Fortune telling crown of love. Fortune telling Your love

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Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

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The Crown of Love is a virtual fortune telling that helps you determine how your loved one feels about you. This fortune telling will reveal to you the whole truth about what your chosen one thinks about you. Ask Corona how your loved one feels about you. To start the online fortune-telling Crown of Love, focus on your loved one, click on the Crown and get the long-awaited answer!

The owner of such a Crown for girls significantly increases his attractiveness. It is prepared at sunrise and its effect lasts until noon. During this time you need to do three stages.

Stage one:

Measure the circumference of your head, cut a strip from a blank sheet of paper three centimeters wide, the length of the diameter of your head plus one centimeter, and color it yellow on both sides.

Along the inner length of the side you need to write legibly:
(Her name) was born for Tenderness and Love. This is how I will remain!

For the outer length of the second side write like this:
(My name) is the most charming and sweetest. I was born exclusively for Tenderness and Love.

Cross yourself.

Stage two:

Light a red candle to your left and gently burn one side of the strip along its flame, saying:
I burn myself, and for today, tomorrow, forever I burn the hearts of my gentlemen. So be it!

Say this spell seven times. And you need to have time to perform small manipulations during this time. If the paper lights up, then nothing happened, then look for another method of fortune telling. Then glue this strip in the shape of a hoop, observing the location of the texts.

It is necessary to make the sign of the cross twice.

Stage three:

Put the hoop on yourself and imagine how tongues of flame appear from its burnt side of the same length and color as the flame itself. Close your eyes. If you manage to hold these flames in your imagination, then you are on the right path. Repeat these exercises a couple of times until you can clearly imagine the Crown of Love in your head. Remove the hoop, burn it in the flame of the candle you lit, and scatter the ashes to the wind. Hands should be washed with running water.

All these stages should end in the afternoon. If everything was done correctly and everything worked out for you, then have no doubt: your rating has increased and you will no longer have problems with gentlemen.

How to use the Crown of Love?

Everything is very easy and simple. If you find yourself in company with a man who interests you, be sure to move the fingertips of both hands from the bridge of your nose to the back of your head and imagine that you are putting on your head a flaming Crown of Love, on which the words are clearly displayed in silver: (My name) is the most charming and sweetest, only I was born for Tenderness and Love. If you want to take off the Crown of Love, then also move the fingers of both hands from the back of your head to the bridge of your nose and remove the Crown from yourself. You will immediately feel the phalanges of your fingers light up, this means that the Crown of Love is beginning to take effect.

Good luck in your love with your gentlemen!

Divination on verses online- virtual divination for love, love divination to get answers in the field of love relationships. Poems here act as an oracle, for whom love interests are the realm of predictions. Divination on verses on the site - quick option fortune telling for love!


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The bottom of Thetis crown of unusual beauty. It was Corona Love, which had the power of purity and eternal Love. Given divination Crown Love can tell you about the feelings of your loved one. By doing fortune telling imagine the image of your lover and click the mouse cursor on the Crown Love. After which you can find out about his secret thoughts and desires...


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Perhaps the simplest divination in the Internet. It’s extremely easy to guess: you concentrate on the question and press the button! If the answer is YES, then you have a chance or your proposed action is approved. ... . In any case, you will receive your answer, and it, with your effort to understand, can lead through insight through all the foggy areas of your life's path. Divination Not really - divination, which does not require too much...


Online divination to the situation - interactive divination, in which the runes will tell you what to do in current circumstances, what steps to take and what to watch out for so as not to get into trouble. Before fortune telling, it is important to focus on the situation that worries you. ...for maximum effect, say it out loud. Then shoot down the balloon that is carrying the box. The answer will appear on the screen. Accuracy fortune telling, first of all, depends on your attitude with which you approach the process. Remember, the correct answer...

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

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Then click the "Continue Fortune telling" button!

Love is a magical feeling that makes us soar in the skies, do unthinkable things, and give joy to others. At the same time with this delight, doubts fall on the soul: is the choice correct, is the person “both in trouble and in joy.” You can get rid of thoughts gnawing at your mind with the help of fortune telling.

Fortune telling for love - with one click you will find out the truth

Before fortune telling for love, decide on the purpose of fortune telling. This action answers only one question - whether he loves or does not love. Therefore, if you want to choose one and only one from several fans, choose a different type of fortune telling. So let's begin. Before starting the ritual, try to free yourself from extraneous thoughts and reflections; your mind should be clean and free. For a few seconds, think only about your loved one, and from the good side. There is no need to remember how he holds a spoon in his hand or puts on his shoes. Think about his feelings towards you.

If you are focused on the main thing, click “start fortune telling”. In ten to twenty seconds you will know the answer to your question. Try not to let your thoughts come true, think about the good. Online fortune telling “For love”, like all other magical rituals, does not imply anything bad. Here is the result. Does it suit you or did you want to see something different? If your expectation is not met, do not give in to despair in the first place.

It is quite possible that you were not honest at heart and allowed yourself to hope for a dream. That is, you know one person, but the relationship with him is far from a direct question of “loves him or not.” Fortune telling "For love" answers only this question. However, maybe this is not your fault, and your beloved is really not the person with whom you will be happy for a long life together. In any case, take the result of fortune telling philosophically.

If the answer was “loves” - everything is fine and harmonious in your life, get ready for a marriage proposal to arrive soon, take a closer look at wedding salons. Your chosen one is ready for a serious step, and you only have to wait a little. If the answer is “he doesn’t like”, don’t be upset. Perhaps something in your relationship has reached a dead end, try to figure it out. In life together, compromises and mutual concessions are very important - maybe one of you two is too straightforward and demands only worship and obedience from the other.

Such relationships cannot last forever, because a person is a person. And he has his own personal desires, fears, dreams and abilities. It is impossible to constantly dictate your will to your partner; in the end, he will simply leave you in order to gain freedom to express himself. Fortune telling "For love" is an additional chance to find out the truth and confirm it. But in no way is it a way to create these relationships or predict the future. If you believe in your love and are ready to share your fate with your beloved, only happiness awaits you ahead. If you doubt your loved one, try to find the reason for these doubts; perhaps it is not so global and everything can be changed.

If you are in love, then the “Crown of Love” express fortune telling will help you lift the veil over the future a little! Fortune telling is very simple - you need to mentally imagine your loved one and then click on the image of the crown. The Crown of Love will tell the whole truth about your chosen one and your relationship with him!

To guess, click on the image of the crown

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

“Crown of Love” online fortune telling is popular not only among young girls. This express service is used by women of all ages to find out what their partner thinks. The Crown of Love fortune telling is believed to have originated in Ancient Greece. There is a beautiful legend that tells how the goddess Aphrodite presented the sea nymph Thetis with a diadem richly decorated with stones as a gift. The gift was made on the day of Thetis’s wedding to Peleus, the earthly king; it symbolized eternal love and virgin beauty. The decoration was made at the bottom of the sea by Hephaestus and it turned out so beautiful that jealous stars fell from the sky to the ground and were broken into thousands of tiny fragments.

Since then, Thetis wore the crown of love without taking it off, and became famous as the most feminine and charming sea nymph. She subsequently gave birth to several sons, one of whom was Achilles.

The Crown of Love online fortune telling will give an accurate answer to your questions. If you are not sure about the feelings of your lover, then the Crown of Love fortune telling will clarify the situation and help. If you are happy and want to once again make sure that you have chosen the right partner, then in this case we recommend that you use a unique express fortune telling.

Whatever feelings you have for your chosen one, the Crown of Love online fortune telling will always give you the exact answer. Keep in mind - higher powers give the correct result only once a day! Of course, you can ask a few questions if you have a lot of fans. If you want to ask heaven about your lover, then concentrate as much as possible on the image of your man. By imagining what your loved one looks like, you will determine the direction for cosmic energy. The Universe will reveal all its secrets to you as soon as you click on the image of the Crown of Love!

What a fortune-telling girl needs to know:

  • Do not guess if you are angry, disappointed or bored - online fortune telling Crown of Love will not be able to give you an accurate answer;
  • Before fortune telling, imagine your young man’s face for a few seconds;
  • If you are not satisfied with the result of the fortune telling, do not click on the Crown again, as the sky can only give one correct answer.

Don’t be upset if the Crown of Love online fortune telling and figurine of love did not meet your expectations! You know no less about the feelings of your lover than cosmic forces!

Fortune telling on the crown of love is not a simple, but a real prediction, steeped in ancient legends and myths.

According to them, the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite asked her husband Hephaestus to forge a beautiful crown, more beautiful than any existing one. After she was ready, the goddess filled her with the eternal power of love and purity, which never dried up and was capable of filling the hearts of lovers with true feelings, revealing their entire depth.

Deciding to thank the sea nymph Thetis for helping Hephaestus on Lemnos and became his adoptive mother, she gave the crown to Thetis for her wedding to Peleus. Thetis avoided this marriage for a long time, but, in the end, the exploits of Peleus forced her to agree to his proposal. The wedding took place in Chiron's cave, and the guests were almost all the gods of Olympus.

The Crown of Love fortune telling was created based on this ancient Greek myth. Like more complex tarot fortune telling, it can answer what to pay attention to when communicating with him and what opinion he currently holds about you.

In order to ask a question to the goddess Aphrodite herself or the nymph Thetis, imagine that in front of you is a real crown forged by Hephaestus. Imagine that it contains the power of the goddess of love. Imagine yourself sitting in front of an ancient Greek artifact, asking it what you want to know, and not the image of the crown on the monitor.

For fortune telling, twist the crown of love

Perhaps there will be a simple and clear answer to a question or advice for the future. But there is a possibility that you will have to reflect on the prophecy received from the goddess of love. Don't let this scare you, all the prophecies from ancient Greek myths and legends were vague and obscure. But after they came true, no one could doubt that the predictors were right.

Important: When performing the ceremony, you should be in a good mood. Sick people, those who are very tired, irritated or aggressive should not resort to the help of the oracle.

It is best to use the crown of love fortune telling online in the morning, before a person has yet accumulated foreign or negative energy. Try to avoid performing rituals on Mondays and Fridays. On these days of the week, the Universe is not always favorable and the result of the ritual will not be correct.

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