Curly perennials and vines for the gazebo. Climbing perennials for gazebos

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To give your garden attractiveness and individuality, to decorate country houses, in other words, to carry out vertical gardening, you should take a closer look at annual and perennial climbing and weaving plants and flowers.

Ornamental climbing plants propagate easily and grow quickly. The riot of colors around the gazebo, fence or pergola will not keep you waiting long. Ornamental climbing plants create a charming picturesque corner in the garden with a unique floral scent.

Many of the climbing plants bloom luxuriantly with beautiful and fragrant flowers. Some of them look very attractive during their fruiting period, when clusters and berries hang from them. Others have unusually green foliage that takes on original red colors in autumn.

Most climbing plants are generally low maintenance and easy to grow. However, the majority likes sunny sides, and, accordingly, they will need regular watering. It is desirable to plant in nutritious soil and apply complex mineral fertilizers at least once a year.

Weaving and climbing plants in the garden are used to decorate or cover from the sun various summer cottages (usually porches or gazebos, outbuildings), house walls, fences. It happens that they even cover compost pits.

Video: climbing plants for the garden

perennial climbing plants

Curly (climbing) roses

Perceptible in the air and visible from afar. Ideal for decorating the entrance gate or arches in the garden, as they reach 2.5 meters in height. They can grow and bloom in a shady place, but, of course, the southern and southwestern sides of the cottage are better. The duration of flowering is up to 5 months a year and begins in June.

Wisteria (Wisteria)

In late April - early May, it begins to bloom rapidly, and even without any greenery and leaves. The flowers themselves hang literally in a cascade. In the south, it blooms again against the background of dense greenery.

Schisandra chinensis

In addition to being a very decorative climbing plant, it is also useful (toning). Moreover, its leaves have a delicate lemon aroma (why, in fact, it is called that).

Japanese hop

It grows quite quickly, elegantly braiding arbors, fences, just pillars with stems with wide carved leaves. Unpretentious, easy care. Its cone-shaped inflorescences are widely used in brewing, perfumery, and medicine.


The main advantage of using clematis in vertical gardening is the magnificent flowering of this climbing plant, sometimes numbering more than a hundred flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm.

Campsis (tecoma)

Grows fast while the plant is young. However, at first it should be specially tied to supports, since it does not have special suction cups, such as girlish grapes.

It blooms almost all summer with beautiful bright orange bell flowers.

It is not demanding at all in care: it does not need special watering and top dressing. The main task of the gardener is to cut off excess shoots and vines that have begun to grow in an unnecessary (wrong) direction.


Perhaps this is the most common liana in the landscape design of summer cottages and garden buildings. Ivy leaves can beautifully decorate any vertical or horizontal surface.

girlish grapes

One of the fastest growing vines, which can gain 3-4 meters per year. It is able to catch on and wrap itself around virtually any surface with the help of its antennae and suction cups. It is the best suited for shading and cooling the southern walls of a country house. It is unpretentious in care and does not require any watering and fertilizing, except that pruning of extra shoots is required, so to speak, forming pruning.


Very unpretentious and at the same time quite colorful. Leaves, flowers, and fruits look great. Such a climbing plant is sure to transform your garden and give it a special appeal.


Variegated decorative - fruit liana. It is famous for the aroma of lovely white flowers, which is unusually pleasant for both people and insects. The taste of ripe fruits resembles the taste of kiwi. The most unpretentious representative of its kind. Highly winter and frost hardy.

Important! About, how to plant and grow actinidia in your summer cottage, read in detail

Akebia (Japanese liana)

It has very interesting leaves, similar to a splayed five (like 5 fingers). Unpretentious and easy to care for.

In order for the akebia to please with its exotic flowers and their vanilla-chocolate aroma, it is advisable to plant it in partial shade (it will not bloom in the shade). By October, its purple fruits in the form of bananas ripen.

Calistegia (Siberian rose)

The main purpose of this twin sister of bindweed is to twist and braid. However, the support for this, in principle, unpretentious plant should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Sufficiently frost-resistant and drought-resistant vine.

Any place is suitable for planting, but you need to understand that in the shade the flowering will not be so plentiful and saturated.

Video: perennial climbing plants in garden design

annual creepers

In addition to perennial climbing plants, there are also annual lianas that bloom all summer until late autumn, and are also very suitable for decorating and gardening arbors, various summer cottages and even balconies.

The main advantage of using annual climbing plants is that you can plant completely different vines in the same place every year.

Quamoclit pinnate

The plant looks very impressive, openwork and airy, largely due to its unusual finely dissected leaves. Blooms in late June and continues to bloom until autumn.

Best suited for decorating fences and fences.

Dolichos (hyacinth beans)

This climbing vine (unlike quamoclite) has fairly thick and fleshy leaves. During the summer, it is able to wrap around the entire veranda or wall of a country house.

Colorfully elegant all season. In place of flowers resembling lilac or acacia, no less attractive future fruits appear, which are rather flat at first, but eventually fill up and become bulging.


It has very graceful flowers that resemble bells in shape. May bloom until frost.

Suitable for summer decoration of various not very attractive country houses and fences.


If you want to quickly create an intricate green screen, then you just need to plant this climbing plant.

Ipomoea is somewhat reminiscent of a masking net, isn't it?


In addition to the listed annual vines, the following also belong to one-season climbing plants: kobeya, visloplodnik, sweet pea and others.

Video: an overview of climbing annuals

If you want to dress up a gazebo, a gate or a fence in a summer cottage with bright, but natural colors, then you can’t do without curly and weaving annual and perennial plants for the garden.

Video: climbing plants for the garden: photos and names

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Weaving pergola plants are a group of plants that have many advantages: they generally don't need too much space and their vigor is quite high. They are not only decorative, but also useful, as they are ideal as a living screen when you want to hide something, or make a hedge. What climbing plants to plant near the gazebo, how they differ and how to make the right choice - we will describe below.

Perennial climbing plants for gazebos and their varieties

Creepers need a support around which they can rotate. They climb with the help of apical shoots twisting around posts, supports, fences, or walls of arbors and pergolas. Curly vines behave a little differently, which are attached to supports with the help of tendrils. Vines of climbing plants can climb walls of arbors or pergolas and other surfaces, forming beautiful vegetation.

Soil Requirements

Most perennial climbing plants have medium soil requirements, but there are exceptions. For example, climbing roses and clematis. Their poor condition is often associated with the fact that they are planted where the soil is rather poor, dry and contains debris, including construction debris. Therefore, before planting plants, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, simply dig a slightly larger hole and fill it with compost soil or suitable soil from a gardening store.

Perennial climbing plants are great for quick landscaping of walls, fences, railings, arbors and pergolas. Seedlings of annual vines are best planted in late February and grown at home. Such plants will grow faster in the spring.

Perennial creepers are great for creating living walls or hedges, they can be a pergola decoration or hide uninteresting spaces in the garden from prying eyes. However, it will take several years for them to grow sufficiently and be well represented. Before that happens, you can complement them with climbing annuals, which will create a green wall during one growing season.

If annual vines grow too strong (such as multiflowered beans, or morning glory) and can drown out perennial vines, it is best to plant annual vines in a container or pot near the vine. Then the plants will not compete with each other for access to nutrients and water.

Types of perennial climbing plants for the gazebo

There are many ornamental climbing plants that are used to create hedges in the garden, as well as to decorate the gazebo or pergola. The most popular of them:

  • ivy;
  • wild grapes five-leaved or girlish;
  • Boston ivy;
  • honeysuckle and Japanese honeysuckle;
  • curly hydrangea;
  • clematis.

ivy english

The most popular climbing plant is ivy. It is easy to grow, suitable for shady hard-to-reach places, and can grow on the north wall of a building or under trees. Ivy is a perennial plant with leaves that stay green even in winter. Its stems are attached to walls, trees, and everything that stands in its way with adventitious roots that grow firmly into cracks. Excess ivy shoots that curl around trees should be removed so as not to suffocate the tree.

Ivy is resistant to adverse conditions, loves soil with humus, calcareous, moderately moist. Varieties with variegated and spotted leaves are more sensitive to low temperatures. Ivy is propagated vegetatively by cuttings that root easily.

Wild grape five-leaf or, as it is also called girlish, is another very popular type of climbing perennial plant. It needs support to grow upwards and quickly reaches a considerable size. The most decorative part of the plant consists of five elongated leaves.

Particularly impressive are the leaves of the five-leaf wild grapes, which change color in autumn to various shades of red - from light coral to dark purple. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous, black fruits look more decorative. Wild grapes are great for entwining the walls of arbors and pergolas, they are also allowed along the walls of houses and fences, especially mesh ones. It grows well in urban environments and can be planted in poor and dry soils.

This climbing plant attaches very well to wooden poles and brick or concrete walls. It can rise very high, up to 20 m and can be used to cover many elements with hedges, while forming a fairly dense surface on the walls. A decorative element of this plant are very beautiful leaves with a smooth surface, dark green and shiny. In autumn, they change color beautifully, gradually acquiring first an orange color, then brick red and, finally, the color of dark wine red.

This plant is resistant to smoke and city dust, but less resistant to frost - it is better to buy a plant grafted on five-leaf wild grapes and not plant it on the south side of a gazebo or building, where too much temperature fluctuations during the day will harm it.

Honeysuckle is known and cultivated all over the world. It is suitable for planting at gates, pergolas or arbors, can grow well at home, but requires additional supports. It tolerates our winters quite well and can grow in almost any soil, however, the quality of the soil affects the number of flowers. Polluted city air does not harm her. The location must be sunny. Blooming honeysuckle smells very nice.

The plant grows up to 6 m. It blooms in May and June, changing the color of the flowers from white-pink or yellowish-white to yellow at the end of flowering. Honeysuckle produces decorative red fruits.

Japanese honeysuckle grows quite quickly, tolerates plenty of sunlight and light partial shade. It can grow in almost any soil, however, it has a shallow root system that can dry out during a long drought. Therefore, one should not forget about systematic watering.

This plant also deserves attention due to its positive characteristics, such as:

  • resistance to urban conditions;
  • fast growth;
  • heat and drought resistance.

This vine grows rapidly and forms a large mass of flowers - white, very small, collected in large loose panicles. Highlander blooms from June until frost. In severe winters, it can freeze, but after pruning, it gives new shoots for a short time. Highlander reaches a height of 10-15 m, and its thin and flexible stems are firmly wrapped around a support, giving a large mass of greenery and flowers. It is suitable for growing near arbors and large pergolas, as well as near fences.

The climbing perennial hydrangea is a plant that is relatively easy to grow. It requires good, fertile, slightly acidic soil, but has no special needs for location, except for a very hot and sunny place, resistant to air pollution. Perennial hydrangea is also resistant to frost, only in harsh and snowless winters can it freeze. Due to its high weight, it needs a strong support. Plants planted without support will cover the surface of the earth with a dense carpet. Hydrangeas can be cut to the desired height, while pruning encourages the plant to branch.

Clematis is one of the most beautiful perennial climbing plants for the garden and arbors, which blooms quite impressively from June. The easiest way to grow a variety of clematis Jackman - it is very resistant to frost, to various diseases that other varieties suffer from. Clematis can grow in both partial shade and full sun, but then you should keep the soil constantly moist, for example, using mulching. The lower stems should be shaded. For this purpose, it is better to plant it near undersized bushes. The best months for planting clematis are August, September and October.

The gazebo is a design designed to create favorable conditions for a good rest in the summer cottage. It will become a comfortable haven for those who like to drink tea in solitude or meet guests in nature. But in order for the gazebo to become a place where it is really comfortable to spend time, it should be decorated. And most of all, perennial climbing plants are suitable for this purpose.

The original gazebo, decorated with girlish grapes

What you need to know when decorating a gazebo

Planting plants for the gazebo, you get a tempting opportunity to solve several problems at the same time. You create conditions for a pleasant pastime, hide, if any, the disadvantages of the building, demonstrate the individual design of the recreation area and protect guests from bad weather.

Climbing plants must be selected correctly. After all, natural screens can transform the gazebo or hopelessly ruin it. To prevent this from happening, approach the issue of designing an arbor thoughtfully. When choosing plants, it is important to learn as much as possible about them - are they suitable for your region, what is the duration of flowering, what are the features of care, etc. The more extensive the "dossier", the better.

The original combination of flowering climbing and undersized plants

Experts advise combining perennials with annuals. The combined landing is good because it allows you to "kill several birds with one stone." So, annuals are valued for the brightness of colors and rapid growth, perennials - for frost resistance and undemanding to environmental conditions. By planting them together, you combine the advantages of the first and second and get a beautiful and long-flowering arbor, which is easy to care for.

Climbing plants classification

All climbing plants for gazebos can be classified as follows.

  • Climbing creepers. They do not require careful supervision, they grow without additional support. Roots firmly into wooden, stone or brick structures;
  • curly. They need support to thrive. For this purpose, trunks and stems of a number of growing trees and shrubs are often used;
  • clinging creepers. This category of plants is distinguished by the presence of tenacious tendrils, hooks and trailers that help to hold firmly and grow rapidly over the surface;
  • Leaning. They also need supports. They are fastened by means of a garter, directions along lattices and arches.

When arranging a support surface, consider whether it can withstand the weight of natural jewelry, as well as the load from wind and heavy rain.

What climbing plants are suitable for decorating a gazebo?

Not all plants are suitable for decorating a gazebo. Let's get acquainted with the species that will cope with this perfectly. So, the most popular perennial climbing plants for the gazebo.


Deciduous vine, resistant to frost, attracts with abundant flowering. Reaches a height of 5-12 meters. The Actinidia Kolomikta variety, which gives delicious fruits with a strawberry-pineapple taste, enjoys special honor among summer residents. Fruits, by the way, are valued for their high content of vitamin C.

The peak of beauty of this plant falls on the month of May-June. During this period, snow-white fragrant flowers appear on long branches. The leaves are white in early summer, then pink. With the advent of autumn, the foliage is painted in yellow-red hues. It is noteworthy that the color change occurs gradually and you can catch the moment when the first half of the sheet is painted in one color, the second in another.

flowering actinidia

Actinidia is easy to grow. It tolerates both thick shade and scorching sun well. Easily withstands temperatures down to -30 degrees without shelter. Ideal for those who first took care of arranging a summer cottage or garden plot, but understand little about it.


A herbaceous vine with tree-like soft shoots creates thick screens with luxurious white flowers. On one branch there are 400-500 flowers, 2-15 cm in diameter. The flowers are very beautiful, double in the middle. Different color: purple, white, yellow, blue, burgundy. Another advantage of the plant is its magical aroma. Depending on the variety, it can give almond, primrose or jasmine. Flowering lasts 3 months.

Veranda covered with blooming clematis

The distance between the vines is not less than 1.5 meters. The depth of the landing hole is from 0.5 meters. The earth must be loose and fertile. Experts recommend preparing a planting mixture consisting of garden soil, humus, sand, dolomite flour and superphosphate. Young plantings need to be watered intensively, but stagnation should not be allowed and sheltered for the winter. Clematis propagate by cuttings and layering.

climbing rose

This plant is one of the most popular for vertical decoration of arbors. Curly green shoots with sharp thorns reach 2-5 meters in length. Small flowers with a subtle aroma can be double, semi-double or simple. They bloom in June. Small but lush buds delight the eye for 40 days. On average, the diameter of flowers is up to 2.5 cm, but recently new varieties with larger flowers have appeared - up to 5 cm in diameter.

Long-term flowering will allow regular pruning. Among other things, it is needed to give the bush an original shape and to cover the supporting surface as completely as possible.

Living arch of a climbing rose

Roses are light and thermophilic. They are planted on the south side, and for the winter they must be covered with spruce branches. The depth of the hole is not less than 50 cm. After planting, the shoots are cut at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. The soil under the bushes is mulched. The annual growth of branches is 1-2.5 meters. Climbing roses require care and attention, but if this does not scare you, then your gazebo will not be equal in beauty.

Video: How to cover a climbing rose for the winter

Wild grapes

Wild, or girlish grapes, are perfect not only for decorating arbors, but also for planting roofs, walls, and adjoining buildings. Growing at lightning speed. In length reaches 15-25 meters. In spring and summer, the plant pleases the eye with rich green foliage, which turns crimson in autumn. Flowers are small and inconspicuous. The dark blue inedible fruits collected in a brush ripen in the fall.

In order for the shoots to grow in a given direction, they are tied to a support. At the same time, they should rise 20 cm above the ground. Cuttings are planted in spring, sometimes in autumn. It is even easier to propagate by layering. It is enough to dig a shallow groove and put shoots with buds in it.

Read more in the article: Growing grapes by cuttings. From harvesting to planting in the ground

Wild grapes should be closely monitored and unnecessary shoots removed in a timely manner. An overgrown plant can destroy the support, “pull” the lining from the walls, and slate from the roof.

Girlish grapes on a stable support

Common hop

The frost-resistant and fast-growing plant which is characterized by high decorative effect. Prefers partial shade. Quickly explores new territories. It is able to completely envelop the gazebo with its “embraces” in just a couple of months.

In spring and summer, the herbaceous liana is covered with beautiful leaves; in autumn, small pretty bumps appear. Hop care involves abundant watering during dry periods, top dressing with complex fertilizers and regular pruning. In autumn, the aerial part is removed, leaving only the roots.

Creepers with common hop cones

Propagated most often by division of the root. In the spring, they separate with a shovel from the plant, without digging out, several parts of the rhizome with buds and plant them. The length of each cutting is 15 cm, the diameter is 2 cm. Cuttings cut from young roots take root well.


There are several varieties that allow you to turn even the most ordinary gazebo into a place surrounded by fragrant "clouds". The perennial plant is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and splendor of flowering. There are so many flowers that you can't see the leaves behind them.

One of the most famous varieties is Honeysuckle. Deciduous vine blooms in late spring. White, pink or yellow inflorescences beckon with an enchanting aroma that spreads throughout the area. All this beauty lasts about 3 weeks. After which the flowers give way to attractive red-orange fruits.

Lianoid honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Brown's honeysuckle is no less famous. With proper care, the vine blooms until frost. Red pipe-flowers, enclosed in chic clusters, outwardly resemble fuchsia bells.


If you want to decorate the gazebo without any hassle, then ivy will be the best assistant in this matter. It does not need special supports, because. its shoots form suckers capable of clinging to anything in front of them. Ivy easily overcomes obstacles, turning unsightly structures into real works of art.

An evergreen liana can be used as a ground plant, covering the ground with a spectacular green carpet. You can put it in a hanging basket, creating an interesting composition, where the focus will be on long whips developing in the wind.

Dense ivy hedge


This plant came to us from Japan. Liana is thermophilic, it is difficult to grow it in regions with a harsh climate. Wisteria (the second name for wisteria) does not withstand temperatures below -20 degrees. The only variety that has adapted to snowy winters is Blue Moon.

Wisteria provides a unique chance to get unusual compositions of blue, lilac, white, pink flowers, collected in neat clusters. Their size reaches 30-50 cm. If you plant wisteria nearby, they form a lush carpet. Flowering begins in early spring and continues until the end of summer.

Flowering wisteria in central Russia

Wisteria loves light, does not tolerate drafts and needs timely moderate watering. Young plantings should be fed every week with minerals and organics. Dry branches are pruned in autumn. At the end of autumn, the vine is removed from the support, rolled up and sprinkled with leaves.


Many people know this plant under a different name - clematis-shaped kirkazon. Not only flowers are decorative, but also leaves. The first ones are yellow, they look like a jug. The second - matte, bright green. Flowering lasts from May to September.

Grows well in moist soil with sufficient light. During the period of active flowering, the plant is watered abundantly. From time to time pamper the liana with top dressing. You can not weed too deep - you can touch the roots located close to the surface. For the winter, it is better to cover aristolochia with dry foliage.

Blooming aristolochia

Tree pliers round-leaved

An undemanding plant designed to decorate your gazebo almost all year round. In spring and summer, the leaves are dark green, shiny red-orange in autumn. The seed pods, which open when the ground is covered with snow, release bright red seeds. The surrounding picture becomes even more beautiful from this.

A vine is planted in a hole with a diameter and a depth of 0.5 meters. The distance between seedlings is 1 meter. The wood plier needs a strong supporting surface. Otherwise, it will turn into a groundblood. The first few years, the roots are mulched, and covered with spruce branches for the winter. Fertilizers must be applied at least 3 times per season.

Overgrown round-leaved tree pliers

The tree plier grows faster on loose, fertile soils. Does not like stagnant moisture. Another important point - do not plant a vine next to valuable and fruit trees - it will soon absorb them.

Perennial climbing plants for the gazebo are a great opportunity to transform the summer cottage. Bright flowers and green screens will become an integral part of the architectural ensemble and fill the place where it is so pleasant to relax and breathe fresh air with a special mood. Your gazebo will become an alluring island of harmony and peace, filled with openwork shade and the enchanting scent of flowers.

Video: Perennial climbing plants. Creepers in garden design

If you have a gazebo or pergola in your garden or cottage, you should definitely plant beautiful climbing plants nearby to decorate it and give yourself a fragrant and picturesque corner. Climbing plants can be annuals or perennials, but in the second case, you will get rid of the need to plant anything around your small architectural forms for several years.

The best climbing perennials to give

There are a lot of weaving plants for the gazebo. The first thing that comes to mind is climbing roses. They incredibly decorate arbors and give a unique delicate aroma.

Beautifully braid the gazebo and flowers. They create additional coolness and exude a pleasant aroma around them. During the summer period alone, honeysuckle can grow by 5 meters. In addition, its flowers are an excellent honey plant. But for the same reason, you need to be careful - during the flowering period, swarms of bees curl around it.

Another climbing plant for the gazebo is tekoma or kampsis. It is a perennial spreading vine that produces brushes of flowers similar in shape to gramophones. On an arch or gazebo, such a plant looks very colorful.

It will be useful, beautiful and pleasant if you plant actinidia next to the gazebo. This plant is a beautiful vine with beautiful heart-shaped leaves that change from bronze to bright white, and after flowering become first pink and then crimson. Actinidia blooms with white fragrant flowers.

A familiar and fairly common perennial climbing plant for gazebos is hops. It gives not only shade and coolness, but also has inflorescences with soothing properties. Japanese or climbing hop grows very fast, in one summer it can stretch up to 8 meters, twisting around all the supports in its path. Its leaves are lobed and bright green. Hops grow well in shady areas.

Another traditional plant for braiding arbors is grapes. The best variety for such purposes is. It is a multi-leaf vine, very openwork and delicate. In addition, this plant is frost-resistant.

Clematis is simply a royal plant! It throws out flowers of different diameters and colors and is perfect for decorating a garden and for entwining a gazebo or arch.

Another incredibly decorative weaving plant for arches and arbors is wisteria. Purple, yellow, white wisteria looks luxurious - they seem to immerse us in a fairy-tale world.

Perennial frost-resistant climbing plants

In the conditions of the middle and more northern strip, it is extremely important to choose the right perennial so that it does not suffer from the winter cold and continues to please us no matter what. These plants include: