Galega officinalis. Galega

Socket has two phases

An increase in blood sugar provokes not only a diseased pancreas, but also constant stress or a panic attack. And not always these bursts need to be treated with medication. Galega herb, which has long been used to treat mild forms of diabetes, will help bring sugar levels back to normal.


Galega is a large herbaceous perennial of the legume family. The taproot penetrates to a depth of 90 cm, and numerous branched shoots grow in height by the same amount. Numerous leaves with a pointed apex reach a length of 20 cm and do not fall off even after complete drying. From June to August, the galega blooms with long racemose inflorescences with small light blue flowers. In August-September, fruits ripen - multi-seeded beans up to 12 cm long.

Galega grows in the southern parts of Europe and Western Asia, is grown as a medicinal plant in summer cottages in a temperate European climate. Other names: goat's rue, goat's rue, French lilac, forest licorice.

Apical shoots together with flowers and ripened seeds are considered medicinal raw materials. In the composition of the prepared raw materials found:

  • alkaloids galegin and peganin;
  • saponins;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tannins and bitter substances;
  • kaempferol;
  • vitamin C;
  • routine;
  • flavonoids;
  • quercetin;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives.

In the seeds of the galega, the concentration of these substances is less than in the shoots. But beans additionally found steroids, sucrose, fatty oils, as well as stearic, linoleic, palmitic acids.

The presence of alkaloids in the composition of the plant makes it toxic and hazardous to health. Therefore, treatment can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Useful properties of the plant

The alkaloid galenin has been well studied. Its properties have been scientifically proven to increase blood pressure, constrict peripheral vessels, and weaken intestinal motility. When instilled into the eyes, the alkaloid causes constriction of the pupil. Another alkaloid, peganine, enhances intestinal motility, has a choleretic and mild laxative effect.

But most of all, the medicinal properties of galega grass in the treatment of diabetes are known. Plant-based preparations lower blood sugar levels, increase the body's tolerance to glucose, and reduce insulin dependence in type II diabetes.

Galega is still considered to be not fully studied. Scientists are considering the possibility of a plant to have an effect on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • lactogenic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • restorative;
  • diaphoretic.

It is believed that in the early stages of diabetes, herbal decoctions can partially replace insulin.

The use of herb galega officinalis in folk medicine

Galega is not recognized by official medicine. But it is approved as a raw material for the manufacture of various biological additives. Due to the ability of goat's rue components to reduce and regulate blood sugar levels and improve metabolism, in folk medicine it is most often used in the treatment of diabetes.

For oral administration diabetes alcohol tinctures, herbal infusions and decoctions are prepared. You can also dissolve powdered seeds and dried herbs in water. Although the recipes for their preparation are simple, it is worth coordinating the dosage, concentration and course of administration with your doctor. As in insulin treatment, the doctor paints all the parameters based on the severity of the disease, concomitant diseases, the age of the person and other indicators. Given the toxicity of the plant, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In different concentrations, herbal preparations and plant seeds are prescribed for:

  • edema of various origins;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disruption of the endocrine system and ovaries;
  • slagging of the body;
  • reduced lactation in nursing mothers;
  • high fever during a cold;
  • renal pathologies and infections;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • reduced pressure;
  • worms.

Galega can be used alone, in combination with other herbs, and combined with products:

  • aromatherapy helps with the correction of diabetes;
  • when preparing infusions, it is useful to add blueberry leaves or;
  • does not contain sucrose, therefore it is one of the most useful products. permitted and recommended for use in diabetic patients.

Contraindications for use

First of all, you need to remember the toxicity of the plant and do not take drugs without the consent of your doctor. Beyond the list medicinal properties, Galega grass also has a number of contraindications.

Among them:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • allergy and intolerance to components.

Long-term use of goat's rue disrupts the intestinal microflora, so you need to adjust the daily diet, taking into account this feature.

Useful information about the plant

Galega is a wonderful honey plant, and just a beautiful and unpretentious plant. It is often planted in home gardens and summer cottages for landscaping and collecting medicinal raw materials. The frost-resistant plant is able to survive any winter of a temperate strip, and annually pleases gardeners with abundant flowering. In addition, the root system enriches the soil with nitrogen, and the flowers attract many insects and bees to the site. Galega grown in the garden completely retains its healing qualities, and is suitable for harvesting raw materials.

Some varieties of goat's rue contain low doses of alkaloids and are considered a valuable fodder plant. Moreover, the harvest can be harvested for 10-15 years in a row from one site, which makes harvesting economically viable. Harvested raw materials are used to feed all kinds of domestic animals and poultry.

How to collect, dry and store

Goat's rue shoots are harvested during the flowering period. To do this, in July-August, apical shoots no longer than 20 cm long are cut off. In order for the grass to recover, several intact shoots must be left on each bush. You can dry it in the open air and in special dryers until the moment when the shoots stop bending, but break with a slight crack. Store in paper bags for up to 1 year.

Goat's rue seeds are harvested fully ripe. The beans are dried in the sun, threshed and sifted through grates.

Perhaps you have already used decoctions and infusions of galega herbs, and were convinced of their medicinal properties? Share in the comments, we will be grateful.

Galega is a medicinal herb that belongs to the legume family. In the people it is called medicinal herb - goat's rue. This name was given to herbalists who grew the crop as feed for cattle. Her beneficial features can be used to treat many ailments, even against diabetes.

Medicinal properties

Useful raw materials are leaf, root and flower. The medicinal herb acts as a diaphoretic, diuretic, anthelmintic and antibacterial drug. Galegin decoction is able to reduce blood sugar. For this reason, it is used to treat diabetes. The plant contains:

1. carbohydrates;
2. vitamin C;
3. carotene;
4. tannin;
5. tannins and bitter substances.

The seed secretes an alkaloid. And this substance, in turn, narrows the pupil when applied topically, normalizes intravenous pressure and constricts blood vessels. Also, the alkaloid galegin contributes to the production of mother's milk. Despite these advantages, the medicinal herb has contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of Galega herb

It is important to know that it is impossible to use goat's rue in large quantities, it is poisonous! Contraindications medicinal herb collected in small quantities. Its use is prohibited in hypertension and hypotension, and even during pregnancy. However, doctors do not exclude individual intolerance. Any shrub-based remedy requires strict adherence to the dose.

Galega eastern goat's rue

This plant has been used as a fertilizer. This perennial herb, like other legumes, is sown as green manure for the soil. The fact is that the medicinal herb accumulates nitrogen in the ground and after it you can plant any crops that need this element. It is best to sow the plant in the spring, but you can also after harvesting the beds. Late sowing is fraught with freezing seeds. Galegavostochnaya as green manure is very valuable. Often entire fields are sown with it.

Galega grass: use in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine uses a medicinal shrub as an antihelminthic. Our raw materials are used for lactation, to increase the content of glycogen and to tone the smooth muscles. Galega has long been used against diabetes. Due to the fact that it has no significant contraindications, the medicinal herb is one of the best honey plants.

Galega tea

The aerial part of the plant is used to brew healthy tea. Dry grass is better, as raw is weakly brewed. 1 tsp pour a cup of boiling water over raw materials and leave for 3 minutes. For deliciousness, you can put honey or sugar. Use twice a day during a meal. Children are also allowed this folk tea only in smaller quantities. Tea with goat's rue is considered harmless, yet it has a contraindication. These are acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Galega herb extract for lactation

The medicinal herb galega is very good for milk production. Studies have shown that in all mothers participating in the experiment, the amount of milk increased several times. In 30% of women, milk increased by 100%.

Infusion recipe: 1 st. l. chopped herbs, brew a glass of boiling water and drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Goat's rue reviews are only good, it is recognized as the best herb for increasing lactation. This medicinal preparation is sold in filter bags. 1 sachet is for one use.

Galega balm

Balm Galega is intended for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Its composition is completely natural. Reviews of patients who managed to get rid of diabetes say that the general condition, skin cover and sex life have improved significantly.

This balm restores damaged organs after diabetes, has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and acts as a prevention of obesity. Everyone is interested in how much galega balm costs. Its price ranges from 700 to 900 rubles.

Basically, patient reviews indicate that the treatment of diabetes mellitus is effective only at stages I and II. It cannot be said for sure that it was precisely one medicine based on goat's rue that overcame the disease. But from the first days of its use, people felt significant relief. It is worth noting that not a single review was limited to the use of an infusion from a plant only a month. Patients say that long-term therapy can cure diabetes.

Those who took the medicine at a later date did not see any positive aspects. The medicinal herb had no effect on the disease. In cases of overdose, side effects such as severe vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and a few seconds of delirium were noted. According to the reviews, we can conclude that the sooner treatment of diabetes mellitus with goat's rue is started, the more likely it is to be cured.

Galega for diabetes: how is it used?

The instruction says that you need to drink galega officinalis for 1 tsp. three times a day for 30 min. before the meal. The doctor may prescribe a different dosage, depending on the weight of the patient.

The use of medicinal herbs against this disease has been experimenting for a long time. Most of the time, diabetes is treatable. There are reviews about the cure of the disease in a child. The boy's mother writes that the disappointing diagnosis was made at the age of 9. The child spent 2 years of his life on expensive drugs. His condition neither improved nor worsened.

After using the goat's rue, the boy began to feel much better and after a week he stopped some pharmaceuticals. Within a year, the child managed to overcome the disease.

There are also reviews that indicate early treatment. In such cases, it was possible to cure diabetes mellitus in six months. Nevertheless, people say that the first time drinking the tincture was unpleasant, and a gag reflex appeared from the sugary taste. There was also a burning sensation in the trachea and stomach, but alcohol was to blame. There were cases where there were contraindications, such as pressure fluctuations. However, the established dosage did not have a detrimental effect.

Recipes based on medicinal herbs - a proven technique in the fight against certain diseases. Often with chronic conditions or manifestations of relapses, people resort to traditional medicine.

A well-known plant for the treatment of many ailments, in particular diabetes, is Galega officinalis (goat's rue).

Applications of the herb

Galega officinalis - a herbaceous plant related to legumes, popularly called goat's rue. It has a thick stem and rhizome, small flowers (see photo) and fruits directly. Actively used in agriculture, medicine, cosmetology, is valued for its healing properties.

There are two types of plants - oriental and medicinal. The former is widely used in agriculture as fodder crops to improve soil quality.

In cosmetology, decoctions of medicinal goat's rue are used to relieve inflammation of the skin of the face. Nutrients, organic acids, a number of vitamins and fatty oils have been found in Galega seeds. The plant is also a honey plant, the resulting honey is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Traditional healers advise using herbs in such cases:

  • treatment of cystitis;
  • for wound healing;
  • as a diuretic;
  • with diabetes;
  • for the treatment of the endocrine system;
  • as an anthelmintic agent;
  • to relieve inflammation.

Healing properties of Galega

Goat's rue contains a number of valuable substances: alkaloid galegin, tannins, flavonoids, vitamins, essential oils, sucrose, carotene, organic acids, peganin.

Galega increases smooth muscle tone and improves milk secretion. It is actively accepted by supporters of alternative medicine during lactation. Goat's rue reduces glucose, increases glycogen in the liver, stimulates the outflow of bile.

The elixir prepared from the plant has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect - it is good for them to lubricate superficial wounds and abscesses. The herb is often used to expel helminths, treat cystitis and urethritis.

Galega is actively used by diabetics. The plant serves as a good addition to medications. The use of tinctures or decoctions can reduce the number of insulin injections or the dosage of tablets. The herb is most effective in the early stages of type 2 diabetes.

With DM, the plant has the following effect:

  • accumulates glycogen in tissues;
  • normalizes the work of the pancreas;
  • improves the susceptibility of drugs;
  • increases glucose tolerance.

Medicinal herbs should be taken with caution and follow the recommended dosage. The plant increases pressure and impairs intestinal motility. Galega in the early stages can provoke a miscarriage. It is better to use it after childbirth - then the herb will benefit.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions

Goat's rue is used in different forms. These are powders, decoctions, infusions, combinations with other herbs. Their manufacture does not cause difficulties - it is enough to adhere to the necessary proportions and sequence of steps.

The list of the simplest and most effective recipes includes:

Advice! Prepared decoctions are used throughout the day. It is during this period that the freshness and beneficial properties of the elixir are preserved. A healing drink is recommended to be brewed every day.

In the process of treatment with medicinal herbs, it is necessary to consider:

Note! Within 2 days of taking the remedy, the condition may worsen slightly. If on the 5th day the situation does not change, it is necessary to stop taking the infusion or decoction.

Galega is a medicinal plant that is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of many serious diseases. Among the people, the grass has acquired the name "goat's rue" because it is a popular fodder crop.

Galega has beneficial properties and is able to have a healing effect on human health, due to its chemical composition.

Galega grass: composition

The composition of the plant contains the following components:

The medicinal properties of Galega officinalis are also to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. The plant increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the organs and strengthens them. Alkaloids in the composition contribute to an increase in blood pressure.

Other beneficial properties of the plant:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration, rapid healing of damaged skin;
  • disinfectant and antimicrobial action;
  • relieves inflammation.

Galega officinalis: application

The field of traditional medicine, where the galega plant is used, is very extensive. It is one of the main natural remedies for the treatment of increasing liver glycogen production and insulin resistance.

With the development of hemorrhoids, the grass will strengthen the smooth muscles of the intestine, and will have a mild laxative effect.

With hypertension, you can use goat's rue, which narrows the blood vessels, so that the pressure will rise and return to normal.

Galega will also help against fever and colds. It will increase sweating and normalize body temperature. With tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat, plant infusions are used for rinsing.

The plant is effective for edema, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder, due to its powerful diuretic effect.

Eczema, skin ulcers, boils and other skin lesions can be lubricated with fresh plant juice for faster healing and restoration of skin integrity.

Galega officinalis: use in diabetes

Goat's rue is an effective medicine given by nature to support the body in case of diabetes. It provides a decrease in blood sugar levels and prevents its sudden changes.

Galega contributes to the normalization of the functions of the pancreas, which produces insulin, the accumulation of glycogen in tissues, and the increase in glucose tolerance.

In addition, the medicinal plant galega strengthens the body and stimulates the immune system, which is very important for patients with diabetes.

To treat the disease, you can use this recipe - 2 tablespoons of dry grass are poured into an enamel bowl, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer under a lid for 15 minutes.

After cooling, the broth must be filtered and boiled water is added to it in such an amount as to obtain a volume of 500 ml. In diabetes mellitus, such a decoction should be drunk 80-120 ml, 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the condition and well-being of the patient. You can store the finished broth in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Contraindications and harm

Galega officinalis is considered a poisonous plant. In small doses, it exhibits a therapeutic effect, if abused, it can cause serious harm to health.

Side effects may include intestinal dysbiosis, dehydration, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abnormal appetite suppression, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • allergic symptoms, individual intolerance.

The plant should not be used to treat children under 16 years of age.

Instructions for use:

Galega is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family.

Description of Galega officinalis

The plant, from 40 cm to 2.5 m high, has a tap root. Stems erect, numerous, branched. The leaves are petiolate, pinnate, with stipules, with 5-10 pairs of linear-lanceolate leaves, and pointed at the top.

The flowers are most often light blue in color, numerous, with long pedicels, collected in dense axillary racemes. Corolla light blue or pale purple, moth-like. The calyx is bell-shaped. The plant produces multi-seeded fruits, erect beans 2 to 4 cm long. Seeds are smooth, kidney-shaped, greenish-yellow in color.

The plant grows in Ukraine (Crimea, Dnieper region, Carpathians), in the Caucasus, in Moldova and in the European part of Russia (Black Sea, Nizhnevolzhsky regions).

It grows on the banks and valleys of rivers, along roads, among shrubs, in steppes and mountainous areas, on the edges, in beech, in subtropical moist forests.

For medicinal purposes, the seeds and grass of the plant (flowers, leaves, stems) are used.

The chemical composition of Galega officinalis

The plant contains alkaloids, saponins and other nitrogen-containing compounds: 4-hydroxygalegin, galegin.

Galega roots contain triterpenoids.

In the grass of the plant, alkaloids, carbohydrates, peganin, vasicinon and other nitrogen-containing compounds were found: tannins, kaempferol, pipecolic acid, ascorbic acid, rutin, flavonoids, quercetin, carotene, bitter substances, galegin, tannin, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives in the hydrolyzate (p-coumarin, coffee, ferulic, synapic).

The seeds of the plant contain sucrose, steroids, stachyose, alkaloids, saponins and other nitrogen-containing compounds, fatty oil, as well as acids: stearic, linolenic, linoleic, palmitic.

The use of galega officinalis

The action of galegin in scientific medicine has been studied. When injected into a vein, it causes an increase in blood pressure. When applied topically, it constricts the pupils. Galegin constricts blood vessels, inhibits intestinal motility and enhances the secretion of breast milk.

Galegin is used in the treatment of diabetes as an adjunct to insulin treatment, which makes it possible to reduce its dosage. Infusions from galega seeds are used for the same purposes.

Galega preparations have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. In parturient women, milk secretion is increased.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of galega officinalis are used in diabetes mellitus, and also as an anthelmintic agent.

Galega officinalis - honey plant

Galega has long been recognized as the best honey plant. This plant is capable of producing as much nectar as sainfoin. The plant blooms with white acacia - in mid-May. Flowering continues for a month. From one hectare bees collect about 200 kg of nectar. It is much easier for bees to pollinate this plant, since there is no tripling in it, which allows the bees to collect nectar without pinching the proboscis.

After the end of flowering, the grass must be mowed, then the plant will bloom in August and will bloom until mid-September.

Galega officinalis contraindications

Galega preparations should be used with caution. Their long-term use causes an increase in blood pressure and may impair bowel function.