The first fluorescent lamp. Classification, marking and designation of fluorescent lamps and socles

Bulbs burn out frequently

A fluorescent lamp is a gas-discharge light source, which today is widely used for lighting not only in offices and production, but also in houses, apartments and garages. The main advantages compared to conventional lamps incandescent lamps - this is a long service life (up to 20 times higher) and several times more energy efficient (they consume several times less electricity with the same luminous flux).

But there are disadvantages:

  1. Sensitive to the quality of the power supply and the number of on and off. If these conditions are not met, they quickly fail.
  2. Inside a glass flask contains mercury hazardous to human health.
  3. Lack of Regulatory Opportunity with the help of luminance dimers, except for CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) of a special design and with a specific connection that requires additional wires for this.
  4. Not recommended for use with a switch that has a built-in backlight, which can lead to its incorrect operation with short-term ignitions of the lamp.
  5. The period between switching on the fluorescent lamp must be more than 2 minutes. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in conjunction with a sensor, sound, movement, etc. If this is ignored, it will quickly fail.
  6. Not recommended compact type fluorescent lamps use in sealed luminaires with a high degree of protection IP for rooms with high humidity, dust, fire hazard, etc.
  7. The operating temperature is not lower than -25 degrees Celsius, when this threshold is reached, it simply cannot light up when turned on.

Types of fluorescent lamps.

For houses and apartments, compact fluorescent lamps (hereinafter referred to as CFLs) are mainly used for a conventional base, which are connected directly to electrical network 220 volt. Quite rare are compact 4-pin fluorescent lamps, which require a luminaire with a special start-control unit, which also works with the so-called tubular fluorescent lamps (very rarely arc-shaped). The latter are mainly used for lighting administrative and industrial premises.

Technical characteristics of fluorescent lamps.

  • They all work at a voltage of 220 volts, less often when two are connected in series at 127 volts.
  • Three letter label. The first means L - luminescent, the second shade of the glow. D - daylight, B - white, E - natural white, TB - warm white, HB - cold white; K, 3, F, G, C - respectively red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, blue, UV means - ultraviolet. The third letter Ts (or two TsTs) after the first two indicates high quality color rendering. And at the very end there are letters emphasizing design features: U - U-shaped, K - ring, P - reflex, B - quick start. The numbers indicate power in watts. Power consumption is in the range from 18 to 80 watts.
  • Depending on the design, the lamps are found with different types and sizes of holders (socles) The diameter of the tube is indicated by the T-size, after which there is a value in eighths of an inch. So marking T8 indicates a diameter of 26 mm, and T12 - 38 mm. Be careful, otherwise you will get a lamp that does not fit your lamp. Read more in.
  • In addition to the base, the lamp should also be similar in length, so you will not insert an 18 W lamp into a 32 W lamp, because their length is almost 2 times different.

Specifications for compact fluorescent lamps.

You can easily find all technical specifications on the packaging or on the lamp body. Usually there is indicated the service life, power consumption in Watts (Watt) and a comparison of similar efficiency with an incandescent lamp. Always pay attention to the type of base. They are found on sale with a reduced size E14 base and a regular E27 base, designed for direct replacement of incandescent lamps. Another important parameter is color rendering, which shows what shade the artificial light will be, indicated in Kelvin from 2700K (warm shade, like an incandescent lamp) to 6500K (cold).
Read more about this in our article

Everybody fluorescent lamps can be divided into two large groups: linear and compact. A small assortment of annular and U-shaped lamps can be classified as linear, as they are made in flasks of the same diameter and have close parameters.

Linear lamps for mass use are produced in flasks with a diameter of 38, 26 and 16 mm (foreign designation - T12, T8 and T5, that is, 12/8, 8/8 and 5/8 inches). The German company Osram also makes T2 lamps with a diameter of about 7 mm, but these lamps are used so far only in scanners and other reprographic equipment, and not for general lighting. In recent years, the production of lamps in flasks with a diameter of 38 mm has practically ceased abroad. The standard power range of linear lamps is not large: 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 18, 20, 30, 36, 40, 58, 65 and 80 watts. In the vast majority of modern fixtures, lamps of only three power ratings are used: 18, 36 and 58 watts. In Russia, the production of lamps with a power of 20, 40, 65 and 80 W in flasks with a diameter of 38 mm is still ongoing.

As already mentioned, lamps of different powers differ in the length of the flasks - from 136 to 1514 mm (with socles).

Unlike incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps never indicate the voltage they must be switched on, since, depending on the switching circuit used, the same lamp can operate at the most different voltages- both in magnitude (from a few volts to hundreds of volts), and in terms of the type of current (alternating or direct).

Lamps of each power are produced with different color of radiation. In Russia, according to GOST 6825, five colors of white light are established: warm white, white, natural, cold white and daylight, denoted by the letters TB, B, E, HB and D. In addition to white lamps of different colors, colored fluorescent lamps are produced - red, yellow, green, blue and blue (K, F, Z, Gy C).

The chromaticity of the radiation of lamps can be approximately characterized by the color temperature of Hzv. Warm white color corresponds to 7Tsv = 2700 - 3000 K; white - 7Tsv \u003d 3500 K; cold white - 7Tsv \u003d 4200 K; natural - 7Tsv \u003d 5000 K; daytime - 7Tsv \u003d 6000 - 6500 K.

AT lamp marking there is no unity of foreign production, each company labels in its own way. So, Philips designates all linear lamps as TL-D, Osram - Lumilux, General Electric - F. After these letters, the power of the lamps is indicated (18W, 36W, 58W).
According to GOST 6825, the marking of lamps does not provide for an indication of the color rendering index. In contrast to this, in marking of all foreign lamps with good and excellent color rendering, after the power (through a fraction), a figure characterizing the overall color rendering index Ra is put. If Ra = 90, then the number 9 is written, at 80
Leading foreign firms often use in the names of lamps words that are clearly advertising in nature: De Lux, Super, Super de Lux, etc.
Considering the great disparity in lamp designation, often misleading consumers, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) has developed and recommended to all countries for use a single universal system for designating light sources ILCOS. In accordance with this system, all linear fluorescent lamps, including the T5 series, are designated by the letters FD, ring - FC, followed by the lamp power, overall color rendering index and color temperature.

The T5 series of lamps with a bulb diameter of 16 mm is available in two versions - “lamps with maximum luminous efficiency” (Osram brand designation is FH, Philips is HE) and “lamps with maximum luminous flux” (respectively FQ and HO). Both options contain four power ratings: the first - 14, 21, 28 and 35 W, the second - 24, 39, 54 and 80 W. In lamps with a power of 28 and 35 W, a record luminous efficiency for fluorescent lamps has been achieved - 104 lm / W. All T5 series lamps can only work with electronic devices. Lamps in flasks with a diameter of 26 and 38 mm (T8 and T12) are equipped with G13 socles, with a diameter of 16 mm - G5.
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), in turn, are also divided into two groups: with an external switching device and with a built-in (“integrated”) switching device.
Lamps of the first group are made with power from 5 to 55 watts. The cylindrical bulb of lamps can be bent one, two, three and even four times. In the literature, such lamps are usually called "two-, four-, six- and eight-channel", which is in principle incorrect, since all such lamps have only one discharge channel. The bases of all lamps in this group are special with two or four external pins. Starters are built into the two-pin bases, and only a choke of the appropriate type is needed to turn on lamps with such bases. Such lamps cannot work with electronic devices, since the built-in starters and noise-suppressing capacitors interfere with the operation of electronic circuits. Lamps with four-pin bases can be switched on with conventional chokes and external starters, as well as with electronic devices (some types of high power lamps can only be operated with electronic devices). There are about 20 types of plinths (Fig. 1 a, b).

Rice. 1 a.

Rice. 1 b.

In Russia, compact lamps are designated by the letters KL (compact fluorescent) or KLU (compact fluorescent universal, that is, capable of working with both conventional chokes and electronic devices). Further, the designation indicates the power of the lamp and the color of the radiation.

All compact lamps are made using narrow-band rare-earth phosphors that provide good color rendering, so the letter Ts is present in the marking of Russian lamps. switching on only with an external choke; KLU9/BTs - a compact lamp with a four-pin base with a power of 9 W, white, with improved color rendering, which can be switched on both with a choke and a starter, and with an electronic high-frequency device.
In Russia, CFLs are produced only with a "once" curved tube (two linear luminous sections) with a power of 5 to 36 W with G23 two-pin bases with a built-in starter or with 2G7 four-pin bases (5, 7, 9 and 11 W) or 2G11 (18 , 24 and 36 W). In recent years, the VNIIIS Pilot Plant in Saransk has begun to manufacture lamps with a built-in electronic switching device and an E27 base with four and six linear sections.

The range of foreign-made lamps is much wider. Leading European (Osram, Philips), American (General Electric, Sylvania) and Chinese companies make lamps with double, triple and quadruple curved tubes (4, 6 and 8 luminous sections), flat 2D type, spiral, etc. Virtually every The standard rating of the lamps has its own special base, which excludes the possibility of including lamps of any one power in fittings intended for lamps of another power.

As for linear, for compact lamps each company has its own designation system, which makes it difficult to navigate in the lamp world and often confuses consumers when deciding on the interchangeability of lamps from different companies. For example, Philips calls lamps with a G23 base PL-S, Osram - Dulux S, Sylvania - Lynx-S, General Electric - F ... X. After the letter designations, as well as for linear lamps, the power, the overall color rendering index and the color temperature are indicated.

Compact lamps of the second group (with a built-in switching device) appeared on the world market in 1981 as a direct alternative to standard incandescent lamps. These lamps, as mentioned above, were very heavy - about 400 grams - and were not widely used. The situation changed radically in 1986, when Philips, Osram, General Electric simultaneously began the commercial production of CFLs with built-in electronic switching devices and E14 and E27 socles. Lamps have a mass of not more than 100 grams; in size, and often in shape, they resemble familiar incandescent lamps; the color of the radiation, as a rule, is warm white, which is also close to incandescent lamps. An extensive advertising campaign began, for which in Germany Osram even distributed lamps for free for some time.

The promotions did their job, and the demand for CFLs with E27 and E14 bases began to grow everywhere, which led to a corresponding increase in their production. Now more than 200 million such lamps are made in the world a year, of which about 100 million are made in China. Unfortunately, in our country no more than 10 thousand such lamps are produced per year.

Compact fluorescent lamps with E27 or E14 socles they have a number of advantages over incandescent lamps and "non-integrated" CFLs: their light output is about 5 times higher, the service life is 8-10 times longer, the lamps are simply screwed into the sockets, they do not hum, do not blink when turned on, glow with a non-pulsing light. They have only one drawback - the high price. Foreign economists have calculated that at current prices for electricity in Europe and the USA, the payback period for CFLs is 2-3 years when the lamps are operated for about 3 hours a day.

Lamps with an integrated switching device are classified according to the power and color of the radiation. Like the lamps of the first group, there is no unity in the designation of integrated CFLs - each company designates it in its own way. According to the international ILCOS system, all CFLs with a built-in switching device must be called FSQ.

In Russia, there is also a CFL terminal with an intervening tube (Fig. 2). Such lamps of the Aladin or SKLEN type with a power of 11, 13 and 15 W are made in small quantities by the Moscow Electric Lamp Plant.

Rice. 2. Spiral fluorescent lamps of the Alaline type

Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the parameters of some types of domestic and imported fluorescent lamps.

Table 1

Power, W

Length, mm (full)

Luminous flux, lm

Luminous efficiency, lm/W

table 2










(at 20 °С)

(at 35 °С)

"The lamp life is 18,000 hours with an average luminous flux decline of 10%." The lamps are available with a color temperature of 2700, 3000, 4000 and 6000 K. The color rendering index of all lamps is 85.

Table 3

CFL parameters with built-in switching devices



Dimensions, mm

flow, lm

With two linear

When I started solving the problem of lighting my jar, I faced the problem of deciphering what is written on the lamps. After all, it is very easy to get lost in a complex variety fluorescent lamps, and if you do not have a catalog with detailed characteristics at hand, what should you do?

Here is a reference article that I think will help many not get lost in their choice

Options for choosing energy-saving lamps

Size. As a rule, energy-saving lamps are larger in size than conventional ones. Therefore, pay attention to whether the fluorescent lamp you have chosen will fit in your lamp. There are two main forms of energy-saving lamps: U - similar and in the form of a spiral. The shape of the lamp does not affect its performance, however, spiral lamps are usually somewhat more expensive than U-shaped lamps, since their production process is more complicated.

Power. Energy-saving lamps come in different power: from 3 to 85 watts. Considering that the luminous efficiency of energy-saving lamps is about 5 times higher than that of conventional lamps, you need to choose the required power of a fluorescent lamp based on the appropriate proportion - where you used a 100 W incandescent bulb, a 20 W energy-saving lamp will suffice.

Plinth type. Before buying a lamp, be sure to check the type of base of your lamp, which will only fit the corresponding lamp base. The vast majority of chandeliers that are suspended from the ceiling have an E 27 base (ordinary), in small lamps and sconces, a slightly smaller E 14 base (aka minion) is used.

First, let's deal with the terminology.

Light color is the temperature of a black body at which it emits radiation with the same chromaticity as the radiation in question. In other words, it is a measure of the objective impression of the color of a given light source. If the temperature of the "black body" rises, then the blue component in the spectrum increases, and the red component decreases.

Unit: kelvin (K).
There are the following main colors of light:
2700 K - extra warm white
3000K warm white
4000K - natural white or white
5000 K - cold white (daylight)
Lamps with the same color of light may have different color rendering characteristics, which is explained by the spectral composition of the light they emit.
Color sensation is the general, subjective sensation that a person experiences when looking at a light source. Light can be perceived as warm white, neutral white, or cool white. The objective impression of the color of a light source is determined by the color temperature.
Color rendition. The color fidelity of a certain lamp shows us how natural our surroundings look in the light of this lamp. The ability to color rendering reflects the coefficient (index) of color rendering - Ra.
To establish the value of Ra, eight colors are selected from the environment, which are then illuminated by the test lamp and a standard lamp giving light with the same color temperature. The smaller the difference in color rendering ability of the compared lamps, the higher the Ra value of the lamp under test.
The maximum value of the Ra factor is 100 (this value is accepted for sunlight, as well as for most incandescent lamps).
Color rendering class - the accuracy of the color rendering of the lamp. Classes 1A, 1B - the degree of color rendering is excellent. Classes 2A, 2B - the degree of color rendering is good. Class 3 - the degree of color rendering is satisfactory. Class 4 - the degree of color rendering is insufficient.
Each manufacturer of lighting products marks their products according to their own special type, but these designations can be deciphered and the necessary information about the lamp can be obtained.
Color rendering together with light color / color temperature constitute the international lamp color designation (colour designation), which must be deciphered.
Marking of PHILIPS fluorescent lamps (Fig. 1)
The first digit of the international designation determines the color rendering:
9 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 1A (Ra 90-100)
8 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 1B (Ra 80-89)
7 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 2A (Ra 70-79)
6 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 2B (Ra 60-69)
5 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 3 (Ra 50-59)
4 - corresponds to the degree of color rendering 3 (Ra 40-49)
The next two numbers indicate the light color / color temperature:
27 - LUMILUX PLUS INTERNA (super warm light) / about 2700 K
30 - LUMILUX PLUS warm white (warm light) / about 3000 K
40 - LUMILUX PLUS cold white (white natural) / about 4000 K
50 - LUMILUX PLUS daylight (cold light) / about 5000 K
60 - LUMILUX PLUS daylight / about 6000 K
65 - LUMILUX BIOLUX (daylight) / about 6500 K
Special aquarium lamps
Aquarium fluorescent lamps(TLD AQUARELLE) emit light with a very high energy density in the blue part of the spectrum. This not only emphasizes the beauty and originality of the underwater world, but also provides optimal conditions for photosynthesis, stimulates the formation of oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on aquarium plants and fish. These lamps are in the form of a tube with a diameter of 16 or 28 mm and a G5 or G13 base, respectively. Their power can be 8-58 watts. Useful service life - 8000 hours.
Here is some more information on Philips lamps:
and most interesting link:Special lamps for lighting aquariums


Marking of fluorescent lamps OSRAM
If the designation of Philips fluorescent lamps is more or less clear, then Osram lamps require some explanation due to the allocation of their own light colors. Therefore, for greater clarity, it is necessary to consider the colors of Osram lamps.
Light colors of OSRAM fluorescent lamps
Light color 11-860 LUMILUX® PLUS ECO daylight
Light color 21-840 LUMILUX® PLUS ECO cool white
Light color 31-830 LUMILUX® PLUS ECO warm white
Color of light 41-827 LUMILUX® PLUS ECO INTERNA
All of these light colors are available in economical OSRAM LUMILUX® PLUS ECO fluorescent lamps.
LUMILUX® color lamps are characterized by excellent color rendering and high luminous efficacy. The main advantages of these lamps are:
reduced power consumption
luminous efficacy up to 104 lm/W
excellent color rendering according to DIN 5035, grade 1B (Ra 80 - Ra 89).
For lamps with LUMILUX® light colours, it is recommended to use electronic ballasts that ensure economical operation of these lamps, the luminous flux of which during their service life decreases only slightly. This recommendation also applies to LUMILUX® DE LUXE lamps.
Lamp 12-950 LUMILUX® DE LUXE with daylight color meets the highest requirements for natural color reproduction in daylight (5400 K, Ra 98). Therefore, it is indispensable in cases where a living daylight atmosphere is needed, for example, in printing houses, dentists and laboratories, when viewing transparencies and in specialty textile stores.
Lamps 22-940 LUMILUX® DE LUXE with cool white and 32-930 LUMILUX® DE LUXE with warm white light color meet the highest requirements for very good color rendering (Ra>90). Color rendering degree 1A according to DIN 5035.
Lamp 72-965 BIOLUX® emits light that is similar in its spectral characteristics to sunlight. This lamp is recommended for areas with little natural light, such as offices, banks and shops. Thanks to its very good color rendering and high temperature(6500 K) it is ideal for color comparisons and medical light therapy.
Universal white (type 25)
Lamp with universal light color for indoor and outdoor lighting.
Lamps with special light colors
76 NATURA DE LUXE. The red component of the light emitted by this lamp is in harmony with the rest of the color components. Thanks to its natural color rendering, it is particularly suitable for highlighting meats, sausages, delicatessen, vegetables, flowers, etc.
77 FLUORA®. Special irradiator for plants and aquariums with enhanced emission in the spectral range of blue and red light. Ideal for photobiological processes. By the way, an analogue of GroLux and the like - to illuminate plants.
60, 66 and 67. Colored fluorescent lamps in red, green and blue for decorative lighting and special lighting effects. Not particularly suitable for aqua.
62. Fluorescent lamp of yellow light, absolutely free of ultraviolet component. This lamp is therefore recommended for sterile environments such as chip shops and for non-UV general lighting.
Osram lamps with SPS and UVS designations emit light with a minimum content of ultraviolet component type A (with an absolute absence of ultraviolet components of type B and C).

The specification of the DeLux energy-saving lamp: ESS-02A 15W E14 6400K means that we have a 15 W lamp with a small base (E14) that emits cold White light(6400K).



Type designations for incandescent lamps

B - spiral;
BK - bispiral with krypton filling;
B - vacuum;
G - gas-filled;
D - decorative;
ZK - mirror with concentrated KSS;
ZSH - mirror with a wide KSS;
M - in a milk glass flask;
O - in an opal glass flask;
C - in a candle-shaped flask;
Ш - spherical flask.

Symbols for some types of light sources

DRL - a high-pressure mercury arc lamp with a phosphor.
DRI - metal halide lamp.
DRIZ is a metal halide lamp with an internal mirror reflector.
DRISH - short-arc metal halide lamp, spherical.
HPS - high pressure sodium lamp.
DnaZ is a high-pressure sodium lamp with a mirror reflector.
KG - halogen incandescent lamp with a quartz bulb.

A gas-discharge light source, on the walls of which a special phosphor coating is applied, is called a fluorescent lamp. It is made in the form of a glass tube. At the ends there are special electrodes that light this lamp. The entire space inside the flask is filled with mercury vapor and an inert gas. It is they who, after ignition, begin to emit light.

After turning on the device, a gas discharge occurs inside. It is this discharge that ignites the mercury vapor and causes it to emit ultraviolet light invisible to the human eye.

The principle of operation and types of products

After the mercury is ignited, the ultraviolet begins to interact with the phosphor deposited on the walls, which provokes it to emit an already visible spectrum of light. Thus, the phosphor performs the function of a transducer, or converter, and allows us to already feel the light that is easily perceived by the human eye and is able to illuminate environment.

Thanks to the unique property of glass that does not transmit ultraviolet rays, it protects us and completely blocks their release into the environment and protects our eyes from its direct impact, which is detrimental.

But there are lamps that do not interfere with such radiation. They are made of uviol and quartz glass, these types of materials are capable of transmitting ultraviolet rays. As a rule, such lamps are used for cleaning and disinfection of various devices. They can be found in the store, as bactericidal they have a special designation, where indicated.

Principle of operation

To increase the heat output of light, low-pressure lamps are used with the addition of indium and cadmium amalgam or other similar elements. Thus, the temperature range is able to expand up to sixty degrees, in comparison with the standard filling of the lamp, when the temperature is not more than twenty-five degrees.

A significant decrease in performance is noticed when the ambient temperature is at a low level, below the minimum allowed. Under such conditions, the warm-up and ignition time of the lamp increases significantly, the intensity and quality of the glow decrease several times.

For such conditions, it is necessary to use special heaters and heaters. In this regard, lamps that do not contain mercury vapor, which operate exclusively at a low pressure of an inert gas inside the bulb, are gaining relevance.

Specifications and classification

To classify and highlight the technical characteristics of fluorescent lamps, you should pay attention to such indicators of their performance and design:

  • The type of light emitted. Energy-saving devices can emit both ordinary white and daylight. A newer variety of them are universal devices.
  • The transverse width of the flask. In proportion to the growth of this indicator, all other indicators increase, such as power, light temperature, spectrum and duration of operation of the device. The most common and most effective are the diameters of eighteen, twenty-six and thirty-eight millimeters. The diameter and length of the entire flask are often indicated together, for example, dimensions 38 \ 406.
  • Radiation strength indicator or in simple words device power. Thanks to this criterion, we are able to calculate what area it is possible to illuminate with the lamp of our choice. Also, the efficiency of the device depends on the power indicator.
  • The number of plinths can be one, two or compact with built-in plinths. To increase the compactness, the lamps are twisted in a spiral to save space.
  • The need for a starter design or a starterless device. There is an opinion that lamps that do not have a starter are more economical, but this is not so. In fact, such devices simply expend the same amount of electricity for a longer run.
  • The nominal voltage required for the operation of the lamp. There are varieties capable of operating from a standard voltage of 220 volts and a more unique one, 127 volts.
  • Flask shape: ring, y-shaped, straight, spiral, spherical device, arc shape. Standard household lamps usually have the most acceptable helical design and are generally unmarked.
  • Life time. Depending on the area of ​​​​use, the service life will vary. Home energy-saving lamps have the longest period of operation.

In comparison with older counterparts, when they appeared on the market, each energy-saving light bulb was labeled and had its own designation. The designation system was invented immediately and was only supplemented with the release of newer models and the expansion of functionality.

Manufacturers indicate the type of device, but rarely indicate parameters such as the diameter and length of the flask, they are written only on the box.

Marking of domestic manufacturers

The shape of the flask clearly demonstrates the appearance and affects most of the characteristics, let's look at how the flasks are marked:

  • U - stem device. In addition, a figure is indicated in front, which shows how many electric arcs occur inside.
  • M - clarification, which shows that the product has small dimensions with relatively high power.
  • S - Spiral flask type. There are also subspecies, such as a spiral with an installed jacket-case.
  • P - This designation indicates that a jacketed body is being used. It is used with almost all types of energy-saving devices.
  • C - in the form of a candle.
  • Ш - a spherical device, this shape is standard for reflector lamps.
  • R - indicates that the structure has a reflector to direct the flow of light.

We analyze all the pros and cons

The light output increases as the length of the device decreases. Thus, the losses of anodic and cathodic interactions become smaller and the luminous flux becomes more qualitative. Based on this, it can be understood that a 26 W lamp will be more efficient than two lamps with a similar total power.

The period of operation is limited by the wear of the electrodes, since they simply disappear during development. Shorts and falls of the device adversely affect its viability. After a fall, the service life and quality of light can drop dramatically.

What are the advantages of such devices:

  1. The relatively high efficiency is about twenty-five percent, and the light output is up to ten times higher than that of incandescent lamps.
  2. The service life is approximately twenty thousand hours.
  3. Fairly high light output. This indicator exceeds incandescent lamps by five to six times. For example, a twenty-watt energy-saving device emits an amount of light approximately equal to a hundred-watt incandescent lamp.
  4. Very wide color spectrum. It is possible to choose a lamp with such a glow color that you need. There are hundreds of different shades available today.
  5. The light is distributed throughout the entire volume of the device, and not only on the working body, as is the case with an incandescent lamp.

Of course, such a device has disadvantages:

  • Need additional ballast to stabilize and maintain normal lamp operation. The ballast is a ballast that ensures the normal ignition process and stable operation of the energy-saving lamp.
  • They strongly depend on the external air temperature. The optimum temperature for work is twenty degrees.
  • There is a risk of mercury vapor poisoning if the casing of the device is severely damaged.
  • Unstable voltage will cause strong flicker, which is perceptible to the human eye and greatly damages vision.
  • Installation of a dimmer is possible only with the use of additional devices.
  • Recycling requires a specialized service, which costs a lot of money.

Selects an energy-saving lamp for his needs

When choosing this device for yourself, you should adhere to certain rules that will subsequently affect its quality and durability indicators.

Markings of popular manufacturers

What specifications should I pay attention to:

  • Features of the room where the lamp will be installed.
  • The temperature at which the device will need to operate.
  • The quality of your power grid.
  • Lamp dimensions. If it's too long or too wide, there's a chance it won't fit in your fixture.
  • Necessary need for power, color and type of luminous flux.

By choosing a device in accordance with these rules, you are guaranteed to receive a good product which will be able to meet all your needs.