How is hot water calculated? How to calculate the amount of transferred hot (cold) water and heat energy

Electricity meters

Calculation of payment for water consumption by an apartment according to the water meter (IPU)

The calculation of the amount of payment for cold water and hot water is calculated by multiplying the volume of water consumed (according to the readings of hot water and cold water meters) by the current tariff (in Moscow it is 28 rubles 40 kopecks per cubic meter cold water and 125 rubles. 69 kop. for the "cube" hot). Water disposal is calculated as the product of the sum of cold water and hot water volumes and the current tariff (currently - 20 rubles 15 kopecks per m³ for the population of Moscow).
Let's write it down briefly:
Cold water charge = Cold water consumption × 28.40
DHW charge = DHW consumption × 125.69
Wastewater charge = (Consumption of cold water + Consumption of DHW) × 20.15
Payment for water for "common house needs" (ODN)
So, we figured out how to pay for the water that was consumed by the residents of the apartment in which water meters are installed.

But you should not silently and unconditionally pay utilities if you have not lived in the apartment for a certain time.

In case of temporary absence of residents
Recalculation can be done by persons who:
were away (on vacation);
left for a certain time at the dacha.
It is allowed to carry out such a procedure in the case when one of the residents was in the hospital or was sent on a business trip.
Recalculation can be done by residents who did not use the provided resources, if they are accrued according to established standards.
You can reduce the cost for the following services:
water supply;
electricity consumption;
The remaining services are paid in full, regardless of whether you lived in the premises or not.
Recalculation of utility bills in case of temporary absence of tenants is carried out for all days when a person was absent, if there are no debts. That is, you must first pay off the debt on utility bills, and only then apply for a recalculation of the amounts.
Currently, the procedure for recalculations for certain types of utilities for the period of temporary absence of consumers in the occupied residential premises is established by the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 No. 354.

In accordance with paragraph 86 of these Rules, in the event of a temporary absence in the residential premises for more than 5 full calendar days in a row, at the request of the consumer, a recalculation for cold water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, electricity and gas supply can be carried out in the absence of individual or common (apartment) ) metering devices for the relevant types of utilities.
According to paragraph 90 of these Rules, recalculation for utilities is carried out in proportion to the number of days of temporary absence of the consumer, which is determined based on the number of full calendar days of his absence, not including the day of departure from his place of permanent residence and the day of arrival at this place.
On the basis of clause 91 of the Rules, the recalculation of the amount of the payment for utilities is carried out by the contractor within 5 working days after receiving a written application from the consumer for the recalculation of the amount of the payment for utilities (hereinafter referred to as the application for recalculation), submitted before the start of the period of temporary absence of the consumer or no later than 30 days after the end of the period of temporary absence of the consumer. If the consumer who submitted the application for recalculation before the start of the period of temporary absence did not submit documents confirming the duration of his absence, or the submitted documents do not confirm the temporary absence of the consumer during all or part of the period specified in the application for recalculation, the contractor shall charge a utility fee for the period of unconfirmed absence in full in accordance with the Rules and the right to apply the provisions of Part 14 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the consequences of late and (or) incomplete payment of utility bills.
The document confirming the temporary absence of the consumer may be:
a) a copy of the travel certificate or a copy of the decision (order, instruction) on sending on a business trip or a certificate of a business trip with copies of travel tickets attached;
b) a certificate of being treated in an inpatient medical institution or in a sanatorium-and-spa treatment;
c) travel tickets issued in the name of the consumer (if the name of the consumer is indicated in such documents in accordance with the rules for issuing them), or their certified copies. In the case of issuing travel documents in electronic form, the contractor is presented with a printout of them on paper, as well as a document issued by the carrier confirming the use of the travel document (boarding pass for an airplane, other documents);
d) bills for accommodation in a hotel, hostel or other place of temporary residence or their certified copies;
e) a document of the body that carries out temporary registration of a citizen at the place of his temporary stay in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or a certified copy thereof;
f) a certificate from the organization that carries out non-departmental security of the residential premises in which the consumer was temporarily absent, confirming the beginning and end of the period during which the residential premises were under continuous protection and which was not used;
g) a certificate confirming the period of temporary stay of a citizen at the location of the educational institution, orphanage, boarding school, special educational and other children's institution with round-the-clock stay;
h) a certificate from a consular office or a diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in the country of residence, confirming the temporary stay of a citizen outside the Russian Federation, or a certified copy of an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, containing marks on crossing the state border of the Russian Federation when leaving the Russian Federation and entering V Russian Federation;
i) a certificate from a dacha, garden or garden association confirming the period of the citizen's temporary stay at the location of the dacha, garden or garden partnership;
j) other documents that, in the opinion of the consumer, confirm the fact and duration of the temporary absence of the consumer in the residential premises.
In the absence of original documents, copies of these documents must be notarized.

But you also have to pay for the so-called "common house needs", which are calculated much more complicated.

4. Calculation of the volume of cold water for "common house needs"
attributable to i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises, the volume of cold water provided for general house needs in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common house) cold water meter is determined by formula 11 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules under discussion:

the volume (quantity) of cold water consumed during the billing period in an apartment building, determined according to the readings of a collective (common house) cold water meter. In the cases provided for by “Clause 59” of the Rules, the volume (quantity) of the communal resource determined in accordance with the provisions of the specified “Clause” is used to calculate the amount of payment for utilities;
the volume (quantity) of cold water consumed during the billing period in the u-th non-residential premises, determined in accordance with "clause 43" of the Rules;
the volume (quantity) of cold water consumed during the billing period in the v-th living space (apartment) not equipped with an individual or common (apartment) metering device;
the volume (amount) of cold water consumed during the billing period in the w-th living space (apartment) equipped with an individual or common (apartment) cold water meter, determined by the readings of such a meter. In the cases provided for by “Clause 59” of the Rules, the volume (quantity) of the communal resource determined in accordance with the provisions of the specified “Clause” is used to calculate the amount of payment for utilities;
the volume (quantity) of hot water (in the case of self-produced by the utility provider for hot water supply (in the absence of centralized hot water supply)), consumed during the billing period in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building, determined in accordance with "paragraphs 42" and "43" of the Rules;
the volume of cold water determined in accordance with "clause 54" of the Rules, used by the contractor in the production of utility services for heating (in the absence of centralized heat supply), which, in addition, was also used by the contractor in order to provide consumers with utility services for cold water supply;
the total area of ​​the i-th dwelling (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;
the total area of ​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

In short, this formula understands any overspending of water in relation to the estimated consumption for the house by “common house needs”. Including leaks in the risers, unregistered residents and underestimated neighbors' meters.
These so-called "common house needs" according to the Rules are "scattered" over all apartments and non-residential premises in proportion to their area.

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If water meters are not installed in the apartment, payment for water is made according to the number of registered residents and the consumption standard. For Moscow, it is 10.747 cubic meters per person per month, of which 6.381 cubic meters of cold and 4.366 cubic meters of hot water. Practice shows that this standard is too high. Apartment metering devices can reduce costs by more than 2 times. After installing the meters, the water fee is calculated as follows. Just follow these simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track with your financial issues.

Quick step by step guide

So let's take a look at the steps you need to take.

Step - 1
Record water meter readings. Most apartments are equipped with mechanical appliances with a drum mechanism. Depending on the model, four or five black digits are visible in the slots to the left of the decimal point. They mean whole cubic meters. Two or three red numbers to the right of the decimal point are tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a cubic meter. Write down the number and round up to a whole number. Subtract from it the previous readings taken a month ago. You will get water consumption in cubic meters. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 2
If the apartment has several cold water meters (two or more), determine the flow rate for each of them, and add the resulting numbers. In the same way, the total consumption is calculated if there are several hot water meters. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 3
Transfer this data to the accounting department of the management company or the settlement center in person, by phone, e-mail or via the Internet. They will be entered in the appropriate columns of the payment document and on their basis you will be calculated the payment for water. To check if the charges are correct, multiply the water consumption by the current tariff. Compare the amount received with the amount charged. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 4
Remember that apartment water meters do not relieve you of the need to pay for general house water overruns. It arises as a result of technological losses, leaks, use of water for washing entrances and watering green spaces, as well as excess consumption by unregistered residents of apartments in which metering devices are not installed. For example, one person is registered in an apartment without water meters, but four people live and use the water supply. Contact the management company for the data, on the basis of which once a quarter (and in some UK - monthly) the water charge is recalculated. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 5
According to the current Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the recalculation algorithm is as follows. Divide the water consumption for common house meters by the total volume of water charged for payment according to consumption standards and readings from apartment meters. Multiply the resulting coefficient by the water consumption according to the apartment meter and the current tariff. Subtract the water bills you have already paid from this figure. You will receive a correction amount that appears in the "Recalculation" column of your payment document.

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips from a financial adviser It is necessary to transfer the readings of apartment water meters to the management company or the settlement center strictly on time. Otherwise, the payment for water will be calculated not according to the meter, but according to the current consumption standards.

This quick guide covers:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"
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