Does a person need good manners presentation. How to prepare for an essay-reasoning methodological development in the Russian language (Grade 11) on the topic

Bulbs burn out frequently

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! Friends, why do we need good manners in our time? Let's try to figure it out.

What is good manners

Good manners are the basis of the behavior of a well-mannered person in society. The way of dealing with other people, the expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, gait, gestures and facial expressions. All this is called manners.

At the heart of all good manners is the concern that the person does not interfere with the person. To make everyone feel good together. We must be able not to interfere with each other. Don't think that good manners are superficial. Your behavior reveals your essence.

“Everything should be beautiful in a person: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts” A.P. Chekhov

It is necessary to educate in oneself not so much manners as what is expressed in them. This is a careful attitude to the world, to society, to nature, to animals and birds. We must not remember hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need for a respectful attitude towards the people around you.

“Behavior should be sublime, but not bizarre. Thoughts should be subtle, but not petty. The character should be balanced, but not weak-willed. Manners should be polite, but not cutesy."


  • Good manners cost nothing.
  • Kindness opens all doors.
  • Do not exalt yourself, do not humiliate others.
  • A good word to a man is like rain in a drought.
  • Accuracy - the politeness of kings.
  • Bowing down, the head will not break off.
  • A kind word and a cat is pleased.
  • Kind silence is better than bad grumbling.
  • Keep your tongue on a string.

Love your neighbor as yourself

The first and most important rule of behavior in society is courtesy, kindness and consideration for others. This rule never changes.

The source of this rule is the Bible: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Knowing how to behave properly is only part of having good manners. Doing them is what matters.

One of the basic principles of modern life is the maintenance of normal relations between people. The desire to avoid conflicts. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for the personality of another person.

The society has always appreciated and appreciate the modesty and restraint of a person. The ability to control your actions. Communicate carefully and tactfully with other people.

Bad manners are considered habits:

  • speak loudly, not embarrassed in expressions;
  • swagger in gestures and behavior;
  • carelessness in clothes;
  • rudeness, manifested in outright hostility towards others;
  • inability to restrain one's irritation;
  • intentionally insulting the dignity of other people;
  • faux pas;
  • foul language;

"Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness." Every day we interact with a large number of people and politeness does not interfere with this. A successful person is polite in any situation.

And if you don't know what good manners are, that's cause for concern. But no matter how busy or burdened you are, you still need to remember good manners.

Good manners

  • do not show excessive curiosity;
  • give people appropriate compliments;
  • keep your word;
  • keep secrets;
  • do not raise your voice;
  • know how to apologize;
  • do not swear;
  • hold the door in front of people;
  • answer questions;
  • give thanks for what they do for you;
  • be hospitable;
  • follow the rules of etiquette
  • do not grab the last piece of cake;
  • saying goodbye to guests, escort them to the door;
  • be polite, courteous and kind;
  • don't get stuck in line.

Why good manners are needed (video)

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MAOU Galchinskaya secondary school


Topic: "How to prepare for an essay-reasoning"

Completed by: Russian language teacher

and literature

Zaitseva S.S.

Domodedovo 2012


Stages of work on an essay - reasoning.

Working with text when writing an essay-reasoning.




Topic: How to prepare for essay writing.

Relevance: The work contains theoretical information and practical recommendations for preparing for the task with a detailed answer of Part C of the unified state exam in the Russian language (composing - reasoning). Detailed Analysis presented student work will identify and systematize problem areas in preparing students for part C.

Target: To form the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the student to successfully pass the exam.

An object: Educational and methodological aids for preparing for writing-reasoning.

Hypothesis: The task of part C is a task with a detailed answer and is an essay-reasoning based on the read text. It is this task that checks the state of practical skills of graduates (their command of monologue speech, the ability to argue their point of view) and the general state of their culture, which requires some preparation from them.

Research objectives: of educational and methodological material to prepare for writing-reasoning;

2. study of the stages of work on an essay-reasoning;

3. study of language analysis of the source text;

4. study of analysis and evaluation of essay-reasoning.

Theoretical significance:This work will allow graduates to systematize knowledge and skills in preparation for writing-reasoning.

Practical significance:This work will be of interest not only to the teacher, but also to high school students and their parents.

Methods: 1) theoretical method;

2) method of analysis;

3) practical method.

Stages of work on an essay-reasoning.

The methods of formation and development of the main idea of ​​the text depend on the type of speech used in it. Traditionally, there are three main semantic types of speech: narration, description, reasoning.

Reasoning - this is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought. The task of reasoning is to consider the most important properties of objects, phenomena and establish cause-and-effect relationships between them.

The text - reasoning should consist of three parts:

Thesis (what is being proved or explained; the main idea requiring proof or explanation);

Evidence (arguments, arguments, justification, explanation, i.e. judgments that confirm the truth of the thesis);


A similar structure takes place in full reasoning; in the abbreviated argument, or the conclusion is omitted; or a thesis, because they are close in content (a conclusion is a proven thesis; a conclusion expands the meaning of the thesis).

Reasoning differs from description and narration primarily in more extended complex sentences (with isolated phrases, various types of allied and non-union connections) and the abstract nature of vocabulary, i.e. words denoting abstract concepts (words denoting specific objects and phenomena predominate in the narrative):

Where to start talking about Russia? For me, a Russian, this is not easy: the big is seen from a distance.

Russia is big. Thirty Frances or almost two Chinas can be placed on its territory. I remember a school teacher saying: the sun needs ten hours to get from the Bering Strait to Moscow.

Maybe start the conversation with what Russia is different? This is the treeless, through and through frozen tundra in the Far North, and the dense taiga in Siberia; these are the mountains of the Urals and Transbaikalia, and the expanse of wheat fields of the Don and Kuban; these are millionaire cities, and tiny villages that have never heard a locomotive whistle (According to B. Korotkov).

Almost all texts with other types of speech (narration, description) provide material for writing an essay-reasoning. To write an essay of this kind different types texts, it is necessary first of all to highlight the main idea that the author is trying to convey to the reader.

Remember! Types of speech can be distinguished by questions: the question is posed to the narrative what happened ?, to the description - what ?, to reasoning - why?

The main idea of ​​the text-narrative, the text-description is carried out by the author for a specific purpose, therefore, the element of causality is undoubtedly present in these texts as well.


Lebedinsky fidelity

The sun rose higher and higher over the bay, blotting out the shadows.

Jaeger said:

“The snow-white swan fell into the reeds, not yet understanding what happened to him, tried to fly into the blue sky. (4) His right wing drooped lifelessly. (5) The poacher deprived the bird of its most expensive flight. (6) The swan lay motionless in the reeds. (7) His girlfriend, white swan , worried. (8) The bird made an alarming, guttural cry. (9) The flock has already left the peninsula and flew further north. (10) I didn’t want to fall behind, but you can’t leave a friend in trouble either. (11) And then she approached, began carefully picking his feathers.

(12) I sailed into the bay early in the morning. (13) The swan took off and began to circle anxiously. (14) I decided to examine the reeds. (15) Here I found a downed bird. (16) Left the swan in a safe place, brought medicine and bandaged the wounded wing. (17) The next day I reappeared on a small island. (18) Walked around him, made sure that there were no predators. (19) “What is your name? thought. “From now on, the swan will be Lotus, and the swan will be Lily.”

(20) The whole month I sailed to the swan island. (21) The Lotus cheered up and greeted me with a guttural cry. (22) One day, when he came to a hut, he saw: an egg was lying in an arranged nest. (23) The swan swam up to my boat and took food from my hands. (24) I knew that the Lotus would never have to fly: the wing was broken.

(25) Autumn has come. (26) Two more young swans swam in the place with the Lotus and the Lily. (27) And at this time the departure of birds began. (28) Farewell voices were heard in the sky all night. (29) Lily listened anxiously to them.

(30) Before my eyes, the children of Lotus and Lily took off, joined the flock and flew to distant lands. (31) The swan was worried, but soon swam up to the Lotus and began to preen his feathers. (32) Her whole appearance said: “Let our children fly away to spend the winter in warm lands. And we're doing well here."

(33) And soon a swan song reached me. (34) The handsome Lotus sang it. (35) No, it was not a farewell song - a hymn to life!

(K. Khromov)

The main idea allows you to ask why? “Why does the author think that the Lotus song is not a farewell song, but a hymn to life. This question may form the basisthesis (1) Proof (2)is a description of what happened to Lotus and how his faithful friend helped him in misfortune.

Conclusion (3) can be equal to the thesis.

Description text

First frost.

The night passed under a large clear moon, and by morning the first frost fell.

Everything was gray, but the puddles did not freeze. (3) When the sun appeared and warmed up, the trees and grass were covered with such strong dew, the branches of fir trees looked out from the dark forest with such luminous patterns that the diamonds of all our land would not have been enough for this decoration.

(4) The queen, pine, sparkling from top to bottom, was especially good. (5) Joy jumped in my chest like a young dog.

(M. Prishvin)

The main idea of ​​the text allows you to ask the question why? “Why did the first frosty day arouse such stormy joy in the author’s chest?” This question may form the basis thesis. Proofserves as a description of the picture of a frosty winter day. Conclusion may be equal thesis.

Text - reasoning

(1) What is beauty? (2) Do we perceive beauty in the same way? (3) Is it possible to appreciate beauty? (4) Do ideas about beauty change over time?

(5) Often we call beautiful what corresponds to the norms and ideals of our time. (6) Each era has its own ideals and fashion. (7) But there is beauty that is imperishable, enduring, to which humanity will necessarily return. (8) We will never cease to be pleased with the proportions of the Parthenon, the harmony and unity with nature of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl ... (9) I am upset every time I hear the phrase: “There are no comrades for the taste and color ...” (10) Just the opposite - you are surprised how many people value beauty in the same way.

The main idea can form the basis thesis : genuine beauty is perceived equally.Proofthe author's reasoning about the incorruptibility of true beauty, despite many factors associated with ideals and fashion, can serve.

Methods of connection of parts of reasoning.

In reasoning, a question is often used to move from a thesis to a proof. why?, a particle, after all, and such constructions as: and that's why; this can be proved as follows; let's prove it; this is easy to verify; and this is understandable.

The conclusion is associated with the proof most often through introductory words: so, in this way, etc., words and combinations; therefore, that's why...; sentences like: Summarize all of the above. Let's summarize. From all that has been said above, it follows that, etc.

Many other introductory words and combinations can also indicate the connection and sequence of thoughts. For example, firstly, secondly, finally, for example, let's say, we will offer, so, therefore, therefore, etc.

Another combination of parts of the argument is also possible: without conjunctions, without introductory words, only in meaning.

Ways of linking sentences in the text.

When constructing a proof, one should remember that each sentence must be related to the previous one. Only in this case can we talk about the logic and consistency of reasoning. This connection of proposals can be carried out using

Lexical repetition

personal pronoun



Opposing union



demonstrative pronoun

Pronouns with a preposition

possessive pronoun

Single root words. There are cases when not one means of communication is used, but several.



(1) Whether good manners are needed. (2) The latest machines could calculate what the sum of bad temper, irritability, generated by the rude and even unkind behavior of people, could cost the country, and give us sensational figures. (3) A person who feels calm and comfortable in the company of his fellow citizens is many times more efficient and enterprising than the one who must always, every minute, be on the alert to prevent undeserved insult, rudeness and rudeness. (4) In my opinion, good manners are a manifestation of inner delicacy and culture, a necessary attribute of a healthy lifestyle.

(5) But often the best people offend their loved ones. (6) And this usually happens without any malicious intent, without the intention to offend, humiliate, offend, but simply - through negligence, thoughtlessness, inattention. (7) These good people, often busy with big and important things, did not find time to think over the form of their behavior, did not work out those simple and useful rules with which you can improve the mood of the whole team, make life more pleasant, nerves healthier.

(8) Two very important conclusions should be drawn by every young person. (9) First: a kind attitude towards others does not require large expenses, does not exhaust a person. (10) This is in the full sense of the word a free application to life, and later, when it becomes a habit, it is already done automatically and does not lose its beneficial effect. (11) Second: a person who has learned to treat his neighbors well not only brings joy to them, but also receives tremendous pleasure from such behavior.

(12) Therefore, good manners and well-trained behavior are not only a great contribution of a person to society. (13) This deposit brings to the depositor the most valuable income in the world - a good mood and an optimistic mood.

(According to N. Akimov)

In order to write an essay-reasoning on this text, you need to do the following work:

See how this idea is expressed in the text. Pay special attention to those sentences where it is most clearly expressed. In our text, these are sentences (3), (4), (11), (12), (13);

They should be read again to formulate a thesis, which may sound something like this:“Good manners need to be acquired not only in order to pass for a well-mannered person. N. Akimov claims that “correctly developed behavior” improves the life of both an individual and the whole society.”

As evidence, you can rely on the already listed proposals (see above):"And that's why. Firstly, according to N. Akimov, a person living in a team of well-mannered people feels much more efficient, because he does not have to waste time repelling aggression from his colleagues. Secondly, good manners and good manners promote a healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, a person who has good manners brings joy not only to those around him. He himself gets great pleasure from this, being in a good mood.

Conclusion to the first part of the essay.A person lives in society, therefore, knowledge of etiquette is the contribution that undoubtedly improves both the life of one person and society as a whole.

To convey the main idea and convey it to the readerthe author uses such expressive means as synonyms and gradation. Synonyms ("And this usually happenswithout any intention, without intention to offend, humiliate, offend, but it’s so simple - due to oversight, thoughtlessness, inattention ”) is used by the author for greater expression, as they do not allow a more complete definition of the properties and nature of the subject of the narrative. All synonyms are built on the principle of ascending gradation (“... in order to prevent undeserved insult, rudeness and rudeness ”), which allows the author to show a negative attitude towards the consequences associated with ignorance or ignorance of etiquette.

Next, you should write your agreement / disagreement with the author, which can be expressed as follows:I agree (agree) with the author's opinion that knowledge of etiquette is of social importance. It is unpleasant if they try to offend you, if they talk to you rudely. The result is a ruined mood, a ruined day. And this does not contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Read the lines in italics - and you will see an exemplary essay-reasoning on a given text that meets the criteria for the exam.


The most important condition for the successful writing of an essay-reasoning based on the text read is the understanding of the source text, an adequate perception of its topic, the problems raised by the author, and the author's position.

Before writing your own text, clarify your intention, your attitude to the position of the author of the text. If you share this position, pick up examples - evidence in defense of the chosen position. If not, then arguments that will allow you to object to the author.

Think over the composition and speech design of your essay. Remember that you are writing an essay, not a summary. Your text should be an interpretation of the issues raised in the original text, their interpretation. Author's thoughts can be briefly conveyed by you, paraphrased, quoted, indicated by reference to sentence numbers in the text, or indicated when presenting your own point of view. Arguing his own attitude (own position), the writer must not only agree or disagree with the author of the source text, but also convincingly argue his opinion.

When conveying the author's position on a particular issue, try not to distort the original information, follow the course of the author's thought and not go beyond the issue under discussion. It is impossible to replace the facts cited by the author with others - this will be considered the most gross mistake.

When working on an essay, remember that poor speech, that is, speech limited by the volume of the dictionary, inaccurate word usage, syntactic monotony, reduces the impression of the work and may lead to a decrease in the mark for it. Use a variety of syntactic constructions, try to use words in accordance with their meaning and lexical compatibility.

List of used literature

Gvozdev A.N. Essays on the style of the Russian language. M., 1965.

Golub I.B. Exercises in the style of the Russian language. M., 1997.

Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Entertaining style. M., 1988; They are. A book about good speech. M., 1997

Golub I.B. Grammatical style of the modern Russian language. M., 1987

Gorbanevsky M.V., Karaulov Yu.N., Shaklein V.M. Don't speak in harsh language. M., 1999. S. 171-174.

Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1989.

Graudina L.K. Issues of normalization of the Russian language. Grammar and variants.

Ippolitova N.A. Culture of Russian speech. M., Flinta, 2004.

Kapinos V.I. , Puchkova L.I., Tsybulko I.P., Gosteva Yu.N. Guidelines for evaluating tasks with a detailed answer: Russian language. - M .: "Unicum-Center", 2004, 2005.

Kapinos V.I. , Puchkova L.I., Tsybulko I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Vasiliev I.P., Lvov V.V., Lvova S.I. Materials for independent work experts in evaluating tasks with a detailed answer: Russian language. -M.: "Unicum-Center", 2004, 2005.

Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. 3rd edition. M., 1993.

The culture of Russian speech and the effectiveness of communication. M., 1996

Rosenthal D.E. A culture of speech. M., 1960; He is. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1985.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. M., 1997.

Ruzavin G.I. Logic and reasoning. M., 1997.

Russian language of the late twentieth century. M., 1996.

Senkevich M.P. Culture of radio and television speech, M., 1987.

Skovorodnikov A.P. On the state of speech culture in the Russian mass media (the experience of describing typical violations of literary and linguistic norms) // Theoretical and applied aspects of speech communication. Scientific method. Bull. Number 3. Krasnoyarsk, 1998.

There are many books on "good manners". These books explain how to behave in society, at a party and at home, with older and younger, how to speak and how to dress. But people usually draw little from these books. This happens, I think, because good manners books rarely explain what good manners are for. There are many books on good manners. But people tend to learn little from these books, because they rarely explain why good manners are needed.

What is the basis of the guide to acquiring good manners? Is it just a collection of "recipes" for behavior? At the heart of all good manners is one concern - that a person does not interfere with a person, that everyone feels good together. Why do we need "recipes" of behavior? At the heart of all good manners lies one concern - that a person does not interfere with a person.

We must be able not to interfere with each other. So no need to make noise. Therefore, there is no need to champ, loudly put the fork on the plate, speak loudly at dinner. You don't have to talk with your mouth full so that the neighbors don't have fears. And do not put your elbows on the table - again, so as not to interfere with your neighbor. It is necessary to be neatly dressed because respect for others is reflected in this: you should not be disgusting to look at.

As you can see, there is a deep meaning in the so-called good manners. And it is necessary to educate in oneself not so much manners as what is expressed in them - a careful attitude towards people, towards nature. We must not remember hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need for a respectful attitude towards others. And then the manners will come to you, the memory will come to the rules of good behavior, the desire and ability to apply them.

There are many books on good manners. But people tend to learn little from these books, because they rarely explain why good manners are needed. Why do we need "recipes" of behavior? At the heart of all good manners lies one concern - that a person does not interfere with a person. In order to learn not to interfere with each other, you do not need to make noise, champ, speak loudly at dinner, put your elbows on the table; you have to be neatly dressed. There is a deep meaning in good manners - respect for people and nature. We must not remember hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need for a respectful attitude towards others. Then the desire and ability to apply the rules of good behavior will come to you.

EXCLUSION of repetitions; one or more of the synonyms; individual members of the proposal, some homogeneous members of the proposal; clarifying and explanatory constructions; introductory words (some, not all!); sentence fragment; one or more sentences: omission of sentences containing secondary facts; skipping sentences with descriptions and reasoning; reduction complex sentence at the expense of a less significant part.

SIMPLIFICATION merging several sentences into one; replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun; replacement complex sentence simple / breaking down a complex sentence into abbreviated simple ones; replacement of a fragment of a sentence with a synonymous expression: translation of direct speech into indirect; the formation of a complex (or simple with homogeneous members) sentence by merging two adjacent sentences that tell about the same subject of speech.

EXCEPTION: supply level Reduction of individual supply terms Placed in an absorption box, the coal absorbed the poison gas and released already clean breathable air. Placed in an absorption box, the coal absorbed the poisonous gas and let out clean air.

Breaking down a complex sentence into abbreviated simple ones Let's bow to him, the man who grew bread, and let's be honest and conscientious before his great feat, great and modest at the same time; Before leaving the bakery with a loaf or a brick of warm bread, let us remember again and again with reverent heartfelt participation the hands that sowed and grew this bread. Let us bow to the man who grew bread, and let us be conscientious before his great and modest feat. Before leaving the bakery with a brick of warm bread, let us remember with heartfelt participation the hands that grew this bread.

EXCEPTION: sentence level Elliptation/grammatical incompleteness Russian expanses are wide. Coal, gold and copper are hidden in the depths. In one hand he held a fishing rod, and in the other he held a cuckoo with a fish. Russian expanses are wide. In the bowels - coal, gold and copper. In one hand he held a fishing rod, and in the other - a cuckoo with a fish.

EXCEPTION: microtopic level Skipping sentences containing minor facts It happens that on a frosty day, tits fly into open windows. Or in the canopy of houses. I tamed the tits that flew into my little house, and they quickly settled down in it. It happens that on a frosty day, tits fly into open windows. I tamed the tits that flew into my little house, and they quickly settled down in it.

GENERALIZATION OF SPECIFIC, SINGLE PHENOMENA SUPPLY LEVEL Geologists, engineers, technicians, workers set off to storm the taiga in order to wrest from it the cherished secret of the Siberian platform - to find a diamond deposit and provide industry with them. People moved to storm the taiga in order to wrest from it the cherished secret of the Siberian platform - to find a diamond deposit and provide industry with them.

Not so long ago, scientists believed that success in life is directly related to our intellectual abilities. The more a person knows and knows how, the more likely it is that he will achieve a lot in life. However, it turns out, according to modern scientists, a head filled with knowledge is not yet a salvation from serious life failures and failures. The intellectual abilities and skills necessary for subsequent work are just the foundation, the foundation. On this foundation, the building of professional success can only be built if a person has certain personal qualities. And one of these most important qualities is the ability to understand others, feel their mood, empathize with them. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the perception of art, in particular, can help develop this ability. A person who enjoys picturesque or sculptural images, feels the beauty of a verse or melody, feels the rhythm of a pattern - such a person is capable of emotional experience necessary for life. Through empathy, a person feels his involvement in those who live next to him, participates in what is happening around him. Therefore, having the ability to understand, feel and empathize, a person will be able to maintain harmonious relations with the world, which means he will be able to succeed in this world.

Not so long ago it was believed that success in life directly depends on our intellectual abilities, knowledge and skills. Now scientists are coming to the conclusion that intellectual baggage is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success. To succeed, a person, among other things, must have the ability to understand others, feel their mood, empathize with them. This ability can be developed, in particular, through the perception of art. A person capable of emotional experience will be able to maintain harmonious relations with the world, which means he will be able to succeed in it.