Why did the orchid branch turn brown? Why does an orchid's trunk turn yellow?

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The fashion for growing home orchids goes back at least a decade. These are beautiful flowers that have significant morphological differences from their wild ancestors, but they still remain capricious, demanding plants to care for. Their content creates a number of problems. Often, owners of home orchids have to deal with yellowed leaves and plant stems. Why does this unpleasant phenomenon occur, and how to avoid it?

There are a number of reasons why these plants turn yellow. To understand each specific situation, it is necessary to consistently consider the data provided by experienced flower growers.

The main causes of yellowing of orchids

Yellowing is possible for natural reasons, as well as due to negative influences. Thus, the lower leaves of the flower age over time and prepare to die. They begin to turn yellow and dry out, and this is a completely normal situation. In this case, it is enough to remove the lower leaves so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flower. You just need to make sure that new leaves appear instead of old ones. Orchids tend to grow quickly; they usually do not have problems with vegetation or the growth of new greenery.

However, if several leaves turn yellow at once, the main part of the foliage softens, becomes weak and lethargic, it is necessary to look for other reasons for what is happening.

Why do orchid leaves turn yellow?

Yellowing of the leaves can occur due to excessive moisture in the soil in the plant pot. Orchids do not tolerate excessive humidity well; they even tolerate lack of watering better. It is better to grow these flowers in transparent pots to observe the condition of all layers of soil and the root system. The light green color of the roots indicates that it is time to water. But severe drying also leads to yellowing, which should not be allowed. Uniform, timely watering is the key to the well-being of a flower. Excessive sun color also leads to yellowness on the leaves. The plant can get sunburn in the form of a yellow spot on the leaf if it is kept in a south-facing window and exposed to direct sunlight.

But lack of light, the north side and constantly closed blinds are also enemies of orchids, because they are a tropical plant. Lack of feeding or its excess also leads to yellowness.

Interesting fact: An orchid is a plant sensitive to all environmental factors; it is necessary to maintain a certain balance in all aspects of its maintenance, only then will it feel comfortable and delight with its appearance.

What to do if leaves turn yellow?

In order for the plant to be able to restore its appearance after yellowing, it is necessary to carefully analyze all the factors that could cause the undesirable phenomenon. The exposure that caused the yellowness should be excluded. If the plant turns yellow after being moved to another window, it should be returned to its original place. You also need to analyze watering, increase or decrease it, and think about the issue of fertilizers. As a rule, identifying the cause and eliminating it is not difficult.

Why does the orchid stem turn yellow?

If the yellowing of the stem causes concern, there is no need to worry about this. The death of a flower stem is a normal process, the peduncle always turns yellow after flowering, it can dry out. What is happening means that the plant is in a dormant stage, gaining strength before flowering again. As soon as the peduncle is completely dry, it should be carefully cut off. When the plant gains strength and is ready to produce new flowers, it will produce a new flower stalk that will go through exactly the same life cycle.

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The arrow on which the buds appear is usually called a peduncle. But, for example, in dendrobiums this role is played by the bulb.

The yellowing process occurs due to various factors affecting the life processes of the plant. The chlorophyll pigment responsible for the green color is formed in small quantities, and the flower changes color.

In orchids, not only the peduncle turns yellow, but also... Yellowing most often begins at the tip, which becomes pale yellow. Gradually, the entire flowering process acquires this shade. The appearance of a yellow color indicates natural processes or ailments of the plant. You will find all the details about yellowing of the orchid in.

What does it look like?

The drying process means a loss of rigidity and elasticity of the peduncle. At the same time, its appearance changes gradually. The shape changes, the color becomes brown, brown. However, the red and purple color of the peduncle is characteristic of certain varieties of orchids and is not a disease. The dried part of the plant loses its life-giving moisture. Also, in the damaged area, photosynthesis stops, there are no vital processes, we can say that death occurs.

It's okay if yellowing is a natural process of aging. It is worse if the appearance of yellowed parts of the exotic indicates the presence of various kinds of diseases.

The main danger is not to delay, but to react to the first symptoms at the same time. Failure to provide timely assistance to a diseased plant can result in: complete drying of the roots, deterioration of the general condition due to infectious diseases, disruption of development, cessation of flowering, and death of the flower. We want to tell you why an orchid’s roots and leaves dry out and turn yellow.

When is this a natural process?

It’s a common thing when, after flowering ends, the tip of the peduncle begins to dry out. Then the yellowness spreads to the entire flowering stem. This means that the orchid dries it on its own. This is due to the fact that the flower is retiring and does not have enough strength to maintain this part. Moisture and nutrients stop flowing there. Usually the dormant period begins with the arrival of winter, and in the spring a new, green arrow hatches.

Why is this happening?

As it turned out, the peduncle can dry out not only during natural processes, but also under the influence of a number of factors.

Incorrect lighting

Orchid loves sunlight. As a result of lack of lighting, flower stalks, leaves, aerial roots, and buds that are not fully formed dry out. In the absence of light, the process of photosynthesis slows down. However, intense, bright lighting is usually harmful to the plant. The main parts of the plant may change color, turn pale, burn out, and worse if thermal burns occur. In summer, it is better to move the flower pot from the south side, to the east window. Shade the light with a tulle curtain.

Over- or under-nutrition

Quite frequent use of mineral fertilizers does more harm than good. This process is reflected in this way: the leaves, peduncle, roots dry, and the buds fall off during the flowering period. On the other hand, lack of nutrients negatively affects the development of the plant. The flowers become small, the leaves are not succulent, pale green in color, and a short flowering period is noticeable. Therefore, everything should be in moderation, and dosage medications exclusively according to the instructions.

Air humidity

High or low humidity in the room is a consequence of a fading, soft peduncle. The overall tone of the plant deteriorates and unopened flowers fall off. The development of rotting processes is possible.


The yellowness of the arrow is a secondary symptom of a fungal or bacterial infection. At the time of color change, spots and damage caused by the rotting process are already visible on the leaf. Possible diseases: fusarium, late blight.


Mechanical injury causes yellowing of the peduncle. It can be broken or bent, so water and necessary microelements do not flow into the damaged area.


Immediately after purchase, the peduncle may turn yellow. A sudden change of residence for orchids is a bit of a shock. At the same time, lighting, temperature, and air humidity change. And the plant immediately reacts to such changes. At first, the flower may stop blooming and shed its buds, but then everything will get better. It takes time to adapt.

If the peduncle is still green and the tip has begun to turn yellow, there is no need to remove it. For a visually attractive look, you can cut off the dry tip. We remove the entire dry peduncle, which will give strength to restore the orchid. For the elimination process you will need pruning shears or a sharp knife. Disinfect all tools in advance.

  1. Visually inspect the plant, leaves, aerial roots, stem.
  2. If the orchid is planted in a ceramic pot, you need to remove the flower and feel the roots for rotting.
  3. Using garden pruners, make a cut 1 cm above the living bud. If there is no such thing, then leave the stump no more than 2 cm.
  4. Sprinkle the live cut with an antiseptic.
  5. If there are dry leaves and roots, remove them in the same way.
  6. Do not water the flower for 7-10 days, let it recover.

After the operation, it is best not to touch the orchid.

  • Minimize watering.
  • Eliminate fertilizing.
  • We limit the duration of exposure to light.
  • We lower the temperature.

And with the onset of spring, we return everything to its place.


  1. Maintaining a comfortable temperature in summer: +22-25ºС, in winter +16-18ºС.
  2. Place in partial shade, scorching rays should be shaded.
  3. Maintain humidity between 50-60% with a household humidifier.
  4. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room.
  5. The soil should be updated no more than once every 3 years.
  6. Water once a week; in between, the soil should dry out completely.
  7. Use warm and purified water.
  8. Orchids need to be fertilized 2 times a month, especially during the flowering period.
  9. It is better to spray the flower up to 5 times a day.

To achieve good results, long and lush flowering, you need proper care. Do not neglect the basic rules for growing orchids, as well as microclimate parameters in the room. And as a result, yellowing of the peduncle will occur only due to natural aging.

Watch a video on how to stop yellowing of the peduncle:

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is a process of color change due to a certain factor or combination. In the yellow part of the plant, all vital processes freeze, green pigment is not produced, and accordingly a change in color occurs.

Reference: Yellowness can occur due to the aging of the plant or improper maintenance, which is mainly the case with orchids.

The trunk of monopodial orchids is small. And when it turns yellow, the yellowness affects the lower leaves, they become light in color. Externally, the yellow stem does not look aesthetically pleasing.

What is the danger to the plant?

Of course, when symptoms of yellowing of the trunk appear in a very young orchid, then the reason for the old age of the flower disappears by itself. In such a situation, it is better not to delay, but to react immediately to the alarming sign.

After all, if you do not provide immediate assistance to a sick plant, the consequences are fraught with:

Why does the trunk turn yellow?

Indoor orchids are considered demanding plants. After all, any defect in the maintenance parameters is immediately noticeable on the appearance of the flower. In order to rid an exotic beauty of the yellow color in time, you should understand the possible causes of the disease.

Lack of moisture

The minimum amount of water for an orchid is not a problem, but a complete lack of moisture can cause drying out. It is vital for an exotic plant, like any other, to receive a volume of liquid that dissolves the nutrients found in the soil and saturates the roots. If there is a lack of fluid, the following symptoms are observed: light roots, yellow leaves and trunk, general wilting of the flower (can an orchid be saved if it is damaged?).

Lack of lighting or sunburn

With the arrival of the cold and rainy season, orchids lack sunlight. Ideally, they need 14 hours of daylight for the full process of photosynthesis. However, such light intensity is possible in greenhouses. At home, such parameters are difficult to recreate.

Attention! Without additional lighting, the flowers begin to fade, turn yellow, and fall off.

In the summer season, the opposite is true. The bright sun can play a cruel joke. The scorching rays and even with high temperature on the streets they leave dark spots on the leaves and inflorescences, yellow damaged areas on the trunk are noticeable. These are so-called thermal burns.

Mechanical damage

Cases of falling or injury to the orchid can cause yellow color on the trunk. In this case, the damaged part should be immediately treated with an antiseptic, otherwise the wound may rot. The carelessness of the owner can lead not only to yellowing, but also to a fracture of the trunk.

Oversaturation with water

Often problems with indoor plants arise due to improper watering regime. Excessive moisture is an extremely undesirable phenomenon for orchids. Moist soil is a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of rotting processes. Liquid in the pot leads to disruption of the plant's nutritional function. Air access to the roots is also blocked.


As a result of an improperly organized irrigation system and failure to comply with quarantine conditions, orchids develop fungal and bacterial diseases. In this case, yellowness of the trunk and leaves is a secondary symptom of infection. In addition, brown-red spots on the leaves, dark areas of the root system, and wounds on the trunk are visible. Such diseases cause serious damage to the plant. Treatment is carried out with systemic fungicides.

When is a process considered natural?

The yellowness of the trunk, one way or another, is associated with the leaves, and can be of a natural nature. The natural process of leaf dying occurs between one and five years of age. At the same time, aging of other parts of the plant: the trunk, roots occurs more slowly and is not so noticeable. There is nothing wrong with natural yellowing, it’s just that the plant has used up its strength, its life potential has been exhausted.

If the color of the growth point changes

Monopodial orchids have a single stem that grows exclusively vertically. The upper part is called the growing point, this is where young leaves appear. The resulting yellowing indicates deviations from the norm, due to violation of microclimate parameters or poor quality care.

It is possible that a yellow growth dot may appear as a result of a fungal infection. If the growth point is significantly deformed, the upper part stops growing. Therefore, some gardeners believe that the plant will not be able to survive under these circumstances.

In reality, it is possible to bring an exotic animal back to life, but with a probability, of course, not 100%.

Attention! Without an active center, an orchid is at risk of infection with infectious diseases.

And if the plant has enough strength to resist diseases, then it will develop fully in the future. An orchid is capable of producing a lateral sprout on a trunk or peduncle, thus giving birth to offspring.

Step-by-step instructions: what to do if the trunk turns yellow

If the color of the stem and the condition of the plant as a whole suddenly began to change, then this is definitely due to one of the above reasons. There is no need to wait long for improvement, but it would be good to start treatment immediately. What to do if the orchid has faded and its trunk begins to turn yellow, starting from the top and moving down?

If the measures taken did not produce positive results, then the problem needs to be approached more radically.

  1. Prepare a sharp tool in advance.
  2. Remove all damaged tissue.
  3. Treat the cut areas with an antiseptic solution.

If the symptoms continue to increase, that is, the foliage turns yellow and falls, there is no flowering, rotting or fungal diseases may be to blame.

  1. Treat the soil and plant with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol or Topsin.
  2. Pour the chemical directly into the wound of the flower.
  3. Perform the procedure at least 3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.
  4. During treatment, regularly inspect the flower for the appearance of rot.
  5. It is advisable to treat the buds on the peduncle with cytokinin hormonal paste to stimulate the appearance of children.


We have already answered the question why the trunk may turn yellow and what to do in this case. Now let's talk about prevention. In order not to worry about the health of the exotic beauty, Care instructions must be followed.

  • Create diffused lighting, shading the scorching rays of the sun. In the off-season, provide lighting.
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature no higher than +25ºС, and humidity within 60%.
  • Spray every day, possibly several times a day. Make sure that water does not remain on the leaves for a long time.
  • Don't forget to ventilate the room.
  • Renew the soil every 3 years.
  • Moisten moderately, avoid flooding. Once every 5-7 days is enough. Take clean water, without impurities.
  • Provide timely feeding and protection from pests.

By following basic care recommendations, you will ensure the required maintenance parameters for active growth and lush flowering of the orchid. Besides indoor plant will have strong immunity, and in the future, you will generally forget about the diseases and health problems of your beauty.

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An orchid, especially its Phalaenopsis variety, is a rather capricious plant that requires care and a lot of attention. Beginning gardeners often encounter the problem of falling and withering leaves of this tropical plant. In most cases, the problem can be quickly resolved by changing the conditions in which the flower is kept. To do this, you may need industrially produced “medicines” or preparations prepared at home.

Possible problems

Leaves are the most vulnerable place of an orchid, especially those of the Phalaenopsis variety. The most common problems are:

Each of these cases requires an individual approach.

Orchids often have problems with leaves


Sometimes the leaves of an orchid suddenly begin to fall off; they can spontaneously separate from the stem at any time. If all the leaves of orchids have fallen off, what to do depends on the condition of the root. If the root is affected by a fungal or viral infection (this usually happens when the soil is over-moistened), it is unlikely that the flower will be revived. Falling off can be caused by poor feeding. In this case, the situation can be easily corrected by regular application of complex mineral fertilizers.

Wither and turn yellow

If an orchid's leaves turn yellow and wither, not everyone knows what to do. Most often this problem is caused by the fact that the room (on the balcony) is too hot. The plant stops blooming, the flower stalks become deformed, and sometimes the stem turns black. At a temperature of 27-28 degrees, Phalaenopsis spends all its energy adapting to the heat and absorbing drops of water from the air, this has an extremely adverse effect on the condition of the leaves: they turn red, brown or yellow. The plant experiences air starvation and nutrient deficiency. When it gets colder indoors or outdoors, the leaves will look healthy again.

The yellow tint of leaf blades can be caused by a lack of nutrients and poor soil


The answer to the question of why orchid leaves dry is simple. The plant lacks moisture. In this case, increased watering will save the situation. After watering, do not forget about loosening so that the water does not stagnate in the soil. When the leaf blades are healthy again, the plant's moisture supply can be reduced.

Regular watering will help prevent drying out.

And others

Not all gardeners know why orchid leaves crack or become soft in the middle. However, this problem is quite common. Most often, cracks in leaf plates, as well as drying out, are caused by dehydration. However, there may be other causes: bacterial or viral infections. Mechanical damage can also be caused by pests: aphids, scale insects, spider mite. Because of this, the turgor of the leaf plates changes, they soften and darken. The leaves may even rot, become covered with mold or a sticky coating similar to moss, and the flower stops growing. In severe cases, the leaf plates are completely covered with a white coating so that even the veining is not visible; the leaf resembles a pattern made of white opaque paper.

Attention! The tricky thing about many viral and bacterial infections is that in the early stages they are almost invisible. The orchid is still actively growing and developing, but the disease is already sapping the plant’s strength. Only in the later stages, when the root is already deeply affected, do the leaves begin to wither (dry out at the edges, become deformed). In this case, there is no point in resuscitating the flower.

Main causes of diseases

Identify the most probable cause Phalaenopsis diseases are quite difficult. Most often, the problem is caused by a whole range of different reasons. The most common of them are:

Infection with dangerous fungal, viral, and bacterial infections can be caused by transplanting a plant into a pot filled with soil brought from the street. Therefore, in order to prevent wilting or yellowing of the tips of the leaves, it is recommended to use only special soil for indoor plants, purchased from a specialized store.

Drying and wilting of leaves is very often caused by sunburn.

Attention! Phalaenopsis does not like direct sunlight, so experts recommend keeping the orchid in partial shade in the summer, otherwise the plant may be lost: the leaves will begin to curl and then dry out.

When choosing fertilizer, you should give preference to preparations with a high concentration of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. It is these substances that the orchid needs to gain green mass, proper development of leaves, active growth and long-term flowering.

Most often, diseases are caused by improper care

Resuscitation methods

The most popular methods of combating orchid diseases are folk remedies. Their main advantage is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on buying expensive drugs and poisoning a sick plant with “chemicals”. However, “grandmother’s” methods will not give immediate effect. They act much more slowly compared to industrially produced drugs. With regular treatment, folk remedies can be very effective. It is recommended to use them exclusively in the early stages of the disease.

Folk remedies

You can try folk remedies for resuscitating orchids without a growing point and leaves. The easiest way is replanting with partial cutting of the roots. To do this you need:

  • Carefully dig the flower out of the old pot;
  • Clean the roots from the old soil by cutting off all treated areas with a sharp knife;
  • Move the flower into a new vessel with previously prepared soil and a nutrient mixture with the addition of a natural absorbent - charcoal and a drainage layer;
  • Provide a support, as during the first time after transplantation the flower may lose stability.

After this procedure, the main task of the gardener is to provide the flower with a large amount of daylight and protect the Phalaenopsis from sudden temperature changes and drafts.

Attention! Another folk method also gives good results. The roots of the dug up orchid are placed in a vessel with water at room temperature. After 12 hours, the liquid is completely poured out. After the same time period, a new portion of liquid is poured into the vessel.

The procedure will be effective only if the room temperature is above 25 degrees. After 2-3 months, new roots should appear. However, this can happen even after six months.

Time-tested folk remedies give good results


Flower growers often think about how to revive orchids without leaves but with roots. If leaf fall is caused by fungal diseases. Only chemical agents - industrially produced fungicides - will help. They quickly kill the fungus and prevent its reappearance. The drugs Gaupsin and Vitavax give good results. When preparing the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions. For all products it is approximately the same - the powder is diluted in half with the liquid:

  • Heat the water slightly so that the medicine dissolves faster;
  • Pour the liquid into a plastic bottle of mineral water or lemonade, filling the vessel halfway;
  • Pour the powder from the bag into it, shake and stir until completely dissolved;
  • Add the required amount of water.

After this, the prepared solution can be used to treat the plant at home. As a rule, two to three times are enough. However, if the fungus is active and the roots are severely damaged, treatment will need to be carried out for a long time. Then new roots will gradually appear to replace the damaged ones.

Biological methods

If all the leaves of an orchid have fallen off, experienced lovers of indoor plants know how to save the flower. Phalaenopsis responds well to biological resuscitation methods. In order to revive a flower, you can use biologically active additives - growth stimulants. The most popular of them is “Fitosporin”. It restores the plant’s vitality, promotes active regeneration of the orchid’s root system, and helps the flower adapt to adverse influences. environment. The drug must be prepared strictly according to the instructions on the package. The main advantage of phytosporin is that it does not contain aggressive chemical substances. After treatment, the flower leaves will no longer fall off.

Further care for the orchid

If the plant was able to be revived, further care must be properly organized, otherwise the weakened flower will get sick again. To do this, it is necessary to prevent waterlogging of the soil and regularly feed Phalaenopsis. Great importance has good lighting. To prevent new diseases, it is necessary to visually inspect orchid leaves as often as possible. Such an examination will help to promptly identify any symptoms of trouble: yellowing, fading or cracking. Do not forget about timely transplantation. If the foliage at the base of the stem begins to fall off, wrinkle or burst, immediate action must be taken, otherwise the orchid may dry out.

The main thing is not to repeat the mistakes that led to plant disease

Experts say that most problems in caring for Phalaenopsis are caused by an improper microclimate in the room. Therefore, if it is not possible to create suitable conditions for an orchid, it is better to choose a less capricious and high-maintenance plant. Phalaenopsis and other varieties of tropical “guests” need careful and delicate treatment.


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  • yellowness of all green masses;
  • drying of foliage and peduncle;
  • violation of general development;
  • growth cessation, lack of flowering;
  • deterioration of condition due to infectious and viral diseases;
  • death of the plant.
  • Indoor orchids are considered demanding plants. After all, any defect in the maintenance parameters is immediately noticeable on the appearance of the flower. In order to rid an exotic beauty of the yellow color in time, you should understand the possible causes of the disease.

    Lack of moisture

    The minimum amount of water for an orchid is not a problem, but a complete lack of moisture can cause drying out. It is vital for an exotic plant, like any other, to receive a volume of liquid that dissolves the nutrients found in the soil and saturates the roots. If there is a lack of fluid, the following symptoms are observed: light roots, yellow leaves and trunk, general wilting of the flower (can an orchid be saved if its roots have dried out and the leaves turn yellow?).

    Lack of lighting or sunburn

    With the arrival of the cold and rainy season, orchids lack sunlight. Ideally, they need 14 hours of daylight for the full process of photosynthesis. However, such light intensity is possible in greenhouses. At home, such parameters are difficult to recreate.

    In the summer season, the opposite is true. The bright sun can play a cruel joke. Scorching rays, and even at high temperatures on the streets, leave dark spots on the leaves and inflorescences, and yellow damaged areas on the trunk are noticeable. These are so-called thermal burns.

    Mechanical damage

    Cases of falling or injury to the orchid can cause yellow color on the trunk. In this case, the damaged part should be immediately treated with an antiseptic, otherwise the wound may rot. The carelessness of the owner can lead not only to yellowing, but also to a fracture of the trunk.

    Oversaturation with water

    Often problems with indoor plants arise due to improper watering regime. Excessive moisture is an extremely undesirable phenomenon for orchids. Moist soil is a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of rotting processes. Liquid in the pot leads to disruption of the plant's nutritional function. Air access to the roots is also blocked.


    As a result of an improperly organized irrigation system and failure to comply with quarantine conditions, orchids develop fungal and bacterial diseases. In this case, yellowness of the trunk and leaves is a secondary symptom of infection. In addition, brown-red spots on the leaves, dark areas of the root system, and wounds on the trunk are visible. Such diseases cause serious damage to the plant. Treatment is carried out with systemic fungicides.

    When is a process considered natural?

    The yellowness of the trunk, one way or another, is associated with the leaves, and can be of a natural nature. The natural process of leaf dying occurs between one and five years of age. At the same time, aging of other parts of the plant: the trunk, roots occurs more slowly and is not so noticeable. There is nothing wrong with natural yellowing, it’s just that the plant has used up its strength, its life potential has been exhausted.

    If the color of the growth point changes

    Monopodial orchids have a single stem that grows exclusively vertically. The upper part is called the growing point, this is where young leaves appear. The resulting yellowing indicates deviations from the norm, due to violation of microclimate parameters or poor quality care.

    It is possible that a yellow growth dot may appear as a result of a fungal infection. If the growth point is significantly deformed, the upper part stops growing. Therefore, some gardeners believe that the plant will not be able to survive under these circumstances.

    In reality, it is possible to bring an exotic animal back to life, but with a probability, of course, not 100%.

    And if the plant has enough strength to resist diseases, then it will develop fully in the future. An orchid is capable of producing a lateral sprout on a trunk or peduncle, thus giving birth to offspring.

    Step-by-step instructions: what to do if the trunk turns yellow

    If the color of the stem and the condition of the plant as a whole suddenly began to change, then this is definitely due to one of the above reasons. There is no need to wait long for improvement, but it would be good to start treatment immediately. What to do if the orchid has faded and its trunk begins to turn yellow, starting from the top and moving down?

    If the measures taken did not produce positive results, then the problem needs to be approached more radically.

  1. Prepare a sharp tool in advance.
  2. Remove all damaged tissue.
  3. Treat the cut areas with an antiseptic solution.

If the symptoms continue to increase, that is, the foliage turns yellow and falls, there is no flowering, rotting or fungal diseases may be to blame.

  1. Treat the soil and plant with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol or Topsin.
  2. Pour the chemical directly into the wound of the flower.
  3. Perform the procedure at least 3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.
  4. During treatment, regularly inspect the flower for the appearance of rot.
  5. It is advisable to treat the buds on the peduncle with cytokinin hormonal paste to stimulate the appearance of children.


We have already answered the question why the trunk may turn yellow and what to do in this case. Now let's talk about prevention. In order not to worry about the health of the exotic beauty, Care instructions must be followed.

  • Create diffused lighting, shading the scorching rays of the sun. In the off-season, provide lighting.
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature no higher than +25ºС, and humidity within 60%.
  • Spray every day, possibly several times a day. Make sure that water does not remain on the leaves for a long time.
  • Don't forget to ventilate the room.
  • Renew the soil every 3 years.
  • Moisten moderately, avoid flooding. Once every 5-7 days is enough. Take clean water, without impurities.
  • Provide timely feeding and protection from pests.

By following basic care recommendations, you will ensure the required maintenance parameters for active growth and lush flowering of the orchid. In addition, the indoor plant will have strong immunity, and in the future, you will generally forget about the diseases and health problems of your beauty.


Why does an orchid’s stem turn yellow and what to do in this situation?

We all love it when a beautiful indoor plant pleases the eye on the windowsill of an apartment. But some of them sometimes get sick. For example, Orchids are plants that require a lot of effort and care during the growing process. And when a flower’s leaves, peduncle or stem turn yellow, this causes concern in the owner. But there is no need to worry, but you need to understand the reasons; perhaps this process is the natural aging of the flower. In this article we will look at the causes of yellow leaves and possible ways to eliminate it.

What is yellowing?

It happens that orchids turn yellow. This occurs due to various factors affecting the life processes of the plant. As a result, the pigments responsible for the green color are formed in small quantities, and part of the flower changes color. Yellowing affects not only the stem, but the roots, leaves, and peduncle.

Yellowness can appear in one part of the plant, and subsequently affect all organs of the plant.

Read more about why an orchid turns yellow here.

Consequences for the plant

It’s bad if the stem turns yellow on a young plant, then the cause of aging disappears by itself. The main danger is not to delay treatment, and at the same hour react to the first symptoms. Provide timely assistance to a diseased plant, as the consequences are fraught with:

  • complete yellowness and falling off of all leaves;
  • drying out of the peduncle;
  • deterioration of general condition due to infectious diseases;
  • disturbance in the development of the root system;
  • cessation of flowering.

Why does the trunk turn yellow?

Indoor orchids are somewhat capricious plants. They can react negatively to even minor changes in parameters during cultivation. This is reflected in the appearance of the beauties. Therefore, determining the cause of yellow leaves or stems is not always easy, but it is still important. The main factors of yellowness:

    Sunburn. Bright light is, of course, good. But everything is fine, it should be in moderation. Direct rays of the sun upon direct contact cause burns on leaves, stems, and flowers. A plant that is not accustomed to intense light does not tolerate it well. Problems also arise with artificial lighting.

Incorrectly selected equipment can cause thermal damage. For these purposes, it is better to use phyto lamps that do not harm the plant and do not dry out the air. However, keep the distance between the lamp and the flower at least 20 cm.

  • Mechanical damage. A yellow color on the trunk may appear as a result of a fall or injury to part of the plant. The damaged part was not treated with an antiseptic in time, and as a result, wounds appeared on the stem, with possible rotting.
  • Lack of moisture. A lack of fluid can occur in the complete absence of watering. The plant vitally needs a minimum volume of water, which dissolves the nutrients in the soil and nourishes the root system. Symptoms of this cause are:
    • yellow leaf tips;
    • yellow stem;
    • light roots;
    • the plant loses its elasticity.
  • Lack of light. Orchids are shade-tolerant plants, but they certainly need sunlight. This is especially acute during the period of flowering and growth. When a flower needs 14 hours of daylight.

    As a result of lack of lighting, leaves, aerial roots, and completely unformed buds dry out. In the absence of light, the process of photosynthesis slows down.

    Excess moisture. Due to non-compliance with the correct watering regime, many ailments arise. In plants that are at rest, vital processes are suspended; they do not need fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or frequent watering.

    At this moment, the flower does not absorb the same amount of moisture as, for example, in the growth phase, so the excess accumulates and causes yellowing, rotting, and wilting.
    Fungal and bacterial infections. Violation of indoor microclimate parameters leads to the development of infectious diseases. This is also possible if the quarantine regime is not observed.

    When is this process natural?

    From time to time the orchid sheds its old leaves. There is nothing terrible in this process; on the contrary, it is considered the norm. A similar process is associated with the life cycle of a plant. In addition to the leaves, other parts of the plant also age: peduncle, trunk, roots, it’s just less noticeable. Natural death occurs after 1-5 years.

    Changing the color of the growing point

    The top leaf of monopodial orchids is called the growing point. Its yellow color means a deviation from the norm; the plant has health problems. The reason for this phenomenon is uncomfortable conditions for keeping exotic plants and improper watering. Also a consequence of damage to the flower by infection. If this leaf is severely wounded, the orchid stops growing upward.

    Many people believe that without a growing point, a plant cannot survive. It can, but the probability is not 100%. Finding itself without an active core, the exotic is susceptible to fungal diseases. If he has enough strength to overcome ailments, the plant will survive. The flower can produce a lateral shoot on the stem or peduncle, thus continuing to grow.

    What to do to save the plant?

    If the unexpected happened, the orchid trunk began to turn yellow, its natural state changed, and definitely some problems arose. No need to wait, respond urgently:

    1. Conduct a thorough visual inspection of the diseased plant.
    2. Find out what is causing this condition.
    3. Change the orchid's living parameters.
    4. Control the quality and frequency of watering. Water should not remain in the leaf axils.

    If the measures described above did not produce any changes, we proceed to more radical ones:

    If the leaves fall in addition to the yellow stem, perhaps this process is another symptom of rot or an infectious disease. In such cases it is necessary:

    1. treat the soil and plant with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol or Topsin;
    2. pour the drug directly into the wound of the plant;
    3. We carry out the procedure at least three times with an interval of 14 days;
    4. regularly inspect the diseased flower for signs of rotting;
    5. the buds on the peduncle can be treated with cytokinin hormonal paste to stimulate the appearance of children.


    During the first time after amputation, be sure to adhere to the following recommendations.

    1. The first thing is to remove it from the southern window sill or shade the light with a tulle curtain. In autumn and winter, provide artificial lighting. The duration of daylight hours should be 10-12 hours.
    2. Three times - maintaining a comfortable temperature in summer: +22-25ºС. Do not place under air conditioning or leave in a draft; the plant may become overcooled. In winter +16-18ºС. Do not place near heating radiators.
    3. Third, the difference in temperature differences should not exceed 5ºС. At temperatures above +25°C and high humidity, fungal infections develop, and at temperatures below +15ºC – bacterial infections.
    4. Use a household humidifier to maintain humidity within 50-60%.
    5. Provide regular ventilation.
    6. Moisten the flower once every 7-10 days; in between, the soil should dry completely.
    7. Carefully ensure that moisture does not remain on the leaves. After watering, remove stagnant water from the leaf axils.
    8. Avoid the use of mineral preparations for the first time after the procedure. In the future, use nitrogen fertilizers during active growth, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers during the flowering period.

    So, we looked at what to do if the orchid’s trunk turns yellow. By following all these rules, you will create favorable conditions for active growth and bright flowering of the orchid. An exotic flower will have good immunity and is not afraid of anything. And in the future, you will generally forget about diseases and health problems.

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    Why does the orchid stem dry out?

    Many who grow phalaenopsis are interested in why the orchid stem dries out and how to save the flower. If the orchid's stem has turned yellow, the main source of the problem is natural aging. There are other factors that affect the condition of the stem.

    Natural process

    The part of the plant called the stem depends on the type of flower. For example, in phalaenopsis the stem is usually considered to be the peduncle, while in dendrobium it is the bulb. In order for an orchid to delight with new flowers and feel good, it requires proper care. Knowledge of the basic features of keeping them will help you avoid problems, namely, all Phalaenopsis are susceptible to new conditions and are afraid of changing their habitat.

    Slightly yellowed lower leaves of phalaenopsis are considered common. Green leaves live for a certain period, namely from 3 to 5 years, after this period the leaf gradually becomes soft, fades, turns yellow, and soon dries out. It is also natural to see a situation where the faded stem of an orchid has dried up.

    After the plant has produced buds, and then has flowered safely and dropped them only after 3-6 months, events can develop in two ways:

    • the peduncle continues to be green and is preparing to bloom again;
    • The stem is already yellow and needs pruning.

    Most often, after acquiring a beautiful flowering phalaenopsis, you will notice that it begins to drop its flowers, the buds turn yellow, and then the orchid’s stem turns yellow. This suggests that the plant has suffered stress due to a change in conditions and place of residence. However, phalaenopsis quickly gets used to its habitat and soon grows green mass and roots. And then the growing season begins and soon the plant produces a new peduncle.

    If the orchid stem has turned yellow, you can cut off the yellowed stem completely or just to the next dormant bud.

    • If the peduncle has dried out and turns yellow to a certain area, but is still partially alive, then the flower has decided to release a baby from a bud or a side peduncle. The side shoots do not bloom so profusely, so to speak - sparingly.
    • Completely cut off the peduncle, which has already faded from the crown, so that their bush in the future will spend energy only on large and harmonious flowering.

    The growing point withers

    Also, sometimes an unpleasant problem arises with phalaenopsis - the growing point may begin to die. An orchid is a monopodial plant; it has only one growing point. If it dies, then unfortunately the plant cannot be saved. To prevent this from happening, you need to remember the causes of death and try to adhere to the rules of cultivation. The most popular reason remains rotting.

    Phalaenopsis loves warmth and does not tolerate excess moisture. In just 24 hours, almost the entire root system will rot if it is in water. After watering, be sure to empty all the water from the trays so as not to lose your favorite flowers. If all the leaves begin to fall off and their color acquires a putrid dark hue, this means that the growing point has rotted. The neck also becomes dark in color and soft to the touch.

    Drying out also causes the death of the growing point, only the plant dies more slowly. Phalaenopsis can easily do without water for a long time, but no more than a couple of months. Over time, the bush shows signs of dehydration, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the roots die, and eventually die. If the stem of an orchid has turned yellow and all the leaves have fallen off, but there are doubts that the growing point has died, you should leave the pot with the root system alone for several months, because there is still a possibility that the lateral cervical baby will sprout and then not everything will be with the flower lost.


    A faded orchid must be pruned according to the rules so as not to destroy the plant.

    When is it time to prune an orchid?

    The time from the beginning of October to November inclusive is considered the best period for carrying out this procedure, and it is suitable for almost any type of this wonderful plant. But exotic species (artificial hybrids) are pruned only in the spring, from the first days of March until the end of the month. The name of the flower indicates whether it is a hybrid or an original variety.

    Therefore, when purchasing a phalaenopsis for yourself, be sure to pay attention to the name (or write it down) because its entire future life in the house will depend on it.

    Using tools when pruning

    Oddly enough, metal scissors or simple garden pruning shears - pruning shears - are better suited for this.

    Be sure to disinfect the instrument you decide to use with a solution of ordinary bleach. Try not to trim with a knife, because you can easily accidentally damage the leaves.

    Pruning rules

    First of all, carefully examine the flower, check for dormant buds from which children or new flowers can grow.

    1. In order for the phalaenopsis to bloom again, you need to count down three dormant buds and about 10–15 mm above the last one and cut off the peduncle there. Please note that this pruning method does not have a 100% guarantee that this flower stalk will produce buds or baby buds.
    2. In addition, if the peduncle is cut off from the top in this way, then there is still the possibility of a flower appearing, but a new stem is unlikely to grow, because the plant will use all its resources to support the old stem.

    Cutting off the entire peduncle

    A yellowed or completely shriveled stem must be cut off entirely, leaving only a small piece no larger than 20 mm in size. Do not spare the cut flower stalks, because soon the phalaenopsis will again delight you with its beautiful flowers.

    Orchid after pruning

    Caring for such a phalaenopsis is no different from usual. You just need to fertilize the plant with fertilizer to accelerate the growth of new leaves and the appearance of flowers. If the plant is resting after flowering, then you should not add fertilizers during this period.

    What to do if the stem of an orchid turns yellow, why does this happen?

    There can be many reasons why an orchid's stem turns yellow. Some of them are natural and do not require any measures. Others become a consequence of improper care. In the article we will look at various options yellowing of the stem, and we will help distinguish physiological yellowing from the disease. We will also tell you what to do if the phalaenopsis orchid turns yellow, and how to prevent this.

    Why does the trunk turn yellow?

    First of all, you need to understand what is meant by trunk and stem. The phalaenopsis orchid has a stem, but it is very short and inconspicuous. Leaves grow from it. There is the only point of growth.

    And there is a flower stalk, also called a flower shoot, shoot or stem. Both of them can dry out within normal limits, or they can die as a result of violation of the conditions of detention.

    Usually, many questions about this arise from those who have got themselves an orchid for the first time. Experienced flower growers are well versed in all the intricacies of the development of this tropical beauty. Why the leaves turn yellow and the stem dries out - we will look further in the article.

    When this process is natural

    Phalaenopsis produces a peduncle during the flowering period. This is exactly how we see it in the store, buy it and bring it home. But not everyone knows what happens to it after flowering.

    But in reality it is completely unpredictable. The orchid is an unusual plant, and does as it pleases. And the development of events could be as follows:

    1. The peduncle will turn yellow and dry out. And all of it and quite quickly. In this case, there is no need to do anything. If an orchid has bloomed for several months, dropped its flowers and dried out its peduncle, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. One peduncle does not remain on a flower throughout its entire life. Over time, it ages and dies, and after a few months a new one is forced out. In this case, the trunk turns yellow for completely natural reasons.
    2. The peduncle has dried up only on top. Usually this is also a completely natural process. This happens when there are no unused buds left on top (they look like scales and wake up one by one or at the same time). In this case, the dried part of the peduncle needs to be cut off at a distance of 1.5 cm above the topmost living bud. Rub cinnamon powder or charcoal into the cut.
    3. No changes occur to the peduncle. Under favorable conditions, the peduncle lives until all its buds (scales) are used. Flowers, shoots or babies may appear from them. If the peduncle does not dry out, then the orchid still has plans for it.

    But there are other situations in which the stem turns yellow due to improper care. So, first of all, the reason may be a change in the habitat of the plant. Often the plant stops blooming immediately after purchase. These flowers are very sensitive to rearrangements. But don’t worry, if you provide it with good care, a new peduncle will soon grow and the flowering will be even more abundant.

    It’s even more offensive when a gardener moves a newly blossoming phalaenopsis to a more prominent place to admire it, but it fades away. And this is not uncommon. Therefore, you cannot rearrange the pot during flowering.

    Another reason could be rotting roots. If a plant has such a problem, then it simply does not have enough strength to feed the peduncle, and it will very quickly turn yellow and dry out.

    Now about the leaves. They, as we have already said, are also located on the stem. Yellowing of the lower leaves is normal. Each leaf has its own lifespan, on average 3-5 years. After this it turns yellow and falls off. And from above, a new one appears from the growth point. But at the same time, the stem itself should not turn yellow or darken. There can be many reasons why a sheet dries out, but this is the main one.

    Changing the color of the growing point

    The growing point is at the top of the plant, in the area of ​​the top leaf. The flower has only one, and therefore if it dies, the whole plant will die. Therefore, if the top young leaf suddenly turns yellow, this is a serious reason for concern.

    The main reason why the growing point turns yellow is decay. If the stem of an orchid dries and yellowness runs down it from top to bottom, then this does not threaten the life of the flower. But if this little leaf turns yellow, then you need to prepare for the worst.

    First of all, it is important to understand the reasons. If you spray your plant, then perhaps this is the reason. When spraying, drops of water should not flow into the core and remain there. Perhaps you did not pay attention to this, and this caused rot.

    A disease of the root system can also lead to the death of the growing point. Inspect the roots. They should be green and quite thick. Dry, hollow brown and black roots are dead.

    But it is still possible to save the plant even without a growing point. It will take a lot of time and effort, but the result can be good.

    What to do to save the plant

    The orchid got sick. The stem is turning yellow, what should I do? To prevent the plant from dying, you need to determine the causes of the problem. Take a closer look at the conditions under which the flower is kept. Compare them with the recommended ones. There are no trifles in caring for an orchid. Humidity, temperature, daylight, substrate, and watering are important.

    Correct any discrepancies. Reduce watering. In the case of an orchid, it is better to water a sick plant less, because excess moisture is the cause of most problems with it.

    Carry out spraying in accordance with all rules. Perpendicular to the trunk or from bottom to top. Make sure that water does not flow into the axils of the leaves. Do not spray at temperatures below +22. Add Epin or succinic acid to the water.

    If you suspect rotting of any part of the flower, then proceed immediately to replanting and pruning. Remove any rotting parts, whether leaves or roots. Treat the entire plant with antifungal drugs, sprinkle the cuttings with charcoal, and plant in a disinfected or new pot with a completely new substrate. Avoid watering for 10-14 days.

    If the peduncle of an orchid has dried out, then nothing needs to be done.

    Preventing yellowing

    There is no prevention as such against yellowing and rotting. To prevent the leaves and stem of the orchid from turning yellow, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations for the maintenance of this flower.

    And although at first glance they may seem too complicated, in fact, everything is much simpler. Follow them, and you won’t have to look for the answer to why the orchid’s stem turns yellow and dries. Why do the orchid's leaves dry up?

    Do not place in a sunny window. The orchid won't like it. But you probably also have a shaded window.

    Do not flood the flower. But it's as easy as shelling pears. The less often you water, the fewer problems. A gardener's dream. The substrate must dry completely between waterings.

    Maintain moisture. Typically, additional humidification is required only during the heating season. By the way, too dry air is harmful to human health.

    Maintain temperature. When the orchid is at rest, 18-20 degrees is enough. However, to stimulate flowering and during its process, a temperature of 22 to 27 degrees is needed.

    As you can see, for the most part, the orchid needs the same conditions as you and I. And there is nothing complicated in their organization. Perhaps the only problem may be the length of daylight hours. In winter, if you want to achieve flowering, you will have to add additional light to your orchids.