of his relatives, the desire to see them.

Why dream of the death of a brother? This is a warning about the presence in your environment of people capable of meanness. Nothing threatens the brother himself - on the contrary, he will be distinguished by good health.

As the dream book explains, the death of a sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help, or just attention from you. In a situation of quarrel or quarrel, a dream reflects a subconscious desire to make peace with relatives.

If you dreamed about the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future, unpleasant news will arrive, which must be taken in cold blood.

The death of a friend is deciphered as follows: in reality you are under stress due to accumulated cases and lack of time.

Why dream of the death of a husband? Take a closer look at your spouse in reality: he may be hiding something from you. The psychological side of sleep is a feeling of helplessness, self-doubt, fear of being alone.

In the dream book, the death of a loved one is interpreted similarly: you are afraid of parting. A dream may indicate hidden grievances, misunderstandings and a lack of warmth in a couple's relationship.

Dream interpretation on another topic:
Why is the dead man dreaming
Dream interpretation death
Death in a dream dream book
Dream interpretation dead
Why dream of a cemetery
Dream interpretation funeral

Why dream of the death of a relative in a dream

The dream of death is a warning of future events. If his atmosphere was gloomy and in reality you continue to worry, this indicates the possible problems of your relatives. If you do not live with them, it is recommended to visit relatives. The exception is the death of a sister or brother. This dream promises imminent happiness.

Such a dream is a symbol of a change in relations with your loved ones for the worse. You are probably too distant from each other, and you should close the gap. It may also indicate the impossibility of helping them. This may be due to distance or your current state of affairs.

In addition, dreams about the death of relatives can serve as a warning about internal changes in a person, excessive physical activity and accumulated aggression.

Dreams of death leave an unsettling feeling upon awakening. Sad pictures evoke the thought of an irreparable and inevitable loss. But is it really so? Why dream of the death of loved ones? The answer will be given by the dreamers.

Dreams about blood relatives

A common meaning of dreams with already dead people is a prediction about a change in the weather. However, not everyone can endure the vision of the death of a still living person stoically, and such a dream cannot be explained by a change in the weather. Let us analyze in which cases the death of a loved one in a dream should be taken as a warning.

Symbols of death are signs of a prophetic dream. present in night vision:

  • stopped clock;
  • broken mirror;
  • black veil or scarf;
  • black flowers;
  • flower pots with flowers.

In other cases the death of loved ones may reflect an inner fear of losing loved ones. Dream Interpretations claim that dreams about the death of living people, on the contrary, portend them a long life.

For a detailed interpretation of sleep, the status of a relative in the family clan is important:

  • the death of a father warns of a dangerous deal that they are trying to draw you into;
  • the death of a mother portends significant changes in your destiny;
  • the death of a grandmother warns of significant events in the tribal circle;
  • the death of a grandfather predicts a long life for the hero of a dream;
  • the death of a brother warns that there is a vile person in your environment;
  • the death of a sister says that the family needs your support.

Why dream death of a distant relative? A dream may portend a cooling of relations or changes in the life of a given person, which will lead to alienation from each other or the termination of any relationship at all.

If a the death of a relative is accompanied by blood loss, expect intra-family squabbles and conflicts. To maintain trust, make concessions and be flexible. Don't let the outburst of emotions dampen the bright feeling of trust and openness in the relationship.

It is considered a bad omen death of all relatives. You will actually find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy in a helpless position.

Dreams about loved ones

Sometimes in a dream you can see the death of a loved one. What does this mean? Dream interpreters say that the people they see are on the verge of cardinal changes in fate. This may be a change in work activity, a wedding or divorce, a change of place of residence (travel abroad) or other significant events in a person’s life.

Death of a spouse, on the one hand, is a projection of the fear of being left alone. On the other hand, a dream may warn of a husband's attempt to hide something important from you.

What does loss of a friend in a dream? The subconscious mind is preparing you for bad news, which should be taken stoically. Death of a girlfriend says that at the moment you are overloaded with work and need a rest.

Death of a loved one can also be a projection of the fear of loneliness and separation. On the other hand, the loss of a loved one in a dream prophesies a cold snap in relationships and an attempt to hide true feelings.

Dream plots

  • What do they mean illegible words spoken by a dying person in a dream? This plot shows your unwillingness to take into account the opinions of loved ones and listen to their words. Sometimes you simply do not hear your loved ones and inflict emotional wounds on them with your callousness.
  • If close dying before your eyes, this may portend fundamental changes in family life - the birth of a child, a wedding or engagement. Also, a dream can portend changes in work, for example, a promotion.
  • If you saw the death of a sick man, a dream prophesies a speedy healing from an illness. see death and sudden resurrection of the dead portends a pleasant acquaintance with good people. Hear the news of the demise close - you are internally ready to enter into a new relationship.
  • See death of a loved one in an accident- Fear of being alone. If the dying person was tormented before leaving for the next world, expect a period of trials in life. A sudden death predicts a quick solution to complex problems.
  • visit the grave a recently deceased relative - a difficult life situation lies ahead, a way out of which will be difficult to find. Hear in a dream about the death of relatives You should visit them soon. If the message turned out to be false, beware of deception in real life.
  • See death of a loved one due to fire- in reality, this person was in captivity of bad habits: drugs, alcoholism or gambling. However, most often the plot suggests that a loved one cannot find a way out of the current negative situation and needs support.
  • A futile attempt to save the dying from the flame portends that in real life you will not be able to provide him with the necessary assistance. If you give artificial respiration to a person who died from carbon monoxide, and he comes to life, in reality, your attempts to help will be crowned with success.
  • If a close one crashed when falling from a height, in reality, his irrepressible ambitions will lead to the collapse of all plans. It takes patience from you to help the person get over the period of depression after the incident.

Dream Interpretations about the death of a living person

  • Family dream book considers this dream prophetic. Hearing the voice of a recently deceased friend in a dream - get ready for bad news. Talking with a dead father - beware of rash acts. A conversation with your mother - a dream calls to moderate your appetites, not to demand the impossible from life.
  • Modern dream book interprets the death of relatives for future trials. Hearing in a dream about the death of a loved one - you will soon hear bad news. If a loved one died in agony, in real life you will commit an irreparable act.

Many are sure that the death of a loved one in a dream is a negative omen that promises something bad. In fact, the opposite is true, since, according to numerous dream books, in most cases such a dream has a positive interpretation. To decipher the dream you see, you need to take into account the maximum number of interpretations.

Why dream of the death of a loved one?

In most cases, such a dream, on the contrary, means that a loved one will live a long time. A dream in which a loved one passed away far from you portends rapid career growth, but a salary increase prophesies a dream where the death was imperceptible. It is best to put aside all unimportant things and devote all your energy to career development. Let's figure out why the death of loved ones who tried to escape is dreamed of, but the dreamer could not help them. A similar plot means that, most likely, he did not fulfill an important promise in real life. The dream interpretation gives a recommendation that you need to finish all your business and pay off your debts.

Seeing the death of a loved one and feeling heartache at the same time means that significant changes will soon occur that relate to personal life. A night vision in which a loved one died, losing a lot of blood, prophesies the occurrence of minor family troubles. Another such dream may mean that a person needs the help of a dreamer. Let's find out what it means if you dream of the death of a loved one, which was unnatural, this is an indication that the dreamer is not sufficiently open to other people. If the death of a loved one was due to the fault of the dreamer, then he got numerous advice and he wants to live his life. A dream in which a loved one passed away in torment, personifies the presence of remorse. Seeing a loved one die quickly is a good sign, indicating that all problems will be resolved soon.

Why dream of the death of a close relative?

The death of parents in a dream portends the receipt of a large amount of money in reality, for example, it can be a gift, an inheritance, or a win. The dream book hints that the perfect time has come to try your luck by buying a lottery ticket. We will find out why the death of a close relative is dreaming of, namely a sister or brother, so such a dream indicates a problem in a relationship. Analyze your recent actions, perhaps you offended a dear person without wanting it.

One of the dream books indicates that the death of a relative in a dream symbolizes the fact that in real life his influence will decrease significantly, you may very rarely contact. If the grandmother was dying, then we should expect a serious turning point, and the changes will affect not only the dreamer, but the whole family. The night vision in which the husband died can be taken as a recommendation that it is better to take a closer look at your spouse, because he is hiding something. If all parents died in a dream, this is an indication that at the moment the dreamer is in a difficult financial situation.

Why dream of the death of a close friend?

Such a dream in most cases is of a warning nature, since it indicates the presence of health problems. The dream interpretation recommends not to miss even frivolous deviations from the norm. Even the death of a friend can promise unpleasant news, and they should be attributed to them as calmly as possible. The death of a friend in a dream represents the presence of fatigue and stress due to accumulated cases and lack of time.

Why dream of the death of a loved one? Surely many dreamers who saw such dreams ask this question. Is a dream with death always associated with impending danger? This is what we will understand in our article.

Death of a loved one in a dream

Such a dream does not always indicate impending danger. If you are watching someone close to you die, your relationship with your family may have come to naught. Do quarrels and scandals occur in reality? In this situation, the dream book advises not to waste time and effort. It is more expedient to put an end to it and no longer communicate with these people, no matter how sad it may sound. As a rule, this applies to lovers, and not to blood relatives.

What else can the dream book tell? Why dream of the death of a loved one? Such dreams mean your feelings for your loved ones. Perhaps your feelings are in vain, and sometimes completely useless. It is because of them that there is a discord in relations with a loved one. You are too attached to him and with your experiences cause significant harm to his feelings, criticizing and imposing your position on a particular issue. The dream interpretation advises giving the opportunity to a loved one to cope with their problems and support them in all endeavors. It is this position on your part that will improve the shaken relationship and cross out all the grounds for worries.

The death of a loved one in a dream can also mean your hatred of one of your relatives. Perhaps in your dream you are pouring all your negativity onto him. The dream interpretation in this case advises to end the relationship or learn to ignore the statements and advice of this person, otherwise the situation may lead to irreversible consequences.


What is the dream of the death of a loved one and what emotions did the dreamer experience? Know: it is the surrounding little things and feelings in the process of viewing a dream that play a huge role in the correct interpretation. If in your dreams you watched this with a smile, joy and calmness, then a relative who appeared in your dreams will have a quiet and long life. It is also a good sign if you are in a trusting relationship with this person. In this case, your relative will delight you with his presence for a long time to come. Are you in a cold relationship? Such a dream means the "death" of your relationship.

What if you watched the departure of a loved one crying and grieving? This speaks of the danger that awaits a person close to you. Perhaps it is a disease. The dream interpretation advises to insist on a visit to the doctor. Remember: the more painful death was in a dream, the more trouble awaits him.

Death of a sick relative in a dream

Many dream books have an answer to the question: “What does it mean if you dream of the death of a loved one who is sick in reality?” First of all, such dreams can mean a terrible injustice that you will face in the near future. Perhaps you will participate in a project that will bring you a lot of problems, including huge losses. Therefore, think about whether it is worth agreeing to invest your money and effort in this matter. It is on this decision that your future fate and well-being will depend.

Death of a close friend, girlfriend in a dream

Why dream of the death of a loved one - a friend? This means that you are waiting for health problems. Even a minor illness should not be started. Be sure: after medical intervention, all symptoms will quickly leave you.

Death of parents, brothers, sisters in a dream

Why dream of the death of a loved one (mom, dad)? Perhaps in the near future you will find unexpected profits. It can be a gift, an inheritance, a win. This period of life favors you. Therefore, feel free to buy lottery tickets and participate in the draws. You will definitely get lucky.

The death of a sister or brother means distance from their relatives. Remember, maybe you have ever offended loved ones with a harsh word and deed? The dream interpretation advises to apologize for all the tricks to relatives.

Other situations

If in your dream you watched a relative die with a great loss of blood, then this means that soon you will quarrel with people close to you. The dream interpretation advises to be restrained, calm and give in to unprincipled issues. Otherwise, you risk developing a difficult and long conflict.

Why dream of the death of a loved one? If the dying man said something in a dream, then try to remember what it was. Perhaps this is something very important to you.

Also, this dream can be interpreted as the fact that you are not open enough in communicating with others. You never listen to the opinions of older and more experienced people. It's a pity! In life, not only your desires dominate. This should be taken into account when starting any important business.

Also, these dreams may mean that you will soon have a team work. Therefore, do not try to complete the project on your own, use the knowledge and skills of colleagues.

If in a dream you learned about the death of a loved one from other lips, then expect an increase in the career ladder or an increase in wages. But remember: this requires a lot of effort and money. The dream interpretation advises not to deal with other issues now, but to direct all your talents to work. In this case, prosperity is guaranteed to you.

If a relative (or friend) passed away quietly, but at the same time you felt heartbreaking pain, then expect global changes in your personal life. You may be surprised by the news about the replenishment in the family.

The dream of death is one of the most frightening and unpleasant. Why dream of the death of a loved one? What events can this dream portend? Should I be scared and panic, or does this dream have some other meaning?

  • Opinions of different interpreters
  • If the living die
  • Learn about death
  • Dream of a wake
  • Deceased's actions
  • Photos of the deceased

Opinions of different interpreters

Different dream books interpret dreams about death in different ways.

  • I dreamed of the death of a loved one - this is a warning of impending hardships and trials that you have to endure.
  • Says someone's death in a dream symbolizes the journey in which you will change under the influence of many new knowledge.
  • Interprets this dream as news of marriage or the birth of a child- Depending on which of the relatives died.
  • Evaluates such a dream as a signal to a person that he has been chosen by higher powers to perform some unusual deeds on the ground.
  • Believes that the death of a loved one - this is a signal of the spiritual rebirth of either the dreamer himself or the one who died, depending on the circumstances of the dream.
  • Promises after such a dream big changes in life: change of job, moving to another country, marriage and so on.
  • He holds the opposite opinion: according to his interpretation, someone's death in a dream symbolizes the end of some life stage, the end of a difficult path to a certain goal.

Why dream of a funeral and a grave?

Sometimes people dream not of the moment of death itself, but of the funeral of an already deceased relative. Such a dream can be interpreted as final: if a dream about death can warn of future events, then the vision of the funeral scene, as it were, sums up some life events. For example, a bride may have such a dream before the wedding or immediately after it.

It usually causes horror and foreboding, but in this way the subconscious tells you that one important period in your life has ended and a completely different life is coming. It is no secret that often women set themselves one of the main goals of getting married, directing maximum efforts to achieve it. And now, as a symbol of success, shortly before the wedding, such a dream occurs.

If you are not a young bride, it still makes sense for you to look back at the events of recent years. What was your goal? Most likely, it has already been achieved. You have not yet realized this, but your brain is already processing the relevant information, which is what it tells you through such a dream.

If you dreamed of a cemetery, and there was a grave of a loved one on it, then the state of it is very important. If it is abandoned, the fence squinted, the mound is overgrown with grass - you urgently need to change something in your life. If you do not do this, then various hardships and physical ailments are possible. Many people wonder what to do in such cases?

In reality, if possible, go to this grave, put things in order there. This will help your subconscious mind to put things in order, to separate the important from the secondary.

If the grave is neat and smart, there is nothing to worry about in reality: in general, you are doing everything right. Try to rest more, go towards your goal without sacrificing sleep or entertainment, and everything will work out, and perhaps even in an unexpected way for you.

If the living die

Death in a dream of relatives who are currently alive scares us the most. People are usually already frightened of death, and even if the dream is realistic, with many details, the dreamer may wake up with sobs.

However, in practice, if dead relatives dreamed, this means that the vision should be interpreted in the opposite way. A dream about the death of a loved one who is actually alive promises him longevity, good health and many successes in life.

Learn about death

If you did not see the event of death itself in a dream, but only the news about it came, this is a dream warning. Higher powers have informed you that some important events will happen soon. It is difficult for a person to correctly interpret the situation, being inside it. As they say, we are strong in hindsight.

Dreams with the news of death urge us to be more careful, think more about our actions, carefully analyze the situations in which we find ourselves. This will make it possible not to miss some important chance that fate has prepared for us. A dream about the news of death sets us up to be ready to notice and correctly interpret some important sign.

Dream of a wake

When you dream of a commemoration, you also do not see either the moment of death or the deceased himself. Wake both in real life and in a dream - these are memories.

The dream signals to you that you need to deal with some events in your past: they prevent you from moving into the future. If such a dream is repeated repeatedly, and you do not understand what exactly is troubling you, it makes sense even to visit a psychoanalyst.

Perhaps you are haunted by events that have fallen out of your memory, but remained in the subconscious. For example, in infancy, you witnessed some unpleasant scene. You could not remember this information consciously, but it remained in some corner of your memory, and now it is poisoning your life.

This is just one of the assumptions, in fact, of course, all memories are individual, and you may be tormented by the events of the past week. In a word, if you had such a dream, especially if you dream it all the time, remember the past well and you will definitely understand what exactly is bothering you.

Deceased's actions

Sometimes you dream of a relative who actually died. Such dreams can warn of various dangers. If in a dream you just had to talk to the deceased, as if he were alive - this means that you need some kind of wise advice, a look from the outside on your actions.

However, it is bad to take something from the deceased, even if he offers you a gift. If you agreed to accept the gift in words, it's okay, but if you took the gift in your hands, be as careful as possible in real life. Some danger awaits you. The dream is sent as a warning so you can avoid it.

To see how a deceased relative calls to follow him to some place, perhaps in a dream it will seem very attractive to you. Under no circumstances should this be done. Sleep warns of the presence of mortal danger in your life.

Usually people wake up without having time to go for the deceased where he calls. This means that you will avoid danger, but at the cost of very great efforts.. The dream encourages you to tune in as much as possible to the difficult struggle with troubles.

Hug a deceased relative or even feed him - be careful. The dream does not mean that something will happen to you, but warns that you have embarked on some wrong path, figuratively speaking, have lost your way on the path of life.

If in a dream a dead person hugs you, you should analyze your actions over the past few years.. Somewhere you made a mistake: got the wrong job, married the wrong person, chose the wrong group of friends, and so on. Sleep itself is not dangerous, but the sooner you find a mistake in your behavior, the easier it will be for you to recognize and correct it.

If you treat a dead person with something, and he eats it with pleasure - think about there are some empty chores in your life, to which, however, you devote a lot of effort and attention. Thus, you do not have them for more important things.

If a relative refuses to eat - reconsider your environment, perhaps next to you there is a person from the category of those who are called energy vampires. Such an acquaintance can take away your energy, which leads to a breakdown and even physical ailments.

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream is a good sign, portends success in family affairs.. If the sleeper kissed a person who passed away quite recently, then this speaks of the pain of loss, it takes time to survive.

Photos of the deceased

When you see photographs in a dream, they always portend deception. After all, a photo is like an imitation of a person. In a dream, it is a symbol of falsehood. If your deceased relatives are photographed, then this indicates that some expectations will be deceived.

Apparently, you took some action in order to achieve a certain goal. A dream with a photo of the dead warns that this will not happen.

If the goal was long term, sleep gives you time to reconsider the means to achieve it, to correct them in time. If short-term - you have time to get used to the idea that a person does not always get what he wants. Think about it, survive the sad time of deceived expectations, and set yourself a new goal: perhaps luck will return to you.

What does it mean to see all the ancestors in one vision?

If in a dream you dreamed at once of all the dead relatives who had passed away a long time ago - this is a very important dream. Such dreams were seen, for example, by great generals before decisive battles.

The dream says that you have concentrated all your mental and physical forces and directed them to one thing that is extremely important to you. You need help and support, and dead relatives, dreaming all at once, just symbolize it. The dream is very good, it says that you are strong, and the universe is helping you.

However if in real life there is an opportunity to shift some of the worries to someone, you need to do it. It is not known how long you will have to live in the maximum concentration mode, so saving energy is always very important.

So, a dream about the death of loved ones is very multifaceted and diverse. Depending on its circumstances, it can have a variety of meanings. There is only one unambiguous conclusion: this dream is important and it is worth considering its interpretation.

See death in a dream always brings the saddest and saddest thoughts to us. After all, we all want to see our loved ones alive and healthy and often perceive such dreams as a very bad sign and expect what will happen.

After all, dreams do not need to be interpreted literally, very often what they see does not carry anything bad, or vice versa, such a vision can protect a person from bad influence or warn.

For a more accurate interpretation, you need to remember all the details of what you saw and find out the meaning by dream book of dreams.

As a rule, seeing the death of a relative or friend does not bode well. Most often, this is a symbol of the fact that there will be changes for the better in your destiny. The departure of a loved one symbolizes purification and a bright spiritual life. This is a sign of renewal, the withering away of old stereotypes, a sign of reincarnation.

Some dream books interpret death as a rebirth of the soul and energy renewal. Many dream books also interpret death as a sign of big wars and global conflicts.

The death of a man who is alive

Such a dream most often means a big change in the fate of this person: he can suddenly change his place of work or his religious views. If you saw the death of a friend who is seriously ill, then this symbolizes a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed about the death of several people, this is a bad sign that brings global clashes, bloody wars and epidemics.

This video symbolizes your close spiritual connection. If you dreamed about the death of your husband while away, then this means that soon he will return home safely. Sometimes such a dream serves as a warning about possible illness.

Such a dream speaks of big changes in your personal life or you may receive a large inheritance. If a relative spoke in a dream, then you were under a bad influence and embarked on the wrong path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps your close friends are up to something.

This dream portends the establishment of a good and trusting relationship with her. If a young woman had such a dream, it symbolizes imminent marriage or pregnancy. If death was accompanied by a car accident or murder, then soon you will encounter misunderstanding and you will have many communication problems with relatives.

If the death of your mother occurred from a serious illness, you have serious problems in the body. Visit a doctor and get examined.

The death of a man who is dead

If you saw in a dream the death of a person who died long ago, this is a bad sign. A loved one who has died twice is trying in this way to warn you of impending danger or illness. If death happened in front of your eyes, then this portends a major quarrel due to inheritance.

If you dreamed of the death of a close friend or relative, this is a warning of impending trials and heavy losses.

If you saw the death of your father, be careful in business and carefully weigh every decision you make. If you saw in a dream that your mother died - your relationship with her may worsen through your fault, you need to talk and ask for forgiveness, remember this and follow the advice.

Interpretation of Chinese and Assyrian dream books

Such a dream means a quick journey, and big changes for the better await your life. If you saw in a dream the death of a relative, then this symbolizes gold and wealth, the world is waiting for you. glory and royal honors.

Seeing the death of a loved one is a slight malaise. Seeing the death of a young and healthy person is an unpleasant and boring conversation. If you see the death of a long-dead person - empty money chores.

Explanation of dreams of female and oriental dream books

If a woman sees a dying mother in a dream - for an imminent wedding with a rich groom. If a father, your best friend envy you. A dying husband means that she is with him live a long happy life.

The death of a son or daughter - to a long separation from an old friend. To see that your best friend was killed - to the appearance of a healthy child.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To see the death of relatives is a sign that a special place has been prepared for you on Earth. If a sick person dies, this is a sign of deceit of enemies and injustice. Weigh every decision carefully so you don't make a fatal mistake.

If in a dream death is accompanied by groans and torment, then the Earth is waiting for a global nuclear war, it will destroy all life. All countries and continents will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Such a dream has a philosophical meaning. Through what you see in a dream, you will gain enlightenment and clarity of mind. It's time to travel and reflect on your true purpose.

If you see the death of a close relative, it means spiritual rebirth.

If you clearly heard the dead man say something - be sure to listen to his words, perhaps this is a warning about danger, remember this.

If you saw the departure of all your loved ones, it means that humanity is safe and is not in danger of death for three thousand years.

To see in a dream the death of a close relative - in a year a cure for all forms of cancer will be invented on Earth. To see a father dying from a serious illness - soon a new one will be born in Europe serial killer or maniac.

The death of a loved one - you have to live in an era of grandiose changes. Son or daughter - soon you will be informed about the plans of ill-wishers. If in a dream you saw a lot of blood - to great wars and destruction.

If a person passed away quietly and calmly, then nothing threatens him and soon his fate will become easy and joyful. If he passes away in torment and suffering, then you should expect big trouble.

He should be careful and not enter into conflicts in the family and at work. If you are in a quarrel with this person, then this is a symbol of the destruction of your relationship.

Perhaps you need to talk and ask each other for forgiveness.

If in a dream you saw a dying child, your undertaking will not be successful, there may be problems at a new job.

Seeing death portends the destruction of old relationships and new love. If a girl dreamed of the groom's death, this is a symbol of his fidelity and self-sacrifice.

With this person you will find your happiness. If a young man dreamed of the death of his beloved girl - fast news from blood relatives. If you saw an easy death, be careful, you are playing with fire.

If a dying old man dreamed - this is a sign of infidelity and deceit, you made a mistake in your chosen one, take a closer look at him. A lot of blood in a dream - passionate and tragic love is on the threshold.

If you dreamed of a dying blood relative - to longevity and prosperity. If he speaks or whispers words - conflict with relatives for money or inheritance.

The death of a close friend means the beginning of a new life. For a girl it could mean pregnancy and easy childbirth.

If a man dreamed of his dying father, he would gain strength and all enemies would be defeated. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, you should not count on an easy victory in business, a series of difficulties awaits you.

If in a childless family someone dreamed that a baby had died - expect soon additions to the family.

The loss of a loved one is one of the most dramatic and painful situations in life. Nevertheless, there are many cultures in the world that perceive death as the beginning of a new stage in the development of the soul, and in the event that this event appears to you in a dream, it should not be interpreted as an unambiguous tragedy. Therefore, let's carefully decipher what the dream of the death of a loved one who is alive in real life means.

Dream about the death of loved ones:

To capture the death of a relative means to suppress the pangs of conscience, to get rid of painful thoughts and a persistent feeling of guilt. The same dream can reflect increased anxiety about the health and well-being of loved ones.

You should not take the dream of death as an inevitable sign of an impending tragedy - rather, on the contrary, such a dream promises your relatives good "Siberian" health. In turn, you will be required to establish relations with them as soon as possible - to suppress resentment, discard excessive pride and gain strength for sincere forgiveness. If the mother died in a dream, this should be regarded either as an excellent prospect of returning warm communication with the parent, or as a warning against future shameful mistakes.

In the same case, when you had to witness the death of your father, it is likely that intrigues are actively woven around him. By the way, if you are the owner of your own business, you should definitely reconsider the immediate environment and connections with business partners - it is possible that one of the trusted persons secretly started a money adventure. So, do not be upset if you dream of the death of a mother, child, father, grandmother and other relatives who are alive, do not look for bad signs here. It doesn't matter if it happened from Thursday to Friday, from Monday to Tuesday, from Friday to Saturday or any other day.

The death of sisters and brothers is also a clear indicator of family relationships. Most likely, the dream is intended to draw attention to gaps in communication with those who value you, or to the fact that loved ones are experiencing serious difficulties and are in dire need of help.

The one who saw the death of the second half in a dream needs to urgently take a closer look at the behavior of his beloved: it is likely that he is oppressed by your constant employment and deficient manifestation of care. The death of a husband, who in reality is burdened by a protracted illness, portends a speedy recovery; for a man, a dream about the death of his wife indicates a deep fear of censure from society. Do not rush to share your hidden fears with others!

If a widow had a chance to contemplate the loss of a spouse, deep down she probably feels guilty: subconscious experiences literally erupt into her dreams. At the same time, the dream is pushing the oppressed woman to stop wearing mourning - it's time to build life according to new rules.

There are plots when the dreamer acts as the savior of a close or completely unknown person: a situation is approaching, the denouement of which will leave an imprint on many destinies. Rescuing a friend suggests that he is in need of outside support, but if the character in reality left this world a long time ago, you risk becoming a victim of insidious deception because of your own kindness and openness.

If you dreamed about the death of a stranger:

The death of a stranger in a dream should be linked to the feelings and emotions that have arisen. If, at that moment, you clearly felt pity and empathy, it will be very difficult to give up your usual ideas, but this is what guarantees life changes for the better.

To experience deep satisfaction at the sight of a dying person means to easily throw off the burden of heavy memories.

A dream associated with the death of a stranger is a harbinger of significant changes in character and personal needs - it is likely that you will soon choose completely different guidelines. To turn the situation to your advantage, at work you need to show maximum zeal, having established yourself as a valuable and hardworking employee.

If in a dream you had a chance to see the death of a boss, relations with leaders are expected to rise rapidly - your ambitions will finally be appreciated. In turn, the death of a colleague is directly related to the atmosphere in the work team: a period of harmonious coexistence begins.

The news of the death of a man:

If the news of someone's death has shocked or made you experience panic fear, it will take a lot of effort from you to resolve the accumulated problems. In the event that the dreamer feels a clear relief, current affairs will be an unconditional success.

You can find out why a woman dreams of living fish in water,.

For young ladies who have learned about the death of a loved one, the dream promises a new round in a love relationship - a marriage proposal is possible. If the situation revolves around the former chosen one, new, even more exciting, romantic events await the girl.

Finding out about the death of a distant relative means the prospect of receiving an unexpected inheritance. Well, if the deceased is brought to you by a close relative, you should seriously listen to parental advice. So in any case, you should not take a dream seriously when you dream of the death of a person who is alive, nothing bad will happen to him and to you.