Designing technical specifications for the development of the project. Development of technical specifications for design

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An obligatory stage of cooperation between the customer and the design organization is development terms of reference . Properly drawn up technical specifications are half the success of design. The terms of reference should be as detailed and detailed as possible - only this approach ensures complete understanding between the customer and. In order for the design to be carried out without hitches, time delays and technical problems, it is necessary to responsibly draw up the terms of reference.

Basic principles for the development of terms of reference

The customer does not always have special knowledge for the competent preparation of technical specifications. Therefore, this document is developed jointly by the customer and engineers. Leading specialists of the design organization take part in the development of tasks for complex objects. The main task of technical specialists is to professionally "filter" abstract ideas and determine which ideas can be technically implemented. Engineers provide the customer with preliminary information about the difference in the design time of simple and complex ideas. Technical specialists analyze the initial data and find a balance between the requirements of the customer and such factors as the reliability of the object, the complexity of design, and the cost of construction. Competent communication between the customer and engineers allows us to find the “golden mean” in all significant parameters and ensure the profitability of the facility.

Initial documents for the development of terms of reference

To obtain a complete picture, the customer must provide the design organization with the maximum set of initial documentation. Short list of source documents:

  • approved engineering survey plans;
  • the decision of the executive authority on the approval of the construction site;
  • site plan with designation of communication connection points;
  • technical conditions for connecting networks;
  • architectural and planning task;
  • a list of unique requirements for an object.

The order of development of TK

To draw up a technical assignment for the design, the customer contacts the specialists of the design organization for a preliminary discussion of the concept. Brief requirements of the customer are drawn up in the form of a questionnaire or formulated in any form. The main parameters that are determined at the very first stage of drawing up the TOR: area, number of storeys, shape of the building, type of facades, materials used, individual features of the object. These parameters are included in the architectural and planning task for the design.

Having received the initial information, technical specialists provide recommendations for optimizing the building structure and its main parameters. After agreeing on all the nuances, the finished technical task is drawn up as a separate document and sent for approval. Only after the signatures of the customer and the contractor are put on the TOR, the design organization proceeds directly to the design. The assignment is part of a legal agreement (contract or agreement) to carry out the design work.

Approximate composition of the design task

Common data.

  • Type of construction and basis for design.
  • Full name of the customer and contractor organizations.
  • Scope and stages of design work.
  • Construction stages.
  • Complexity category of the object.
  • List of special conditions for the construction and operation of the facility.
  • Terms of design and construction.
  • Initial documentation for design.

Design requirements.

  • Data on the land plot, planning restrictions, landscaping, soil type, location of groundwater and green spaces.
  • Technical and economic indicators of the object (productivity, power, throughput and other indicators depending on the specifics of the building).
  • For manufacturing enterprises - requirements for technology and mode of operation.
  • Requirements for the layout of the object on the land.
  • Requirements for planning and architectural solutions (number of floors, area, finishes, facades, materials, architectural style, colors, etc.).
  • Requirements for constructive solutions (foundations, ceilings, walls, stairs, roofing, partitions, etc.).
  • Requirements for external and internal engineering networks (heat supply, water supply, communications, power supply, drainage, lighting, ventilation, alarm).
  • Requirements for infrastructure, landscape design of the adjacent territory.
  • Building energy efficiency requirements.
  • Requirements regarding the need for a prospective expansion of the facility.

Additional instructions. This section may include the unique requirements of the customer, such as the need to prepare demonstration materials and the number of copies of project documentation.

The PNProject company guarantees the high-quality execution of design work, subject to a detailed study of the TOR. The task should be free of controversial points, each technical detail should be clearly articulated without the risk of ambiguity. The terms of reference have legal force, therefore, its preparation should be approached professionally and carefully. In this case, it is much better to spend more time developing technical specifications than to rush and reap the unpleasant “fruits” of an unprofessional approach later. Therefore, in cooperation with customers, we insist on a clear, in-depth and detailed study of the initial data and a qualitative study of the terms of reference.

This is one of the most critical design stages, which largely determines the development efficiency. Development of technical specifications is not a formal procedure, since it is refined during the entire period of product development.

Before starting development, you need to do the following:

  1. formulate a task;
  2. develop product requirements with restrictions.

Problem formulation. In any task setting, three main questions must be answered:

  • What purpose should the product being designed serve?
  • what circumstances, requirements and restrictions should be taken into account?
  • what is the sequence of actions leading to the fulfillment of these requirements, and how does the development end. The problem statement is expressed in
  • verbal form.

Development of technical requirements with restrictions. It is very important to indicate whether this indicator is a requirement or a wish that you can not fulfill, but be guided, for example, when evaluating options. Requirements can be of the following types:

  1. rigid, in which the value of the parameter is strictly maintained (car power, automatic line performance, etc.);
  2. rigid, limited by the range, not allowing to go beyond certain boundaries (productivity 10 ... 12 pieces / h, etc.);
  3. target with and without restrictions. The degree of fulfillment of these requirements can serve as a measure of the evaluation of the option (for example, the force applied to the handle is less than 0.5 N), i.e. target requirements can be met to varying degrees;
  4. optional (wishes). They may or may not be included in the requirements.

The main indicators should cover all the most important aspects of the product and be, if possible, independent of one another. They can be hierarchically divided into several levels (different significance) and relate to different aspects (economic, technical, etc.); it is desirable to evaluate the indicators quantitatively, but it is also possible to evaluate them qualitatively (better, worse), which is important when evaluating options.

The composition of the requirements. Depending on the purpose of the product, the requirements may include various features (from sizes to disposal methods):

  • geometry (dimensions, number, etc.);
  • kinematics (type and direction of movement, speed, acceleration);
  • force (value and direction, frequency of loading, deformation, rigidity);
  • energy (power, K11D, friction, ventilation, state parameters such as pressure, temperature, humidity, incoming energy, etc.);
  • material (physical and chemical properties of the main, auxiliary and recommended material);
  • signal (type of indicators, input and output signals, waveforms, control and transmitting devices);
  • safety (protective systems, safety engineering, environment);
  • ergonomics (human-machine relationship, taking into account the physiological capabilities of a person, service conditions);
  • manufacturing (manufacturing conditions, quality, limited space);
  • control (possibility of control, special prescriptions); installation (installation conditions, assembly, foundation);
  • transportation (size limitation, carrying capacity of vehicles and lifting equipment, delivery conditions);
  • use (noise levels, wear, operating conditions), maintenance (adjustment, painting, lubrication, inspection);
  • recycling (reuse, destruction, reuse);
  • price (admissible production costs, tool cost, depreciation and investment);
  • term (end of development, network planning, delivery time).

Exemplary composition of the terms of reference engineering products.

1. Name and scope.

2. Basis for development.

3. The purpose and purpose of the development.

4. Development sources.

5. Technical requirements.

5.1. Product composition.

5.2. Purpose indicators.

5.3. reliability requirements.

5.4. Technology requirements.

5.5. Requirements for the level of unification and standardization.

5.6. Security Requirements

5.7. Requirements for aesthetics and ergonomics.

5.8. Patent requirements.

5.9. Requirements for the components of the product, raw materials, starting and operating materials.

5.10. Operating conditions.

5.11. Labeling and packaging requirements.

5.12. Requirements for transportation and storage.

5.13. Additional requirements.

6. Economic indicators.

7. Stages and stages of development.

8. Order of control and acceptance.

The terms of reference largely cover the problem statement and the basic requirements for the product being developed.

The requirements development process is as follows.

  1. A thorough analysis of competing products is carried out with the identification of weaknesses and strengths.
  2. The terms of reference of the customer, the results of discussions of specialists, data obtained from various sources, common sense are taken into account.
  3. Existing experience is used.

The most important requirements (this is only part of the specification, which is much wider) for a jack may look like this.

  1. Must be serviced by a human.
  2. Work in all weather conditions, except for extreme ones.
  3. It is desirable to ensure the possibility of use on sandy soil.
  4. Weight not more than 5 kg.
  5. The source of energy is man.
  6. The maximum human applied force is less than 100 N.
  7. Developed force over 5000 N.
  8. The distance between the support and lifting platforms is not more than 100 mm.
  9. The largest dimension in the assembled state is 500 mm.
  10. The volume of production is 10 thousand per year.
  11. The price is 10% lower than the existing one.
  12. It is desirable to use a corrosion-resistant material for the main parts.
  13. Avoid damage to the chassis and protective coating.
  14. Desired service life of 20 years.
  15. The amount of lift in one movement (one stroke) is 1 mm.
  16. Lowering speed 2 mm/s.
  17. Use in the repair of standard car keys.
  18. Grease lubrication (lubricant type may be specified) once a year. Limitations on dimensions in working condition, storage places (garage, car), etc. can also be set.

The development of the initial basic requirements for the product is a very important design stage, as it serves to further clarify, clarify and detail the task, is used and supplemented throughout the entire design process (at any stage) and can underlie the optimization of design solutions.

Before the start of any design, the purpose and scope of the designed device must be determined between the Customer of the project and its Developer, and all its technical (tactical and technical) characteristics must be fully agreed. For this purpose, a special document is being developed - Technical task for the design of that device or system.

In the future, for the Developer, the Terms of Reference is the primary, fundamental document that guides at all stages of project development.

The development of the Terms of Reference is a very important and responsible process. Mistakes made at this stage of development can lead to very serious consequences.

As a rule, the development of the Terms of Reference is carried out jointly by the representatives of the Customer and the Designer. The terms of reference require great erudition and experience from the developers. Therefore, the terms of reference are compiled by the leading, most qualified specialists with significant experience in this field.

The terms of reference define the main directions of development - the design and principle of operation of the future product (device, system).

The terms of reference is the initial stage of work and is drawn up for all developments and types of work necessary to create a new product. The terms of reference may also include, as one of the sections, conducting

Research work,

experimental design work,

Development of automation tools, individual components and systems, technology, measuring tools, control tools, safety precautions, etc.

The Customer's obligation is to provide the developer with reliable initial data for product development. The customer is responsible for the requirements for the new product and the initial data and is fully responsible for the correctness of the information provided.

The terms of reference should contain three main sections:

1. technical and economic requirements for products that determine its consumer properties and efficiency of use,

2. a list of documents requiring joint consideration by the Customer and the Developer,

3. procedure for delivery and acceptance of development results.

If necessary, the terms of reference may also contain requirements for the preparation and development of production.

The specific content of the terms of reference is determined by the Customer and the Developer, and in case of initiative development - by the Developer.

If the Customer has individual requirements for the products being developed, which differ from the requirements of the standards, but do not reduce the effectiveness of using the products under the specified conditions, he should obtain a conclusion from the State Standard of the Russian Federation on the possibility of developing and manufacturing these products.

It is not allowed to include in the terms of reference requirements that contradict the requirements of the standards and regulatory documents of the bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection.

The terms of reference should contain as much information as possible to facilitate the work of the designer and reduce the development time.

The quality of the Terms of Reference is ensured by the volume and completeness of the collection of materials necessary for development. The following materials are used in the development:

Scientific and technical information,

patent information,

Characteristics of the sales market,

Characteristics of the production where the product will be manufactured (technological equipment, staff qualifications, level of labor organization, etc.).

In the terms of reference, as a rule, the following indicators of the product being developed are established:

Projected indicators of technical level and quality,

main purpose,

Characteristics of the sales market,

Technical and performance characteristics,

The level of standardization and unification,

Technical and economic indicators

Patent and legal indicators,

Special requirements for the product, etc.

The terms of reference are developed and approved in the manner established by the Customer and the Developer.

The general procedure for the development and approval of the terms of reference is established by the State Standard of Russia GOST 15.001-88

The terms of reference stipulate the stages of development and the timing of each stage and the development as a whole.

The terms of reference are drawn up in accordance with the general requirements for text design documents in accordance with the State Standard GOST 2.105-95.

Table 1

The main sections of the terms of reference

Sample list of questions

considered in the section

Name and scope (use).

Name and symbol of the developed products.

Brief description of the area of ​​its application.

General characteristics of the object in which the product is used.

Basis for development

The full name of the document on the basis of which the products are developed.

The organization that approved this document and the date it was approved.

The name and symbol of the development topic.

The purpose and purpose of the development

Operational and functional purpose, prospects for production.

Development sources

Enumeration of research and other works.

List of experimental samples and layouts.

Technical (tactical and technical) requirements

Composition of products and requirements for a constructive solution.

Requirements for technical indicators.

reliability requirements.

Technology requirements.

Requirements for the level of unification and standardization.

Safety requirements.

Aesthetic and ergonomic requirements.

Patent requirements.

Requirements for the components of products, raw materials, starting and operating materials.

Operating conditions.

Additional requirements.

Labeling and packaging requirements.

Requirements for transportation and storage.

Special requirements.

Economic indicators

Estimated economic efficiency and payback period.

marginal cost.

Estimated annual demand for products.

Economic advantages of the developed products in comparison with analogues.

Composition and stages of development

Development stages, stages of work and deadlines for their implementation (the terms indicated in the terms of reference are indicative: the main terms are indicated in the work plan or in the contract for the development of a new product).

Enterprise-manufacturer of the developed product.

The list of documents submitted for the examination, the stages at which it is carried out, and the venue.

Procedure for control and acceptance

List of design documents to be agreed and approved.

List of organizations with which documents should be coordinated.

General requirements for the acceptance of work at the development stages.

The number of manufactured prototypes of products.

Annexes to the terms of reference

A list of research and other works that justify the need for development.

Drawings, diagrams, descriptions, justifications, calculations and other documents that should be used in the development.

The list of interested organizations with which specific technical solutions are agreed upon in the process of product development.

A list of new technological equipment required for the release of new products.