Vibration pump "Aquarius": characteristics, pros and cons. Which vibration pump is better to choose for a well Vibration pump aquarius 1

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Raise water from a well or well using a pump. The Aquarius pump is characterized by users as a reliable and easy-to-use device. Manufactured by the Promelectro plant under the Aquarius brand, the pumps have a European quality certificate and are inexpensive. The equipment is completed with domestic parts, with the exception of a thermal relay. The block is supplied from Germany by Thermik.

Types of pumps

Depending on the operating conditions, Aquarius pumps can be surface, submersible and deep. All pumps have two compartments - pumping and motor. The operating principle of the working body is vibratory or centrifugal. The general requirement is that the pump only works in the aquatic environment.

Surface pumps Aquarius are installed near the well. The intake hose, also known as the suction pipe, can raise liquid to a level of up to 9 meters. Operating condition - before start-up, the suction pipe must be under the bay, therefore, a check valve must be installed on the line. The pump can pump clean water from open reservoirs and wells, it is easy to move, it is inexpensive. There are 3 models of the BC series in the line, for pumping water with a temperature of up to 35 0 C. The unit does not work noisily, since the single-phase motor has low power, the design is simple, not waterproof.

The Aquarius submersible pump starts up 10 minutes after being lowered into the chamber. An empty apparatus cannot be turned on - a breakdown is inevitable. The pump consists of an engine, a working body, a cable, a float and a discharge pipe. by way of suspension or stationary fastening. In this case, the kit must have protection against dry suction and a thermal relay. The equipment of the NVP series is used. The equipment has a lower capacity, but does not clog when working in muddy water. Products of the BTsPEU series are also used. Submersible pumps are installed to a depth of up to 7 m with a capacity of up to 3.8 m 3 /hour. In this case, the cross section of the casing pipe must be greater than 110 mm.

NVP vibration pumps can pump turbid liquid, be installed in casing pipes of small section, but they have a shorter working life. Therefore, users prefer centrifugal machines

If the well is deep, Aquarius must be used. A well is called a product that has a large capacity and can supply water from a well to sand with the required pressure. These are centrifugal screw installations with an elongated working chamber. Models of the BTsPE series are installed on wells with a cross section of 120 mm.

Deep pumps Aquarius are installed in an artesian well of great depth. Apply:

  • centrifugal;
  • vibratory membrane installations.

Vibratory pumps can be installed even in a narrow pipe, since the casing is made with an outer section of 86 mm. Devices of the BTsPE and NVP series have an electric drive alternating current with a mains voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. The devices can deliver an agent from a depth of 200 m to a height of up to 150 m. Depending on the performance, the weight of the Aquarius BTsPE deep pump can reach 17.8 kg and have a linear size of up to 2.5 m. The deep mechanisms are equipped with all the necessary automation, the condensate box is taken out outside the well. During installation, the pump is placed at a level of 1.0 - 0.4 m from the bottom of the well in order to raise the settled water.

The centrifugal pump for the Aquarius well is available in various modifications. They differ:

  • power;
  • pressure;
  • nominal and maximum flow;
  • size and number of steps.

The operation of a centrifugal pump is provided by an engine, from the shaft of which the rotation is transmitted to the impeller blades through a sealed partition. Depending on the purpose, several stages of lifting are used, providing the necessary technical parameters.

The membrane apparatus does not have an impeller. The engine and work compartment is separated by a membrane. Due to the oscillatory movement from the rod, the necessary lifting force is created.

The manufacturer makes all pumps for pumping clean water from neutral materials allowed by standards. Stainless steel, brass, special polymers do not interact with the agent.

Submersible pumps are used more often. They work with constant engine cooling in stable conditions, which increases engine life. On average, submersible devices operate 3 years longer than surface ones.

Device, principle of operation and application of the Aquarius-3 pump

The equipment operates from a single-phase network, pumps clean water with a temperature not exceeding 35 0 C, and is used with an immersion depth of 1-40 meters. The pump can work for 2 hours with a break of 15 minutes. The device is produced with protection against electric shock I, II class.

The Aquarius-3 pump belongs to the vibration class. The hydraulic chamber is a closed tube space with a suction valve. Due to the vibration produced by a special unit, the chamber is alternately filled and water is ejected into the discharge pipeline.

The pump in the casing must be fixed. It is unacceptable to hang it on the supply cable or sampling hose. From time to time it is necessary to revise the design for abrasion of the protective ring.

Technical characteristics of the pump Aquarius (Lepse):

  • type - centrifugal, submersible;
  • productivity - 400 l / h;
  • power 265 V;
  • immersion depth - 1-3 m;
  • weight - 4 kg.

The same Aquarius-3 apparatus is used for pumping clean water. The pump is equipped with an automatic Thermik unit. The starting device is connected to the automation. The outlet fitting has a control valve - the flow and pressure change.

Description of the BTsPE Aquarius pump for a pipe of 110 mm

The Aquarius 40 pump is installed on casing pipes with a cross section of 110 mm, this is reflected in the marking by the presence of the letter U. The household pump is a truncated cone. A submersible device is used to pump water from tanks and wells. The motor is single-phase, the working impeller is multi-stage. The engine is located in the oil compartment, but the ingress of oil products into the water is excluded by the design of the labyrinths.

The water flow is regulated by shut-off valves at the discharge, but a complete shutdown of the supply when the pump is running is unacceptable. A pinched water supply hose to the tank can lead to overheating of the pump. When the engine is turned off by a protective relay, after the case has cooled down, the unit will turn on automatically.

Technical indicators Aquarius 0.5-40U:

  • head up to 50 m;
  • productivity - 1.8 m 3 / hour;
  • engine power - 1 kW;
  • external section of the body - 104 mm

Voltage fluctuations in the network, a clogged or kinked hose can damage the pump. It is necessary to carry out Maintenance pump every 2 years with checking the condition of the seals, cleaning the housing, inspecting the working part.

Series of pumps with reduced water consumption.

The Aquarius 32 pump is designed for users who do not need a large installation capacity. This may be caused by a small flow of water into the receiving chamber of the well. On the other hand, high consumption for household needs is not needed. The 32 series line is extensive. Due to the pressure options and the use of equipment in deep wells, several models have been created. The traditional good price / quality ratio has been expanded with additional equipment. The standard cable length is equal to the head in meters. The kit comes with a nylon cable - a suspension and a capacitor unit connected to the cable. At the same time, the Aquarius 0.32-140U pump can supply water from a depth of 150 m.

The advantage of the 32 series is:

  • the ability to operate equipment with low consumption in nominal mode;
  • devices are made taking into account sanitary standards for contact of the tool with food materials;
  • there is a thermostat;
  • sufficient cable length;
  • low cost of the product.

The user can easily pick up the Aquarius brand pump for pumping water from any tanks and wells with temperatures below 35 0 C. The equipment of this brand has established itself as reliable, resistant to voltage drops. It is allowed to use some models on obviously muddy water. In Russia, Aquarius pumps are leaders in sales.

The equipment is repairable, spare parts are inexpensive, you can disassemble and assemble the tool with your own hands.

Pros and cons of the Aquarius pump - video

Despite great controversy regarding the reliability and feasibility of installing vibration models, Aquarius pumps consistently occupy their niche in the list of popular, budgetary, practical, easy-to-install and use models.

Application and models

"Aquarius" is used:

  • for raising water from open sources (rivers, ponds, lakes, artificial reservoirs), as well as containers with a limited diameter (cistern, tanks);
  • for pumping liquid from cellars, trenches, pits;
  • for the intake of drinking water from wells;
  • for irrigation of small areas.

The pump is available in three versions: Alpheus, Orion and Poseidon.

Models differ in their technical characteristics:

  • nominal and maximum volume of water supply;
  • power consumption;
  • dimensions (height and diameter);
  • nominal pressure;
  • the number of valves (the larger their number, the more water can be provided).

The most powerful in its category is the BV-0.16-63-U5 Poseidon model. The power of the device is 230W, the water supply is from 580 to 2000 l/h. Models with 2 valves are popular (although there are also four valves). The pump is capable of lifting water to a height of 30-80 m.

Operation features

The pump belongs to submersible mechanisms for pumping liquid, that is, the device is placed below the water surface, in the depth of a reservoir, tank, trench.

If the water layer is smaller, or the device is too close to the bottom, the quality of the pumped liquid deteriorates, it becomes cloudy, as the particles of silt, soil, sand from the bottom come into suspension. Small particles are sucked in and rise with the water.

Moreover, the vibration pump mechanism lifts not only small particles, but also rather large pieces of soil that are not sucked up by the filter, but settle at the bottom of the well, the bottom of the well “silts up”, and the productivity of the aquifer decreases.

Therefore, normal and long-term operation of the vibration pump is possible if the well is drilled in soil with coarse sand, stone fractions.

Fine-grained sand, sooner or later, will clog the pump filter or, having penetrated inside, will disable the mechanism.

Vibratory pumps are used with caution in wells. The peculiarity of the pump is reflected in the name. However, vibrations affect not only the operation of the mechanism itself (everything that vibrates wears out faster), but also the condition of the casing.

Specialist's note: vibration pumps are often purposefully used in the early stages of pumping wells, to collect dirty water from wells.

Vibration affects the connection points of the mechanism parts. Piston mounts, valves quickly unwind. Therefore, in these places, some craftsmen immediately replace ordinary nuts with self-locking ones.


The main advantages of Aquarius vibration pumps include:

  1. Relatively low price.
  2. Easy to operate. The mechanism does not require frequent disassembly, lubrication of parts.
  3. The mechanism is located in the depths of the water space, completely washed by a layer of water. That is, water becomes a natural cooling component of the system.
  4. Pump parts do not respond to alkaline indicators of water. Salt deposits do not form on them.
  5. The operation of the pump is practically not affected by the temperature of the surrounding liquid.
  6. Compact, small size.
  7. The device can be used in narrow wells and pipelines from 100 mm in diameter.
  8. Easily dismantled if necessary.

The most powerful pump of the BV-0.16-63-U5 Poseidon series (2 valves) has a sealed housing that prevents water from entering the mechanism. The casing is protective and decorative.

The coating will acquire decorative and protective properties thanks to the technology of powder coating by electrophoresis. The application of a layer of powder polymers contributes to:

  • increase the life of the pump and its reliability;
  • increase in durability at long interaction of the mechanism and water.

In order to prevent overheating of the mechanism, the pump is equipped with protective automation. Overheating can occur as a result of a decrease in the water level and the operation of the mechanism "dry". For the pump to burn out, 10-30 seconds of idle operation is enough (if thermal protection is not installed).

However, with good soil quality, subject to safety precautions and normal operation (alternating active water intake - 120 minutes and time to cool the mechanism - 15 minutes) - the vibration pump will last at least 5-8 years.

Watch the video, which shows the principle of operation of a vibration water pump, which fully applies to Aquarius vibration pumps:

Vibration pump Aquarius is the most reliable assistant in your country house. This brand has firmly established itself in the leading positions of the world market. Firstly, this is due to its affordability, and secondly, the quality of products.

Brand "Aquarius" has a large range of equipment for water supply:

  • these are pumps for working with dirty water, in which there is a high content of sand;
  • electric pumps, with centrifugal system.

All types of pumps differ in the manufacturer's parameters: power consumption; head of water; well diameter; number of valves; maximum water supply.

Borehole pumps Aquarius

Downhole pumps include the following models:

Aquarius pump BTsPE 0.32 - equipment productivity 0.32 m 3 in 1 sec., for 1 hour - this is 3.6 m 3 of water. Constant pressure at a height of 40 meters.

Two main models, which in turn have subspecies:

  • pump Aquarius BTsPE 1.2 - productivity reaches 1.2 m 3 in 1 sec. The pressure of the water column reaches 80 m. The weight of the pump also depends on the chosen model: from 7 to 24 kg.
  • Aquarius pump BTsPE 1.6 - pump performance indicator 1.6 m 3 in 1 sec. Stable water pressure at a height of 40 m. The weight of the device also depends on the variety.

Drainage pumps Aquarius

Drainage - such a pump is used to pump dirty water from a freshly dug well, or to drain basements.

Filter systems are necessarily built into the drain pumps to prevent solid particles from entering the equipment. The position in which these pumps are used is vertical.

The two-valve vibration pump Aquarius BV-0.14-63-U5 has the following characteristics:

According to reviews, the two-valve vibration pump Aquarius BV-0.14-63-U5 has the following advantages:

The vibration pump "Aquarius Poseidon" (BV-0.16-63-U5) with a four-valve water intake system is suitable for wells and wells with a diameter of 12 cm or more, the depth at which this pump operates reaches 100 meters.

This model is ideal for supplying potable water, and for use in vegetable garden watering. The design of the Aquarius Poseidon pump is unique and made of high quality materials.

Vibration pump Aquarius consists of an electric motor and pumping equipment.

Each pump is accompanied by an instruction manual with operating rules, which reflects the following:

With proper operation, the Aquarius vibration pump will serve you for a long time.

Benefits of using Aquarius vibration pump:

On the official website of Vinnitsa you will find a full range of Aquarius vibration pumps.

The number of water wells in our country is constantly increasing, which means that the demand for household submersible pumps is constantly increasing. The most popular type in this classification are vibrating devices. The proven manufacturing technology was laid down in the second half of the 20th century. This year, about 1 million pieces have already hit the shelves, although the market is not limited to this number. In such an abundance, it’s hard to figure out which vibration pump is better on your own.

One of the most famous names for such devices is "Baby" and "Spring". However, recently the model range has expanded significantly due to local manufacturers and representatives of Chinese business.

Well hydraulics

When choosing which well pump is best for specific conditions, it is necessary to take into account a number of important operational factors:

  • the geometric and physical parameters of the well are taken into account;
  • the required volume of water for use in the country or in a private house;
  • not the last role is played by the value on the price tag for the purchased copy.

When choosing a pricing policy, it is worth considering not only the payment for one pump, but the total price of a pumping station for a well, including main wiring from the pipeline. The kit includes both domestic water supply and the supply of fluid to the sheds with domestic animals, as well as wiring for watering garden crops.

It is advisable to take care of the availability of a spare water storage tank, as well as the maximum automation of the system. This module will reduce the effect of water hammer in the system, and will also allow you to maintain the required pressure in the pipes at the level of 2.5-3 atm.

Vibration pump design

The submersible vibration pump has a simple design. At the same time, it does not need any additional maintenance, such as regular lubrication or mandatory preventive maintenance.

The device is based on several important modules:

  • electromagnet;
  • vibrator;
  • sealed housing.

An electromagnet is a metal core made of steel, as well as coils connected in a series circuit. The core is made in the form of a U-shape. It is made up of many sheet plates of the same shape.

There is also a working membrane, which provides additional fixation to the working rod. It has a pair of non-return valves mounted on it to bypass water on time.

VIDEO: Overview and repair of a vibration pump

The use of a vibration pump in a well

You can operate the vibration pump in the well at any convenient depth. In this case, it is worth considering that vibration can be reflected in the surrounding space. When the channel is made in stable rocks, for example, in sandstone, clayey rocks or stony soil, then such an apparatus does not bear any complications.

But if there is instability of the soil, layers of quicksand rocks are noticed, then the vibration can slightly muddy the water. For further use of the liquid, you will need to use various filters. Excessive vibration can even contribute to clogging of channels, which will negatively affect the inflow.

A positive quality that contributes to the purchase of a vibration pump is its small price tag. However, if comfort is in the first place for the owner of the water supply, then they often pay attention to the use of pumping stations.

Additional electrical protection

If the pump in the well for water supply at home is vibration, then it is recommended to mount an electric stabilizer before connecting it. The appliance will balance the voltage supply on weak power lines. The need for a stable current value lies in the fact that during the start the pump is forced to consume a high starting current.

Also, during operation, "Baby" or "Spring" will give out a guaranteed pressure while maintaining the voltage at the same level. Any stabilizer is able to extend the life of the pump, because manufacturers calculate their characteristics precisely from stable voltage, current and frequency values.

Choice between models

When the owner of a country house has decided on the type of apparatus, it remains to choose which vibration pump is better according to the model. For this, appropriate search criteria are selected.


The value determines the amount of water pumped per hour. There are three groups:

  • minimum - up to 350 l / h;
  • medium - 750 l / h;
  • powerful 1500 l/hour and more.

Productivity is correlated with the debit of water. You should not take an extremely powerful one that can pump out all the water in a few minutes, and then you have to wait for it to run again.


The indicator is relevant for a significant distance of the consumer object from the water intake point. The division goes like this:

  • the minimum for pumps is 40 m water column;
  • a sufficient average value of 60 m;
  • maximum for household appliances up to 90 m.

It is worth considering that the pressure is not excessive, since in the calculation about 20% should be reset to losses. With a horizontal arrangement, a distance of 10 m is equivalent to 1 m of immersion.

Water intake

There are two large types of intake, one draws water from below, and the second has a fence from above. The last option is the most optimal, since it does not take particles of sand, large fractions of debris. It practically does not clog.

If the hearth enters the vibration pump from below, then this effect is relevant for flushing freshly drilled wells. Suspensions are driven through the cavity, and small debris is easily washed from the remnants of work.

Housing material

Early models were produced exclusively from aluminum. Such a body was easy to maintain, but could be covered with growths, and was also subjected to corrosion processes in some places.

In the current conditions, manufacturers offer plastic cases. They are also comfortable when working with water, but are not affected by rust. The disadvantage of such instances is the significant fragility of the body elements.

Popular questions

What is better for a private house: a vibrating or centrifugal borehole pump?

At first, vibration designs were very popular, but over time they were replaced by more powerful and productive centrifugal ones.

The first option is suitable for small domestic needs - pumping water out of the pit, watering the site, cleaning the well. At the same time, it can work with varying degrees of pollution.

The centrifugal well, despite its significant power, cannot cope even with low pollution. It works only with clean media, so it is not suitable for pumping water from a basement or a well.

Do I need to use a voltage stabilizer?

Without any doubt. For any technique, a voltage stabilizer is an indispensable element that ensures stable operation even with significant voltage fluctuations.

The stabilizer is especially relevant in country houses and summer cottages, where sharp jumps are often observed. Able to disable any equipment, especially pumps. Considering that this is not a warranty case, count on a replacement or repair even during the validity period. warranty period won't have to.

Which pump is better - "Brook" or "Kid"?

These two models are absolute leaders in the domestic market. This is due to an affordable price, maintainability, and sufficiently high-quality characteristics. In fact, there is no fundamental difference in visual perception and design.


In terms of the number of sales, the “Rucheyok” made in Belarus is in first place, followed by the domestic development “Kid”, manufactured in the village of Bavleny in the Vladimir region. In terms of price and features, they are in the same row.

It makes no sense to give recommendations which one is better, since they are almost identical. The only thing we can advise is to focus on the previous model, since experience with a particular brand will make it possible to objectively evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.

VIDEO: How to get the pump if it is stuck