Skype chat online dating. Virtual dating on Skype

All about spotlights

Every dating method has its pros and cons. Skype is no exception.


  • Since you can not only chat on Skype, but also conduct video conversations, you can always be sure exactly who is sitting on the other side of the screen. In addition, it is enough to be attentive to see how your interlocutor behaves.
  • Wide selection. In ordinary life, there are not as many candidates as there are in Skype. In addition, you can always set certain parameters by which it is easy to find a girl with similar interests. This is also suitable for small towns and villages, where there are practically no interesting girls for you personally.
  • If desired, you can install specialized programs that change the voice. So you can easily surprise your new passion and distinguish yourself from many other guys.


Preparatory stage

The preparation phase begins with the correct registration in Skype. In this case it is necessary to indicate only your personal accurate data.

The most banal example - you registered and set a false age. Of course, this is not noticeable when writing. But you also intend to see the girl in the video? Therefore, it is not necessary to make such shortcomings at the very beginning of the acquaintance. This applies to everyone.

After registering, you must have all the necessary equipment at hand so as not to get into trouble. Imagine that a pretty girl called you, and you cannot talk to her because the video camera or microphone simply does not work.

Therefore, set everything up carefully and correctly so as not to miss the opportunity for cool communication.

How to start dating?

Many guys are worried about where to start dating a girl on Skype. Perhaps the most important thing is do not use standard phrases and turns.

How many times have you seen banal questions like “Hi, how are you?”, “Hi, what are you doing?” did the girls respond either dryly or completely ignored the message? Most likely, this has happened to you more than once. Indeed, why should a girl respond to boring ones at all?

Be different from other guys! , for example: "Hello! My name is Evgeniy. I came across your profile on Skype, you are interested in me, so we can get to know each other. I study at the university, I am engaged in sales ... ". And so on.

In no case do not copy ready-made phrases, the girls have heard and read them more than once. Come up with something of your own.

Once the contact is established, you need to move on.

We bring the girl to the conversation

So, you agreed in correspondence with the girl to chat via video link. What and how to talk to her? Don't make the mistake of most guys - do not try in the first minutes to invite her on a date.

First, interest your chosen one in something interesting so that she understands why she should go with you. For example, read poetry to her or tell her interesting life stories. Chat like this for a few days and only after that invite her to a meeting. At the same time, do not delay the invitation.

Girls don't like uncultured guys. So show her yours politeness, communicate with her tactfully. Don't ask weird questions like "How much do you earn?" or “Which apartment do you live in?”. If needed, she will tell you about it herself.

In real life, beautiful girls are very popular. On the Internet, it becomes even more in demand. Therefore, she is unlikely to answer banal questions, because she reads hundreds of them every day and sees the complete unoriginality of the guys. Use some simple tips to start chatting:

  • It is not recommended to immediately talk with a girl on political and religious topics. The fact is that you may have an argument due to extremely opposing opinions.
  • Invite a girl on a date only to a crowded place, and not to your home. Agree that a decent girl is simply afraid to visit an unfamiliar guy from the Internet.
  • Dress properly. You must leave a good impression of yourself. The background should also be decent.

Thus, you have received instructions on how to properly meet girls on Skype. Use these tips and success will be guaranteed.

Virtual communication is not new for anyone now. There are video and audio chats in addition to test messages. In the first place, the interlocutors see each other, which means they can catch the emotions and reactions of a person, so Skype dating is now very popular. There are a number of rules that will increase the chances of success.

Skype: a great opportunity to find a soul mate

It is not difficult to get acquainted on the Internet now: there are many sites, social networks. You can also find a friend or soul mate through instant messengers. Skype is one of the best solutions in this business, although it is not a dating platform in itself. Why choose this messenger?

  • The number of accounts is growing.
  • The program interface is easy to use.
  • Installation does not take much time.

Like social networks, Skype dating is free. In the first case, however, the process is much simpler. Everything is also faster, since Skype does not have the ability to create a detailed profile with many photos. Skype also acts as the next stage of communication. If you communicate in this messenger, then your relationship has moved to a new level.

Where to look for accounts?

The problem is that not everyone likes to get acquainted through Skype, as they consider it suspicious and dangerous. Among the many accounts, you still need to find those that "will reciprocate you."

  1. Lists of accounts whose owners are looking for their soul mates can be found in special groups on social networks, such as VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and many others. To find such communities, enter the phrase "Skype Dating" in the search box. The system will give you a lot of groups. Choose groups with the maximum number of participants and with your city. However, this way of dating is not for those people who are looking for a serious relationship or want to find new friends.
  2. If you need a serious relationship, and not just virtual dating, you will have to try harder, and perhaps search longer. The fact is that for the most part, people in groups on social networks set themselves the goal of an intimate Wirth on Skype. However, there are many web resources that allow you to communicate with a person for free, regardless of the purpose. For example, the site Registration here is simple and can be completed even faster if you have a VKontakte profile.

Lists of subscribers who would like to get acquainted can be found, for example, on the resource:

If spontaneity and adventurousness are present in your character, it will not be difficult for you to meet a girl on Skype. Let's look at a few rules and tips that will help you succeed in this business.
1. Decide on a goal. Do you want a serious relationship or just want to chat?

2. As detailed and truthful as possible, fill out the questionnaire on the site. Upload a photo to your profile. In fact, there is always more desire to communicate with real, honest people. Don't be ashamed of your shortcomings.

3. Keep interesting topics of conversation. Better to start with text chat. Introduce yourself and explain how you got your login. Be as polite as possible, but at the same time show that you sincerely want to at least chat and get to know your interlocutor better. Since you don't know each other yet, it's best not to ask personal questions at first. Learn about the person's interests.

4.Always be ready for a video chat, so it's a good idea to see how you'll look on camera beforehand. The background is also important. Select the desired angle, lighting. It is better to look attractive in the display screen, and this is obvious.

5.Before you start communication, make sure that everything is in order with your equipment and connection.

6. Don't let the virtual world of communication take over you. Chat and live communication are completely different things. Once the contact between you is established, it's time to propose to meet in the real world. Do not forget what is real and what is not.

Skype was created for communication and fully fulfills this function, satisfying all user requests.

Use convenient and effective search and start new acquaintances online. After all, they allow you to speed up the process, quickly and effectively get to know each other, make appointments in real life.

If you like to experiment, meet, talk, get new emotions and share yours with others, Skype will be a great find for you.

May 24, 2015 at 21:12

For those who do not want to get acquainted on the street, are tired of inventing original ways to get a ride and do not want to be content with SMS messages alone, there is an excellent alternative to dating and communication under the short name Skype. This wonderful program, very convenient and easy to use, allows you to get acquainted almost live.

Almost every person uses the opportunities provided by the World Wide Web. On the Internet, people not only communicate through text messages, but also through video and audio communications, which provide more opportunities for simple communication or dating, as well as for business negotiations, seminars and other things necessary for work or development. The more Internet users, the more people want to find new acquaintances, friends and even a soul mate among them. For this, various dating sites and social networks are created that really bring people together. But the virtual world of dating will not be complete without one program that is rapidly gaining popularity - Skype.

Skype is the key to great opportunities

This is a free program that provides Internet users with text, voice and video communications. Every day, the number of accounts is growing, and the total number of spoken minutes per day exceeds two billion. Impressive statistic though, this is not surprising as Skype is very practical to use. It is not surprising that with such a large number of users, there are those who communicate not only with family and friends, but are also looking for new acquaintances.

To get acquainted on Skype, you need to install the program and create a personal account. Next, you need to fill in personal data, select a profile photo. It is important to provide truthful information about yourself, and when choosing a photo, give preference to the one where you are depicted in close-up. Thus, when communicating with you, the person will be more calm and confident. After that, you can safely start looking for new people. If you are looking for dating on Skype with the prospect of real meetings, for this you need to open a search engine and specify search criteria, for example, the city of Moscow. Voila, half the way has already been completed, the rest depends on communication skills, originality and desire.

But in fact, Skype is not a dating platform, so it's not worth judging which is better. Obviously, there are many differences between social networks, dating sites, forums, chats and Skype. Some functions prevail in one, some in another, it all depends on the purpose for which this or that resource was created. If you think about it, it’s more convenient to get acquainted on social networks, if communication is progressing at a good level there, you can suggest that a person transfer the next stage of communication to Skype. But, if you like adventure and spontaneity, then it will be easier to get acquainted on Skype, for this you need to consider just a few rules.

How to get acquainted?

  • As mentioned earlier, you need to fill out the questionnaire truthfully and the profile photo must be your own, forget about photos of flowers, animals or celebrities. False data will definitely turn against you. People are much more willing to associate with those in whose veracity and reality they are sure.
  • Make sure that the webcam and microphone are working, check their work. Often on Skype you will come across people that you can see, but for some reason there is no sound. And not everyone wants to correspond, looking at a silent picture. Knowing that everything you need is running like clockwork, you will be ready for unexpected calls and pleasant conversations.
  • No matter how interesting the person you met is, no matter how much you like it, this is just a virtual world, an illusion that can remain like this forever. The only way out can be a real meeting with the person you like. Alas, not everyone decides to take such a step, being content with virtual conversations. People forget what is real and what is not, more and more immersed in the world of virtual life while time steals reality.

Skype was created for communication and fully fulfills this function, satisfying all user requests. Trying to do something that this program has not been repurposed for or not trying is a personal matter for everyone. In the end, if you like to experiment, meet, talk, get new emotions and share yours with others, then Skype will be a great find for you.


Touching you is a fairy tale. Kissing you is a trembling. Your caress is so lacking, That I'm going crazy. It's not a lie. It's so sad and painful without you. Gently, in a whisper, quietly, again .... I'll tell you how pleased I am with the love between us

With a woman it is difficult to achieve balance, A woman is woven all of the nuances. A tempting look, a sexy figure, A little genius, a little fool, A little bread and a little cake, A little angel, a little devil, A little honey and a little mustard, A little sheep, a little she-wolf. The best half of every family, All this is a woman. What about a man? He is also considered ideal, If all this ... can withstand!


Stealed from Alexmac. And me at Leto, Kpasnoyarsk. The book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy describes a hilarious situation where all races waited 7.5 million years for a supercomputer to answer the most main question, which was supposed to solve all the problems in the universe. The computer answered 42. - Forty-two! screeched Lunkquool. - And that's all you can say after seven and a half million years of work? - I checked everything very carefully, - said the computer, - and I declare with all certainty that this is the Answer. It seems to me, to be absolutely honest with you, that the whole point is that you yourself did not know what the Question was. But this is the Great Question! The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything! Lunkkuool almost howled. "Yes," said the computer in the voice of a sufferer, an enlightening fool. - And what is this question? I found an article today that answers many questions. And you don't have to wait that long! True, the author of this article, Rose Hacker, the most famous British journalist, has been waiting for 101 years. You and I are lucky - we can find out everything right now! Here is the article. Rose Hacker, Newspaper Columnist, 101, London "... I get up in the morning for almost an hour. There's something nasty in my right eye that needs to be cleaned out, I have false teeth, my gums are all in ulcers, and when i put my hearing aid in it whistles and drives me crazy.On top of that, i forget names, places, and people i know well.But i'm so lucky - and i never forget it.At my first dance and dinner, at the age of 18 and wearing my best dress, I dropped a piece of chicken and it whistled to the floor.My admirer George crawled across the floor screaming “chick-chick-chick, chick!” and I wanted to die "This memory came back to me on the day of my husband's funeral when I saw that George was next in line for cremation. People today don't understand what poverty is. I became a socialist in my twenties after seeing the food marches on O ...

Aphorisms are the foolishness of the wise, and proverbs are the wisdom of the foolish. Life Life is a skillfully programmed series of accidents Life consists of pleasant little things that allow you not to get hung up on major troubles Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered Life is a challenge prize that we receive from parents and give to children Nothing does not create such problems as the desire to improve your life Whatever it is, never take life too seriously - you still won’t get out of it alive Life is an experiment, the result of which is known in advance Life is not a computer game, you cannot replay it .. But you can finish the game beautifully Life is like playing cards. Success in it does not depend on which card will fall, but on the skill of the player Only unexpected events make up life The meaning of life is sought by those who did not find happiness in it Share not the joy of life, but what causes it To want and have is " +" and "-" of one battery, called "life" In order to be less disappointed in life, one must look with optimism into the past, and not into the future Only that time of life is priceless, which is not spent on money Everything in life is relative, but not clear about what? All my life I have been searching for the meaning of life. And when I found it, I regretted it ... The best people do not occupy the best places in life Fate - it is better to agree, with troubles - to argue, with laziness - to fight, and the mind - to spur Fate - this is when something happens that you did not expect. And not fate - when what you expected does not happen Better to live 50 years at 100% than a hundred years at only 50% When you start to live easily, then life becomes more difficult Happiness Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you shift your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough Happiness is not in money, and not even in their quantity, but in the ability to correctly determine enough of them for oneself ...

One of the most popular programs for voice communication. Its main advantage is the ability to make free calls between users. But in some situations, for example, on the road, there is no time to create an account or remember the data from the previous account, but the program is necessary. For such cases, the developers have provided the Web version of Skype online without registration.

It does not require an account or installation on a computer. Guest access works directly on the site, where you can also make calls with users. This feature will still be of interest to those who have never encountered Skype, but would like to try.

Skype guest access

To establish voice communication in the browser, you need to open page and click on the oval button “Start a conversation”. The system will ask you to enter your name, as soon as you do this, almost all the functions of Skype will open. It serves for temporary login in guest access. The name can also be entered in Russian.

Now it remains only to add contacts and start a conversation. In the left block of the page there is a unique link that can be sent to friends for communication.

If you have used Skype before, you can easily understand the Web version as well. But it will not be difficult for a beginner to master the program, because it has an intuitive interface. Through the browser, you can make calls, establish video calls, participate in chats with several hundred people, and send any files. From the Internet version, it will be possible to communicate with both registered users and people with guest access.

The system does not limit the actions of a person in any way, when compared with a stationary or mobile version. But in Skype without registration there is one caveat: the guest account exists only 24 hours. Information about this is indicated under the block with a link to the communication. If you want to continue using the program in the future, you need to go to full version by signing up for an account first. You can download it directly from the guest access page. The corresponding link is located at the bottom of the browser window.

The browser version of the program has a tight integration with Facebook. You can invite friends from a social network to join a private conversation, conference, or chat.