Kefir - rating. Kefir Which kefir is tastier

wiring diagram

As you know, fermented milk products have a positive effect on digestive processes, supply the body with calcium and have many useful properties. Today we will look at one of these products - kefir, which is constantly present in the diet of most people.

What is rich in a popular drink

Kefir is one of the products proper nutrition. Thanks to its rich and varied composition, it helps to keep the body healthy.

The fermented milk product boasts the content of such substances in its composition:

  • probiotics;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • natural sugars;
  • fats;
  • vitamins (PP, A, C, H, group B);
  • trace elements (sodium, chlorine, copper, chromium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, cobalt).

The most consumed product is considered to be with a fat content of 3.2% - it contains the optimal amount of fat, which ensures excellent taste. Its calorie content (per 100 g of product) is 60 kcal.

The main part of the lactose that a fermented milk product contains is lactic acid, so the drink is absorbed by the body much better than milk. More than 100 million lactic acid bacteria are concentrated in 1 ml of the product, which can have a beneficial effect on health, as they do not die from exposure to gastric juice.

The benefits of a fermented milk product for the human body

Kefir is loved not only for its excellent taste, but also for its positive and even healing effects on the human body. If we compare this drink with other fermented milk products, it can be noted that it ranks first in terms of usefulness. Kefir allows you to restore the natural balance in the body, which is possible due to trace elements - fluorine, copper, iodine, and vitamins that stimulate energy production. Under the influence of beneficial trace elements, the nervous system and skin are restored and metabolic processes are normalized.

Due to the fact that this fermented milk product is easily digested, it also helps the absorption of other foods, normalizes the process of digestion of food and facilitates the work of the whole organism.

Metabolic problems resulting from lack of sleep, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle affect not only the deterioration of overall well-being, but over time lead to more serious problems. But if you use kefir, the metabolism in the body will accelerate, which will lead to the normalization of the human condition.

The drink allows you to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract during dysbacteriosis, eliminate harmful bacteria that provoked the development of disorders.
Also, a positive effect of kefir on muscle and bone tissue was noted due to the high content of calcium.

The drink allows the body to recover from surgery or serious illness, as it stimulates the immune system.

Well, the drink helps to calm the nervous system, so it is useful to drink a little kefir at night to solve the problem of insomnia. This effect is achieved thanks to tryptophan, an aromatic amino acid.

Some scientists put forward an assumption based on the study of the effects of probiotics, which suppress the development of tumor formations in the body by destroying carcinogenic compounds and stimulating the immune system.

Fat free or oily

There are many opinions about which kefir is healthier and better - fat-free or fat. Most people argue that a low-fat drink is worse than a full-fat drink, because various thickeners are used to give a thicker consistency during its manufacture, which affect the beneficial properties of the product. It is known that some useful substances from a fat-free drink can not be fully absorbed in the body due to a lack of fat.
It is also worth noting that of all kefirs of different fat content, a low-fat product contains a minimum amount of vitamins and beneficial bacteria, therefore, if there are no contraindications or excess weight, then it is more useful to drink medium-fat or fatty kefir. It allows the beneficial components to be almost completely absorbed and have the most positive effect on the body.

The above facts do not mean that you can’t drink fat-free kefir, you just need to pay attention to the composition of the drink and choose a product without additives and thickeners.

What time of day is best to drink

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the greater benefits of kefir in the morning or evening, because at different times of the day you can achieve a positive, but radically different effect. In the morning before meals, the drink allows you to get rid of extra pounds, as it helps to lose weight. The fact is that kefir in the amount of 200 g contains about 10% of the daily protein intake for men and 7% of the daily noma for women, so it is useful to drink it in the morning to build muscle mass, replenish energy reserves, which will last at least until the next meal .

It is allowed to drink a fermented milk product during protein diets, so in the morning on an empty stomach or as an addition to breakfast, a drink will be very useful.
In order for the body to get everything it needs from food, it must be broken down by the “good” bacteria in the intestines. Initially, they contribute to the digestion of food, and after that, absorption of nutrients occurs in the intestines. These processes are slowed down and disrupted due to the predominance of harmful bacteria in the intestines, which provokes a deterioration in the absorption of food, vitamin deficiency, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

homemade hair mask recipe

You can prevent the formation of split ends, strengthen the roots, affect the rate of hair growth, and also improve the general condition of the hair, make it shiny and strong with kefir.

The fat content of kefir should be chosen taking into account the type of hair: for a fatty type, a fat-free drink is suitable, for a normal one - medium fat content, for dry - high fat content.

In order to make a mask, you need to slightly heat the kefir so that its temperature is comfortable - up to 39-40 degrees, and generously lubricate the hair along the entire length, treating the area at the roots and dry tips well. Put a plastic bag on top and wrap your head with a towel to achieve a greenhouse effect. This mask is left for one hour and washed off with warm water and shampoo. You can perform the procedure about 1-2 times a week until the desired effect is achieved. To enhance the effect of the product and get a more pronounced effect, you can add egg yolks to kefir, as well as burdock, castor oil or jojoba oil.

Contraindications for the use of kefir include:

  • age up to one year - the microflora in the intestine during this period of a child's life is practically absent and the process of its active formation is taking place;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • individual lactose intolerance.
  • the presence of epilepsy.

Harm from the use of kefir can be obtained if the recommended doses are exceeded or if an expired low-quality product is used. In this case, it is possible to get an upset stomach and signs of food poisoning.
In order not to be poisoned by this drink, it is necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to leave it open in a warm place - it can quickly deteriorate.

Kefir is a very useful fermented milk product, but in order for it to bring only benefits, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your body and not exceed the recommended daily intake.

Much can be said about the benefits of this drink. It is not so much in the low calorie content as in the composition. The main predominance is prebiotic bacteria, which help restore the intestinal microflora disturbed by a low-calorie diet. It is difficult to find 100% real kefir in a store, so pay attention to the composition of the product strictly. It must include:

  • Kefir starter. The most suitable is considered to contain lactic acid cultures, fungi and yeast. If there is only one of the 2 in the composition, then the product can be called curdled milk or pseudo-kefir. You should not choose a drink that contains "sourdough of lactic acid cultures."

  • Protein in the composition of kefir is also indispensable. Protein makes a balanced low-calorie dietary diet, helps reduce appetite, and accelerates fat burning. Protein in the composition should be at least 3%.
  • Calcium. This trace element is also indispensable. It prevents the accumulation of body fat and helps the body burn calories faster.
  • On the packaging, the composition does not have to contain ingredients such as powdered or reconstituted milk, fruit additives, dyes, palm oil and preservatives. These products turn authentic kefir into a kefir drink. The most suitable and natural in this case is farm products. The composition of excellent kefir may contain:

    • pasteurized milk;
    • fermentation of live bacteria or on kefir fungi;

    Kartunkova lost 32 kg in 3 weeks! Finally, Kortunkova confessed how she lost weight so quickly. Weight loss for the lazy! The fat melted before my eyes without diets and gyms, it helped ... In 1 month I lost 25 kg! Later I drank a glass of food ...

    When losing weight, one of the main criteria for choosing products is their calorie content. The same applies to kefir. Its calorie content is determined by its fat content. To achieve a slim figure, it is desirable to choose a drink with the lowest percentage. Calorie content in this case will be about 25-30 kcal per 100 g of product. This low-fat drink has every benefit without the extra calories.

    Kefir which fat content is better for weight loss

    Completely fat-free kefir does not contain a number of useful vitamins, so this option should not be chosen. In addition, it is also not necessary to completely exclude fat from the diet, the body needs tea. The best option is to choose a drink with a fat content of up to 1%. With the use of vegetable oil in the diet, such kefir is suitable. If in your diet fats are completely limited, then choose the option with a fat content of 2.5%.

    Best before date

    Which kefir is better for weight loss - freshly produced or one that is already a couple of days old? Only a fresh product has positive properties. The term of natural kefir is 7-10 days from the date of manufacture. Only such a period live bacteria in the composition of the drink. A longer shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition. Sour kefir has the same effect on the body, but:

    • has high acidity, which can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system;
    • has a strong laxative effect.

    The consistency of the product also speaks of the expiration date of the product. In fresh kefir, it is homogeneous. If, when shaking, two layers are given out in the drink - whey and flakes, then this indicates the expiration date. This is also indicated by the yellow color of the drink, a bitter aftertaste and a cool smell. It is absolutely impossible to drink such a drink. The fresh product is slightly sour and does not have a powerful smell, and its color is white.

    How to drink kefir in order to lose weight

    Important is not only the question of which kefir is better for weight loss, but also how to drink it positively. Many nutritionists recommend drinking this drink for dinner or before bedtime, and for good reason. Kefir owes its strong fat-burning effect to calcium, the one that is better absorbed just in the evening. For this reason, a glass of such a cocktail before bed really promotes weight loss. In addition to this nuance, it is important to observe the following rules of use:

  • Daily rate. Optimal is 200-400 ml of kefir per day. A larger volume can lead to edema, bloating, powerful flatulence.
  • Time of receipt. This drink is suitable not only in the evening. A good breakfast option in the morning is buckwheat or a fruit mix with kefir. For lunch, to maintain mental activity and suppress sugary dreams, it is allowed to drink a glass of this product with the addition of honey or cinnamon.
  • duration. If this is a kefir mono-diet, then it is impossible to stick to it for more than 3 days, tea for the body is a major stress. With a balanced menu using cocktails, fruits and vegetables, losing weight with kefir can last 7, 10 and even 21 days.
  • With honey

    With the result, when asked which kefir is better for weight loss, it is worth noting the likelihood of drinking a drink with additives. This will help diversify the diet, and the drink itself will not get bored so quickly. There are a lot of recipes for kefir cocktails, including those with the addition of honey. One of them is prepared like this:

  • Add a teaspoon of honey to it. It can be replaced with the same amount of rosehip syrup.
  • At the end, add another spoonful of oatmeal or wheat powder bran.
  • Use the product instead of the second breakfast or the last meal.
  • Cinnamon

    To increase the fat-burning properties of kefir, it is allowed to add various spices to it, for example, cinnamon. In addition to being useful in losing weight, it also improves the taste of the drink. This is extremely important so that there is no addiction to kefir, and he did not begin to bother. A cocktail is prepared very easily - half a teaspoon of cinnamon is primitively added to a glass of fermented milk drink. It is better to use it before going to bed, so that the process of fat burning takes place in the body at night.

    What brand of kefir is better to drink for weight loss

    After you have found out which kefir is cooler for weight loss, it is worth exploring the rating of more famous manufacturers. In addition to the name of the product, the review displays calories, fat content, some of the main collations and the price. There are brands that are in demand and have excellent reviews, such as House in the Village, Prostokvashino, Danone, Biomax, etc. Moreover, the entire manufacturer offers customers kefir of various fat percentages.

    Fat content:


    • 34.6 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Voronezh;
    • expiration date - 13 days;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • 80 rubles.

    E. Malysheva: “Today we will talk about where martial arts with excess weight can lead.” Why is unnecessary weight dangerous after 40 years? How to get rid of age-related fat and not gain more weight? Powerful Fat Burner! Rapid weight loss. -8 kg in 1.5 weeks, you need to drink this cocktail ...

    House in the village

    Fat content:


    • 37 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 15 days;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • 83 p.

    Fat content:


    • 43.4 calories per 100 g


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 15 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-6 degrees;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • 93 p.

    Fat content:


    • 39 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 24 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-6 degrees;
    • weight - 835 g;
    • 93 p.


    Fat content:


    • 36 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Vladimir;
    • expiration date - 14 days;
    • weight - 930 g;
    • 69 p.

    Video: what is kefir good for weight loss


    Elena, 36 years old

    Very often I arrange kefir fasting days. When buying a drink, I invariably comprehend the composition. Less of each additive is contained in the product of the Vkusnoteevo company. I tried other options, but only from this I do not get flatulence.

    Irina, 28 years old

    I often buy kefir, I am zealous to take a drink with a shorter shelf life. I also recommend farm products, tea is natural. It doesn't give me any stomach issues. Let the price come out more expensive, but for health I'm zealous not to regret.

    P ( margin-bottom: 0.21cm; )

    In the spring, women traditionally think about their figure, strive to lose weight, cleanse the body of winter “deposits”. And first of all, kefir is attracted to helpers.

    In Russia, about a million tons of kefir is produced every year from various manufacturers. Prices in stores - from 40 to 120 rubles per liter. Shelf life - from 7 to 15 days. Manufacturers “decorate” their labels with the words “BIO”, “natural”, “traditional”, “made according to GOST”. Which of them is the best?

    Experts of NP "Roskontrol" purchased kefir of various brands:

    - "House in the village" 1%,

    — Prostokvashino 1%,

    - "Ruzsky" 3.2-4%,

    - "36 kopecks" 3.2%,

    - kefir product "Activia",

    – kefir enriched with bifidobacteria Bio MAX 1%,

    - "Vkusnoteevo" 1%.

    Everyone is safe!

    All samples were successfully tested for compliance with safety requirements. Experts tested kefir for the content of microorganisms (bacteria of the E. coli group, staphylococci, salmonella), mold, toxins, antibiotics and preservatives. No banned substances were found in the products. This suggests that all manufacturers honestly comply with sanitary rules in their factories.

    Vegetable fats were also not found in the composition of the products; all samples were made from milk and sourdough. “Ruzsky” kefir is made from whole milk, and therefore received a higher score in the naturalness index of the Roskontrol rating. * The rest of the products are made from normalized milk (skimmed milk and cream).

    What about beneficial bacteria?

    Useful lactic acid microorganisms are found in all products in the recommended amount (10^7 CFU / g). In the kefir Bio MAX, Activia, Vkusnoteevo, viable bifidobacteria were also found in the amount of 10^6 CFU / g. At the same time, there are more bifidobacteria in Activia - 10^8 CFU / g, which indicates its high probiotic properties ( Simply put, it is even more useful).

    But there is no yeast in Activia at all, although they are indicated in the composition. Perhaps the manufacturer violated the fermentation technology, or the yeast died during storage. According to regulatory documents, kefir must contain live yeast (at least 10 ^ 4 CFU / g), but due to the fact that this is a kefir product, the requirements of the standards for kefir do not apply to it.

    The rest of the products met the norm in terms of yeast content. “Ruzsky” kefir was especially distinguished, in which there is 20% more yeast than in other samples. It is yeast, by the way, that is the source of B vitamins in kefir.

    Not everything is so smooth

    The only thing that alerted the experts when studying kefir was the amount of protein in the samples. In 4 products ("House in the Village", "Prostokvashino", Bio MAX and "36 kopecks"), the protein content is higher than indicated on the label and significantly higher than the norm. Experts suggested that perhaps the manufacturers violated the technology or added some components with a higher protein content (for example, milk powder). However, such deviations do not mean that this kefir is less useful. On the contrary, a higher protein content is an indication of a higher nutritional value.

    - Nevertheless, this fact can be qualified as the provision of false information for consumers (Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and entails a fine on entity in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. To hold the manufacturer liable, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor, which conducts an inspection, if necessary, the documents are transferred to the court. As you understand, for a large manufacturer, the fine is insignificant, and the costs of conducting product examination are high. In this regard, under this article it is rarely possible to bring the manufacturer to responsibility, - says Sergey Zhukov, a leading lawyer at NP Roskontrol.

    Choose to taste

    During the tasting, the kefir "Vkusnoteevo" and "36 kopecks" seemed to be the most delicious for the experts. At the same time, kefir "36 kopecks" has the most sour taste among the tested samples, which was confirmed in the laboratory - its acidity index is the highest, although it is within the normal range. The lowest acidity is found in Bio Max and Activia kefir, according to this indicator they meet the requirements even for baby food products.

    By the way, you may be surprised, but ordinary kefir should not be given to small children.

    “Ordinary kefir that adults drink contains 0.2-0.6% alcohol, which is about 1.2 ml of pure alcohol per glass of kefir,” explains Andrey Mosov, head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol. - It seems to be quite a bit. But after all, kefir is given to children from 6-8 months old, who at this age on average weigh seven to eight kilograms. If you count, then such an amount of alcohol in kefir for a baby is the same as 25 ml of vodka for an adult. If you give your child yogurt every day, he may become addicted to alcohol. That is why children can only drink special, children's kefir, which is subject to increased quality and safety requirements.


    To whom is it harmful?

    So, the examination of Roskontrol showed that all tested samples are safe products and differ only slightly in their characteristics. You can choose any of them. But only if you have no contraindications:

    - Kefir is contraindicated in gastritis, stomach ulcers, gout, - explains Marina Kopytko, nutritionist, Ph.D. - A healthy person is best suited for kefir with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%. For those who have problems with being overweight, fat-free kefir is recommended. The daily norm of kefir is one glass, it should be drunk during or after dinner. There is one important point: if 3 hours or more have passed after eating, then there will be no therapeutic effect from kefir - the hydrochloric acid of the stomach will destroy all the beneficial microflora

    Choosing kefir

    Doctors say that you should consume 36 liters of kefir per year. Not so much - about 100 grams per day. But Russians drink only 21 liters on average. But this drink not only quenches thirst well, but also improves health. Of course, if we are talking about a natural product.

    As part of natural kefir, there are only two ingredients - milk and a special ferment on kefir fungi. But unscrupulous manufacturers manage to "chemize" with both. They replace fungi with dry sourdough: it simplifies the preparation process, since it does not need special storage conditions. (For example, kefir fungi must be kept for a day at a temperature of 25-30 degrees). However, the final product differs from real kefir in taste.

    Kefir is prepared from whole, normalized, skimmed and reconstituted milk, as well as their mixtures.

    In whole milk, neither the fat content nor the content of any components changes. It makes the most delicious kefir. Normalized - milk brought to a certain degree of fat content. Therefore, kefir is 1.5; 2.5; 3.2%. Reconstituted is obtained from condensed or dry: it is inferior in value to normalized. And mixed milk consists of normalized and reconstituted milk.

    If the drink has less than 1% fat, then it is made from skim milk. It does not contain vitamins. Even if you are on a diet, take a 1% or 2% product. Classics - 3.2%. The higher the fat content, the more nutritious the product, of course.

    It is difficult for a buyer in a store to understand what raw materials kefir is made of. And independent studies show that often the manufacturer uses recombined milk - a mixture of milk powder, whey, milk fat and water. In such a product there is no real kefir taste, and most importantly, there are no useful properties.

    Mix but do not shake

    Kefir can be reservoir or thermostatic. But the quality of a fermented milk drink does not change from this, except that the taste of a thermostatic drink can be a little richer. By the way, the taste also depends on the date of production of the product. Kefir, regardless of the manufacturing technology, is gaining spiciness and sourness throughout the entire shelf life. That is, fresh, literally from the assembly line, kefir will be softer than a week ago.

    Sometimes on expensive kefir you can find the inscription "Organic product". Manufacturers explain this as follows: in the manufacture, milk was used obtained from a cow that ate fresh grass in an ecologically clean area, and no chemicals were used in the processing of raw materials. But the qualitative difference between an inexpensive product and an "organic" product was not revealed in the study. So decide for yourself whether it is worth overpaying or not.

    If the package says "Kefir drink", please note: it quenches thirst, but does not have useful properties.

    Tested on myself

    Real kefir is made in accordance with GOST 314054. Also look for the abbreviation-icon STR on the packaging: this is a guarantee that the drink is produced in accordance with the technical regulations for dairy products. The most important indicator of quality is the concentration of lactic acid microorganisms. It is to them that kefir owes its beneficial properties.

    The presence of yeast indicates that the product is fermented with fungal sourdough, and not with the help of modern concentrates.

    Box with a secret

    Packaging helps to preserve the beneficial properties of kefir. If you want to save money - take it in a soft plastic bag. It protects well from light and oxygen. True, the drink in it is stored for a short time - only 10 days. Longer - in a bottle or box: special plastic and multilayer protective material contribute to the safety, they will not allow the product to deteriorate for up to two weeks. There is kefir in glass, but such containers greatly affect the price.

    When choosing, pay attention to the volume of the product. Manufacturers sometimes play on the fact that we put an equal sign between mass and volume, because we remember from school times: a liter of water weighs a kilogram. But most fermented milk products are heavier than water! For example, if 900 g is written on the package of kefir, then you will not get 900 ml, but 873 ml. A trifle, not unpleasant! And for the manufacturer - a significant benefit.

    Any opened package should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    Quality checking

    There is a simple test that will help determine if the product you bought is good. Pour kefir into a glass, take a few large sips. If “grooves” remain on the walls, and “mustache” on the lips, then the drink is dense and uniform, as it should be.

    Good kefir should have a characteristic, sour-milk smell and taste (in no case rancid or sour!). Color - white, the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. There may be clots (but not lumps) that break easily when shaken.

    If the drink separates, a clear, slightly greenish liquid (whey) is released - this indicates that kefir has a very high acidity. Its use should be abandoned. Most likely, the product was stale on the counter.

    Pour kefir into a glass and shake slightly: a fresh drink should not foam much! If it resembles soda, and the expiration date has not yet expired, then either the product was stored incorrectly, or the company did not follow the temperature - and the product fermented too quickly. Use such kefir for cooking, for example, fritters.

    But to understand whether thickeners are present in the product, plain water will help. Just add kefir to it: if the product contains soy flour or starch, which are used to give the desired consistency, they will turn into flakes.

    What should be the composition of kefir

    Much can be said about the benefits of this drink. It is not so much in the low calorie content as in the composition. The main advantage is prebiotic bacteria, which help restore the intestinal microflora disturbed by a low-calorie diet. It is difficult to find 100% natural kefir in the store, so it is imperative to pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain:

  • Kefir starter. The most useful is considered to contain lactic acid cultures, fungi and yeast. If there is only one of the two in the composition, then the product can already be called curdled milk or pseudo-kefir. You should not choose a drink that contains "sourdough of lactic acid cultures."
  • Protein in kefir is also a must. Protein makes a balanced low-calorie dietary diet, helps reduce appetite, and accelerates fat burning. Protein in the composition should be at least 3%.
  • Calcium. This trace element is also required. It prevents the accumulation of body fat and helps the body burn calories faster.
  • The packaging should not contain ingredients such as powdered or reconstituted milk, fruit additives, dyes, palm oil and preservatives. These products turn real kefir into a kefir drink. The most useful and natural in this case is farm products. A good kefir may contain:

    • pasteurized milk;
    • sourdough live bacteria or on kefir fungi;
    • lactic yeast and bifidobacteria.

    Calorie content of a fermented milk product

    When losing weight, one of the important criteria for choosing products is their calorie content. The same applies to kefir. Its calorie content is determined by its fat content. To achieve a slim figure, it is advisable to choose a drink with the lowest percentage. Calorie content in this case will be about 25-30 kcal per 100 g of product. This low-fat drink has all the benefits without the extra calories.

    Kefir which fat content is better for weight loss

    Completely fat-free kefir does not contain a number of useful vitamins, so this option should not be chosen. In addition, it is also not necessary to completely exclude fat from the diet, because the body needs it. The best option is to choose a drink with a fat content of up to 1%. With the use of vegetable oil in the diet, such kefir is suitable. If in your diet fats are completely limited, then choose the option with a fat content of 2.5%.

    Best before date

    Which kefir is better for weight loss - just made or one that is already a couple of days old? Only a fresh product has positive properties. The term of natural kefir is 7-10 days from the date of manufacture. Only such a period live bacteria in the composition of the drink. A longer shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition. Sour kefir has the same effect on the body, but:

    • has high acidity, which can adversely affect the digestive system;
    • has a strong laxative effect.

    The consistency of the product also speaks of the expiration date of the product. In fresh kefir, it is homogeneous. If, when shaking, two layers stand out in the drink - whey and flakes, then this indicates the expiration date. This is also indicated by the yellow color of the drink, a bitter aftertaste and a pungent smell. Such a drink is absolutely impossible to drink. The fresh product is slightly sour and does not have a strong smell, and its color is white.

    How to drink kefir to lose weight

    Important is not only the question of which kefir is best for weight loss, but also how to drink it correctly. Most nutritionists recommend drinking this drink at dinner or before bed, and for good reason. Kefir owes its powerful fat-burning effect to calcium, which is better absorbed just in the evening. For this reason, a glass of such a cocktail before going to bed really helps to lose weight. In addition to this nuance, it is important to observe the following rules of use:

  • Daily rate. Optimal is 200-400 ml of kefir per day. Larger volume can lead to edema, bloating, severe flatulence.
  • Time of receipt. This drink is useful not only in the evening. An excellent breakfast option in the morning is buckwheat or a fruit mix with kefir. For lunch, to maintain mental activity and suppress the desire for sweets, you can drink a glass of this product with the addition of honey or cinnamon.
  • duration. If this is a kefir mono-diet, then you can’t stick to it for more than 3 days, because this is a lot of stress for the body. With a balanced menu using smoothies, fruits and vegetables, losing weight with kefir can last 7, 10 and even 21 days.
  • With honey

    When answering the question, what kind of kefir is better for weight loss, it is worth noting the possibility of drinking a drink with additives. This will help diversify the diet, and the drink itself will not get bored so quickly. There are many recipes for kefir cocktails, including those with the addition of honey. One of them is prepared like this:

  • Prepare 250 ml of kefir with a fat content of up to 1%.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to it. It can be replaced with a similar amount of rosehip syrup.
  • At the end, add another spoonful of oat or wheat bran powder.
  • Stir everything until smooth.
  • Use the product instead of the second breakfast or the last meal.
  • Cinnamon

    To increase the fat-burning properties of kefir, you can add various spices to it, for example, cinnamon. In addition to being useful in losing weight, it also improves the taste of the drink. This is especially important so that kefir does not become addictive, and it does not start to bother. Preparing a cocktail is very simple - just add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of fermented milk drink. It is better to use it before going to bed, so that the process of fat burning takes place in the body at night.

    What brand of kefir is better to drink for weight loss

    After you have found out which kefir is best for weight loss, you should study the rating of more popular manufacturers. In addition to the name of the product, the review displays calorie content, fat content, some basic characteristics and price. There are brands that are in demand and have good reviews, such as House in the Village, Prostokvashino, Danone, Biomax, etc. Moreover, each manufacturer offers customers kefir of different fat percentages.

    Fat content:


    • 34.6 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Voronezh;
    • expiration date - 13 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-4 degrees;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • composition - normalized cow's milk with sourdough on kefir fungi, bifidobacteria.
    • 80 rubles.

    House in the village

    Fat content:


    • 37 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 15 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-6 degrees;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • composition - kefir on live sourdough.
    • 83 p.

    Fat content:


    • 43.4 calories per 100 g


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 15 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-6 degrees;
    • weight - 1000 g;
    • composition - normalized milk, sourdough on kefir fungi, bifidus cultures, vitamin premix.
    • 93 p.

    Bioproduct kefir, enriched with bifidobacteria, Activia 1%

    Fat content:


    • 39 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Moscow;
    • expiration date - 24 days;
    • storage conditions - 2-6 degrees;
    • weight - 835 g;
    • composition - skimmed milk, cream, dairy cultures, yeast, bifidobacteria actiregularis.
    • 93 p.


    Fat content:


    • 36 calories per 100 g.


    • production - Vladimir;
    • expiration date - 14 days;
    • storage conditions - 4-6 degrees;
    • weight - 930 g;
    • composition - skimmed milk, whole milk, sourdough on kefir fungi.
    • 69 p.

    Good day to you, my wonderful readers! Do you know how to choose the right kefir? With today's diversity on the shelves, this issue is very relevant. After all, not every drink with the inscription “kefir” on the package is actually one.

    But only natural kefir has an impressive set of useful properties that everyone has heard of. And only a real drink can give you health.

    This article will tell you not only which kefir is better to drink, but also reveal the simple secrets of choosing a quality fermented milk product.

    Kefir starter

    The sourdough (it is indicated on the package) should be on kefir fungi - this contains both lactic acid and yeast cultures. And this is the most useful starter.

    If you see the inscription “sourdough of lactic acid cultures”, then this is essentially yogurt, not kefir. Such a starter is often used for the production of modern pseudo-kefirs. Be careful!

    Best before date

    The permissible shelf life should not exceed 7, maximum 10 days. As a rule, after 7 days there are practically no living bacteria left in the drink.

    If the expiration date is more than 7 days, then preservatives were used for its preparation, i.e. this kefir is not real.

    By the way, when shaking, kefir should remain homogeneous. No lumps, seals, and even more so liquid whey. A fluid homogeneous mass is a sign of a real fermented milk drink.

    The flakes that appeared after shaking indicate that it has already begun to deteriorate. And the whey formed on the surface of a thick drink means that it stands for a long time and there is a high probability that the drink could have fermented.

    Optimal fat content

    The fact is that dairy products contain fat-soluble vitamins. Accordingly, there are no such vitamins in fat-free kefir.

    Therefore, even for the purposes of losing weight, it is more reasonable to buy kefir with at least 1% fat, where there will be fat-soluble vitamins, and the calorie content remains low.

    If there are no problems with the figure, then you can use a sour-milk drink of classic fat content - 3.2%. The milk fats contained in kefir are very useful.

    The percentage of fat content will also not have of great importance if you drink a small amount of a drink - for example, one glass a day. The difference in calories compared to the low-fat option will be only 50-60 kcal per glass, and you will get significantly more benefits.

    A simple quality test

    There is an elementary and time-tested test that allows you to determine how good kefir is. To conduct the test, you need to drink an impressive sip - if the drink is good, then the so-called "kefir mustache" appears.

    It has long been believed that their appearance quite accurately determines the quality. This is the simplest test that shows how dense and homogeneous the drink is. The test seems like a joke, but it works nonetheless.

    So, now you know how to choose a truly healthy, natural and high-quality kefir. Choose only this one! Beauty to you, harmony and health!

    P.S. By the way, kefir is ideal for cooking healthy and tasty - try them, you will certainly like them.

    In accordance with the current in the territory Russian Federation GOST, the number of living microorganisms CFU (colony forming units) in fresh kefir must be at least 107 per gram. Such a fermented milk product is really good for health and is indicated for proper nutrition and a kefir diet. How to choose the right delicious kefir in the store and determine which product is in front of you - “live” kefir or its analogue with the addition of preservatives? These questions are answered

    - What are you cooking?

    - Nothing special. Mushu rou and hei jiao niu liu. I explain for the ignorant: fried pork and spring rolls.

    Lisa Jane Smith. Hunter

    How to distinguish "live" kefir from "dead"

    Do not confuse real kefir with its useless fake in the store. Each of us drinks an average of 21.5 liters of kefir during the year. If you suddenly fell out of this statistic, urgently correct the situation, because the Russian fermented milk drink is the way to beauty and health! Just do not confuse "live" kefir in the store with its useless fake.

    Alas, the latter are worth a lot on our shelves. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to consume yogurt and other Western fermented milk drinks to improve the intestinal microflora and protect the immune system. But some products are not even suitable for native kefir!

    Judge for yourself: if in ordinary yogurt there are a maximum of three to five types of beneficial microorganisms, then in kefir there are more than 20 of them. Moreover, these are not only bacteria, but also fungi that have created a unique symbiosis between themselves called “kefir sourdough”. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, the fermented milk drink restores the intestinal microflora after taking medication.

    Kefir also cleanses the body of toxins, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism and thus helps to lose weight. If you listen to the opinion of nutritionists and start consuming kefir regularly, in a month you will notice tangible results both on the face and in the waist area. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice and drink a “live” drink.

    natural and beneficial

    The history of kefir is akin to a real detective story. According to one version, the secret leaven was stolen in Persia, according to another, it was obtained through blackmail in the Caucasus. Be that as it may, in 1909 the industrial production of a fermented milk drink began in Russia, and now it has officially acquired the status of a national Russian product.

    By the way, modern bacteria and fungi are descendants of ancient organisms, because the only way to obtain them is direct reproduction (scientists have not yet been able to breed them again). It is quite difficult to maintain the vital activity of the starter, so not every enterprise can master the production of real kefir.

    Simplified, the technology of its manufacture is as follows: milk is disinfected by pasteurization, then in a sterile room at a certain temperature and humidity, a starter is added to it, due to which lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation begins. Its result is a “live” snow-white sour-milk drink familiar to us from childhood.

    It is easy to recognize it on the counter. First, take a close look at the name of the product - it should simply be called "kefir". Then read the composition - there are only two ingredients in the list of a classic white drink: milk (preferably whole or normalized, not dry) and sourdough on kefir fungi.

    After that, find information on the presence of living flora on the label: “The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product’s shelf life is at least 1 × 10 to the 7th degree CFU / g. The amount of yeast at the end of the product's shelf life is at least 1 × 10 in the 4th degree CFU / g.

    And finally, another distinguishing feature of “live” kefir is the shelf life of no longer than 14 days. If the drink can be stored longer, it means that it has been subjected to heat treatment (preservatives in kefir are generally prohibited) and has lost its useful essence.

    Expert opinion

    Larisa Abdullaeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Executive Secretary of the Russian Union of Dairy Industry Enterprises: “Biokefir is the same “live” kefir, to which bifidobacteria have been added. Thanks to them, it acquires additional probiotic properties.

    Other fermented milk drinks (yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.) do not contain fungi, and they differ from each other in the preparation technology and the set of microorganisms. Yoghurt is very similar to Mechnikov’s curdled milk, baked milk is used to make fermented baked milk, acidophilus contains a rare and useful acidophilus bacillus, and tan and ayran are diluted with water and seasoned with salt and herbs.”

    Product a la kefir

    Unfortunately, recently a lot of products a la kefir have appeared on our shelves. It is made not on live sourdough, but with the help of dried bacteria: they take the powder and pour it into pasteurized milk. The result is a drink palatability very reminiscent of kefir, but in fact it is completely different from it.

    According to the law, it does not have the right to be called kefir, therefore, it is most often referred to as “kefir product”, “kefir”, “kefir ...” and so on. In order to pass off their product as a valuable fermented milk, manufacturers sometimes write "KEFIR" in capital letters, and the ending "ny" or "naya" is added in small print.

    In addition, the packaging of a “dead” dairy product will not contain quantitative indicators of microorganisms and yeast, and there will be no sourdough in the composition. And part of the milk in the "non-living" version can be replaced with vegetable palm fat. Such kefir drinks, although safe for health, will not bring benefits to the body.

    GOST, STR or TU?

    Natural "live" kefir today is protected by two technological documents - GOST R 52093 and the recently adopted technical regulation on milk and dairy products, which is indicated on the label with a three-letter icon - STR (although it is often difficult to see it). However, a drink can be made according to TU and at the same time turn out to be “more alive than all living things”.

    This happens when the manufacturer adds sugar, fruit or juice to a natural fermented milk product - unlike classic kefir, children drink sweet fruit with great pleasure, and such a drink is also very useful. GOST does not provide for such additives, so in this case, do not be embarrassed by TU. The main thing is that other signs of a “live” drink are present on the label.

    Diet or whole milk?

    So that you can choose the kefir of the required fat content, the milk is normalized before fermentation, that is, it is brought to a certain norm (not to be confused with powdered milk!). Cream is separated from milk and then mixed with it in the required proportions, achieving 0%, 0.5%, 2.5% or 3.2%. However, kefir can also be made on the basis of whole milk.

    It is not subjected to normalization and is fermented in its original form, obtained from a cow. Therefore, the fat content of such a fermented milk drink varies from 3 to 4%. If you want to know a more specific figure, look at the cardboard "scallop" of the package or the cap of the bottle - there the manufacturer usually indicates the batch of kefir and its mass fraction of fat.

    mature and immature

    Classic kefir, made according to all the rules, should have a snow-white color and a uniform consistency with a broken or not clot: in order to “break it”, it is recommended to shake the drink before drinking. The taste of a quality product is clean, slightly spicy, pinching. However, this is the only milk drink that can change over time.

    The vital activity of microorganisms is to blame for everything, therefore, in the first days, kefir is soft and tender, and by the end of the expiration date, it becomes more and more stinging, sour and spicy. Technologists even have the concepts of "mature" and "immature" product. This drink is also characterized by light gas formation and the presence of alcohol: yeast ferments milk sugar - lactose and produces alcohol, however, in very small quantities (up to 1%).

    Normally, such processes are good, but if the bacteria “rage” due to improper storage, they will quickly turn healthy kefir into a dangerous drink. In order not to risk your health, buy a product that is stored in the refrigerator and walk past the "inflated" containers. Which packaging option you choose: glass or plastic bottles, Tetra Pak boxes or cups is a matter of taste.

    The main thing is not to collect kefir for the future and do not leave it open in the refrigerator, otherwise foreign bacteria will penetrate into it, and milk protein absorbs odors, and the aroma of garlic or onions will definitely get into the drink. And most importantly - try to use the product before its expiration date - experts say that even the next day kefir becomes dangerous.

    Perfect classic kefir

    1. It is called "kefir".

    2. Has a certification mark STR and GOST R 52093.

    3. Made from two ingredients: milk and sourdough on kefir fungi.

    4. The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product's shelf life - at least 1 × 10 to the 7th degree CFU / g. The amount of yeast is not less than 1 × 10 to the 4th degree CFU / g.

    5. Snow-white, with or without a broken clot and a pure kefir taste: slightly sharp, stinging and without foreign odors.

    6. Light gas formation and the presence of alcohol up to 1% are acceptable.

    7. Has a shelf life of no more than 14 days.

    Each of us drinks an average of 21.5 liters of kefir during the year. If you suddenly fell out of this statistic, urgently correct the situation, because the Russian fermented milk drink is the way to beauty and health! Just do not confuse "live" kefir in the store with its useless fake. Alas, the latter are worth a lot on our shelves.

    Nowadays, it has become fashionable to consume yogurt and other Western fermented milk drinks to improve the microflora and protect the immune system. But some products are not even suitable for native kefir! Judge for yourself: if in ordinary yogurt there are a maximum of 3-5 types of beneficial microorganisms, then in kefir there are more than 20 of them. Moreover, these are not only bacteria, but also fungi that have created a unique symbiosis between themselves called “kefir sourdough”. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, the fermented milk drink restores the intestinal microflora after taking medications, cleanses the body of toxins, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism and thereby helps to lose weight. If you listen to the opinion of nutritionists and start consuming kefir regularly, in a month you will notice tangible results both on the face and in the waist area. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice and drink a “live” drink.

    natural and beneficial

    The history of kefir is akin to a real detective story. According to one version, the secret leaven was stolen in Persia, according to another, it was obtained through blackmail in the Caucasus. Be that as it may, in 1909 the industrial production of a fermented milk drink began in Russia, and now it has officially acquired the status of a national Russian product. By the way, modern bacteria and fungi are descendants of ancient organisms, because the only way to obtain them is direct reproduction (scientists have not yet been able to breed them again). It is quite difficult to maintain the vital activity of the starter, so not every enterprise can master the production of real kefir. Simplified, the technology of its manufacture is as follows: milk is disinfected by pasteurization, then in a sterile room at a certain temperature and humidity, a starter is added to it, due to which lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation begins. Its result is a “live” snow-white sour-milk drink familiar to us from childhood. It is easy to recognize it on the counter. First, take a close look at the name of the product - it should simply be called "kefir". Then read the composition - there are only two ingredients in the list of a classic white drink: milk (preferably whole or normalized, not dry) and sourdough on kefir fungi. After that, find information on the presence of living flora on the label: “The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product’s shelf life is at least 1x10 to the 7th degree CFU / g. The amount of yeast at the end of the product's shelf life is at least 1x10 to the 4th degree CFU / g. And finally, another distinguishing feature of “live” kefir is the shelf life of no longer than 14 days. If the drink can be stored longer, it means that it has been subjected to heat treatment (preservatives in kefir are generally prohibited) and has lost its useful essence.

    Product a la kefir

    Unfortunately, recently a lot of products a la kefir have appeared on our shelves. It is made not on live sourdough, but with the help of dried bacteria: they take the powder and pour it into pasteurized milk. The result is a drink that tastes very similar to kefir, but in fact it is completely different from it. According to the law, it does not have the right to be called kefir, therefore, it is most often referred to as “kefir product”, “kefir”, “kefir ...” and so on. In order to pass off their product as a valuable fermented milk, manufacturers sometimes write "KEFIR" in capital letters, and the ending "ny" or "naya" is added in small print. In addition, the packaging of a “dead” dairy product will not contain quantitative indicators of microorganisms and yeast, and there will be no sourdough in the composition. And part of the milk in the "non-living" version can be replaced with vegetable palm fat. Such kefir drinks, although safe for health, will not bring benefits to the body.

    GOST, STR or TU?

    Natural "live" kefir today is protected by two technological documents - GOST R 52093 and the recently adopted technical regulation on milk and dairy products, which is indicated on the label with a three-letter icon - STR (although it is often difficult to see it). However, a drink can be made according to TU and at the same time turn out to be “more alive than all living things”. This happens when the manufacturer adds sugar, fruit or juice to a natural fermented milk product - unlike classic kefir, children drink sweet fruit with great pleasure, and such a drink is also very useful. GOST does not provide for such additives, so in this case, do not be embarrassed by TU. The main thing is that other signs of a “live” drink are present on the label.

    Diet or whole milk?

    So that you can choose the kefir of the required fat content, the milk is normalized before fermentation, that is, it is brought to a certain norm (not to be confused with powdered milk!). Cream is separated from milk and then mixed with it in the required proportions, achieving 0%, 0.5%, 2.5% or 3.2%. However, kefir can also be made on the basis of whole milk. It is not subjected to normalization and is fermented in its original form, obtained from a cow. Therefore, the fat content of such a fermented milk drink varies from 3 to 4%. If you want to know a more specific figure, look at the cardboard "scallop" of the package or the cap of the bottle - there the manufacturer usually indicates the batch of kefir and its mass fraction of fat.

    mature and immature

    Classic kefir, made according to all the rules, should have a snow-white color and a uniform consistency with a broken or not clot: in order to “break it”, it is recommended to shake the drink before drinking. The taste of a quality product is clean, slightly spicy, pinching. However, this is the only milk drink that can change over time. The vital activity of microorganisms is to blame for everything, therefore, in the first days, kefir is soft and tender, and by the end of the expiration date, it becomes more and more stinging, sour and spicy. Technologists even have the concepts of "mature" and "immature" product. This drink is also characterized by light gas formation and the presence of alcohol: yeast ferments milk sugar - lactose and produces alcohol, however, in very small quantities (up to 1%). Normally, such processes are good, but if the bacteria “rage” due to improper storage, they will quickly turn healthy kefir into a dangerous drink. In order not to risk your health, buy a product that is stored in the refrigerator and walk past the "inflated" containers. Which packaging option you choose: glass or plastic bottles, Tetra Pak boxes or cups is a matter of taste. The main thing is not to collect kefir for the future and do not leave it open in the refrigerator, otherwise foreign bacteria will penetrate into it, and milk protein absorbs odors, and the aroma of garlic or onions will definitely get into the drink. And most importantly - try to use the product before its expiration date - experts say that even the next day kefir becomes dangerous.

    Perfect classic kefir
    1. It is called "kefir".
    2. Has a certification mark STR and GOST R 52093.
    3. Made from two ingredients: milk and sourdough on kefir fungi.
    4. The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product's shelf life - at least 1x10 to the 7th degree CFU / g. The amount of yeast is not less than 1x10 to the 4th degree CFU / g.
    5. Snow-white, with or without a broken clot and a pure kefir taste: slightly sharp, stinging and without foreign odors.
    6. Light gas formation and the presence of alcohol up to 1% are acceptable.
    7. Has a shelf life of no more than 14 days.

    But how to choose kefir correctly and figure out the widest range goods, which is presented in the modern market?

    What should be a real, natural product?

    Today, stopping at the shelves with a huge number of various varieties of kefir, it is difficult to make right choice. It seems that all options are equally good, but they are not.

    Among this abundance there are natural kefirs, and there are pseudo-kefirs which are of no use.

    Knowing will help you make the right choice simple rules:

    About the composition

    And now a little more about the composition. When choosing kefir, it is very important to pay attention to compound, which must be indicated on the packaging.

    Also included may be lactic yeast and bifidobacteria, in this case, kefir is called biokefir and is especially useful for the gastrointestinal tract, it is even prescribed for people in the postoperative period for recovery and is not harmful to people with an allergic reaction to dairy products.

    Reconstituted milk is a mixture of powdered milk powder (soy) and, which, of course, does not mean naturalness.

    O harm today can be heard from various sources.

    The quality of a fermented milk product directly depends on protein level. The most correct ratio is 3-5 percent protein for any percentage of fat content. But such a percentage, unfortunately, is not common today.

    It is also worth noting that the benefits of kefir largely depend on fat content. Fat content 3.2 allows you to combine, in addition to organic acids, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins: beta-carotene, PP, B1, A, B2 and vitamin C, famous for its antioxidant effect. Calorie content 3.2 is 56 kcal., In comparison, one percent kefir contains only 28 calories, but 3.2 more useful for good health.

    In addition, kefir is divided into types not only by fat content, but also by consistency. Solid and liquid drinks may not differ in chemical composition, but differ in cooking technology. In order to end up with dense composition, fermentation takes place in bottles, and in order to liquid- in special containers, and then bottling takes place.

    What is the composition of kefir, we examined, but the question chemical composition kefir requires a more complete, detailed study.


    Natural kefir 2.5 percent fat (250 g) has the following chemical composition: fat contains 5 g, proteins 2.9 g, carbohydrates - 4 g, which is 53 kcal in total.

    In addition, this product contains about 90 g of water, 7-8 mg of cholesterol, 1-1.5 g of saturated acids, 4 g of sugar, about 0.7 g of ash, 120 mg of calcium, 01 mg of iron, 14 mg of magnesium, 90-93 mg phosphorus, 140-150 mg of potassium, necessary for normal operation of cardio-vascular system, 50 mg sodium.

    From vitamins 2.5 kefir contains riboflavin, or B2, at the rate of 0.2 mg per 100 g of the product, niacin, or B3 0.1 mg, vitamin A 22 mcg, beta-carotene 10 mcg, retinol 20 mcg.

    natural kefir 3.2 percent fat content (250 g) has the following chemical composition: fats - 3.2 g, proteins 7-8 g, carbohydrates - 10 g, which is 147 kcal in total. Water is 220 g.

    In addition, it contains: cholesterol, 22-21 mg, about 5 g of saturated acids, 1.7-2 g of ash, about ten grams of sugar.

    In one percent low-fat kefir, the content of vitamins and trace elements very scanty, almost equated to zero, but the calorie content of the product is no more than 40 kcal per 250 g.

    According to GOST, the shelf life of natural kefir is seven days(in sealed packaging). To eat overdue kefir is not allowed. It is also very important to follow the instructions on the package. temperature mode. As a rule, the temperature regime varies from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius.

    You can store kefir in open packaging no more than three days, in a refrigerator. The exception is a kefir product containing dyes, flavors and preservatives, it stored longer, but has no benefit to the body.

    Comparative analysis of well-known brands of fermented milk products

    Now, having learned what the ideal kefir should be, let's compare a few brands, which can be seen in each . For comparison, let's take: House in the village, Agusha, Prostokvashino, Nestle, Piskarevsky, Tasty day, Tyoma.

    Today great popularity dairy products of the manufacturer "House in the village" are used. Kefir has the following compound: normalized milk, reconstituted milk, sourdough. Term validity 15 days.

    Dairy Agusha designed from eight months. As the advertisement says, Agusha kefirs and curds promote growth and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Compound Agusha kefir includes whole milk, skim milk and sourdough on kefir mushrooms. Term validity 9 days.

    Company kefirs Prostokvashino consist of whole milk, skim milk, sourdough.

    Term validity 14 days.

    As seen the most natural is Agusha kefir, because its expiration date from the above list minimum, although, given that a natural product has an average shelf life that varies 5 to 7 days.

    It is also worth mentioning that the presence in the composition of reconstituted milk indicates the presence soy powder, because reconstituted milk is not natural milk, but a mixture of powdered milk and water.

    Children's curds

    And now let's talk about cottage cheese, which, as a rule, are bought for children. Most often bought curds of the Swiss company Nestle.

    Curds intended for for baby food consist of: cottage cheese, sugar, cream, vegetable, lactose, thickener: acidifier and, iron diphosphate, lactic acid and zinc sulfate. In addition, there are fruit supplements. Expiry date 1 month.

    Popular today and curds Topic. They have more simple composition: normalized milk and sourdough. Best before date 12 days in sealed packaging and no more than 12 hours in open packaging.

    Exactly the same composition as that of the Topic has cottage cheese "Delicious day": normalized milk, sourdough. But the shelf life is shorter 10 days.

    Grainy cottage cheese "Piskarevsky", which for many years was considered the best, has the following composition: curd grain, salt, cream,. Best before date 5 days.

    Based on all of the above, we can conclude that Piskarevsky cottage cheese, despite its short duration, has invalid element, . Curds "Nestlé" also can not please naturalness, but “Tasty Day” and “Theme”, on the contrary, are quite natural.


    And two words in conclusion.

    Dairy products have incredible benefits for the body, but only if their composition meets the basic requirements, if the products are natural, and do not consist of preservatives and dyes.

    We conducted a comprehensive study of the largest brands of manufacturers of fermented milk products, examined the main issues related to product quality.

    Now, faced with a choice, you know what rules you need to be guided when buying kefir or cottage cheese. We wish you a successful purchase and good health.