Why in the lyrics A. T

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The theme of memory sounds in the work of Tvardovsky in two aspects. Firstly, the poet emphasizes the importance of the memory of those who died in the war, and secondly, he speaks of the significance of the chains of ancestral, family memory, which were ruthlessly destroyed during the years of Stalinist repressions, when many publicly renounced kinship with those who were declared an enemy of the people.
The lines of the poem "Vasily Terkin" are dedicated to the memory of those who fought and died in the war. In the chapter "Crossing" the author recalls the difficult and unsuccessful crossing of our troops across the river.
To whom is memory, to whom is glory,
To whom is dark water, -
No sign, no trace.
The word "memory" in this chapter is used with the shade of meaning it acquires when the term "eternal" is used with it. Many people died at that crossing (“People are warm, alive // ​​They went to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom ...”). “Eternal memory to the dead!” the author seems to exclaim.
The chapter "About myself" is covered with other, bright memories. The former world, the "father's corner", the forest, not pitted with dugouts, rises before the eyes of the stoned narrator. The tranquility of the presented picture of native nature makes him doubt the actual existence of such a place on earth.
Mother Earth is my own,
My forest side
The edge of recent childhood years,
Father's land, do you exist or not?
The theme of eternal memory of the dead is also displayed in the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...". In his appeal to the living, the deceased warrior asks them, in the name of his memory, to “be happy” and take care of their native country, “take care of it sacredly.” In the poems “I know, no fault of mine...” and “To the bitter insults of my own person...”, the motive of memory is intertwined with the motive of a person’s personal responsibility for the fate of many.
In contrast to the official ideology that prevailed in the country, Tvardovsky argued that the need to remember one's roots, one's relatives and loved ones is not just a right, but also a duty of a person. His poem "In Memory of Mother" is dedicated to this. In it, he calls to love and appreciate loved ones while they are still alive. We are all torn from our father's house "long before the deadline", trying to arrange our lives, not realizing that our mothers are not eternal, that time is fleeting and the last hour is closer than it seems. And after that, there’s nothing to return, not to snuggle up to my mother’s warm shoulder. It remains only to hope for a quick meeting with my mother in a different, better world:
water carrier,
Gray-haired old man, take me to the other side, the side - home ...
The famous poem by Tvardovsky "By the Right of Memory" is a kind of "window" into the past. In the poem, the author turned to memories of a past life, dreams and hopes of his youth, and most importantly - Tvardovsky, looking back at the past years, rethought the historical significance of Stalin's attempts to build a brighter future, eradicating the "enemies of communism". The author showed what it means to suddenly become an enemy of the people for a person devoted to his country. Identification of "enemies of the people" stretched along the chains of family ties. Fear forced people to renounce their relatives and friends, since a person who went missing in battle or was recognized as a fist condemned his entire family to general contempt and humiliation.
The stigma from birth marked
Baby of enemy blood
And everything seemed to be lacking in the Land of branded sons.
“The son is not responsible for the father” - this Stalinist saying pushed many people to make a deal with their conscience.
Forget where you came from
And realize, do not argue:
To the detriment of love for the father of nations -
Any other love.
In the final chapter, Tvardovsky raises the question of the right to memory of people deprived of an honorable name during their lifetime.
Forget, forget they say silently
They want to drown in oblivion
Living reality. And so that the waves
Closed over her. Reality - forget!
We must not forget! - this is the conclusion of Tvardovsky. The feeling of a tragic breakdown passed through the fate of the poet himself, whose father and brother were repressed.
This poem has become a speaking monument of the difficult Stalinist time in the history of our Motherland. It reminds us of the innocent and senseless victims of the bloody decades and obliges us to prevent the recurrence of these terrible events.
For Tvardovsky, love for his family, his small homeland and the memory of her are inextricably linked with love for the Motherland with a capital letter. But loving the Motherland is not enough! We need to know its history and remember everything that was good and bad, so that future generations live better than we do.

    The works of A. T. Tvardovsky about the war are not only a memory of the past, not only a history that should not be forgotten. This is a living participation of the poet in our life, a reminder of a person's duty to society. The brightest work of A. T. Tvardovsky,...

    The composition, perhaps, should begin with "The Cleaning Lady" - the first "urban" poem. It appeared in the newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda on April 12, 1928. His history is like this. At the end of one of the regularly held literary evenings with the newspaper "Young ...

    He lacked the heresy to be a genius. F. Abramov Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born in the Smolensk region in 1910. On long winter evenings, the family loved to read aloud Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, ...

    One of the main themes of Tvardovsky's poetry is war. It is impossible to forget the past - the main motive of military lyrics. In a poem from 1944, he tells "about a boy who was killed in Finland on the ice in 1944." It ends like this: "I'm sorry...

One of the significant and at the same time controversial figures in Soviet literature was A. T. Tvardovsky, whose poems and poems are distinguished by proximity to folk speech and folklore, special individuality and originality. and the Great Patriotic War, the memory of the soldiers who fell in the battles for their homeland - these are perhaps the most important aspects of the poet's work. He witnessed the dispossession, approval and debunking of the totalitarian system of Stalin, a participant in the Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars. Rich life experience and reliance on reality make the works of Alexander Trifonovich extremely popular with readers.

Features of the lyrics

When working on his works, Tvardovsky relied on the best folklore traditions and took into account the peculiarities of the Russian character. That is why his poems are simple and understandable to every reader. Yes, and the lyrical hero, as a rule, is a native of the people, who initially evokes respect and love from the author. The poet himself believed that the main theme in his work is the theme of memory, which is relevant at all times. In Tvardovsky's lyrics, it is reflected in reflections on his own family, dispossessed and exiled when the future poet was still very young. For example, in the poem "Brothers" we hear notes of suffering and longing for loved ones with whom he was forced to live apart. But the theme of memory is especially vividly embodied in Tvardovsky's lyrics about the war.

Front Chronicle

Everyone knows that the poet took part in the Finnish campaign of the late 1930s. And after the start of the Great Patriotic War, he went to the front as a correspondent, but he was always at the forefront. The poet fully knew all the difficulties of a field soldier's life and told his readers about it.

The military lyrics of Tvardovsky are diverse. These are also publicistic poems, which are calls for the fight against a hated enemy (“To the Fighter of the Southern Front”, “To the Partisans of the Smolensk Region”). And small plot poems, reminiscent of "short stories" about heroic deeds ("Tankman's Tale") or soldier's life ("Army Shoemaker"). Finally, verses-reflections imbued with pain for the fate of the people and the whole country (“Two Lines”). But the main thing that unites them is the author's awareness of personal responsibility for preserving the memory of those who gave their lives for the liberation of the Motherland. This thought never left Alexander Trifonovich as a person, and became the main motto of the poet-Tvardovsky.

"I was killed near Rzhev": lyrical hero and main idea

The poem, written a few months after the end of the war, at first had the title "Testament of a Warrior." This is not accidental, since the narration in it is conducted on behalf of a soldier who died in the battles for Rzhev. The lyrical hero is a generalized image of a warrior-liberator, who, addressing all the survivors, notes: “You, brothers, had to resist ...” Thus, even after the death of a Russian soldier, the fate of his comrades and the country is worried. And in not a single line is there a reproach for the fact that he died, while others remained alive. After all, this sacrifice is not in vain.

Such is the military lyrics of Tvardovsky. In the face of great adversity, the concrete blurs and becomes general. And such opposite values ​​as death and eternal immortality, loss and unforgettable feat, are so intertwined that they are inseparable from each other.

"The Book of a Fighter"

The most famous work of A. T. Tvardovsky was the poem "Vasily Terkin", created during the war years. It depicts the image of a brave soldier who, together with the author, walked the entire military path from the 42nd to the 45th years and embodied the best qualities of a Russian person. Terkin always finds himself in the center of events, gets into various troubles, but never loses heart, does not lose hope and faith, finds a way out of the most difficult situation. At the same time, the hero experiences pain and bitterness more than once, he may even cry, Tvardovsky emphasizes.

The verses of the poem also sound either cheerful and lively, or filled with bitterness and an inexpressible feeling of loss, as in the chapter “Crossing”: “People are warm, alive / Went to the bottom ...” And the theme of memory of those who remained forever runs like a red thread through the entire poem lie on the battlefield. Therefore, it is the duty of every person to never forget the great price paid by the Soviet people for a peaceful future.

Poems by A. T. Tvardovsky

Collectivization and dispossession (“Country Ant”), the Great Patriotic War and the heroism of the people (“Vasily Terkin”), the “thaw” under Khrushchev (“Beyond the distance - the distance”), debunking the cult of personality and totalitarianism (“By the Right of Memory”) - the main stages of the historical development of the country in the 20-60s of the XX century became part of the fate of Tvardovsky himself and were reflected in his poems. The author recreates the past on the pages of his works in order to once again remind his contemporaries: each of us is responsible for what happens to the people and the country. This idea was most clearly embodied in his last poem.

"By Right of Memory"

The product was banned for a long time. His composition, consisting of 3 parts, acquaints the reader with the life of the poet himself, his youthful dreams and hopes. And most importantly, Alexander Trifonovich openly speaks about the tragedy that befell the village in the 30s. It was then that his father, a hard worker, was dispossessed and exiled. So the theme of memory in the lyrics of Tvardovsky partly turns into filial repentance not only before his family, but also before the entire Russian peasantry. Like a verdict, there are words in the poem addressed to the “leader of the peoples” and the so-called “silent ones”: “... they are ordered to forget silently ... But it was a clear pain / For those whose century was torn off.” The author recalls people whom he knew personally, which makes the work authentic.

The poem is primarily dedicated to youth and sounds like an eternal reminder that history cannot be divided into segments. That everything is interconnected in it, and the past can repeat itself in the present or the future. That is why already in the title of the poem it is declared as the main theme of memory.

In the lyrics of Tvardovsky, thus, great importance acquires a problem that is relevant at all times: you need to know and love your family and your homeland, and you definitely need to remember what you have experienced. This is the only way to move forward, avoiding repeating the terrible mistakes of the past.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky remained in the history of Russian literature as a talented people's poet and editor-in-chief of the largest literary and artistic magazine in the Soviet Union, Novy Mir. It is to him that we owe the return to our native literature of the “enemy and emigrant” I. Bunin, whose works were not published in the USSR. Tvardovsky took it upon himself to publish an article full of respect and gratitude in the journal about the great Russian writer, thereby destroying the ideological slander around his name.

The poetic work of A. Tvardovsky began in the 1920s and ended in the 1960s. He was from a village in Smolensk and started out self-taught. He considered his early poems weak and did not include them in collections. Gradually, he built up and improved his skills, studied a lot. His talent was compared with Yesenin's: the same folk motives, the Russian village, love for his native land.

In his works, Tvardovsky widely used folklore forms, folk colloquial language, proverbs, sayings, his characters are created on the principle of folklore characters. From oral folk art, the motive of the road, home, a series of trials on the way to success came to Tvardovsky's poetry.

Nikita Morgunok, a peasant from the poem "Country of the Ant", in a difficult time of collectivization goes to look for a free, fertile and happy land that would be

... in length and width - all around. You sow one bud, and that one is yours.

Involuntarily, a comparison arises with the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Rus'”. A hero from the people is looking for a peasant paradise. He walks through his native land and becomes more and more convinced that life on collective farms is much better than the work of an individual farmer. The poem is fully consistent with the spirit of the times, the party advocated the union in the collective farms. Probably, Tvardovsky himself then believed that this was right for the people.

In the collections of the 30s "Poems", "Road", "Rural Chronicle", "Zagorie" the poet sings of peasant labor, writes about rural residents. In poems about Danila, “Your beauty does not age ...”, “Ivushka” Tvardovsky creates a generalized image of a person from the people, talented, courageous, honest and fair.

In the artistic manner of Tvardovsky, such a feature as narrative was gradually formed. He turns to the ballad genre: "Father and Son", "The Ballad of a Comrade", "The Ballad of the Renunciation" and others.

Tvardovsky's talent was fully revealed during the Great Patriotic War. He went through the war like a war correspondent, saw its senseless cruelty with his own eyes. His poems acquire emotional intensity and sincerity. The lyrics of the war years are the chronicle of the war. The poet writes about the heroism of soldiers, about their life in the war, as, for example, in the poem "Army Shoemaker". Poems-memories of the native village of Zagorye are very close to folk songs. In military lyrics, the poet makes the first attempts at a philosophical understanding of human life.

Poems of military lyrics were published in the collections "Retribution" and "Frontline Lyrics". Their main themes are the fighting, unconquered homeland, the unparalleled courage of its defenders, and the theme of sacred revenge on the enemy. The poem "Two Lines" is filled with poignant tragedy. The impetus for its creation was two lines in the notebook of the correspondent Tvardovsky, written back in the Finnish war. The poet recalls the absurd death of a fighter boy he saw lying on the ice. His thoughts are about the irretrievability of loss, about the price of human life:

I feel sorry for that distant fate, As if dead, lonely, As if I was lying ...

The poem “I was killed near Rzhev” was recognized as the most powerful work of Tvardovsky about the war. The monologue of the murdered, addressed to the survivors, is amazing. Only the dead can judge the living so severely. The fallen in bloody battles refers to the living - "brothers". The nameless soldier died unheroically - killed along with others during the bombing, buried in a common grave in a swamp. The soldier wants to know if Rzhev was taken, if Moscow was defended, if the Nazis were defeated. The hero bequeaths to preserve the memory of the fallen: material from the site

And the dead, the voiceless, There is one consolation: We fell for the motherland, But she is saved ...

The theme of historical memory permeated the entire post-war lyrics of the poet, right up to the last days. Tvardovsky stubbornly tried to understand what was happening in the country. His poems “By the Right of Memory”, “In Memory of a Mother” are also dedicated to repentance and understanding of the past, not only of his mother, but of several generations of Russian people:

I know it’s not my fault that the others didn’t come from the war, That they — some older, some younger — Stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing, That I could, but failed to save them — It’s not about, but still, still, still...

The thought is not finished. Behind her is the great courage of the artist, who created immortal works about the Russian people in the hour of severe trials.

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  • war and memory in the lyrics of Tvardovsky

The theme of the memory of the defenders of the motherland who died in the Great Patriotic War occupies one of the central places in Tvardovsky's lyrics. It arises long before the end of the war. So, for example, in 1943, the poet recalls a boy fighter who was killed in Finland in 1940. Shocked by the sight of a childishly small dead body on the ice, Tvardovsky perceives the tragedy so closely that it seems to him that he himself could very well become that murdered boy:

In the midst of a great war cruel,

From what, - I will not apply my mind, -

I feel sorry for that distant fate,

As if dead, alone

It's like I'm lying,

He exclaims.

Most of all, the poet would not want the feat of the young hero to be consigned to oblivion. He calls the Finnish war unfamous, and the murdered boy - forgotten.

In the poem "I know, no fault of mine ..." the poet writes about how painfully the survivors remember the dead. And although the war does not choose a victim and every fighter can not return from it, those who were destined to return by fate will always feel incomprehensible guilt before those who remained lying on the battlefield.

To you who fell in that battle of the world

For our happiness on the harsh earth,

I turn in every new word, -

The poet writes in the poem "On the day the war ended." The poet is not a god: he is not allowed to resurrect departed heroes, but he is endowed with a different power. He is able to perpetuate the memory of the fallen. Tvardovsky calls the battle world, thus emphasizing its bloody nature. The dead were not allowed to see the joy of the victorious day. However, those who met him at that time felt a special involvement with the fate of the departed.

The theme of memory in Tvardovsky's lyrics reaches its climax in the poem "I was killed near Rzhev", written on behalf of the deceased hero. His body was not buried according to the customs of his ancestors. It remained lying in the same swamp where the hero met his death in battle. The soldier passed away without even realizing it.

I didn't hear the break

I didn't see that flash

Right into the abyss from the cliff -

And neither the bottom nor the tire, -

He narrates.

The mind of the deceased hero seems to dissolve in the world, in the earth, in the river in a cloud of dust. He was not even allowed to know whether the city, for which there was a bloody battle, was taken. However, his last thoughts are directed to those people in whose name his life was sacrificed:

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

Tvardovsky emphasizes that every person should remember the price at which peace and tranquility was achieved in their native land, cherish it sacredly and be proud of their history. The era of the Great Patriotic War is firmly in the past. Fewer and fewer of its living witnesses remain with us. However, thanks to the poetry of A. Tvardovsky, this war will be remembered hundreds of years later, remembered with gratitude and about those who did not return home from the front, left to lie in the very place where they died, about those buried in mass graves with mean asterisks instead of crosses . Poetry, like human memory, is able to live forever in time, glorifying the immortal feat of heroes.