"Shackled" Shoigu? Vernigora Andrey Petrovich Ministry of Defense contacts Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order.

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"Shackled" Shoigu?

In the case of a bribe in the Ministry of Defense, a new defendant Alexei Grinyuk appeared. How do departments of the agency cut money? And who covers them?

As it became known to the UtroNews correspondent in the case of the largest bribe in the Ministry of Defense of 368 million rubles. a new character appeared. They became the head of the department for ensuring the state defense order of the department Alexei Grinyuk.

This is how the departments of the Ministry of Defense "work" in harmony. The previous defendants were from the "rear front", and Grinyuk, apparently, "planned" their work. So that the stolen money gets to its destination.

And who can be the main coordinator of all the theft in the Ministry of Defense? Is it Sergei Shoigu? It is hard to believe that the minister may be in the dark about what funds are being dragged under the guise from his department.

The Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the TFR accuses Aleksey Grinyuk of fraud in particular large size and taking large bribes. His alleged accomplices are also accused of this: Colonel - head of the food department of the Ministry of Defense - Alexander Berezhny and his subordinate, head of the technical support department of the department Alexander Vakulin.

Unlike them, Mr. Grinyuk is a civilian specialist. Although the honor of the uniform does not disgrace how "enterprising" the colonels are. Aleksey Grinyuk immediately admitted his guilt and began to cooperate with the investigation. He probably expected that they would knock him off for a year or two.

Berezhny and Vakulin are charged with embezzlement on contact in the amount of 685 million rubles. According to investigators, the crime was committed with one of the leaders of the Profbiznes company, Alexei Kalitin, who was supposed to supply several dozen tankers, trailer kitchens, mobile bakeries and other "food" special equipment. Grinyuk from the side of the Ministry of Defense was responsible for the preparation of this treaty. He also participated in dozens of other agreements under which "accomplices" could receive 368 million rubles.

And if through the colonels they can get to the deputy. Minister of Defense Dmitry Bulgakov, who oversees the rear services, then the talkative Grinyuk can lead to his boss, Rear Admiral Andrey Vernigora, and he to the deputy. Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, who oversees defense orders. And already through deputies - direct access to Sergei Shoigu.

"Criminal" negligence of Vernigora?

It is very strange that Andrei Vernigora is still serving in the Ministry of Defense. In 2016, he became involved in a scandal when Ukrainian hackers hacked into the server for securing the state defense order.

The hackers got a lot of documents, which, probably, were definitely not intended for the general public. Contract executor, executor's TIN, contract number, terms, short description contract, amount. Hackers became aware of all the transactions of the Ministry of Defense for 2015.

Andrey Vernigora could deliberately leak information?

According to the hackers themselves, their success was made possible thanks to the negligence of Rear Admiral Andrei Vernigora. But could it be negligence? It is strange that a serviceman of such a high rank showed it. And didn't get punished? At least he didn't get demoted. And it defies reasonable explanation.

Billion dollar scrap?

Earlier, Vernigory was involved in another story. After the death of the Kurs submarine, project 21300 Dolphin appeared, within the framework of which the lead rescue ship Igor Belousov was built. When it was launched in October 2012, the readiness of the vessel was 40%, although it should have been at this stage - 75-80%. It turns out that an empty vessel was lowered into the water.

The Dolphin project surpassed the best NATO rescue ships in terms of its performance. It could work at a depth of 450 m. Western analogues work at a depth of 300-350 m. The main filling of "Igor Belousov" was the Deep Diving Complex (GVK) -450.

The project was developed with great creak. The price of the project has been constantly increasing. We started with 4 billion rubles, and came to 9 billion rubles. It was not possible to make a purely Russian project. I had to involve an Italian company that specialized in high-quality diving equipment.

"Igor Belousov" was planned to be handed over in 2014. And suddenly the Ministry of Defense makes a sharp turn towards the West. It was decided to develop the GVK-450 based on foreign counterparts. DIVEX (Great Britain) became a foreign manufacturer of GVK, its official dealer in Russia was JSC Tethys Pro.

The unique domestic project was buried at the final stage of creation. With his signature, Anatoly Serdyukov (ex-Minister of Defense) turned it into scrap metal. The decision approved by Serdyukov had 8 more signatures, apparently those who prepared it. One of the signatures was Andrey Vernigora.

The commercial director of Tethys Pro was Yuri Gorev, who, by a strange coincidence, turned out to be ... a reserve rear admiral. He was fired in 2010 due to staff events. Gorev participated in the development of the arms program until 2020. It was said about Vernigora that he was Gorev's successor.

Tethys Pro had great ambitions, its work was valued by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vysotsky himself, but over time the company turned into just an intermediary who bought diving equipment for the Ministry of Defense abroad. And how much money could be "sawed" between Gorev and Vernigora? Shared with the commander of the Navy?

Perhaps not only with him, since the domestic project was "ditched" with the approval of Deputy Prime Ministers Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Rogozin. It is possible that a mass of people are still hovering around state defense orders, who "feed" from them. Has nothing changed with the advent of Shoigu?


In 2016, the state defense order was completed by 97%. This means that the allocated funds were used almost completely. And it’s even scary to imagine how much of this money could have been stolen by military officials. Only two colonels and one civilian for three are suspected of taking a bribe of 368 million rubles. How much could they steal? This will probably establish further investigation.

Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, who oversees defense orders, ranks fourth among the richest Defense Ministry officials. Over the past year, Borisov earned 16.6 million rubles.

Yuri Borisov made millions honestly?

Borisov also has an 80 sq. m, and a house of 237 sq. m, as well as two land plots - 598 sq. m and 1403 sq. m. Borisov drives a Mercedes-Benz ML 500, and his wife drives a BMW X6.

In September, Vladimir Putin submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which abuses in the field of defense orders could lead to 10 years in prison. Most likely, the President did it for a reason. Perhaps this bill is a warning to Shoigu's department and those who "feed" near him. And there may be few of them.

For example, out of signed contracts for a total of 170 billion rubles. at the recent forum "Army-2017" 49 billion rubles. went to the corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov.

Borisov, before his appointment to the Ministry of Defense, worked as the first deputy chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the government of the Russian Federation. So he may well lobby the interests of the Russian "heavyweights".

What is most striking is that the media constantly write about the theft of the Ministry of Defense, but nothing changes. Has the military department become a "feeding trough" for Shoigu's people? And no one can stop it? It is possible that the President's bill will still make them change their minds. Otherwise, the perpetrators may face jail time.

In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense will hold the III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017". To what extent will the specialists of the Department subordinate to you take part in this event?

The specialists of the Department will take part in almost all the events of the III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017" - this is participation in the opening and closing ceremonies of the forum, representation and presentation at the stand of the Department, providing open and closed, static and dynamic displays of weapons and military equipment (VVT), participation in the scientific and business program and other events.

The forum will be held, organized with the direct participation of the Department's employees, the procedure for signing state contracts for the state defense order (SDO) with defense industry enterprises for the supply of various types of weapons and military equipment.

What promising areas for the development of weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE), in your opinion, will specialists pay attention to?

The III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017" will traditionally be attended by more than 1,000 enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which will present about 12,000 exhibits of weapons and military equipment. Each type of equipment that is in service with the Russian army or is accepted in its own way is interesting to a specialist in that
or other area of ​​weapons.

For the first time, within the framework of the forum, the equipment of the Ground Forces will be demonstrated at the ROSARMEXPO exhibition site.

In our opinion, the greatest interest will undoubtedly be presented by new means of detecting, recognizing and tracking targets, automated systems for controlling weapons and military units; artillery systems "Msta-S" upgraded to the modern level, artillery reconnaissance means; unified interspecific modular universal combat platforms "Armata", "Kurganets-25", "Boomerang".

Anti-aircraft missile systems manufactured by Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Concern JSC, as well as the latest developments of UAV samples, will not be left without attention. A traditionally high interest is expected in the products of Kalashnikov Concern JSC, primarily in advanced small arms, in the latest vehicles manufactured by KAMAZ PJSC.

Many interesting proposals will be presented by manufacturers of marine and
aviation weapons.

The program of the forum "ARMY-2017" announced an extensive scientific and business
program, will you take part in it? What will be discussed?

Within the framework of the scientific and business program of the IMTF "ARMY-2017", the Department organizes and conducts a closed round table on the topic: "The appearance of modern ship-based rocket systems."

The round table will be attended by both representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense - the state customer for the state defense order, including the leadership of the Department, the main command "and the VUNTS of the Navy, and representatives of the defense industry enterprises - executors of state contracts for the state defense order, in total about 30 people from 7 subjects of the Russian

At a closed round table, issues of the prospects for the development of ship-based rocket systems will be discussed.

It is planned that, based on the results of the round table, proposals will be developed on topical areas for the development of the latest models of shipborne rocket systems.

To what extent, in your opinion, is the military industry actively developing? Do manufacturers and developers of defense products have an understanding of what requirements the Russian Ministry of Defense imposes on it?

The military industry, which includes defense industry enterprises and research institutions working in the interests of defense, is currently developing actively and dynamically. This is due to the foreign policy realities and potential security threats that we all have to reckon with today. The state allocates significant financial resources for the implementation of the state armament program, the result of which should be a radical rearmament of the Armed Forces Russian Federation the latest weapons and military equipment.

Manufacturers and developers of defense products have a full understanding of the fact that in order to meet the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense in modern and promising models of weapons and military equipment, it is necessary to maximize the use of the existing production capacities of enterprises and the capabilities of labor collectives, the scientific potential of design
bureau and research institutions. The results of the implementation of the state defense order in 2016, as well as the results of the first half of 2017, demonstrate a steady growth in the percentage of equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern weapons.

In conclusion, I want to note that the IMTF "ARMY-2017" is a platform for enterprises of the defense industry and the Russian Ministry of Defense where everyone can demonstrate their developments and achievements, discuss problematic issues and ways to solve them.

Rear Admiral Andrey Vernigora, Head of the Department for Ensuring the State Defense Order, Reported on Participation in the Army-2017 Forum

In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense will hold the III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017". To what extent will the specialists of the Department subordinate to you take part in this event?

The specialists of the Department will take part in almost all the events of the III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017" - this is participation in the opening and closing ceremonies of the forum, representation and presentation at the stand of the Department, providing open and closed, static and dynamic displays of weapons and military equipment (VVT), participation in the scientific and business program and other events.

The forum will be held, organized with the direct participation of the Department's employees, the procedure for signing state contracts for the state defense order (SDO) with defense industry enterprises for the supply of various types of weapons and military equipment.

What promising areas for the development of weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE), in your opinion, will specialists pay attention to?

The III International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017" will traditionally be attended by more than 1,000 enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which will present about 12,000 exhibits of weapons and military equipment. Each type of equipment that is in service with the Russian army or is accepted is interesting in its own way to a specialist in a particular area of ​​​​weapons.

For the first time, within the framework of the forum, the equipment of the Ground Forces will be demonstrated at the ROSARMEXPO exhibition site.

In our opinion, the greatest interest will undoubtedly be presented by new means of detecting, recognizing and tracking targets, automated systems for controlling weapons and military units; artillery systems "Msta-S" upgraded to the modern level, artillery reconnaissance means; unified interspecific modular universal combat platforms "Armata", "Kurganets-25", "Boomerang".

Anti-aircraft missile systems manufactured by Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Concern JSC, as well as the latest developments of UAV samples, will not be left without attention. A traditionally high interest is expected in the products of Kalashnikov Concern JSC, primarily in advanced small arms, in the latest vehicles manufactured by KAMAZ PJSC.

Manufacturers of naval and aviation armaments will present many interesting proposals.

The program of the forum "ARMY-2017" announced an extensive scientific and business program, will you take part in it? What will be discussed?

Within the framework of the scientific and business program of the IMTF "ARMY-2017", the Department organizes and conducts a closed round table on the topic: "The appearance of modern ship-based rocket systems."

The round table will be attended by both representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense - the state customer for the state defense order, including the leadership of the Department, the main command "and the VUNTS of the Navy, and representatives of the defense industry enterprises - executors of state contracts for the state defense order, in total about 30 people from 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

At a closed round table, issues of the prospects for the development of ship-based rocket systems will be discussed.

It is planned that, based on the results of the round table, proposals will be developed on topical areas for the development of the latest models of shipborne rocket systems.

To what extent, in your opinion, is the military industry actively developing? Do manufacturers and developers of defense products have an understanding of what requirements the Russian Ministry of Defense imposes on it?

The military industry, which includes defense industry enterprises and research institutions working in the interests of defense, is currently developing actively and dynamically. This is due to the foreign policy realities and potential security threats that we all have to reckon with today. The state allocates significant financial resources for the implementation of the state armament program, the result of which should be a radical re-equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the latest models of weapons and military equipment.

Manufacturers and developers of defense products have a full understanding of the fact that in order to meet the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense in modern and promising models of weapons and military equipment, it is necessary to maximize the use of the existing production capacities of enterprises and the capabilities of labor collectives, the scientific potential of design

bureau and research institutions. The results of the implementation of the state defense order in 2016, as well as the results of the first half of 2017, demonstrate a steady growth in the percentage of equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern weapons.

In conclusion, I want to note that the IMTF "ARMY-2017" is a platform for enterprises of the defense industry and the Russian Ministry of Defense where everyone can demonstrate their developments and achievements, discuss problematic issues and ways to solve them.


Vernigora Andrei Petrovich was born on October 26, 1960 in the village. Mount Podol, Belgorod Region. Graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering School. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1983), Naval Academy. N.G. Kuznetsova (1999), Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2004).

From 1983 to 1996 he served on submarines of the Pacific Fleet.

1999 - 2010 - at the Main Headquarters of the Navy (Department of Shipbuilding of the Navy).

2010 - 2012 - Head of the Department of Ships and Naval Weapons of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of the state defense order.

2012 - 2015 - Director of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order.

Since May 2015 - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order.

He was awarded the Order of Honor, the F.F. Ushakov and other medals, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010) and the State Prize named after Marshal G.K. Zhukov (2015), candidate of technical sciences.

Married, has two daughters.

Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the State Defense Order, Rear Admiral


Born October 26, 1960 in the village. Mount Podol, Belgorod Region. Graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering School. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1983), Naval Academy. N.G. Kuznetsova (1999), Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2004).

From 1983 to 1996 he served on submarines of the Pacific Fleet.

1999 - 2010 - at the Main Headquarters of the Navy (Department of Shipbuilding of the Navy).

2010 - 2012 - Head of the Department of Ships and Naval Weapons of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of the state defense order.

2012 - 2015 - Director of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order.

Since May 2015 - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order.

He was awarded the Orders of Alexander Nevsky, Order of Honor, F.F. Ushakov and other medals, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010) and the State Prize named after Marshal G.K. Zhukov (2015), candidate of technical sciences.

Married, has two daughters.

After graduating from the institute, he worked as a leading designer in the design bureau of the Altaymebelprom association.

  • From November 1969 to January 1971 he served in the construction troops, was a superintendent.
  • From August 1971 he worked as a senior engineer of the automated control system group of the Kurganzhilstroy trust, from June 1975 he was the head of the automated control system department of the same trust.
  • Since 1974, a member of the CPSU.
  • In April 1978, he was transferred to the position of chief engineer, then head of the control department of the Kurgangrazhdanstroy trust,
  • Since August 1981, he has been deputy chief engineer of the production construction and installation association Kurgantyazhstroy, since March 1984 - deputy head of the Kurgantyazhstroy PMO.
  • Since November 1984, the first deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of the Kurgan City Council of People's Deputies.
  • In 1988-1989

Vernigora Andrey Petrovich

Rybinsk is becoming a federal center of excellence in the field of aircraft engine building. And most importantly, NPO Saturn is not just a good solid serial plant, but also an enterprise that has its own design bureau, its own brains. Therefore, I return to Moscow quite satisfied.”
According to Ilya Fedorov, “it was important for us to demonstrate that the state support provided by NPO Saturn gave a significant impetus to the development of the company. Today we showed that we are in full swing "construction of a new plant", that is, the formation of a new image of the company - through the creation of high-tech industries, special stages, test facilities; by creating qualitatively new professional and social working conditions; by attracting young talented people who have grown immeasurably by participating in international programs.

Search for "andrey" in the yasni system - search for people and information!

Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same first and last name: Anatoly Elchaninov. Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surname Yelchaninov. Anatoly Fedorovich Elchaninov (born July 3, 1946, p.

Beloglazovo, Altai Territory) - head of the city government, mayor of Kurgan in 1991-2009. Content
  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Deputy
    • 1.2 Chairman Kurgan City Duma
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Family
  • 4 Hobbies
  • 5 Links
  • 6 Notes

Biography Anatoly Fedorovich Elchaninov was born on July 3, 1946, in the village of Beloglazovo, Beloglazovsky Village Council, Shipunovsky District, Altai Territory, in a working-class family.

  • In 1969 he graduated from the Altai Polytechnic Institute named after I. I. Polzunov, a civil engineer by education.

Elchaninov, Anatoly Fedorovich

Member of the Board of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities.

  • Since 1998, a member, then vice-president of the association of municipalities "Cities of the Urals".
  • Since 2002, member of the delegation of the Russian Federation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe.
  • Order of Honor (Russia) (June 17, 1999)
  • Bronze medal of VDNH for the development automated system management in construction;
  • In April 2004, he was recognized as a laureate of the III All-Russian competition "The Best Municipal Employee".
  • Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1995, according to the results of the Russian Mayor competition, A.F. Elchaninov was among the 50 best mayors of Russian cities.
  • In April 2004, he became a laureate of the III All-Russian competition "The Best Municipal Employee".

Family Married, has a son and a daughter.



OAO NPO Saturn is part of OAO United Engine Corporation and is the parent company of the Engines for Civil Aviation division, a business unit of UEC, established on 09.10.2012. on the basis of enterprises: OJSC NPO Saturn, OJSC Aviadvigatel, OJSC PMZ, CJSC Metallist-PM, OJSC Energetik-PM, CJSC REMOS-PM, CJSC Motorservice-PM, CJSC "Railwayman-PM". OAO United Engine Corporation is a subsidiary of OAO OPK OBORONPROM. More than 85% of the leading enterprises specializing in the development, mass production and service maintenance of gas turbine equipment, as well as key enterprises - industry completers, are integrated into the UEC structure.

One of the priorities of the UEC is the implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of enterprises in the industry with the introduction of new technologies that meet international standards.
of the Russian Federation Tsynovkina Svetlana Sergeevna - Head of Department in the Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexander Anatolyevich Churaev - Head of Department in the Department of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanovich Shakhmatov - Head of Department in the Main Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Shestak Irina Stepanovna - Advisor to the Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management Shmatkov Alexander Dmitrievich — Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Road Agency Yaropolov Yaroslav Olegovich — Head of a Department in the Department of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Yakhin Ruslan Radikovich — Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Accreditation Service for the Volga Federal District.

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June 2016 at 10:21 Topic: Military-Industrial Complex Andrey Vernigora, head of the Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense for ensuring the state defense order, was awarded the military knowledge of Rear Admiral. The corresponding decree "On the assignment of military ranks of senior officers, special ranks of senior commanding staff and class ranks" was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 11 this year. Previously, Vernigora was in the military rank of captain 1st rank.

After serving 13 years on submarines of the Pacific Fleet, the officer went to work at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, and then took the position of director of the department for ensuring the state defense order. Vernigora has been the head of the department since May 2015. The Department places government contracts for the development, supply, maintenance, modernization, repair of weapons, military and special equipment, and also monitors and records their implementation.

  • Wife Raisa Fedorovna Elchaninova - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Non-banking Credit Organization" City Settlement Center ". He is the director of the chain of fast food restaurants "Subway"
  • Son Maxim Elchaninov is a businessman. For about a year and a half he worked as the executive director of the Spartak football club (May 2004 - November 2005). He acts as a founder or one of those in: OOO Lukoil-Uralnefteprodukt (Sale of petroleum products, a network of gas stations in Kurgan); OOO Okhrana-plus, formerly Scorpion (Security company); LLC "Business Center", the former CJSC "National Cable Networks - Kurgan", operating under the brands "Your Internet", "Your TV" (Cable television network, which occupied most of the residential complex of Kurgan, and long-term lease of the entire antenna facilities in the residential city ​​complex).

Kurgan City Committee of the CPSU

  • In 1988 he was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Kurgan City Council of People's Deputies
  • By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 11, 1991, he was appointed head of the administration of the city of Kurgan.
  • In November 1996, on an alternative basis, he was elected the Head of the city self-government, the mayor of the city of Kurgan. He also won the election in 2000. In 2004 he was elected the Head of the city of Kurgan.
  • Member of the United Russia party.
  • In 1982-1991 he was a deputy of the Kurgan City Council of People's Deputies.
  • In 1987-1990, he was a deputy of the Kurgan Regional Council of People's Deputies.
  • From March 1994 to November 1996, a deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma from the Central constituency No. 3, Kurgan.

Wikipedia has articles about other people named Anatoly Elchaninov. Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Elchaninov. Anatoly Fedorovich Elchaninov (born July 3, 1946 in the village of Beloglazovo, Shipunovsky District, Altai Territory) - head of the city government, mayor of Kurgan in 1991-2009.

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 MP
    • 1.2 Chairman of the Kurgan City Duma
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Family
  • 4 Hobbies
  • 5 Links
  • 6 Notes


  • In 1969 he graduated from the Altai Polytechnic Institute named after I. I. Polzunov, a civil engineer by education.

Elchaninov Andrey Fedorovich Ministry of Defense biography

I would like to note that interaction with our strategic partner, Snekma, has brought our company to a new level in the creation and production of engines of any configuration, whether civilian or military. And we pay special attention to the future — the creation of a scientific and technical reserve to ensure new developments.” OAO Scientific and Production Association Saturn is an engine building company specializing in the development, production and after-sales service of gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation, ships of the Navy, power generating and gas pumping units.
The Association is a member of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia", the Yaroslavl regional branch of which is headed by the Managing Director of OAO NPO Saturn I. N. Fedorov.

In the experimental design bureau of the enterprise, a meeting was held with the management of OAO NPO Saturn, headed by the Managing Director of OAO NPO Saturn Ilya Fedorov. Dmitry Rogozin noted that “the visit took place on the eve of the government meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on issues of aircraft engine building. Today we need strategic decisions in the field of aircraft engine building.

The current technological stage in the development of aviation technologies is coming to an end, and we need new technologies, new materials, new engineering and design solutions. And most importantly, a new human potential. Therefore, during the visit, I was also interested in how Saturn solves the issue of attracting young specialists, new talents, whether housing is being built, what is the level of wages, whether there is a sense of self-realization among young specialists.