The drawing for the story is axial bad. Review of V. Oseeva’s story “Bad

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Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed. They go home - they are afraid:
- It will hit us at home!
So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?
“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.
“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.
“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and you don’t need to invent anything.”
So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, look, the forest guard is coming.
“No,” he says, “there are wolves in these places.”
The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.
The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.
Mother found out the truth. I was angry for the first guilt, and twice as angry for the lie.
And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.
A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:
- Shame on you!
- What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
- This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.

In the same house

Once upon a time there lived in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.
One day they all went out into the yard and sat down on a bench: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the duck Ustinya and the chicken Boska.
Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, and raised his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya’s pigtail.
Tanya got angry and wanted to hit Vanya back, but he could see that the boy was big and strong.
She kicked Barbos. Barbos squealed, was offended, and bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can’t touch her.
Barbos grabbed Ustinya's duck's tail. The duck became alarmed and smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska the chicken with its beak, but changed my mind.
So Barbos asks her:
- Why don’t you, Ustinya the duck, hit Boska? He is weaker than you.
“I’m not as stupid as you,” the duck answers Barbos.
“There are people dumber than me,” says the dog and points to Tanya. Tanya heard.
“And he’s dumber than me,” she says and looks at Vanya.
Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Who's the boss?

The big black dog's name was Zhuk. Two pioneers, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But they could not decide who the owner of the Beetle was, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.
One day they were walking through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.
“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!”
- No, mine! - Vanya was angry. — I bandaged her paw and fed her. Nobody wanted to give in.
- My! My! - they both shouted.
Suddenly two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hastily climbed the tree and shouted to his comrade:
- Save yourself!
But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to help Zhuk. The forester came running to the noise and drove his shepherds away.
- Whose dog? - he shouted angrily.
“Mine,” said Kolya. Vanya was silent.


Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.
And the boy wanted to do something good himself.
So he sits and thinks:
“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”
And my sister is right here:
- Take a walk with me, Yura!
- Go away, don’t bother me thinking! My little sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks:
“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”
And the nanny is right there:
- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.
- Clean it yourself - I have no time!
The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:
“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”
And Trezorka is right there. Tail wags:
“Give me a drink, Yura!”
- Go away! Don't bother thinking! Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:
- What could I do that’s so good? Mom stroked Yura’s head:
- Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.

On the rink

The day was sunny. The ice sparkled. There were few people at the skating rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched comically, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya. Vitya performed different tricks - sometimes he rode on one leg, sometimes he spun around like a top.
- Well done! - one of the boys shouted to him.
Vitya rushed around the circle like an arrow, made a dashing turn and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya was scared.
“I accidentally...” he said, brushing snow off her fur coat. — Are you hurt? The girl smiled:
“Knee…” Laughter came from behind.
"They're laughing at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.
- What a miracle - a knee! What a crybaby! - he shouted, driving past the schoolchildren.
- Come to us! - they called.
Vitya approached them. Holding hands, all three merrily slid across the ice. And the girl sat on the bench, rubbed her bruised knee and cried.

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. During the big break, all the guys were having breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.
- Why do not you eat? - Kolya asked him.
- I lost my breakfast...
“It’s bad,” said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - There’s still a long way to go until lunch!
- Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.
“I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned away.
“You probably had it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha. But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He walked up to Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:
- Take it, eat it!


Two women were taking water from a well. A third approached them. And the old man sat down on a pebble to rest.
Here's what one woman says to another:
- My son is dexterous and strong, no one can handle him.
- And mine sings like a nightingale. “No one has such a voice,” says another. And the third is silent.
- Why don’t you tell me about your son? - her neighbors ask.
- What can I say? - says the woman. — There’s nothing special about him.
So the women collected full buckets and left. And the old man is behind them. Women walk and stop. My hands hurt, the water splashes, my back hurts.
Suddenly three boys run out towards us.
One of them tumbles over his head, walks like a cartwheel, and the women admire him.
He sings another song, sings like a nightingale - the women listen to him.
And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.
The women ask the old man:
- Well? What are our sons like?
-Where are they? - the old man answers. - I only see one son!

blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:
- Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:
— I’ll ask my mother.
The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:
- Did your mother allow it?
And Katya sighed and said:
“Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.”
“Well, ask your brother again,” says Lena.
Katya arrives the next day.
- Well, did your brother allow you? - Lena asks.
“My brother allowed it, but I’m afraid you’ll break the pencil.”
“I’m being careful,” says Lena. “Look,” says Katya, “don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t put it in your mouth.” Don't draw too much.
“I just need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass,” says Lena.
“That’s a lot,” says Katya, and her eyebrows frown. And she made a dissatisfied face.
Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:
- Well, what are you doing? Take it!
“No need,” Lena answers. During the lesson the teacher asks:
- Why, Lenochka, are the leaves on your trees blue?
— There is no green pencil.
- Why didn’t you take it from your girlfriend?
Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a lobster and said:
“I gave it to her, but she doesn’t take it.” The teacher looked at both:
“You have to give so that you can take.”

What is not allowed is not allowed

One day mom said to dad:
- Don't raise your voice!
And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.
Since then, Tanya has never raised her voice; Sometimes she wants to scream, to be capricious, but she does her best to restrain herself. Still would! If dad can’t do this, then how can Tanya?
No way! What is not allowed is not allowed!

Grandmother and granddaughter

Mom brought Tanya a new book.
Mom said:
— When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; Now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.
- Sit down, grandma! - Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.
Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:
- That's how smart you are!

Three sons

The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. War broke out. A mother saw off her three sons—three fighters—to war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy at sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!

Tannin achievements

Every evening, dad took a notebook and pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother.
- Well, what are your achievements? - he asked.
Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all the good and useful things a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down Tanya's achievements in a notebook.
One day he asked, holding his pencil ready as usual:
- Well, what are your achievements?
“Tanya was washing the dishes and broke a cup,” said the grandmother.
“Hm…” said the father.
- Dad! - Tanya begged. - The cup was bad, it fell on its own! There is no need to write about it in our achievements! Just write: Tanya washed the dishes!
- Fine! - Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that next time, when washing dishes, the other one will be more careful!


IN kindergarten there were a lot of toys. Clockwork locomotives ran along the rails, airplanes hummed in the room, and elegant dolls lay in strollers. The guys all played together and everyone had fun. Only one boy did not play. He collected a whole bunch of toys near him and protected them from the children.
- My! My! - he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.
The children did not argue - there were enough toys for everyone.
- How well we play! How much fun we have! — the boys boasted to the teacher.
- But I am bored! - the boy shouted from his corner.
- Why? — the teacher was surprised. -You have so many toys!
But the boy could not explain why he was bored.
“Yes, because he is not a gambler, but a watchman,” the children explained for him.


Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate towards him.
“Do it one at a time,” Misha said sternly.
The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and divided them into two piles.
- Exactly? - Vova asked.
Misha looked at the crowd with his eyes:
- Exactly... Grandma, pour us some tea!
Grandma served tea to both of them. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.
- Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha said.
- Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.
Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread...

Interesting short educational stories by Valentina Oseeva for children of senior preschool and primary school age.


Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

Did your mom allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother again,” says Lena. Katya arrives the next day.

Well, did your brother allow it? - Lena asks.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

“I’m careful,” says Lena.

Look, says Katya, don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

“I just need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass,” says Lena.

“That’s a lot,” says Katya, and her eyebrows frown. And she made a dissatisfied face. Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

Well, what are you doing? Take it!

No need,” Lena answers. During the lesson the teacher asks:

Why, Lenochka, are the leaves on your trees blue?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend? Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a lobster and said:

I gave it to her, but she doesn’t take it. The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

Shame on you!

What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.

This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.


One day mom said to dad:

And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.

No way! What is not allowed is not allowed!


Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; Now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

Sit down, grandma! - Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

That's how smart you are!


The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. War broke out. A mother saw off three sons - three fighters - to war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy at sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!


Every evening, dad took a notebook and pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother.

Well, what are your achievements? - he asked.

Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all the good and useful things a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down Tanya's achievements in a notebook.

One day he asked, holding his pencil ready as usual:

Well, what are your achievements?

Tanya was washing the dishes and broke a cup,” said the grandmother.

Hm... - said the father.

Dad! - Tanya begged. - The cup was bad, it fell on its own! There is no need to write about it in our achievements! Just write: Tanya washed the dishes!

Fine! - Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that next time, when washing dishes, the other one will be more careful!


There were a lot of toys in the kindergarten. Clockwork locomotives ran along the rails, airplanes hummed in the room, and elegant dolls lay in strollers. The guys all played together and everyone had fun. Only one boy did not play. He collected a whole bunch of toys near him and protected them from the children.

My! My! - he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.

The children did not argue - there were enough toys for everyone.

We play so well! How much fun we have! - the boys boasted to the teacher.

But I am bored! - the boy shouted from his corner.

Why? - the teacher was surprised. - You have so many toys!

But the boy could not explain why he was bored.

Yes, because he is not a player, but a watchman,” the children explained for him.


Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate towards him.

“Deli one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and divided them into two piles.

Smooth? - Vova asked.

Misha looked at the crowd with his eyes:

Exactly... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandma served tea to both of them. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.

Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha said.

Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread...


Tolya often came running from the yard and complained that the guys were hurting him.

“Don’t complain,” your mother once said, “you have to treat your comrades better yourself, then your comrades won’t offend you!”

Tolya went out onto the stairs. On the playground, one of his offenders, the neighbor boy Sasha, was looking for something.

“My mother gave me a coin for bread, but I lost it,” he explained gloomily. - Don’t come here, otherwise you’ll trample!

Tolya remembered what his mother told him in the morning and hesitantly suggested:

Let's look together!

The boys began to search together. Sasha was lucky: a silver coin flashed under the stairs in the very corner.

Here she is! - Sasha was delighted. - She got scared of us and found herself! Thank you. Go out into the yard. The guys will not be touched! Now I’m just running for bread!

He slid down the railing. From the dark flight of stairs came cheerfully:



Uncle sat down on the suitcase and opened his notebook.

Well, what should I bring to whom? - he asked.

The guys smiled and moved closer.

I need a doll!

And I have a car!

And a crane for me!

And for me... And for me... - The guys vied with each other to order, my uncle took notes.

Only Vitya sat silently on the sidelines and didn’t know what to ask... At home, his entire corner is littered with toys... There are carriages with a steam locomotive, and cars, and cranes... Everything, everything the guys asked for, Vitya has had it for a long time... He doesn’t even have anything to wish for... But his uncle will bring every boy and every girl a new toy, and only he, Vitya, will not bring anything...

Why are you silent, Vityuk? - asked my uncle.

Vitya sobbed bitterly.

I... have everything... - he explained through tears.


The little girl's mother got sick. The doctor came and saw that mom was holding her head with one hand and tidying up her toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

Bring me the cubes!

The mother picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, and gave them to her daughter.

What about the doll? Where's my doll? - the girl screams again.

The doctor looked at this and said:

Until her daughter learns to tidy up her toys herself, mom will not recover!


I offended my friend. I pushed a passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone left me. I was left alone and cried bitterly.

Who punished him? - asked the neighbor.

“He punished himself,” my mother answered.


The big black dog's name was Zhuk. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But they could not decide who the owner of the Beetle was, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.

One day they were walking through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!”

No, my, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and carried tasty morsels for her!

Subject: V. Oseeva “The dog barked furiously”

Target : organize joint and independent activities of students when familiarizing themselves with V. Oseeva’s story “The Dog Barked Furiously” and develop the ability to retell the text according to plan and read it in roles.



  • improve the skill of reading whole words,
  • learn to retell a text according to a picture plan, correctly formulate answers to questions about the text, develop attention to words,
  • develop the ability to read text by role, trying to convey the desired intonation,
  • develop the ability to determine the genre of a work.


  • regulatory - develop the ability to set a learning task independently, promote the development of self-control skills;
  • communicative – develop the ability to formulate accurate, complete answers.
  • cognitive (informational) - promote the formation of the ability to search for information in a textbook, in educational dictionaries, and understand information;


  • organizing the participation of children in the intrigue actions of the textbook on this topic, taking into account the position of the interlocutor.

4. Equipment:



Multimedia presentation.

Organizational stage

Guys, what are your mood now?

Let's welcome everyone who found the time and came to our lesson today. Give them your smiles!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

We will work together

We shouldn't be lazy!

Popular wisdom says: “A tree is valued by its fruits, and a man by his deeds.” During the lesson we will evaluate your performance together. Do you have a desire to work? Then forward to the land of new discoveries.

Preparation of the speech apparatus(read in one breath, with surprise, with a questioning intonation, with an affirmative one)

Fine. What is “good”?

Little son came to his father
And asked Little One?
What is good
And what is bad?

– Have you thought about this question?

- Let's continue the sentences that are written on the board.

  • It's bad when...
  • OK, when…

Student statements.

“You are shameless! Shameless! I wanted to talk to you about this topic. Joyless means there is no joy, hopeless means there is no hope, and unscrupulous means there is no what? What is conscience? (Children's answers)

Conscience is, as it were, a second consciousness, a kind of double of a person, which questions and criticizes the various intentions of a person. And if a person does do something unseemly, then his conscience severely punishes him: the person suddenly realizes that he did something wrong, regrets what he did, and scolds himself.

Do you think a person should always have a conscience?

Should a person have a conscience towards animals?

Read the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and explain how you understand them?“We are responsible for those we have tamed”A. Saint-Exupery

The children answer that people should take care of their pets and not abandon them.

2. Define the topic. Setting a learning task.

What section are we working on now?

Who are these “our little brothers”?

What animals have we already read about in this section?

Now read the words you see on the screen.

– Read the words in each column:

Big small

shaggy fluffy

Toothy mustachioed

Scary defenseless

– Who do you think can be described using the words from the first column?(Dog.)

- Using words from the second column?(Kitten.)

– Today we will read a story about a defenseless kitten and a ferocious dog.

Are you interested in knowing what happened to him?

Acquaintance with the biography and work of V. Oseeva.

Oseeva-Khmeleva Valentina Aleksandrovna

In her youth, Valentina Oseeva dreamed of becoming an actress and even entered the acting department in Kyiv. However, everything changed when the family moved to Moscow and then to Solnechnogorsk.

Working as a teacher in children's institutions, in her spare time Oseeva composed fairy tales for the children, wrote plays herself and staged them with the children. She loved to invent games, being as interested in them as the children themselves. It was at the request of her students that Oseeva took her first story, “Grishka,” to the editor. And soon her first book, “The Red Cat,” was published.

She dedicated her stories, fairy tales, and novellas to children. These works are about girls and boys like you.

Listening with elements of prediction.

– Read the words written on the board, first syllable by syllable, then as whole words:


pri-pa-da-ya - crouching

on the front-bottom - on the front

snuggling - snuggling

disheveled - disheveled

opened - revealed

not-by-da-le-ku - not far away

hastily - hastily

u-di-vi-lis - surprised

Let's start making forecasts. Let's try to imagine the course of action of the work, the development of events.

Read the title. What do you think the text will be about?

Why do you think the dog barked? How did the dog bark? What does "furiously" mean? (Rage, strong anger, bitterness.)

1 offer

Why did the dog bark while falling on its paws? When do dogs do this?

2 sentence

Why did the dog bark at the kitten? What was he like? Why was the kitten disheveled? (disheveled, disheveled). (He was very scared.)

Do you think he defended himself when the dog attacked him? What could he do?

3 sentence

How did the kitten meow? (Piteously - sad, bitter, tearful, with a defeated look, a fallen voice, joyless.)

Why did Oseeva use this word in her work? (I wanted to show the kitten’s defenselessness. She made it clear that he was asking for help.)

Do you think anyone helped the kitten?

4 sentence

What were the boys doing? What were they waiting for? Were they scared or, on the contrary, were they having fun?

Did they come to the kitten's aid? Will the kitten get help or will the dog tear him apart?

5 sentence

Why did the woman run out onto the porch? How did she do it? (Hastily - quickly, hastily.) Where was the woman in a hurry? Did she help the kitten?

Reading the text to the end

Why was the woman angry with the boys? Should they be ashamed because they did nothing wrong? Why did the woman speak first angrily and then angrily? (Anger is strong indignation, indignation.) Which word conveys a stronger feeling? What caused her anger?

Was the kitten saved? Who saved him?

What literary genre is this work? (Story.)

This story has another name - "Bad".

Which title would you choose? Why?

Rereading the text.

Uch. With. 60 (Reading the beginning of the text by a well-read student aloud. Reading the dialogue while maintaining intonation.)

Working with text and illustrations.

You have an illustration in your textbook.

What episode of the story did the artist paint it for? Read it.

Why did the kitten meow? How can an artist convey that the kitten is very scared and asks for help?

(The writer and the artist have the same task, but the means are different. The writer uses the word, writes “The dog barked furiously, the kitten meowed pitifully.” The artist conveys the dog’s rage, the kitten’s defenselessness with the help of pose, eye expression, use of color, and the location of the figures in the drawing.

What is the boys facial expression? (Anxious, indifferent, indifferent, interested?) - And the woman?

What illustration would you draw for the first part of the story?

What about the second? Is it easy to do? Why? (It is difficult to convey action and emotions in a drawing.)

Where do the main events take place: in the first part of the story or in the second? Why?

Name the heroes of the story. Are women positive or negative characters? Boys?

How can you explain the boys' behavior? (Indifference.)

Indifference is the state of an indifferent person, indifferent, devoid of interest, indifferent.

Answer the question again: “What caused the woman’s anger?”

What would you do if you were the guys? Women? What if a dog bit you?

(Oseeva never directly talks about her attitude towards boys. We can judge this by the way she talks about everything. She chooses words that make us feel sorry for the kitten and scared for him. With her story, Oseeva convinces us what not to do nothing bad is enough. You need to do good, not remain indifferent when evil is happening next to you, when someone needs your help.)

Re-read the story so as to convey the author’s thoughts, his attitude towards the depicted.

Working with the work(highlighting complete semantic parts, retelling the story according to plan).

Guys, I have an outline for this story, read it.

  • This is bad!
  • The dog barked furiously.
  • Shame on you!
  • The boys stood and waited.

What interesting things did you notice? (the order of presentation is broken)

Restore the plan. (2, 4, 3, 1)

Read the proverb:Life is given for good deeds.
- How do you understand the proverb?

What good deeds have you done?

Solving a problem situation. GAME “Droplets of Good”
-What is more on earth: good or evil?
Which group do the words belong to: envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies. (Appendix 1) To defeat evil, we must try to have more good deeds. Let's remember what good deeds you have done. Take the drops on the tables and remember your good deeds. (After their story, put the droplet patterns on the board).

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness.
Do you agree with the assumption thatLife is given for good deeds. Why?

I believe that you will not do bad things, but always do good.

Lesson summary.

Read the poem on the slide.

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness and your friendship,

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

You don't live in vain!

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V. Oseeva


What's easier?

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed. They go home - they are afraid:

It will hit us at home!

So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.

“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and there’s no need to invent anything.”

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, look, the forest guard is coming.

No, he says, there are wolves in these places.

The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, and for the lie - twice as angry.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.

Mother found out the truth. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.


Obaka barked furiously, falling on her front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

Shame on you!

What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.

This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.

In the same house

or-there were in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

One day they all went out into the yard and sat down on a bench: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the duck Ustinya and the chicken Boska.

Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, and raised his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya’s pigtail.

Tanya got angry and wanted to hit Vanya back, but he saw that the boy was big and strong.

She kicked Barbos. Barbos squealed, was offended, and bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can’t touch her.

Barbos grabbed Ustinya's duck's tail. The duck became alarmed and smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska the chicken with its beak, but changed my mind.

So Barbos asks her:

Why don’t you, Ustinya the duck, hit Boska? He is weaker than you.

“I’m not as stupid as you,” the duck answers Barbos.

“There are people dumber than me,” says the dog and points to Tanya. Tanya heard.

And he’s dumber than me,” she says and looks at Vanya.

Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Who's the boss?

The big black dog's name was Zhuk. Two pioneers, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But they could not decide who the owner of the Beetle was, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.

One day they were walking through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!”

No, mine! - Vanya was angry. - I bandaged her paw and fed her. Nobody wanted to give in.

My! My! - both shouted.

Suddenly two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hastily climbed the tree and shouted to his comrade:

Save yourself!

But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to help Zhuk. The forester came running to the noise and drove his shepherds away.

Whose dog? - he shouted angrily.

“Mine,” said Kolya. Vanya was silent.


Yuri grew up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right here:

Take a walk with me, Yura!

Go away, don't stop me from thinking! My little sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. Tail wags:

“Give me a drink, Yura!”

Go away! Don't bother thinking! Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

What good thing could I do? Mom stroked Yura’s head:

Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.

On the rink

It was a sunny day. The ice sparkled. There were few people at the skating rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched comically, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya. Vitya performed different tricks - sometimes he rode on one leg, sometimes he spun around like a top.

Well done! - one of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya rushed around the circle like an arrow, made a dashing turn and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya was scared.

“I accidentally...” he said, brushing snow off her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself? The girl smiled:

Knee... Laughter was heard from behind.

“They're laughing at me!” - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.

What a surprise - a knee! What a crybaby! - he shouted, driving past the schoolchildren.

Come to us! - they called.

Vitya approached them. Holding hands, all three merrily slid across the ice. And the girl sat on the bench, rubbed her bruised knee and cried.

Three comrades

Itya lost his breakfast. During the big break, all the guys were having breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.

Why do not you eat? - Kolya asked him.

I lost my breakfast...

“It’s bad,” said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - There’s still a long way to go until lunch!

Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.

I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned away.

You probably carried it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha. But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He walked up to Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:

Take it, eat it!


All the women took water from the well. A third approached them. And the old man sat down on a pebble to rest.

Here's what one woman says to another:

My son is dexterous and strong, no one can handle him.

Why don't you tell me about your son? - her neighbors ask her.

What can I say? - says the woman. - There’s nothing special about it.

So the women collected full buckets and left. And the old man is behind them. Women walk and stop. My hands hurt, the water splashes, my back hurts.

Suddenly three boys run out towards us.

One of them somersaults over his head, walks like a cartwheel, and the women admire him.

He sings another song, sings like a nightingale - the women listen to him.

And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

Well? What are our sons like?

Where are they? - the old man answers. - I only see one son!

blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

Did your mom allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother again,” says Lena.

Katya arrives the next day.

Well, did your brother allow it? - Lena asks.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

“I’m careful,” says Lena. “Look,” says Katya, “don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t put it in your mouth.” Don't draw too much.

The main characters of the story “Bad” are two boys. One day they encountered the following situation on the street: a large dog discovered a small kitten and began barking angrily at it. The kitten clung to the fence in fear and meowed helplessly.

The boys, seeing this picture, did not do anything, but only waited with interest to see how the dog’s attack on the kitten would end. From a house nearby, a woman saw what was happening and immediately went outside. The woman began to shame the boys, to which they replied that they were not doing anything wrong. To this the woman answered them that it was their inaction that was bad.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story “Bad” is that inaction is sometimes as destructive as harmful action. The boys stood and did not try to protect the weak kitten from the angry dog. Their inaction could result in the dog causing significant harm to the kitten. Oseeva’s story “Bad” teaches us to take care of others and protect the weak.

In the story, I liked the woman who did not remain indifferent to what was happening and shamed the boys who did not try to come to the aid of a kitten in trouble.

What proverbs fit the story “Bad”?

Indifference is the root of all evil in the world.
Rather than boasting about your strength, it is better to help the weak.
Where there is shame, there is conscience.