Why little Gerda turned out to be stronger than the snow queen. What is the power of gerda

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Who wrote the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?

Answer: The author of the fairy tale is Hans Christian Andersen. Famous Danish storyteller. Born in Denmark in 1805 and over 70 years of his life, he wrote many wonderful fairy tales for both children and adults.

What did the Snow Queen promise Kai?

Answer: A couple of new skates and the fact that he will become his own master.

Quote: The Snow Queen told him, “If you put that word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you all the world and a pair of new skates.

What does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" teach?

Answer: Courage and selflessness on the example of Gerda. Besides that kind person, walking on the right path, always meets those who are ready to help him. Love and devotion, true friendship.

What is the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" about?

Answer: About how a small and very brave Gerda went a long way to save her friend Kai, who was kidnapped and frozen by an insidious and evil sorceress. Various characters help her on her difficult path: the raven and the crow, the prince and the princess, the Little Robber, the Reindeer and others.

What is the power of the Snow Queen?

Answer: She is a sorceress who controls the cold elements: snow, blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm. According to Kai's grandmother, it is she who, looking through the windows, creates patterns on them. She is able to bewitch a person or animal, suppressing his will, subordinating him to herself. Another of her magical qualities is the ability to move in space, overcoming great distances on a snow sleigh. She can turn into a small snowflake. And return at will to the appearance of a very beautiful young woman, in whose eyes there is not a drop of warmth. Her preference is exceptionally regular forms, brought to an unnatural ideal.

Who is the Snow Queen?

Answer: This is a sorceress and ruler of all the winter elements. She controls snowflakes, snowstorms and blizzards. She is subject to the northern lights and ice. In addition, she knows how to control living beings, freezing them, depriving them of feelings and emotions, turning them into some kind of her own likeness. She is very beautiful, but completely cold. It cannot be called emotional and it is even difficult to call it alive. She is close to the concepts of "perfection" and eternity. Unnatural ideality and regularity of forms and phenomena reign in her halls.

What does the Snow Queen look like?

Answer: She is perfect and very beautiful. Dressed in the finest white tulle and looks icy, unless you have a shard of the devil's mirror in your eye.

Quote 1: Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of the flower box and began to grow, grow, until finally it turned into a woman wrapped in the thinnest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all of a dazzling white ice and yet alive!

Quote 2: Kai looked at her; she was so good! He could not have imagined a smarter, more charming face. Now she did not seem to him icy, as she had been sitting outside the window and nodding her head to him; now she seemed perfect to him.

Why did Gerda defeat the Snow Queen?

Answer: She was persistent and, despite the difficulties, went to her goal. Many people and animals, imbued with sympathy for this brave girl, helped her on her way. Her heart was so warm, kind and full of love that the spell could not resist him. Her tears melted Kai's heart, removing the shard from it. Her kindness and devotion made him cry, and the shard from his eye left with his tears. After that, the queen could no longer have power over him, and he became the former kind and sympathetic boy.

What is Gerda's strength?

Answer: Both people and animals help her. She is kind and brave.

Quote: - Stronger than it is, I can not make it. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It's not for us to borrow her strength! The strength is in her sweet, innocent baby heart. If she herself cannot penetrate into the halls of the Snow Queen and extract the fragments from Kai's heart, then we will not help her even more! Two miles from here begins the Snow Queen's garden. Take the girl there, let her down by a large bush covered with red berries, and, without delay, come back!

G.H. Andersen in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" showed how a pure and tender heart wins in the struggle between evil and good.

She was strong and powerful. She was able to enchant many, including Kai. However, the external force, according to the author, is not as important as the internal one. Only a person with a kind and noble heart can defeat the personification of evil.

- this is a simple girl, she does not have any magical properties, unlike the Snow Queen. But even so, the little heroine wins. She does it because of her character. Gerda is brave, sincere, and friendly to everyone. She knows how to find a common language with absolutely everyone, even with a little hooligan. People sincerely want to help her find her close friend. And she is grateful to everyone who helped her in this difficult search. The victory over evil is not only the victory of Gerda, but the victory of all the people who helped the heroine with actions or kind words.

The Danish storyteller shows that Gerda's victory in the struggle between good and evil is obvious: she has a warm heart, which is opposed to the cold and icy heart of the Snow Queen. Only love and kindness can melt Kai's cruel heart and return him to his former life. It is not known what would have happened to Kai if the hot tears of the girl had not worked.

The main character of The Snow Queen is already half winning when she decides to fight evil. She was not afraid and did not stop in the middle of the way. She firmly and stubbornly walked towards her goal.

True friendship led Gerda to victory. After all, for her, Kai was a close person, she was ready for anything to save the life of her named brother and maintain a pure and childlike friendship between them. For the Snow Queen, he was a toy. Perhaps that is why she did not want to fight for him to the fullest. Such insensitive people have no chance for friendship and love. The strength and omnipotence of the queen falls when a virtuous person appears.

The courage and courage of Gerda helps her to win. She would never have thought about leaving a friend in need. The heroine will always come to the rescue. Even if she has to go through many trials. Any obstacles are not a hindrance for her. After all, she believes that Kai is alive, and wants to save him as soon as possible.

No trials and difficulties could lead Gerda off the right path. But the Snow Queen literally immediately surrenders. She was used to having everyone obey her. For her, defeat is unusual, she cannot fight it. The Evil Queen is not used to being tested. Namely, the ability to stand up for yourself and go to the end is the main thing in victory.

All means of the Snow Queen are dishonest: she lures Kai into her palace by lies and magic. Gerda, on the other hand, is distinguished by love of truth. On the way to the palace, she tells the truth to everyone. And people believe her and try to help. Truth conquers untruth.

This tale has a happy ending. Good conquers evil. And the moral of this creation G.Kh. Andersen: be with a pure heart - then you can defeat evil.

Surely there are no people in the world who, in childhood (and many - even as adults) would not like to read fairy tales, would not admire the strength, dexterity, resourcefulness of fearless and invincible heroes. However, we are used to fighting evil, risking our own lives, and in the end, the mighty hero, the prince in love, or, at worst, the quick-witted Ivanushka the Fool, wins. But here we have the fairy tale of X. K. Andersen "The Snow Queen". And what do we see? The main character is a small, tender, fragile girl who turned out to be able not only to resist the spells of the cold and beautiful Snow Queen, but also to destroy her palace, rescuing her named brother Kai from trouble. What kind of trials did not fall to the lot of Gerda, what kind of obstacles did she not overcome during her long and dangerous wanderings. Any difficulties were on the shoulder of this tireless traveler, because faith, hope and love lived in her heart. She managed to go where, perhaps, even the illustrious knight would retreat. I think this fairy tale teaches us that even the small and weak will always be able to achieve their goal if they believe in their own strength and loyalty to the chosen goals.