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In Russian, most independent parts of speech obey the morphological principle of writing. In other words, certain lexical units are used with certain suffixes, endings and prefixes, the spelling of which almost always depends on the spelling rules. But it should be noted that they do not apply to such service parts of speech as prepositions, conjunctions or particles. The latter are written in accordance with the linguistic tradition that has developed over many centuries. Moreover, their spelling should be checked against reference books or spelling dictionaries. The following derivative preposition has the same feature - “in connection”.

How to spell in connection

Before answering the question of how to spell the word “ due” together or separately, you need to understand why it occurs. In this word, there may be difficulties with writing for those who mistakenly attribute the word “ due” to the adverb by analogy with lexical units: blindly, in addition, to the left, casually. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine what part of speech the word “ due" in fact.

In connection or in connection - which is correct

It is formed by combining the simple preposition "in" and the noun "connection" in the genitive case with the stress shifted to the second syllable. The combination "in connection" has lost its independent lexical meaning, and with it the function of a sentence member. In a syntactic construction, it is used as a linking fragment. The derivative preposition "in connection" cannot be questioned. It can be replaced by the synonymous preposition "because of" or the adverbial combination "because of".

How to write "in connection"

  • This expression can be used to denote the contact of objects, their proximity, any connection with each other. Parts of the combination "in connection" in this case are written separately, and the stress should be placed on the first syllable. For example: "The manager of a large firm is suspected of having connections with competitors." Now you have a noun and a preposition in front of you, and in the sentence the noun performs the function of an object.

For these two parts of speech, the spelling rules are exactly the same. It is known from the school course that “not” with verbs is always written separately. It's the same with adjectives. The exceptions are words that are not used without this particle. For example: unwell, unwell, etc.

How to spell: In connection with or in connection with

"In connection" or "in connection" - how to write correctly? Difficulties in writing this word arise due to the fact that it is often mistakenly referred to as an adverb and, by analogy with the lexical units “to draw”, “in addition”, “to the right”, “blindly” and “in passing”, they write together. To understand how to write the word "in connection", let's find out what part of speech it belongs to and what role it plays in the sentence.

How to spell the word - in connection - together or separately

I can say the same thing that we were taught at school - when the word is used in the context of "due to the worsening of the weather" and it is impossible, as already mentioned, to insert another word between in and connection - it is written together. In the case of using the word "in long-distance communication". It seems that WORD killed the rules of the Russian language at the suggestion of translators or programmers.

romantic heroes

It can be replaced by the synonymous preposition "because of" or the adverbial combination "because of". Ticket offices were open half an hour earlier due to the fact that a full house was expected. He was seen in a connection undesirable for the reputation of an honest man. Therefore, the merged spelling "in connection" is a mistake. Today we will answer this question in an accessible and detailed way. In connection”, absolutely always written separately.

How to spell in connection, separately or together

Sometimes when writing individual words and expressions, schoolchildren and even many graduates have difficulties. Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language will help you figure out how to write a word correctly. One of these dubious expressions is the use of the phrase "in connection".


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In connection or in connection: how to write? Spelling: due or due

In order to understand how to write a given word correctly, you just need to remember that in any case such a lexical unit is used separately in the text. After all, the expression “in connection” refers to that group of derivative prepositions that are always written separately (in connection with the circumstances, in continuation of the above, in the form of a roll, at the end of the speech, for an hour, etc.).

How to write "goodbye"

One of the main rules of the Russian language says that in order to find out whether a prefix or a preposition is written together or separately, you need to try to move them or insert a word between them and the main root. For example, seaside - should be written together, because the word cannot be inserted; school at the embassy - separately, since you can insert an adjective: at the Russian embassy.

Together or separately

I noticed on my own that no matter how much you try to read the rules, but as you remember in your memory, you will write. With mistakes so with mistakes, right so right. The latter was especially nice due to the fact that in his 'Gazeta' Vasilyev resolutely opposed any mention of the book of Fyodor Konstantinovich ... She arrived at the front a few days ago, and therefore there is still no data on the officer staff in the personnel department of the headquarters available.

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However, these rules do not apply to the service parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions and particles. They are written in accordance with the established language tradition, and the spelling is checked using spelling dictionaries and reference books. It is this feature that the derivative preposition "in connection" has.

Not overweight

For example: He was in connection with the foreign intelligence agencies. Regardless of whether it is part of the preposition “in connection with” or a noun with a preposition. Example: Due to weather change, the meeting had to be rescheduled. In connection with c” is a derivative denominative preposition. Partners are in touch with each other.

"In connection" or "in connection" - how to write correctly? Difficulties in writing this word arise due to the fact that it is often mistakenly referred to as an adverb and, by analogy with the lexical units “to draw”, “in addition”, “to the right”, “blindly” and “in passing”, they write together. To understand how to write the word "in connection", let's find out what part of speech it belongs to and what role it plays in the sentence.

Spelling rules and cases of using "in connection"

In Russian, most independent parts of speech obey the morphological principle of writing. In other words, certain lexical units are used with certain suffixes, endings and prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the spelling rules. But they do not apply to prepositions, conjunctions, or particles. The latter are written in accordance with the linguistic tradition. Their spelling is checked against reference books or spelling dictionaries. The preposition "in connection" has the same feature.

"In connection" is formed by combining the simple preposition "in" and the noun "connection", which is in the genitive case and has a second stressed syllable. As a rule, in a syntactic construction, a word is used as a linking fragment. It can be easily replaced by the adverbial combination "because of" or the synonymous preposition "because of". Let's take an illustrative example:

In connection with the onset of frosts, the agricultural enterprise began an early harvest of open crops. (Replaced by "because of the onset of frost" or "because of the onset of frost").
Ticket offices opened one hour ahead of schedule due to the fact that there were many people who wanted to see the concert. (That is, "due to the influx of the number of people").

To understand how to write the word “in connection” correctly, remember that in any case such a lexical unit is used separately in the text. After all, the expression "in connection" refers to that group of derivative prepositions that are always written separately.

It should be noted that the word "in connection" is not always used as a preposition in a sentence. Indeed, sometimes such a lexical unit is also used in the form of a noun.

If the expression is a noun in the genitive case singular or in the nominative plural (with the preposition "in"), then such a combination is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable. It should also be noted that in a sentence a similar word acts as an object. Here's an example:

Andrei Nikiforovich's connection did not include random people. (An agreed-upon definition of "personal connections" could be added.)
Anna was seen in a relationship that is highly undesirable for the reputation of an honest lady. (An agreed definition of "seen in an undesirable relationship" could be added.)

According to the rules of Russian orthography, both the simple preposition "in" with the noun "connection" and the derivative preposition "in connection" are always written separately. Accordingly, the continuous spelling of such a lexical unit is a gross mistake.

Separate spelling of a noun with a simple preposition and a derivative preposition "in connection" is the only correct one.

Here are some more examples of the use of "in connection" in two different meanings:

As a complex union:

In connection with the current situation, young people decided to quit their venture.

As a preposition with a noun in the prepositional case:

Arkady Andreevich was in connection with foreign intelligence agencies.

Note that the use of "in connection" is possible in any context, but a complex conjunction is often used in colloquial speech.

Due to weather change, the meeting had to be postponed.

When “in” is a preposition, “connections” is a noun, they are also written separately.

Partners are in touch with each other.

To remember that "in connection" is always written separately, use several methods, separately or in combination.

The first is associative. Create a stable association with the words "in connection" and "separately."

Due to the fact that the connection tends to break, the preposition "in connection" is also written separately.

The second is figurative. Picture in your mind an image where "in connection" is used.

For example, the handset and base of the radiotelephone. To ensure communication, the handset goes separately from the base. Thus, to remember how to spell "in communication", you just need to remember what a radiotelephone looks like.

The third is to do a few conscious repetitions. As practice shows, in order to remember something for a long time, it is necessary to do four repetitions of the material, and with a certain frequency. Repeat for the first time that “in connection” is written separately, 20 minutes after memorization. The second time is an hour later. The third - in a day. And the last one in a week.

In the future, when you use the word "in connection" in a letter, it will take less and less time for you to remember how to write - together or separately. And, in the end, in 100% of cases, without hesitation, you will write correctly.

Similar words “in view of”, “due to” and the like are written both together and separately. However, the word "associated" does not exist. This complex preposition is an exception. It is always written separately.

In conclusion, here are some more examples of the use of "in connection":

In connection with the disease, Maria was prescribed treatment.
In connection with the upcoming frosts, roses should be covered.
The crew of the ship, in connection with the alarm announced on the ship, quickly took their places.
We do not imagine, due to inaccurate and insufficient scientific information, how diverse the world around us and the Universe are.
Due to a business trip, Igor is forced to reschedule the meeting.

How to spell correctly in connection or connection? Merged or separate? Today we will answer this question in an accessible and detailed way.

“In connection” is absolutely always written separately.

Regardless of whether it is part of the preposition “in connection with” or a noun with a preposition.
In connection with weather change, the meeting had to be rescheduled.
“In connection with c” is a derivative denominative preposition. Written separately!
Partners are due together. “In” is a preposition, “connections” is a noun. Also written separately!

The confusion for many arises from the fact that there are prepositions that in some cases are written together, and in others separately. These are such prepositions as due to, like, due to, and others.

For example:
Due to unforeseen expenses, the budget had to be cut.
Seems like a suggestion. Is written together.

I will keep you in mind.
“In” is a preposition, “view” is a noun. Is written separately.

Everything seems to be the same as always, but something is not right.
Like - a suggestion, we write together.

There were many emperors in the Romanov family.
“In” is a preposition, “genus” is a noun in the prepositional case. Of course, it is more correct to write “in the genus”, because this option is most commonly used, but “in the genus” is also allowed.

Important details and details are included in the corollary.
"In" is a preposition, and "consequence" is a noun.

Due to the lack of water, many plants dry out.
“Due to” in this sentence is a preposition.

As we can see, there is confusion. To remember that "in connection" is always written separately, you can use several methods. Separately or in a complex.

The first is associative. Create some kind of stable association with the words "in connection" and "separately."
Due to the fact that the connection tends to break, the preposition in the connection is also written separately.

Second figurative. Draw in your imagination an image where “in connection” is used.
For example, the handset and base of the radiotelephone. To ensure communication, the handset goes separately from the base. Thus, to remember how to spell "in connection" you just need to remember what a radiotelephone looks like.

Third - do a few conscious repetitions. As practice shows, in order to remember that for a long time it is necessary to do 4 repetitions of the material, and with a certain frequency. For the first time, repeat that the connection is written separately, 20 minutes after memorization. Second time in an hour. Third in a day. And the last one in a week.

Every time in the future you use the word "in connection" in a letter, it will take you less and less time to remember how to write - together or separately. And in the end, in 100% of cases, without hesitation, you will write correctly.
What do you want!

Note: summer photo session ( is a great way to remember this summer for a long time. Photo studio is glad to offer you its services.

Good afternoon!
Given the special merits in labor activity (,) and in connection with the celebration ...
Is this comma necessary? How to consider this construction: as homogeneous members connected by cos and, or as a participial turnover, separated by commas?
Thanks a lot for your answer.

The comma is not needed. Note: due always written separately.

Question #269170
In what cases is a soft sign put after "l"? Why is a soldier written, but at the same time a coat, correct, etc.
In connection with this - how to write correctly - "McDonald's" or "McDonald's"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The soft sign denotes the softness of the preceding consonant. In the word "soldier" the consonant L is hard, and therefore there is no soft sign in the letter. That's right: McDonald's.

Question #266013
Explain, please, why the word "associated" began to be written only separately. We were taught to write fluently. Thank you, Oleg Kryuk, 65 years old.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The spelling of this word has not changed for the last 65 years. Correct spelling.

Question #264283
Please tell me in which cases (in connection) it is written separately, and in which it is combined (in connection)?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Due always written separately.

Hello! Please answer in what cases it is necessary to write "in connection", and when it is necessary to write "in connection"? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Separate spelling is always correct: due.

Question No. 247113
Dear employees of "", I am turning to you not for an explanation of what has already been done and what is written in the rules, but for an answer to a question about the future. I, alas, do not follow the reforms in Russian spelling as closely as you do, so it is difficult for me to predict future changes. In this regard, the question is: will there be any significant reforms or even revolutions in spelling in the near future.
P.S. And it’s true, I’m already tired of the fact that the “ladder” and not the “ladder” and that they are “wanted” and not “wanted”.
Once again I draw your attention to the fact that I am interested in the future, not the past.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Good question, and worth thinking about the fate of Russian spelling. After all, much more often in the questions of our visitors you can find the opposite point of view: why do we need changes in spelling? Do linguists really have nothing else to do?

There will definitely not be a revolution in spelling. Firstly, any attempts to make changes to the set of spelling and punctuation rules - even the most insignificant and necessary changes - cause an extremely painful reaction from society (or rather, most of it - literate native speakers). This is understandable and understandable: having learned the rules of spelling, people do not want to relearn. The stability of spelling is a necessary condition for the existence of culture, and literacy is the most important indicator of a person's education. During spelling reforms, it is the most literate people who suffer, because they instantly (albeit for a short time, until they learn the new rules) become the most illiterate (If, for example, we accept the proposal to write parachute, brochure, jury, then a literate person who has learned to write Yu will make a mistake, and an illiterate person who has never heard of any exceptions will write correctly). That is why any proposals to change the spelling are instantly met with hostility by society: linguists “get it to the full”, and their arguments often go unheard (this happened a few years ago when a draft of a new set of spelling rules was discussed). In addition, many people (under the influence of Russian language lessons in a school where spelling is mainly studied) mistakenly think that spelling and language are one and the same, that changes in spelling lead to changes in the language. Although, in fact, spelling is just a “shell” of the language (like a candy wrapper), and by changing it, we cannot harm the language.

Secondly (although this is probably the first thing), Russian spelling does not need any global changes. Our spelling is complicated, but reasonable, harmonious and logical. It is based on the phonemic principle, the essence of which is as follows: each morpheme (root, prefix, suffix) is written as similarly as possible, despite the fact that its pronunciation may be different in different positional conditions. We pronounce [dup], but we write oak, since this word has the same root as in the word Oak trees; pronounce [h] do, but we write do, since this word has the same prefix as in the word jump off etc. The phonemic, or morphological, principle corresponds to 96% of spellings. And only 4% are all sorts of exceptions. They are due to the traditions of Russian writing. We are writing stairs, although they could write ladder(how climb) and staircase(why not check with a word ladder?). And when writing a word look for word check does not work wanted. There is a rule here: in consoles times-/roses- occurs under stress only about, without accent - only a. By the way, there was an exception to this “wrong” rule: the word detective instructed to write through about, and the recent elimination of this strange exception has also caused heated debate... Of course, it would be possible to eliminate all traditional spellings, bring them under the phonemic principle, but... why? It will be a merciless and senseless reform: we will lose many spellings that imprint the history of the Russian language, and besides, even the elimination of these 4% of exceptions will cause a colossal explosion in society. An insignificant part of them had already been proposed to be eliminated in 1964 (for example, to write yellow, acorn), but these proposals were indignantly rejected by society.

Still, slight changes in spelling are inevitable. These are small changes, not revolutions and not the “language reform” that journalists so scared the society. Now the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, adopted in 1956, are officially in force. It has long been obvious that they are outdated (imagine that the Rules of the Road, adopted in 1956, would now be in force). Some spelling rules (about writing n/n in adjectives and participles, about the continuous and separate spelling of complex adjectives, etc.) baffle even the most literate people, not to mention those who are just starting to learn Russian. The spelling of many words that are often found in modern speech is not regulated by the "Rules": 50 years ago these words did not exist. That is why the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been working for several years on reissuing the spelling rules with the introduction of changes and additions relevant to modern written speech. For extralinguistic reasons (first of all, because of the negative reaction of society to some of the proposed changes), this work was suspended. It remains to be hoped that it will be completed in the coming years. The creation and official approval of a new set of rules for Russian spelling is not a whim of linguists, but a call of the times.

Question No. 242151
"I couldn't answer the phone because I was busy."
How to write correctly: "in connection", or "in connection"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Due always written separately.

Question #241695
Hello! Tell me, in the phrase: due to rising prices, is it written together or separately?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Due always written separately.

Question #239406
rules for writing words in connection, vtechenie. In what cases together, in what separately. With examples. Thanks

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Due and during always written separately. Continuous writing is not possible.

In what cases is "connection" written together, and in which separately? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

_In connection_ is always written in two words.
Question #228355
In the above phrase, is the word "associated" spelled together or separately? In connection with admission to the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University, I ask .......

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct spelling. The word _humanitarian_ is spelled with one _m_.
Question #224551
Let's dot the "E" Hello! I work as a journalist for one of the local newspapers. The editors demand that we hand over our materials with the letters "Yo". They say that, it seems, this is required by the new rules of the Russian language. I used to work in technical university, and we were categorically forbidden to use this letter in all technical documents, demanding that we replace it with "E". I see that on some television channels the letter "Ё" is really used (for example, in the running line on "Channel One"). But on the same running lines of the RBC and Vesti TV channels, it is not there. In connection with this, I have a question: do the new rules of the Russian language really require dots over "Yo", or does each newspaper and each TV channel have its own rules? Sincerely, Dmitry Nikolenko.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

See ["Rules: New and Old"].
Question #214917
Good afternoon, tell me how to spell correctly (jointly or separately) the phrase "in connection with ..." or "in connection with ..."

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct: _in connection with_.

in connection or connection

Merged or separate?

The phrase "in connection" is always written separately - due .

Before answering the question of how to spell the word “ due” together or separately, you need to understand why it occurs. In this word, there may be difficulties with writing for those who mistakenly attribute the word “ due” to the adverb by analogy with lexical units: blindly, in addition, to the left, casually. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine what part of speech the word “ due" in fact.

Due” can be a combination of the preposition “in” with the noun “connection” and a derivative preposition.

But in any case, no matter what part of speech the phrase “in connection” is, it is always written separately.

Rules with the derivative preposition “in connection”

As a derivative preposition " due” is used most often, and in any syntactic construction it will be a connecting fragment to which no question can be asked. But at the same time, “ due” can be easily replaced with a synonymous preposition “because of” or an adverbial combination “because of”. Pronounced with an accent on the sound “and”.


  • Due with early frosts, the farm began an early harvest of all open crops.
  • Ticket offices for the Okean Elzy concert opened several hours earlier, due with the fact that those wishing to get into the stadium formed a huge queue.
  • Due With the current situation at the university, Yulia decided to start writing a diploma in advance, until her classmates snatched up the most interesting topics.

Rules with a noun and the preposition “in connection”

If the phrase " due” is a singular noun in the prepositional or genitive case and a preposition, then this phrase should be pronounced with an emphasis on the sound “I”. In sentences, such a phrase is most often an object and may carry an agreed definition.


Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • Due There was nothing wrong with Ivanov and Petrova - they were good friends and former colleagues.
  • Due collegiate assessor Philip Apollonovich did not include random people, such as the freckled Agrippina Savelyevna, although she played the cello and regaled her poor relatives with various dishes.
  • Julia has been spotted due , which has spread like a black spot on her once flawless snow-white reputation.