Alstroemeria is called differently. Alstroemeria - all the secrets of growing

All about spotlights

Popularly, this flower is also called the Peruvian lily and the flower of the Incas. Currently, alstroemeria is gaining more and more popularity. Flower shops offer a large selection of arrangements with this beauty. It is truly not inferior in beauty to the traditional rose and lily. With a little effort and patience, you can admire its splendor in a flowerbed or in your garden.

Many gardeners believe that growing Peruvian lilies is a troublesome task and will certainly fail. But this opinion is wrong. In fact, planting alstroemeria on your own plot no more difficult than any other flower. You can prepare seedlings in advance or sow the seeds in open ground after the last frost has passed.

The plant can also be planted in a pot. Balconies and loggias landscaped with its help look impressive.

However, it is worth considering that this will require a spacious pot - the roots of the flower are quite long.

Alstroemeria is often used in landscape design. With its help you can plant borders and paths. Tall varieties look great in the back rows of flower beds.

When is the best time to plant flowers?

Alstroemeria is perennial flower. Like most perennials, it will not please you with flowering in the first year. As a rule, it begins to bloom in the second or third year after planting seeds, or a year later when planting tubers.

Seeds are recommended to be planted in open ground when consistently warm weather sets in, no earlier than the end of May - beginning of June. If the plant is grown by seedlings, the seeds are sown at the end of February. At the beginning of June, young seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Tubers can be planted in spring, in mid-April. If you want to achieve early flowering of the Peruvian lily, plant the rhizomes in late September - October.

Thus, the flower will wake up earlier, so it can be expected to bloom in the spring and summer.

How to choose Peruvian lily flowers for planting

For the Peruvian beauty, there are only two planting options:

  • seeds
  • bulbs

If you prefer to breed seeds, they can be planted in open ground or germinated on a windowsill.

Depending on the chosen method, you need to approach the selection of planting material with utmost attention and accuracy.

Alstroemeria is a fairly heat-loving plant. Most of its varieties are adapted to warm climates with mild winters.

But as the popularity of this flower increased, scientists developed varieties suitable for growing in harsh Russian winters.

When choosing flowers for planting in your climatic conditions, you must take this nuance into account. It is better to purchase planting material from specialized flower or garden stores.

When purchasing seedlings, you should pay attention to the appearance of the flower, Is it susceptible to diseases and pests?.

Types and varieties of alstroemeria

At the moment, there are more than a dozen species of alstroemeria - white, pink, purple and many others. Modern breeding scientists are working to develop varieties suitable for cultivation in our climatic conditions. We will consider the most common plant varieties below.

  1. Brazilian. This is a tall plant variety, reaching a height of 1.5-2 m. The flower petals are spear-shaped, the inflorescences are red, and there are specimens with a bronze tint.
  2. . This variety is characterized by intensive growth and lush flowering. The inflorescences are bright red.
  3. . A distinctive feature can rightfully be considered the flowers of their original color - orange with a green rim around the edge.
  4. . The variety is quite frost-resistant. Tolerates frosts down to -12 degrees. Flowers of various shades - from lemon yellow to red-orange. The plant is tall, reaches 1.5 m in height.
  5. . The variety is low, only 10 cm tall. It blooms profusely, the inflorescences are golden in color with black specks.

Inka Ice

Planting alstroemeria in open ground

When planting Peruvian lilies from seeds It is recommended to use the seedling method. Before planting, the seeds are kept in a damp cloth on the refrigerator shelf for about a month. The optimal temperature during this period will be 2-4 degrees Celsius. Then the prepared seeds are planted in a container under film or glass. After the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse is gradually opened.

When the third leaf appears, the seedlings dive. At the end of May, seedlings are planted in open ground. To do this, you need to choose the landing site wisely.

For alstroemeria, a sunny, warm place would be suitable, with partial shade possible. It is important to protect the chosen location from drafts and strong winds.

The soil for planting must be loose and nutritious. To do this, the day before the planned planting of plants, dig up the selected area. It is recommended to add rotted manure, compost, and peat to the soil.

Alstroemeria planting process:

  1. dig holes, the distance between them should be at least half a meter;
  2. lay drainage at the bottom, you can use river pebbles;
  3. then add a handful of compost;
  4. Place the plant in the hole, sprinkle soil on top, compact it a little with your hands;
  5. Water the young plant generously;
  6. It is recommended to mulch the soil on top with peat or sawdust.

If you decide to propagate an existing flower dividing the rhizome, you need to dig the plant out of the ground. Then divide the bush into 2-3 parts, treat the cuts with crushed coal. The resulting bushes can be planted in the ground.

With this method of propagation, young plants take a long time to take root, and therefore require constant care and close attention.

Caring for flowers after planting

You need to be especially careful when watering alstroemeria. She absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging.

If the soil looseness is insufficient and the soil is quite heavy, the alstroemeria roots begin to rot. And it is extremely difficult to stop this process. To keep the plant in loose soil, use mulching.

Fertilizing Peruvian lilies when grown in a pot is not required at all. But in open ground they are necessary.

Once a week add:

  • before budding, potassium mineral fertilizers;
  • during the period of budding and flowering, mineral fertilizers for flowering plants (with a small nitrogen content).

Organic fertilizers can be used only in small quantities and well-rotted, so as not to burn the roots of the plant.

Preparing for winter

Mature plants quite frost-resistant compared to young people. In southern latitudes they can winter in open ground.

In temperate latitudes it is necessary to snatch alstroemeria for the winter. To do this, the stems and leaves of the flower are cut off, leaving no more than 8-10 cm above the soil surface. Then cover with sawdust, leaves, spruce branches. You can cover the top of the Peruvian lily with film and cover it with mulch.

If the plant is still young, or a particularly harsh winter is expected, alstroemeria can be dug up as a chrysanthemum.

You can store the dug out bush in the home cellar until spring.

Alstroemeria is a rather exotic plant for our latitudes. But do not be afraid of growing a beauty in your own garden. If you follow all the rules of care and recommendations for maintaining the plant, you will soon get a brightly flowering plant.

Each of us loves something beautiful, something that lifts our spirits and makes us happy. When we're sad, flowers tend to be just such a thing. Every housewife or just a gardener loves a variety of plants and always gives them a place of honor in her garden or home.

In this article you will learn about the very beautiful and mysterious Alstroemeria flower, which is often called the Lily.

Growing Alstroemeria in open ground

The Inca tribe discovered unusual innovations and novelties during the era of its existence. These people were the most talented craftsmen, doctors and excellent builders. At the same time, they very much valued one thing - nature, they believed that it had enormous power. The Peruvian lily occupied the main place in the beliefs of the people. This is a magical and beautiful Alstroemeria flower.

Amazing facts about the magical Alstroemeria

For a long period of time, the Alstroemeria flower was called the “flower of the Incas.” The whole tribe considered her magical for her magical properties. In those distant times, it was believed that this flower could shelter a person from the enemy.

There are many legends and tales about this magical flower. There are many interesting facts about Alstroemeria:

  • Alstroemeria has long been considered a symbol of good luck and wealth.
  • The flower looks good in bouquets; it does not have any scent.

This flower became known in Europe only 100 years later, after the Inca Empire collapsed. Residents of South Africa also greatly revered the exotic flower Alstroemeria.

Let's figure out what the rules are for growing Alstroemeria flowers in our time. How to plant and care for it in open ground.

Planting and care

Alstroemeria loves mild climates. But she is not afraid of cold and frost; she can easily survive the winter period. So, in those cities where winter with severe frosts constantly reigns, this flower can be planted. But still, at the time of cold weather, it is necessary to cover the rhizome.

How to grow alstroemeria in your given area.

You need to choose a landing site:

  • Light;
  • Warm;
  • With partial shadows to avoid sunburn of the plant.

The place for growing Alstroemeria must be permeable, the drainage system must be well formed and the presence of sand must be present. The plant loves loose soil, in which it will be easy for the flower to grow and take root.

To plant, you should wait until the snow melts and all the water drains. The most favorable period for planting a flower is spring, but you should definitely wait until the soil has dried thoroughly. The holes are prepared with an interval of 30 centimeters and a depth of 25 centimeters. Organic compost is added to the hole and then Alstroemeria is planted, covering it with soil. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly.

If there is a risk that the roots may freeze, then you should definitely place the plant in a cellar or other room where the temperature reaches 0 degrees with a clod of earth, this way you will save your plant.

The moisture content of the planting soil should be carefully monitored. If the soil is too dry, the plant can quickly die. But you shouldn’t overwater the flower, otherwise the roots will gradually begin to rot. It is recommended to water the plant once a week, but when it’s hot outside, you can switch to twice the regime. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly moist, not allowing it to dry out.

The plant should be fed only in spring and summer.

The plant blooms from mid-June to mid-August.

After your Alstroemeria has already bloomed, you should definitely get rid of dry inflorescences by cutting them off with garden shears.


Alstroemeria can be propagated in several ways:

  • Tubers;
  • Seeds.

Propagation by tubers should be carried out in spring,

Alstroemeria seeds can be collected yourself.

In winter, they should be placed in a dark place. And in April - May they can be planted in the ground. But the beautiful Alstroemeria will bloom only next year.


Every plant is subject to attack by insects and other pests, which are not always easy to eliminate.

The main pests of alstroemeria include:

  • Thrips;
  • Ticks.


The most dangerous diseases for Alstroemeria are root rot and late blight - they arise mainly from too much stagnation of water, so overwatering should be avoided so as not to lead to the death of the plant. Gray rot may also appear - it appears from high humidity and poor air permeability, which is why you need to sterilize the soil before planting the plant.

Recently, men began to look for flowers resembling small lilies in flower shops and present them to ladies - alstroemeria. Take a look at the photo - these beautiful plants are easy to grow yourself in the open ground of the temperate zone. Learn from the article the intricacies of planting this crop and caring for it, try to get alstroemeria from seeds and enjoy its flowering every year in May and June.

Alstroemeria - brief botanical characteristics

The more accurate name of this plant is written with an “e” - alstroemeria, since it is dedicated to the Swedish industrialist Baron Claes Alstroemer, who was fond of botany and studied with Carl Linnaeus himself. These are perennial herbs that tend to form succulent tubers. Their homeland is the Andes, so these flowers are often called “Peruvian lilies” or “lilies of the Incas.”

Alstroemeria has nothing to do with real lilies; it is a completely different family of plants. Their interesting feature is the twisting of the petioles, causing the leaves to face the sky with their undersides.

Alstroemeria - an original flower for the garden

Alstroemeria flowers consist of six petals of uneven color: with spots or longitudinal strokes. The petals of the outer and inner circles are often colored differently, which gives breeders the opportunity to breed varieties and hybrids of many shades.

Advice. When arranging bouquets to pair with alstroemeria, select flowers of similar shape but opposite color. An excellent combination will be provided by bright yellow varieties and purple irises.

Like most orchids, calla lilies and hibiscus, alstroemeria has no discernible odor to humans, which is important for hypersensitive people. The only drawback of the crop is that its petals fall off too quickly when cut. In addition, the plant sap can cause skin irritation.

What varieties and hybrids to pay attention to

Of the more than one hundred species of alstroemeria, about half have been introduced into culture: carnation, Peruvian, golden, blood-flowered, ligtu and others. They cross well with each other, giving, although sterile in terms of seeds, very beautiful forms. The best alstroemeria hybrids belong to one of three groups:

  • Ligtu are hybrids of the actual ligtu, blood-flowered and golden, they are very beautiful, but they die off after the first flowering, which means the annual purchase of expensive seedlings;

  • Dr. Salter - very large striped flowers on high stems, the plant is durable and impressive, used as a cut flower;
  • Dutch hybrids - distinguished by large flowers with characteristic contrasting spots on the petals.

Low alstroemerias are grown in rooms as a potted plant. Among them, worthy of attention are the pale pink Sarah, the snow-white Camilla with brownish touches, the sandy Inka Ice, and the yellow Ella with salmon-colored spots.

Tall varieties such as Mozart, Indigo, Primadonna, Regina are more suitable for open ground. Their purpose is to decorate the garden along with roses, peonies, and spirea. If flowers are needed for bouquets, then these same varieties will take root well in a greenhouse.

Attention! In the language of flowers, alstroemeria means confirmation of strong friendship, wishing good luck and prosperity.

Breeding alstroemeria on your own site

This crop can be propagated in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the tuber. You just need to remember that hybrid varieties either do not produce seeds, or their descendants do not reproduce the beauty of their parents, therefore, only the second method is suitable for them. Alstroemeria propagation by seeds occurs in February and includes the following operations:

  • prepare soil acidified with high-moor peat;
  • freeze it or spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Place in a seed container on expanded clay drainage and moisten;
  • Lightly press the seeds into the soil and sprinkle;
  • Wrap the container in plastic and place it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for a month.

Alstroemeria seedlings

All this time, the seeds will undergo the stratification stage necessary for subsequent cultivation in open ground. To avoid mold and rot, they are ventilated twice a day. After four weeks, the “captives”, without opening the package, are placed in a warm place with additional lighting. Do not forget about systematic ventilation. You will have to wait up to a month for seedlings, only after that it will be possible to remove the film.

At the age of several true leaves, the seedlings are planted in individual cups, and after a few weeks they receive ready-made seedlings. It can be used in open and closed ground, but alstroemeria from seeds will bloom only for 2-3 years.

To obtain vegetative offspring, at the end of flowering, tubers are dug up, cut into pieces containing at least 5 buds each and planted. Flowering can be expected next year.

Attention! When separating tubers, do not forget to powder the sections with crushed coal, this will protect the juicy tissues from colonization by bacteria.

Alstroemeria in the apartment and garden: subtleties of care

In open ground, tubers are planted in the ground to a depth of about 15 cm, therefore, the soil must be loosened using a shovel. Too heavy soil is flavored with sand and compost to increase its fertility and prevent water stagnation. Water as needed and feed with complex fertilizer once a month.

An interesting feature of alstroemeria is the cessation of flowering when the soil (over +22) and air (over +28) overheat. For this reason, the plant should be placed under light shade, and the soil should be mulched with a 3-4 cm layer of peat.

Alstroemeria in a flowerbed

Some varieties can produce flower stalks more than a meter high, which the manufacturer warns about on the seed packaging label. To prevent such stems from breaking under the weight of floral beauty, a coarse mesh is stretched over the flowerbed (bed) with alstroemeria. A green fishing or volleyball net is suitable: it will not be noticeable among the leaves.

a beautiful flowering plant that came to us from South America. In Russian conversation you can find another name - alstroemeria.

There are more than 200 varieties of this beautiful flower found in nature. Alstroemeria is an ornamental plant; it is grown at home, in greenhouses, and occasionally as a garden plant.

The flower can often be found in bouquets, as it can delight with its beauty in a vase for a long time. It is safely considered one of the most beautiful perennial plants.

The only negative aspect of the flower is that its petals fall off quite quickly.. How to properly grow alstroemeria and how to care for it is described in detail in this article.

Did you know?In tents selling flowers, there is an inscription that alstroemeria is “a hybrid of lily and orchid,” but this is not true. In fact, it belongs to the family of tuberous herbaceous plants.

Planting alstroemeria seeds for seedlings

When growing alstroemeria using seeds, flowering occurs after about 2 years. In some cases, the period can last up to 3 years.

To plant a flower, you need to prepare the soil, a sunny place without direct rays. If you correctly follow all the rules when planting and caring, the flower will delight you with its blooms all summer long.

When to plant

It is best to plant flower seeds in pots in early spring. The end of February and the beginning of March is the ideal time for the flower to start growing. But for different plant hybrids, their planting time is selected. It is better to choose a non-cloudy, warm day for planting seedlings.

Soil for alstroemeria

The soil for alstroemeria needs to be prepared in advance. To do this, take 2/3 of the leaf humus and fill the rest of the container with turf soil. Turf soil allows air and water to pass through well and has good acidity, which the flower needs.

Mix thoroughly, and then you can safely plant the seeds. When planting, it is better not to use chemical fertilizers and growth stimulants.

Boarding procedure

Once you have prepared the soil for the flower, you can begin planting. In the pot or other container you are using, be sure to line the bottom with drainage. You can use fine gravel or pebbles.

Place the plant seeds on the soil and press down lightly so that they go deep to two heights of their growth. Sprinkle soil on top, then water and cover the pot with plastic wrap.

The procedure for planting alstroemeria seedlings is now complete, and the flowers can be sent for stratification.

Important!During flowering, alstroemeria can release substances that cause irritation to the skin.

Seed stratification

Alstroemeria stratification begins immediately after planting. Stratification means keeping seeds at a certain temperature to accelerate their growth.

Planted seeds, covered with film, are placed in an environment with a temperature of +2 to +5°. There the flower is kept for about 20 days.

Some seeds may germinate more slowly and may take 30 days to sprout. This low temperature promotes faster seed germination. Stratification ends when the young stem is visible.

Planting seedlings in open ground

It is best to plant sprouted seeds towards the end of May. At this time, the risk of night frosts completely drops, and the sprouts will not be in any danger. For planting, it is recommended to choose a warm day, but without hot sun, when the soil is sufficiently dry.

We dig holes at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other. The depth of the hole is no more than 25 cm. At the bottom of the hole we place a layer of up to 10 cm of pre-prepared organic compost. We slightly deepen the root of the sprout and fill the hole with soil.

Sprinkle a few centimeters of mulch on top. It will help fight weed germination and retain moisture for a long time. But there is no need to completely hide the sprout under mulch. Then the entire planting area is watered abundantly so that the water reaches the very bottom of the hole.

Important!Under no circumstances should the root be allowed to overheat above 22°. After exposure to this temperature, rhizomes may begin to die.

Proper care is the key to abundant flowering

In order for alstroemeria to delight you with the beauty of its blooms, you need to care for it correctly and in a timely manner. At each stage of growth, a flower requires a separate approach. Regular watering and timely fertilizing with fertilizers is the key to successful flower growth.

Despite the layer of mulch, weeds will still appear; it is necessary to constantly weed the beds. Alstroemeria blooms already in the first year of planting, after about 2 months, and blooms until the end of August. After flowering, cut off the peduncle, leaving about 7 cm of the stem.

Organic feeding can be done no more than twice a year, in spring and summer. For the winter, the top part of the plant is cut off and dug out along with the roots. And if the winter period is not so frosty, and it is older than two years, you can fill the planting site with dry leaves.

How to care for the soil

The soil in which alstroemeria grows should be moderately acidic, with a small amount of fertilizer. The soil needs regular watering, moisture should penetrate 3 cm deep. If the soil dries out, the shoots will not die, but the plant will lose its shape and charm.

During the growth of bushes, the soil should be saturated with more nitrogen, and during budding - with potassium. It is better to use a balanced fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. Fertilizing alstroemeria should occur in spring and summer.

How to prolong flowering

The flowering of alstroemeria largely depends on the care and fertilization of the soil. But in order to observe the colorful blooming buds, the plant must be exposed pruning.

After planting, the flower quickly produces many shoots, approximately 75 - 110 shoots. They need to be trimmed every month. Weak and thin stems are removed. In general, about a third of the entire bush is cut off, which allows the remaining stems to bloom longer and brighter.

When to dig and how to store rhizomes

In the first year of alstroemeria flowering, it may not survive the winter, and leafy or branchy flooring on top will not help it. Rhizomes with stems need to be dug up in both the 2nd and 3rd years, until the plant is thoroughly strengthened.

In autumn, when the period of night frosts begins, it is time to dig up flowers. To do this, we first cut the stems to a length of about 20 cm. We take a pitchfork and carefully, so as not to damage the root, dig it out.

We leave the dug root in the ground, only slightly cleaning it. The earthen lump needs to be slightly dried so that the roots do not rot during winter storage. The roots should be stored in a basement or cellar, or in another place with a temperature no higher than 5°.

Did you know?If your girlfriend has allergies, give her a bouquet of alstroemeria, these flowers are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions.

Alstroemeria in landscape design

Such a beautiful and delicate flower as alstroemeria can become the main decoration of your front garden, be a beautiful background, or exist in harmony with many beautiful inhabitants of the landscape. Due to its large height (in some cases up to 1.7 meters) and bright, varied colors: from pink to purple, it looks great as a background for roses.

The union of the fragility of alstroemeria and the powerful rose is one of the most popular plantings. Planting chrysanthemums is also a successful combination with them. Especially if the planting of both varieties is done in soft colors.

And in the palette with gerberas they use orange and pink tones. You can use alstroemeria in a dominant position in your flowerbed. Only then should you choose shorter plants like sedums or irises as opponents to the flower. By imagining, you can achieve harmony in your area.

Did you know?A bouquet with cut flowers can last up to one month!

Alstroemeria propagation methods

Alstroemeria is propagated in 2 ways: by seeds and by dividing rhizomes. In both cases, the flowers need to be disturbed in the spring, before the plant begins to grow. If fertile shoots are disturbed during growth, they will not bloom that year.

You can collect the seeds yourself, and they can store their fruiting function for up to 4 years. The roots are also best divided in the spring.

Division of rhizomes

Dividing the rhizomes should be done in early spring, before the plant begins to grow. It is best to choose thicker rhizomes; too thin ones may produce weak shoots or not sprout at all. It is better to use a pitchfork for digging, so as not to damage the rhizomes.

The rhizomes are cut into a maximum of 3 parts, all of them must be healthy, well developed and have up to 10 buds. To prevent the entry of microbes, treat the sections with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Alstroemeria, which has a dozen different names, is a rhizomatous perennial plant native to South America. Despite its southern origin, growing alstroemeria both at home and in the open ground in our latitudes is also possible. But if you have to tinker with a plant that is grown outside, then caring for indoor alstroemeria in a pot is not difficult. Have you decided to add this beautiful exotic to your collection of indoor plants? Then read some of the nuances, and you are guaranteed success.

Brief information about the plant

Many varietal species and hybrids of alstroemeria are known. The Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, as this plant is also called, can have different colors of inflorescences, bush shape and height. Alstroemeria stems are very flexible, but at the same time erect. They, like arrows, grow from the rhizome and end in lush inflorescences. Alstroemeria flowers are funnel-shaped and can be painted in different colors; there are varieties with single-color stripes or contrasting stripes. Externally, the flowers are similar to the inflorescences of orchids and lilies. As for the leaves of alstroemeria, they are long and inverted, that is, the front side is directed downwards, and the back, respectively, upwards.

As already mentioned, planting and caring for alstroemeria is easier to do at home or in a greenhouse. Gardeners who maintain greenhouses prefer tall hybrid varieties. But lovers of house plants should not be upset. The breeders took care to give them a houseplant - Alstroemeria domestica of low-growing varieties. Such plants do not exceed forty centimeters in height and have large flowers, the diameter of which can reach seven centimeters. Blooms mainly in summer. The most popular varieties of indoor alstroemeria are “Sara”, “Ella” and “Camilla”. Such plants will give you pink, salmon and white inflorescences, respectively.

Features of caring for alstroemeria

If this exotic plant appears in your home, provide it with a place where the lighting will be bright but diffused. There are no special requirements for temperature conditions. Alstroemeria dies at 4 degrees Celsius and below, but at home such temperatures are hardly possible. If you want to see flowering faster, provide the plant with a temperature of +15 for three weeks. As soon as the first buds appear, increase it another three degrees.

As for watering, moderation and regularity are the basic principles. And it should always be like this, since alstroemeria does not have a pronounced resting phase. If the root system has grown and entangled the entire pot, the flower must be replanted. It is better to time this event to coincide with the beginning of spring or postpone it until flowering stops. Don't want to have such an overgrown plant? Then divide the rhizome, leaving at least a dozen stems. If damaged areas are found during transplantation, feel free to cut them off with a knife and treat the rhizome with a disinfectant. But you have to pay it weekly. It is better if you alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. Fertilize alstroemeria only in the flowering phase do not do it.

Alstroemeria can also be propagated by seeds, but only after two years can you expect the first buds. Sow the seeds in a loose, moistened substrate and cover with film. In three weeks the seedlings will hatch. The film is then removed, and the seedlings are cared for in the same way as an adult plant.

Please note that this delicate-looking beauty contains tulipalin in its juice - a toxic substance that can corrode the skin. Take care of your pets who like to chew on leaves. A large amount of toxin can cause poisoning, and death in small animals and birds.