When the cold water meters are verified. Terms of verification of cold and hot water meters

Electricity meters

When water meters are installed in the apartment, you want and must be sure that their readings are correct. To do this, check them in a timely manner. This is a standard procedure by which the level of error is determined.

The manufacturer provides a warranty for the manufactured device. Over time, the equipment wears out and simply shows incorrect numbers. To avoid overpayment, after the period specified by the plant, it is necessary to carry out control measurements - verification.

This is done by organizations that have accumulated extensive practical experience and are accredited to carry out such work. Russian legislation stipulates that all individual cold and hot water needs to be checked for accuracy.

The date of checking water meters in Moscow is set by the manufacturer. On average, control is carried out 4 and 6 years after the water meter left the assembly line, but perhaps more, for example, despite the fact that you have a foreign mechanism. Of course, it all depends on the brand of your unit.

As well as intertest distances are indicated in the technical guide. This document is included in the kit, or is handed out by the organization that produced it.

Additionally, the inspection periods relating to water meters are established by law and are prescribed in the commissioning act. This paper is also issued by the company that did the installation work on the territory of your apartment.

How is the procedure carried out?

Two ways:

1) The equipment is removed and just in time transferred to the meteorological laboratory directly by the owner. It's long and expensive. You need to do the following:

  1. Record indicators.
  2. Remove the unit.
  3. Take the "controller" to the laboratory.
  4. Fill out an application and make payment.

This method should be resorted to only in extreme cases, as it will take you too much time and money.

2) At home, without replacement and removal. To do this, you need to call an accredited specialist. He will do everything on his own and on time, using a portable verification station. After completion of all work, the metrologist will provide you with an official conclusion on the operability of the installation, the reliability, and correctness of its data. If the indicated error does not exceed the permissible threshold, then the life of the water meter is extended for a certain time.

When the device is installed in the dwelling, the following data must be given to you:

  • installation contract;
  • verification contract;
  • act of commissioning.

It is advisable to conduct independent monitoring of water data. Monthly check the correctness of all data. After all, no one wants to pay. Moreover, the funds spent cannot be returned. This is an important factor .

If you find the slightest inconsistencies, a sharp deviation from the norm, immediately call the master and, if necessary, replace the faulty meter on time. This applies to both hot and cold faucets.

Hot water meter verification period

What is the calibration interval of water meters? Simply put, this is the date determined by official documents, until which the water meter must be checked without fail. In the absence of verification or its official confirmation, citizens get themselves the problem of charging them money for providing a resource in accordance with the standards adopted in the housing and communal services system. That is, the equipment begins to be considered inactive.

Recall again: for hot water monitoring devices, the test period is usually set at 4 years. For some foreign manufacturers, it may be a year or two more. Why this time interval is shorter for hot meters is explained by the fact that, due to the more aggressive environment, they have higher wear of the materials from which they are made.

Cold water meter verification period

The frequency of verification of water meters is determined by the manufacturer. Today it is actually identical to the calibration interval for IPU cold water in the vast majority is determined at 6 years.

Here, too, one can say, as well as about a hot one, that if they don’t believe him, then the citizen will be expected to spend extra money. In other words, people are starting to pay more for water, according to the standards that the management company will indicate in the payment papers.

Service life of meters according to GOST

The process of functioning of water equipment is regulated by various regulations. The calibration interval for meters of cold and hot water supply of domestic production is fixed by GOST and, accordingly, is measured 4 years - for hot and 6 - for cold. For imported models, this period can be extended for water up to 7-8, respectively.

Some time ago, the time intervals for verification were established by various laws and regulations. But since 2017 in Moscow, the frequency of verification of cold and hot water meters has been established by technical documentation, which is issued together.

It makes no sense to be ironic about GOSTs. Also, rather complex mechanisms should not be confused with sausage. In their production, it is not enough to have just technical conditions. This is a whole process that provides for strict accuracy of execution. The maximum possible operating conditions of products, their testing in various modes of water heating are taken into account.

The main types of counters

We have already indicated the verification dates and expiration dates of the meters above. The only thing that can be added is that occasionally an imported model is also indicated by a shelf life of up to 15 years. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

To fix the amount of cold and hot water, the same types of flow meters are used.

There is almost no limit to the variety of domestic and imported hot and cold water meters today. Choosing the right metering device of appropriate quality is half the battle. But in order for the water meter to function properly for many years, it must also be installed correctly.

Today, over 500 types of such equipment of all types are represented in Russia. If desired, you can put the unit with remote transmission of readings.

When buying a water meter in Moscow (it is clear that there is more choice in the capital than in the regions), keep in mind that these water devices come in different accuracy classes - the simplest and "advanced".

Why keep the deadlines for checking water meters? After all, no one will know that you did not submit your meter for control on time. In fact, such a number will not work. After installation, you refer all available documents to the Criminal Code or the Homeowners Association of your home. These departments strictly monitor the frequency of verification.

If the deadlines are violated, then you will definitely be informed about this and asked to correct the situation and carry out all activities as soon as possible by any convenient method. Therefore, this issue must be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible. Remember, verification is not a recommendation, but a duty that is indicated in the legislative framework. If you ignore the work, non-compliance with the established time periods, certain sanctions may be imposed on you.

As for the shelf life of water meters, each manufacturer determines it himself. On average, the manufacturer indicates a figure for hot and cold water - 12 years, provided that the verifications are carried out on time.

But sometimes the real time is greatly reduced, for example, due to poor water quality or a simple filter.

What to do if the verification of the water meter is overdue

What threatens the owner if it is overdue and what to do in this situation? After all, starting from the day of verification, the principle of payment for water supply will change and the consumer will be transferred to payment according to the standard tariff.

It is necessary to write an application for verification to the water supply organization and explain in it why this was not done on time for years.

A master will come to you and examine the IPU, after which he will draw up an act of verification.

There can be no penalty for the very fact of untimely verification. However, if it turns out that the IPU recorded the flow of water is much less than the amount that actually flowed through the taps, the owner faces an impressive fine.

If the water meter is operational, continue to use it. Otherwise, of course, it will have to be replaced with a fresh one.

And in order not to create similar problems for yourself in the future, it is better not to forget about the deadline for the next work on checking cold and hot water meters. To do this, simply attach a piece of paper with the control date next to it.

Installing a water meter will significantly save money on utility bills. Thus, the consumer will pay for water consumption only based on the indicators of the meter. To be sure of the correct measurements of the water meter, you need to take care of its serviceability. The frequency of verification of cold and hot water meters is different. What is the essence of the procedure, and what are the terms for its implementation, we will tell further.

Why is verification needed?

All areas of the utility industry are regulated by relevant legislation. Various acts and resolutions indicate the duties of representatives of utilities and subscribers. They also prescribe the period for checking water meters.

Carrying out this procedure allows you to check the accuracy of measurements, as well as the quality of the water meter. In the technical passport of such equipment, the boundary limits of accuracy are indicated. If an error is detected during the verification process, it is considered that the water meter has not passed verification and requires replacement or repair. Devices that do not have violations can be used further. When checking water meters is carried out, you can find out in the service organization or the product data sheet.

Terms of verification of water meters

Decree No. 354 obliges consumers to carry out timely checks of meters. Initially, this procedure is carried out by the manufacturer of the product. The manufacturer indicates the frequency of verification of the water meter in the data sheet for the device. Neglecting these recommendations threatens that the water utility will eventually simply bill the consumer based on average water consumption standards.

The period of verification of water meters is determined at the level of legislation. Also, the terms are indicated in the accompanying documents of the water meter. It should be noted that the frequency when water meters are verified is as follows:

  • IPU hot water - 1 time in 4 years;
  • cold water meters - 1 time in 6 years.

The segment of public utilities in our country is strictly regulated by law. So, a period for checking cold and hot water meters is set. This concept refers to the procedure for measuring the accuracy of instrument indicators.

This event is carried out necessarily in the presence of an authorized person (a representative of the HOA or an employee of the water utility). If the error of indicators is higher than the established norm, then an act is issued according to which the device needs to be replaced. Otherwise, it is allowed to operate.

Is this procedure required?

When the regulated period for checking the device ends individual accounting, his testimony will be officially invalidated. There are no penalties for delay in this procedure by the legislation of the Russian Federation. However, in this case, a person will pay for water supply not according to meters, but according to standard indicators for the last 6 months. They are calculated based on the number of people registered in the apartment.

In some regions of the Russian Federation (mainly in the republics and autonomous regions) there are certain amendments to this regulation. So the period for which the calculation of standard indicators is carried out may vary (not 6, but 3 months). Therefore, it is better to clarify this information in the authorities local government, or directly in your homeowners association.

Please note: people with temporary housing registration will also increase the overall cost of water supply.

Standards for calibration periods for water meters

At the moment, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following terms for checking meters:

  1. For cold water - 1 time in 6 years.
  2. For hot - 1 time in 4 years. This is because high temperatures contribute to the reduction of the operating period of the device. In addition, some particles are present in hot water that have a negative effect on the performance of the meter.

After the verification procedure, the consumer is obliged to submit the completed documents to the local EIRC.

Actions after the expiration of the verification period

When the meter verification period has passed, it must be replaced without fail. The consumer must install a new meter at his own expense. Usually people prefer to entrust this work to specialized firms (many homeowners associations themselves offer to do this for a fee).

Please note: during the meter change period (often HOAs do not send employees to complete this task too quickly), the consumer will pay for water supply according to average indicators.

After that, the meter is sealed. This procedure should be carried out free of charge by the HOA. The tenant must draw up an appropriate application and submit documents for the right to own the property.

In some cases, the meter replacement procedure is carried out ahead of schedule. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Device malfunction. The most common failure is that the discs rotate when the water is turned off.
  2. The operating period of the meter has passed.
  3. Found a factory defect.
  4. The passport for the individual metering device was lost and this fact was revealed by the control officer of the water utility.

On the video about the procedure for checking meters


Timely verification of cold and hot water meters is necessary first of all for the consumer himself. If this device starts to “jump”, this can seriously increase payments for water supply. Therefore, do not forget to check in a timely manner and, if necessary, replace individual metering devices.

Like any measuring equipment, a water meter needs to be verified. The error and the overall performance of the counter in many modes are determined. It must work stably in various conditions. At the end of the verification, a conclusion is made about the possibility of continuing the operation of the named device.

The verification procedure in Moscow is understandable and based on norms that explain its meaning. A list of specialists who have the right to carry out verification has been determined.

Applications continue to be received regarding the expediency of installing the above-mentioned installations and about their verification on time. A message appears that the water device diagnosis has already been cancelled. Each of these points deserves a separate explanation.


It is necessary to explain what the verification of water meters consists of. This is a metrological process, thanks to which a resident operating an ISP of water receives legal documents for its further use.

The water meter can last up to twelve years. But the whole period should be carried out diagnostics. Work with a hot water meter is carried out once every four years, and cold water - every six years.

It must be borne in mind that the countdown of the operating time is not from the date of installation, but from the moment of production. The first verification takes place at the manufacturing plant. In some cases, an extraordinary procedure is needed. To do this, you need to apply to a specialized office. They will review it and take the appropriate steps.


People are often interested in why such meter check intervals appeared. This happened in the winter of 2004. Then the Moscow government issued Decree No. 77-PP. It talks about improving measures to save resource consumption. It was said that the meter for cold water, according to the State Standard, is checked at least once every four years, hot - at least five years. The verification of cold water meters in Moscow began to be carried out precisely according to such rules and a decree on the timing. Gradually, these terms began to be practiced constantly. If a person did not check the water meter according to the defined rules, he received a payment with the existing standards.

The question immediately arose: what kind of Gosstandarts did Moscow officials refer to in 2004? Legal practice has shown that there is no exact explanation for this. Rosstandart says they have no data on inspections of Russian and foreign water meters. As a result, the previous verification dates were canceled from the beginning of 2013. The prosecutor's office found that the analysis was illegal. The main supervisory authority was able to change these rules.

Now the calibration periods of meters are set by the manufacturer. By the way, they often coincide with those that were once introduced by officials. That is, the same rules that we wrote about above, corresponding to the Gosstandarts promulgated by Moscow officials.


There are several options for measuring device performance:

  1. The first one is being phased in. A specialist from the organization that manages your housing comes and creates a temporary bow instead of a water meter, prepared by the master initially. The replacement operation requires the presence of the owner of the water meter. The device itself is transferred to a specialized metrological service, where it is serviced by doing. The wizard then returns it to where it was originally mounted. All relevant documents are handed over to the owner.
  2. Another method involves replacing the used water meter with a verified one. This process guarantees less money spent. In this case, the customer must understand that the newly tested unit was in operation. This reduces the time and guarantees of its work.

What to do after verification?

Many citizens have heard that someone canceled the verification for some reason. There is a lively discussion about this in society today. And if there is doubt, then there will always be those who will not carry out these actions. You can leave it to their conscience and speculation. But there are facts that are not in doubt.

Representatives of various companies operating housing in the housing and communal services system argue that the verification of water meters is mandatory. Its absence is a signal that the readings of the device are considered invalid. This entails an increase in cash spending on the services of supplying organizations.

The payment for the used water will be charged according to the standards. per living person. As practice shows, such accruals can be made retroactively. The norms given by housing office managers in Moscow do not take into account real consumption, which is what the meter does. For this reason, the rules for when payment for water will be charged are not so important.

The statute of limitations is now three years. The office operating the housing can withstand this time, after which it will present the recalculation to the owner who has not done the verification. And this will result in a large amount of overpayment for water consumption.

Cost of services

In order not to spend extra money from the family or enterprise budget on idle, most residents purchase an IPA for themselves to save resources. They make significant savings. People pay for the actual water consumption according to the meter. In its absence, payment is made according to the norms that are presented independently of the residents by the management company.

There are people who believe that verification is illegal. There are facts when such a technique was challenged legally. However, in most cases, citizens simply did not take into account the legality of verifications. In other cases, imperfection played a role. legislative framework

The rules were created by experts in Moscow. Legal documents were also written there. But not always these rules were combined with the letter of the law. But not cancelled. Therefore, disputes arose and arise in society.

Today cost - 900 rubles. This is on the day of the order. 600 - on other days.