Aries. General description of Aries

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Your active work will contribute to success in business. There is an opportunity, especially on Monday and Wednesday, to improve your well-being, as well as make profitable deals. On weekends, it is worth visiting the shops, making the necessary purchases.


This week it will be useful for you to expand your social circle, especially since you will certainly have the opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. On Tuesday, Friday and Saturday you will be able to prove yourself in many areas, but first of all it is worth taking care of home and family. On Monday and Wednesday, on the contrary, it is better to focus on work, doing it as carefully and accurately as possible. On Thursday, in order to avoid intractable problems in the future, it is recommended not to make any commitments.


This week, some adventures are not ruled out, which, however, do not conceal any particular danger. On Wednesday, correct the mistake you made recently in relation to your loved one, surround him with care and tenderness. And try to keep your little secrets safe from him.


Dedicate this week to your fitness - it is very good for sports, and even if you never managed to enjoy the repetition of exercises before, starting again now, you have good opportunities to get involved in training. Try something new, unexpected, maybe a little extreme. At the same time, start from the level of your preparation; work with the instructor.


In the first half of the week, it is advisable to avoid any conflict situations on the road, unless, of course, you are a fan of extreme sports or your car is not insured against everything in the world. On weekends, you may have to deal with the transportation of bulky items. However, such trips will pass surprisingly quickly.



It's time for you to replenish your stock of foams, fragrant salts and bath oils. After long and stressful working days, the opportunity to be in hot fragrant water will seem like magic to you. So do not deny yourself the pleasure, because such a procedure will not only relieve fatigue and improve your mood, but also make your skin smooth, silky and attractive.


Aries will find out how much a pound is dashing and where crayfish hibernate. For they are now paying the price for their frivolity and long tongue. It is possible that your partners will find out about your pranks, and maybe even decide to punish you. However, why not diversify your bed games with light BDSM?

general characteristics Aries personality
Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, directs people of this sign to an active life, giving them a constant supply of energy, making them restless, restless, ambitious and competitive. The place of this sign in the horoscope number 1 and the people of this sign also always want to be the first in everything. Aries is a very selfish sign. The symbol of Aries is a ram, an animal that goes for everything with a headbutt, and everyone who has dealt with Aries knows that they, like rams, go straight to the goal. Aries is also the first fire sign of the Zodiac and this increases its activity. Mars, the ruling planet, has a positive influence, making these people confident and courageous. Unlike another Mars-ruled sign, Scorpio, Aries is a young warrior, restless and eager to fight, even if he lacks experience. There is a certain youthful naivete in his personality, which brings him a lot of disappointment, because. they want things to be done quickly and rarely have patience, they often start a task and leave it to others to finish. So, they start their career before they have found their place in life. They often need advice from less ardent and impetuous people. They are idealistic and romantic. Unfortunately, Aries rarely remembers their experiences and often remains gullible after many insults and setbacks. They succeed in professions (especially in the theater) when the center of attention and around them are many admiring people. Many movie stars were born under this sign. Aries also excel in sales, insurance, and interior and home decorating, in all areas where they have personal contact with clients. People of this sign are pioneers in many areas. They have an inexplicable originality that always wins. Aries is not a deep, not wise sign, but sincere and loyal. Young men are often drawn into fights, and young women also show similar strength and fury in sports and at work, fighting for their high position. Aries love their independence. When called for adventure, they respond quickly, no matter what the cost. A distinctive feature is their ability to go further (to pass by some things). Even when they are hurt and angry, they will quickly forget the next day. Being rejected (in a business setting and in love), they rarely take time to think, but quickly fuss to be accepted somewhere else. Aries loves to be in the company and he arranges evenings. Usually they are good hosts of the evening, they will definitely ask their friend to replace them, making sure everything goes well. These people are noble and cannot come to the aid of someone in misfortune. Aries men are men of the Sir Walter Relley type. Women have an aversion to everything vulgar and vulgar. Aries is very fond of demonstrations in expressing their views. Rarely do they keep their emotions inside.

Psychosexual characteristics of Aries
Aries is also active in the field of sex. These people fall into the category of "hot-blooded" people. But since their "I" is never forgotten, even in the midst of erotic passion, there is a danger of being drawn into such relationships where there is no spiritual satisfaction. Unlike Scorpio and Taurus, who prefer prolonged sexual intercourse, Aries often does it quickly, even the second and third time he is very ardent and impulsive. During sexual intercourse, Aries is so rampant that his partner tends to think that he will come before orgasm. Men of this sign often express their emotions during intercourse through various moans and exclamations. Women of this sign, when they are very excited, often forget the position put on by a well-mannered woman, and take on the role of a man. As I said earlier, under the influence of the planets, the distinctive characteristics of signs can be weakened, muffled. Aries, however, should be the first in everything, and it would be reasonable to assume that if he is aggressive in conversations, in other things, then he will be the same in bed. Those ruled by Mars are warriors (men and women), who choose their own partners and then "attack" them, sometimes modestly, shyly, and sometimes without any warning. How Aries will behave during intercourse is impossible to predict, just as it is impossible to predict his behavior in general. One thing is certain: they want to be aggressive, they want to be winners. And how this role is performed and what results follow from it depends on the influence of the planets on the individual horoscope.

Non-sexual maneuvers of Aries
Aries have achieved great skill in non-sexual maneuvers in order to achieve their personal goals. Since this is a very romantic sign, they create a "pink veil" of perfection until they convince the subject of their attention that they are real knights in shining armor or people from the royal court. But, in fact, this sign wants to be the center of attention in personal relationships. They skillfully choose those people who will support their goals in business and love. Anyone who is involved in any relationship with Aries will do well if he always remembers that in all matters of Aries, his interests come first. In close personal relationships and in married life, Aries usually does not feel remorse for extramarital affairs. However, I don't want to give the impression that Aries has no positive qualities at all in personal relationships. I want to say that people who have any relationship with them must completely sacrifice their aspirations and goals. But if they do this, then a lot of good things await them: love, adventure, a variety of social activities; in other words, you won't be bored. Aries usually make good money for the family, and since they love luxury, they supply their loved ones with spectacular things. Aries are usually not particularly eager to have children, but when this does happen, they become friends and advisers to their children. Since Aries retains its youthful views for a long time, they communicate well with the younger generation, there are no problems of fathers and children.

How to Satisfy an Aries
Provide them with an abundance of sex, but above all flatter them, since Aries rules the 1st house of the Zodiac, which touches on gender, Aries live in the "world" of the body - they physically process, master all other areas of human relations. They love being flattered during intercourse. They also recognize diversity in sex. relationships, believing that nothing is beyond the bounds of decency. Aries husbands and wives should be neat and clean. Perfume and silk pajamas, nightgowns increase their attraction to Aries. The soft color and music excite them very much. Don't plan on having Aries sex early in the evening, as their boundless energy will kick in and you'll be left with an unsatisfied lover in your arms for the rest of the night. Be sure that you will have intercourse after a well-spent evening in the city, after a possible ice-skating or dancing. When Aries is threatened with nervous exhaustion, their lovers should give them a head massage and slowly involve them in sexual intercourse.

Positive Traits of Aries
This is a charming sign. A true friend who brings everything to the end. They sympathize, care and make their care visible, remember all birthdays and give flowers, they always find themselves at a moment of need and personal tragedies - a strong shoulder to lean on in misfortune. They are performers of noble deeds. In married life, Aries is energetic. Aries is Sir Halacha, a pure heart! This is Joan of Arc, brave, noble! They are not able to say: "I give up!"

Negative Traits of Aries
The unrelenting energy of the ruling planet - Mars, negatively affects Aries, often allowing them to squander their efforts and opportunities, to dissipate energy. Aries is a classic example of Stéphane Lecoq Lochinvár, who jumped on a horse and rode in all directions at once. Aries are too passionate, they should count to 10 before making any decision, then start again. They rarely look inside themselves. It doesn't hurt them to do soul research sometimes. Aries, we astrologers say to you: "Beware of your basic sin - self-centeredness. Beware of selfishness too! Control excessive pride! Learn to do things you start to the end! In your personal relationships, learn to give not only material rewards for love and affection! Allow your beloved be yourself, keep your desires, aspirations and originality."

Aries love economy
Aries are champions in the love economy! They know the value of the dollar well! And boldly intend to have their share of the world's material goods. Well organized, mentally in control of their passions. Aries demand the highest price for their professional merit. I don't mean just the business side. Some of the famous merchants were born under the sign of Aries. This also includes people who, having married successfully the first time, then marry again and again, if, of course, this provides for the possibility of their advancement. But on the positive side, Aries win their lovers at a high price, all and more than what American exuberance has to offer: modern cars, a beautiful home, a luxurious wardrobe, expensive evenings on the city. Because Aries himself is not very wise, he refers to people who have superficial knowledge, feelings. Those who are financially successful often change the object of their love by buying affection and sex. pleasure, but buying them where the most beautiful and graceful people are sold. Aries treat them like pets with whom they spend time free from their profitable business.

Aries Compatibility Horoscope
Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners are among the people of the sign of Leo and Sagittarius. All three - fire signs and up to this age they are extremely restless. When Aries has passed this age - 29.5 - he begins to gradually mature and become more sedentary, less impetuous and ardent, more practical. At this time, they are compatible with the signs of Taurus and Virgo. These two earth signs are very practical; a trait that Aries lacks in order to succeed. After 29.5 they become less egocentric: they concentrate on love and sex, and begin to direct their energy towards solid acquisitions and provision. At the age of 41.5, which is half the cycle of Uranus, Aries must control themselves, because. they have many negative features, such as the inability to complete what they started. At this time, they may be compatible with Libra (a sensitive, mental sign) and Gemini (also an intellectual sign).

Most Suitable Aries Partners
Relationships of signs: a favorable alliance with LEO, GEMINI, SAGITTARIUS. These signs, with their calmness and love for philosophy, pacify ARIES, for AQUARIUS there is a great physical attraction, as well as for LIBRA. Unfavorable union with CAPRICORN, CANCER, PISCES, SCORPIO. Mutual coldness with VIRGO, TAURUS.

Aries loyalty score
At a young age, not so much. Up to 20 years old and a little more, Aries want adventure and pleasure. In married life, excellent, provided that both spouses are passionate about achieving joint goals. For Aries, the best period for various pleasures, adventures and sex. compatibility up to 29.5 years, unless, of course, they are forced to marry or settle down. After 29.5 the possibility of a stable family life increases.

General information:

Aries: male sign (March 21 - April 20)
Element: fire
Planet: Aries is patronized by the planet Mars, which, during the period of this sign, gains new strength, denotes its superiority. Mars makes Aries an extreme individualist.
Symbols and talismans: deer, hammer, ram, golden fleece, orange, and green squares
Colors: orange, yellow, red (all shades), blue, green, silver (unfortunate color - purple)
stones: bloodstone, moonstone, diamond, ruby, amethyst, aquamarine, emerald
Happy Days: Tuesday, Sunday bad days: Friday Saturday

Countries: England, Germany, Denmark, Italy, countries of Asia Minor

Positive character traits Keywords: energy, courage, confidence, insight, intelligence.

Negative character traits: selfishness, impatience, irascibility, arrogance

Health: strong health from birth, diseases arise from a bad lifestyle. Aries are very resilient. They should be more attentive to their health.

Representatives of the sign Aries combine calm and storm, thunderstorm and blazing sun. Life with them is never calm and the very presence of Aries makes you always be in good shape. Aries does not look at others. He lives his own life. Goes forward. Representatives of this zodiac sign rarely heed advice, they have their own experience, their own opinion, their own way. You can’t call Aries indifferent ... They just don’t have time to look back at others, delve into their sorrows, problems, joys. Full of enthusiasm, energy and new ideas, Aries often do not notice other people and many consider them selfish. If you meet a calm, infantile Aries woman or man, know that this is just a mask, and behind it lies a passionate heart, strong will, quick mind, many feelings and emotions.

Representatives of the sign Aries distinguishes impatience, speed, and sometimes even haste in making decisions. They are the type who often do first and think later. Aries is a very impulsive sign. He doesn't like to wait. If something did not work out right away, then, most likely, Aries will not make many attempts, but will try to realize something else.

Aries- conquerors. They cannot sit still. They need to set goals and achieve them. Failure doesn't break them, it makes them stronger. Representatives of this sign live only for today, happily dreaming about the future. They do not think about past joys and failures. Decisions are made based on existing circumstances.

Representatives of the Aries sign can be considered quite trusting and open people. They value their friends, give warmth to the family. Aries are very sincere, fairly straightforward people.
Both men and women of this sign remain young for a long time, both externally and internally. Women retain a youthful appearance until old age. Aries grow up late: before becoming more balanced, they learn to make informed rational decisions, moving away from the emotional component of the issue, they can make many life mistakes.
Aries are very confident. They try to abstract from any complexes. However, if you hurt the pride of the representatives of this sign, you will incur hostility, and rather even hatred and aggression.

Aries- very stubborn and quick-tempered. If you intend to argue with them, expect a quarrel. Aries are quickly offended, but do not remember insults for a long time. Able to admit they are wrong. They value the world, especially when it comes to relationships with people close to them.
When it comes to work, Aries is always the leader! Aries can differ in excessive emotionality, they can often change not only work, but also various areas of activity. Aries know a little about everything in so many areas of activity, but rarely become professionals in any one area. Aries know how to make money, they like to grab "hot stuff", they often earn money by falling "under the right stream." Aries are versatile and interesting people in communication. Aries are adventurous by nature. They often take risks. They believe in their luck. Life for them is an eternal action.

Aries- optimists. They are quick to fail. They can be called cheerful and cheerful. Often become the soul of the company.
Aries moving the world forward...

General Horoscopes for Aries

Aries are the children of the Zodiac. Outwardly, they are friendly people with energetic manners and a firm handshake. They always fight against any injustice, while not embarrassed in expressions, they can be very hot and furious in such situations. Aries express their point of view always directly. They put their needs first, think first of all about themselves, like children, not realizing that this may affect others. They do not feel that they can bring inconvenience and unpleasant moments to others. This innocence of his surrounds Aries and softens his aggressiveness, so it’s hard to even be offended by him, like a child. This also explains why they are so fearless.

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries.

Aries is the very first sign of the zodiac. It combines primitive strength and the desire to prove its superiority. He is the master of all things. He takes decisions almost instantly and mobilizes his forces to implement them. This sign, like no other, is focused on victory over others. Aries are characterized by two states. In the first, he, seized by a new idea, fights for its immediate implementation. At the same time, there is more than enough adrenaline in the blood, energy overwhelms him and those around him. At these moments, it is dangerous to stand in his way. He will trample and not notice. Aries sees the target well and does not notice obstacles. His actions are spontaneous and if the goal is achieved, Aries enjoys the fruits of his own efforts for some time. After Aries has given all his best, there is a period of apathy when he restores his strength. It is quite difficult to move him from his place at such moments. Self-confidence this sign does not hold, so he chooses goals that maximize the improvement of his standard of living.

Aries is a lover of everything new and risky ventures. He is not afraid of the hardships that await any discoverer. In extreme conditions, his talents are revealed to the maximum. The enthusiasm of Aries can captivate others. His motto is "The main thing is to start, and then we'll see ...". Because of this, the results of his actions often follow the scenario "For what they fought for, they ran into it."

In most situations, they behave quite frankly. They say what they think, at best they will remain silent. If they like something or someone, they will openly express their feelings. These are passionate lovers. However, if at first their efforts were not appreciated, they quickly switch to another object. In general, constancy and domesticity are not their lot, so quiet family life inspires them with frank horror. Aries always wants to be in the forefront, so they often occupy a dominant position in the family and constantly organize various trips, trips, dinner parties, etc. for their household members. to avoid boredom and monotony.

It is always difficult for Aries to make concessions, because of this relationship with others they often lead to conflicts in which they feel like a fish in water. Aries tend to perceive the world in black and white, which is why they miss the nuances. However, if an Aries is on your side, he will fight to the end. This is a reliable and devoted friend. His strengths are initiative, fearlessness, enthusiasm and independence.

Sexual horoscope of the zodiac sign Aries.

Aries is a very sexy zodiac sign, just like Scorpio. But maybe he wants a lot of everything at once. These people are rather impatient, although determined, and like to take the bull by the horns. Difficult relationships with Aries can wait for Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, even Scorpios and other Aries, it will be easier for Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo, who are often set up as swiftly as Aries.

Aries man- can light up with love brightly and cool down just as sharply, but it is important for him to achieve his beloved woman. Aries is what you need if you prefer "speed and pressure" in love, combined with bright sex. It is not for you if you like to be looked after for a long time and painstakingly. Traditionally, this is a “macho” image, which intellectual women may not really like. On the other hand, Aries is a decisive person, if he does not like a woman, he will not become her lover, although he often likes to patronize women.

Aries Woman bright, impatient, also wants to get a lot at once. She definitely needs to give at least something! But by nature, she is more often generous with affection, she can take the initiative in relationships. Oddly enough, sometimes it is difficult for an Aries Woman to fall in love, to feel like a woman in the full sense of the word. Her man should try so that she sees in him not only an ally, but also a lover.

Business and career horoscope of the zodiac sign Aries.

Any Aries is a born leader. Another thing is that this leadership can manifest itself not only in the professional sphere. But if Aries decided to go into business, then here he wants to be in the forefront. Representatives of this sign are able to turn their ideas into really working projects. At the same time, in order to start any business, they do not particularly need helpers. Their enthusiasm can move mountains, which is why Aries are often at the forefront of new ventures.

They are able to promote a business from scratch almost on sheer enthusiasm. At the beginning of any event, they invest maximum energy, and it is often enough to start the business. As leaders, they do not tolerate objections and, rather, act as a commander. The ability to instantly make a decision, the desire to emerge victorious in a difficult situation often ensures their success. Aries are often associated with the business in which they are engaged, therefore, in the interests of the case, they play by their own rules. The condemnation of others does not bother them, because when Aries achieves his goal, he is able to hear only himself. For them, the main thing is the result, and how to achieve it is not important.

At the same time, in order for interest not to fade, they need to develop opportunities in their chosen field. Constancy and routine are the enemies of any Aries. Having invested maximum efforts at the first moment and ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise, he can cool down to his business and do something new, more attractive. It is clear that most representatives of this sign win their place under the sun in the field of new technologies or in areas related to military equipment or the army. Aries easily succeed in those areas where there is an open struggle. It is difficult for them to engage in behind-the-scenes games, they behave openly and expect the same from others. Because of this, areas where specific activities are replaced by weaving intrigues and empty pastime are not for them. In this kind of establishments, Aries do not last long.

As a subordinate, Aries is not a gift. He has his own opinion on all business issues, which often does not coincide with the opinion of his superiors. Aries recognizes strength and does not hear the arguments of logic. At the same time, if he is assigned dangerous tasks, or he feels that he is the only one who can complete the task, he can show miracles of ingenuity. Aries are characterized by quick career ups and downs just as fast. The ability to quickly concentrate, spending a sea of ​​​​strength, and then relax for a long time, gaining them, must be taken into account when planning your affairs.

Aries family horoscope.

In the family, they always occupy a leading position. They prefer to organize all family members, distribute household duties among them and indicate to whom and what to do. The role of leader and leader in the family is much more interesting to them than a subordinate position. Family members often have to adjust to their mood. If they are doing well at work, then they come home in high spirits and can create a cheerful atmosphere in the family, pay attention to everyone and even pamper them with some small souvenirs. But if they have problems and something does not work out in the professional sphere, then conflicts and scandals can arise in the house. Their aggressiveness and imbalance can go beyond all limits. At such moments, Aries can even forget that they have a family, and after work, in order to relieve stress, go somewhere with friends to relax, and show up late in the evening, as if nothing had happened, without explanation or apology. As for the family budget, Aries do not like to save money for a rainy day, but prefer to immediately spend it on the needs of the family. Aries can lend large amounts of money to their friends and acquaintances for a long time, without worrying about whether they will return the money back or not. Because of this, conflicts arise in the family circle.

At home, they like to rearrange furniture from one room to another, do cosmetic repairs, repaint the walls in the bathroom in a different color. In this sense, a large field for activities in the country is unfolding for them. In food, they are unpretentious, and prefer to cook the simplest and most affordable dishes for their family. But when Aries host guests, they try to show their talents in cooking, and do not skimp on treats. With regard to the wardrobe, Aries are not demanding, they would rather spend money on a family trip abroad, on entertainment than on an expensive suit or precious items. If a problem is solved in the family, then the decision always remains with them, and no one tries to argue with them or prove that they are wrong. With their children, Aries are always friendly and try to bring up independence and independence in them.

Health horoscope of the zodiac sign Aries.

Often people with the Sun in Aries have a strong constitution, a lot of vitality (exaltation of the Sun), in general, they are characterized by a low tendency to disease. Easily restored (Pluto control). Excitable, prone to febrile illnesses (rule of Mars), the temperature can rise sharply, diseases affect mainly the head and eyes. Sometimes Aries are haunted by headaches. A very athletic sign that loves competitions, fights, often its representative even needs to be stopped so that in his enthusiasm he does not hurt himself, does not get into an accident where he can be pursued by burns and cuts. Recommendations: take care of your head, try not to catch a cold, wear a hat. It is difficult to force an Aries to follow the doctor's recommendations or a regimen (falling Saturn), if Aries is sick, try to keep him at least a few days in bed. Aries often eats hurriedly, without chewing food, prefers hot and spicy dishes, which in large quantities can harm him.

Aries plants - hot, spicy, spicy, burning: dill, lovage, parsley, cilantro, celery, horseradish, radish, garlic, wild garlic, onion, pepper, ginger, prickly plants and biostimulants: eleutherococcus, lemongrass, barberry, aloe, aralia , coffee, tea, primroses - coltsfoot flowers, dandelion roots and leaves. Aries plants are used when it is necessary to strengthen the body after a debilitating illness, with beriberi, prevention of infectious diseases, reduced immunity, head diseases, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, after long-term drug treatment, operations, injuries.

Talismans of the zodiac sign Aries.

The talismans of Aries are diamond (brilliant) and ruby.
Diamond is the most expensive and beautiful noble stone. It is a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, victory over pain and illness. Diamond tames rage and voluptuousness, gives confidence and strength. Miraculous features and extraordinary power were attributed to this stone. It brings good luck in all matters, protects from diseases and wounds, gives courage and courage in battle, protects from the evil eye and evil spells, ensures health, well-being and long life. If a woman has a diamond on her hand, then it is easily resolved during childbirth. One who wears a diamond may not be afraid of lightning strikes - his eyes are protected from injury, and also drives away dreams and bad dreams. As a talisman, a diamond is worn on the left hand or on the neck, but the setting should not prevent the stone from touching the skin - then this enhances its effect. A stone has a favorable effect if it is given or inherited, i.e. he came to the owner in an honest way. Otherwise, it brings great misfortune.

Ruby is a beautiful red stone with purple reflections, symbolizing passionate and passionate love. Brings happiness in love; the one who wants to achieve reciprocity must give a flame-colored ruby ​​to his chosen one. Wearing a ruby ​​in a suspended form means being great among people, worthy of their respect. Ruby good man makes it even kinder, turns the evil one into a real villain, and a noble and courageous person wearing this stone wins victories and accomplishes feats. Protects from lightning and floods, poisoning. Ruby is credited with the properties of stopping bleeding, saving from wounds and epilepsy, purifying the air contaminated with microbes of epidemic diseases, and driving away evil spirits. Ruby tends to darken - so the owner is in danger.

Elements of the zodiac sign Aries.

Hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience in trifles, disposition to long explanations, ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impulsiveness. You do before you see (completely thoughtless action). Refuse to repent of the results of your rashness or express discontent. You are hot-blooded, hot-headed, very sexy. You have an explosive temper. Your living warmth and ardor attract people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another.

Aries is the most "fiery" fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable, indefatigable. According to your element of friends and lovers, you should also choose from "fire" or "air" - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire. Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your advantages: good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive. But there are also disadvantages: you are impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, passionate, love to flirt.

Home conditions: You should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace in which the fire crackles. It is also necessary to work in a cool room and in the open air. A confined space, where there is a lack of air, suppresses the fire.

The symbol of this element is the salamander that lives in fire, the spirit of fire that brings you good luck.

Aries are used to fighting. It will be a great pleasure for him to accept the challenge and try with all his might to win. Winning causes indescribable delight. Then, if there is a lull, Aries languishes and expects new adventures and struggles. He tries his luck in the hope of getting a new task or a new opponent, rejoicing in the obstacles that arise. For him, the very process of rivalry, the effect of competition leading to victory, is very significant. He also shows himself in love.

Aries is literally infected with the spirit of war: he immediately rushes into battle, investing all his potential, and absolutely does not think about the consequences that could have been avoided. Excessive haste does not always play into his hands.

Directness in sayings and selfish motives that prompt Aries to put purely personal interests in the first place repel other people from him. And, although this sign gives inconvenience to others with its behavior and actions, it does it unconsciously, like a child, and not because of someone to push or humiliate.

Aries is distinguished by honesty, simplicity and sincerity, which more than cover his shortcomings. He is overly trusting, so many successfully use this weakness and deceive him more than once. Sometimes a representative of this sign wants to show himself as a kind of “experienced” individual and he switches to invented stories about himself, but the listeners immediately expose him - after all, he does not know how to tell a lie.

Aries can soar in the clouds and draw in his thoughts impossible projects, because he really believes that all this is possible to implement.

Aries appears to others like an open book, without any secrets. Perseverance helps him to achieve his goal. If you see a disgruntled Aries, who grumbles about the need for his submission to another person, you should know that you have fallen for a loser. If a representative of this sign shows his generosity and flourishes from compliments and praises, this is the image of Aries the winner. This zodiac sign resembles an ingenuous shirt-guy: simple and open, tearing ahead, loving praises. There is no natural modesty and tact in him.

The Achilles' heel of such a fearless warrior is physical pain, and especially toothache. It's amazing how afraid he is of doctors, considering them all his own. sworn enemies. Perseverance, determination and courage simply disappear when meeting with doctors, only panic horror remains.

Aries does not allow defeat even in thoughts. When he “burns” with some business, then nothing can stop him, and whoever is at the same time with him, he goes in the same harness, and the rest will be considered enemies, with whom they will certainly have to fight. Compromise solutions are completely swept aside. For representatives of this sign, movement means life, and calm means death. Such people are ready to become pioneers, capable of leading other people.

For Aries, material values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not represent the main life priority. They would rather choose honors and glory. Such people in the struggle for an idea are able to live most of their lives in a rented apartment or in a hostel. Very often they help others to make a significant financial profit, while remaining just a doer who is quite satisfied with praise and recognition.

Aries is able to turn his spark of resentment into a raging flame in a short time, but quickly moves away and after a while already calmly communicates with the offender. He cannot be angry for long and does not remember grievances, intending to take revenge in the future, and is free to apologize to his enemy if he feels he is wrong.

Representatives of this sign do not bother their heads with tomorrow - they only care about what is happening now, today, and yesterday with its mistakes and mistakes has long been forgotten.

Aries surprisingly fits into secular parties: he can rant for hours in a streamlined manner about some object, phenomenon or person, without even having a clue what or who exactly they are talking about.

A positive attitude and confidence in a happy ending allows Aries to successfully engage in entrepreneurship. Even when the defeat is beyond doubt - and in this case, Aries cannot be knocked off the course of victory.

This sign is generous in matters of help and attention in relation to other people. Aries is ready to help more than once, but at the same time he expects praise and gratitude. Do not upset him, because your good words addressed to him are like a balm for the soul.

Aries loves to please other people, so his pocket is always open for the needs of friends.

He is stubborn by nature and if he gets something into his head, it is difficult to convince him. Until he is convinced that he thinks or does wrong, no one can change him. After this individual process of thinking, words and actions change dramatically in the opposite direction.

The metal of Aries is iron, which gave this sign hardness, strength and a huge supply of vital energy.

The positive features of Aries are: a strong belief in victory, which allows you not to give up and fight to the bitter end; cheerfulness; the ability to forgive; protection of the weak; risk in the name of achieving someone else's goals; constant readiness to help others; lack of fear in the event of a long and serious struggle.

Negative traits of Aries: unwillingness to recognize someone's power and authority over oneself; impudence; lack of patience; selfishness in actions; inability to think over the whole process and choose the appropriate option for action; jealousy; thirst for glory.

Those born under the sign of Aries are like water flowing through pipes: it flows in the original direction, then, at the angle of the pipe, it can change the direction of the flow and continue to move forward rapidly. So Aries, with a light heart, perceive the forced adjustments that they saw for themselves, and then continue their path to victory with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

They can give wonderful advice. For those people who by nature have slowness, conservatism and a penchant for lengthy reflections, these “gumballs” will be an excellent driving force that can change the situation and adapt to the requirements of the time.

Aries may not be able to control their rage, although this happens infrequently. For example, in the past century, duelists often turned out to be people born under this sign. And since they are used to bringing everything to its logical conclusion, duels often ended in death for one of the parties. Therefore, if you see an angry Aries, then do not try to laugh at him or aggravate his bad mood in another way - after all, he is not responsible for his actions at this moment of affect.

for Aries

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