Kashi in bodybuilding. Which porridge has the most protein: useful properties, calories and interesting recipes Do not forget about cottage cheese and Greek yogurt

Electricity meters

When people talk about sports nutrition, bodybuilders are first of all. They count calories, track centimeters, eat on schedule. The champion of Russia and Europe in bench press Kirill Sarychev told how powerlifters eat and whether they need supplements, what role the press plays and where to buy scales. In the gym, powerlifters spend 10-15 hours a week, and the rest of the time is spent on recovery. Is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet important for a strength athlete? Slow carbohydrates do not particularly gain strength, they need fast ones. I love oatmeal cookies, I happily eat three with milk before a workout. Someone drinks gainers. Fast carbohydrates are all flour, and this is not prohibited. Protein is a building material. Powerlifters also eat chicken breasts, egg whites, and fish. The role of sports nutrition for powerlifting This is important, but not as strong as in bodybuilding. You can't replace food with them. Roughly speaking, most of the diet should be normal food, and these are just food supplements, missing elements. What does a security officer need? BCAA, amino acids - they are taken approximately 100-150 grams per day. Also, a cap of protein. I brew oatmeal in the morning, pour in protein and get a hearty breakfast of carbohydrates and proteins at the same time.

Cyril recommends solving the problem with joints not with the help of supplements, but with the help of a competent warm-up. If the muscles are not warmed up, the problems begin. You need to have a strong back, so that there is a muscular frame. it is necessary to do hyperextension, training always begins with it and ends with this exercise.

The press for a powerlifter is even more important than for a bodybuilder. This is our muscular frame, what holds the organs. There is a press - there is a big squat, a big thrust. I train it separately, and you need to do it carefully. Crunches or incline raises are good for this. Moreover, in the second case, it is impossible to fully rise and fall, relax.

How much Per day - 4 meals of solid food and two liquid ones. I drink protein without yolk, a protein shake. It's good to take BCAAs during a 4-5 hour workout, but I'm too lazy. I'm going to power loads.

Where to buy scales

In this, oddly enough, there is no problem. I recently bought a scale from a local store. up to 180 kg.

How to distinguish externally a bodybuilder, weightlifter and powerlifter

If in clothes: the powerlifter will eat the bun, the bodybuilder will eat the breast and cry. And the weightlifter will be on the sidelines - there are camps and everything is harsh.

Kirill is known to everyone for his image of the "Russian hero". Orthodoxy plays a huge role in his life. “It teaches kindness, gives resistance to stress, heals the soul. In everything you need to look for the positive, for every negative there is a positive,” the champion is convinced.

For these reasons, it is a very good pre- and post-workout meal. Before training - energizes the muscles without unnecessary heaviness in the stomach. Post-Workout - Replenishes energy levels, nourishes muscles and improves recovery. In addition, oatmeal is suitable for a proper breakfast, for daytime meals and for dinner, that is, it will be useful at any time.

How to make oatmeal with protein


  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • ½ milk;
  • ¼ cup vanilla whey protein;
  • 1 candy, crushed into several pieces;

Cooking method:

  1. In a non-stick saucepan, bring the milk and oatmeal to a boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes until the porridge is cooked through.
  2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let cool before adding the whey protein, otherwise it will curdle.
  3. Crumble candies on top, you can start eating.
This is the fastest and most delicious oatmeal recipe!

Porridge can be prepared from oatmeal (grain) or oatmeal. Oat flakes are crushed and steamed grains that are prepared in advance. I recommend using cereals fast food. Firstly, they are better absorbed, and secondly, they need to be cooked for only 1-2 minutes. But if you like cereal porridge more to your taste, then this is also quite a normal option. Oatmeal porridge is cooked from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the processing of the grains.

Ordinary tasteless breakfasts are a little boring, in literally this word! So treat your taste buds with these six breakfast recipes.

Protein-packed morning meals are sure to make the most important meal of the day (and breakfast is the main meal of the day!) even more special.

Don't focus on just quick protein shakes and milk-based oatmeal. Make delicious and nutritious food to make your morning bright and full of bright emotions.

1. Protein pancakes with chocolate syrup.

Who doesn't love chocolate, especially for breakfast? For a simple recipe, you don't need any special ingredients. Pancakes can be made with ingredients that are always on hand: egg whites, protein and pancake syrup. It is an anabolic favorite of NPC member and competitive bodybuilding competitor Vinnie Russo. Get supplies from the pantry and start cooking.


  • Egg white - 5 pcs.
  • Protein powder - 1 scoop (36 g)
  • Chocolate syrup - to taste


1. Mix egg whites with protein powder.

2.Pour the dough into the pan and cook until it looks like pancakes.

3. Drizzle chocolate syrup on top and serve.

Outcome: nutritional information per serving (1 pancake)

Calorie content - 128; Fats - 1.4 gr; Carbohydrates - 3.6 gr; Proteins - 25.3 gr;

Not all cupcakes settle in folds at the waist. This healthy recipe The forbidden treat is one of the favorite recipes of British Bodybuilding and Fitness Champion Emma Paverley. The combination of oatmeal and eggs is great for breakfast, and the addition of protein powder turns them into the anabolic staple of your morning arsenal. Cupcakes are nutritious, you can take them to work. Most importantly, they cook very quickly!


  • Oatmeal - 2/3 cup
  • Flour - 1/8 cup
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Medium banana (sliced) - 1 pc.
  • Milk (fat content 2%) - 120 ml
  • Sweetener - to taste


1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.

2. Add liquid ingredients to the dough and mix everything again.

3. Bake in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius for approximately 10 minutes.

Outcome: Nutritional information per serving (1 cupcake)

Calorie content - 85 Fats - 1.2 gr; Carbohydrates - 12.5 gr; Proteins - 8 gr;

3. Fried flatbread.

Fried tortillas have never been considered healthy food, but this is fixable. A protein-rich version of a regular meal will help build muscle and add fuel to your workouts. Use the recipe for the occasion to indulge in this treat, or make tortillas part of your daily diet.


  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Protein powder -1 scoop (36g)
  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Warm water - 1 glass.
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tablespoon


1. Pour all dry ingredients into a bowl.

2. Make a hole in the center, add coconut oil and water.

3. Mix by hand or blender. Add water if necessary to make a pliable dough.

4. Remove the dough from the bowl, dust a cutting board with flour and place the dough until it is nice and fluffy.

5. If necessary, add more flour so that the dough does not get too sticky. Roll out the dough into a very flat sheet and let it rest for a few minutes. Cut the dough into small squares and toss them into the boiling coconut oil.

6. For a slightly healthier option, try baking in the oven!

7. Serve with honey, natural jam or jam.

Outcome: nutritional information per serving (1 square)

Calorie content - 560; Fats - 17 gr; Carbohydrates - 81 gr; Proteins - 34 gr;

If you don't have much time in the morning, this recipe is for you. Mix the ingredients and put them in the refrigerator overnight. A mixture of oatmeal, milk and berries is a sweet treat worth waking up for!


  • Milk (skimmed) - 240 ml
  • Oatmeal - 80 gr
  • Greek yogurt - 150 gr
  • Blueberries - 40 gr
  • Strawberries - 40 gr
  • Cinnamon - to taste


1. Soak oatmeal in milk and add a pinch of cinnamon.

2. In the morning add halved strawberries, Greek yogurt and protein powder.

3. Sprinkle blueberries and remaining strawberries on top.

Outcome: nutritional information per serving (1 cup)

Calorie content - 803; Fats - 26 gr; Carbohydrates - 90 gr; Proteins - 44 gr;

Pancakes rarely make it into the healthy food rankings, but that doesn't mean they should be completely eliminated from your "fitness diet." Strictly speaking, protein pancakes will even bring you closer to your goals. Don't believe? One of the lovers of this delicacy is NPC bodybuilder Shane Raymond, who adores them.


  • Banana - 2 medium
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Protein Powder - 2 Scoops (72g)
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Coconut oil - 5 gr


1. Place the bananas in a bowl and use a fork to puree them.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.

3. Place coconut oil in a large non-stick skillet and heat over low heat.

4. Pour the mixture into the pan, fry until golden, then flip.

5. Fry on both sides, put on a large plate.

6. Serve with fruit, berries, honey and low-fat Greek yogurt.

Outcome: nutritional information per serving (1 donut)

Calorie content - 475; Fats - 6 gr; Carbohydrates - 60 gr; Proteins - 45 gr;

6. Protein pancakes with cinnamon.

With the advent of autumn, nothing sets you up for a wave of coziness and comfort like a mountain of cinnamon pancakes. This is the favorite recipe of athlete and cover model Meli Kologlu. In addition to the beneficial effect on glucose metabolism, a small pinch of cinnamon makes the taste truly homely.

You can enjoy these pancakes in the morning or use them as a worthy reward for a good workout. Either way, you will love this recipe.


  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 2/3 teaspoon.
  • Vanilla extract - ½ teaspoon.
  • Banana (ripe) - 2/3 pcs.
  • Oatmeal - 1/8 cup
  • Protein powder - 1 scoop (36g)


1. Mix banana, egg whites, cinnamon, vanilla extract, oatmeal and protein powder.

2. Spray the skillet with cooking spray. Pour batter into skillet.

3. Turn the pancakes over when they are browned.

4. Fry evenly on both sides.

5. Serve with sugar free syrup and enjoy!

Outcome: Nutritional information per serving (1 pancake)

Calories - 148 Fats - 2.3 g Carbohydrates - 15.2 g Proteins - 16.6 g


Wondering how to turn your morning oatmeal into a protein bomb? Below you will find 10 options on how to enrich porridge with protein easily and on a budget!

First I want to admit that oatmeal is one of my favorite cereals. I can cook it every day and I won't get bored. But there is one point. I noticed that if I eat only carbohydrates for breakfast, I will be brutally hungry in just an hour or two! But if I add something protein to oatmeal, then I stay full longer and they don’t persecute me.

Are you familiar with this? Then take a look at the following products.

10 ways to add protein to porridge:

Cook with milk, including vegetable

One cup of 2% milk contains 8g of protein. In addition, the oatmeal will turn out softer and creamier, more like a dessert than ordinary porridge.

Add nuts, seeds, or nut butter

Nuts and seeds are excellent. They will not only add more nutrition to oatmeal, but also satisfy your desire for something crunchy. And if you add a spoonful of nut butter, you will forever become an adept of porridge in the morning. My favorites are cashews, walnuts and pumpkin seeds. If desired, you can pre-fry the seeds and nuts in a pan. 30g of cashews contains almost 6g of protein, 30g of walnuts - 5g, and 30g of pumpkin seeds - 5.6g.

Add egg/white

Have you tried adding an egg/egg white to your porridge? That's in vain! This does not affect the taste in any way, but the content of protein and healthy fats only increases. I remember about that, so I always add a whole egg. You can also use only egg white. I recommend adding the egg at the end of cooking. Thus, you will add about 7g of protein! Another nice bonus - the egg will add extra volume oatmeal. It is always psychologically easier to eat a portion of a larger volume 🙂

Add protein powder

Empirically, I came to the conclusion that it is better to add 1/2 measuring spoon. In this way, you will keep the consistency of porridge and not spoil palatability. Half a stingy regular protein contains about 12g of protein! Plus, you can vary the tastes by experimenting without any extra effort or expense. Add the powder at the very end when you remove the oatmeal from the heat. The porridge will be creamy, and the lumps will remain in a nightmare.

Add chia or flax seeds

20g of chia seeds contain 4g of protein, while flaxseed contains 3.7g. In addition, both are rich in fiber, which will help you stay full until lunch. You can decorate porridge with seeds after cooking. I recommend adding them 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, so that the seeds have time to absorb moisture and certainly give your body all its value.

Add fried egg

Earlier, I recommended that you break a whole egg into the porridge directly during its preparation. The other option also works great. Separately, boil the oatmeal in milk or water, and fry the egg in a pan without breaking the yolk. You can also lightly sauté green beans, broccoli, or any other vegetable. Put the oatmeal on a plate, add vegetables on the side, and decorate with an egg on top. My favorite moment is when you break the yolk with a fork and it starts to spread, penetrating into distant corners. Ready to try?

Add cheese - sweet or spicy!

If you want a savory taste, then it's time to try adding grated parmesan to your morning oatmeal. If you are a supporter of a delicate texture, then you should pay attention to either mascarpone.

Don't forget cottage cheese and Greek yogurt

If you are afraid that cheeses contain too much fat, then replace them with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. Just 50g of cottage cheese provides 11g of protein!
Once add salted granular cottage cheese, the second - pasty, the third - ordinary crumbly. Variety of flavors guaranteed!