Due to the fact that it is needed. “In connection with what”: is a comma necessary? When to use a comma: rules

Wire brand VVGng LS

in connection or in connection

Together or separately?

The phrase “in connection” is always written separately - due .

Before answering the question how to spell the word “ due” together or separately, you need to understand why it occurs. This word may have difficulty spelling for those who mistakenly attribute the word “ due” to an adverb by analogy with lexical units: blindly, in addition, to the left, casually. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine which part of speech the word “ due" In fact.

Due” can be a combination of the preposition “in” with the noun “connection” and a derived preposition.

But in any case, no matter what part of speech the phrase “in connection” is, it is always written separately.

Rules with the derived preposition “in connection”

As a derivative preposition “ due” is used most often, and in any syntactic construction it will be a connecting fragment to which no question can be asked. But, at the same time, “ due” can be easily replaced with a synonymous preposition “because of” or with an adverbial combination “for a reason”. Pronounced with emphasis on the “i” sound.


  • Due With early frosts, the farm began early harvesting of all open crops.
  • Ticket offices for the “Ocean Elzy” concert opened several hours earlier, due with the fact that those wishing to get into the stadium formed a huge queue.
  • Due With the current situation at the university, Yulia decided to start writing her thesis in advance, before her classmates grabbed the most interesting topics.

Rules with noun and preposition “in connection”

If the phrase “ due” is a noun singular in the prepositional or genitive case and a preposition, then this phrase should be pronounced with an emphasis on the sound “I”. In sentences, such a phrase is most often an addition and may have an agreed definition.


Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • Due There was nothing reprehensible about Ivanov and Petrova - they were good friends and former colleagues.
  • Due collegiate assessor Philip Apollonovich did not include random people, such as the freckled Agrippina Savelyevna, even though she played the cello and treated her poor relatives to various dishes.
  • Julia was spotted due , which spread like a black spot over her once impeccable snow-white reputation.

In the Russian language, most independent parts of speech are subject to the morphological principle of writing. In other words, certain lexical units are used with certain suffixes, endings and prefixes, the spelling of which almost always depends on spelling rules. But it should be noted that they do not apply to such service parts of speech as prepositions, conjunctions or particles. The latter are written in accordance with the linguistic tradition that has developed over many centuries. Moreover, their spelling should be checked in reference books or spelling dictionaries. The next derivative preposition, “in connection,” has the same feature.

How to spell "in connection"

Before answering the question how to spell the word “ due” together or separately, you need to understand why it occurs. This word may have difficulty spelling for those who mistakenly attribute the word “ due” to an adverb by analogy with lexical units: blindly, in addition, to the left, casually. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine which part of speech the word “ due" In fact.

In connection or in connection - which is correct

It is formed by combining the simple preposition “in” and the noun “connection” in the genitive case with the stress shifted to the second syllable. The combination “in connection” has lost its independent lexical meaning, and with it its function as a member of the sentence. In a syntactic construction it is used as a connecting fragment. The derivative preposition “in connection” cannot be posed with a question. It can be replaced by the synonymous preposition “because of” or the adverbial combination “for a reason.”

How to write “in connection”

  • This expression can be used to denote the contact of objects, their proximity, or any connection with each other. In this case, the parts of the combination “in connection” are written separately, and the emphasis should be placed on the first syllable. For example: “The manager of a large company is suspected of having connections with competitors.” Now you have a noun and a preposition in front of you, and in a sentence the noun serves as a complement.

For these two parts of speech, the writing rules are exactly the same. From the school course we know that “not” with verbs is always written separately. It's the same with participles. The exception is words that are not used without this particle. For example: unwell, unwell, etc.

How to write correctly: In connection or in connection

“In connection” or “in connection” - how to write correctly? Difficulties in writing this word arise due to the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as an adverb and, by analogy with the lexical units “draw”, “in addition”, “to the right”, “blindly” and “slipping”, are written together. To understand how to write the word “in connection”, let’s find out what part of speech it belongs to and what role it plays in the sentence.

How to spell the word correctly - in connection - together or separately

I can say the same thing that we were taught at school - when a word is used in the context of “due to worsening weather” and it is impossible, as already mentioned, to insert another word between in and connection - it is written together. In the case of using the word "in long-distance communication". It seems that WORD killed the rules of the Russian language at the suggestion of translators or programmers.

Romantic heroes

It can be replaced by the synonymous preposition “because of” or the adverbial combination “for a reason.” Ticket offices were opened half an hour earlier due to the fact that a full house was expected. He was seen in a relationship undesirable for the reputation of an honest man. Therefore, the continuous spelling of “in connection” is a mistake. Today we will answer this question in an accessible and detailed manner. In connection,” is absolutely always written separately.

How to write in connection, separately or together

Sometimes schoolchildren and even many graduates have difficulties when writing individual words and expressions. Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language will help you figure out how to write a word correctly. One such dubious expression is the use of the combination “in connection.”


Coverage connections- Cover connections are structural elements that ensure the geometric immutability of the building’s covering disk: connections along the upper chords of trusses, connections along the lower chords of trusses, vertical connections, connections along lanterns. [Designer's Handbook.... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

In connection or in connection: how to write? Spelling: in connection or in connection

In order to understand how to write this word correctly, you just need to remember that in any case such lexical item used separately in the text. After all, the expression “in connection” refers to that group of derivative prepositions that are always written separately (in connection with current circumstances, in continuation of the above, in the form of a roll, at the conclusion of a speech, for an hour, etc.).

How to write "goodbye"

One of the main rules of the Russian language says that in order to find out whether a prefix or preposition is written together or separately, you need to try to move them or insert some word between them and the main root. For example, seaside - should be written together, because a word cannot be inserted; the school at the embassy is separate, since you can insert an adjective: at the Russian embassy.

In connection together or separately

I noticed on my own that no matter how hard you try to read the rules, you will write as you remember in your memory. With mistakes so with mistakes, right so right. The latter was especially nice due to the fact that in his “Newspaper” Vasiliev resolutely opposed any mention of Fyodor Konstantinovich’s book... It arrived at the front a few days ago, and therefore there is no data on the officer composition in the personnel department of the headquarters yet available.

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However, these rules do not apply to auxiliary parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions and particles. They are written in accordance with the established linguistic tradition, and spelling is checked using spelling dictionaries and reference books. The derivative preposition “in connection” has precisely this feature.

Not overweight

For example: He was in contact with foreign intelligence agencies. Regardless of whether it is part of the preposition “in connection with” or a noun with a preposition. Example: Due to changes in weather, the meeting had to be rescheduled. In connection with” is a derived denominative preposition. Partners are connected to each other.

Combinations with the words “in connection with” can raise many questions: where to put a comma and whether it is needed, how to correctly use this or that combination, etc. Let's look at the question of whether “in connection” is separated by commas or not, using specific examples.

“In connection with...” is separated by commas

Before the word

1. The combination we are considering is a derived conjunction, therefore a comma is placed before “in connection”, and there is no need for signs after it.

  • Frosts had already begun, and therefore classes began to be cancelled.
  • Sasha has an exam soon, so he spends all day cramming dates, formulas and vocabulary words.

2. This also applies to combinations of the “in connection with which” type. Such a combination can occur exclusively within a sentence (it is stylistically unacceptable to start a phrase with it), and the answer to the question “in connection with what” is highlighted with commas is unambiguous: the comma should only be before it, but not after it.

  • The ceilings leaked again, forcing an entire wing of the building to be closed off.
  • Lyubasha had a name day, and therefore Igor composed these verses.

3. From the combinations “in connection with this”, “in connection with which” the combination “in this connection” should be distinguished, which is most often used in a journalistic style and is a means of transition from one micro-topic to another (does not express a direct causal relationship!) . A sign is required before “in this regard”; Naturally, there is no comma at the beginning of the sentence.

  • The thunderstorm passed just before the wedding, in this regard, an association is imposed with a person’s life before and after the wedding.
  • My colleague's work is of great importance; in this regard, it is impossible not to remember how he went towards his goal.

No comma needed

The preposition “in connection with” is often used in speech. Additions with it are not separated by commas. In particular, a comma is not required after “in connection with... I ask...” and in other similar stable combinations characteristic of the official business style.

  • We decided to give you this gift in connection with Preschool Worker's Day.
  • In connection with the above, I ask you to grant me leave without pay.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week’s statistics, only 24% answered correctly)

If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure (usually this happens with conjunctions “and” and “but”), then the conjunction is not included in the introductory construction - a comma needed.

For example: “Firstly, it became dark, and, secondly, everyone was tired.”

If the introductory word cannot be removed or rearranged, then a comma after the conjunction (usually with the conjunction “a”) not placed.

For example: “She simply forgot about this fact, or maybe she never remembered it,” “..., and therefore, …”, “..., and maybe …”, “..., and therefore, …”.

If the introductory word can be removed or rearranged, then a comma needed after the conjunction “a”, since it is not associated with the introductory word.

For example: “She not only didn’t love him, but maybe even despised him.”

If at the beginning of the sentence there is a coordinating conjunction (in the connecting meaning) (“and”, “yes” in the meaning of “and”, “too”, “also”, “and that”, “and that”, “yes and”, “ and also”, etc.), and then an introductory word, then a comma before it need not.

For example: “And really, you shouldn’t have done that”; “And perhaps it was necessary to do something differently”; “And finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts”; “Besides, other circumstances have come to light”; “But of course, everything ended well.”

Happens rarely: if at the beginning of a sentence worth the connecting union, A the introductory construction stands out intonationally, then commas are NEEDED.

For example: “But, to my great chagrin, Shvabrin decisively announced...”; “And, as usual, they remembered only one good thing.”

Always written WITHOUT commas:


at first sight

for sure


More or less


in addition

in the (eventual) end

in the end

as a last resort

best case scenario


at the same time




in some cases

through thick and thin



as a result

due to this

in this case

in the same time

in this regard




at most


just in case

in case of emergency

if possible

as far as possible




with all that

with (all) desire

on occasion


the biggest

at the very least


in addition

to top it off

by the proposal

by decree

by decision


A comma is NOT placed at the beginning of a sentence:

“Before... I found myself...”


"Before as…"



"In order to…"

"Instead of…"



“Especially since...”


“Despite the fact that...” (at the same time - separately); There is NO comma before “what”.




« Finally" in the meaning of "finally" - is not separated by commas.

« And this despite the fact that..."- a comma is always placed in the middle of a sentence!

« Based on this, …"- a comma is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

BUT: “He did this based on...” - no comma is used.

« After all, if... then..." - a comma is not placed before "if", since the second part of the double conjunction - "then" - comes next. If there is no “then”, then a comma is placed before “if”!

« Less than two years..." - a comma is not placed before “what”, because this is not a comparison.

Comma before "How" placed only in case of comparison.

« Politicians like Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov...” - a comma is added because there is a noun "policy".

BUT: "… policies such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov…” - there is no comma before “how”.

Commas are not used:

“God forbid”, “God forbid”, “for God’s sake”- not separated by commas, + the word “god” is written with a small letter.

BUT: commas are placed in both directions:

"God bless" in the middle of the sentence it is highlighted with commas on both sides (the word “God” in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - it is highlighted with a comma (on the right side).

"By God"- in these cases, commas are placed on both sides (the word “god” in this case is written with a small letter).

"My God"- separated by commas on both sides; in the middle of the sentence, “God” - with a small letter.

Good afternoon
Considering special merits in work(,) and in connection with the celebration...
Is this comma necessary? How to consider this construction: as homogeneous members connected by cos and, or as an adverbial phrase, separated by commas?
Thank you very much for your answer.

No comma needed. Note: due always written separately.

Question No. 269170
In what cases is a soft sign placed after the “l”? Why is it written soldier, but at the same time coat, correct, etc.
In this regard, what is the correct spelling - "McDonald's" or "McDonald's"?

Russian help desk response

The soft sign indicates the softness of the preceding consonant. In the word “soldier” the consonant L is hard, so there is no soft sign in the letter. That's right: McDonald's.

Question No. 266013
Please explain why the word “in connection” began to be written only separately. We were taught to write together. Thank you, Oleg Kryuk, 65 years old.

Russian help desk response

The spelling of this word has not changed for the last 65 years. Separate spelling is correct.

Question No. 264283
Please tell me in which cases (in connection) it is written separately, and in which together (in connection)?

Russian help desk response

Due always written separately.

Hello! Please answer in what cases should you write “in connection”, and when should you write “in connection”? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Separate writing is always correct: due.

Question No. 247113
Dear employees of “gramota.ru”, I am turning to you not for an explanation of what has already been accomplished and written down in the rules, but for an answer to a question about the future. Unfortunately, I don’t follow reforms in Russian spelling as closely as you do, so it’s difficult for me to predict future changes. In connection with this, the question is: will there be any significant reforms or even revolutions in spelling in the near future.
P.S. It’s true, I’m already tired of the “staircase” and not the “staircase” and the fact that it’s “wanted” and not “wanted.”
Once again I draw your attention to the fact that I am interested in the future, not the past.

Russian help desk response

A good question, and it is worth reflecting on the fate of Russian spelling. After all, much more often in the questions of our visitors you can find the opposite point of view: why are spelling changes needed at all? Don't linguists have anything better to do?

There will definitely not be a revolution in spelling. Firstly, any attempts to make changes to the set of spelling and punctuation rules - even the most insignificant and necessary changes - cause an extremely painful reaction from society (or rather, most of it - literate native speakers). This is understandable and explainable: having learned the rules of spelling, people do not want to relearn them. Spelling stability – necessary condition the existence of culture, and literacy is the most important indicator of a person’s education. During spelling reforms, it is the most literate people who suffer, because they instantly (even if for a short time, until they learn the new rules) become the most illiterate (If, for example, we accept the proposal to write parachute, brochure, jury, then a literate person who has learned to write Y will make a mistake, and an illiterate person who has never heard of any exceptions will write correctly). That is why any proposals to change spelling are immediately met with hostility by society: linguists “get it in full”, and their arguments often remain unheard (this happened several years ago, when the draft of a new set of spelling rules was discussed). In addition, many people (under the influence of Russian language lessons at school, where spelling is mainly studied) mistakenly think that spelling and language are the same thing, that changes in spelling lead to changes in language. Although in fact, spelling is just a “shell” of the language (like a candy wrapper), and by changing it, we cannot harm the language.

Secondly (although this is probably the first thing), Russian spelling does not need any global changes. Our spelling is complex, but reasonable, harmonious and logical. It is based on the phonemic principle, the essence of which is as follows: each morpheme (root, prefix, suffix) is written as identically as possible, despite the fact that its pronunciation in different positional conditions may be different. We pronounce [dup], but we write oak, because this word has the same root as the word Oak trees; pronounce [h]do, but we write do, because this word has the same prefix as in the word jump off etc. 96% of spellings correspond to the phonemic, or morphological, principle. And only 4% are various kinds of exceptions. They are determined by the traditions of Russian writing. We are writing ladder, although they could write ladder(How climb) And staircase(why not check with a word ladder?). And when writing a word look for word check doesn't work wanted. There is a rule here: in consoles once-/rose- under stress occurs only O, without accent - only A. By the way, there was an exception to this “wrong” rule: the word wanted was instructed to write through O, and the recent elimination of this strange exception also caused heated debate... It would, of course, be possible to eliminate all traditional spellings, bring them under the phonemic principle, but... why? This will be a merciless and senseless reform: we will lose many spellings in which the history of the Russian language is imprinted, and in addition, even the elimination of these 4% of exceptions will cause a colossal explosion in society. It was already proposed to eliminate a small part of them in 1964 (for example, to write yellow, acorn), but these proposals were indignantly rejected by society.

Still, small changes in spelling are inevitable. These are small changes, not revolutions or “language reform” with which journalists so frightened society. Now the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, adopted in 1956, are officially in force. It has long been obvious that they are outdated (imagine if the Road Traffic Rules adopted in 1956 were in force today). Some spelling rules (about writing n/nn in adjectives and participles, about the combined and separate writing of complex adjectives, etc.) baffle even the most literate people, not to mention those who are just starting to learn the Russian language. The spelling of many words that are often found in modern speech is not regulated by the “Rules”: 50 years ago these words did not exist. That is why the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences worked for several years on re-editing the spelling rules with the introduction of changes and additions that are relevant for modern written speech. For extralinguistic reasons (primarily due to the negative reaction of society to some proposed changes), this work was suspended. We can only hope that it will be completed in the coming years. The creation and official approval of a new set of rules for Russian spelling is not a whim of linguists, but a dictate of the times.

Question No. 242151
"I couldn't answer the call because I was busy."
How to write correctly: “in connection”, or “in connection”?

Russian help desk response

Due always written separately.

Question No. 241695
Hello! Tell me, in the phrase: due to rising prices, is it written together or separately?

Russian help desk response

Due always written separately.

Question No. 239406
rules for writing words in connection, during. In some cases together, in which separately. With examples. Thank you

Russian help desk response

Due And during are always written separately. Continuous writing is impossible.

In what cases is “in connection” written together, and in what cases separately? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

_In connection_ is always written in two words.
Question No. 228355
In the above phrase, is the word “in connection” written together or separately? In connection with admission to the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University, I ask.......

Russian help desk response

Separate spelling is correct. The word _humanitarian_ is spelled with one _m_.
Question No. 224551
Let's dot the "E" Hello! I work as a journalist in one of the local newspapers. The editors demand that we submit our materials with the letters “Y”. They say that the new rules of the Russian language seem to require this. I used to work in technical university, and we were categorically forbidden to use this letter in all technical documents, demanding that we replace it with “E”. I see that on some television channels the letter “Y” is actually used (for example, in the ticker on Channel One). But it is not on the same running lines of the RBC and Vesti TV channels. In connection with this, I have a question: do the new rules of the Russian language really require dotting the “E”, or do every newspaper and every TV channel have their own rules? Best regards, Dmitry Nikolenko.

Russian help desk response

See http://spravka.gramota.ru/pravila.html?gl_4.htm [“Rules: new and old”].
Question No. 214917
Good afternoon, tell me how to correctly spell (either together or separately) the phrase “in connection with...” or “in connection with...”

Russian help desk response

Correct: _in connection with_.