Less than 2 times. Question: Should the term of the bank guarantee exceed the term of the contract, including the fulfillment of guarantee obligations, by at least one month

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nar., use Often

1. You use the word less to indicate that someone or something has some property, quality to a lesser extent than before.

My impressions of the trip were less vivid than I expected. | Society today feels less secure.

2. If you do something less than before, it means that you do it less often or to a lesser extent.

He thought about her less and less.

3. You are using an expression at least something to emphasize that the amount of something is greater than one might expect.

They received at least 30 percent of the profits. | Treatment will last at least six months.

4. If anyone or anything least of all possesses some quality, which means that he possesses it to a lesser extent than anyone or anything.

Least suited for travel.

5. If anything is More or less true, then it is so to a certain extent, but not completely.

I get a more or less decent salary. | It was not until the age of fifteen that he learned to speak English more or less tolerably.

6. You use an expression Nonetheless when you want to say that something is contrary to what was said before.

Already in 1975, the number of horror films made in the world fell to a catastrophically low level. Nevertheless, it was in this season that Spielberg's Jaws became the highest-grossing film in world cinema. | Opposition activities are virtually banned in Dagestan. Nevertheless, there is opposition in the autonomy.

Despite, however

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .



See what "less" is in other dictionaries:

    less- Less, this word (like the word more) is used to form the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs: less beautiful, less tall, less important. It must be remembered that it is combined with adjectives and adverbs only in the original ... ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    - (book obsolete). comp. to adv. few. Less than two months. Not less important. ❖ Nevertheless (book) however, nevertheless, in spite of that. More or less; no more, no less, see more. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Nevertheless, nevertheless .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. less not so, less, not so, less, not to the same extent, not to the same extent, to a lesser extent, to a lesser extent, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    LESS, adv. 1. The same as less (see small, few). The more insistently he justifies himself, the more I believe him. Knows not m others. 2. In combination with adjectives and adverbs, it means comparison. M. calm. M. interesting. However, the union... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    less- 1. compare. Art. to small and small 1), 2) Another note less than the first. One tree is smaller than the other. 2. compare. Art. adv. see tzh ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Less - adv., smaller, smaller, Ukrainian. smaller, smaller, blr. less, menshy, other Russian, Art. glory. mn̂e minus, mn̂ii, mn̂shi, mn̂e ἑλάττων (Supr.), Serbo-Chorv. m̏њ except, m̏њma less, sloven. mànj, mȃnjši, Czech. meně less, menši, slvt… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    less- I not less / her; Nonetheless; no more/more and no less/her II in meaning. comp. Art. Less strong. Less competent... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I. compare. Art. to Small and Small (1 2 digits). Another note see first. One tree m. another. II. compare. Art. adv. to Little (1 2 digits). All m. liked to walk. M., than before, began to read. ◊ Least of all. Very few, bad. Least of all… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    less- ▲ degree lesser less lesser degree. weaker... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I adj. comp. Art. adj. small II, small II; less I. II adv. qualities. quantities. 1. comp. Art. adv. little I 2. Used in the formation of analytical forms of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs. III predicate. comp. Art. predicate … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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PPE classification:

According to the principle of protection PPE are divided into:



According to the manufacturing method:

Manufactured industrially (personnel)

The simplest, made by the population from improvised materials.

By purpose:

Respiratory protection equipment (PPE OD);

Means of protection of integuments and clothes;

Medical protective equipment.

The accumulation and preparation of PPE is a matter of special concern to the headquarters of the civil defense object of the national economy.

PPE storage locations should be as close as possible to the places of work of workers and employees of the facility, and, if necessary, the issuance of these funds should be ensured as soon as possible.

In peacetime, gas masks are stored in disassembled boxes: gas mask boxes sealed with a rubber stopper and a cap are placed on the bottom of the box, bags are placed on the boxes, and front parts (masks) are placed on top of the bags.

All property must be periodically inspected and troubleshooted in a timely manner. To monitor the PPE, trained specialists who know the rules for storing this property should be allocated.

When a threat of attack is declared, the entire population must be provided with PPE.

If there is a shortage of civilian gas masks at the facility, industrial or respirators may be issued instead. The rest of the population independently makes anti-dust cloth masks, cotton-gauze bandages and other simple means of respiratory protection, and various capes, raincoats, rubber shoes, rubber or leather gloves are prepared to protect the skin.

Respiratory protection equipment:

For respiratory protection relate:

1. gas masks (GP-5, GP-5M, GP-7, PMK, PMK-2, MO-4u-small combined arms, etc.)

2. children's protective cameras (DP-6, DP-6M, PDF-7 with masks MD-1; PDF-D, etc.)

3. respirators (anti-dust - ShB - "Petal", Kama-I, gas-protective - RPG-67, RU-60M, R-2, RM -2, etc.);

4. the simplest means (anti-dust fabric masks and cotton-gauze bandages).

The most reliable means of respiratory protection are gas masks, which also protect the eyes and face of a person from the effects of 0V in drop-liquid and aerosol form (provide protection for 60 minutes).

1) Basic PPE respiratory organs are filtering gas masks.

Their action: purification of contaminated air in the inner layers of the filter-absorbing box, consisting of a mixture and an anti-aerosol filter.

Filtering gas masks do not enrich the inhaled air with oxygen, so they can be used in an atmosphere containing at least 18% oxygen (by volume).

Currently, GP-5 are the most widespread in the country's civil defense system (Fig. 1)

Figure 1. GP-5 (1 - filter-absorbing box; 2 - front part (for GP-5 - helmet-mask, for GP-4u - mask); 3 - bag; 4 - connecting tube; 5 - box with anti-fogging films)

2) Protection of the respiratory organs of children over the age of 1.5 years is provided by children's gas masks (DP-6, DP-6m, PDF-7 and PDF-Sh), and children under 1.5 years old - by children's protective chambers KZD-4, KZD -6.

At enterprises using SDYAV (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, etc.) in technology, industrial gas masks are used to protect the respiratory organs of personnel. The boxes of these gas masks are highly specialized (for protection against certain poisonous substances). Respiratory protection against carbon monoxide, not delayed by the charge of the gas mask, is provided hopcalite cartridge, which is attached additionally to the gas mask box (Fig. 2 - hopkalite cartridge: 1 - hopkalite, 2 - dehumidifier, 3 - outer neck for screwing the gas mask connecting tube, 4 - inner neck for attaching to the gas mask box, 5 - case)

Insulating gas masks, unlike filtering ones, have universal protective properties. . They reliably protect the respiratory organs from all toxic and SDYAV, radioactive dust and biological aerosols in the air in any concentration, because. completely isolate the respiratory organs from the surrounding atmosphere.

Isolating gas masks are used by specialized formations in the conduct of rescue and emergency work in the lesions, in conditions where there are toxic substances in the air that are poorly retained by filtering gas masks. Essential for breathing the air is enriched with oxygen in a regenerative cartridge equipped with a special substance (peroxide and sodium superoxide).

The gas mask consists of:

front part

Regenerative cartridge

Breathing bag, frame and bag.

Insulating gas masks: IP-4, IP-46 or oxygen insulating device KIP-5, KIP-7, KIP-8.

3) Respirators protect respiratory organs from radioactive dust and various harmful aerosols. They are very easy to use, small in size, light in weight and designed for mass production.

Respirators are divided into two types:

  1. The first type is respirators, in which the half mask and the filter element simultaneously serve as the front part.
  2. The second type purifies the inhaled air in the filter cartridges attached to the half mask.

They are subdivided according to purpose on the:

Anti-dust (protect the respiratory organs from various types of aerosols)

Gas masks (from harmful vapors and gases)

Gas and dust protection (from gases, vapors and aerosols with their simultaneous presence in the air).

Fine-fiber filter materials are used as filters in anti-dust respirators. The most widely used polymeric filter materials such as FP (Petryanov filter), due to their high elasticity, mechanical strength, high dust capacity, and most importantly - due to high filtering properties.

Depending on the service life, respirators can be:

Disposable use (SHB-1 "Petal", "Kama", U-2K, R-2), which after working out are unsuitable for further operation;

Reusable (replacement of filters is provided).

In the civil defense system, R-2 and R-2D respirators have found the greatest use.

The R-2 respirator (Fig. 3) is a filtering half-mask 1, equipped with two inhalation valves 2, one exhalation valve 3 (with a protective screen), a headband 5 consisting of elastic (stretchable) and non-stretchable ribbons, and a nose clip 4.

The time of continuous stay in the respirator is up to 12 hours.

If during use, moisture appears in it, it is recommended to remove the respirator for 1 - 2 minutes, remove moisture, wipe the inner surface and put it on again.

4) The simplest personal protective equipment - anti-dust fabric masks PTM-1 and cotton-gauze bandages - are intended to protect the human respiratory organs from radioactive dust and during actions in the secondary cloud of biological agents.

They do not protect against 0V! Mostly the population itself makes masks and bandages.

The PTM-1 mask consists of two main parts - the body and the mount (Fig. 4).

1 - body (from 2 - 4 layers of fabric);

2 - viewing holes into which glasses are inserted;

3 - a strip of fabric sewn to the side edges of the body, with which the mask is attached to the head;

4 - elastic in the upper seam, providing a snug fit of the mask to the head;

5 - transverse elastic band sewn to the upper corners of the mask body;

6 - ties in the bottom seam of the fastening.

The air is cleaned by the entire surface of the mask as it passes through the fabric during inhalation. It is worn when there is a threat of contamination with radioactive dust. When leaving the contaminated area, at the first opportunity, the mask is decontaminated: cleaned (radioactive dust is knocked out), washed in hot water with soap and rinse thoroughly, changing the water.

For the manufacture of a cotton-gauze bandage (Fig. 5), a piece of gauze 100x50 cm in size is required. A layer of cotton wool 1–2 cm thick, 30 cm wide, 20 cm thick is applied to the gauze. Gauze is folded on both sides and placed on cotton wool. The ends of the bandage are cut lengthwise at a distance of 30 - 35 cm so that two pairs of ties are formed. If necessary, cover the mouth and nose with a bandage; the upper ends are tied at the back of the head, and the lower ends at the crown. Cotton balls are placed in narrow strips on both sides of the nose. Protective goggles are used to protect the eyes.

Figure 5. Cotton-gauze dressing

Skin protection products:

In conditions of nuclear, chemical and biological contamination, there is an urgent need to protect not only the respiratory organs, but the entire human body.

Skin care products include:

Special insulating protective clothing

Protective filter clothing (PFO)

Fitted clothes of the population

By appointment skin protection products are divided into:

Special (personnel)


According to the principle of protective action, special are divided into:

1. insulating (airtight): KIKH-4 (about 5 kg, insulating chemical - nitric and sulfuric acid, chlorine, ammonia), KZA (protective emergency, with hydrogen sulfide), etc.

2. filtering (breathable).

Special- reliably protect the skin from vapors and drops of 0V, RV and BV, fully protect from alpha particles and attenuate light emission nuclear explosion.

Isolating means skin protection is made of rubberized fabric and used when people stay in contaminated areas for a long time, when performing degassing, decontamination and disinfection work in the lesions and in the zones of infection. Isolating skin protection products are used only to protect the personnel of formations and military units.

They can be hermetic and non-hermetic. Hermetic protective equipment covers the entire body and protects against vapors and drops of 0V, non-hermetic - only from drops of organic matter.

To insulating protective equipment relate:

Light protective suit L-1 (shirt with a hood, trousers sewn together with stockings, two-fingered gloves and a balaclava, used in reconnaissance units of civil defense);

Protective overalls and suit,

All-arms protective kit.

Filter medium skin protection - a set of protective filtering clothing (ZFO). The main purpose of this kit is protection of human skin from exposure to 0V in a vapor state. The kit also provides protection against radioactive dust and biological agents in the aerosol state. The filtering agent can be ordinary clothes (underwear, tracksuits, etc.), if soaked with a soap-oil emulsion (2.5 liters per set).

The simplest skin protection products, which include ordinary clothing and footwear, apply in the absence of payroll. Raincoats and capes made of PVC or rubberized fabric, coats made of drape, leather, coarse cloth protect well from radioactive dust and biological agents. They can protect against drip-liquid 0V within 5 - 10 minutes, and wet clothes - within 40 - 50 minutes. To protect the legs, it is recommended to use rubber boots, boots, felt boots with galoshes, shoes made of leather and leather substitutes with galoshes. Rubber, leather gloves, canvas mittens are worn to protect hands, and hoods are used to protect the head and neck.

Ordinary clothing treated with a special impregnation can also protect against 0V vapors. As an impregnation, in addition to a soap-oil emulsion, detergents OP-7 and OP-10 are used.

Skin protective equipment is worn in uncontaminated areas.

In insulating means, a person overheats and quickly gets tired. To increase the duration of work at temperatures above +15 ° C, wet shielding (cooling) overalls made of cotton fabric are used, worn over skin protection. Shielding overalls are periodically moistened with water.

The removal of protective equipment is carried out on an uncontaminated area or outside the emergency work zone in such a way as to exclude contact of unprotected parts of the body and clothing with the outer side of the protective equipment.

  • Question: Should the term of the bank guarantee exceed the term of the contract, including the fulfillment of guarantee obligations, by at least one month?
  • Question: Should the term of the bank guarantee exceed the term of the contract, including the fulfillment of guarantee obligations, by at least one month?

    Answer: According to part 4 of Article 33 of the Federal Law on the contract system, the requirements for the warranty period of goods, work, services and (or) the scope of providing guarantees of their quality, for warranty service of goods, for the costs of operating the goods, for the mandatory installation and adjustment of the goods, to the training of persons engaged in the use and maintenance of the goods, are established by the customer if necessary. If the supplier of machinery and equipment is determined, the customer shall establish in the procurement documentation the requirements for the warranty period of the goods and (or) the volume of guarantees for their quality, for the warranty service of the goods, for the costs of servicing the goods during warranty period, as well as to the implementation of the installation and adjustment of the goods, if this is provided for by the technical documentation for the goods. If a supplier of new machinery and equipment is determined, the customer shall establish in the procurement documentation the requirements for providing a guarantee from the manufacturer and (or) supplier of this product and for the period of validity of such a guarantee. The provision of such a guarantee is carried out together with this product.

    In accordance with part 1 of Article 425 of the Civil Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) the contract enters into force and becomes binding on the parties from the moment of its conclusion.

    According to Part 3 of Article 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a law or an agreement may provide that the expiration of the agreement entails the termination of the obligations of the parties under the agreement.

    An agreement in which there is no such condition is recognized as valid until the moment of completion of the fulfillment of obligations by the parties specified in it.

    In accordance with Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law on the Contract System, the contract is concluded on the terms and conditions provided for by the notice of procurement or an invitation to participate in determining the supplier (contractor, performer), procurement documentation, application, final offer of the procurement participant, with whom the contract is concluded, except for cases in which, in accordance with the Federal th law ohm on the contract system, a notice of a procurement or an invitation to participate in the selection of a supplier (contractor, performer), procurement documentation, an application, a final offer are not provided.

    According to Part 3 of Article 96 of the Federal Law on the Contract System, the execution of the contract can be ensured by the provision of a bank guarantee issued by the bank and meeting the requirements of Article 45 of the Federal Law on the Contract System, or by depositing funds to the account specified by the customer, on which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation operations with funds received by the customer are taken into account. The method of ensuring the execution of the contract is determined by the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded independently. The term of the bank guarantee must exceed the term of the contract by at least one month.

    Taking into account the above, the customer may include in the procurement documentation (in the procurement object) requirements for the warranty period of goods, work, services and (or) the volume of guarantees for their quality and the inclusion of the warranty period in the term of the contract. In this case, the bank guarantee provided by the supplier (contractor, performer) as a security for the performance of the contract must exceed the term of the contract (including the warranty period) by at least one month.

    More than / greater than (,) than

    adverbial expression and words as part of a comparative turnover

    1. adverbial expression(without the particle "not"). The same as "very, very, completely." There is no punctuation mark between the words "more (more)" and "than".

    “Here they are,” thought the dignitary, slowly examining the alien, more than foreign visitor. - Well, what a disgusting mug, Lord! L. Andreev, Peace. His guest was already waiting there - a large plump lady with a red, fleshy face and glasses, looking very respectable and dressed more than decent... A. Chekhov, Drama.

    2. Words in a comparative phrase. A comma is placed before the word "what".

    A few more than it would be necessary with his growth, plump, round, also bald. V. Shukshin, "Raskas".A cute beast has played tricks in a new place more than mine. D. Mamin-Sibiryak, Medvedko.Here is my dear Dodik, dear and so smart, he will grow up more bigger than you. L. Andreev, Giant.My stay in the department of juveniles and then in one of the capital's cadet corps is full of a wide variety of memories for me, among which there are, of course, many sad ones. more than funny ones, but I won't put them in my notes. H. Leskov, Childhood.Garaska scolded Bargamot himself so fantastically real that he, not understanding even all the salt of Garaska's witticisms, felt that he was offended more than if he had been thrashed. L. Andreev, Bargamot and Garaska.

    @ The reference books on punctuation (, in the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal) contain a recommendation not to put a comma between the parts of the revolutions "() more than", "() less than", if they do not contain a comparison. This recommendation is illustrated by examples: The parcel weighs no more than eight kilograms (cf.: ... no more than eight kilograms );You were more than a friend to me and etc.

    However, this rule is often difficult to apply in practice. It is possible to propose another criterion for the distinction, namely: if the phrase “no more than” or “less than” can be replaced by the words “as a maximum; the biggest; or less", then the comma is not put. Wed: Parcel weighs no more than eight kilograms = Parcel weighs at most eight kilograms; The parcel weighs a maximum of eight kilograms; The parcel weighs eight kilograms or less.

    A similar rule can be proposed for revolutions “more than” and “not less than”: if they can be replaced by the words “at least; the least; and even more", then the comma is not put. Wed: You were more than a friend to me = You were a friend to me, even more.

    Wed also: Vodka was bitter, diluted, on the occasion of the holiday, with water more than three quarters. V. Korolenko, Son Makara(= at least three-quarters, at least three-quarters, three-quarters, and even more). Thus the secret was kept more than half a dozen conspirators. A. Pushkin, Snowstorm(=half a dozen and even more).

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

    Loss of general ability to work with unfavorable labor and clinical prognosis, or with a determined outcome, regardless of the terms of disability, or with a duration of health disorder over 120 days (hereinafter referred to as permanent loss of general ability to work).

    Persistent loss of general ability to work consists in the irreversible loss of functions in the form of disability (loss of a person’s innate and acquired abilities for self-service) and a person’s ability to work, regardless of his qualifications and profession (specialty) (loss of a person’s innate and acquired abilities for action aimed at obtaining a socially significant result in the form of a specific product, product or service).

    In children, the labor prognosis in terms of the possibility of a permanent loss of general (professional) ability to work in the future is also determined as in adults, in accordance with the Medical Criteria for determining the severity of harm to health. P. 19-21 Medical criteria for determining the severity of harm to health.

    A.V. Datius in the reference dictionary defines permanent disability as a permanent (almost for life) loss of the ability to work.

    The overall working capacity is the same for all people, regardless of education and professional skills. A health disorder, combined with a significant permanent loss of at least one third of the general ability to work, means that the victim has lost it by 30% or more (it is an independent sign of serious harm to health). See ibid. - P. 6.11. The amount of permanent disability is established by a medical expert after the outcome of the injury has been determined on the basis of a special table (Table No. 2 in the Appendix), which is an integral Appendix to the Medical Criteria. The experts are also guided by the data indicated in table No. 1 (to Appendix No. 2 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 407 of 10.12.96). In the course of a forensic medical examination, a specific outcome of the injury must be established, which is compared with the relevant data contained in the Table, which shows the size (in%) of the permanent loss of general ability to work in relation to the established outcome of the injury caused to the victim.

    So, according to tables No. 1, No. 2 (in the Appendix), the absence of the right hand at the level of the wrist or metacarpal bones is 65% of the permanent loss of general ability to work. Consequently, the harm to health should be assessed as severe, causing a permanent disability of at least one third (ie more than 30%). According to the same criterion, loss of vision in one eye is assessed as a serious bodily injury, resulting in 35% of permanent loss of general ability to work.