Good Deeds Day of the year. "day of good deeds" will unite everyone who wants to help those in need

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February 17, 2017 is World Spontaneous Kindness Day. This is an international holiday when all people do good deeds and do good for others.

This holiday is already several years old - it was established in the USA at the initiative of charitable organizations and picked up around the world.

In that kindness holiday everyone has the opportunity to make a donation and participate in charitable activities. In many countries, charity marathons are held with the participation of famous artists and public figures.

Why is Good Day needed?

Spontaneous Kindness Day appeared as a reminder that lately we are sometimes indifferent to the problems and misfortunes of others. We concentrate on our worries and pass by. But we expect mercy and responsiveness from people in a difficult period. On this day, it is important to remember how important kindness, compassion and mutual assistance are.

Kindness is one of the most important human virtues. It is sincere kindness, participation and support that is especially appreciated.

Kindness always goes along with unselfishness; it does not expect gratitude or mutual help. Pleasure should be given to good deeds in themselves, without expectation of reward or praise. This is true kindness.

The feeling of anger and resentment that fills the heart worsens your health and does not develop you spiritually. Good deeds bring happiness, lead to a better physical condition and heal the soul.

Learn to enjoy your good deeds that come from your heart and are perceived by the hearts of others. This is how the Universe gives you the opportunity to be involved in making the world a better place. And of course, according to the law of the Universe, goodness will definitely return!

Kindness Day - how to spend

In many countries, it is customary on this day of kindness to give flowers to passers-by and strangers and to convey the goodness of your heart to people who also have a desire to do something good.

  • You can help needy children by giving them a piece of your love and what is really not enough for complete happiness.
  • Treat a frozen person on a winter day with hot tea or feed him in the nearest canteen.
  • Ask for forgiveness and visit parents and loved ones whom you still remember, but have not seen for a long time.
  • Pick up a homeless dog or cat and shelter under your wing.
  • Make a bird feeder.
  • Don't refuse to help someone.
  • A person is happy when he gives. Being kind is the destiny of the strong, not weakness, because good deeds help to become a real person and preserve the best qualities of character. See how easy it is to support people who are nearby, take care of your loved ones, smile at strangers.

Open your heart to the Light and try to keep this state throughout the year, and not just on this February day. Try to start this kindness day in February with good deeds and this year will be kind and favorable for you! Happy holiday!

good deeds day

good deeds day- this is a holiday on March 25, when people all over the world do some good deeds, help each other, forgive all insults to each other.


According to legend, the Day of Good Deeds originated on March 25 in the 14th-15th centuries. A merchant arrived in Moscow, which was then developing at an accelerated pace, and began to donate his money to charity. He did not just throw his money down the drain, but gave it for specific things: to fix someone's roof or for other household needs. In memory of this, the inhabitants of the street where the merchant stopped, that day began to help each other and do various good deeds. Gradually, this holiday acquired a wider scope, then the rumor about it began to subside.


Now the holiday is remembered again. In recent years, Good Deeds Day has been celebrated in different regions of Russia at the initiative of various public organizations. Recently, celebrations on March 25 are also held in Israel and Ukraine. There is an alternative version of Good Deeds Day - Random Act of Kindness Day, which is celebrated on February 17 in many countries around the world.

see also

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The most popular feeling in life is kindness. It is difficult to describe, to give an exact formulation. It can do great things, reconcile neighbors, tame animals, make the world more beautiful. Such an important word must have its own holiday.

kindness day

The history of choosing the date of the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness is little studied. But it is known for sure that the initiators were numerous public and charitable organizations of the world. In November 1998, the first conference of the World Movement for Good was held. Venue: Tokyo. The event was attended by representatives of leading countries. The participants decided to celebrate the seventeenth of February as the World Kindness Day.

At first, 7 states participated in the action: the USA, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, England, Australia and Canada. Later European powers began to join. The Russian Federation pulled itself up to the movement quite recently. The main purpose of the holiday is to encourage people to good, noble deeds through good and positive. The holiday knows no boundaries, racial and religious affiliation. He fights inequality, gives positive energy, reconciles those who quarreled.

About good

Good in our world works according to the “boomerang principle”. It always returns good, only with a greater value! Dobro is an active participant in poetry and works of art. This term is included in the title of many songs and films. Here are the phrases we often use:

  • Good morning.
  • Good afternoon.
  • Good health.
  • Welcome.

A great example and call for kindness is this popular song:

The main highlight of kindness is not to demand retaliatory actions, not to seek benefits. You can remember the wonderful Soviet cartoon "Just like that." Generous animals gave each other a bouquet of flowers just like that. It was a rush of soul and heart, a desire to cheer up and cheer up the first person you meet. The cartoon is still loved by children and adults in Russia.

Outlook for 2018

No difficulties and changes in society can abolish the category of "good" from our lives. In the legislation of Russia there is no official holiday "Day of Kindness". Solemn events will not be held in the Kremlin, it is foolish to expect congratulations from the first persons of the country on this date. Only in a science fiction movie can the head of state congratulate the people on such a holiday by lowering the price of a communal apartment and raising the wages of ordinary people. Each person will be able to independently take the initiative and arrange a small holiday in his home or work team. And you don’t need much for this: a little creativity, love and fantasy. Conveniently, in 2018 February 17 falls on a Sunday.

How to live on February 17?

If you kind person then be yourself. If you feel rude and greedy, then you have to work a little. Do something nice for a colleague who offended you, forgive an insignificant debt to a neighbor, move your grandmother across the road. Better yet, don't wait until that date arrives. Live positively and make small surprises to everyone around you. Remember - even despots gave hot tea to their victims before execution. If you work in the field of education, upbringing, culture, be sure to arrange a small holiday the day before.

It is often held in kindergarten, at school, at a university or library. Even in the camp for bandits, you can show a kind and heart-rending film "White Bim, Black Ear". Perhaps in some dark soul the string of anger and hatred will break. Kindness, care and attention are very much lacking in our lives. Many people do not remember what date is mom's birthday or wedding anniversary. Kindness Day can be considered a day of mercy, joy and a course for the better.

For the epigraph:

We are always happy to do good, it does not require a reward, give good just like that, you can’t buy it for a nickel!


In 2007, the first Good Deeds Day was organized by businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison and the non-profit organization Ruach Tova, part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, a philanthropic arm of the Arison Group. “I believe that if people with kind thoughts do good deeds and speak kind words, there will be more and more goodness in the world. “Good Deeds Day” has become the main day of caring, and this year individuals, schoolchildren, students, soldiers and employees of different companies will all participate in this annual action together, doing good deeds for others,” says Shari Arison.


Good Deeds Day is taking over the world!
Since its inception in 2007, this annual tradition of good deeds has gone from 7,000 participants in Israel to almost 1 million worldwide by 2015. In 2011, the project became international and united people in 10 cities around the world, including many in the United States. In 2012, we reached Europe and partnered with MTV Global to launch a six-week promo campaign on their websites and TV channels with an audience of 24 million people worldwide. In 2013, 16,000 volunteers from 50 countries took part in hundreds of projects, including events with the ABC Network in New York. And then, in 2014, the number of Good Deeds participants doubled. This is our second year with ABC Network NYC, and we've partnered with leading volunteer organizations on a massive TV, radio and social media campaign. 500,000 people took part in Israel and 35,000 in the rest of the world.

Good Deeds Day continued its march around the world and held its biggest day on April 7, 2019. 3,900,000 participants from 108 countries took part in 20,000 projects and dedicated 7.8 million hours to good deeds.

A person in our rapidly developing world often forgets about valuable moral criteria, such as love, support, mutual assistance and kindness. Well, if they are still used, then all intentions and deeds remain for a long time in the hearts of not only those to whom they are intended, but also those who are their bearers.

Therefore, the holiday of kindness is so important, the main task of which is to develop in each of us the need to do good deeds in relation to others. Its goal is to form and nurture in young people a sense of mercy and compassion, sensitivity and goodwill.


The world will become kinder if each of us does good deeds. It is not for nothing that in Eastern religions since ancient times there have been beliefs that such deeds affect the future fate of a person and the possibility of his new reincarnation. Those who held this opinion united in 1997 in the World Kindness Movement. Volunteers and volunteers, doing good deeds, inspired others. They became the backbone of the organization. In 1998, on November 13, the first conference was held. It took place in Tokyo. And representatives of many countries (Japan, Thailand, Australia and others) participated in it. In subsequent years, new states joined the movement.

In 2000, the participants who attended the 3rd conference of this organization came up with the initiative to hold a holiday of kindness. This proposal was voiced in Singapore and supported unanimously. The symbol of the holiday is an open heart. His image was created and offered by an artist from France. And one of the main traditions for many nations is the presentation of flowers not only to relatives, but also to all strangers.

In 2009, this holiday was first held in Russia. Everyone who wished could write letters with good wishes to the elderly living in boarding schools. In doing so, they performed a selfless act for the benefit of others.

Many scientific studies have proven that those who participate in good deeds live longer and are more likely to be happy. They are not prone to depression and blues, like others. This day, like any other, you need to start small - say words of gratitude to your relatives, give beautiful poems, bouquets of fresh flowers.


The future for many people depends on costly surgeries. For seriously ill children, donations are collected on this day, which give hope for recovery. To do this, they organize the sale of various crafts at charity markets. Usually people are not stingy and spend their money on buying such souvenirs.

In medical institutions, blood is collected, on the transfusion of which, in many cases, the further full life depends, both for adults and children. A variety of auctions, concerts are being prepared, and the proceeds are directed to the necessary regular rehabilitation.

All kinds of ideas of noble deeds are discussed on the pages of sites on the Internet, and then they are brought to life. Canteens and doss houses are opened for the homeless. Orphanages are visited by famous singers and film actors. They communicate with children and give them gifts. In many theaters, free performances are held for such children.