Irina Pegova's simple diet with a fast and stable weight loss effect. All the secrets of losing weight from Irina Pegova Irina Pegova's weight loss recipe

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Irina Pegova is the most popular Russian actress, known to everyone from the films "Indian Summer", "Masha in Law", "SuperBobrovs", " Good boy”, “Crew”, “Five brides” and more.

Irina Pegova, in the prime of her acting skills, appeared before us as a chubby girl in "the very juice". The actress never thought about the excessive splendor of her forms, moreover, they only added to her beauty and special charm on television. The girl received not only the main roles in films and theatrical productions, but also the love of the opposite sex, so she did not experience complexes about her own figure.

For 15 years of acting, Pegova has played more than a hundred roles in films, and also embodied many bright characters on the theater stage. Her main acting role is charming, healthy village girls. For her extraordinary charm, sunny smile and wonderful dimples on her cheeks, Irina was often called the “second Gundareva”.

Extra pounds - fight!

The actress did not publicly discuss problems with extra kilos, but, as it turned out later, she did not stop fighting them secretly. In her dislike for the ill-fated kilograms, Irina confessed already upon the fact of a miraculous transformation. The actress made the final decision to fight weight after her divorce from her husband. After analyzing the root causes of so many accumulated extra pounds, Pegova for the first time really pulled herself together.

Today, Irina Pegova looks many times more beautiful, and, importantly, younger. And the reason for this is one - she noticeably lost weight. True, even such a famous TV star could not do without the “trial and error” method. The actress, through bitter experience, realized that a lot of hyped ways to lose weight - from rigid mono-diets to curative starvation do not give the desired result, but on the contrary, at the end of the course, even more unwanted kilograms are added.

That is why Irina Pegova, not without the help of professional nutritionists, developed a special diet, based only on the individual needs and capabilities of her body. Here, the plumb lines did not have to wait long!

One pity - the actress decided not to voice the initial figure on the scales, but only pleased the fans with the parameters after losing weight: with a height of 155 cm, she weighs 61 kilograms, and this is not yet her final weight! Comparing the “before” and “after” pictures, one can only assume that the actress said goodbye to 15, and maybe even 20 extra pounds!

Basics of dietary nutrition by Irina Pegova

The actress actively tells fans about the principles of her weight loss, shares secrets and a number of valuable developments.

The technique of Irina Pegova provides for three stages in losing weight:

  1. Preparatory- takes 3 weeks, at this stage it is worth giving up salt and fatty foods, gradually accustoming the body to more water in the diet, and also include daily walking in your life;
  2. Stabilization- stretches for the entire duration of the main diet, so it lasts until the desired mark on the scales is reached (according to the Pegovaya system, you can safely eat for months, because her diet provides a complete healthy eating);
  3. Fixative- fixing the results obtained takes at least two years, during which time the body is fully accustomed to receiving the optimal amount of calories that meets the norm for low-calorie nutrition.

Since it is almost impossible to maintain the strictest diets with a busy acting schedule, Irina has developed her own nutritional principles that are comfortable for her. The main idea of ​​the actress is to consume only those foods that have a high nutritional value for the body.

Seven principles of weight loss actress:

  1. Low calorie diet- the inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the menu while limiting the amount of meat products and the complete exclusion of harmful high-calorie foods;
  2. Fractional nutrition - Irina strongly advises not to overeat, try to eat in small portions: for this she uses large-diameter plates, as well as the “cam” method (the volume eaten should be equal to the size of your fist), and even recommends leaving the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  3. 5 meals a day - the menu should be planned taking into account breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks in between;
  4. Slow eating ideally, one meal, especially lunch, should take at least an hour, because no one has canceled thorough chewing to saturate the stomach as soon as possible;
  5. Compliance with the drinking regime - water should be a faithful companion of losing weight, you need to drink at least a glass of water before, during and after a meal, and in just a day you need to drink from 3 to 4 liters of purified water without gas;
  6. Daily physical activity - in order to lose weight faster, it is necessary to devote at least an hour a day to sports, for example, the actress herself is engaged in cycling, fitness and dancing;
  7. Supervision by professional nutritionists - Irina's weight loss is accompanied by competent consultations of nutritionists.

Dietary diet of Irina Pegova

Perhaps, let's start with prohibitions - taboo foods that the actress never eats:

  • morning coffee - it is proved that this invigorating drink, in addition to its main function, awakens the appetite;
  • sweets, flour products, pasta products, fatty and high-carbohydrate dishes.

Approximate daily diet of a star

In the morning, before breakfast, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water.

First breakfast: the actress does not eat the usual porridge, only a light sandwich made from any cheese (hard, soft, moldy, goat, sheep) and two slices of yeast-free bread (bread).

Lunch: snack from fruits, nuts or dried fruits.

Irina emphasizes that it is advisable to consume fruits only before lunch, because the sugar contained in them will not be used up in the evening, but will be deposited “in reserve” on the sides.

Dinner: a large portion of salad (cold or warm), incl. and with the addition of meat (beef) or shrimp, plus 2 slices of yeast-free bread.

Dinner: baked (in an air grill, over an open fire) or steamed lean meat or fish, fresh vegetables or vegetable salad as a side dish.

Meat can be consumed no more than once a day, the main advantage should be given to fruits and vegetables.

Looking at Pegovaya's menu, you can't call it satisfying, that's a fact. Therefore, only a few manage to adhere to the dietary diet of the actress.

Irina herself points out that losing weight according to her system is easy, you just need to catch fire with a passionate desire to see yourself in a new weight! But it’s not worth turning weight loss into a cult, in particular, treating yourself with constant calorie counting. The main thing is the right psycho-emotional mood, this is the advice of a thinner actress.

The value of the diet of Irina Pegova

The beauty of Pegova's dietary diet is that you can follow it without any time limits. The diet, although meager, is well thought out, therefore it contains all the necessary elements for the stable functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In short, the Pegovoy diet is proper nutrition.

The actress continues to lose weight and is very proud of her achievements. She carefully monitors her health, making sure that weight loss is gradual and does not cause stress in the body.

Moreover, Irina also introduced her daughter to proper nutrition, a girl from an early age knows about the benefits and harms of certain foods and only occasionally allows herself to indulge in sweets.

Irina Pegova, transformed beyond recognition, is living proof of a person's desire to make himself better. It turns out that one has only to show perseverance, willpower, and also have a little patience - and the results of losing weight will not be long in coming!

Recently, Irina Pegova is more and more eager for change and something new in life. Do you want to know why and how Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair? We all know that Irina never complained about being overweight and, on the contrary, was proud of her magnificent shape.

In fact, Pegova has been trying to lose those extra pounds for a long time. Like everyone else, she struggled with appetite control and lack of calories while dieting. How did Pegova Irina Sergeevna lose weight? Her experience is important to know, because in her footsteps, you can lose weight on your own.

Like many people, Pegova has tried many diets, diets, even therapeutic fasting. But as she herself claims, the results were short-lived. Once she managed to lose about 5 kilograms, but they returned quickly. And this is not surprising. And it’s a no brainer that if you temporarily limit yourself to eating a large number of calories, then losing weight will only be temporary.

Irina is no longer a girl, so age and malnutrition began to make themselves felt. That is why it was decided to lose weight once and for all in order to get rid of excess weight diseases.

Pegova Irina Sergeevna lost weight

The first thing to understand, says Irina Pegova, is what causes excess weight. It may not always be extra calories. Often the factors of obesity are constant nervous tension and little activity.

Irina realized that her main problem is the bad eating habits that she was instilled in childhood. If you have a grandmother in the country, you know how much she loves to feed her grandchildren. So this problem did not bypass Irina's biography, she ate until she could not get up from the table.

In addition, given that the creative life of Irina Sergeevna is seething, power outages are the norm. Imagine yourself, when there is no time to eat all day, in the evening such a zhor attacks that hide. Often, at night I had to eat high-calorie and fatty foods.

Now Irina's life has changed, because she has already lost 7 kilograms and does not want to stop there. The ratios and proportions of height / weight began to approach the ideal state. Health and well-being returned to normal, the skin became more pink. Naturally, the career at that moment soared even higher.

Irina Pegova lost weight before and after

Here are some photos of how Irina Pegova was able to lose weight. The photo clearly shows that Ira really lost weight. With the naked eye you can see where the photo is after losing weight, and where before. Also in the pictures you can see Irina's new hairstyle, she cut her hair so short, because she walked like that in her childhood. So she said herself.

What kind of diet did Irina Pegova follow?

The diet for Irina Pegova was made personally. The nutritionist calculated the daily diet for Irina, based on her needs and wishes. Plus physical activity, where without it?

Ira's task was to keep a weight loss diary, measuring:

  • The amount of food eaten;
  • The foods she ate;
  • Physical activity by time and intensity.

Three months later, Irina got good results. This is expressed not only in weight loss, but also in new correct eating habits. During this time, Pegova learned to eat right, which helped to normalize her weight and improve her appearance.

Detailed menu:

  • Irina excluded products with great content carbohydrates and fats, because they supply a large number of extra calories for the body;
  • The norm of natural vegetable food has increased;
  • Switching to a fractional menu - meals 5 times a day, without overeating. This approach helps to keep the stomach in a normal state and not stretch it;

The beauty of Irina Pegova's diet is so convenient and simple that you can live on it without any time limits. After all, the diet contains all the necessary elements for the stable functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

By the way, do you know how coffee affects the body? Learn: coffee health benefits and harms. No wonder Irina Pegova excluded coffee from her diet.

If you go to follow the example of Ira Pegova and lose weight, here is a detailed diet for you:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal, a couple of bran bread, sour fruit;
  2. A couple of hours after breakfast: a few green apples;
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup without salt, oil and potatoes, one loaf;
  4. Dinner: boiled chicken breast or fish, 200 grams.

Between lunch and dinner, you can eat fruit. Also, do not forget about water - 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. Water is essential to remove toxins from the body. Compulsory cessation of smoking and alcohol.

Physical activity is also important, but there is no need to go to the fitness center. For weight loss, it is enough to do simple exercises at home that will help you sweat. The main task of training is to sweat. If it didn’t work out, then the extra calories didn’t burn.

What advises to pay attention to Irina Pegova during weight loss:

  • The diet should be low in calories;
  • Required raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Treadmill workouts;
  • The right mindset for the result;
  • Permanent advice from weight loss professionals.

Also, the prerequisites for the process of losing weight are:

  • Good sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • Fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • It is necessary to find the meaning of losing weight, if it is not there, nothing will work;
  • Confectionery and flour products;
  • Bread;
  • Sugar and salt;
  • Pasta of all varieties;
  • White rice;
  • Fried meat and fish;
  • Milk.

Weight loss in 3 stages from Irina Pegova.

1. Preparatory stage. It is necessary to gradually accustom the body to a new diet. During these 3 weeks, you need to walk more, breathe air, drink plenty of water and remove salt from the diet. Approximately, 5 kilograms should go during this period.

2. Normalization. The duration of this period may be different for each person. The task is to bring the weight back to normal.

3. Fixing. This lengthy stage is important for consolidating the results obtained. The body must learn to receive the minimum required number of calories, while not feeling discomfort. The duration of the period is 2-3 years.

Why did Irina Pegova not only lose weight, but also cut her hair?

Irina surprised all her colleagues and acquaintances with a change in appearance. By the way, it cannot be said that it does not suit her. The new hairstyle really suits me. Even the audience at the last season of the Moscow Art Theater performance "No. 13D" did not notice anything, because the actress played in a wig.
Ira herself says: “As a child, I went with such a hairstyle, and then there came a period in my life when I wanted to change, I took it and cut my hair.”

A very bold decision, to change not only the figure, but also the hairstyle. Thanks to her perseverance in achieving the desired goal, Irina Pegova lost weight very quickly, and when she cut her hair, she became even more charming.


varicose disease;

Severe pneumonia, pleurisy;

Cardiovascular pathologies;





Obesity and many others.

This is not a complete list of all the pathologies that the drug fights.

The effectiveness of the drug for medical purposes in the treatment of skin, respiratory, venereal, cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal diseases discouraged critics.
However, in the scientific community, ASD caused general surprise and distrust, to a large extent due to the fact that its creator was a veterinarian by profession.

Based on this, Dorogov was transparently hinted that he would change the last letter of the abbreviation, reveal the secret of the formula and officially accept as co-authors scientists with a doctorate in human medicine.

But the case still had to be closed, because it was not possible to find people who bought the drug, after which the research continued.

The drug is able to maintain the stability of the hormonal balance in the body, improve metabolic processes, and also coordinate the work of internal organs.

In conclusion, we can say that in the fight against such a dangerous adversary as lung cancer, all means are good, but do not forget about the traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor. You should also not deny yourself spiritual practices, and faith in the best, because it has repeatedly happened that even the most hopeless cases ended in complete recovery.

Treatment Option #3

Dilute 5 drops of ASD-2 in 50 ml of drinking water, then drink
infusion of oregano and so 4 times a day. The admission course is strict, as admission is tied
by the time we start at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours, according to this scheme, we take 25 days.
After we take a break for 10 days, during this period we take metronidazole 0.25 mg / 3
times a day.

Together with taking ASD-2 in oncology, we do the same procedures:
intestinal microclysters. To prepare, take 50 ml of warm boiled water
36-37C and 12 drops of the drug, then take the “birch” position or put
a pillow is to allow you to fully absorb the drug.

Option 4: Scheme of A.V. Dorogov for the treatment of cancer

hours 12
hours 16
hours 20 hours

5 cap. — 5 days 5 cap. — 5 days 5 cap. — 5 days 5 cap.
— 5 days

10 cap. — 5 days 10 cap. — 5 days 10 cap. — 5 days 10 cap. — 5 days

15 cap. — 5 days 15 cap. — 5 days 15 cap. — 5 days 15 cap. — 5 days

20 cap. — 5 days 20 cap. — 5 days 20 cap. — 5 days 20 cap. — 5 days

25 cap. — 5 days 25 cap. — 5 days 25 cap. — 5 days 25 cap. — 5 days

30 cap. — 5 days 30 cap. — 5 days 30 cap. — 5 days 30 cap. — 5 days

35 cap. — 5 days 35 cap. — 5 days 35 cap. — 5 days 35 cap. — 5 days

40 cap. — 5 days 40 cap. — 5 days 40 cap. — 5 days 40 cap. — 5 days

45 cap. — 5 days 45 cap. — 5 days 45 cap. — 5 days 45 cap. — 5 days

50 cap. - until recovery 50 cap. - until recovery 50 cap. —
until recovery 50 cap. - until recovery

And I almost forgot, you need to use the ASD-2 drug extremely
carefully. The drug loses its properties upon contact with air - this is one
minus, but not significant enough, in relation to its healing properties.

The drug must be drawn with a syringe with a needle through a rubber cap, removing
aluminum circle (the entire cork does not need to be removed). To prepare the necessary
dosage for administration, it is necessary to inject the drug directly into the water without
air, the drug is administered slowly.

I would also like to point out that the drug
has a rather pungent odor due to the content of carboxylic acids, compounds with
sulfhydryl group, cyclic and aliphatic carbohydrates, as well as
amide derivatives.

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about the treatment of lung cancer with a drug such as ASD 2. You probably wondered how to treat lung cancer ASD 2? I am a herbalist and in my practice I advise people to use it in the treatment of this disease. This article is about how to be treated with this drug.

ASD 2 - Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, was obtained from frogs decades ago. There is unspoken information that Beria's mother was cured of cancer with the help of this drug. The drug ASD 2 is used for gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, impotence, blood disease, kidney disease, etc.

The drug contains: carboxylic acids, cyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, amide derivatives, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, water.

Appearance: yellow to dark red liquid (usually light yellow with a brownish tinge).

Properties: high water solubility, sharp specific smell.

The drug is intended for external and internal use.

How to take the drug:
on an empty stomach in the morning 5 drops per 50 grams of strong, cold tea and drink tea too (preferably without sugar) and increase by one drop every day. When we reached a dose of 15 drops, we stop for 5 days at this dose.

After that, we go back, reduce 1 drop to 5, so drink 1 month. After that, we take a break for one month and again repeat the course of treatment for lung cancer ASD 2
. It can be used 2 times a year for prevention.

And on another forum I read the following phrase: I give my father 2 times a year (he is 87 years old) to prevent ASD 2: we start drinking from 1 drop to 20 and back to the 1st drop per 20-30 ml of water before meals . It is also a good way to prevent diseases.

The career of the star of Russian cinema Irina Pegova is developing very rapidly. The actress has never been hindered by fullness, her textured appearance and charisma have always attracted directors and viewers. The celebrity herself has repeatedly said in an interview that she feels comfortable in a magnificent body. However, after a divorce from her husband, Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair in order to completely change her image. In the public, the dramatic changes in the people's favorite caused a real stir. Everyone wants to know how she managed to become slimmer and even younger by a few years. Pegova revealed her secrets, she claims that everyone can fight overweight, the main thing is to set a goal.

Before you start the fight for harmony, you need to find out what led to weight gain. Irina Pegova figured out her eating habits, and realized that overeating has been in her since childhood. Mom, grandmother and aunts always tried to feed Ira to satiety, because it was important for them that the child was not hungry. In adulthood, nothing has changed, you need to eat everything to the last crumb on the plate, even if the portion is huge.

Pegova also admitted that she was secretly fond of different diets. She starved herself, ate only rice or chicken, tried fasting days. It was possible to lose a couple of kilograms, but they returned with a weight gain very quickly.

Passion for "hungry" and monotonous food systems led to one thing - the actress's metabolism slowed down. And instead of using energy, the body began to intensively accumulate it in the form of subcutaneous fat.

How did Irina Pegova lose weight?

The diet, compiled by a personal nutritionist, helped her get rid of bad eating habits. The diet of the artist has changed a lot, products that could adversely affect her figure and health were excluded from it. The meal schedule and portions have also been adjusted.

Beneficial eating habits of Piebald:

Stages of weight loss

In the photo before and after losing weight, Pegova looks like two different people. She managed to achieve such results thanks to hard work on herself.

The special diet of the actress consists of three main stages:

  • The first is preparatory. For three weeks, the celebrity prepared her body for the coming changes. She refused salt altogether, began to drink a lot of pure non-carbonated water and often walk in the fresh air on foot.
  • The second is bringing the body back to normal. During this period, there is a complete restructuring of the diet and a change in eating habits. The stage lasts for each person a different amount of time, since its result should be the achievement of optimal physiological weight.
  • The third is the final one. This is the period of fixing the results, which can be from 2 to 3 years. Its essence lies in the fact that the body is used to the fact that it receives a limited number of calories.

Sports and daily routine

In the photographs that Pegova posts on social networks, you can see that she has joined the sport. The actress was involved in athletics and gymnastics as a child, so it was not difficult for her to return to training. The choice was made in favor of cardio exercises that start the metabolism.

Irina goes regularly to the gym, where she uses the services of a personal trainer. She also goes jogging a lot and truly loves her weight loss group dance classes. Physical activity helps her burn adipose tissue, not muscle, and keep her body in good shape.

In addition to active activities in the daily routine of Pegova, there was time for a good rest. If a person does not sleep for 8 hours a day, then the body experiences stress, it begins to spend a minimum of energy, which significantly slows down weight loss. This is why it is important to set aside time for sleep.


According to the media, in 2015 Irina Pegova weighed 63 kg with a height of 155 cm. The actress does not admit how many kilograms she managed to lose during the diet, but judging by the photo, we are talking about 7-10 kg. The celebrity's personal nutritionist believes that this is not the final result and that more work needs to be done on the body.

Pegova is also sure that she will be able to lose another 7 kg, she considers exactly 55 kg to be the optimal weight for herself. With such zeal, a celebrity will certainly achieve their goals.

In conclusion

Some people think that Irina Pegova decided to lose weight and cut her hair solely because of problems in her personal life. The actress herself admits that she simply intends to radically change everything, but she started with her appearance.

It is impossible to say that figure correction was easy for her. The daily struggle for harmony continues to this day, and Pegova assures that she will not stop playing sports to maintain the results.

The example of a celebrity proves that, if desired, anyone can lose weight.

Irina Pegova is a famous person. Until recently, as the star herself admitted, she was not worried about magnificent forms. However, it soon became noticeable that the actress had significantly built up. How did she do it? We will talk about the parameters of Irina Pegova, her secrets of losing weight.

The actress has always been inclined to be overweight - heredity affects. This did not upset the woman at all - she got the best roles, and there was enough male attention.

The favorite of many today is 39 years old. She is rather small in stature - only 155 cm. After losing weight, a woman weighs 61 kg. How much exactly the movie star dropped is a mystery. There is no exact information about this. Fans and journalists only assume that the actress lost 15 to 20 kg. It is known that she is going to get rid of another 5-7 kg.

Many say that it was the divorce that pushed Irina to actively shed those extra pounds. In any case, the star has developed her own diet, which, as it turned out, was very effective.

Secrets of losing weight Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova cut her hair, and her fans liked the new image of the star, as well as her noticeably built figure. She herself says that, having got rid of extra pounds, she began to feel much better and more confident.

The actress tried a lot of diets: there was kefir, protein, and vegetables. The press said that the movie star even practiced therapeutic fasting. But all this did not bring the desired result - the weight returned with renewed vigor. As a result, Pegova developed her own diet.