Growing seedlings in snails. How to make a snail for seedlings? Saving space and strengthening seedlings - how the original method of planting tomatoes in a snail helps gardeners How to sow tomatoes for seedlings in a snail

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Even outside the window lies a snow-white blanket of snow, and diligent owners are already starting to prepare garden plants. One of the crops that enjoys special respect for summer residents is tomatoes. Not so long ago, gardeners began to practice planting tomatoes in a snail, the method quickly gained many fans due to its simplicity and accessibility.

Snail seedling cultivation occurs with the help of toilet paper, which is folded into a small roll. Every year the method is improved, allowing you to significantly reduce the time spent on planting seeds.

Basic subtleties

Planting planting material in toilet paper allows you to do without picking, which greatly simplifies care and does not injure the plants. The root system of seedlings develops without much difficulty and is completely ready for planting in the ground or greenhouse.

You can sow both old and new varieties in a snail, even capricious hybrids feel great in paper rolls.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique has many advantages, but there are also some disadvantages that are best dealt with in advance. The benefits of growing tomato seedlings include:

  • rapid growth and development of roots;
  • the same distance between plants, which facilitates care;
  • ease of watering;
  • the formation of plants occurs independently, the bushes do not have the ability to stretch much.

Another plus of the technique is that free space is saved. Of the shortcomings, only one is noted - if you carelessly treat the recommendations, it is easy to destroy the plants.

Seed preparation

The preparation of planting material for tomatoes does not have special requirements. The first stage is warming up (decomposed on warm batteries), sorting the seeds. Damaged ones should be removed immediately.


Before planting, sort out the tomato seeds, remove those affected by mold, damaged. If there is time, soak in warm water - spoiled grains float to the surface.


To accelerate the cultivation of seedlings will allow preliminary germination. It is better to do this in a damp cloth - plant the seeds in the snail only after the sprouts have pecked. Place the container in a warm place, moisten regularly.


Hardening seedlings is a mandatory process. Tomatoes are recommended to be taken outside, starting in just a few hours. It is easy to complete the hardening - leave the plants all night, but provided that there are no frosts.

Necessary preparations before picking

In growing tomatoes, much depends on the correct picking. Be sure to pre-moisten the snail, wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.

Prepare in advance the containers into which the plant will be transplanted, mix or purchase a ready-made substrate.

What containers to dive into?

How to make holes

Make holes with a hot, sharp object. Usually they take a nail or an awl. Do not make holes too large.

soil mixture

A light substrate is suitable for growing tomatoes:

  • compost;
  • wood ash;
  • sand.

If there is no time for mixing, it is better to purchase ready-made potting mix for seedlings in the store.

Landing instructions

There are several requirements, the fulfillment of which will allow you to grow powerful tomato seedlings without errors, which will quickly grow. Plants will certainly please with endurance and intensive development.

Planting seeds in a "snail" with the ground

Sowing is simple, you will need a substrate made of dense material for this (usually a laminate is used), paper. For planting, lay out the toilet paper, pour the prepared soil in an even layer, roll it up with a tight roll. Lower the roll into the prepared container, evenly place the seeds around the circumference. It is better to moisten in advance, this will allow you not to worry about washing out the planting material. Further cultivation, as usual, consists of regular wetting of the soil.

With toilet paper

It is much easier to immediately place the seeds in the ground. Step by step process:

  1. Lay out the paper on the backing.
  2. Moisten toilet paper with Epin solution.
  3. Plant seeds.
  4. Sprinkle with soil.
  5. Roll up rolls.
  6. Arrange rolls in prepared containers.

A greenhouse, which can be built using film, glass, will help speed up the appearance of sprouts.

What to consider when sowing seeds in snails, the main mistakes of gardeners

It is not difficult to plant tomatoes in snails, the main thing is to avoid possible mistakes that threaten the death of young plants. The main drawback of gardeners is the use of low-quality tomato planting material. If you plant seeds that have poor similarity, you will have to wait a long time for a friendly emergence of seedlings.

She is also a mistake of gardeners - improper watering. Usually they are guided in terms of watering on the surface of the soil in the cochlea. It should not be forgotten that a roll of paper allows you to keep the soil moist for a longer time, so the root system of plants rarely suffers from lack of water. It is better to check the soil with your finger - if the surface has dried up more than a centimeter, water it. Use only warm liquid, cold water is no less detrimental to tomatoes than an abundance of moisture.

seedling care

Even novice gardeners who practice this method for the first time will not have any particular difficulties in caring for tomatoes. The main conditions are timely watering. Fertilizing, as usual, but if the nutrient composition was prepared in advance with the addition of fertilizers, it will be possible to do without this process.

Watering and feeding

Watering should be carried out only with warm settled water. Be sure to moisten all the turns of the snail, otherwise some plants will not receive the required amount of moisture and may die. It is better to use a watering can with a long thin spout in watering. After planting the seeds, it is better to use a syringe - this will prevent the planting material from washing out. Do not loosen the substrate, it is easy to damage the snail, which will affect the growth and development of seedlings.

Top dressing should be carried out with nutrient compositions prepared from complex fertilizers. If the plants feel good and develop together, it is recommended to limit the use of ash infusion, which has everything that tomato seedlings need.


Seedling picking should be carried out after the tomatoes grow well, and the height of the bush exceeds 3-5 cm. Carefully remove the snail from the container, trying not to damage the plants. Unroll the roll, taking out the tomatoes one by one. You should not release all the bushes from the paper at once - it is better to do this gradually, immediately sending the plants to pre-prepared containers.

Tomatoes - the culture is not too capricious, but improper cultivation of seedlings threatens with the loss of plants. The use of a snail will make it easy to get powerful young bushes that will delight you with endurance, intensive growth, and development.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Increasingly, when looking for information on how to grow a particular vegetable crop, vegetable growers come across a method of growing in “snails” and “diapers”.

This method has gained great popularity thanks to Yulia Minyaeva, who talks about it on her channel “Whether in the garden, in the garden”. This method has many fans and has its advantages. What is it?

Sowing seeds in a snail

The process begins with the preparation of the workplace. You will need a flat surface on which it will be convenient to place all the necessary equipment. Any table is suitable, it is most convenient to work on it.

  • Bucket or other container with moist fertile soil. It must be prepared in advance, in accordance with the culture that is supposed to be sown in the "snail".
  • seeds, processed and disinfected in the same way as for traditional sowing in seedling boxes. They are best placed in a shallow dish, so it is more convenient to take them.
  • Tweezers will be needed if it is inconvenient for the gardener to take the seeds with his hands, or they are very small.
  • As the main material (what the “snail” will be formed from), they take ordinary building substrate. Perhaps someone has it at home, left over from repairs. But the acquisition of new material will not require significant costs.

You will need a strip 10 cm wide. The gardener determines the length himself, based on the number of seeds of one variety. Seeding different varieties is not recommended due to different germination times and possible differences in plant height.

Seedlings of marigolds in a snail

Also, the volume of the vessel into which the finished “snail” will be installed can affect the determination of the length.

The best choice would be transparent plastic container. In the future, this will come in handy to control the level of water in it, which will nourish the roots of the plant with moisture. The vessel should be one and a half centimeters more than the thickness of the "snail". This is necessary so that you can effortlessly place a roll of seeds into it.

You will need three clerical gum, they will serve as anchors. Two for the "snail" itself, so that it does not turn around. The third will be needed to attach the plastic bag. It will serve as a cap for the "snail", in order to maintain a humid microclimate and heat.

Sprayer will be needed for watering the finished "snail" after sowing the seeds.

You can clearly see what materials are needed for sowing in the "snail" in the video of the author Yulia Minyaeva:

Snail for seedlings. Where to start: video

Sowing seeds in the "snail"

This work can cause uncertainty and anxiety only in the gardener who first started this method of growing seedlings. To protect yourself from possible failure, you can use a fallback.

Carry out additional sowing in the usual, traditional way - in seedling boxes. In this case, it will be possible to compare crops, and give preference to the best option.

You can sow seeds in a snail even on toilet paper

So: spreading a strip of substrate on the table, with the narrow side towards you, you should proceed to a uniform arrangement of the soil on it. A handful of soil is taken from a nearby bucket, leveled across the entire width of the base. The height of the earth layer can be 1.5-2 cm. Do not immediately fill the entire length of the tape, this is rather inconvenient.

Carefully, with tweezers or hands, you should lay out the seeds in a row, stepping back from one edge 2 cm. Laying out the seeds, two centimeters apart, reach the end of the earth embankment and begin to gently twist the crops into a roll.

It resembles the preparation of pastries - a roll with a filling. Therefore, for the female half of gardeners, the process will not seem difficult.

Having rolled up the sown part, hold the roll with your left hand, and pour the earth with your right hand, level it, lay the seeds and roll it up again. The action is repeated until the length of the base or seeds runs out.

We fix the bundle with the seeds with rubber bands and the whole structure is rearranged into the prepared container. You can use plastic boxes in which seedlings were previously grown. It holds several snails. They are quite stable, and placed side by side will eliminate the risk of tipping over.

If there was a slight subsidence of the earth during the rearrangement, it should be added. It is required that the ground be flush with the edges of the base material.

Water the crops from a sprayer, put a bag on top and secure with an elastic band along the roll. Access to the container must be open. This will be needed for further watering, if necessary.

A fully equipped "snail" is sent to germinate seeds in the warmest place. For some, these are the upper shelves in the kitchen, and some put the vessels with seedlings closer to the central heating batteries. It all depends on the culture planted.

Appeared loops of seedlings warn of the need to remove the shelter and move to a bright place!

With this method, you can grow almost all vegetable crops that require a seedling method. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, all kinds of cabbage, leeks, flowers, petunias, strawberries.

"Snails" are also used for sowing flowers. They are especially good for sowing cold-resistant varieties. In favorable weather, they can be immediately planted in open ground, bypassing the picking stage.

Sowing pepper in the "Snail": video by Yulia Minyaeva

New video: sowing in a snail, how to do it right

Seedlings in a snail from a newspaper: video

Advantages of "snail" crops

The biggest advantage of this method in a city apartment is the saving of space on the windowsills. Compact, vertical, they quickly become a favorite seedling vessel for many summer residents.

Shoots in the "snail" are located at the same distance from each other, which does not interfere with their identical development. This is another of the advantages of this method of sowing.

Plants also receive sunlight in equal amounts, in addition, there is the possibility of free access to each "snail". To turn the plant on the opposite side to the sun, it is not necessary to turn the whole box over. This is very inconvenient and rather time consuming when the entire window sill is filled with seedlings. In the case of "snails" it is enough to turn it around its axis, and the problem will be solved.

Much less soil mixture is required, which is also important. It often happens that the gardener cannot prepare the soil mixture in sufficient volume, due to the lack of storage space in a city apartment. In this case, you have to use purchased soil. For "snails" it needs a minimum amount. And this is a very big plus for snails. In addition, there are significant savings in the family budget. The gardener will save on the purchase of soil for crops.

Snail leek seedling

It is possible to reuse the substrates. They should be washed well with soap and water and dried. When stored, they take up a minimum of space, in comparison with seedling boxes.

It remains to wait until the shoots appear. And when they grow up, a new job awaits the gardener - transplanting a young plant, diving.

Don't rush to transplant. It is necessary to give seedlings the opportunity to develop a good root system, to build up a fairly strong leaf apparatus. Then they will transfer the transplant easily and painlessly.

The results of sowing in the "snail". Troubleshooting: video

Picking seedlings into "diapers"

Before proceeding to the description of this method, it is necessary to clarify that the “snail” is a structure prepared by oneself for sowing seeds. And in the "diapers" plants are planted that require picking.

Getting started, you need to make sure that everything you need is prepared for this.
A low container with fertile and moist soil should be located in close proximity. Working with wet soil is more convenient, it crumbles less.

Plastic bags, they will serve directly as a diaper. Their size depends on the age of the seedlings. For a seedling with five leaves, small 18x27 cm breakfast bags will do, larger plants need more space.

  • You need a container. Ready-made, “swaddled” bundles with seedlings will be located in it. Sawdust should be poured into its bottom and moistened. This condition is not necessary if the “diaper” is tucked up in its lower part.
  • You should always have a sprayer or a small watering can handy.
  • With a small flat spatula or fork, it is convenient to take individual sprouts from the "snail".
  • Those who are engaged in this method of picking for the first time can use clerical rubber bands to fasten the resulting bundles.

The process of "swaddling"

It is more convenient to work on the table, using a shallow dish or tray. They make it easier to clean up loose soil.

The "snail" should be freed from the attachment and carefully unfold the roll to the first sprout. Remove the plant from the substrate with a spatula and briefly set aside.

In the middle of the surface of the package located on the tray, pour a full, with a good slide, a spoonful of earth. If it is more convenient for someone to do it with their hands, then a handful of soil will be enough. Align a little, crush and water well (of course, not to dirt), and better from a sprayer.

Place the prepared plant on the surface of the earth. If the root system of the plant is strong and extends beyond the bottom edge of the bag, they need to be tucked a little to the top.

Root pinching should not be done, so as not to deliver additional stress to the young plant. Pinching is practiced if the seedlings have one long, underdeveloped root.

At the top, the package should end at the cotyledon leaves. Another spoonful (or handful) of earth is poured over the roots. Now you need to fold the package so that you get a cup with a sprout inside. If the gardener does not like the fact that the earth crumbles a little from the bottom of the “diaper”, the situation can be corrected with the help of toilet paper.

In the middle of the bag, at the bottom of it, lay a double layer of paper. Pour the earth, place the plant and first wrap the paper up. Get the bottom of the cup, and then roll the film into a roll, stuffed with earth with a root system. The paper will not bring any inconvenience to the seedlings, it will soon get wet. If there is not enough soil on top of the bundle, it must be poured and, if it is dry, watered.

On a note! If the seedlings that are dived are still small, then it is better to tuck the bottom of the diaper bag, forming a cup with a bottom. After the formation of a more powerful root system and the grown above-ground part, it will be possible to unfold the diaper and add more earth. After that, the bottom must be left open.

If the gardener is not sure about the reliability of seedling bundles, he can strengthen them with an elastic band. In any case, they are tightly placed in the container so that there is no possibility of them falling.

Watering plants depends on how the plant was "swaddled". If the bundle has a polyethylene bottom, then water is poured from above, onto the ground at the base of the stem. For cups without a bottom, water is poured directly into the container.

We dive pepper into diapers: video

Transplanting tomatoes into "diapers": video

Advantages of the sowing method in "diapers"

Transplanting seedlings from "snail" to "diaper" there is the possibility of interrupting work at any time, without harm to the rest of the plants. They simply won't be disturbed. The snail should be rolled up, pouring a handful of earth on the edge, secure with an elastic band.

Seedlings will calmly wait in the wings.

Significant space savings in the early spring vegetable grower's garden - the windowsill. Vertical rolls with seedlings, tightly installed in a container do not take up much space. It is convenient to turn them with the opposite side to the light, if its inclined growth is noticed.

Much less soil is needed. In the "diaper" it is used only for the development of the root system. And a very important advantage is the absence of intertwining roots. This fact entails the following advantage of the method - there is no possibility of transmission of diseases through the soil.

Seedling before planting: video

From the "diapers" - in the open ground

Planting seedlings that have matured in “diapers” is no different from planting plants that have been picked into plastic cups or a common seedling box. For them, in the same way, gradual hardening is required, and only after that young vegetable bushes are planted in open ground. Shading from the hot sun for a few days and routine care appropriate to the particular culture are needed.

Planting tomatoes in a snail is a convenient and practical way. This method is relatively new, but it has already become widespread among vegetable growers. In conditions of limited space in the house on the windowsill, you can grow a small amount of seedlings, for example, it is possible to germinate 1 sprout in one cup, and about 10 sprouts fit in a snail of the same size. Space saving is not the only advantage of this method.

Benefits of seedlings grown in snails

Planting seeds in such containers has recently begun to gain popularity and this is not surprising. This growing method has a number of advantages:

  • picking tomatoes grown in these containers takes much less time, since each seedling is located at an equal distance from each other;
  • the root system of tomato seedlings develops much better;
  • watering young seedlings in snails less often, since the water in them evaporates longer;
  • in such containers, seedlings are organically formed and do not stretch much;
  • with the snail planting method, you can save a lot of free space even in a small room;
  • extracting plants from a snail is much easier than from ordinary pots.

What is needed for growing tomato seedlings in a snail

To create a snail for growing tomato seedlings, you need to prepare:

  • tomato seeds;
  • priming;
  • film for covering the snail;
  • lace or elastic band for fastening;
  • transparent container for placing the roll.

How to plant seedlings of tomatoes in a snail

So, to get tomatoes in a snail, you should follow the following sequence:

  • Cover the work surface with a film so as not to stain it with soil.
  • Cut out a rectangular ribbon from the substrate 12-13 cm wide and 10-15 cm long.
  • Pour the soil on the tape, not reaching the edge of 1 cm, the height of the soil layer should also be about 1 cm and evenly distributed.
  • Moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle.
  • Plant the seeds by slightly pressing them into the soil and retreating 2 cm from each other and at the same distance from the top of the substrate. If the seeds are very small, then it is better to use tweezers.
  • Carefully roll the tape and future tomatoes into a roll, tuck the free part of the roll from the soil so that the contents do not spill out. The snail should not be very dense, but not loose either.
  • Secure the finished snail with a string or two rubber bands at the top and bottom.
  • Place the finished roll in a transparent container with water. There shouldn't be much water.
  • Water the soil from above. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there is a risk of washing off the seeds.
  • Set the finished snail on the windowsill and cover with foil. Remove the film immediately after the appearance of the first shoots on the surface.

What to consider when sowing seeds in snails

Pulling seedlings. This can happen when the removal of the cellophane from the top edge of the structure occurs too late. A prolonged greenhouse effect provokes a very rapid growth of plants, which has a very negative effect on their further development and productivity. You need to remove the cellophane as soon as the first shoots of seedlings appear.

Do not rush to pick seedlings. Very often, after transplanting, seedlings begin to stretch, or vice versa, show poor growth. It is desirable to dive seedlings when the elongated roots of planted plants become visible from the lower edge of the snail. A well-developed root system provides young plants with good nutrition and absorption of the required amount of elements from the soil.

When folding a snail, it is important that the bundle is tight. Poorly fixed coils do not hold the soil with seeds and due to this, the seed material slides down. This can greatly affect the germination and growth of plants, as the seedlings will have to spend a lot of energy in order to make their way to the top edge of the snail.

Latest articles about gardening and gardening

When germinating seeds without soil, in a nutrient solution, it is not advisable to use additional toilet paper. Seeds are best placed simply on a laminate substrate. Swollen toilet paper very often slows down or even prevents the germination of seeds, which greatly affects the germination of the planted crop.

What can be grown in a snail besides tomatoes

With this method, you can grow almost all vegetable crops that require a seedling method. Peppers, eggplant, zucchini, all types of cabbage, leeks, flowers, petunias, strawberries. "Snails" are also used for sowing flowers. They are especially good for sowing cold-resistant varieties. In favorable weather, they can be immediately planted in open ground, bypassing the picking stage.

Dive seedlings of tomato in a diaper

Tomato seedlings are not grown without picking. Sometimes, as the plants grow, it is even necessary to gently spin the snail and add more earth to it.

You can transplant tomatoes into any usual containers: cups, containers, special pots. It is convenient to dive into the "diaper".

A diaper is called cups made from the same substrate for a laminate (or from a film).

You need to relocate seedlings from snails as soon as the first real leaves appear. Or - when the roots begin to stretch beyond the snail. This happens about a week after the shoots have appeared. In most varieties of tomatoes, after another day, three sprouts will get stronger enough for transplanting.

It is not necessary to cut off the spine when diving, except in cases where the central root has grown too long.

Tomatoes are immersed deep in the ground, up to the cotyledon leaves: the stem will stretch, and there will be many roots.

You should not take seedlings with your hands, especially the stalk - this is stress for a fragile sprout. It is better to carefully separate the plant from the snail with a small spatula and hold it behind a clod of earth at the roots. In extreme cases, you can carefully grab the leaves.

If tomato seeds germinated without soil, they are not separated from the paper, but simply cut off and planted along with it.

If soil spills out of the diaper, you can lay two layers of toilet paper from below. At the first stage, it will hold the soil, later it will get wet and will not harm the plant.

Ready diapers are placed in a container with sawdust, into which water is poured. If the bottom of the cup is made of cellophane (shoe covers), the diapers are watered in the usual way, but only with the help of a sprayer.

Our grandmothers tried to use film or newsprint, sewed cups for transplanting tomatoes from these materials. But they were bulky. Snail and diaper methods of growing tomatoes are economical in this regard. After all, they save the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window for accommodating other plantings. Moreover, gardeners save money on the purchase of containers for transplanting seedlings and a large amount of land.

Snail or diaper methods of growing seedlings, relatively young. Plant lovers are getting used to them. But it is safe to say that the methods will take root. Most importantly, planting seedlings from snails and diapers is easy.

The advantages of the method of sowing, planting and growing peppers, tomatoes and much more in the snail have already been mentioned. We will not repeat ourselves.

When many people write in the search engine “Planting tomatoes in a snail”, they mean seedlings. No, in this article, I will describe exactly the planting of tomato seedlings in a snail.

The story is as follows: at the end of December 2016. sowed seeds in a snail for 5-6 pieces of different crops: tomato, sweet peppers, hot peppers and cucumbers - for home cultivation in the winter-spring period. So to say, I wanted to eat cucumbers and tomatoes before the start of the garden season.

Naturally, the varieties chose potted, indoor growth. So, there was an overlay with tomatoes: the Potted Red tomato variety turned out to have very small seeds with a hard shell, more like eggplant, only smaller in size. They sprouted well in the snail, like all other seeds. But, all the seedlings (assorted) in this snail stretched out, because they needed to be highlighted, but such an opportunity (in December) was not available for some reason.

So that the “thread” shoots would not disappear at all, I decided to move them in the snail, as I did last year:

  • snail rolls with soil
  • plants simply move inside the snail to the full height of the extended stem
  • a little earth is sprinkled so that there is no bare stem inside the snail

Let me explain a little: I make all the snails immediately with the ground, bypassing the stage of toilet paper, if you focus on the video of Yulia Minyaeva. Why? Because I prefer to sow toilet paper in a sealed plastic box (a food container with a lid). I have used this method for many years and it is more familiar to me. Maybe not right, because it is very easy to add soil to a snail with toilet paper without touching the plants, but the seedlings still need to be removed from the container (tear the toilet paper) and placed in the snail, which, of course, has a certain risk.

As for the movement of elongated plants: the snail is still too big for young shoots, there are a lot of places, the roots are scanty, so you can move the plants in the snail without any complications. But, it’s better to do this when the plants get a little stronger and grow bigger, at least to the first true leaf (according to the experience of last year).

After the seedlings moved in the snail, all the plants took root without problems, except for this Potted Red tomato, because the seedlings were already quite microscopic. If this procedure had been done later, they would have been guaranteed to survive.

Therefore, I had to sow the seeds of this tomato again: on toilet paper in a plastic container on January 19th. The seeds are very strange, because they germinated for a long time, like peppers. Shoots again appeared small in size, if not scanty. In a plastic container, seedlings (of any plant) can be left until true leaves appear or more. They feel great on toilet paper, you just need to monitor the humidity. It is necessary to transplant when it is already clear that the roots are large and begin to get confused with each other.

Shoots of tomatoes of the Pot Red variety on toilet paper in a plastic container with a lid

Now, in a snail with earth, tomatoes will grow and develop much more intensively, because they are warm and humid in a snail, which is the very thing for any plant. Since in the future these will be potted plants, it makes sense to do the next picking of tomatoes immediately into the container (pot, bucket) in which the plant will grow and bear fruit, only slightly below the top, so that later, after filling the ground, force the plant to increase its root system (like, the third pick). But, it's too early to talk about it.


Growing seedlings is a difficult and painstaking task. It is necessary to select high-quality seeds, prepare them for planting. It is also worth taking care of the soil, a special container in which plants will grow, and lighting. Very often, boxes with seedlings occupy indoors not only window sills, but also other well-lit areas, which is not very convenient, especially in a small apartment.

Growing seedlings in a snail is a fairly new and original way to grow strong seedlings and save indoor space.

In order to create an unusual pot for a large number of seedlings, the following materials are needed:

  • transparent container with low edges (it is in it that the snail will be located);
  • substrate for laminate (waterproof, soft and porous material), it is recommended to use a tape 10 cm wide and 1-1.5 meters long;
  • tweezers;
  • 2 well-stretched elastic bands;
  • plastic bag;
  • priming;
  • seeds.

Preparing seeds for germination

Before proceeding with planting, a preliminary sorting of seeds should be carried out. Empty, wrong color or too small seeds should be selected so as not to sow the precious area with pre-defective material. You can also use special techniques that help increase seed germination.

Seed treatment methods. Table


To stimulate the germination of seeds, you can soak them in water. For these purposes, warm water is needed. Seeds are placed in gauze or bandage and soaked until swelling.

To harden the seeds, you can soak them in cold water for a day, which should be changed after 3-4 hours.

To speed up the germination of seeds, you can soak them in trace elements dissolved in water 10-12 hours before planting. This method is good because the resulting seedlings are of high quality and strength.

For these purposes, ultraviolet and potassium permanganate are used. Onions, legumes can be placed under open sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp.

A 1% aqueous solution is prepared from potassium permanganate and water, in which the seeds should be placed for 20-30 minutes.

To disinfect the seed, garlic water can be used: for 100 grams of water, 20 grams of chopped garlic. It is recommended to keep the seeds in this solution for an hour. After the procedure, it is desirable to wash the selected planting material.

It is important to know! Prepared seeds germinate much faster than untreated seeds. It is also worth noting the fact that after soaking and feeding the seeds, almost 100% germination is observed.

The process of creating a snail

Step 1. Workplace organization. To make it convenient to work with the soil, it is advisable to protect the table from dirt with an oilcloth or adapt a large tray to create a snail. A container with soil, water, seeds and other tools should be placed at hand so that it is convenient to create an unusual pot for germinating seedlings.

Step 2 A 10 cm wide ribbon should be placed with one end towards you, it is advisable to place this end on a tray.

Step 3 Soil is poured over the entire width of the tape, no more than 1 cm high. So that the earth does not crumble, it is recommended to lightly tamp it with the palm of your hand. It is also recommended to lightly moisten the soil so that it does not crumble much.

You can pour soil on the tape with a spoon, spatula, palm, the main thing is to be comfortable. It is advisable not to immediately pour a lot of earth on the length of the tape, it is enough to fill the substrate 15-20 cm in length.

Step 4 After the first section of the tape is covered with earth, the planting material should be placed correctly. For convenience, you can use tweezers. Seeds are laid along the entire length of the tape, at a distance of 2 cm from one of the edges. The distance between the seeds is 1-2 cm. When laying the planting material, it is advisable to bury the grains with your finger into the ground.

Step 5. The tape with soil and seeds is rolled up in the form of a roll to the place where there is no soil solution yet. Then, holding an already rolled roll with one hand, you need to pour soil on the next section of the tape and arrange the seeds in the same way.

Step 6. In a similar way, you need to use the entire sheet of material until you have a dense roll with soil and seeds in coils in your hands. This design resembles a two-layer roll or shell, hence the name of the method of growing seedlings.

Step 7 To prevent the snail from crumbling, it must be fixed with an elastic band, which must be kept on the table in advance, in the visibility zone.

The snail should be positioned so that the seeds are at the top of the structure. When rolling the roll, the soil along the edges of the tape tends to crumble, so you need to make up for the lack of land after folding the snail. To do this, you need to fill the soil so that it bulges slightly from the top edge of the shell.

It is important to know! By the number of turns and width, the snail should be such that it fits easily into a pre-prepared plastic container with high edges.

Step 8. The snail is installed in a round plastic container, it is important that the seeds are closer to the top edge.

Step 9 Watering the snail. In order for the seeds to germinate, you need to carefully water all the turns in the resulting folded structure. It is not necessary to spare water, its lack will affect the germination of seedlings.

Step 10 A transparent cellophane is stretched over the snail and fixed with another elastic band. This is necessary in order to create a greenhouse effect and ensure the rapid germination of seeds.

The snail is ready. The whole process of planting seeds in one home-made structure takes no more than 15 minutes.

It is important to know! After the first shoots appear in the soil, the cellophane can be removed. It is advisable to put the snail on the windowsill so that the plants receive the right portion of the sun's rays. You need to water the snail constantly, the lack of moisture has a bad effect on the growth and development of plants.

Video - Planting pepper in a snail

What plants can be germinated in a snail

The new way of growing seedlings shows very good results and is becoming more and more popular with summer residents and gardeners. With the help of a snail, you can grow the following crops:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • leek;
  • pepper;
  • strawberry;
  • strawberry;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • flower cultures.

What is convenient snail:

  • each seedling is at the same distance from each other, which makes it easy to dive seedlings when transplanting into a greenhouse;
  • since the plants are located at a decent distance from each other, their root system develops perfectly;
  • watering plants in a snail is very simple: water should be poured into the container in which the twisted laminate substrate with seedlings is located;
  • in the snail, the seedlings do not stretch, which allows the plant to form organically;
  • a snail with a large number of seedlings does not take up much space, which is very convenient when there is a shortage of space on the windowsills;
  • snail plants are very easy to dive. In this process, each seedling is easily removed from its place without damaging the root system of a nearby plant.

Video - Why the snail is becoming more and more popular

What to consider when sowing seeds in snails, the main mistakes of gardeners

This can happen when the removal of the cellophane from the top edge of the structure occurs too late. A prolonged greenhouse effect provokes a very rapid growth of plants, which has a very negative effect on their further development and productivity. You need to remove the cellophane as soon as the first shoots of seedlings appear.

Do not rush to pick seedlings. Very often, after transplanting, seedlings begin to stretch, or vice versa, show poor growth. It is desirable to dive seedlings when the elongated roots of planted plants become visible from the lower edge of the snail. A well-developed root system provides young plants with good nutrition and absorption of the required amount of elements from the soil.

When folding a snail, it is important that the bundle is tight.. Poorly fixed coils do not hold the soil with seeds and due to this, the seed material slides down. This can greatly affect the germination and growth of plants, as the seedlings will have to spend a lot of energy in order to make their way to the top edge of the snail.

When germinating seeds without soil, in a nutrient solution, it is not advisable to use additional toilet paper. Seeds are best placed simply on a laminate substrate. Swollen toilet paper very often slows down or even prevents the germination of seeds, which greatly affects the germination of the planted crop.

Seedlings in a snail using toilet paper - photo

It is not necessary to use other materials, especially cellophane, instead of a well-retaining and soft laminate substrate. In this case, it is impossible to guarantee germination and good seedling growth.

Video - What you need to pay attention to when planting plants in a snail

How to properly dive a snail

Despite the planting of seeds at the same time and the same conditions of detention, the seedlings in the snail may turn out to be of different quality: some plants look strong and strong, others have not yet grown to the desired size. To grow weak seedlings and separate strong seedlings, the snail can be dived. For these purposes, you should carefully unwind the roll with tape, carefully remove the strong and large-looking seedlings. This is not difficult to do, since the plants are sown at a considerable distance from each other and their root system is not intertwined.

After the removal of strong specimens, the snail is folded again, secured with an elastic band and sent to the windowsill.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the new method, you can try to sow part of the plants in a snail, and part - by the classical method. As an experiment, the resulting seedlings can be compared. It is possible that the new method will greatly simplify spring sowing and show excellent results.