Cultivation of legumes. Rules for growing leguminous crops: what you need to know

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Growing legumes such as beans, peas, soybeans, and beans is done by gardeners all over the world. Given the huge variety of species of this family, everyone can find a culture to their liking. And most importantly, any species is an indispensable storehouse of vegetable protein, vitamins, mineral salts, iron and calcium. It is also no secret that legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen.

It is not difficult to grow any legume in the garden. These plants do not put forward special requirements for the composition of the soil, watering and care. Diseases to which they may be subject in rare cases are easily treatable, and the appearance of pests can be prevented.

The soil for growing legumes should be prepared in the fall. To do this, they dig up the earth on a spade bayonet and add mineral fertilizers. For 1 sq. m. make 20 g of double superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride and 300 g of lime or 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost. In the spring, the soil is loosened and, immediately before sowing, 15 g of urea is added.

Seed treatment before planting

Legume seeds germinate at +6°C...+10°C. Therefore, it is possible to sow seeds for an early harvest in early April. However, quickly hatching after 7-10 days and falling under frost, the plants may die. Therefore, you need to take measures to protect the sprouts:

  • The optimal landing time in the central regions is the last decade of May.
  • Before planting, the seeds must be carefully inspected and non-standard, diseased and damaged by the grinder removed. Damage is indicated by a small hole in the bean. By breaking the seed, you can find the larva of the beetle itself.
  • Seeds can be sown both dry and soaked. Soaked seeds germinate faster and enable the gardener to plant new ones in time in place of plants that have not hatched. You need to soak the seeds by immersing them in water, preferably melted water, overnight. In no case should you delay the sowing of swollen seeds, since, after lying longer than 15 hours in water, the beans “choke” and do not germinate.
  • Before planting, the seeds should be dipped for 5 minutes in a warm (40 degrees) solution of 2 g of ammonium molybdate and 2 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water. This bath will prevent root nodule weevil from infecting the plant. It is also very useful to treat the seeds with a bacterial fertilizer. For this purpose, nitrogin or rhizotrophin is used in the proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of seeds.

Planting seeds

The method of sowing seeds depends on the variety of the legume. Varieties are curly and bushy.

For climbing plants, you need to build a trellis 2 m high. To do this, stakes are dug in on both sides of the beds, and a wire or twine is pulled between them at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Instead of wire and twine, you can use nylon mesh. Sowing seeds is carried out on both sides of the trellis.

Bush varieties are sown in the garden. In this case, the row spacing should be 35-40 cm, and the distance between plants - 10 cm.

Regardless of the legume variety, the seeds are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm. If the beans are planted deeper, then they are prone to decay in cold soil, and the germination time increases. After sowing, the bed is watered, sprinkled with earth and compacted from above with the back side of the rake.

After 7-10 days when sowing swollen seeds and 15-20 days - dry, shoots will appear. Seedling care consists of watering, removing weeds, loosening the soil and protecting against diseases and pests.

When the plant reaches a height of 10 cm, the first fertilizing with nitroammophos is carried out at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. The consumption rate of the solution is 10 liters per 1 sq.m. The same dressings are used when the plant is oppressed, during flowering and when pouring fruits.

Young plants need to be protected from birds by covering seedlings with a net, but, as a rule, it is at this time that the gardener spends most of the day on his site and thereby scares off feathered bandits.

Also, legumes are threatened by whiteflies, aphids, leafworms and pea codling moths. Of the folk methods of dealing with them, spraying plants with a solution of various compositions is effective. It can be an infusion of wormwood, celandine leaves, tomato tops, garlic and tobacco. A decoction of onion peel is also successfully used: 500 g of onion peel is poured into 10 liters of boiling water, tightly closed, infused for two days, immediately before spraying, 40 g of laundry soap and 1 tablespoon of mustard powder are added to the infusion. Spraying with these infusions is carried out in calm weather 3-4 times with an interval of 7 days. Of the chemicals suitable "Commander", "Iskra-M" and the like.

All legumes are prone to fungal diseases. Infection occurs with prolonged humidity. To avoid infection, you need to spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture after prolonged rains. To prepare it, you will need 100 g of copper sulfate, 100 g of lime and 10 liters of water. If the plant is already sick, as evidenced by light brown oval spots on the leaves, stems and petioles, then it is removed and burned. Such extreme measures are used, since fungal diseases are not treatable.

It is very important when growing legumes not to delay the harvest. The reasons are as follows:

  • Ripened fruits inhibit the ripening of the following pods.
  • Overripe pods open when harvesting, and the beans fall apart.
  • Ripe fruits can be a tasty morsel for many bugs, and then the eaten beans will not be suitable for storage.

If you do not eat seeds, but whole shoulder blades, do not chase record-breaking fruit sizes, which, although there will be many, will be tough. The first fruits are removed at a length of 5-8 cm and cooked whole. Harvesting for peeling is started when the outlines of the seeds begin to appear through the skin of the bean, and the scar on the seed has not yet lost its white or green color. Beans are plucked with a sharp downward movement with a turn. After harvesting, the stems are buried in the soil - this is a valuable fertilizer.

Peas begin to be harvested when the seeds have already poured, but the beans themselves have not yet swelled. First, the lower beans are plucked, then those that grow closer to the top of the plant. When harvesting, hold the stem of the plant with one hand. The fruits are harvested regularly: if you leave the beans to ripen on the bush, the crop falls. Peas that cannot be used immediately are stored in the refrigerator or frozen. After harvesting, the stems are placed in compost, the roots are left in the ground. To obtain grain, the beans are left to ripen on the bush; in wet weather, plants are pulled out of the ground and hung under a canopy for ripening.

In beans, the shoulder blades begin to be removed at a length of 10 cm. The shoulder blades are considered ready if, when pressed, they open easily, but before characteristic swellings appear on them. Fruits are removed several times a week, preventing them from overgrowing. Thus, the harvesting period can be extended up to 5-7 weeks. The fruits are cut with scissors or cut off, always holding the stem. To obtain mature seeds, the fruits are left on the plant until they acquire a straw color, after which the stems are cut and hung to dry. Dried beans are peeled, the seeds are dried, laid out on paper. Store in containers with tightly fitting lids.

There are many dishes that require legumes of different maturity. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the timing of the collection of fruits.

After the final harvest, it is not recommended to uproot the plant itself. The stem is cut off above the soil surface, and the root remains in the ground. Nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria, remaining together with the roots in the ground, will enrich the soil with nitrogen and humus. Good luck growing your legumes!

Beans are an annual plant in the legume family. The root of the beans is taproot, well developed, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 100-150 cm. The stem is erect, tetrahedral, slightly branching. Plant height is from 30 to 140 cm. (Low-growing beans are usually more early-growing than tall ones). The leaves of the beans are complex, with 3-5 leaflets, equipped with a small enclosing stipules and ending not with antennae, but with a point.
The flowers are collected in short racemes of 5-6 flowers, white with a black spot on the wings, however, there are bean forms with red, yellow, brown, variegated and even blue flowers.

The fruits are from 4 to 20 cm long. The beans have green, fleshy valves at a young age, and dark brown, leathery ones when they are ripe. There are beans in which the walls of the fruit valves have a parchment layer, and there are those in which this layer is completely absent or very poorly developed. The fruits of the former crack when ripe, while the latter do not.
Bean seeds vary in shape, size and color. Seed color varies from white to black.
According to the size of the seeds, beans are usually divided into two groups: fodder (small-seeded) and vegetable. Large-fruited (large-seeded) beans are common in vegetable crops.
Beans are long day plants. They are undemanding to heat - they germinate at 2-3°C. Shoots tolerate frosts down to minus 4 ° C. Under favorable conditions, shoots begin to appear on the 10-17th day after sowing. The best temperature for flowering and fruiting is 15 to 20°C.
Beans are a moisture-loving plant. For swelling and germination, seeds require moisture from 100 to 120% of their weight. Drought, even a short one, the beans do not tolerate. The highest yields are obtained in years when there is a lot of rainfall during the period from germination to flowering.
Bean seeds under favorable storage conditions give high germination even after 10-11 years.
Beans are self-pollinating, but cross-pollination is also possible. The growing season of beans is from 80 to 140 days.
Varieties. In the North-Western zone, there are very few released varieties of vegetable beans. These include Russian Blacks, Windsor Greens and Windsor Whites. Varieties of vegetable beans should be distinguished by precocity, have light-colored large or medium-large seeds.

Location selection

Under the beans, you need to allocate an area that is early freed from snow. They grow best in soils that can hold a lot of the moisture they need during germination, flowering, and pod set. Heavy clay soils are suitable for beans. Beans are also successful on drained peat bogs. Light sandy soils are suitable only if there is the possibility of watering them and if they are well fertilized and do not have loose, easily water-permeable subsoil, but the beans do not tolerate stagnant water.
They grow well on slightly acidic or neutral soils seasoned with organic fertilizers. Grows poorly in acidic soils.
The best predecessors for beans are tilled crops (potatoes, cabbage and others), under which organic fertilizers were applied. To reduce the risk of bean disease, they should not be returned to their old place earlier than after 4-5 years.
Beans themselves are good precursors. They also work well in a mixed culture with potatoes and other vegetable plants.


The main tillage for beans should be deep (20-22 cm), as their root system penetrates deep into the subsoil. Plowing (digging) must be carried out in the fall.
Pre-sowing tillage for beans is the same as for peas: harrowing to cover moisture, then cultivation with simultaneous harrowing in 1-2 tracks. On heavy floating soils, in spring it is necessary to do plowing (if the spring is not dry) or deep cultivation.

soil fertilization

Beans are very responsive to fertilization, especially organic. They can be successfully grown on fresh manure fertilizer. The introduction of manure does not cause lodging of the stems. Manure is applied in autumn for plowing at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 m2.
Beans, like other leguminous plants, absorb phosphorus well from sparingly soluble phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorite flour is applied in autumn at the rate of 50-60 g per 1 m2, but it is even better to use it when laying composts. When composting, 15-20 kg of phosphate rock is added to 1 ton of manure.
Mineral fertilizers for beans are usually applied before pre-sowing cultivation: superphosphate 30-40 g, potassium salt 10-15 g, boron-magnesium fertilizers 10 g per 1 m2.
Trace elements significantly increase the yield of green beans. The use of microfertilizers for pre-sowing treatment of bean seeds can be combined with their treatment with pesticides, granosan, TMTD. For 1 kg of seeds, 0.2-0.3 g of ammonium molybdate and 10-20 g of bordatolite are consumed. When cultivating beans on copper-poor swampy and sandy soils, good results are obtained by the use of copper fertilizers in the form of pyrite cinders (40-50 g per 1 m2), as well as pre-sowing seed treatment with a weak solution of copper sulphate (0.1 g of copper sulfate per 1 kg of seeds). ).
Acidic soils need to be limed. For 1 mg contribute from 150 to 500 g of lime.

Preparing bean seeds for sowing

For sowing, sorted (calibrated) germinating seeds are used. To combat diseases, seeds are treated with granosan (3-5 g per 1 kg of seeds) or TMTD (5 g per 1 kg of seeds) 2-3 weeks before sowing, and treated with nitragin on the day of sowing. Pea nitragin can be used to treat bean seeds, but specialized bean nitragin gives significantly higher yields.

sowing beans

Beans are sown early, because, when germinating, they require a lot of moisture, and seedlings are resistant to frost. With late sowing, seedlings are unfriendly, sparse, plants are more affected by diseases and pests.
The beans are sown in a wide-row single-row method with row spacings of 40-45 cm or in a double-row tape method with distances between lines of 20 cm and between ribbons of 45 cm. Seed from seed in a row is laid out after 8-10 cm.
Beans can be grown in separate beds or placed in beds with other plants. In the latter case, they are less affected by aphids.
The seed sowing rate is 25-35 g per 1 m2, and the sowing depth is 6-8 cm. Smaller sowing leads to lodging of plants.

Bean crop care

If the weather is dry during the sowing period, then immediately after it the soil should be rolled. 3-4 days after sowing, harrowing is carried out to prevent the formation of a soil crust (and to control weeds). After the emergence of seedlings, the soil is harrowed 2-3 more times: the first time, when 2-3 leaves are formed on the plants, and the second time 5-7 days after the first. Harrowing on seedlings should be carried out across or at an angle to sowing in the afternoon, since at this time the plants are less fragile.
In weed control, pre-emergence application of simazine (0.1 g of a 50% preparation per 1 m2), sodium pentachlorophenolate (0.5 g per 1 m2) or dinitroorthocresol (0.2 g of active ingredient per 1 m2) gives a good result. Crops are treated with these herbicides 1-2 days before germination. Herbicides are dissolved in 40 cm3 of water - this is the dose for treating 1 m2 of area.
During the growing season, as a rule, 2-3 inter-row loosening is carried out. During the first inter-row tillage, the soil is loosened to a depth of 10-12 cm, and during the second - by 6-8 cm. During the second and third loosening, the plants are plowed up.
Beans require abundant watering and top dressing. Top dressing is given during the first and second inter-row treatments. 10 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium salt and 5 g of ammonium nitrate are added per 1 m2. If liquid top dressing is given, then the concentration of the solution can be 0.3% (3 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water). In order for the nutrients to be fully utilized by the plants, abundant watering of the plants is carried out after top dressing.
As soon as the beans are tied on the plants, the tops of the shoots with leaves are broken off (pinched), after which the growth of the fruit is significantly accelerated. In addition, this agricultural practice prevents aphids from settling on bean plants, since aphids colonize the tender tops of plants first.

Protecting beans from pests and diseases

Beans are harmed by nodule weevil, bean aphid and caryopsis.
nodule weevils- small gray beetles destroy entire seedlings or eat leaves from the edges. To destroy nodule weevil, seedlings are dusted with DDT dust at the rate of 10-12 g of the drug per 1 m2 of crops.
bean aphid - a small insect of matte black and greenish color. Inhabits the apical parts of the shoots and young leaves. Under favorable conditions, it reproduces with great speed. Aphids feed on the juices of the youngest plants, which causes deformation of the leaves and curvature of the shoots.
Preventive control measures: destruction of weeds, pinching the tops of young shoots.
Destructive control measures: when aphids appear, crops are sprayed with thiophos (0.01 g per 1 m2) or polychloropinene (0.1 g per 1 m2) dissolved in 40 cm3 of water. An emulsion consisting of 10 g of anabazine sulfate or nicotine sulfate and 40 g of soap dissolved in 10 liters of water is also effective against aphids. 0.5 l of emulsion is consumed per 10 m2.
bean weevil- appears during flowering and lays eggs on young ovaries. After a few days, larvae emerge from the testicles, which penetrate into the seeds and feed on their contents. The grain overwinters in the seeds, and if they are not disinfected before sowing, it will reappear on the plants of the new crop.
To avoid damage by caryopsis, sowing should be carried out with healthy seeds. Affected seeds are separated from healthy ones in a saline solution.
On beans, the same diseases occur as on peas (rust, ascochitosis, bacteriosis), however, there are also specific ones - black leg, brown spotting.
Blackleg. The root neck of plants turns brown, thins out, sometimes covered with a dirty-white coating, consisting of mycelium. Plants wither, wilt, easily pulled out of the soil.
Infection occurs through the soil where the fungus overwinters. The most severe damage is observed in cold and damp springs or with a delay in sowing.
brown spotting. Spots of various shapes appear on the leaves of beans, in the middle of which pycnidia are formed. The leaves dry up and fall off. With a strong defeat, the disease passes to beans and seeds.
Measures to combat brown spotting and blackleg are to follow the correct agricultural practices and seed dressing.


Beans are harvested depending on their intended purpose. If they are to be used as a whole (together with the valves), then they are harvested when the valves are juicy and the seeds reach a size of 1 cm. If only the seeds are eaten, they are harvested in the phase of milky ripeness, when they reach full size. In this phase, bean seeds are most delicious.
You should not be late with the start of cleaning. At the time of harvest, the seeds should not yet have a black groove where they attach to the pod. Harvest in 3-4 doses every 8-10 days. They begin to remove the beans from below, carefully breaking them out with their hands so as not to damage the plants.
The beans are sold on the day of collection. Until implementation, they must be stored in a cool place, scattered in a thin layer. Seed harvesting is done when the bean shells turn black.
Beans with a parchment layer in the wings crack when ripe, the seeds spill out of them, so you need to hurry with harvesting the beans.
Mowed plants ripen in sheaves. When it rains, the beans are ripened and dried under a roof in a well-ventilated area; then the seeds are threshed, winnowed and dried.

Features of growing leguminous crops

1. Place in crop rotation

2. Tillage

3. Fertilizers

Place in crop rotation. Cereal legumes with a short growing season (peas, vetch, chin) can be cultivated in a fallow field, which does not cause a decrease in the yield of winter crops.

The best predecessors are tilled crops (potatoes, corn, sugar beets, etc.), fertilized winter and spring crops. In humid and warm regions (North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Central Asia), leguminous crops can be cultivated as stubble crops. These plants do not tolerate repeated crops, which lead to a decrease in yields due to the accumulation and spread of pests (weevils, codling moth, nematodes), pathogens (fusarium, aphanomycosis) and specific weeds. Repeated crops of leguminous crops lead to ʼʼsoil fatigueʼʼ, in this regard, it is recommended to return these crops to the former field no earlier than after four years. It is undesirable to place crops of cereal legumes next to crops of perennial legumes, as they share common pests and diseases.

Soil cultivation. The system of tillage for grain legumes does not differ significantly from the tillage for early spring crops.

Immediately after harvesting the predecessor, peeling is carried out, during which crop residues, weed seeds, pests and pathogenic microflora are embedded in the soil. At the same time, moisture evaporation decreases, conditions are created for the germination of weeds and for high-quality autumn plowing. On fields littered with annual weeds, peeling is carried out to a depth of 4-5 cm, fields littered with root weeds are treated with share tools to a depth of 10-12 cm, fields littered with couch grass are disked in two directions (crosswise) to a depth of 10-12 cm. When weeds germinate, deep autumn plowing is carried out with a plow with a skimmer.

Pre-sowing tillage should ensure the preservation of moisture, loosening and leveling the field surface.

Under grain legumes of early sowing period, harrowing is carried out across the direction of autumn plowing or pre-sowing cultivation to a depth of 8-10 cm.

For late-sowing leguminous crops (soybeans, beans, chickpeas), early spring harrowing and one or two cultivations are carried out as weeds appear to a depth of 6-8 cm. Before sowing, the field is treated with a RVK-3 tillage unit.

Fertilizers. Cereal legumes respond well to the use of phosphate and potash fertilizers, which increase their nitrogen-fixing activity.

As the main fertilizer, you can apply superphosphate, phosphate rock, potassium salt for the main plowing at the rate of 45-60 kg of phosphorus, 45-50 kg of potassium per 1 ha.

Good results are obtained by the introduction of granular superphosphate in rows when sowing at the rate of 10-15 kg of phosphorus per 1 ha.

Leguminous crops respond positively to the use of microfertilizers (manganese, boric, molybdenum).

On acidic soils, lime is applied under the main plowing.

Sowing Seed preparation. For sowing, large, sorted, healthy seeds of class I and II of sowing conditions are used. Three months before sowing, they are treated with TMTD or fentiuram (3-4 kg of the drug per 1 ton of seeds). If the crop is sown on the field for the first time, then the seeds are treated with nitragin before sowing.

Dates, sowing rates and methods of sowing. Long-day legumes are sown early

(Table 20). Heat-loving crops (soybeans, beans) are sown at a temperature of the upper soil layer of 8-12 ° C, usually after sowing grain crops.
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The seeding rate depends on the purpose of cultivation of the crop, the climatic conditions and the method of sowing. With the usual row sowing method, it is greater than with wide-row sowing, in areas of sufficient moisture it is greater than in areas of insufficient moisture. When cultivating grain legumes for green fodder, hay and silage, the sowing rate is increased.

Sowing methods are determined by the biological characteristics of plants, the purpose of products, and the weediness of the field. Crops that grow rapidly in the initial growing season are sown in the usual row or narrow row sowing method. Crops (soybeans, beans), which grow slowly in the first period, are sown in a wide-row way.

The sowing of grain legumes in the usual row and narrow-row sowing methods is carried out with grain seeders with top seeding, and wide-row - with corn seeders.

The depth of sowing seeds depends on the crop, the mechanical composition of the soil and its moisture content. Crops that bring cotyledons to the soil surface (lupins, beans, soybeans^) require shallower seed placement than those crops that do not take out the seed of the lobe. On soils of light mechanical composition, as well as soils with a dry top layer, the seeds are planted to a greater depth .

Care for crops. Following sowing, the soil is rolled with ringed rollers. This technique gives the greatest effect on light and medium soils and in dry spring.

If a soil crust forms before germination or weeds begin to appear, the field is harrowed with light harrows or treated with a rotary hoe. Harrowing can be repeated after germination. Pea crops are harrowed in the phase of three or four leaves, soybeans and beans - in the phase of primordial leaves and the first trifoliate leaf. Processing by seedlings is carried out in dry weather and during the daytime (at this time the plants are less brittle).

On wide-row crops in weed control, inter-row cultivation with cultivators KPN-4.2, KPG-4.2 is used. The number of inter-row treatments depends on the weediness and mechanical composition of the soil.

Cleaning. Ripening is uneven, the bottom beans reach full ripeness, and the top ones are still green. When ripe, they crack. Two-phase harvesting allows you to reduce losses and get a better quality crop.

Mowing plants into windrows begins when 70-75% of the beans in the middle tier are browned with bean harvesters ZhBN-3.5A or mowers KS-2.1 with PB-1 device.

After drying the main mass to a moisture content of 14-17%, the windrows are picked up by grain combines.

Cereal legumes in which the beans do not crack (chickpeas, soybeans, white lupine) are harvested in a single-phase (direct) method. Seeds after threshing are cleaned, dried and sorted. Dry at a temperature not exceeding 40 0 ​​C in conventional grain dryers and store at a humidity of 13%.

Features of growing leguminous crops - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Features of growing leguminous crops" 2017, 2018.

Such a process , as the cultivation of cereals and leguminous crops is a fairly large-scale industrial production of cereals and leguminous crops, thanks to which either feed is obtained for livestock and animals, or a nutritious and valuable product for human food.

At the moment, throughout the territory of the Russian state, arable land and plantations can occupy no more than one third of the total area of ​​all agricultural land taken together. It should be noted that leguminous crops are thrifty and economical owners of a clean field. A component such as lupine, which is able to stand out directly from the root system, has the ability to convert potassium and phosphorus compounds that are hard-to-reach for all other crops into available elements, and then simply use them for their intended purpose. Also, with the help of a sufficiently deeply penetrating root system, such a component is able to completely absorb in the arable zones all the microelements, nutrients, and macroelements necessary for the plant, which could previously be washed out from the arable layer. Then, all nutrients and substances necessarily return to the root horizon, and thus the process of complete protection of soil water from possible unwanted pollution takes place.

Growing grain and leguminous crops is a rather complex industrial process that requires the full use of not only modern methods and methods, but also technical means, equipment, and technological devices. The main grains, including legumes, include barley, rapeseed, wheat, oats, and corn. As for the leguminous crops that are grown on the territory of Russia, they include peas, lupins, soybeans, vetch, and so on. At present, such a crop can be cultivated directly for individual grain, or for green mass.

In the national economy, in fact, leguminous crops have acquired special significance for a long time. In addition, among the main advantages and benefits of such a crop, one can single out the fact that with their help it is possible to improve the quality of the soil, increase its productivity and fertility. Despite the fact that the cultivation of grains and legumes has a large number of features, they are an excellent precursor to planting other crops.

Recently, among the numerous types of leguminous crops, soybean has become especially popular. This crop is currently cultivated virtually throughout Russia. Soy is distinguished by its protein composition, unique for any plant, and its oil content, including the content of nutritious and valuable ash elements and vitamins. Soy can grow in absolutely any climatic zones and zones.

Soil cultivation for leguminous crops

The main tillage for leguminous crops is the same as for cereal crops, including stubble cultivation after harvesting the stubble predecessor and deep autumn plowing after 3 weeks. In areas prone to erosion, soil-protective flat-cutting processing of fallow is carried out. After tilled crops on clean fields, plowing is replaced by loosening.
In winter, snow retention is a must.
In the spring, harrowing is done to close the moisture and the soil is leveled with plume-harrows. Under early sown crops, one pre-sowing cultivation is carried out to the depth of sowing. Under late-sown crops, two cultivations are carried out. For sowing, conditioned seeds are used, treated for 3-4 weeks to prevent diseases. Effective preparations are used, for example, fundozol (3 kg / t of seeds), tachigaren (1-2 kg / t) in PSSh-5, Mobitoks machines.

The yield of legumes depends largely on the correct choice of sowing dates. Long-day cold-resistant plants (peas, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas), whose seeds begin to germinate already at a temperature of +2 ... + 50C at the very beginning of May in the conditions of the Altai Territory.
Delay in sowing reduces the yield by 15-20%, since the topsoil loses moisture, and all leguminous crops consume a lot of moisture for seed swelling (100-120% of the seed weight). With late sowing of such crops, ripening occurs in a colder period, and it is delayed, plants are more affected by diseases (powdery mildew), aphids, and infestation with late weeds increases.

Short-day cultures of southern origin (soybeans, beans) are more thermophilic. Their seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of at least 100 C, seedlings do not withstand frost well, so these crops are sown at a later date: beans - at the end of May, and soybeans - starting from May 15-20 for the conditions of the Altai Territory, when the soil warms up to + 100 C, then the threat of frost will pass for the germination period.

Methods for sowing leguminous crops

Ordinary sowing is carried out with grain seeders. All leguminous crops have large seeds, and so that they are not injured during sowing, it is necessary to carry out it at a minimum gear ratio and the maximum length of the working part of the seeder coil. Wide-row sowing is carried out with precision seeders (SUPN-6, SFC-6, SKNK-8, SST-121A with the device STYA, STV-12, vegetable seeders SON-2.8), grain seeders with anchor coulters SZA-3.6, SZ-3.6).
Crops that bring cotyledons to the surface (soybeans, beans, lupins) are not recommended to sow deep. Sowing depth - 5-6 cm.
Crops that do not bring cotyledons to the surface (peas, peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas), if necessary, on lighter and drier soils can be sown deep (6-8 and up to 10 cm), and on wet and heavy soils - on depth 5-6 cm.
Crops with an unstable stem are, first of all, peas, especially in areas of sufficient moisture, they have a large vegetative mass and lodging. This makes harvesting difficult, so peas are often sown in a mixture with oats, barley, wheat, sowing 20-30% less than the norm of cereals and 50-60 kg/ha of peas. But at the same time, the yield of peas is significantly reduced.
With a lack of moisture when growing peas using intensive technology, it is better to sow it in its pure form, which allows you to choose the right plant protection system and fertilizer.

Features of the use of fertilizers

Plants of the legume family respond well, first of all, to phosphorus and potash fertilizers. The more acid-resistant the culture, the lower its limit on phosphorus supply. Acid-resistant yellow and blue lupins grow well with a low supply of phosphorus, the lower limit is 50 mg / kg of soil. Soybeans, peas, beans respond well to liming on acidic soils and have a lower phosphorus limit of 150 mg/kg, beans - 200 mg/kg.

It is better to apply lime under the predecessor so that it has time to neutralize the acidic soil. To lower the pH by one, it is necessary to apply lime at a rate of 10 t/ha. Organics introduced directly under leguminous plants with an unstable stem causes the risk of large lodging, as well as overgrowth of plants to the detriment of fruit formation. Under plants with a stable stem, 20 t / ha of organic fertilizers are applied.

plant care

After sowing, the soil is rolled with ring-spur rollers (3KKSH-6A), this is especially true on light, quickly drying soils.
If the soil is moist, then rolling is not necessary. In the fight against annual weeds, harrowing is carried out before germination 4 days after sowing and after germination in the phase of 2-4 leaves until tendrils appear across or diagonally to the rows. The teeth of the harrow are directed with the beveled side forward, caterpillar tractors are used, having a lower undercarriage pressure on the soil, the speed is 6-8 km/h during the first and 4-5 km/h during the second harrowing. At the same time, the soil crust is destroyed, soil aeration improves, and 60-80% of annual weeds are destroyed.
With small sowing, it is not recommended to harrow crops that bring cotyledons to the surface before germination.

On crops of legumes, it is possible to use herbicides, both soil and vegetation, in the phase of 3-5 pea leaves, when there is a maximum wax coating on the leaves and cultivated plants are resistant to the herbicide. Herbicides are applied by boom sprayers OPSh-15, OP-2000.


Most legumes ripen unevenly, with the bottom beans ripening first, then the top ones. Beans crack when ripe, especially in unstable weather after alternating wetting and drying. The bottom beans with the most complete seeds have a low attachment. A large vegetative mass and an unstable stem lead to lodging of plants. All this complicates cleaning, and therefore separate cleaning is more often recommended.

Plants are mowed into windrows when 65-70% of the beans turn brown, when the filling ends and the moisture content of the seeds is 30-35%, with bean harvesters ZhRB-4.2, ZhSB-4.2 or KS-2.1 mowers with PB-2 device, 1 or PBA-5 for windrow doubling. The cut height is 5-6 cm. It is better to mow in the morning or in the evening, when the humidity of the beans is higher and they crack less.
The selection of rolls is carried out after 3-4 days at a seed moisture content of 16-19% by combine harvesters equipped with a conveyor copy picker PPT-3, PPT-3A.

Harvesting directly is acceptable under certain conditions: for crops with strong beans (chickpeas, non-shattering pea varieties), for non-lodging crops (soybeans, chickpeas, etc.), for crops with friendly seed ripening, in weed-free fields, etc. d.
Harvesting is started directly when the fruits are brown (yellowing) by 90% and the moisture content of the seeds is not more than 18-19%. The grain heap from the combine is cleaned, dried by heating the seeds no more than 450C, stored at a moisture content of no more than 15%.

Place of leguminous crops in crop rotation

In order to comply with phytosanitary requirements, leguminous crops cannot be returned to their original place earlier than after 3-4 years. In crop rotation, they are placed after grain crops, as well as after row crops, but they cannot be sown after perennial legumes and legumes, since they have common pests and pathogens.
Pulses themselves are good predecessors for cereals and row crops, as other crops deplete the soil with nitrogen less than other crops.