A type of roundworm is a nematode. Characteristics and structural features of roundworms

Bulbs burn out frequently

The shape of the body of the nematodes is cylindrical or, more correctly, spindle-shaped, since the body usually narrows towards both ends (Fig. 178). The cross section of the body is round. The mouth lies on the anterior pole of the body, near the posterior end of the animal, on its ventral side is powder.

Most nematodes have 4 longitudinal lines along the body: 2 on the sides and 2 in the middle of the dorsal and ventral sides. On the ventral side of the body there is, in addition, an excretory opening (not far behind the mouth), and in the female there is also a genital opening. As a rule, the body has no appendages, except for small tubercles and setae.

Outside, the nematodes are dressed with a complexly arranged multilayered cuticle. The cuticle is a kind of external skeleton of nematodes, which, together with the cavitary turgor, creates a support for the somatic muscles (hydroskeleton). The protective role of the cuticle is also important, protecting nematodes from mechanical damage and toxic substances.

Under the cuticle lies the hypodermis, it has either a cellular structure, or is a product of the fusion of cells of the primary typical epithelium of the larva - syncytium. Corresponding to the four longitudinal lines, the hypodermis forms four inward-facing ridges. Under the hypodermis lies the musculature, which in Nematoda consists of only one layer, namely, longitudinal fibers. The muscular layer is not continuous, but is divided into 4 longitudinal bands by the hypodermis ridges. During contraction, the dorsal and ventral bands act as antagonist muscles, and the body of the nematode is only able to bend in the dorsoventral plane. In this case, the worm, as a rule, moves on its side. Thus, functionally, the ventral side will be one of the lateral sides of the nematode - right or left.

The structure of muscle fibers is extremely peculiar. Each muscle cell has the shape of a long spindle (for example, in horse roundworm it reaches 0.5 cm in length), from the center of which, on the side facing the body cavity, a large bubble-like appendage protrudes (Fig. 179). The periphery of the fiber contains the thinnest contractile fibrils, while the middle and vesicular appendage consist of cytoplasm; the nucleus of the muscle cell is also located in the appendage.

A rather extensive body cavity lies between the skin-muscular sac (Fig. 180). The history of development, as well as the nature of the walls of the cavity, say that this is the primary cavity of the body, directly bordering on the organs surrounding it.

In addition to the support function, the primary cavity plays an important role in metabolic processes. Through the body cavity, substances absorbed from food are transported from the intestines to the muscles and the reproductive system. Through it, the removal of metabolic products to the excretory organs is partially carried out. Thus, the primary cavity of the body takes on the function of the internal environment of the body, similar to the circulatory system.

The body cavity contains a watery fluid, which in some nematodes, such as horse roundworm, is caustic from the presence of valeric acid in it.

In general, nematodes are characterized by a common feature of histology - the complete absence of ciliary formations (even spermatozoa lack a tail).

Question 1. What is the body shape of a nematode?
The shape of the body of nematodes is spindle-shaped, since their body usually tapers towards both ends. The cross section of the body is round.

Question 2. What are the structural features of the nematode.
In the structure of the nematode, the following features can be noted:
- the body is non-segmented, covered with a dense cuticle;
- the skin-muscular sac contains a weakly expressed annular and well-developed longitudinal muscles in the form of four ribbons (bending and unbending the body in the dorsal-abdominal direction, nematodes can crawl forward, lying on their side);
- there is a cavity between the layer of muscles and internal organs; this primary body cavity performs the functions of the internal environment of the body and the hydroskeleton, provides intestinal movement independent of the body walls and participates in metabolism and their transport;
- the mouth opening is located at the front end of the body;
- the excretory system is represented by unicellular skin glands, - releasing soluble metabolic products;
- no circulatory and respiratory systems;
- the nervous system is formed by a near-pharyngeal nerve ring with several nerve trunks;
- the reproductive system is represented by the ovaries and testes; as a rule, nematodes are dioecious;
- The sense organs are poorly developed.

Question 3. What is a cuticle? What is its significance?
The cuticle is a dense multilayer non-cellular formation on the surface of the body. It is a kind of external skeleton, which creates a support for the muscles. The protective role of the cuticle is also important: it protects the body from mechanical damage and toxic substances.

Question 4. What is the role of the body cavity?
The body cavity plays an important role in metabolic processes. Through it, the digested substances and food are transported from the intestines to the muscles and the reproductive system; the removal of metabolic products to the excretory organs is also partially carried out. Thus, the fluid that fills the body cavity takes on the function of the internal environment of the body, like blood.

Question 5. How is the nervous system of nematodes arranged?
The nervous system of nematodes is formed by a near-pharyngeal nerve ring surrounding the anterior part of the esophagus. Several short branches extend forward from the ring; six trunks are sent back, and two of them, passing along the median dorsal and abdominal lines, are more powerful than the others. Both main nerve trunks are interconnected by numerous jumpers, which look like thin half-rings encircling the body.

Question 6. What departments make up the digestive system of roundworms?
The digestive system begins with a mouth opening located at the front end of the body. The intestines form a straight tube that runs through the entire body. Its anterior section is subdivided into the oral cavity and pharynx. The pharynx is followed by a poorly differentiated intestine ending in the anus.

Question 7. Describe the development of roundworm.
Getting into the environment with faeces, eggs with access to oxygen in humid conditions and with enough high temperature(about 25 ° C) develop, and a larva forms under their shell. The latter in egg shells enters the human digestive system. In the small intestine, it is released from the membranes, penetrates into the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. With the blood flow it is transferred to the liver, heart and through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. In the lungs, the larva enters the bronchi, causing inflammation, accompanied by a cough. With sputum, the larvae enter the oral cavity, and then swallowed again with saliva. Adult sexually mature roundworms develop in the intestine.

Question 8. How can you get infected with ascaris?
Common house flies play an important role in spreading roundworm eggs and infecting people with them. Eggs can enter the human body from unwashed hands, from contaminated water, from unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Question 9. What hygiene measures should be observed to prevent ascariasis?
Hygienic measures to prevent ascariasis: compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; disposal of faeces used as fertilizers; sanitary improvement of dwellings (water supply, sewerage); purification of drinking water; systematic medical examinations.

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Roundworms, or nematodes (Greek "nema" - thread), have an elongated body in the form of a string or thread, round in cross section. This group of worms, like flatworms, belongs to protostomes.

Since roundworms originated from, they retained some commonality with them in structure. For example, both have no respiratory and circulatory organs, and their eyes are so poorly developed that they can only distinguish light from darkness. At the same time, the muscular and nervous systems of nematodes have undergone a number of simplifications in terms of their level of development. They do not have transverse muscles and true ganglionic nodes, so the movements of roundworms do not differ in variety. Nematodes are easily recognizable by the snake-like, “dangling” vibrations from side to side, which occur as a result of the alternating contraction of longitudinally running muscle cords. If these muscles act simultaneously, then the nematodes are able to slightly shorten or lengthen.

Coagulation is also possible for them if one muscle contracts. In addition to the shape of the body, nematodes have a number of features of the internal structure, which make it possible to reveal the features of further complication of the organization of roundworms in comparison with flatworms, in particular with planarians. In the process of evolution, nematodes developed a real body cavity, in which there is a cavity fluid that washes the internal organs of digestion and reproduction located in it. However, this cavity does not have its own walls (epithelium) and is formed from the cavity of the blastula (blastocoel), which indicates that it belongs to the primary cavity.

The body of the nematodes is not segmented, spindle-shaped - tapering towards the anterior and posterior ends, in cross section - round. The mouth is located apically at the anterior end of the body. An anus is located at the posterior end of the body in front of the tail section.

The body is covered with a multi-layered elastic transparent cuticle, which is secreted by the integumentary epithelium - the hypodermis. Usually the hypodermis is syncytial (the boundaries between cells disappear), but it can also have a cellular structure. Along the circumference of the body of the worm, the hypodermis forms four ridges protruding into the body cavity. According to their position, these are dorsal, ventral, and two lateral ridges. The ridges of the hypodermis divide the layer of longitudinal muscles into four longitudinal strands, respectively, two - dorsal, two - ventral. The contractions of the dorsal and ventral muscle bands are antagonistic, so the body bends in the dorsoventral plane and the worm moves on its side. Muscle cells are very large, consisting of a cytoplasmic part, directed into the body cavity, and a contractile part, in which muscle fibrils are located. The contractile parts of the cells are adjacent to the hypodermis. The cuticle, hypodermis, and longitudinal musculature form a skin-muscular sac.

Between the skin-muscular sac and the internal organs is an extensive cavity. It is the primary body cavity. The primary body cavity does not have its own epithelial lining; it is formed as a result of the collapse of the parenchyma (schisocoel). The body cavity is filled with fluid under pressure. Functions of the primary body cavity: supporting (liquid internal skeleton), distribution (transport of nutrients from the intestines to tissues and organs, as well as gas exchange), excretory (transport of metabolic products to the excretory organs).

Nematodes are characterized by the complete absence of ciliary formations in the body - even their spermatozoa lack flagella. The reduction of the ciliated epithelium occurred due to the strong cuticleization of the integument of these animals.

The excretory system is formed by unicellular cutaneous (cervical) glands, which are modified protonephridia (cells without a flickering "flame"). In the body cavity, there is usually one such cell, the duct of which opens with an excretory pore on the surface of the worm's body. In large nematodes (for example, ascaris), the cervical gland is associated with long excretory canals that lie in the lateral ridges of the hypodermis. In nematodes, the excretory function is also performed by special phagocytic cells located in the body cavity and not connected with the external environment. These cells throughout the life of the worm accumulate insoluble metabolic products and foreign particles. This method of excretion is called "accumulation kidney".

Nematodes are separate sexes, sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed (difference in appearance between females and males). The genital organs are paired, have a tubular structure. In females, the ovaries pass into the oviducts, the oviducts into the uterus, which, merging, are connected to the unpaired vagina. The vagina opens with the female genital opening, approximately in the middle of the ventral side of the body. In males, the paired testes pass into the vas deferens, which merge and form a muscular ejaculatory canal. The ejaculatory canal opens with the male genital opening into the cloaca located at the posterior end of the body. Fertilization is internal.

The development of nematodes proceeds with metamorphosis: 4 larval and 1 adult stages are necessarily present in the life cycle. The transition from stage to stage is made in the process of molting - dropping the old cuticle.

Gastrotrichous are very small, worm-like animals. They live in freshwater and marine waters. Cilia are located on the ventral side of the body, with the help of which animals move. At the posterior end of the body are adhesive glands. There is no continuous skin-muscular sac. The intestine is through, digestion is intracellular. Excretory organs - two protonephridia. The nervous system is formed by the brain ganglion and two longitudinal nerve trunks. Hermaphrodites or parthenogenetic females.

Kinoryncha class

Cynorhynchus are small, worm-shaped organisms that live in the sand at the bottom of the seas. The body is covered with chitinous plates arranged in transverse rows, so the animals have a characteristic segmented appearance. The body consists of a head, with a halo of hooks or spines, a neck, and 11 segments. The skin-muscular sac is absent. The muscles are striated. The excretory system is formed by one pair of protonephridia. The front part of the body can turn out in the form of a proboscis. Intestine through. The nervous system is represented by the peripharyngeal nerve ring and the ventral nerve trunk. Sex glands are paired, animals have separate sexes, development proceeds with metamorphosis. Growth and development is accompanied by molting.

Hairy class (Gordiacea)

Hairy have a very thin long body, resembling a hair. The adults are dark in color, while the larvae are whitish. The body of the hairy is covered with a cuticle, which is secreted by the hypodermis, the muscles are only longitudinal. The space inside the skin-muscle sac is filled with parenchyma, in which there are free cavities, which are the primary cavity of the body. The intestines are completely or partially reduced, nutrition occurs through the entire surface of the body, visually. There is no excretory system. The nervous system is formed by the peripharyngeal nerve ring and the ventral nerve trunk.

The head section can be retracted into the trunk. The torso is dressed in a dense shell, it houses the internal organs. The leg is jointed, muscular, ends with two movable fingers. At the level of the fingers, special cement glands open, secreting a sticky secret, with the help of which rotifers can temporarily or permanently attach themselves to the substrate. The skin-muscular sac is absent, the striated muscles are represented by separate strands. The body cavity is primary.

The mouth leads into a muscular pharynx. In the pharynx there is a chewing apparatus (mastax), characteristic only for rotifers, formed by four chitinous plates of various shapes. With the help of mastax, animals grind food. The pharynx passes into the esophagus. The pharynx and esophagus make up the foregut. The midgut begins with a voluminous stomach, which leads to a narrow hindgut. The hindgut opens with an anus into the cloaca. The excretory system is protonephridial, there are fiery cells.

The nervous system consists of a large supraesophageal ganglion and nerves extending from it. The sense organs are represented by the organs of touch and sight.

Rotifers have separate sexes, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. The gonadal ducts open into the cloaca. Animals lay large eggs, there are viviparous species. Males are dwarf, do not feed, are unknown in some groups. The life cycle represents the alternation of the sexual generation (males and females) and the parthenogenetic generation (only females). Rotifers serve as food for fish fry and aquatic invertebrates.

frog nematode

Onion stem nematode

potato nematode

The potato nematode belongs to the genus of root-knot nematodes. The male has a cylindrical worm-shaped body, and the female is spherical. Unlike mobile males, females are immobile. They form a cyst filled with eggs (200-800 pieces), wintering in the soil. In the spring, larvae emerge from the eggs; after the third molt they become sexually mature. Larvae and adults damage not only potatoes, but also tomatoes and cucumbers. Affected plants develop root tumors surrounding the nematode body. Stems lag behind in growth, leaves turn yellow and wither, tubers and fruits become smaller or do not form at all. Gall nematodes infect greenhouse, garden, melon, fruit and berry and technical crops.

The fight against nematodes - pests of agricultural crops is difficult and complex, it requires various agrotechnical measures, sorting tubers and bulbs in storage, maintaining a certain regime in them, selecting seed, etc.

The type of roundworms or Nemathelminthes is one of the most numerous among the animal kingdom. There are over 20,000 species.

Turbellarians are considered their ancestors, but in the course of evolution, roundworms acquired special structural features, which allowed them to form a separate group.

The following classes of roundworms are distinguished:

  1. Class Nematodes;
  2. class ventral;
  3. Kinoryncha class;
  4. Hairy class;
  5. Class Rotifers.

Features of the structure of roundworms

Sizes vary from 80 microns to 8 meters. Females are usually larger than males. All representatives have bilateral symmetry.

The body shape is often cylindrical or fusiform, characterized by the absence of segmentation. A dense cuticle completely covers the body from the outside. The body cavity of roundworms is surrounded by a skin-muscular sac. It contains a fluid that fills the space between the internal organs. Serves as a support and performs a transport function.

Digestive organs

The digestive system of roundworms has a more progressive structure. Roundworms differ from flatworms in having an anus. They also have a separate hindgut.

The digestive tract is divided into three parts: anterior, middle and posterior. Food is absorbed through the mouth opening, enters the pharynx and esophagus. The digestion of the food bolus takes place in the middle section, and after the absorption of nutrients, the remnants are excreted.

The movement of food is now carried out only in one direction, which contributed to better digestion.

excretory system

The excretory function is performed by the cervical gland, a large unicellular formation, from which a pair of lateral tubules departs. They open outward through the excretory pore.

Ammonia is able to leave the body of roundworms through the skin by diffusion.


Most representatives of the type are dioecious organisms. Often females and males have a different appearance (the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism). Development is direct, without a larval stage, and indirect with a change of hosts.

The reproductive system of roundworms is presented in the form of tubes. In males, this is more often one tube, which is divided into specialized departments. At the beginning, the testis is located, where the production of spermatozoa takes place, which enter the ejaculatory canal through the vas deferens. It opens into the distal part of the intestine - the cloaca. With the help of copulatory organs (cuticular needles), spermatozoa are brought out.

The female genital tract consists of two paired tubes. They are blindly closed in the initial section, here are the ovaries, where there is a constant reproduction of germ cells. The gametes travel through the oviducts and enter the uterus, where internal fertilization occurs.

The eggs of roundworms are surrounded by a thin shell, in rare cases it is thick. There are species capable of viviparity.

Nervous system

It is represented by the peripharyngeal ring and longitudinal nerves. The ring is located in the pharynx and serves as the main associative organ. The ventral and dorsal nerves directly depart from the main ganglion and lie in the hypodermis, other nerve fibers are not connected with it.

The sense organs of roundworms are poorly developed. There is a chemical reception, organs of touch, free-living marine species have light-sensitive cells.

At the distal end of the body of roundworms are tail glands, the secreted fluid of which is necessary for attachment to the substrate.

Also, roundworms in their life cycle often use intermediate hosts for full development. This is not typical for ringed worms. annelids differ from roundworms in the presence of a closed circulatory system, represented by the abdominal and dorsal vessels.

Comparison of flat and roundworms, their similarities and differences

The nutrition of nematodes depends on the lifestyle, some consume algae and bacteria, others feed on the host's body, there are also predatory species.

Significance in nature and human life

Roundworms are an integral part of food chains. Free-living individuals absorb bacteria, protozoa, and themselves become food for fish and crustaceans.

Species living in the ground feed on decayed organic matter, thus participating in soil formation.

Roundworms can infect fungi and plants, significantly reducing yields. Nematodes penetrate the root system and lead to the death of the rhizome, thereby inhibiting plant growth. Cereal and vegetable crops (onion, potato, wheat nematodes) are most often infected.

  1. Flatworms - tape cestodes (tape, tapeworm), trematodes flukes.
  2. Roundworms - pinworms, roundworms, strongyloids, trichinella, hookworms.
  3. Mycosis fungi - penicillium, candida, cryptococcus.
  4. The simplest are amoeba, Giardia, Trichomonas.
  5. Bacteriosis - leptospira, staphylococcus, shigella.

According to biological and epidemiological characteristics, there are:

Distribution is divided into:

Classification of helminths

The body of trematodes is strongly flattened, oval or oblong, not more than 8 cm. They are attached to tissues and organs with suction cups. They feed on blood cells and mucus. Waste products and nutrients that enter the body.

General characteristics of roundworms, what are nematodes and how to deal with them

Nematodes belong to the class of roundworms. The group is the second largest among the representatives of the multicellular diversity of living beings on our planet. Let us consider in more detail what nematodes are, what is general characteristics roundworms.

Details about nematodes

Features of the structure and life cycle

According to their structure, all types of nematodes can be attributed to simple organisms.

The eggs laid by nematodes are oval in shape. Through this stage of development, they are safe. In eggs, larvae develop with their characteristic first life cycle. Once in the external environment, it matures and turns into a sexually mature individual.

Each type of roundworm has an individual feature of the structure and development cycle, a completely different way of life. This is influenced by the type to which certain individuals of nematodes belong.

Nematodes on plants

On animals

Nematodes in humans

Consider what are the most common nematodes in humans and helminthic diseases with them.


The causative agent of an unpleasant disease called ascariasis. The disease is very common - both adults and children are ill.

Ascaris can grow from 20 to 40 cm, the body of the worm is cylindrical and tapers towards the end. Refers to such types of geohelminths that live and feed at the expense of humans. Eggs that have passed fertilization come out with feces, and for subsequent development they must fall into the soil.


One of the causative agents of enterobiasis is pinworm. Everyone can get it, but children are most often infected with pinworms.


Nematodosis occurs in humans after contact with peddler animals, ingestion of products Agriculture that have not undergone the necessary processing.
Not observing hygiene rules, you can also become infected with a nematodosis.


Infection is obtained from one type of nematode - strongyloids. Hookworm is a fairly ancient disease known since ancient Egypt. In another way, the disease is called African cachexia, Egyptian chlorosis, anemia of miners.

Methods and methods of treatment

Having found symptoms that indicate the possible presence of a worm in the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist for confirmation of the diagnosis and the necessary treatment.

Doctors prescribe medications and calculate the dose based on the weight of the patient. Usually, when taking anthelmintic drugs, you need to know the exact dose.

The use of ruminatory preparations for nematodes is widely used - magnesium sulfate, Glauber's salt, or plants containing plants (cassia holly, rhubarb).

The drug for worms is often replaced with recipes common in folk medicine. There are a number of plants that have been found to have anthelmintic properties. They are part of seasonings and spices.
Effective recipes using Bogorodskaya grass, wormwood, tansy flowers.

Garlic and onions are also often used to combat nematode roundworms. Ginger has an anthelmintic property - its fresh root, tinctures and processed product.

Preventive measures

Nematodosis and other helminthic diseases are always more difficult to treat than to prevent. Prevention of infection with roundworms is possible subject to the following rules.

  1. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the premises, in personal plots.
  2. If you have pets, then you need to clean up after them excrement in a timely manner.
  3. It is necessary to dust regularly. It is possible to use ultra-violet paws for disinfection of rooms.
  4. Outside, sand is mixed in sandboxes to provide access to the rays of the sun.
  5. Carry out preventive maintenance of pets, farm animals. It is best to do this once every 90 days for outdoor animals. Prevention for pets is carried out every six months.
  6. You need to swim only in proven reservoirs.
  7. Meat and fish products can be used for food only after they have undergone complete heat treatment.
  8. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed. Root crops are first cleaned of adhering earth, then rinsed and peeled.
  9. It is not recommended to use dirty dishes. For hiking, it is better to purchase disposable devices.
  10. Cesspools and sewage should be located at a distance from houses and drinking sources in accordance with sanitary standards.
  11. Hands should be washed regularly. Antibacterial soaps do not destroy the eggs and larvae of the worms and do not even remove them. Children need to cut their nails short.
  12. Each person should have their own linen, including bedding. If the work takes place on a rotational basis, then it is necessary to heat the linen by ironing.

Knowledge about nematodes and how to deal with them will help prevent disease or complications.

The human essence is so interesting that it strives to try everything right away, without even washing your hands, and then they are surprised at the multi-colored bouquet of diseases. This article will be devoted to nematodes.

  1. What are nematodes?
  2. Morphological features of nematodes
  3. Classification of roundworms living in humans
  4. Ways of human infection with nematodes
  5. Clinical picture of helminthiasis
  6. Disease diagnosis
  7. Drug therapy
  8. folk therapy
  9. Preventive actions
  10. Varieties of roundworms in plants

What are nematodes?

Simple organisms, consisting of a thousand somatic cells and hundreds of cells responsible for the reproductive ability of an individual. Nematode roundworms were defined by specialists as a "tube in a tube". So they characterized them because of the digestive tract that runs along the entire length of the body.

Until now, all types of roundworms have not been fully studied by science, so the systematization and classification have changed many times as new knowledge about them has been gained.

Any suborder of the helminth includes several families, then they are divided into genera and those already into species. Roundworms are ubiquitous.

Ways of human infection with nematodes

The defeat of human organs by roundworms is a very dangerous disease that can even lead to mental disorders. Timely diagnosed and immediately started treatment will not aggravate the situation and nullify the protective function of the body.

Disease diagnosis

Drug therapy

Helminthiasis is not a sentence. In the 21st century, pharmacology is very well developed, so it will not be difficult to overcome the disease. Any therapy, as well as drugs, is prescribed only by the attending physician after compiling a complete patient history. Medicines are taken based on body weight and require careful preliminary calculation, since in most cases they are toxic.

  • Thyme, thyme contain thymol, which releases a specific aroma.
  • Ginger can be eaten fresh, as a spice supplement, or made into a tincture.
  • Garlic, onion is better to insist on vodka, then taken orally in the morning on an empty stomach. For children, it is recommended to make an infusion on the water.
  • Tansy inflorescences have a choleretic effect, so people with cholelithiasis should be treated with caution.

Preventive actions

Now we know what nematodes are. It remains to take measures so that they do not get infected. Almost every second family has a pet in the house, which, unfortunately, is also a carrier of worms.

In order to avoid invasion of family members, long debilitating treatment, pets should be dewormed every quarter and a few more points should be followed:

  • Regular wet cleaning of the premises, cleaning of the local area, playgrounds, parks, squares from animal excrement, decay products, garbage, where favorable conditions are created for the life of helminths. The hot summer sun helps to disinfect open surfaces, so it is enough to turn the sand in the children's sandbox daily in dry weather.
  • Avoid swimming in untested bodies of water, do not walk in hot weather without shoes.
  • Do not eat meat, fish that have not undergone heat treatment.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables with a brush. If possible, peel the fruit.
  • Do not collect water from roadside sources.

Competent prevention of infection should be aimed at the destruction of worms due to the banal rules of personal hygiene, high-quality disinfection of food.

Varieties of roundworms in plants

In addition to people, animals, plants suffer from nematode diseases. Harmful individuals settle in the ground, soil, plant tissue. They affect cultures not only in the wild nature, but also on farmland. Their size is microscopic - does not reach 2 mm. As agronomists and gardeners note, the characteristics of plant nematodes depend on the type of worm that infects various parts of the plant, but they are absolutely safe for humans.

Not only garden lands can be infected with nematodes, but also soil bought in a store, intended for planting. indoor plants. To overcome the disease will help ultraviolet emitted by sunlight. Do not forget about the treatment with chemical and biological remedies, which gardening shops offer in abundance.