Making a corner for attendants in kindergarten step by step. Making a duty corner in kindergarten

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When planning the design of a kindergarten, special attention should be paid to the duty area. As you know, it is necessary to start accustoming children to work as early as possible. A properly designed, bright and beautiful duty corner in kindergarten will serve as a good help in instilling industriousness and discipline in children. accuracy, will encourage preschoolers to fulfill their obligations.

Today, the corner of the attendant in kindergarten is made out mainly by the hands of educators and parents.

Why do you need a duty corner in kindergarten?

The organization of duty in kindergarten is an important part of the labor education of preschoolers. As a rule, in a kindergarten in any group there is a duty schedule, according to which the children are happy to take turns putting things in order in the play corner, helping to set the table before eating or watering the flowers. This helps to accustom children to work and instill certain skills in them from an early age. As already mentioned, the process of labor education through duty in kindergarten will become more exciting if the duty corner in kindergarten with duty schedules is colorfully arranged, and turn duty into an interesting game.

Kindergarten duty with cartoon characters

As an option, you can draw on a large sheet of paper a plot from a cartoon popular with most children(“Masha and the Bear”, “Shrek”, “Ice Age”, etc.), after discussing with the kids in advance what they would be more interested in playing. Then you can even come up with a whole script based on the cartoon. It can be a fascinating story in which all children, each of whom will have their own role, will gladly take part.

From colored paper or fabric, you need to make pockets on which to sign the names of the children, and for children of younger groups who cannot read, you can use their photographs. Glue these pockets on the prepared sheet of whatman paper and insert into them cards with tasks that children need to complete during the day. Such cards can be made from cardboard, tasks can also be completed in the form of drawings: for example, a drawing of a watering can means watering flowers, and an image of a dining table means duty in the dining room, etc.

It is necessary to change the cards in the duty corner (and, accordingly, the tasks) every morning. Coming to kindergarten the child will watch what he has to do today. A well-executed task necessarily brings the children closer to the goal set at the beginning of the game (find the treasure, free the princess, etc.).

The final of the game can be scheduled for the New Year's party, having developed an appropriate scenario for it (for example, New Year's gifts can become a treasure). Well, then you can come up with a new game with an equally exciting storyline.

That's how easy it is to turn the corner of duty in kindergarten into an exciting adventure game.

Lesson "Duty in a corner of nature", senior age

Julia Pogodaeva

Duty roster preschoolers of the preparatory group become more complicated both in terms of the content of work and in the forms of combining children, according to the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

One of the important tasks of the organization on duty is the formation in children of responsibility for the task assigned, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematic performance of duties.

An important helper in the organization on duty in the preparatory group is corner, where pupils, having come to kindergarten in the morning, can see what benefit they can bring to their group today.

In the practice of our kindergarten, children regularly on duty at the canteen in preparation for classes, corner of nature. Usually for every kind on duty assigned to two children. Change on duty is carried out daily. It is from this practice that I designed a duty area.

I have developed and duty area set up in the preparatory group.

The corner has been decorated on a white ceiling tile with acrylic paints. I have identified three areas duty roster: "IN corner of nature"," Lay the tables "," Help the teacher "- help to prepare for classes.

From cardboard, I made a pocket for photographs of children.

Photos will be attached with Velcro.

The corner is ready, it remains to make a schedule on duty.

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Making a corner for parents, posting important information. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere necessary.

A beautiful and interesting duty area in kindergarten will allow children to learn economic affairs with pleasure, as well as to cultivate discipline and diligence. Such a corner will also teach kids to be accurate, independent, confident in actions. The design of the duty corner should be colorful, include bright aprons and, if desired, caps. You can post a duty schedule and give each baby a sticker with an animal face, or print out photos and paste them into fun frames. Then the kids will themselves understand who is on duty today. Basically, educators and parents make the corner of duty with their own hands, because they are not provided for in kindergartens, or they are poorly decorated and do not interest kids. Alternatively, you can arrange a duty corner not only with colorful drawings, but with fresh flowers and an aquarium in order to instill love and respect for wildlife.

Responsibilities of babysitters

Good educators try to turn the process of duty into a real adventure, give children significance in this process, from which they feel responsible and proud of their actions. Of course, the duties of children are simple: clean up toys, take care of them, help arrange napkins and cutlery before eating.

As mentioned earlier, the corner should be of interest to kids, so when choosing decorations, fantasy is not limited by anything, but it must necessarily correspond to the theme. It is good to involve children in the design of the duty corner in the group. You can discuss your favorite cartoon characters with them and include them in the decoration of the corner, as well as offer to jointly glue pictures on the stand. In duty tables, you can make pockets and put colored squares or circles in them with associative drawings and stickers that mean different duties for kids, for example, to care for a living corner, draw a flower on a card, for those on duty in the dining room - plates and forks with spoons, etc. .d. In many kindergartens, they try to reflect its name in interior design and other details. For example, if the garden is called "Goldfish", then you can get a goldfish in a living corner, if "Bee", then frame the stand in the form of honeycombs, etc.

Decorating the corner of the duty in the preschool educational institution is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to involve pupils in this and correctly perceive their wishes. The article provides only general examples, but when you start, you can make any additions that the educator deems necessary.

Alena Sakhno

Prepared by the teacher MKDOU d / s "Teremok" (v. Rodino) Sakhno Alena Viktorovna

Recently in our children's the garden was declared a competition "Best attendants' corner» .

Because our the group is called"Bees" And group design done in the same style attendants' corner had to fit into our interior.

Here look what we got a corner on duty.

At the beginning, we printed photos of children against the background "honeycombs" (we have such on booths, on towels, on modeling, etc.) and laminated them. Then they made holes with a hole punch and threaded a string through them to make a loop.

Each sector is signed and the corresponding photo is glued to it. (pictured are children from our groups) .

Under each photo there are 2 hooks attached (we have on double-sided tape where we hang photos duty children.

At the bottom of the shelf attached 2 more hooks for photos of all the children groups- on the right is a photo of boys, and on the left is a photo of girls.

In order not to get confused and not to miss anyone, we made a schedule duty roster. In it, we mark with appropriate letters who, when and where was on duty. Very comfortably.

As a result of the competition, our the corner of the attendants took first place!


Duties are of great importance in the upbringing of children:

· Attendants always perform work of social significance, necessary for the team. Forms a desire to work hard for others, to show a caring attitude towards their comrades, to cultivate the ability to help an adult, to notice what help is needed.

· Dining room duty forms children's moral and volitional qualities and skills, the ability to accept a goal and achieve results.

· WITH2 year oldof age, children are involved in the preparation of the nutrition process, perform the simplest tasks: put high chairs at the table correctly, plates of bread in the middle of the tables, put spoons on the right side of the plates on the table.

· Dining room duty is carried out from the 2nd junior group.

· Tasks: help the assistant teacher set the table at which he and his comrades are sitting. Distribute spoons, put bread bins, vases with napkins.

· Before entering the duty, the teacher organizes special classes in which he shows and explains in detail all the actions, involving children in their implementation.

During the duty, the teacher explains the need to work hard, encourages any attempt by the child to show independence.

Reminds you of the priority in the execution of the assigned work:

“Today, Ira will take care of her comrades, will be on duty at her desk. Dima will set the table on this table ... Let them work for everyone today, and other children tomorrow.

The educator teaches children to carry out the assigned work without being distracted, without fussing, without haste, without completing one task, not to move on to another.

The teacher in a friendly tone says: “Kolya, take your time. Why are you in such a hurry? You can do everything. Lay out the spoons carefully, all the children.”

Supervising the work of the attendants, the educator reinforces the skills of laying out the instruments: “Spoons must be taken by the handle, one by one, put on the right side of the plate.” If forks are given, then the fork lies closer to the plate with the sharp ends up, and then the spoon with the convex side down. Now put the bread box in the very middle of the table so that it is convenient for everyone to get it, and then put the napkins. First you need to finish one thing, and then start another.

“Let's see how you arranged the spoons. Did you miss anyone?"

The teacher supports indecisive children, encourages:

“I know, Nadyusha, you will set the table well now. Start handing out spoons: to Katya, and Sasha, and to your friend Anya.

· Do not constantly set as an example the same children and appoint them on duty. They may be subject to a slightly higher requirement.

· As the children master the skills, the role of the educator in supervising the attendants changes. Initially, he reminds the kids of the methods of work, the sequence of operations, helps to cope with the case.

· Later, the adult is limited to advice, general reminder, control, approval.

It is important that all pupils, and not just active and skillful ones, perform the duties of duty officers.


· Tasks:

Form a responsible attitude for the assigned work.

Cultivate care for each other, the desire to help pom. educator, work carefully and diligently.

Know how to properly set the table.

A child on duty in the dining room must independently lay out forks, knives and spoons; put bread bins, vases with napkins; handing out the second dish; collect dishes.

· In the corner of the duty officer there should be everything necessary for work: aprons, hats, shovels, trays. Vases for napkins and bread boxes in such a place that it is convenient for children to take them on their own and clean them up after use.

· In the middle group, knives first appear in the table setting, and the skill of handling them has not yet been formed.

The volume of work in the middle group increases: children arrange saucers, cups from the distribution table to children's tables, fill vases with napkins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

· In the middle group, each attendant serves one table.

Thus, shifts are repeated frequently, and therefore children learn the necessary skills faster and better. The educator needs to take into account the individual characteristics of children and the level of formation of their labor skills.

To work without haste, the attendants must be the first to finish the game and return to the premises after the walk.

When the bulk of the children are just starting to collect toys, the teacher reminds the attendants of their duties and sends them to the group.

There they are met by an assistant teacher (at this time she had already wiped the tables and put a pile of dishes on each table).

The educator and assistant educator teach the attendants to properly lay out the devices.

The attendants arrange the plates, each against a chair, put spoons to the right of them, put a cup with napkins in the middle of the table. Cups are placed so that the handle is on the right side.

If a knife is served for dinner, then it is placed to the right of the plate with the blade to the plate, next to the spoon, then the salad fork.

The fork for the second lies on the left side of the plate.

A small spoon - in a saucer or next to a plate parallel to the edge of the table, the handle of the spoon should be on the right.

The teacher must be patient, encourage the attendants:

“Seryozha was a real duty officer today, he took care of everyone, he remembered everything himself, he didn’t forget anything.”

· The attendants clean the breadbaskets, glasses with napkins from the table. They sweep away the crumbs from the table, fold the tablecloths, turning to another attendant for help.

· Don't overburden attendants with tasks that each child must do on their own, such as pulling a chair, stacking plates, putting away a used napkin.

· At the end of the school year, children usually cope with the canteen duty on their own, and the teacher is limited to control and separate reminders.

· It is important that the children on duty not only fulfill their duties, but also eat themselves without haste and breaks. Therefore, when the tables are set, the attendants pour soup before other children. Thus, attendants are usually the first to finish lunch, after which they can begin to perform their duties.

(The tablecloth on duty is folded in half on the table, and then in half again, and only then folded along the length).


Dining room duty in older groups is gradually becoming more difficult both in terms of the content of work and the form of association of children, according to the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

· Tasks: the formation in children of responsibility for the task assigned, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematic performance of duties. To teach to thank the attendants for the service rendered, to treat their work with respect.

· 2 children are assigned to duty in the dining room.

· Attendants come in early, wash their hands, put on aprons, headscarves or caps, and fully set the table according to the number of children and clean up after meals.

· In part, children clean up after themselves. After eating, each child moves his plate to the middle of the table, puts it on others (if the help of the teacher did not have time to remove it), and takes the cup and saucer to the distribution table (saucers on a pile, and a cup on a tray).

· The attendants must clean the dishes, napkin holders, bread bins, tablecloths, so that, without delay, go to bed with other children.

The children thank the attendants for their help.

· Children must themselves firmly know the sequence of their duty and proceed to it without being reminded.

· The attendants should set the table in accordance with the menu, which should be known to them from the educator.

The educator checks the performance of their work by the attendants, makes an appropriate assessment and involves children in it.

· The requirements for the pace of work, the manifestation of organization in its process, efficiency and independence are increasing.

· The work of the attendants should be combined with the self-service of children.

· The attendants themselves or with the help of the educator distribute who will do what.

The educator addresses them as his assistants, teaches them to perform the task deftly, economically, encourages the inept, approves the initiative and diligence.

· In older groups, attendants can be appointed for a whole week.

· Attendants show invention in decorating the table (flowers, napkins are laid out in an interesting, unusual way, etc.).