Scientific terms perform a symbolic function. Functioning and role of terms in language

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A detailed analysis of the use of terms in the exchange vocabulary was carried out with the help of the work of Infimovskaya S.Yu. "The Anglo-American Exchange Terminology as One of the Sources for the Creation of Exchange Internationalisms". Since the 19th century, there has been an increase in the complexity of traded financial instruments. These financial instruments, being the basis of exchange trading, form a significant subgroup of the studied terminological system. In the late XIX - early XX centuries, in addition to the classic stocks and bonds that had become by that time, the so-called hedge funds appeared: investment funds, the head of which has the right to use derivatives or loans to ensure higher earnings; and mutual funds: special organizations that invest investors' funds in stocks and bonds. Currently, more and more complex new financial instruments are being formed, for example, equity-linked notes (receipts linked to shares), index-linked shares (shares in which the index is the main asset) and others. These changes lead to the emergence of more and more new terminological neologisms.

The development of the stock exchange as an institution, as well as the growth in the number of its employees, led to a significant increase in the number of professionalism (compared to the period of formation). Some professionalisms later became terms. Such terms, which have already passed into the category of classic ones, like bear, bull, blue chips (bears, bulls, blue chips) originally belonged to the professional vocabulary of the stock exchange.

Changes in the meanings of a number of terms (narrowing or expansion) were provoked by a change in the structure and direction of the exchange. An example of this is the term "index" (from the Latin index gen. indicis), which entered English dictionaries with the meaning index finger, pointer, sign, list in the 14th century, in the 19th century acquired the value of the relative value of a variable in comparison with itself over time. According to the work of S.Yu. Infimovskaya, the emergence of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) caused a significant influx of legal terms into the Anglo-American exchange terminology. This type of terminological and nomenclature borrowings include such terms and nomenclature as: Regulation A Keogh Plan (Keogh's plan: a retirement plan whereby an individual entrepreneur can set aside a certain percentage of tax-deferred income into a retirement account), Ponzi Scheme (Ponzi scheme: a fraudulent scheme), Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Antitrust Act: a law from which exempt insurance company in cases where it is regulated by state law) and others. Most of the terms that characterize the legal aspect of the functioning of the exchange are nomenclature formations. Technical analysis of the market, which appeared in the mid-80s and is based on mathematical methods, has become one of the most popular in our time. The appearance of this analysis led to the influx of a number of borrowings from mathematical terminology. Often, these borrowings are part of terminological combinations in the Anglo-American exchange terminological system. For example: Elliot Wave Theory (Elliot wave theory, named after Ralph Eliot, who argued that the stock market tends to be visible and predictable development, displaying natural harmony), Fibonacci ratios (Fibonacci ratio: a ratio that identifies the level of decisive resistance and support), Kondratieff wave (Kondratiev wave: the economic theory of the Soviet economist Kondratiev, stating that the economies of Western countries have a wave cycle lasting from 50 to 60 years).

Thanks to modern telecommunication technologies, the world is getting smaller. At present, most private investors play on the stock exchange by means of electronic communication, only stockbrokers meet face to face. However, on the screens of their monitors they see the same quotes, read the same articles in financial publications, receive the same data from brokers. As a result, all players, even being thousands of kilometers apart, become participants in a single exchange session. This is what led to the need to introduce an increasing number of abbreviations. Today, there is a tendency to reduce the abbreviations themselves: ACE - AMEX Commodities Exchange (an open auction market where sellers and buyers compete with each other in a centralized place), Arms TRIN - Arms Short-Term Trading Index (a technical index of short-term transactions that reflects the entire volume rising stocks relative to falling stocks).

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that exchange terminology is actively expanding at the expense of related areas, and this process is permanent and continues up to our time.

A number of European countries and their languages ​​participated in the process of establishing the stock exchange as a global financial system. In this case, we mean the specific languages ​​​​of the countries where the exchange was born, namely: English, French, Dutch, Italian and others. However, since the end of the 18th century, America has become a new world financial center and, accordingly, has a direct impact on the replenishment and change in the composition and structure of the terminological system under study.

During the study of the history of the stock exchange and the sources of its terminology, it was revealed that the process of its formation, from the moment of the formation of the considered terminological system, at all stages of its development was influenced by extralinguistic factors. This may include, for example, the choice of a source language for creating a new term, which was largely determined by the degree of economic expansion of a particular country at a particular point in time. The stock exchange, as an international phenomenon, used and uses as a basis for creating its international fund the terms of the language used in the country with the greatest economic influence. Obviously, at present, such a country is the United States.

Terms are words that are the exact designation of a certain concept of any special field of science, technology, art, social life, etc. Recall that a concept is a thought about the general essential properties, connections and relationships of objects or phenomena of objective reality. As a form of thinking, the concept is inextricably linked with language. Any concept is formed and realized in a word or phrase. The formation of concepts is the most important condition for scientific knowledge.

The role of terms in science is great. It has been established, for example, that the concept of inertia was already known to Galileo's predecessors. But only from the moment when Galileo gave this phenomenon the name inertia, the very idea of ​​inertia was clarified and the concept entered scientific circulation. In a number of cases, the transition from assumptions and conjectures to exact knowledge is accomplished with the help of the statement of the corresponding term. That is why all the great scientists paid special attention to the creation and development of scientific terminology.

M. V. Lomonosov made a significant contribution to the development of Russian terminology. Names belong to it: northern lights, earth's axis, air pump, specific gravity, etc. By fixing the time of birth of a particular term, one can judge the development of science, its problems, objects of study, and the emergence of new scientific directions.

It is quite natural that terms are quite often found in the speech of people of different specialties: engineers, doctors, economists, lawyers, teachers, agronomists, etc. However, not everyone and not always skillfully use them, do not think about whether the terms are clear to the audience, do not take into account features of the perception of the semantics of the word in sounding speech. The difference in understanding the content of words between the sender and the recipient reduces the effectiveness of perception.

In the process of communication, people often have to explain how to understand what is being discussed, to clarify what meaning this or that word or expression has. Speech practice has developed several ways of explaining words. They are used by lexicographers when compiling dictionaries; teachers, teaching schoolchildren, students; politicians, diplomats, lawyers interpreting the meaning of documents, laws. Everyone should master the methods of explaining words if he is responsible for his speeches, his speech, is interested in improving its culture.

logical definition. The explanation of the meaning of the word table in the explanatory dictionary refers to the logical definition, i.e., the definition of the concept through the nearest genus and specific difference. The logical definition is considered the most rational way of interpreting scientific terms.

Consider how a logical definition is constructed.

Let's take, for example, the definitions of two concepts: logic - the science of the laws and forms of correct thinking; Pedagogy is the science of upbringing, education and training. First of all, the genus of the concept being defined is named, i.e., an answer is given to the question “what is it?” - the science. Then the signs of a specific concept of the same kind are indicated - “about the laws and forms of correct thinking” (logic); "On upbringing, education and training" (pedagogy). The advantage of a logical definition is that not all are listed, but only the distinctive specific features of the concept being defined.

Synonym selection. The synonymous method is common, i.e., an explanation using words that are different in sound, but have a common meaning. For example, confrontation - opposition, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, etc.), clash; aggressive - aggressively predatory; alliance - union, connection. This allows, through a word familiar to listeners, to reveal the meaning of a scientific term, to make it understandable.

Descriptive way. Quite often, when explaining terminology, a descriptive method is used, in which the meaning of the concept denoted by the term is conveyed through the description of this concept. Thus, the socio-political term conformism is interpreted as “adaptability, passive acceptance of the appropriate order of things, dominant thoughts, etc. ”And it is further emphasized that conformism means the absence of one’s own position, unprincipled and uncritical adherence to any model that has the greatest power (opinion of the majority , recognized authority, tradition, etc.).

Social function of personality; a way of behavior that corresponds to generally accepted norms, depending on social status and interpersonal relations, implying the existence of certain rights and obligations associated with social expectations. For example, a person can play the role of a father, teacher, friend, or confidant. The craving of these roles is connected with the prevailing ideas about it. Sometimes the roles are determined by the nature of the relationship (doctor-patient, teacher-student), and sometimes they are distributed by agreement between the parties involved (leader-follower, husband-wife).


in social psychology - the social function of the individual; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations. The concept of role was introduced by D. Mead (-> interactionism).

The individual performance of a role by a person has a certain “personal coloring”, which depends primarily on his knowledge and ability to be in this role; from its significance for him, from the desire to more or less meet the expectations of others. The range and number of roles are determined by the variety of social groups, activities and relationships in which the individual is included, and by his needs and interests.


1) social roles, determined by the place of the individual in the system of social relations - professional, socio-demographic roles, etc.;

2) interpersonal roles, determined by the place of the individual in the system of interpersonal relations - leader, outcast, etc.

There are also active roles, performed at the moment, and latent ones, not manifested in this situation. In addition, they differ:

1) institutionalized roles - official, conventional; associated with the official requirements of the organization, which includes the subject;

2) spontaneous roles - associated with spontaneously arising relationships and activities.

In Western sociology and psychology, various role concepts of personality are widespread, methodologically inclined to ignore the socio-historical conditions that determine the requirements and expectations for a person's role behavior. Sometimes a person appears as a set of little interconnected role masks that determine her external behavior regardless of her inner world, while the personality's originality, its active principle and integrity are ignored.


from the French role) - the social function of the individual; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations.


A word originating from early French theatre, where a role was a roll of paper on which an actor's part was written. AT social psychology it usually refers to any pattern of behavior involving some of the rights, obligations, and duties that an individual is expected to be taught and encouraged to perform in a given social situation. In fact, one can go so far as to say that a person's role is what is expected of him by others and ultimately after the role has been fully assimilated by the person himself. Roles can have quite a variety of manifestations. They can be short-term - for example, the winner in the game; they can be indefinite in time - for example, a child, a parent, a spouse; or they may be virtually permanent - for example, male, female, black. The term is also used in some special ways, as shown in the following articles. See status and stereotype, which are used in such a way that their meanings intersect with the meaning of the term role.


in social psychology) - the social function of the individual; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations. The concept of R. was introduced into social psychology by D. Mead. The individual performance by a person of R. has a certain “personal coloring”, which depends primarily on his knowledge and ability to be in this R., on its significance for him, on the desire to more or less meet the expectations of others. The range and number of R. are determined by the variety of social groups, activities, and relationships in which the individual is included, with their needs and interests. Distinguish social R., determined by the place of the individual in the system of objective social relations (professional R., socio-demographic, etc.), and interpersonal R., determined by the place of the individual in the system of interpersonal relations (leader, outcast, etc.). There are also active R., performed at the moment, and latent, not manifested in this situation. In addition, there are institutionalized R. (official, conventional), associated with the official requirements of the organization, which includes the subject, and spontaneous, associated with spontaneously emerging relationships and activities. N.N. Bogomolov


fr. rfle) - the social function of the individual; a way of behavior of people corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society (group), in the system of interpersonal relations. The variety of roles, due to the inclusion of the individual in the composition of various social groups, their unequalness for the individual gives rise to a role conflict. In the social group R. m. formal and informal. Informal R. members of a social group differ in the level of conflict. The most conflicting are such R. as “organizer”, “master”, “generator of ideas”, “teacher”; medium-conflict - "advocate of justice", "rogue", "mockingbird", "critic", "rebel", "keeper of traditions"; low-conflict - "peacemaker", "performer", "lazy", "administrator". These R. correspond to the dominant target orientations and styles of behavior of their performers in conflict situations (EG Baranov, 1995).


a way of people's behavior that meets accepted standards and depends on their status in a particular group or society as a whole. In fact, the role, being a social function of the individual, is a dynamic aspect of the status. The concept of "role" and the concept of "status" were introduced and described back in 1936 by the American psychologist R. Linton, who hoped, based on them, to build a model of people's behavior in various situations. Traditionally, social roles are distinguished, determined by the position of the individual in society as a whole and therefore being a social function of objective social relations (this category of role membership and the corresponding role activity is in the field of view, first of all, sociology, demography, etc.), and interpersonal, or group roles determined by the position of the individual in the system of interpersonal relations of a particular community (leader, follower, insulator, average status, etc.). In addition, as a rule, institutionalized (either official, formal, or “contractual”, conventional) roles are distinguished, as well as “spontaneous” roles that arise within the actual emerging informal circumstances of joint activity and communication. If the role is in a certain sense “impersonal”, and the role prescriptions are unchanged regardless of the specific role carrier, then the individual way of its implementation is role behavior. It is this concept that characterizes the personal characteristics of a particular role carrier. Role behavior takes into account the unique individual psychological characteristics of a person and the unique specific conditions for the realization of her social role in which this person functions. How many performers of the role, so many options for its performance.

Depending on the tasks to be solved and the methodological base of a particular direction or school, there are a variety of definitions of the concepts of "role" and typologies of roles. In socio-psychological research itself, the role is most often associated with the attitudes of the individual and the process of their changes. It has been experimentally recorded that roles and attitudes are in a relationship of interdependence. On the one hand, personal attitudes determine both the process of role self-determination (for example, an individual can consciously refuse a position related to control over other people, since this role function contradicts his attitudes), and individual features of role behavior (depending on the attitudes of an individual in the role of a leader can adhere to one or another style of leadership).

At the same time, if for some reason a person finds himself forced to play a role that does not meet the existing attitudes, this leads to a change in the latter. F. Zimbardo and M. Leippe describe a series of experiments on the study of changes in attitudes under the influence of the performance of roles, conducted in the middle of the last century by I. Janis: which he initially had a negative attitude, with a change in attitudes under the influence of listening to or reading a transcript of an already prepared speech, from which the same conclusions follow. It turned out that in cases where the speech was improvised, when the subjects built it themselves, the tendency to “warm up” attitudes towards someone else's and initially unacceptable attitude was more pronounced. This was true even when college students argued for calling students to military service. More recently... research has been done that has a more direct practical impact: how do you get smokers to develop more negative attitudes towards smoking and eventually quit their bad habit altogether?

For this study, college students were selected, each of whom smoked at least 15 cigarettes per day; they were randomly divided into two groups: a role-playing group and a control group. Each student from the first group was asked to play the role of a patient: she is being treated “for a severe cough that does not go away” and this is the third time she has come to the doctor ... During this third visit, she learns that she has been diagnosed with lung cancer and needs urgent surgery... Of course, she should stop smoking immediately...

Then mini-plays were played in which the experimenter played the role of a doctor, and the subject acted as a woman who learned that she could die because she smoked a lot. Students from the control group did not take such an active part in the performance of this unpleasant, even frightening role, but simply listened to the tape recording of one of the active role-playing sessions...”1.

As it turned out later, “compared with the subjects from the control group, the participants in the role-playing game expressed a deeper conviction that smoking causes lung cancer, and fears that it will harm their own health. In addition, the participants in the role-play confidently communicated their commitment to quit smoking. ... The results of a telephone survey conducted two weeks after the experiment sessions showed that female students from the control group smoked 4.8 cigarettes less daily than before ... But with active “immersion” in this situation by playing the role of the effect doubled: according to the reports of female students from the first, “role” group, they smoked 10.5 less cigarettes per day on average”2.

To understand the nature of role influence on attitudes, it makes sense to use the typology developed by S. Daniels on the basis of J. Moreno's role theory. Within the framework of this typology, three types of roles are distinguished in terms of their functionality and influence on the personality: progressive (functional), coping roles and regressive (dysfunctional).

Progressive, or functional roles contribute not only to the formation of positive attitudes, but also to personal development in general. However, they do not necessarily have an outwardly attractive character. Thus, in the above example, the subjects' stay in the emotionally difficult and, simply speaking, terrible role of a cancer patient contributed to the rejection of a harmful and, moreover, deadly habit.

Coping roles have the least influence on attitudes, since, as a rule, they represent an extremely rigid behavioral pattern brought to automatism, usually learned in childhood and aimed primarily at ensuring the physical survival of the individual. An example of this kind can be the role of a clean child who, without waiting for a parental reminder, brushes his teeth twice a day, washes his hands before eating, etc.

Finally, regressive or dysfunctional roles lead to the formation of destructive, destructive attitudes, and, ultimately, to the degradation of the individual. More than eloquent confirmation of this was obtained in the course of a notorious (a feature film was even made) experiment conducted by F. Zimbardo in 1971 at Stanford University in the USA. As D. Myers writes, “Zimbardo, like many others, has long been interested in the question: are prison atrocities the product of vicious criminals and vicious guards, or do the roles of guard and prisoner break and harden even compassionate people? Do the people themselves bring cruelty into the establishment, or does the establishment make the people cruel?

To do this, F. Zimbardo invited student volunteers to play the roles of guards and prisoners in a makeshift prison for two weeks. To understand the socio-psychological background of further events, it is essential that during the period described, Stanford University was, in fact, a closed educational institution for people from wealthy Anglo-Saxon families. Students from childhood were brought up on the principles of Protestant morality and ethics and perceived each other as members of a single privileged caste. Here's what happened next: “Zimbardo tossed a coin and chose the guards from among the students. He gave them uniforms, clubs, whistles, and instructed them on how to maintain discipline. The remaining students were locked in their cells and forced to wear humiliating robes. After a fun first day, when everyone "got used" to their roles, guards, prisoners and even experimenters were prisoners of the situation. The guards began to humiliate the prisoners, some of them came up with cruel and offensive rules. The prisoners could not stand it, rebelled, and then fell into apathy. Thus arose, wrote Zimbardo, “an ever-growing discrepancy between reality and illusion, between role-playing and self-identity.... This prison, which we ourselves created, began to absorb us as creatures of its own reality.” Seeing the danger of social pathology, Zimbardo was forced to stop the experiment, which was designed for two weeks, after just six days.

The experiment of F. Zimbardo, which became the object of the most severe criticism for many years, not only demonstrated the danger of dysfunctional roles for the individual and society, but at the same time once again convincingly confirmed the phenomenal effectiveness of role-playing simulation not only as a method of changing attitudes and modifying behavior, but also as a means of learning. In fact, the participants in the experiment not only began to share the attitudes characteristic of guards and prisoners, who were “people from another planet” for this contingent of subjects, but also very quickly mastered the subject side of the activity, familiar to them only from films.

As a result, role-playing games are widely used not only in socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic practice, but also in related fields of activity, for example, when teaching foreign languages ​​by the “immersion” method.

In the practical work of a social psychologist, various modifications of role-playing games are used to solve a wide variety of problems. But perhaps most often role-playing and the so-called role-reversal technique are used when working with conflict situations.

The effect of this technique is based primarily on the opportunity for each of the participants to look at the situation through the eyes of another. This is extremely important from the point of view of a productive conflict resolution, because, according to the fair remark of G. Leitz, “thereby increasing the role flexibility, the value of which we will correctly assess only when we take into account the fact that the destructive potential in relations directly depends on the degree of fixation of counterparties on their previous point of view. But having switched roles, they perceive the same situation from the position of another. Thanks to this, the consciousness of both expands. As a result, each of the participants in the conflict, “... already knows not only half of the reality of their situation, that is, “reality from their own point of view”; both are now fully aware of reality. This all-encompassing consciousness is made up of experiencing in one's own role and of experiencing in the role of a counterpart. Such a holistic experience provides a more objective assessment of the situation “beyond good and evil”1.

Thus, the use of role-playing and role-reversal techniques to resolve conflict allows one to cut off the personal projections of the participants that cause and reinforce such distortions of perception as prejudice in favor of themselves, tendencies to self-justification, fundamental attribution error, negative stereotypes, from the essence of disagreements, as well as minimize the perceptual distortions associated with the communication process. Thus, the situation is freed from the truly destructive components of the conflict, since, from the point of view of modern social psychology, “many conflicts contain only a small core of truly incompatible goals; the main problem is a distorted perception of other people's motives and goals.

The concepts of "role" and "role behavior" for a practical social psychologist act both as a primary subject of study and as a kind of interpretive "key" in characterizing and meaningfully explaining the psychological essence of the processes of group formation and personal development in the conditions of specific communities of people.

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1 Yusupova Lyalya Gainullovna Ph.D. ped. Sci., Associate Professor Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Mining University" Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region Kazykhanova Gulgena Kharisovna Undergraduate of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State Agrarian University" Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan FUNCTIONING AND THE ROLE OF TERMS IN THE LANGUAGE , their relationship and differences from commonly used words. The authors present the most common ways of forming terms in the language. Key words: terms, terminology, methods of term formation, lexical units. In the modern era, there is a significant quantitative growth of terms in various fields of science and technology. Terms actively penetrate into colloquial speech, replenish our vocabulary. In this regard, the problems of studying the features of the functioning of terms, their relationship and difference from commonly used words become relevant. Terms, as defined by A.A. Reformed, these are words limited by their special purpose; words that tend to be unambiguous as an exact expression of concepts and names of things. Terms exist not just in the language, but as part of a certain terminology. Terminology is a set of terms of a given branch of production, activity, knowledge, forming a special sector of vocabulary, the most accessible to conscious regulation and ordering.

2 The statement of V.V. Vinogradov, according to which “the word performs a nominative or definitive function, i.e. or is a means of clear designation, then it is a scientific term. The term is the bearer of the collective professional scientific memory. Terms help to understand the essence of the problem, a certain situation that occurs in special areas, thus contributing to the development of scientifically cognitive and transformative human activity. Terms express special scientific and technical concepts - these are the names of special objects, tools, various phenomena, processes, qualities that are used in a particular field of science and technology. The peculiarity of the terms is that they are created in the process of production and scientific activity and therefore function only among people who have the relevant knowledge, and remain incomprehensible to people who are not engaged in this specialty. For example: der FreiscNnitt "blank cutting" (engineering); die Kurrlung "clutch" (transp.); der НubsсНrauber "helicopter" (av.). If in a common language (outside the given terminology) a word can be ambiguous, then, falling into a certain terminology, it acquires unambiguity. The term does not need a context, like an ordinary word, because it is 1) a member of a certain terminology, which acts instead of context, 2) can be used in isolation, for example, in the texts of registers or orders in technology, 3) for which it should not be unambiguous at all in the language, but within the given terminology. It should be noted that commonly used words and terms influence each other. This means that common words can become terms, and the terms, on the contrary, can move into the sphere of common words.

3 Consider the most common ways of forming terms from commonly used words: the formation of terms due to the similarity of designated objects in function, cf.: Spinne spider and a tool for fishing in mining; the similarity of the designated parts of objects according to their location in the whole object, cf .: Stirn forehead and frontal part in mechanical engineering; the similarity of designated objects in shape, cf .: Kreis a circle and a circular circuit, a circuit in electrical engineering. Terms in German are formed different ways, but the most common way of forming terms is: the morphological way (or affixal word production) and the way of composition. Less common methods: conversion, syntactic, lexico-semantic. Thus, there are simple, derivative, complex, converse, and other terms. The productivity and typicality of the ways of forming terms is revealed through the prism of parts of speech, which, in turn, participate in the formation of terminology. Technical terms in German are single words or combinations of words that express technical concepts. Mandatory requirements to the term is the complete certainty of the meaning and the stability of the use. When translating technical terms from German language serious attention should be paid to the correct disclosure of the meaning of terms. Technical terms are distinguished by their ambiguity, therefore, it is possible to find the correct translation of a term that corresponds to a given specific text only when the translator is well versed in the subject of this terminology. The same term can be used in different fields of science and technology, and, therefore, its translation will depend on the field in which it is used. So, the term Freilauf in mechanical engineering means "free

4 stroke”, “idle”, and in hydraulic engineering the same term is translated as “idle spillway” or “idle descent”. As terms, words that have a common meaning can be used, for example: das Bett 1. bed, 2. bed; die Luft 1. air, 2. clearance; die Mutter 1. mother, 2. nut; die Sonle 1. outsole, 2. horizon; layer (hor.). Particular attention should be paid to lexical units that coincide externally and even internally, but cause false associations, due to the presence of a different meaning in them: die Radioastronomie radio astronomy, but das RadioeleMent is not a radio element, but a radioactive element. In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of mastering professional terminology in a foreign language, and how this helps to overcome obstacles that may arise in the course of professional activity. References 1. Vasilyeva N.V. Term // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. V.N. Yartsev. M.: Sov. encyclopedia, With Danilenko V.P. Lexico-semantic and grammatical features of word-terms // Studies in Russian terminology S Petrov V.V. Semantics of scientific terms. Novosibirsk: Science, p. 4. Reformatsky A.A. Introduction to linguistics. Moscow, Superanskaya A.V. Terminology and nomenclature // Problems of definitions of terms in dictionaries different types. M., S Tolikina E.N. Some linguistic problems of term study // Linguistic problems of scientific and technical terminology. M.: Nauka, Florensky P.A. Term // Questions of Linguistics Yusupova L.G. On the functions of the youth language in Germany: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "A New Word in Science:

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Prystupa NN TO THE QUESTION OF THE STATUS OF A TERM IN MODERN LINGUISTICS Linguistics is a social science from the very beginning. The essential functions of the language, as is known, are manifested in applied language and speech functions,

PEDAGOGY Pesina Svetlana Andreevna Dr. philol. Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor Astashenko Anastasia Igorevna Master student FSBEI HPE "Magnitogorsk State Technical University them. G.I. Nosov"

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Yusupova Lyalya Gainullovna Ph.D. ped. Sci., Associate Professor Trushkina Irina Aleksandrovna Senior Lecturer Zyryanova Natalia Eduardovna Associate Professor FSBEI HE "Ural State Mining University", Yekaterinburg,

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Philology and Linguistics PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS Kazykhanova Gulgena Kharisovna Undergraduate FGBOU HPE "Bashkir State University" Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan Yusupova Lyalya Gainullovna Cand.

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PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS Zyryanova Marina Nikolaevna Ph.D. philol. Sci., Associate Professor Nikonova Anna Borisovna Student of FSBEI HPE “Omsk State Agrarian University named after I. P.A. Stolypin, Omsk, Omsk

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Pesina Svetlana Andreevna, Dr. Philol. Sci., Professor Karamyshev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Senior Lecturer FSBEI HPE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk,

Komarova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, MVA named after V.I. K.I. Scriabin, Moscow GRECO-LATIN BASIS OF VETERINARY AND MEDICAL


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Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts" Institute of Additional Education "APPROVED" Vice-Rector

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Title of the document: Ulanovich O.I. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE PROBLEM FIELD OF PSYCHOLINGUISTICS // Man. Civilization. Culture: Proceedings of the XV Interuniversity Scientific and Theoretical Conference. Minsk: Smeltok LLC,

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1. Goals and objectives of the discipline

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I APPROVE and innovation KemSU Babich Olga Olegovna CONCLUSION of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Kemerovo State University" Dissertation

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Belarusian State University I APPROVE Dean of the Faculty of Philology I. S. Rovdo (signature) (date of approval) Registration UD- /r. Modern Russian language. Lexicology. Phraseology.

PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS Krivova Olesya Gennadievna undergraduate Glotova Tatyana Alexandrovna Cand. philol. Sci., Associate Professor FSBEI HPE “North Ossetian State University named after I.I. K.L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz,

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Ponomareva Anastasia Evgenievna undergraduate FSBEI HE "Ural State Pedagogical University", Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region DIALOGICAL INTERACTION AS A CONDITION FOR EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGICAL

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Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Yekaterinburg Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Secondary General Education

Explanatory note. Orientation This program is aimed at developing the motivation of the child's personality for knowledge and creativity, creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative

Federal Agency for Education GOU VPO "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" Library Bibliographic Information Center PROKOPIEVA Nina Ivanovna (Ph.D.


WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language Grade 10 Basic level EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program has been drawn up in accordance with the program for grades 10-11 of general educational institutions "Russian language,

Tsymbal N.A. Problems of studying scientific terminology in modern linguistics For any branch of science and technology great importance has a degree of development and codification of terminology. On the formation of terminological

Annotation to the work program in the Russian language. Grade 9 A This work program in Russian for Grade 9 has been developed in accordance

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural State University. A.M. Gorky" IONTS "Russian language" Philological

Educational Institution "Belarusian State Economic University" APPROVED by the Rector of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University" VN Shimov "6" .. 009 r. RTio~ Udtr:.1-1-;;

PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES Averkieva Olga Vasilievna undergraduate Semenova Irina Nikolaevna Ph.D. ped. Sciences. Professor FSBEI HPE "Ural State Pedagogical University" Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya

Traditionally, the function of a term is understood as the role that the term performs, being a means of denoting a special concept. The term, performing its function, functions in several areas: in the lexical-semantic system of a certain language; in the terminological system of a certain branch of knowledge and (or) activity; in the theory of this industry. In all these areas, the functions of the term are different, but interconnected. Therefore, they talk about the system of its functions, about the polyfunctionality of the term and the interconnection of all its functions.

The term, like any lexical unit, performs nominative function. In the process of cognition of objective reality and joint activity, people name one way or another objects, their signs, operations carried out with these objects.

The specificity of the term as a unit of nomination in this respect lies in the fact that with the help of terms they name (nominate) concepts, categories, features (properties) of concepts, as well as operations (relations) in various special areas of human knowledge (science, production, social life, etc.). etc.). In other words, the nominativity of a term lies in fixing special knowledge in it. Of course, without such a naming, knowledge and activity in special areas are impossible.

The nominative function is closely related to significative function, otherwise called notation function, sign function ( from lat. signifiko - I give a sign, I signal, from signum - a sign, a signal and facio - I do). When considering this function, the methods of designation, types of linguistic signs according to their motivation (non-motivation), the relationship of signs to types of objects (for example, whether a linguistic sign denotes a separate object or a class of objects) are studied.

The third function is communicative - characterizes the term as a means of conveying to the recipient some meaningful and relevant information with the establishment of feedback. In this case, the term serves as a means of transferring (communication) special knowledge in space and time.

There are two types of implementation of this function: knowledge sharing and training.

In the course of the exchange of knowledge by representatives of special fields of knowledge, adequate understanding largely depends on the accuracy of the terms. however, in the process of communication, there is often an adjustment, clarification of information, for example, in the process of discussing a hypothesis. Often a new term is born precisely in the course of communication.

The situation is different with the transfer of special knowledge in the learning process. In this case, standardized or reordered terms are used. Thus, in scientific communication and teaching, the communicative function is realized in different ways.

When transferring special knowledge in time, the communicative function manifests itself in a rather specific way. First, the perception of knowledge in terms of new generations is done without checking by means of feedback. Secondly, the growth of scientific knowledge leads to a different understanding of objects designated by certain terms, which means that “old” terms can receive new content through their revolutionary development.

pragmatic the function is determined by the connection of the sign with the participants in communication, specific conditions and the scope of communication. This function is explicitly manifested in the ideological struggle in political terms, in discussions, and so on. V.M. Leitchik speaks of a special case where the term is deliberately meant to carry misinformation, i.e. is falsely motivated ( e.g. social partnership instead of wage labor). Sometimes the use of such terms is explained by an insufficient level of knowledge or an incorrectly chosen theory.

Being a lexical element of any language of science and technology, the term, along with other lexical units of these languages, can perform heuristic function, the function of discovering new knowledge. With the help of terms it is possible to name new open concepts. Therefore, we can say that terms are directly involved in scientific knowledge and contribute to the discovery of truth.