Quest bsp. Associative compound sentence: punctuation marks

Bulbs burn out frequently

Target: generalize and systematize knowledge about the union-free complex sentence.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: repeat the material about the non-union complex sentence, consolidate punctuation skills in sentences of this type.
  • Educational: observe how the studied constructions of sentences help to express the style of the writer; to develop the creative abilities of students, to comprehend the beauty of the native word.
  • Educational: to promote the education of love for nature, native language, respect, interest in it.

Student goals:

  • Summarize and systematize the material on the non-union complex sentence
  • Prepare well for the test.
  • Perform an independent study on the topic “Frequency of the use of BSP constructions in the works of I.S. Turgenev”
  • Unleash your creativity with BSP
  • Master the methods of comparison, observation.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, interactive whiteboard, works by I.S. Turgenev (“Doves”, “First Love”, “Bezhin Meadow”)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. (Introduction to the topic and purpose of the lesson. Students choose their goals. Based on the topic of the lesson, students formulate the overall goal of the lesson)

II. Heuristic conversation (educational tension)

Teacher's word: how can the heart express itself? How to convey joy and pain, longing and delight, happiness, thoughts, your feelings? Studying the Russian language, we are convinced many times what endless possibilities for expressing our thoughts and feelings it gives. Today we will try to see the expressive possibilities of the BSP. Let's try to understand what is the expressive role of the BSP in a literary text.

III. Vocabulary work.

What does expression mean. How BSPs affect expression

IV. empathy method. Turgenev's language... Strikingly beautiful and bright.

The music of the Turgenev word ... It fascinates, enchants, teaches to love

Native word, native nature. Listen to an excerpt from Turgenev's prose poem “Doves” (A trained student reads a text that is projected onto a screen)

Pay attention to which sentences are more in the text?

There are a lot of BSPs in Turgenev's work.

What kind of picture does the writer create using the expressive possibilities of the BSP?

The writer creates a vivid picture of nature.

V. Checking homework.

BSP in Turgenev's story "First Love" (from the textbook of literature)

Monologue answers of students about punctuation marks in the BSP on topics with examples from the story.

1. Colon in BSP.

2. Semicolon.

3. Dash in BSP.

VI. Moments of creativity. The method of figurative vision.

An essay on this beginning, using the expressive possibilities of the BSP “I am entering the winter forest ... Analyze in your texts the features of the use of the BSP.

VII. Reading works. Reviewing.

VIII. Working with Turgenev's text in groups, taking into account the learning abilities of students. A method of observing the writer's style. (text on screen).

But then the evening comes. Z..arya blazed with fire and enveloped..tila half the sky. The sun sets(?)sya. The air in (near) is somehow especially transparent like glass (n, n) far away l.. lives (?) with soft.. warm-looking steam, along with river.. soy, a scarlet sheen falls on the glades yet (not ) long ago drenched in a stream of liquid .. which gold (from) trees .. ev (from) bushes (from) high st.. govs of hay beat .. stinging long (n, nn) ​​shadows.

Task: write off, put punctuation marks, emphasize grammatical foundations.

Additional groups:

  • Group 1 - identify spelling, explain the spelling of words
  • 2 group - punctuation parsing last sentence, draw up a diagram
  • Group 3 - determine the style, type of speech, find artistic means of expression, write out

Checking the completed task.

Issues for discussion:

  • How should the BSP be read?
  • What should be the intonation?
  • What is special, Turgenev, you noticed in this text?
    Pay attention to the use of the preposition OT, other repeated words. (Repetition is characteristic of the writer's style, this is Turgenev's favorite artistic technique)
  • What picture is the writer painting? With using what?
  • (Painting in a word. A beautiful picture of the sunset is created thanks to the expressive means of the language, the expressiveness of the BSP. Turgenev is a master of landscape. V.G. Belinsky said about him: “We cannot mention Turgenev’s extraordinary skill in depicting pictures of Russian nature”)

IX. heuristic task.

Independent work with the story “Bezhin Meadow” (texts for students)

Exercise: find BSP. Investigate the frequency of BSP use.

What is stylistic role BSP in Turgenev's story? Make a conclusion.

Write down in a notebook.

X. Job verification.

Why does Turgenev have such an abundance of BSP? How to explain?

(Turgenev used BSP to convey expression, greater expressiveness, creating unforgettable landscape sketches).

We, reading Turgenev's description, seem to hear the sounds of nature, smell, see colors. You can visually imagine a picture painted by Turgenev.

XI. Reflection.

Are you satisfied with the results of your work in the lesson?

Did you achieve your goal in the lesson?

What was the most interesting for you?

How would you continue your research?


Find the BSP in the verses of Tyutchev, Fet. Write out.


Highlight the parts of the BSP, underline the grammatical basics:

1) The night was black, starry; the road was blackened between the whitening snow that had fallen the day before, on the day of the battle. (L.T.)

2) One could see ships at the turn of the Danube, and an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of the Enns with the Danube, one could see the left rocky bank of the Danube covered with pine forests with a mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges. (L.T.)

3) Not far from the shore stood four pitched ships, their high stern parts, decorated with carved wood, with square windows, were reflected in the greenish water. (A.T.)

4) I looked carefully: around all the faces expressed intense expectation. (I.T.)


Place commas in BSP. Specify the number of parts:

1) On two shifted benches on twenty-seven rye sheaves on seven featherbeds, a silk bed was laid with many pillows in pearl pillowcases, a fur hat lay on top of them. (A.T.)______________________________

TEST 2. BSP with enum value

Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Highlight parts of complex sentences, emphasize grammatical foundations.

1) Pavements of golden tiles sparkled with an unbearable brilliance, bizarre domes and towers with purple roofs rose, diamonds sparkled in the windows, bright multi-colored flags fluttered in the air. (A.K.)


Give the correct explanation of the punctuation marks:

A verst from Medvedkov, a man-waving (1) saw a carriage (2) waved his hat (3) on the edge of a birch grove, the second responded (4) on a hillock behind a ravine (5) the third. (A.T.)

A - 1, 2 - isolation of the definition, expressed by ph. about.

B - 1, 2 - isolation of the circumstance expressed by participial turnover

B - 3 - comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

G - 3 - semicolon between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration, since there are signs inside the first part

D - 4 - comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

E - 4 - a comma between homogeneous members of the sentence

F - 5 - dash between subject and predicate

3 - 5 - dash in an incomplete sentence

And - 5 - dash in BSP with the meaning of opposition

TEST 3. BSP with the meaning of the reason, explanation, addition

Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


1) Oblomov turned around: in the yard two children, a boy and a girl, were looking at him with curiosity. (I.G. )

2) Soon the evenings bored him: he had to put on a tailcoat, shave every day. (I.G.) ______________________________

3) We looked at each other: we were struck by the same suspicion ... (M.L.) ______________________________

4) I didn’t know where to go: sheep are bleating here, a dog is grumbling there. (M.L.) ______________________________

5) The assistant clerk lived on a big footing: a lantern shone on the stairs, the apartment was on the second floor. (N.G.) ______________________________

6) The young student fumed: with insane courage he grabbed the rear wheel with his powerful hand and stopped the carriage. (N.G.) ______________________________


Varvara listened and heard the noise of the evening train approaching the station. (A.Ch.)

A - BSP with the value of the enumeration, a semicolon is put, because in the second part there is a separate definition

G - a dash is put in the BSP, so the first part indicates the time

TEST 4. BSP with the meaning of opposition, time, condition, consequence

Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Select the parts of the BSP, indicate the relationship between them:

1) To know, your heart beat _ your whole face suddenly flared up. (N.N.) ______________________________

3) I ordered to put money for the rams near him - he did not touch them, he lay face down, as if dead. (M.L.) ______________________________

4) He did not like this idle life He wanted the real deal. (N.G.) ______________________________


Indicate the correct options for explaining punctograms:

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick (1)
She has a special become (2)
One can only believe in Russia.
(F. Tyutchev)

b) colons. between parts of the BSP, 2 hours. Decree. to the reason

c) a dash between parts of the BSP, 2 hours, decree. for investigation

a) a comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

b) a colon between parts of the BSP, 2 hours. Decree. to the reason

TEST 5. Punctuation marks in BSP

Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Fill in the missing punctuation marks in the BSP:

1) But Oblomov was right in fact, not a single spot, reproach for cold, soulless cynicism, without passion and without struggle, did not lie on his conscience. (I.G.)

2) Wonderful day! Centuries will pass in the same way, in eternal order, the river will flow and sparkle and the fields will breathe in the heat. (F.T.)

3) If you like a proverb write a proverb! (N.N.)

4) It is not violent winds that blow, it is not mother earth that sways, makes noise, sings, swears, sways, wallows, fights and kisses people at the holiday! (N.N.)

5) Foma Grigoryevich had a peculiar kind of strangeness; he loved to death to tell the same thing. (N.G)

6) Mossy trunks of fallen trees, pits, tall fern, wild rose, jasmine and hazel interfered with her at every step, overcoming them, she gradually lost strength ... (A.G)


Specify the correct explanation of the punctogram:

Moscow raged for three days and three nights, flocks of crows flew high over it from the alarm ringing. (A.T.)

A - BSP with the value of the enumeration, a semicolon is put, because the parts are distant from each other in meaning

B - BSP with the value of the enumeration, a comma is put C - a colon is put in the BSP, since the second part complements the content of the first

G - a dash is put in the BSP, because the first part indicates the time


Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________ the date


In what sentences should a colon be put at the place of the pass in the BSP?

1) You will never see her at work - bending down, sewing, doing trifles does not suit her face, an important figure. (I.G.)

2) The passer-by made a movement to raise his head, but could not - he, apparently, was unwell or very tired. (I.G)

3) I ask you one thing _ shoot soon. (M.L.)

4) But just woke up _ the dream disappears ... (M.L.)

5) I got up and looked out the window - someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. (M.L.)

6) It is high time for everyone to turn their own way - they are walking in a row! (N.N.)

7) Centuries passed _ everything strived for happiness ... (N.N.)


Which sentences use semicolons between parts of the BSP?

1) The sun had already hidden in a black cloud resting on the crest of the western mountains - it became dark and damp in the gorge. (M.L.)

2) Finally, we parted - I followed her with my eyes for a long time, until her hat disappeared behind the bushes and rocks. (M.L.)

3) The village on the other side of the pond was already asleep - not a single light was visible. (A.Ch.)


Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


In what sentences should a dash be put between parts of the BSP?

1) Olga's relations with her aunt were still very simple and calm - in tenderness they never crossed the boundaries of moderation, never lay between them even a shadow of displeasure. (I.G.)

2) I tried to walk _ my legs buckled ... (M.L.)

3) Today I got up late; I come to the well _ there is no one else. (M.L.)

4) I want to push her away from me _ she clung to my clothes like a cat ... (M.L.)

5) Only not only Pechorin admired the pretty princess - from the corner of the room two other eyes, motionless, fiery, looked at her. (M.L.)

6) These bursaks constituted a completely separate world - they were not allowed into the higher circle, which consisted of Polish and Russian nobles. (N.G.)


Choose the correct punctuation mark:

He is constantly on the move (1) the society will need to send an agent to Belgium or England (2) they are sending him (3) some project needs to be written or adapted new idea to business (4) choose it. (I.G)


Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Parse the sentence:

Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper. (N.G.)


Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence: Everything fell on the girl: dark hair fell, the dress and folds of the dress fell; even the grass near her body seemed to doze off in the strength of sympathy. (A.G.)


Put punctuation marks and make a sentence outline:

In my country a calm river
There is a lot of sweet food in the fields and groves
There's a stork catching snakes by the reeds
And at noon they are drunk with the smell of gum
Tumbling red bears.
(N. Gumilyov)


Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Choose the correct explanation of the punctograms:

And if this continues (1) then I myself will leave (2) I am not his slave (3) I am a prince's daughter. (M.L.)

a) a comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

b) comma between parts of NGN

c) a comma between homogeneous members

a) a comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

c) a dash between the parts of the BSP, the second part indicates the consequence

a) a comma between parts of the BSP with the value of the enumeration

b) a colon between parts of the BSP, the second part indicates the reason

c) a dash between the parts of the BSP, the parts are opposed


Perform punctuation analysis of the sentence (the signs are not placed):

The transition from Europe to Asia is becoming more sensitive hour by hour, the forests are disappearing, the hills are smoothing out, the grass is thickening. (A.P.)

TEST 10. BSP: generalization

Surname, name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Place a comma, colon, dash, or semicolon between parts of the BSP where necessary:

1) Burmin went and the old woman crossed herself and thought maybe the matter would end today! (A.P.)

2) Gold and silver shone on their robes of lush fizhma towered like a stalk, their narrow waist diamonds shone in their ears, in long curls and around the neck. (A.P.)

3) His spectacles shone sternly, the horns of greasy hair fell vigorously in all directions, and speech flowed sharply. (I.B.)

4) And it seems to me all in music and foam, the iron world trembles so beggarly ... (O.M.)

5) The Black Sea moved up to the very Neva, its waves thick as tar licked the plates of Isaac, crashed with mourning foam on the steps of the senate. (O.M.)


Fill in the missing punctuation marks in the proverbs. Mark the examples that match the scheme:

1) Bad fame will go no one will marry.

2) The ax was drowning, but it was a pity that they pulled out the ax handle.

3) Quietly you will go from trouble, you will not go away very quickly, you will come across trouble.

4) Snow will inflate bread, water will come, hay will spill, it will be collected.

5) The dog barks the wind wears.

6) The fish is thin, the ear is not boiled, the fish is fat, the ear is amber.

7) An owl does not need a bird of paradise to fall in love with.

Associative compound sentence

Task 1. What syntactic relations are expressed in the non-union sentence?

    The cat sings, squinting his eyes,

The boy is napping on the carpet

A storm is playing outside

The wind is whistling in the yard.

    The song of the lark is louder,

Brighter spring flowers

Heart full of inspiration

The sky is full of beauty.

A. Enumeration relations

B. Comparative relationships

Task 2. What punctuation marks should be put in a complex sentence with an allied connection?

    Incense juniper was burning in the marble hearth, oil was burning in the lamps with an admixture of violet perfume Cesare loved aromas

    But often they fell into daydreaming and then left everyone for solitude Lermontov ran away to a gazebo with acacias in the garden Vrubel quietly went to his room or to his grandfather's library.

A. Colon and comma

B. Colon and semicolon

B. Comma and colon

D. Semicolon and colon

Task 3. Explain the setting of a dash in a non-union complex sentence.

    If you want to cross to the other side, hire a boat in the summer.

    All my happiness was in this woman - you took her away.

B. The second part contains a conclusion, a consequence

D. Parts depict a rapid change of events or an unexpected result of an action.

E. The first part indicates the time or condition of what is said in the second

Task 4. What punctuation mark is needed to separate the parts of an all-union complex sentence?

Here it broke through the clouds

Blue lightning jet

The flame is white and flying

Bordered its edges.

  1. Semicolon

Task 5. Explain the use of a colon in the structure of a non-union complex sentence.

One evening after this meeting, the captain was happy: the mysterious word was suddenly deciphered.

1. The second part complements the content of the first

2. The second part explains the first

3. The second part indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

Task 6. What linguistic means expresses the simultaneity of the enumerated events in the structure of a non-union complex sentence?

Plane trees spread out in the darkness,

The night is burning like a diamond bowl,

The mountains are slumbering, dark and foggy,

Cypress, as if alive, says.

    With enumerative intonation

    With the help of enumerative intonation and the ratio of aspectual-temporal forms of verbs-predicates

    Using the ratio of aspectual-temporal forms of verbs-predicates

Task 7. Describe a complex polynomial sentence with a non-union connection; indicate the number of parts, determine the types of relationships between them.

On the road, some revival was sometimes noticed: a caravan of camels was moving swiftly towards them, a traveler was in a hurry with a staff in his hand, the cart of an anxious merchant rattled.

    The proposal contains four parts with clarification relations between the first and second parts and with relations of enumeration of simultaneous events between the second and third, third and fourth parts

    The sentence contains four parts with relations of causal explanation between the first and second parts and with relations of enumeration of successive events between the second and third, third and fourth parts

Task 8. Consider a complex sentence with a combination of a coordinative and non-union connection. Determine which relationship is the main one. Indicate the number of parts, establish the types of relationships between them.

All the windows were covered with snow, and the church was trembling - such a blizzard broke out.

    There are three parts in the sentence, between the first and second parts enumerative relations with a touch of diversity are established, and between the second and third parts - causal relations; leading connection - unionless

    There are three parts in the sentence, between the first and second parts enumerative relations are established with a touch of partial simultaneity of events, and between the second and third parts - relations of conclusion, consequence; leading connection - unionless

Task 9. Consider a complex polynomial sentence with an allied and subordinating relationship. What is the main connection? Specify the number of parts, determine the types of relationships between them.

The meaning and value of the "Letter to a learned neighbor" is fully revealed only in comparison with the "letters" of ordinary comedians of the small press; without this background, it is perceived as an ordinary successful humoresque, of which the young Chekhov had hundreds.

    There are three parts in the sentence, enumerative relations are established between the first and second parts with a touch of complete simultaneity of events; the subordinate attributive part is attached to the word in the main part by the allied word what; leading connection - unionless

    There are three parts in the sentence, enumerative relations are established between the first and second parts with a hint of the complete difference in time of events; the subordinate attributive part is attached to the word in the main part by the allied word what; leading connection - unionless

Task 10. Determine the structure of a complex sentence.

But in the quiet hour of the autumn sunset,

When the wind stops in the distance,

When, embraced by a weak radiance,

Blind night will fall to the river,

When, tired of the violent movement,

From uselessly hard work,

In an anxious half-sleep of exhaustion

The darkened water will calm down,

When a vast world of contradictions

Satisfied with a fruitless game -

Like a prototype of human pain

From the abyss of water rises before me.

    Complex polynomial sentence

Card 1

1. I love Ancient Rus', I see in it the struggle of the people's suffering, an attempt by society to correct shortcomings. 2. I think the school really needs work on local history. 3. Turned out because of the next turn, a hut suddenly appeared in front. 4. The last rays of the sun have disappeared, the gold of the rocks has faded. 5. The moon, dissolving in a shroud of bluish clouds, descended to the earth, its light had already dimmed.

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 2

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

1. Far beyond the Don, heavy clouds piled up obliquely, lightning cut the sky, thunder rumbled a little audibly. 2. 3. Magpie raised her head through the thin steam of frost shone golden Bear. 4. Called a loader, climb into the body. 5. The smoky sun rises will be a hot day.

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 3

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    Woke up five stations ran back.

    At first, I was offended that they weren't looking for me.


    The weather calmed down, the clouds dispersed, the sun shone again.

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 4

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    I wanted to draw brushes fell out of my hands.

    Behind, a forest stood with a hat; in front, a swamp spread out; on the right, there was a wasteland.

    The cuckoo cuckooed it's time to sow flax.

    I looked out the window and saw the whole sky covered with clouds.

    Frost is not terrible air dry wind no .

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 5

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    Turned out because of the next turn in front suddenly appeared a hut.

    In the yard in mid-December, the surroundings, engulfed in a boundless snowy shroud, are quietly numb.

    For the first time, I felt offended that they weren't looking for me.

    Turned to the right in front of a sudden river appeared.

    Remember well

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 6

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    The clay road became sour from the rain, so we had to huddle against the wet bushes.

    Far beyond the Don, heavy clouds piled up obliquely, lightning cut the sky, and thunder rumbled barely audibly.

    The sun is beating hard in the evening, a thunderstorm will gather.

    The last rays of the sun have disappeared, the gold of the rocks has faded.

    Remember, one evil person is never happy.


Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4

Card 5

Card 6

: reason

, afterbirth

- quick change of events

- counter

- fast change of sob.

- consequence

: complements, clarifies

; complicated

- consequence

, listed

; complication

, at the same time events

- quick change of events

: explanation

: reason

- condition

: reason

- consequence

- consequence

- condition

: explained

: explained

- fast change of sob.

- consequence

; complication d.o

- consequence

, listed

: reason

: explained

: explained

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 1

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

1. I love ancient Rus' : I see in it the struggle, the suffering of the people, an attempt by society to correct shortcomings. (cause) 2. I think : The school needs a lot of local history work. (adds, clarifies) 3. They turned out because of the next turn - a hut suddenly appeared ahead. (quick change of events) 4. The last rays of the sun have disappeared - the gold of the rocks has faded. (consequence) 5. The moon, dissolving in a veil of bluish clouds, descended to the earth; her light has already dimmed. (1 ex. complicated d.a.)

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 2

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    (simultaneity of events)

    (complicated by p. ob.)

    Magpie raised her head: through the thin steam of frost, the golden Bear shone. (explanation)

    Gruzdev called himself get in the body. (condition)

    The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day. (consequence, result)

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 3

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    I woke up - five stations ran back. ( fast turnaround)

2. The sun is very hot, a thunderstorm will gather in the evening. (consequence, result)

3. In the first minute I was offended: they are not looking for me. (cause)

4. Remember: no evil person is ever happy. (explanation)

5. The weather calmed down, the clouds dispersed, the sun shone again. (enumeration)

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 4

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    I wanted to draw, the brushes fell out of my hands. (opposition)

    Behind the hat was a forest, ahead was a swamp, on the right was a wasteland. (enumeration)

    The cuckoo cuckooed - it's time to sow flax. (condition. time)

    I looked out the window and saw: the whole sky was covered with clouds. (explanation, addition)

    Frost is not terrible: the air is dry, there is no wind . (cause)

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 5

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    They turned out because of the next turn - a hut suddenly appeared ahead. (quick change of events)

    It's mid-December outside; the surroundings, engulfed by a boundless snowy shroud, quietly freeze. (complicated by p. ob.)

    For the first time I was offended: they are not looking for me. (cause)

    We turned right - a river suddenly appeared ahead. (quick change of events)

    Remember well: not a single person could pass through this swamp. (explanation)

Verification work on the topic "Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence", Grade 9

Card 6

Task: put punctuation marks, explain their setting.

    The clay road became sour from the rain - we had to huddle up to the wet bushes. (consequence, result)

    Far beyond the Don, heavy clouds piled up, lightning cut the sky obliquely, thunder rumbled barely audibly. (simultaneity of events)

    The sun is beating hard - a thunderstorm will gather in the evening. (consequence, result)

    The last rays of the sun have disappeared - the gold of the rocks has faded. (consequence)

5. Remember: no evil person is ever happy. (explanation)

With. stupid,
Chaplyginsky district,
Lipetsk region

Continuation. See No. 19/2004

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Didactic material

10th-11th grades

IV. Training exercises (continued)

Task 16. Observe the intonation of the sentences of the 1st and 2nd groups. Determine the meanings of these non-union complex sentences, explain the use of commas and semicolons in them. What is the role of the comma and semicolon in these sentences?

1st group

1. It was September, a riding wind was blowing, waves angrily jumped along the gray river, the wind, frantically tearing off their crests, sprinkled the river with cold rain. (M. Gorky)

2. A gray autumn day is drawing to a close, a spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock, the wind does not stir, and a leaf of young mountain ash and birch trees, spread out along the slope of a compressed field, can be seen far around ... (M. Nesterov)

2nd group

1. The sun was setting; its last rays scattered in wide crimson stripes; golden clouds spread across the sky smaller and smaller, like a washed, combed wave... (I.Turgenev)

2. The night smelled heavy and damp in my flushed face; it seemed that a thunderstorm was preparing; black clouds grew and crawled across the sky, apparently changing their smoky outlines. (I.Turgenev)

    Prepare an expressive reading of the sentences of the 1st and 2nd groups, watch the intonation: lower your voice at the end of each simple sentence and raise it at the beginning of the next; where there is a semicolon, make long pauses.

    Choose from the offers material for different types of analysis. Do a parse.

    Which word in the second sentence of the 2nd group is not a member of the sentence? What's this word?

    Describe today using non-union complex sentences, first with a comma, then with a semicolon. Read. Will the tone of these sentences be the same?

Exercise 17. Read the texts. What punctuation marks should be placed between parts of non-union complex sentences in the first and second texts? Why?
Write down the texts, restoring the punctuation of the sentences.

1) On Shishkin’s canvases, dark pine forests rustle dully, the transparent oak forest rustles with carved foliage, aspens subtly ring. In his drawings, elastic branches are intertwined, prickly needles bristle and the leaf grows. (V. Porudominsky)

2) For two weeks, as there was a drought, a thin fog poured milk in the air and covered the distant forests, it smelled of burning. Many darkish clouds with indistinctly outlined edges spread across the pale blue sky, a rather strong wind rushed in a dry continuous stream without dispersing the heat. (I.Turgenev)

(In the first text, a comma is placed between parts of non-union complex sentences; in the second text, parts of complex non-union sentences are separated by a full stop.)

    Prepare expressive reading of texts. Indicate the features of the intonation of the sentences of the first and second texts.

    What do you think: why are complex non-union sentences with the meaning of simultaneity of actions (imperfective verbs) so often used in descriptions?

    What do you know about the artist I.I. Shishkin? What paintings by this master of the brush do you know?

    Consider a reproduction of the painting by I.I. Shishkin "Rye". Try to describe the picture using complex non-union sentences.

Task 18. Read the sentences with correct intonation. Write, restoring punctuation (commas and semicolons) between parts of complex non-union sentences; place other punctuation marks. Explain your choice.

1) Courage is a great property of the soul, the people marked by it should be proud of themselves. (N. Karamzin) 2) Philistinism a great evil, like a dam in a river, it has always served only for stagnation. (A.Chekhov) 3) A person is caught on trifles in a large one, you can pretend a trifle always betrays the true "essence of the soul" her drawing of her gravity... (M. Gorky) 4) Philistinism a creeping plant, it is capable of infinite reproduction and would like to suffocate everything in its path with its shoots. (M. Gorky) 5) It was a harsh January morning from a low overcast sky, fine dry snow was falling, driven by gusts of wind, it pricked the face like needles and ran away in waves along the frozen road. (D. Grigorovich) 6) This is a crystal transparent soul of such people; they are few; they are rare. pearls in crowd! His nothing can bribe the heart you can rely on it anywhere and everywhere. (I. Goncharov) 7) Only true scientists continue to learn; others prefer to teach. (B. Shaw)

– Check your work, analyze the placement of punctuation marks:

1) Courage is a great property of the soul; the people marked by him should be proud of themselves. (N. Karamzin) 2) Philistinism is a great evil, it, like a dam in a river, has always served only
for stagnation. (A.Chekhov) 3) A person is caught on trifles, in large - you can pretend, a trifle always betrays the true "essence of the soul", its drawing, its gravity ... ( M. Gorky) 4) Philistinism is a creeping plant, it is able to multiply endlessly and would like to strangle everything in its path with shoots. (M. Gorky) 5) It was a harsh January morning; fine dry snow fell from a low, overcast sky; driven by gusts of wind, he pricked his face like needles and ran away in waves along the frozen road. (D. Grigorovich) 6) This is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people; they are rare; these are pearls in the crowd! Nothing can bribe his heart; you can rely on it anywhere and everywhere. (I. Goncharov) 7) Only true scientists continue to learn; the rest prefer to teach. (B. Shaw)

Task 19. 1) How are punctuation marks determined in non-union complex sentences?(The meaning of non-union complex sentences.)

2) Remember and list the main meanings of non-union complex sentences.(Enum values; cause values, explanations, additions; meanings of opposition, time, condition, consequence, conclusion.)

3) Consider the schemes and remember the unions with which you can check the meanings of union-free complex sentences; write "test" unions at the top of each diagram.

Associative compound sentence

Task 20. Write down the sentences, punctuating them, next, where possible, write the appropriate variant of the complex sentence.

1) Education is a great thing; it decides the fate of a person. (V. Belinsky) 2) The weirdo had one feature with him constantly something happened. (V. Shukshin) 3) The moon glows dimly in the dusk of the fog, dear Svetlana is silent and sad. (V. Zhukovsky) 4) Art performs the work of memory; it selects from the stream of time the most striking and exciting significant and captures it in the crystals of books. (L. Tolstoy) 5) Never let your imagination run wild, it will produce monsters. (Pythagoras) 6) A shot rang out, the wolf continued to run.

    Compare non-union complex sentences and complex sentences synonymous with them. Track how the intonation of sentences changes? Which sentences are more expressive: non-union complex or complex?

    Write out sentence 6. Replace this non-union complex sentence with synonymous sentences so that it turns out: a) compound; b) a simple sentence. Add the necessary words if necessary. For example:

l) September has come - the children have gone to school. 2) September came and the children went to school. 3) In September the children went to school.

    Make a conclusion about the expressive possibilities of complex non-union sentences.

Task 21. Non-union enhances the expressiveness of the phrase. Unionless complex sentences are characterized by emotional tension and dynamism; liveliness, lightness, simplicity, grace, expression. Often non-union complex sentences are found in proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, aphorisms.
Read the sentences. What semantic relationships are implied (outlined by intonation) in non-union complex constructions? Write with punctuation marks; underline the grammatical foundations of the sentences.

1) Do not chase happiness, it is always in yourself. (Pythagoras) 2) Do not be ashamed to learn and in adulthood it is better to learn late than never. (Aesop) 3) There is no smart neighbor with a book to talk. (Proverb) 4) The world is miserable only for a miserable person, the world is empty only for an empty person. (L. Feuerbach) 5) Be the ruler of yourself, reigning and well-governing yourself, you will have an excellent dominion and the most important office. (Pythagoras) 6) If you want to study yourself, look at people and their deeds. If you want to study people in their hearts, take a look at yourself. (F. Schiller) 7) Do not be surprised at anything, surprise produced the gods. (Pythagoras) 8) Listening and keeping silence you will become wise the beginning of wisdom is silence. (Pythagoras) 9) The service of the Muses does not tolerate fuss, the beautiful should be majestic. (A. Pushkin) 10) First of all, learn to call every thing by its name, this is the very first and most important of all sciences. (Pythagoras) 11) Peaks are not reached immediately; mastery is acquired gradually. (Latin saying) 12) Cultivate your field with your own hands; do not leave it to your slaves to cultivate; agriculture necessarily requires the hands of a free man. (Pythagoras) 13) You don't care for those who are ridiculed, you make enemies in them. (Cleobulus) 14) Life is like a theater in which very bad people often occupy the best places. (Pythagoras) 15) Do not punish a drunken slave, you will appear drunk. (Cleobulus) 16) Refrain from drinking wine; it is milk that nourishes passions. (Pythagoras) 17) Do not proclaim the truth in public places, the people will use it for evil. (Pythagoras) 18) An educated person is modest, a deep river is calm. (Mongolian proverb)

Task 22. In one complex non-union sentence, different meanings can be combined. For example, in a sentence The crow croaked at the top of its throat: the cheese fell out - such was the cheat with it three simple sentences, between the first two sentences in this unionless complex relationship are causal, between the second and third are consequences.
Read complex non-union sentences, determine the meanings between their parts; write down, punctuating, emphasizing grammatical basics.

1) Someone said our heart is like an enchanted chest and evil and good lie side by side there. (G. Tsiferov) 2) Choose a friend for yourself; you cannot be happy alone; happiness is a matter of two. (Pythagoras) 3) Talents are true to criticism, they are not angry to damage them; they cannot beauty, only fake flowers are afraid of rain. (I. Krylov) 4) Some wondrous triumphant sounds spread in the air above his head; he (Lavretsky) stopped; the sounds thundered even more magnificently; (I.Turgenev) 5) Quite a lot of people were fed with sweets, their stomachs deteriorated from this, they need bitter medicines, caustic truths. (M. Lermontov) 6) The weather was beautiful, white round clouds flew high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water, the reeds whispered around the pond in places like steel sparkled in the sun. (I.Turgenev) 7) Meanwhile, eight hours of uninterrupted work on the stage made itself felt. The artist's hands ached, his legs ached and his back ached from a long and uncomfortable seat. (A. Kuprin) 8) By evening, they (the clouds) again began to disperse, some turned pale, grew longer and ran beyond the horizon, others overhead turned into white transparent scales, only a large black cloud stopped in the east. (L. Tolstoy) 9) Having moved not far, Anna Vasilievna looked back for the last time at the white-pink oak in the sunset rays and saw at its foot the dark figure Savushkin did not leave, he guarded his teacher from afar. (Yu. Nagibin) 10) The forest is like a temple, it cleanses the soul and inspires thoughts on the high for a good coniferous forest, you can give your favorite book. (M.Osorgin)

- Check your work:

1) Someone said: our heart is like an enchanted chest - both evil and good lie side by side there. (G. Tsiferov) 2) Choose a friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two. (Pythagoras) 3) True talents do not get angry for criticism: beauty cannot harm them; some fake flowers are afraid of rain. (I. Krylov) 4) Some wondrous, triumphant sounds spread in the air above his head; he (Lavretsky) stopped: the sounds thundered even more splendidly; they flowed in a melodious strong stream. (I.Turgenev) 5) Pretty people were fed sweets; their stomachs have deteriorated because of this: bitter medicines, caustic truths are needed. (M. Lermontov) 6) The weather was beautiful: white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water; the reeds rustled all around; the pond in places, like steel, sparkled in the sun. (I.Turgenev) 7) Meanwhile, eight hours of uninterrupted work on the stage made itself felt: the artist's hands ached, his legs and back ached from a long and uncomfortable seat. (A. Kuprin) 8) By evening, they (the clouds) again began to disperse: some turned pale, grew longer and ran beyond the horizon; others, just above the head, turned into white transparent scales; only one large black cloud stopped in the east. (L. Tolstoy) 9) Going not far, Anna Vasilievna looked back for the last time at the oak tree, white and pink in the sunset rays, and saw at its foot a small dark figure: Savushkin had not left, he was guarding his teacher from afar. (Yu. Nagibin) 10) The forest is like a temple, it purifies the soul and directs thoughts to the high; for a good coniferous forest you can give your favorite book. (M.Osorgin)

    Draw a diagram of sentence 8, give its full punctuation description, sort it out by members.

    Write out several pairs of antonyms from these sentences; determine their part of speech; take these words apart.

    Write down one numeral, parse it as a part of speech.

    Write down a word that has more sounds than letters.

    Determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

    Write out five words from these sentences with the spelling "Unpronounceable consonant in the root", explain their spelling.

Exercise 23. Read. Observe the punctuation marks in the text; what is their syntactic and stylistic role? Describe the expressive and stylistic possibilities of complex non-union constructions.

Everything physically 2 tends 1 downwards: water flows into the valley, vegetation 2 thickens around 1 waters, people gather 2 , 6 in the same place - crowded at the bottom, loneliness at the top 4 . Material worries drag us down, spiritual interests call us up 5 , just as a person is distributed 6: head, thought, spiritual strivings are at the top, stomach, animal strivings are at the bottom – this is how all nature is built 3 in accordance with this dual 2 division of the person living in it. (S. Volkonsky)

    Formulate the main idea of ​​the text.

    What other device, besides expressive non-conjunction, does the author use to express his thought more clearly? (Antonymous organization of the text.)

    Write down the antonyms.

    Give examples of direct and reverse word order. Why do you think reverse word order is used in this text?

    Explain the spelling of adverbs in the text.

    Perform the indicated types of analysis.

    Match the words with the same root loneliness, living.

Task 24. Often non-union is used in poetic speech. Read. Describe the expressive role of non-union. Draw proposals. What semantic relationships are implied in these non-union complex sentences (indicate this in the diagrams)?

1) I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not grow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.

2) Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick:
She has a special become -
One can only believe in Russia.

3) Again the birds fly from afar
To the shores that melt the ice.
The warm sun is high
And the fragrant lily of the valley is waiting.

4) In a foreign land, I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird
At the bright holiday of spring.

5) Oh Rus'! Exhausted in anguish,
I compose hymns for you
There is no sweeter end in the world,
Oh my homeland!

6) The sun laughs less often,
There is no incense in the flowers,
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

7) Silence descends on the yellow fields,
In the cooled air from the fading villages,
Trembling, ringing rushes ...

8) Sad time! oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold.

(Reference: A. Fet; I. Bunin; A. Pushkin; K. Balmont; F. Tyutchev; F. Sologub; A.K. Tolstoy.)

    Prepare an expressive reading of poetic passages.

    Underline the grammatical foundations in texts 5, 6; indicate how they are expressed.

    Indicate the type of simple sentences in texts 2, 4 .

    Write out sentences with appeals, explain punctuation with them. What is the role of references in these texts?

    Which sentences include participial turnover, adverbial turnover and single adverbial participle? Explain the placement of punctuation marks in them; underline separate members as members of the sentence, highlight the defined words in a frame. In which sentence is the participial phrase not isolated? Why?

    Indicate a non-union complex sentence in which different meanings between parts are combined.

    Write out obsolete words and word forms, write down the corresponding words of the modern Russian language next to them.

Task 25. Read the poem carefully, try to feel the mood that it conveys.

I'm waiting, anxious
I'm waiting here on the way:
This path through the garden
You promised to come.

Crying, the mosquito will sing,
The leaf will fall off...
The rumor, opening up, grows,
Like a midnight flower

Like a broken string
A beetle flying into a spruce;
He hoarsely called a friend
Right there at the feet of a corncrake.

Quiet under the shadow of the forest
Sleeping young bushes...
Oh, how it smelled like spring!
It's probably you!

    Tell us about the mood, emotions, impression that this poem evokes in you.

    Name the means of expression used by the poet.

    Find repeated percussive sounds in the text. What sound images do these repetitions create? (If you create a kind of brief "sound map" of the poem, you can observe the following:

    U O A
    U A I
    E O A
    Y A I

    A A O
    A A O
    U A O
    A O O

    O U A
    U E E
    I U A
    U O E

    I E O
    A Y Y
    A U O
    E E Y.

As you can see, in the first stanza it is repeated percussive sound[y] (and in total there are four (!) Sounds [y] in the first two lines), capable, according to M. Lomonosov, together with the sounds [o], [s] to depict “strong things: anger, envy, illness and sadness »; in this case, the repetition of vowels [y], [o] enhances the anxiety of the lyrical hero, mystery, mystery; and only the “gentle” sounds [e], [i] outlined here will be repeated often in the last two stanzas, encouraging the lyrical hero.

The sound [a], but according to M. Lomonosov, contributes to "the image of the splendor of the great space, depth and height, also sudden." The repetition of the shock [a] in the first stanza and the abundance of this sound in the second stanza in the “neighborhood” with the repeated [o] enhances the expressiveness of the poem, emphasizes the breadth of the gaze and soul of the lyrical hero, a certain calmness and peace, mystery.

This state is replaced by excitement, tension, anxiety and sadness in the third stanza with the help of repetition [y].

And in the last quatrain there is an abundance of different repetitive sounds - wide, mysterious, enigmatic [a], [o]; “strong”, sad [s] and “tender”, joyful [e] - emphasizes the infinity, boundlessness, openness of the poet’s soul, striving for peace, spring, love.)

  • The repetition of what consonants (especially in the second and fourth quatrains) enhances the expressiveness of the poem? What is the name of this technique? (Alliteration.) What is its role? What sound images are created by repeated consonants?

    Reread this poem again. What other techniques, expressive means that help the author convey his feelings, emotions, mood, have you been able to discover at the moment?

    What gives the description a lively, dynamic character?

    How do non-union complex sentences enrich the expressiveness and content of the poem?

    Determine the meanings outlined by intonation in these non-union complex constructions, the function of punctuation marks. What unions can be used to check the meanings, punctuation marks between parts of non-union complex sentences?

    What is the emotional content of the ellipsis, exclamation marks and combination of characters (penultimate sentence) in this poem?

    What maybe in the last sentence? What is the role of this word in the poem?

    Give examples of direct and reverse word order. Why do you think reverse word order is used in the poem?

    Write this poem down from memory. In non-union complex sentences, underline the grammatical foundations, indicate how they are expressed.

Task 26. Prepare for expressive reading. Set up pauses. Point out the words that you emphasize as you read. In what places will you read with a decrease in intonation, and where will you increase the sound of a word, sound, phrase?

I don't want your love,
I cannot appropriate it;
I can't answer her
My soul is not worth yours.

Your soul is always full
Some great feelings
You are a stranger to my stormy feelings,
A stranger to my harsh opinions.

You forgive your enemies -
I'm not familiar with this tender feeling
And my offenders
I cry with inevitable revenge.

Only temporarily I seem weak
I own the movements of the soul.
Not a Christian and not a slave,
I can't forgive insults.

I don't need your love
I need other occupations:
One war pleases me,
Some combat anxieties.

Love never comes to mind
Alas! my homeland suffers, -
Soul in the excitement of heavy thoughts
Now he yearns for freedom.

(K. Ryleev. KN.N.)

    Think: what is the poem of Kondraty Ryleev about and in what lines is its main idea?

    What techniques, expressive means help the author to convey his emotions, feelings, mood more vividly, more fully?

    What syntactic means of expressive speech are used by the author?

    How can one explain the abundance of non-union complex sentences in this poem? What does the author achieve by such a choice? Describe the figurative and expressive possibilities of complex non-union constructions, their role in the poem.

    What semantic relationships are implied between the parts of non-union complex sentences in Ryleev's poem? Explain the function of each punctuation mark.

    Write down a poem; in non-union complex sentences, underline the grammatical foundations, indicate how they are expressed; draw diagrams.

    Make a complete syntactic analysis of the sentence of the third stanza.

    List the parts of speech in the last sentence of the poem.

    One of the features of the poem is the repetition of certain words. Find lines with repeated words. Try to explain the role of this poetic artistic device in each case.

    Write out cases of inversion from the poem, indicate their grammatical form in brackets. For example: waves are playing(predicate - subject). Consider: what effect does the poet achieve by addressing inversion in the poem?

    Find in the poem a word whose pronunciation differs from the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language. Explain what it is about.

    Explain the meaning, stylistic affiliation of the following words: alien, vengeance, others, gratifying, does not come to mind suffers, sim, thirsts. Are these words used in modern Russian? What are word combinations like the one highlighted here called? What is the role of this vocabulary in K. Ryleev's poem?

Task 27. Prepare an expressive reading of Alexei Koltsov's poem "Russian Song".

The poetics of Alexei Koltsov is close to the folk song. Note what techniques traditional for oral folk art in this poem testify to its closeness to folklore works. (In this poem by A. Koltsov, one can note such techniques characteristic of oral folk art as repetitions (particles not in the first two lines, the preposition under in the third stanza, words nights, blizzards, dreams), epithets (dreams magical, edge bewitched, nights stormy etc.), comparisons (nights ... went, like clouds), personification, parallelism, words with diminutive suffixes (clouds, sun), inversion (winter blizzards, dark nights), words with a final -sya (green, flaunted, admired); melodiousness.)

    Analyze the punctuation of the poem. Explain the choice and use of each punctuation mark.

    Find all non-union complex sentences, observe how they are built, what artistic techniques, means of expression can be noted in their composition; what punctuation marks separate their parts. Make a conclusion about the role of complex non-union constructions in this poem.

    Write Koltsov's poem in a notebook, in non-union complex sentences, underline the grammatical foundations, indicate how they are expressed. Draw diagrams of non-union complex sentences, determine the meanings between their parts (indicate “test” unions in the diagrams).

    Write a short creative work"The role of non-union compound sentences in poetic texts".

Task 28. Read expressively the poems of S. Nadson and I. Surikov.

In a green grove, over a quiet river
Blue smoke blows and curls
And, rising from the fire, a pillar
Quietly floats over a neighboring bush.

White midnight is quiet and clear,
Spring is in the air,
It blows, and undead, and calls to life,
Undead, caresses and sings a song.

Wonderful song! Listen to her:
Be silent, tears and groans of people,
I, like a bacchante, returned to the earth
With a bowl in his hands and a wreath on his forehead ...

(S. Nadson)

The sun is shining brightly
It's warm in the air
And wherever you look
Everything around is light.
In the meadow they are full of
Bright flowers;
covered in gold
Dark sheets.
Dreaming forest:
Not a sound
The leaf does not rustle
Only a lark
Ringing in the air.

(I. Surikov)

    Choose the poem that, in your opinion, most clearly illustrates the theme "Unionless Compound Sentences". Prepare questions and tasks for the analysis of this poetic text.

To be continued