Test woman for family life 30 years. Online family life test: How happy are you in your family life? your family relationships

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Family relationship test

Family relationship test - a projective methodology for the study of personality, published by E. Antonii and E. Bene in 1952 and intended to reveal the child's relationship to relatives and himself.

The family relationship test consists of two parts. The first part is a standard set of 20 contours of human figures, which, with the appropriate suggestion supported during the examination by the experimenter, should be taken by the child for family members. Among these figures, the most important is the one called "Mr. Nobody". The second part of the family relationship test is a standard set of 86 cards on which various statements are written (information, a message coming from a certain person and addressed to another person). These statements are an expression of the child's feelings for parents, other family members, as well as those feelings that these persons experience for the child (as he imagines it).

The set contains 68 cards with emotionally positive and emotionally negative statements, indicating an excess of parental care and guardianship. All cards are numbered, they are handed to the subject in a certain sequence. In addition, the cards are divided into two groups: A and B. in the first group there are 54 cards with negative and positive emotional statements-addresses to family members (18), to oneself (18) and Mr. Nobody (18), i.e. here It's about real feelings. For example:

I love this person from our family very much.

This person from our family is pleasant to me.

I often get angry with this person from our family.

The second group contains 16 cards each with negative and positive emotional statements, however, the feelings of the people surrounding the child are reflected here, that is, we are dealing with imaginary feelings. For example:

This person from our family loves me deeply.

This person from our family often gets angry with me.

This person from our family often complains about me.

The examination procedure consists in the child choosing from a set of figures those that represent members of his family, and adding Mr. Nobody to them. The figures are attached to small cardboard boxes. After that, the experimenter begins to play “mail” with the child. He reads the statements written on the cards and gives them to the child. Having received the card, the subject must drop it (acting as a postman) into the "mailbox" of the figure to whom, in his opinion, this message is addressed. If the “letter”, as the child thinks, does not suit anyone, it is dropped into the box-box of Mr. Nobody. The experimenter should strive to ensure that the procedure is as close as possible to the game situation.

The test allows you to reveal the attitude of the child to his closest relatives, to himself. All available data indicate a high reliability and validity of the family relationship test.

In domestic psychology, the methodology of E. Anthony and E. Bene is known as the test "Diagnostics of emotional relations in the family", adapted by A.G. Leaders and I.V. Anisimova.

The technique has two forms:

1. For preschoolers and younger students.

2. For teenagers.

The option for older children aims to explore the following relationships:

1) two types of positive attitude: weak and strong. Weak feelings are associated with friendly approval and acceptance, strong feelings are associated with "sexualized" experiences related to intimate psychic contact and manipulation;

2) two types of negative attitude: weak and strong. The weak are associated with hostility and disapproval, the strong express hatred and hostility;

3) parental indulgence, expressed in statements such as “this family member is spoiled by mother too much”;

4) parental overprotection, represented in questions like "mom is worried that this person might catch a cold."

The first two points represent the two directions of feelings: whether the feelings come from the child and are directed to other people, or whether the child feels himself to be the object of the feelings of others.

The option for young children contains the following relationships:

1) positive feelings. Both kinds come from the child and are experienced by the child as coming from others;

2) negative feelings. Both kinds come from the child and are experienced by the child as coming from others.

test material

The situation of the test involves staging a family situation. The test material consists of 21 figures representing people of various ages, shapes and sizes, stereotyped enough to represent the various members of the child's family, ambiguous enough to represent a specific family. All this makes it possible to create your own family circle from them. In addition to family representatives, other important figures are included in the test, in particular, the figure of Mr. "Nobody". Each figure is supplied with a box like a mailbox with a slot. The test also contains a number of questions. Each question is written on a separate small card. The child is told that the cards contain messages, and that his task is to put the card in the box of the figure to which it corresponds most. The figure "Nobody" is used for those questions that cannot be addressed to any member of the family. The test situation thus becomes a game situation, and the test material should prepare the child for the upcoming emotional response. The child sits in a comfortable position not far from the figures representing his family. He chose them from the whole set. He and the experimenter see them as the child's family. They are treated like family members and this illusion persists throughout the test situation.

Test procedure

All figures should be placed in front of the child entering the room and distributed in the following order into groups: 4 women, 4 men, 5 girls, 5 boys, an old man (old woman), an infant and "Nobody".

1. Finding out the composition of the child's family

After establishing contact with the child, the experimenter asks next questions, with which he seeks to clarify the concept of the child's family:

1) tell me about the people who live with you in the house;

2) tell me who is in your family.

The people mentioned by the child are listed on a piece of paper. In order to interpret the test results, it is important to know the complete or incomplete family of the child, whether one or both parents have died, whether they are divorced and living separately, whether one of the parents is temporarily absent, and with whom the child lives now. The same should be learned about brothers and sisters, if any. It may happen that the mother of the child has died, the father has remarried, and the child says that he has two mothers. For a more accurate understanding of the feelings of the child, it is desirable to include both mothers in the test. There is a place on the form to describe other family members: uncles, aunts, grandmothers, and (and) grandfathers, any relative whom the child can name. This marked-up form also contains space for the names and ages of the siblings. If the child does not know how old he is, the tester can ask the following questions: “Is he bigger than you?”, “Who is older, Kolya or Lena?”, “Does Kolya go to school or does he go to work?”. Answering questions like these will help you identify the chronological order and approximate the age of the siblings. The inclusion of a dog, canary or other four-legged or feathered family pets by a child in the list of the family is not taken into account and is not evaluated.

2. Establishing the child's family circle

After the experimenter has established who makes up the child's family and has written down the family members on the form, he says to the child: “Now we will play a pretend game with you. Do you see all the figures that are standing there? We'll pretend that some of them are members of your family."

Then the experimenter brings the child closer to the figures, pointing to four female figures and asks: “Which one do you think would be the best “mother”?”. He gives the child the opportunity to make a choice and point to the chosen figure, then asks to put it on a table or desk. Then he points to male figures and asks: “Now tell me, which one is best to make a dad?” The chosen figure is placed by the child on the same table. Then the experimenter points to the figures of boys and girls (depending on the gender of the subject) and asks: “Which one would you like to be yourself (oh)?”, And the figure is transferred to the table. This continues until the child puts pieces on the table for each member of the family. If the child wants to make several choices, he is allowed to do so. It can also include forgotten brothers, sisters, grandmother. When the family circle is complete, the experimenter says, "Now we have all the family members together, but there will be one more figure in our game." He takes out the “Nobody” figure, places it next to the family members and says: “The name of this person is “Nobody”. He will play too. Now I will tell you what he will do.”

3. Proper testing

The child sits down at a table with figures at a convenient distance. If he wants to place the pieces in a certain order, he is allowed to do so. The experimenter places the test questions in a pile in front of him and says, “See, there are a lot of little cards with messages written on them. I will read to you what is written on them, and you will put each card to the figure to which it suits the most. If the message on the card doesn't suit anyone, you give it to "Nobody". Is it clear what I mean? Sometimes you feel like the message suits several people. Then say so and give me that card. And now attention! I repeat: if the card suits one person the most, you put this card to that figure, if the card does not suit anyone, you give it to the “Nobody” figure; if the card suits several people, you give it to me.”

The experimenter proceeds to testing by reading the cards and passing them one by one. If a test question applies to several family members, the experimenter writes down who these people are on the form and puts the card aside. The questions are read to the child in random order to prevent the same type of questions from being asked side by side. However, the order in which questions are read must be kept under control at all times. The beginning should be careful to allow the child to get used to this task, to avoid the appearance of anxiety and not to cause resistance. The first two cards should express gentle positive feelings, the next 8 questions should be a mixture of weak positive and weak negative feelings. The rest of the questions, with the exception of the last two, can be read in any way, provided that questions from the same group do not go for a long time in a row, so as not to create an attitude in the child. If there are three questions expressing the same kind of feelings, then the experimenter selects the fourth question so that it must be from a different kind. He must pick up the last two cards with positive questions so that the child does not leave with an echo of aggression in his heart.

In order to decide which form of testing (form for small children or form for older children) to choose, the researcher must establish during the previous stages of testing how mature and smart the child is. The boundary line runs somewhere between 6-8 years.

If it seems that the child would like to read the questions himself and there are no obstacles to this, then the experimenter stops reading after the first four questions and asks the child if he would like to read the messages himself. If the answer is yes, the researcher gives him a pack of cards and offers to read to himself or aloud, as he wants.

The testing procedure does not cause any difficulties for the child and takes no more than 25 minutes.

4. Processing and interpretation of test results

When the child completes the task, the researcher takes the cards from the figures and marks on the form to whom each card was addressed. The form consists of rows and columns. There are columns for "Nobody", yourself, dad, mom, siblings, and other family members; lines are for question numbers. (See sample form.)

Form "Distribution of feelings"

Processing consists of recording the question numbers in the appropriate boxes and summing up the number of questions that have been assigned to each person within each group of questions. This will show how much of each "kind of feeling" is sent by the child to each member of the family.

Interpretation of test results is carried out in the following areas:

1. Relative psychological importance of a family member.

A diagram of the relative (expected) distribution of questions is built.

It is important to establish whether the distribution of feelings from parents to other family members is not shifted, whether there is an exaggerated reaction - positive or negative - to one of the parents.

2. Egocentric responses.

3. Ambivalence.

Ambivalence (duality) occurs if a family member received no more than twice as many positive points as negative ones, or if the number of negative points sent to a family member does not exceed the number of positive points no more than twice. Those questions that express the feelings received by the child, and those that express outgoing feelings, are considered independently of each other.

4. Feelings emanating from the child and received by him.

Outgoing are those feelings that originate in the child and make him loving, ambivalent or hateful. In the case of an ordinary child, these feelings can be expected to be related to his behavior. A restrained child who is unable to express his feelings in a real situation may be able to do so in a test situation, but he may also be restrained in both situations. The feelings expressed by the child depend on his life experience and on his defense system. Data on the feelings received confront us with two "realities" of the child - the reality of "real" emotions directed at the child, and his "mental" reality of perceived emotions in accordance with what he wanted and what he needed. The feelings that the child directs to others are closely related to the feelings that are sent to him.

5. protection.

The test situation tends to create a "defense" system against feelings that make the child feel guilty. The following defense mechanisms can be found here:

a) refusal, i.e., the child gives most of the positive and negative points to "Nobody";

b) idealization , i.e. the child gives predominantly positive questions to family members, while negative questions to “Nobody”;

in) bias, i.e., the child gives away most of the points to peripheral family members;

G) wish fulfillment, regression , i.e., the child directs at himself most of the questions expressing over-protective, over-indulgent feelings;

e) projection, i.e., the child exaggeratedly and unrealistically attributes positive and negative feelings to others and at the same time denies them in himself;

e) formation reaction , i.e. the child replaces his answers with the opposite in order to hide too positive or negative feelings.

6. Lack of normal security.

If the results show an excessive display of strong positive or negative feelings, we may speak of a lack of security.

* Children's test "Diagnosis of emotional relationships in the family" / Ed. A.G. Leaders and I.V. Anisimova. Obninsk, 1993.

01. This family member is very funny.

08. This family member is good to play with.

02. This family member always helps others.

09. This family member is very kind.

03. This family member has great abilities.

10. I like to snuggle up to this family member.

04. This family member will never let you down.

12. Sometimes I wish I could sleep in the same bed with this family member.

05. This family member jokes a lot.

13. I would like this person to be with me always.

06. This family member deserves a good gift.

14. I would like this person to take care of me more than anyone else.

15. I would like (a) my future spouse (a) to resemble this family member.

16. I like it when this family member tickles me.

17. I like to hug this family member.

20. This family member sometimes fusses too much.

21. This family member sometimes finds fault.

22. This person sometimes spoils other people's fun.

23. This family member is sometimes quick-tempered.

24. This family member is in a bad mood.

25. This family member complains too much at times.

26. This family member sometimes annoys me for no reason.

27. This family member is never satisfied.

28. This person is very patient.

29. This family member is sometimes too angry.

30. Sometimes I want to kill this family member.

31. Sometimes I have a desire for this person to get away.

32. Sometimes I hate this family member.

33. Sometimes I imagine myself beating this member seven

34. Sometimes I think that I would be happier if this person was not in the family.

35. Sometimes I feel "fed up with this person

36. Sometimes I want to do something just to annoy this person.

37. This family member can make me very angry.

40. This family member is kind to me.

41. This family member is very tactful with me.

42. This family member loves me very much.

43. This family member is very attentive to me.

44. This family member is ready to help me.

45. This family member loves to play with me.

46. ​​This family member really understands me.

47. This family member will always listen to me.

50. This family member loves to spoil me,

51. This family member loves to hug me tightly.

52. This family member loves to cuddle me.

53. This family member loves to help me wash.

54. This family member likes to tickle me.

55. This family member loves to be in bed with me.

56. This family member wants to always be with me.

57. This family member cares more about me than anyone else.

60. This family member sometimes looks at me disapprovingly.

61. This family member likes to tease me.

62. This family member sometimes scolds me.

63. This family member disagrees with me when I would like to.

64. This family member does not always agree to help me when I have difficulties.

65. This family member sometimes grumbles at me.

66. This family member is sometimes angry with me.

67. This family member is too busy to have time for me.

70. This family member often beats me.

71. This family member punishes me too often.

72. This family member makes me feel stupid.

73. This family member makes me afraid.

74. This family member disapproves of me.

75. This family member makes me feel unhappy (oops).

76. This family member is always unhappy with me.

77. This family member doesn't love me enough.

80. Mom is worried that this family member might catch a cold.

81. Mom is worried that this family member might get sick.

82. Mom is worried that this family member would not get hit by a car.

83. Mom is worried that this family member might hit and hurt something.

84. Mom is worried that something might happen to this person.

85. Mom is afraid to allow this family member to frolic too much.

86. Mom is afraid to let this family member play with mischievous children.

87. Mom worries that this family member eats very little.

90. Dad often worries about this family member in vain.

91. Dad pays too much attention to this family member.

92. Dad spoils this family member too much.

93. Dad spends too much time with this family member.

94. Dad loves this family member the most.

95. Mom often worries a lot about this family member

96. My mother pays too much attention to this family member.

97. Mom spoils this family member too much.

98. Mom spends too much time with this family member.

99. Mom loves this family member the most.

11. I love being kissed by this family member.

After living together for some time, many begin to wonder at what stage of development our relationship is, is it time to change something in them. will help you sort out your doubts. The test consists of two parts: for the wife and for the husband. For each question, choose one of the three answer options.


For husband

1. Do you spend at least half of your free time with your wife?

2. Do you use every opportunity to praise your wife, to express your admiration for her?

3. Do you refrain from comparing your wife with your mother or a friend's wife in matters of cooking, housekeeping, if the comparison is not in your wife's favor?

4. Do you show interest in your wife's intellectual life, the books she reads, her passions?

5. Do you thank your wife for the services she renders to you (laundry, etc.)?

6. Do you allow her to communicate with other men and accept friendly attentions from them without making jealous remarks?

7. Do you take care not to criticize your wife in front of strangers?

8. Do you still look after your wife, presenting her with gifts, showing constant signs of attention?

9. Do you allow her to spend part of the money from the general budget as she sees fit?

10. Do you try to delve into the problems of your wife and help her in difficult times?

For wife

1. Do you live in the interests of your husband?

2. Do you compare him to other more successful men?

3. Are you making an effort to make your home more comfortable?

4. Do you give your spouse complete freedom in his affairs?

5. Do you consider your husband's taste and interests when buying certain things?

6. Do you try to spend your free time with your husband's interests in mind?

7. When there is a difference of opinion, do you make concessions?

8. Do you follow the news and other events, facts, in order to understand the intellectual interests of your husband?

9. Do you refrain from criticizing your husband's friends?

10. Do you diversify the menu?

11. Do you make efforts to live in harmony with your husband's mother and other relatives?

12. Do you express dissatisfaction with how your husband manages his time?

13. Are you able to withstand financial difficulties?


Calculate the total points. The answer "yes" is estimated at 0 points, "occasionally" - 1 point, "no" - 2 points.

Test results

0-5 points. Your family life and the relationships that have been established between you are quite prosperous. Your marriage partner feels appreciation towards you. Your opinion matters to him great importance. The partner sees in you I am an excellent interlocutor, a reliable and caring friend.

5-10 points. There is some instability in your relationship. Sometimes there is indifference on your part. But there are no major conflicts.

10-15 points. Relationships in your family are strained. Each of the spouses feels dissatisfaction. There is a deep misunderstanding between you. The partner is not interested in the reason for your actions and considers you selfish. All this leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family. Because of this, the spouse finds other hobbies that are by no means related to family life. The reasons lie in your frivolous and sometimes selfish attitude towards your partner and his feelings. You need to think about it, and as soon as possible.

15-20 points. Your family relationships are on the verge of breaking. Your partner only formally considers himself your spouse. Each of you has your own life, mutual understanding is alien to you. It is possible that your partner has long had other interests that are not related to the family.

“For me, there is no better friend in the world”

Surely you have often wondered what actually attracted you to this man so much? Absolutely not being handsome and not giving out smart speeches, he remains the most beloved person for you. After passing this test, you will be able to answer the question, why did you choose it? Check the answer options that match your feelings.


1. When you compare him to other men, does he seem more attractive to you?

A) he is the most attractive of all men;

B) he is attractive, but this is not the main criterion for me in choosing a life partner;

C) sometimes it is beautiful, and sometimes it is terrible;

D) he looks good, but there are men more beautiful than him.

2. Who do you think is the strongest in your family?

B) both are equal;

C) it is different

3. Do you feel safe with him?

A) yes, always

B) a little

B) rarely

D) basically yes.

4. Is he aggressive towards you?

A) yes, but he doesn't think so;

B) never

C) yes, and it is unpleasant to me;

D) very rare.

5. How well do you know him?

A) enough

B) I know a lot about him;

C) I never cease to be surprised;

D) I know absolutely everything about him.

6. Is he lucky compared to other men?

A) he succeeds;

C) it only creates the appearance of well-being;

D) complicates things.

7. Do you criticize each other?

A) he often gives advice, and I undoubtedly accept it;

B) we both try not to criticize each other;

C) constant criticism just annoys me;

D) everything is relative.

8. How do you spend your free time?

A) I would like to rest together, but I am sympathetic to his desire to rest alone;

B) spend it together;

C) we are together too often;

D) apart.

9. Compared to other men, can he claim the title of the most courageous?

A) he is courageous enough;

B) no, and I would not want to;

C) hardly, but this is enough for me;

D) yes, sometimes he is just masculinity itself.

10. Which of you two is more likely to seek the advice of the other?

D) none of us.

11. What is your spouse like in his circle of friends?

A) he is always in the spotlight;

B) is on the sidelines

B) sets the tone

D) the favorite of the company.

12. Which of you always has the last word in resolving some issue?

A) we always find a common language;

B) we always need a lot of time to solve some issues;

C) we always have violent disputes;

D) The decision is up to me.

13. Have you ever thought about leaving him?

A, b) no;

14. Are there any rivals among your fans for your favor?

A) no, because he does not allow it;

B) no, because I am a faithful spouse;

B) rarely

D) Yes, quite often.

15. How does he evaluate his past relationships?

A) bad, cannot understand how this could happen;

B) still offended;

C) speaks about them quite calmly;

C) remembers them with pleasure.

16. What worries you the most when you think about your husband?

A) happy to be with him;

B) I feel that I love him very much;

C) it all depends on the moment and circumstances;

D) His love has a very positive effect on me.

17. If your husband returns home in the morning, what are your actions.

A) just waiting

B) gently challenge him to be frank;

C) I behave calmly, hoping that he will tell everything himself;

D) I throw a scene at him.

18. What does he unfairly reproach you for?

A) helpless

B) in omniscience;

B) in sharpness;

D) ill will.

19. Your attitude towards a former admirer.

A) feel close to him;

B) I am on friendly terms;

B) keep our distance

D) feel awe at the meeting.

20. Which of the four statements is closest to you?

A) my husband helps me to feel the taste of life, to show my abilities;

B) my husband makes me feel that he needs me;

C) if something does not suit my husband in me, he immediately tells me about it;

D) My husband tries to follow my advice.


Count the answers under which letter you repeat more often than others.

Test results

Most of the answers are under the letter "a". You are not just your husband's beloved wife, but you are his ardent admirer. A lot of things connect you with him: affection, trust, and understanding. He is an object of adoration for you. Remember, behind every successful man is a successful woman. It was you who brought him to a place of honor. Often you yourself prefer to be in the shadows, giving your spouse the opportunity to open up in everything. But you should not deify him too much, there should be room for criticism.

Most of the answers are under the letter "b". You would like not to part with your husband for a minute. You cannot follow your own path. You constantly try to take care of your spouse. When choosing a partner, you relied mainly on qualities such as loyalty and devotion. In your daily worries, trying to please your husband in everything, you forget about your pleasures and often about the pleasures of your husband. Try to be selfish for a little while.

Answers under the letter "c". You are one in body and soul. You were looking for an independent and adult partner. Both of you are constantly fighting for power, because independent men are not used to giving in, they are used to being leaders. It would be much easier if you at least sometimes made it clear that you need protection and guardianship. Isn't that the reason you were looking for such a man?

Answers under the letter "g". You constantly strive to be a leader. Nobody and nothing can stop you in your pursuit. Your spouse can only resignedly accept you for who you are. With the help of flirting, you can quickly melt his heart. He is very attached to you and sometimes feels insecure, you feel this well and sometimes criticize him for this, because in fact you were looking for a stronger partner.

Family budget

Are you planning your family budget effectively? How often do you have arguments about this? In fact, it depends on the personality of each person and is laid in early childhood. This quiz will help you find answers to many of the questions that concern you. Both spouses must pass the test. Just choose the answer that best suits you.


1. Who in your family used to make financial decisions?

C) both father and mother

D) others.

2. Did your parents:

A) general money for all expenses;

B) both individual and general money;

C) another section of money.

3. Did your mother work outside the home when you were a child?

B) sometimes yes.

4. How would you rate your ability to cope with financial problems?

A) excellent;

B) good;

B) average;

D) bad.

5. If you suddenly received 50 thousand rubles, then:

A) would spend everything on current expenses;

B) would put everything aside;

C) would pay all debts and bills;

D) part would be spent, and part would be postponed.

6. How would you describe your relationship with money?

A) they are always in short supply;

B) there are usually enough of them, but I can barely make ends meet;

C) I spend very economically, thinking about what else I can buy.

7. How do you think financial issues in a marriage should be handled?

A) the spouses must have a common budget, but one of them must regulate these issues;

B) the spouses must have a common budget, and they must jointly make decisions about expenses;

C) spouses must keep money separately, and there must be a common cash desk for common expenses.

8. Do you feel good spending money on:

A) yourself (clothes, entertainment, travel);

B) friends (gifts);

C) other family members;

D) other things.

9. Do you think that a wife (husband) should work in their specialty?

A) definitely yes

C) yes, provided that the children no longer require full care and guardianship, or due to the financial situation in the family.


For each answer that matches your spouse's answer, you get 10 points. For each answer that does not match, but is very similar - 5 points. For completely different answers - 0 points.

Test results

80-100 points. You can perfectly solve “financial problems on your own. Each of you is doing a great job with these questions.

60-80 points. Your small ability in solving financial problems can be a source of certain difficulties, but everything is fixable. 40–60 points. Big financial problems are gradually growing between you. This has become a huge barrier that may be insurmountable.

Less than 40 points. You are strictly forbidden to make any even the slightest expense without the advice of a competent person in this area. Your family's financial situation is on the verge of collapse.

Will you save your love?

Can you, after living a certain time in marriage, keep your love? Have you lost your feelings yet? If you want to know the answers to these questions, take this simple test, which requires only a definitive yes or no answer. The test is divided into two parts: for the wife and for the husband.


1. My husband is often angry with me.

2. My husband is happy to share my hobbies.

3. My husband thinks that we are different.

4. My husband likes the way I look.

5. My husband understands me.

6. My husband does not approve of my girlfriends.

7. Sometimes it seems to me that I am not suitable for my husband.

8. My husband encourages me all the time.

9. My husband would like me to be more dependent on him.

10. My husband thinks I'm too romantic.

11. My husband likes me for who I am.

12. My husband sometimes laughs at me.

13. My husband does not always approve of my actions.

14. The husband is quite satisfied with our personal life.

15. My husband tries to treat me as an equal.

16. My husband admits that he is not always right.

17. My husband perceives me not only as a wife, but also as a close friend.

18. My husband is not jealous of my male friends.

19. I am sometimes embarrassed by my husband.

20. My husband admits that I can have my own opinion.

21. My husband sometimes talks about my shortcomings to his friends.

22. My husband is jealous of all my friends.

23. My husband believes in me.

24. My husband is happy with my success at work.

25. My husband appreciates me highly.

26. My husband respects my wishes.

27. My husband likes my independence.

28. My husband often offends me.

29. My husband is unreasonably jealous.

30. Most likely, I do not meet his ideas about the ideal wife.


Test results

26-30 points. Your marriage is successful. Your husband loves and respects you, love does not leave your family. You are lucky to meet such a person. You have a long and happy marriage.

21-25 points. You feel that your husband understands and appreciates you, but not everything is going smoothly in your relationship. Sometimes there is misunderstanding. But this cannot become an obstacle to your love. You just need to be a little more frank with each other and not be afraid of heart-to-heart conversations.

16-20 points. You often doubt your husband's feelings towards you, and for good reason: sometimes he can be really cold with you. Talk to your husband, perhaps not everything is as scary as it seems.

Less than 15 points. You are completely uncomfortable with your husband. There is not only mutual understanding, but also feelings. And love is unlikely to survive in such conditions.

For husband

1. My wife understands me.

2. My wife considers me a good father.

3. My wife thinks I'm obsessed with work.

4. My wife believes in me.

5. My wife is very jealous.

6. My wife is satisfied with the distribution of our responsibilities.

7. My wife treats me as an equal.

8. My wife is too critical of me.

9. My wife is not embarrassed by my business relationships with female colleagues.

10. My wife is often angry with me.

11. I have something to hide from my wife.

12. My wife finds me attractive.

13. My wife thinks that I am not emotional enough.

14. My wife does not approve of my meetings with friends.

15. The wife knows how to cope with my bouts of boyishness.

16. If in the company I behave not very confidently in the presence of my wife, she gets upset.

17. My wife wants me to be more romantic.

18. My wife shares my hobbies.

19. It seems to me that I do not quite meet the expectations of my wife.

20. My wife would like to spend more free time with me.

21. My wife often points out my shortcomings to me.

22. My wife thinks that I will soon be completely dependent on her.

23. My wife is satisfied with our personal life.

24. My wife knows how to take care of me without becoming pushy.

25. My wife likes me the way I am.

26. My wife gets along well with my parents.

27. My wife believes that marital relations should be strictly controlled.

28. My wife can humiliate me in front of strangers.

29. My wife is comfortable in the company of my friends.

30. My wife can make me feel guilty.


Calculate the amount of points you have earned.

Test results

26-30 points. You have complete harmony. Your wife loves and accepts you just the way you are. Love will live in your home forever.

21-25 points. Your family happiness is largely based on the care, affection and understanding of your wife. Things don't always work out perfectly for you, but in general, your marriage can be called happy.

16-20 points. The wife does not trust you enough, sometimes she is critical. Feelings of disapproval can become permanent over time. Consider your behavior, look at her behavior, weigh everything and only then draw any conclusions. Talk to your wife about the things that bother you. Perhaps your love still has chances for a long and happy future. The main thing is not to waste time.

15 points or less. It seems to you that tender feelings, love and family are not about your relationship, and this, unfortunately, is the case. It's time to raise the question not about how long love will live, but how to revive it.

Compatibility with a marriage partner. Relations within the family. Sexuality. The maturation of the child and his upbringing. Character type, male or female. Norms of behavior for men and women. ... Aimed at studying the attitude of parents to different parties family life . Family values ​​consulting study. Interpretation of scales of family values. Determination of the degree of role adequacy of a married couple in five areas of interpersonal interaction in the family. Analysis of ideas about family values ​​and role settings. Equal or unequal union. The primary cell of society, a closely knit social group, united by kinship and a number of socially significant functions (procreation, upbringing, etc.) Diagnostics of the general psychological climate in the family. If you are a girl or a young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to figure out her feelings for another person (young man), then we hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will help you sort out your feelings to some extent. How important is sex and related things to you and your life? Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Are you the kind of woman from whom men can lose their heads? The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is at the same time an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). With the help of this short test, you can determine what type of love you have with you. Self-analysis of character. This table for evaluating husbands, candidates for husbands was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. A worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. With the help of this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, knowledge of social stereotypes. What is he, the father of the family? .. To know this better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational hypocrite or a violent libertine. The likelihood of masturbation. The possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. The experiments of psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences manifest themselves doubly. This is explained by the fact that we are used to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, "The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors." Do you know your role? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. The purpose of applying this projective technique is to identify the features of intra-family relations. Tasks: based on the performance of the image, answers to questions, assess the features of the child's perception and experiences of family relations. The level of ambition and readiness for a career. The degree of tension in the relationship. The level of respect for the feelings of a partner. Ability to yield. Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Do you support and keep it, despite all the difficulties and vicissitudes that two people meet in life loving people? This test will show it. The child answers the test questions. The higher the sum of points received when answering the questionnaire, the more likely the exchange of positive energy and the energy-psychological compatibility of the spouses (as the respondent himself feels it). The fewer points the respondent scores, the more likely the manifestation of negative psychic energy and energy-psychic incompatibility of partners. The level of energy-physiological compatibility with a marriage partner.

Some couples overcome everyday problems and move on together, others can not stand the difficulties and part. Where are your family relationships going?

Take the family relationship test now!

Agree, you can build dizzying career, become rich, successful and famous, but not feel happy. If the relationship with a loved one does not add up, then something most important and valuable is lost - love. The desire to strive for something, to achieve something, disappears.

Of course, building harmonious relationships in the family is not easy, it is a permanent job, and sometimes even more than any other.

But why?

The main difficulty lies in the fact that we perceive a loved one as something taken for granted, as our property or part of ourselves. We open up completely and want to be accepted for who we are.

But at the same time, we forget the main thing - this is another person, and he will never be able to 100% understand our feelings and thoughts. And he has his own feelings and thoughts, which can be very different from ours!

For some reason, we behave with restraint with strangers and acquaintances, and even if something irritates, we do not allow ourselves to “break loose”. But at home, for most families, a showdown is in the order of things. We pour out all our problems on a loved one, make claims, get offended ... But what does this lead to? ...

Take the family relationship quiz to find out where your relationship is leading you!

Family relationship test

You will need paper and a pen to take the test. All questions in this test require only two answers - yes or no. Write your answer next to the question number.

So let's get started!

Question number 1.

Do you think you have a close family?

Question number 2.

On holidays, do you all get together at the family table and have fun?

Question number 3.

Are you sometimes annoyed by certain members of your family?

Question number 4.

Do you find your home comfortable, warm and cozy?

Question number 5.

Do events happen in your home that negatively affect family relationships and destroy harmony?

Question number 6.

Do you agree that the best vacation is to be at home with your family?

Question number 7.

In every family there are disagreements and quarrels. Are you quick to resolve your conflicts?

Question number 8.

Do your loved ones have habits that annoy you a lot?

Question number 9.

Do you know the saying "My home is my castle"? Do you agree with her?

Question number 10.

Do hosting and visiting friends have a positive effect on family relationships?

Question number 11.

Do you have at least one unbalanced person in your family?

Question number 12.

Is it true that any member of your family can always count on mutual understanding and help?

Question number 13.

Is there a person in your family who is very difficult to get along with?

Question number 14.

Are your family relationships based on respect and mutual understanding?

Question number 15.

Do you have petty quarrels and quarrels when guests come to the house?

Question number 16.

Do you miss home and your family very much when you leave home for a long time?

Question number 17.

Your friends and acquaintances note your friendly and harmonious atmosphere in the family

Question number 18.

Do you have big and high-profile scandals in your family?

Question number 19.

Do you think the general environment in your home can provoke depression?

Question number 20.

Do you feel unwanted and lonely in your family?

Question number 21.

Do you have a tradition in your family to go out into nature together in the warm season?

Question number 22.

Is it customary for everyone in your family to do housework together?

Question number 23.

Does your whole family gather in the big room in the evenings to chat, sing or play board games?

Question number 24.

Do you consider your family harmonious and happy?

Question number 25.

Would you describe the atmosphere in the house as heavy and oppressive?

Question number 26.

Are you annoyed by the habit of some of your loved ones to switch to raised voices in a conversation?

Question number 27.

In your family, everyone speaks respectfully and calmly, but otherwise it is customary to ask for forgiveness?

Question number 28.

Is it customary to celebrate all holidays in your family at the laid table?

Question number 29.

Do you try to stay longer at work or at the institute, because it is better and calmer there than at home?

Question number 30.

Do your loved ones often offend you and find fault with every little thing?

Question number 31.

Is your house always clean and tidy?

Question number 32.

Do you ever feel like you don't want to see or hear your loved ones?

Question number 33.

Are your family relationships strained?

Question number 34.

Is there a person in your family who tries to be at home as little as possible, because he is uncomfortable in his native walls?

Question number 35.

Are there always many guests in your house?

The results of the test for the harmony of family relationships!

For the answer "yes" to questions No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35 one point is awarded.

Also, one point is awarded for answering “no” to questions No. 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34.

Now count up your points!

If you typed less than 8 points, you should correct the relationship in the family. There is a very negative atmosphere in your house, everything can end in divorce. You treat family life as a heavy burden and burden.

Result from 9 to 15 points says that your family relationships are extremely changeable. Sometimes an idyll reigns, you bathe in love and happiness, but they are replaced by showdowns, nit-picking and scandals. In moments of quarrels, you are very disappointed in your soul mate, but everything is getting better, and you do not hold evil against each other.

If you scored between 16 and 22 points, it's safe to say that the atmosphere in your home is very positive. You, of course, like everyone else, have disagreements and troubles, but they are quickly forgotten against the background of mutual understanding and a sensitive attitude towards each other.

If you managed to score from 23 to 35 points Please accept my sincere congratulations! One can only dream of a family like yours! There is a friendly and cheerful atmosphere in your house, you value and respect each family member, and you are always ready to help and support each other. In your house there is a place for everyone, so you rarely get bored without guests.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The family is a social institution, the basic cell of society, characterized, in particular, by the following features (

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A rare person can be happy without a family, however, even having one, you have to go a long way to become truly happy and successful. After all, marriage and family life is a daily work on your habits, desires, the ability to understand, forgive and live not only your own life. And it's not just about love relationships; relationships with children and to children largely determine how comfortable and harmonious the situation inside your marriage will be.

The main secret of a strong marriage is to look for the causes of troubles and conflicts in yourself first of all, and not in your partner (provided that he does the same). Understanding your relationships and shortcomings is the first and most important step towards success. This section of tests is completely devoted to psychological tests on the topic "Family". The free results of these online tests will help you find out how strong your marriage is, how happy and long it is, as well as a lot about your personality traits and character traits that affect the mood of your personal life. Many tests are dedicated to children - this will help you learn more new and unexpected things about your kids. Learn more about your family with our quizzes!