Roger Sipe - Brain development. How to Read Faster, Remember Better, and Achieve Bigger Goals

All about protection devices

Magic exists within each of us. The main task of a person is to see the miracle inside himself, let it out, give it a “green light”. These are the main messages of Roger Sipe's book “Brain Development. How to read faster, remember better. Thanks to the work of the author, thousands of people around the world have become more successful, more self-confident, built a brilliant career, and succeeded in their personal lives. Why is a bestseller a must-read?

Bright and versatile author

As a child, Roger did not dream of becoming a writer. He studied well at school, wanted to open his own company. He was always attracted by the field of sales, in which he dreamed of becoming the best. Roger successfully graduated from high school, then university, after which he tripled his job in one of the largest companies involved in personal growth training and their sale.

It was then that our hero realized what he really liked. He organized his own program for the development and formation of personality, opened his own business. Sales grew by leaps and bounds. Subsequently, Roger decided to put his thoughts into a book so that every inhabitant of the world would have a chance to become happier.

The book “Development of the brain. How to read faster, remember better”, which its author is incredibly proud of, has been translated into various languages, scatters in huge circulations and does not lose its popularity. And Roger himself continues his important mission. By the way, he is married and has two children. Acquaintances and students characterize him as a bright and multifaceted, interesting and attractive person.

Where to buy the book/audiobook:

What is this book about

The work of Roger Sipe will not tell you how and where to get a lot of money, successfully marry or get a dream job. The main message of the book is to help a person to reveal his inner potential. To do this, readers are invited to:

  • activate internal resources;
  • write down smart thoughts from a book and conduct auto-trainings;
  • perform all, without exception, the exercises given in the reading material;
  • don't get distracted from work.

The proposed bestseller is written lightly, with humor. Reading it is a pleasure. Especially when you understand that your own brain can work many times better, it is only important to give it a push, to set a forward motion vector.

The book is recommended for reading by absolutely everyone: men and women, young and old, professionals in their field and those who have not yet found their dream job will find something useful in it.
The author teaches not just to develop imagination and logic, he teaches people to be successful and happy: for this you need to believe in yourself, forget about complexes, learn how to communicate with people correctly. Of course, the effect will not be immediate. Perhaps the literature will have to be re-read more than once.

Readers about the book

Indifferent to the book “Brain Development. How to read faster, remember better” is simply impossible to stay. It captures literally from the first pages. The described seems simple and interesting, the proposed tasks do not get bored, you want to do them again and again. Here is what readers themselves write about literature.

Liz, 44:“At about 40 years old, I realized that I was living wrong, I want to change my destiny, my life. At that time, I worked in a bank, hated my job with all my heart and dreamed of being fired. But I was very afraid of losing what I had - I have children, a dog, a husband. This book was a push for me. I took a training on the book, then listened to a course of lectures on the Internet and decided. I retrained as a hairdresser, opened my own studio - now my business is successful, and I am happy.

Igor, 52 years old:“I never had high self-esteem, and when my wife left me, I completely lost faith in myself. I even stopped bathing. Not to mention house cleaning. Once on the Internet I saw a speech by Roger Sipe. His eyes burned so brightly while he was giving his lecture. This man amazed me and inspired me. I bought his book and started studying. And six months later I met the most beautiful woman in the world. Now we live together, I believe that this is forever "...

Train Your Brain for Success

Read Smarter, Remember More, and Break Your Own Records

Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons International Rights Inc. and Alexander Korzhenevski Agency

© Freedom Personal Development, 2012 All rights reserved. This translation published under license with the original publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

* * *

This book is well complemented by:

remember everything

Artur Dumchev

brain rules

John Medina

Life at full power!

Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz

whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen


People do not reach their full potential.

Almost everyone (and certainly those who are interested in this book) want to significantly improve their results: grow, succeed and influence the world. But b about most of their God-given potential remains untapped.

In an effort to grow and develop as a person, most make two unfortunate mistakes. First, they are looking for answers not in themselves, but outside. They are sure that someone has already created a miracle cure, you just need to find it - and everything in their life will change.

Of course, no one admits that they are looking for a magical remedy. But deep down, most really hope that one day it will appear.

Having finally come to terms with the fact that there is no such remedy, people make the second mistake: they overly complicate the process of growth. All but a few wise men, in their eagerness to take charge and take on personal responsibility, overcomplicate the simple steps by which great personal growth is achieved.

There are no miracle cures in this magnificent book. It is simple without oversimplification. You will find in it basic skills and hard truths that have existed for thousands of years, but are still missing in the lives of most people. They are fun to learn, fun to learn, and amazingly easy to use.

I have known Roger Sipe for over twenty years, and I work and travel with him. I see how he does what is taught in this book. Roger proves in his life that by understanding and applying the basic principles outlined here, you win.

And although there are no magic remedies, the results seem miraculously. Remember information three times better! Read two, three or even four times faster! Formulate goals in a way that makes it easier to achieve them, and manage your time so that it is enough for everything that really matters!

Does it really look like it's impossible?

This impression is deceptive. Only the basics are given here, which anyone who seriously approaches the study of this book will master. And this is just the beginning!

The principles and statements outlined here really work. They have proven effective for thousands of people just like you. You need to have the courage to believe that you, too, can create something extraordinary, that you have the ability to assimilate this ingeniously simple information and the responsibility to apply it. Be free!

Eric Plantenberg,President Freedom Personal Development,creator of Abundant Living Retreat


How to beat records

I heard my first motivational speaker as an adult at the age of 19, in May 1989 in Nashville, at the end of a Southwestern sales training session. The speaker's name was Mort Utley, and he made one of the most chilling statements I've ever made.

"Most people don't get what they want out of life."

“Well, sadness,” I thought. Mort gets paid a lot of money to motivate people, and he goes on stage and claims that most people don't get what they want out of life. In my 19-year-old brain flashed: “Thanks for the advice, Mort. And now you will probably declare that in France they speak French. Most don't get what they want out of life, right? Why do you think I'm listening to you at all?"

I didn't want to be in that majority, and you probably don't either. If you wanted to be an average person - with financial problems, ailments and lack of time that prevent you from enjoying life - you would not read this book. However, you need to understand that there are many unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior in your brain that interfere with you. Here is one of them.

You have a strong drive to be mediocre.

Starting in elementary school, due to the system of education and the desire for safety inherent in our brain, we have a strong unconscious desire to be like everyone else. We want to blend in with the crowd, become mediocre.

Why am I starting with this? Mainly because if you are serious about living the life you really want, you first need to understand that even in the most prosperous and technologically advanced society in human history being mediocre sucks!

But like I said, you don't want to be average. Congratulations! By reading this book, you are already showing that mediocrity is not for you. Do you want to break records! In my book, you will learn the basic principles that have been proven effective over the centuries in helping people and companies achieve continuous growth in all areas: professional, financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, and in all kinds of relationships. Success has a beautiful feature: it is easy to achieve. Not easy, but simple. Learn the basics, apply them diligently, and you will definitely achieve what you want.

Now reread it and imagine that the wish has already come true. Imagine that you have earned the right amount, received a promotion, got rid of an extra 9 kg, or met your ideal.

How are you feeling? It's great, right? I think this is a good start. The book will explain to you how to take the seed of an idea and sprout it so that it brings not just a fleeting feeling of joy, but fruits in the form of real result and effective, joyful and enthusiastic.

Let's start with three features of thinking that affect success. By understanding these ideas and applying them, you will automatically start moving towards your goals. The better you understand them, the faster and easier you will achieve your goals.

The first feature of thinking: success gives clues

This means that the achievement of goals does not depend on magic, luck or circumstances, but on your way of thinking and action. Reread the goal you wrote down. Has anyone already managed to achieve results that you want to repeat or surpass? It is difficult to find a person who will answer "no". Whatever you want to achieve, someone has already succeeded, and this is great news for you. Whoever achieves the desired result, you can be sure: he did it not because he was better or luckier than you in some way, but because of a certain way of thinking and certain actions. If you develop these same thought patterns and habits, you are almost guaranteed similar results. Success gives clues. Therefore, whatever your starting positions, you are able to reach the finish line. At the same time, in order to get to the finish line the fastest, it is best to find the one who did it and imitate his actions.

I found a great example of this idea in an interview with a very successful professional fisherman who specialized in bass fishing. He won tournaments more than once, no matter how bad the bite was: he always caught fish, even when others failed. The reporter asked him, “How do you do it? What is the secret of your success?" The fisherman's answer confirms that success provides clues.

Fisherman:“Most people think that perch fishing is all about luck. Like, if you are in the right place at the right time with the right bait, you will catch a fish, and if you are not lucky, you will leave empty-handed. But I learned that the bite of a perch can actually be predicted scientifically. If you take a specific body of water, then by the season and weather you can roughly determine where the fish will be. Then it's easier to decide which ways to feed the bait will work, and I find the fish and experiment with spinners and ways to feed until I find an effective one. It's simple. Sometimes easier, sometimes harder, but a systematic approach always works best.”

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Roger Sipe - Brain Development. How to Read Faster, Remember Better, and Achieve Bigger Goals

In this book by Roger Sipe, self-improvement coach and consultant, you'll find an arsenal of ideas, strategies, and specific techniques to help you remember better, read more intelligently, and break records in any field.

This book will replace several publications on the development of memory, intelligence, speed reading and energy management.

Read it with a pencil in your hand, write down your thoughts and do all the exercises suggested by the author, and you will become a super-efficient professional.

  • Name: Brain development. How to Read Faster, Remember Better, and Achieve Bigger Goals
  • Author Story by: Roger Sipe
  • Year: 2014
  • Genre: Psychology

In this book by Roger Sipe, self-improvement coach and consultant, you'll find an arsenal of ideas, strategies, and specific techniques to help you remember better, read more intelligently, and break records in any field.

This book will replace several publications on the development of memory, intelligence, speed reading and energy management. Read it with a pencil in your hand, write down your thoughts and do all the exercises suggested by the author, and you will become a super-efficient professional.

Published in Russian for the first time.

Train Your Brain for Success

Read Smarter, Remember More, and Break Your Own Records

Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons International Rights Inc. and Alexander Korzhenevski Agency

© Freedom Personal Development, 2012 All rights reserved. This translation published under license with the original publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book...

Memory development: memorization lessons

Activate PRO subscription to complete the course more effectively

Memory is a skill that is vital for every person. Without it, we would never be ourselves, would not be able to talk, and would not be able to think at all. But memory is not only an indispensable skill, but also an important element of our education and intelligence. The development of memory, attention and thinking are often related tasks. Many of our mental characteristics directly depend on how our memory is developed. For example, the process of mastering the skills of speed reading, oratory and oral counting will not do without memory. This self-study course presents online lessons aimed at developing memory and the ability to purposefully memorize material.

Among the additional materials in this section of the site you can find educational games and exercises, download free books and textbooks, find suitable classes, schools, courses and trainings - everything that will help improve your technique for memorizing information.

What is memory and memorization

Memory- this is one of the mental functions and types of mental activity, designed to save, accumulate and reproduce information (Wikipedia). Thus, memory is understood as a system consisting of several elements:

memorization- this is the process of memory, through which the perception of new information and the recording of this information in the general system of thinking and associative connections occurs. The key function of memorization is the creation of semantic connections as a result of the work of our thinking and intellect on the content of the memorized material. Memorization is a very important process of memory, the development of which will be given key attention in this training. However, this process is not the only one.

Storage is the process of systemic accumulation of information in memory, including the processing and assimilation of this information. Without storing information in memory, it is impossible to train a person, in addition, such important abilities as thinking and speech directly depend on this process.

Playback is the process of representing and recognizing information stored in memory, which is also called memories. Reproduction is involuntary and arbitrary. In our course, special attention will be paid to arbitrary (special, conscious) reproduction.

Forgetting is also a process of memory, or rather the problem of its development. The loss of the ability to reproduce learned information can be partial (reproduction is incomplete or distorted) or complete (impossibility of reproduction and recognition). You will learn more about solving the problem of forgetting in the fourth lesson of this training.

Features of human memory

We all have a different ability to remember. For some it's easier, for some it's harder. In addition, different things are remembered by us in different ways. For example, one person may be good at remembering people's names and facial features, but bad at remembering where they put something in the house. And the other, on the contrary, perfectly remembers where everything is, but does not remember the name of his neighbor. Some prefer to use auditory and musical memory, others - visual, and someone better remembers tactile sensations.

Memory is an ability that has individual characteristics for each person. But there are patterns of memory that are universal for all people. And it is these patterns of memory and methods of its development, as well as the techniques and techniques of memorization, that will be discussed in this online training.

One of the first specialists who drew attention to the problems of human memory development was the psychologist Carl Emil Sishor. He claimed that the average person uses no more than 10% of their memory. One proof of this is hypermnesia. Hypermnesia is a human pathology associated with an increased ability to remember. People with this pathology can remember many things verbatim and in great detail. But the peculiarity lies in the fact that memorization occurs regardless of the desire of a person.

Rate how well you remember information in our Hostess game: meet people and seat them at your favorite places to get the maximum score. You can also use it for training.

Statistics Full screen

Methodology for the development of memory and memorization

In the lessons of this section, you can find useful tricks, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability of purposeful memorization (remembering the information you need).

The methodology for learning how to memorize used on this site is very simple. It consists in the systematic development of memorization skills in four main areas:

Lesson 1. Attention and impression. We remember better what we are interested in, what we are focused on. These memorization conditions can be trained and created specifically at the right time. Read more about this in the first lesson.

Lesson 2. Associations. Associations help create a connection in your head between what you want to remember and what is already firmly entrenched there. The correct use of associations, which is described in the second lesson, will help you memorize more information in less time.

Lesson 3. Structuring. Structuring the material is the most important factor in purposeful memorization. The ability to correctly share information, create thematic blocks based on logic and associative thinking will be discussed in the third lesson.

Lesson 4. Repetition. Human memory is a dynamic process, something is forgotten over time. In the fourth lesson, repetition techniques will be given to help the best memorization of information.

And also to develop the ability to memorize information, it is useful to use mnemonics and special techniques and memory training exercises:

Lesson 5. Mnemonics. There are a number of features of remembering certain information. This is due to the fact that sometimes there are convenient associations, the use of which in certain cases has a strong effect on memorization. Such methods and recommendations are called mnemonics. Read more about this in Lesson 5.

Lesson 6 Although understanding the laws of human memory can improve the memorization of the necessary information, it is difficult to achieve high results without special exercises. This lesson will tell you how you can effectively train short-term and long-term memory.

As a result of passing the lessons, subject to following all the recommendations, as well as the correct completion of tasks and exercises, you will master the special skill of purposefully remembering a large amount of any information. And by completing the proposed exercises, you can significantly increase the capabilities of your memory.

Games and exercises

Also in this training you will find useful games and puzzles to help you develop your memory. After all, as mentioned above, what we are interested in is well remembered. And what better way to arouse our interest, kindle our passion, than games and competitions?

Among these games:

Useful materials

In addition, this section will provide other necessary information to improve your memorization technique.

We wish you success in memory development!

1 Memory and attention →

What is Wrestling of Minds? This is the highlight of the week! Battle, party, its own atmosphere!

What's happening?

We gather in teams from 2 to 10 people, we fight for the first place.

Questions are asked, only 7 rounds of 7 questions each. The topics of the questions are varied.
All questions are about logic. The correct answer can be reached in the course of reasoning.
Whoever gets the most points wins the Cup!
Three prizes, captains competition, etc. Lots of gifts will be distributed

All this in order to shake things up, spend time with friends, have a good rest and gain strength.
All this can be obtained in the exciting atmosphere of the bar intellectual and entertaining Game of the Fight of Minds.

Register for it here

What do you need to do to get into the Wrestling of Minds?
It's simple:

Step one.

Assemble a team of 2 to 10 people.
This is the time to strengthen the bonds of friendship. Gather the people. Soon you will be the most united, the strongest brethren.

Step two. Come up with a funny and loud name for your team!
Think well, because this name will soon shine on the pedestals of the Struggle of Minds. Step three. Register your team soon. Did you receive an SMS alert? Congratulations. The place in the Game is yours.

Step three. Register your team soon. Did you receive an SMS alert? Congratulations. The place in the Game is yours.

Step four. Important. Come to the game.
Well, there is some logic here, admit it.

Step five. Pick up from the Game: great mood, energy for the whole week ahead, many new acquaintances, amazing photos from our favorite photographer, and someone will definitely take the Wrestling Cup and other prizes from our dear partners Custom Gift Shop Oh My Gift! and EMPRANA are the main ones in terms of networking impressions!
Let's fight on the brains, gentlemen!

Specify the exact price of the game when booking on the company's website.

Thinking games

Thinking games are becoming more and more popular because Everyday life we don’t train our brain very often, but we want to “stretch” it, and it’s most pleasant to do it in a playful way. In addition, if thinking is not developed, it gradually degrades. The famous phrase says: “As we think, so we live!” That is, if a person thinks slowly, it means that he makes decisions slowly, acts slowly, lives slowly. But the world around us is changing very quickly. Therefore, it is possible to achieve success in it only if you have time to rebuild or even go one step ahead.

Thinking games will teach you how to make actions in the mind, calculate the situation a few steps ahead analyze, highlight the main, summarize and draw appropriate conclusions. All these skills will definitely come in handy in your daily life: faced with difficult tasks in real life situations, you can solve them much easier.

With the help of our online thinking games, you will significantly improve your memory, imagination, ability to analyze and even your reaction speed.

Let's understand the terminology - what is "thinking"? From the point of view of physiology and psychology, the following definition is considered the most correct: “Thinking is the highest stage of cognition and theoretical mastering of the world around on the basis of knowledge, ideas and conclusions.” That is, when you draw certain conclusions on the basis of your knowledge, you think. Thinking is closely connected with action and speech.

Thus, you train your thinking by doing actions in your mind, analyzing the situation and making new judgments even in the game. It is this kind of training that we offer adults in thinking games.

In order to develop your thinking, you need to go through a simple registration, and then we will draw up a development program for you personally, taking into account those abilities that you want to pay more attention to. We want to help you achieve the maximum effect, so we recommend that you train with the help of our games for the development of thinking daily, because only regularity and consistency will give the desired results. Also, you can try our specialized program, which includes the most effective exercises for the development of thinking.

Train for 15-20 minutes daily, and very soon you will feel the results yourself.

Start training right now!

Start workout

Train Your Brain for Success

Read Smarter, Remember More, and Break Your Own Records

Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons International Rights Inc. and Alexander Korzhenevski Agency

© Freedom Personal Development, 2012 All rights reserved. This translation published under license with the original publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

This book is well complemented by:

Artur Dumchev

John Medina

Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen


People do not reach their full potential.

Almost everyone (and certainly those who are interested in this book) want to significantly improve their results: grow, succeed and influence the world. But b about most of their God-given potential remains untapped.

In an effort to grow and develop as a person, most make two unfortunate mistakes. First, they are looking for answers not in themselves, but outside. They are sure that someone has already created a miracle cure, you just need to find it - and everything in their life will change.

Of course, no one admits that they are looking for a magical remedy. But deep down, most really hope that one day it will appear.

Having finally come to terms with the fact that there is no such remedy, people make the second mistake: they overly complicate the process of growth. All but a few wise men, in their eagerness to take charge and take on personal responsibility, overcomplicate the simple steps by which great personal growth is achieved.

There are no miracle cures in this magnificent book. It is simple without oversimplification. You will find in it basic skills and hard truths that have existed for thousands of years, but are still missing in the lives of most people. They are fun to learn, fun to learn, and amazingly easy to use.

I have known Roger Sipe for over twenty years, and I work and travel with him. I see how he does what is taught in this book. Roger proves in his life that by understanding and applying the basic principles outlined here, you win.

And although there are no magic remedies, the results seem miraculously. Remember information three times better! Read two, three or even four times faster! Formulate goals in a way that makes it easier to achieve them, and manage your time so that it is enough for everything that really matters!

Does it really look like it's impossible?

This impression is deceptive. Only the basics are given here, which anyone who seriously approaches the study of this book will master. And this is just the beginning!

The principles and statements outlined here really work. They have proven effective for thousands of people just like you. You need to have the courage to believe that you, too, can create something extraordinary, that you have the ability to assimilate this ingeniously simple information and the responsibility to apply it. Be free!


How to beat records

I heard my first motivational speaker in my adult life at the age of 19, in May 1989 in Nashville, at the end of a Southwestern sales training session. The speaker's name was Mort Utley, and he made one of the most chilling statements I've ever made.

"Most people don't get what they want out of life."

“Well, sadness,” I thought. Mort gets paid a lot of money to motivate people, and he goes on stage and claims that most people don't get what they want out of life. In my 19-year-old brain flashed: “Thanks for the advice, Mort. And now you will probably declare that in France they speak French. Most don't get what they want out of life, right? Why do you think I'm listening to you at all?"

I didn't want to be in that majority, and you probably don't either. If you wanted to be an average person - with financial problems, ailments and lack of time that prevent you from enjoying life - you would not read this book. However, you need to understand that there are many unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior in your brain that interfere with you. Here is one of them.

You have a strong drive to be mediocre.

Starting in elementary school, due to the system of education and the desire for safety inherent in our brain, we have a strong unconscious desire to be like everyone else. We want to blend in with the crowd, become mediocre.

Why am I starting with this? Mainly because if you are serious about living the life you really want, you first need to understand that even in the most prosperous and technologically advanced society in human history being mediocre sucks!

But like I said, you don't want to be average. Congratulations! By reading this book, you are already showing that mediocrity is not for you. Do you want to break records! In my book, you will learn the basic principles that have been proven effective over the centuries in helping people and companies achieve continuous growth in all areas: professional, financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, and in all kinds of relationships. Success has a beautiful feature: it is easy to achieve. Not easy, but simple. Learn the basics, apply them diligently, and you will definitely achieve what you want.

Now reread it and imagine that the wish has already come true. Imagine that you have earned the right amount, received a promotion, got rid of an extra 9 kg, or met your ideal.

How are you feeling? It's great, right? I think this is a good start. The book will explain to you how to take the seed of an idea and sprout it so that it brings not just a fleeting feeling of joy, but fruits in the form of real result and effective, joyful and enthusiastic.

Let's start with three features of thinking that affect success. By understanding these ideas and applying them, you will automatically start moving towards your goals. The better you understand them, the faster and easier you will achieve your goals.

We all want to succeed, set records and influence the world, but not all of us reach our full potential. In an effort to grow and develop as a person, we look outside ourselves for answers - secret formulas, miracle cures that promise to give us instant results. But most often the answer is in ourselves - we do not know how to effectively use the capabilities of our brain.

In this book by Roger Sipe, self-improvement coach and consultant, you'll find proven methods for accelerating learning, continuous improvement, and achieving record-breaking performance. They are fun to learn and easy to use. And although there are no magical remedies in this book, the results will seem like a real miracle to you:

  • remember information three times better;
  • read two, three or even four times faster;
  • formulate energizing goals and achieve them;
  • be aware of and overcome mental barriers;
  • manage time so that it is enough for everything really important;
  • manage your energy throughout the day;
  • and understand your main purpose in life.

This book will replace several publications on the development of memory, intelligence, speed reading and energy management. Read it with a pencil in your hand, write down your thoughts and do all the exercises suggested by the author, and you will raise your results to a new level.

Who is this book for?

For anyone who wants to learn how to actively use their brain and break records in all areas of their lives.

book chip

Developmental tests, practice exercises and helpful tips in the book itself, as well as bonus training videos on the Freedom Personal Development website.

From the author

In my book, you will learn the basic principles that have been proven effective over the centuries in helping people and companies achieve continuous growth in all areas: professional, financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, as well as in all types of relationships. Success has a beautiful feature: it is easy to achieve. Not easy, but simple. Learn the basics, apply them diligently, and you will definitely achieve what you want.

Invest time and other resources in yourself. You are capable of being better, doing things more efficiently and, of course, having more. Investing in yourself brings invaluable dividends. Stay on track and you will see that this is the most profitable investment available to you.

Eye alignment exercise

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