Plekhanovka branches. Russian Economic Academy named after

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The thirst for knowledge is inherent in many people. Every year, such individuals graduate from schools and begin to look for suitable universities. The attention of many is attracted by such an educational organization as the Russian the University of Economics Plekhanov. Reviews about this are both positive and negative. What advantages and disadvantages do students and graduates of the university point out?

Brief information about the university

The prerequisites for the creation of the university appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, when commercial courses were opened in Moscow. Their aim was to train teachers in several disciplines. In 1907 the courses were transformed into a commercial institute. This is the founding date of the current university. Later he received the name of a famous historian, public figure, philosopher. We are talking about such a person as GV Plekhanov.

Reviews of the modern RGEU indicate that at present the university is a major educational institution operating in Moscow. It has 26 branches in our country and abroad. About 50,000 people are currently studying in higher professional education programs. RGEU still has mid-level specialists. They teach more than 8 thousand students.

Hull condition

The Plekhanov University pays special attention to the comfort of the premises in which training is carried out. Students' reviews contain such information as a modern interior, the availability of the necessary new equipment. These are the characteristics inherent in the RGEU. It is also worth noting that 3 buildings are monuments of culture and history:

  • The first educational building was created at the beginning of the 19th century according to the project of A.U. Zelenko. At first, the Men's Commercial School was located in this building. During the Great Patriotic War, there was a headquarters and base for the formation of the 17th division of the people's militia.
  • The second educational building was erected according to the project of S. U. Solovyov. Previously, it was the building of the Moscow Commercial Institute. In 1917, it served as an arena for fighting between students who supported the Provisional Government and the Red Guards.

  • The third educational building was erected according to the project of N. L. Shevyakov at the beginning of the last century. The building later became the Women's Commercial School. During the First World War, there was a hospital for soldiers of the Russian army.

Evaluation of university faculties

More than 14 faculties are included in the Plekhanov University. Reviews indicate that each applicant can choose the structural unit they like for their life path and the direction of training or specialty that is most suitable for their mindset and abilities. Below is a list of faculties of the university:

  • Business School of Entrepreneurship and Marketing;
  • faculty of management;
  • faculty of marketing;
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Design and Management;
  • faculty of law and economics;
  • Faculty of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematical Economics;
  • International School of World Economy and Business;
  • faculty of tourism, sports and;
  • Integral School of Business;
  • faculty of commodity science and economics of trade;
  • financial faculty;
  • faculty of distance education;
  • faculty of e-learning;
  • faculty of additional professional education.

At all the listed faculties, that is, in general, throughout the entire university, there are 22 areas of undergraduate training (in 49 profiles), 14 areas of training in the master's program (in 75 programs). All professions offered are relevant. The specialists that the university graduates are needed by many enterprises. Therefore, graduates during employment are not unclaimed. They quickly get to work.

Teaching staff at the university

The Plekhanov Russian State University of Economics has been functioning for about 110 years. Throughout this time, he provided students with a quality education and continues to do so at the present time. They received and receive useful and relevant knowledge, necessary practical skills thanks to teachers.

Plekhanov's university has always attracted highly qualified specialists. Reviews reflect this information. Students are happy with teachers. They, according to students, are strict and demanding, but this is also considered a definite plus. Students, not wanting to receive negative grades, come to classes prepared, together with teachers they strive to understand complex tasks and issues.

The quality of the educational process

The depth of students' knowledge, the speed of assimilation of new information depends on how well the educational process is built. In RGEU everything is very well thought out. Plekhanov's university has no problems with the quality of the educational process. Feedback indicates that the institution is introducing the most modern teaching methods, experimenting with innovative technologies and new equipment.

In order for students to improve their foreign language and expand their knowledge in the chosen field, the educational institution has developed double and triple diploma programs. Students who choose them participate in exchange programs, study abroad at certain universities that are partners of RGEU. Studying abroad is not paid extra. Students bear only those expenses that are associated with obtaining a foreign passport and visa, travel and accommodation.

Benefits for applicants and students

RGEU is a state university, therefore, the number of budget places is approved annually in it. It depends on the areas of study. In the most demanded and prestigious specialties, state-funded places are either absent or available in very small numbers.

Scholarships are paid to students studying at a university in state-funded places. Reviews also contain information that the educational institution provides financial assistance. This is a one-time allowance, which is issued to needy persons at the full-time department once every 6 months. The main reasons for providing financial assistance:

  • difficult financial situation;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • having a disability.

An important issue for some students is housing. To solve it, the university built dormitories. In total there are 3 well-appointed buildings. To obtain the right of residence, you must fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the department of social work.

Demand for graduates

Employers are aware of the merits of a Moscow university. Many of them are happy to accept young specialists who graduated from Plekhanov's university. Reviews of former students about employment are written in a positive way. Graduates of the past years quickly found work, occupied fairly good starting positions and began to build a career. Many of them now hold leading positions in the economic and political spheres, in business and science.

Confirmation of the demand for graduates is not only reviews, but also the corresponding rating, which was compiled on the basis of requests from employers. In it, the Russian University takes 5th place among other prestigious higher educational institutions in our country.

student life

Being a student is quite difficult, but it is very interesting at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Reviews show that in an educational institution, each enrolled applicant can reveal their talents and abilities, find something interesting for themselves. For example, some choose to become part of the student council. This is a self-governing body in the university, which makes the life of students more diverse.

The House of Culture "Congress Center" is another place that allows students to find themselves in creativity. All classes that are held here are completely free. The DC contains:

  • a club for students interested in instrumental music;
  • literary association;
  • guitar club;
  • theater group;
  • vocal studio.

Sports life at the university

RGEU has been actively developing in the field of physical culture and sports in recent years. Thanks to this, it offers a varied pastime outside of school hours. At the university, you can practice ballroom and modern dance, yoga, aerobics, Pilates, fitness, and swimming. Of the games, students are offered table tennis, Russian billiards, streetball. Those who wish can sign up for mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, fisticuffs.

Sports life is organized by the student sports club at the university. It was created not so long ago. The club was founded in the spring of 2010. Its goals are:

  • in holding sports events;
  • formation of teams that could compete at various levels of competition;
  • organization of the process of improving students.

Negative reviews about the university

Positive reviews about are not the only ones. Negative comments also exist. In them, students and graduates write about corruption, about the fact that it is impossible to pass exams and tests at the RSEU without paying bribes. However, such reviews are often refuted by other students. Those students who are satisfied with everything note that they handed over all the subjects on their own and never offered money to teachers. Especially at the time of delivery, they didn’t “fill up”. Teachers objectively assessed students' knowledge.

In terms of negative feedback, students complain about some teachers. According to students, certain individuals are not at all interested in the fact that future specialists receive the necessary knowledge. Such teachers conduct classes without interest. They do not explain practical examples, they read their lectures from a piece of paper.

Conclusions on the activities of the WGUE

If we analyze the existing about PRUE them. Plekhanov's reviews, we can conclude that there are much more positive aspects. Many students do not regret entering the Russian State University of Economics. They are happy to be part of a large team.

Each faculty of Plekhanov receives positive reviews due to many years of experience in training specialists for important areas of modern life (for entrepreneurship, business, trade, accounting, management and marketing, commodity science, etc.). The acquired knowledge allows graduates to work in such large companies as Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, VTB, the Central Bank Russian Federation and etc.

Russian Economic Academy. G. V. Plekhanov: faculties and form of education

The Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics was recognized as the largest Russian university in the field of economics. It officially occupies one of the first places in the top five universities throughout the country, so it is not surprising that several thousand students want to enter here every year. After all, the diploma of this educational institution is highly valued even in other European countries.

The Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics includes 15 faculties:
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Business Faculty
Faculty of Finance
Marketing faculty
Business school for corporate entrepreneurship
General Economic Faculty
Special business school "Integral"
School of Business "IBS" in the Russian Federation
Center pre-university training
Graduate School of Tourism and Sports Industry
Faculty of Management
Department of Informatics
Faculty of Economics and Engineering
Distance learning
Additional courses

Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics has two forms of education: full-time and part-time. About 13,000 people study here (this is taking into account branches). The institution includes several branches:

Russian Economic Academy named after Plekhanov: profiles, student council and general information.

More than twenty profiles have been opened at the Russian Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov, which provide students from Russia (and not only) with a high level of education:
World economy
labor economics
Analysis, audit and accounting
Finance and credit
Organisation management
Trade or commerce
Economy of the national level
Examination and merchandising of goods (by areas of application)
Taxation and taxes
Supply management and logistics
Technology of food products for public and public use
Management and economics by enterprises and industries
Mathematical Methods in Economics
Apparatus and machines for the production of food products

The Plekhanov Special Council of the Russian Academy of Economics was founded in 1997. Chirkovy Oleg Andreevich is considered its founder.

This advice works in many directions, the most important of them:
Scientific Student Society
Training Center
Sports Committee
Construction teams
Committee for holding cultural events
Council for solving dormitory issues
photography club
Center for Communications and External Relations
Social Committee
Administrative and Training Committee
Public relations

The university takes part in many international programs. It also cooperates with many European universities and universities. This contributes to the development of the educational institution.

“A good education is one of the best ways to invest” - this motto best characterizes the educational structure of this university. Thanks to this slogan, he won the trust and favor of many young graduates of his country.

The Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics is directly involved not only in the dissemination of economic knowledge, but also in its further development. In today's information world, there is nothing better than good educated society, which consists exclusively of highly qualified specialists.

Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics is an education that is valued both in Russia and abroad.

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Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews of PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanova

Rosalina Ganieva 14:49 10.05.2017

Hello. With all due respect to the university, a huge request, when organizing competitions on an All-Russian scale, a huge simply human request, that the organizers of the competitions be more responsible for their "organizational work". Participants of Our History contest reacted with responsibility and came from all corners of our country. Poorly organized work, from check-in to food. If we knew that it was so disorganized, we would have made ourselves accommodation and food. Slave...

Irina Kovaleva 17:08 03.05.2016

Currently, my sister is studying at this university. From the very beginning we knew that education here is at the highest level, but now we can say with confidence that the university trains highly qualified specialists! Many thanks to the teachers for the special attention to each student!

Gallery of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanova

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education“Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov"

Branches of PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Colleges of PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

  • College Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov


No. 01789 is valid Indefinitely from 11/30/2015


No. 01615 is valid from 12/30/2015 to 05/22/2027

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 7 7 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education73.03 71.86 79.86 69.96 75.64
Average USE score credited to the budget87.88 84.48 83.54 84.41 87.91
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis68.96 66.72 76.45 62.16 69.35
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department51.46 50.07 55.65 49.26 50.64
Number of students19107 20512 22881 19581 16401
full-time department13807 14572 14849 13064 11524
Part-time department3652 3358 3645 3683 3614
Extramural1648 2582 4387 2834 1263
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP-5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest passing score of the Unified State Exam for the direction of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. The cost of paid education.

The results of the 2013 admission campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Economist training profiles.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow in terms of the number of students from the monitoring of the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics began its work in 1907 as a Commercial Institute, and acquired the status of a university only in 2010. But, nevertheless, PRUE them. G. V. Plekhanov has already become one of the largest educational and scientific centers for the training and retraining of highly qualified specialists in the field of engineering, economics, technology and commodity science.

University education

The university includes:

  • faculties where you can get higher professional education - engineering and economics, commodity science and trade, stock exchange and taxation, marketing, finance, banking and insurance, management, economics and mathematics, political science and law, general economic and international economic relations;
  • distance education faculty, where you can get higher education without attending a university, for this you only need a computer and Internet access to study in your chosen specialty;
  • International Business School, which provides education in all disciplines exclusively in English;
  • Higher School of Sports Industry, where students develop their sports qualities and then participate in various sports competitions;
  • Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies, where specialists improve their skills in accordance with the ever-increasing requirements of the labor market;
  • educational and scientific center for retraining and advanced training of employees of higher education.

At the moment, PRUE them. G. V. Plekhanov is one of the largest economic universities in the country, especially since in 2012 the Saratov State Socio-Economic University and the Russian State Trade and Economic University were attached to it. Thus, now the university with its 34 branches is a huge scientific and educational network in which students receive only the highest quality education.

In addition to traditional bachelor's, specialist's and master's degree programs, PRUE offers postgraduate and doctoral studies. The preparation of students at the university is carried out by a highly qualified teaching staff of 1200 people, while 260 of them are doctors of science, 180 are professors, about 600 are candidates of science and 420 are associate professors.

University structure

Over the years of its existence, the university has acquired a complex structure, where each component plays a significant role in the education of the student. There is:

  • department for informatization, the purpose of which is the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process of students and the constant updating of the equipment and technologies available at the university;
  • Center for Humanitarian Training, which organizes various meetings, conferences, round tables and competitions on history, psychology, political science, foreign languages and sociology, which contributes to the development of students' desire to become more familiar with these disciplines;
  • publishing center, established in 2011, thanks to which the PRUE. G. V. Plekhanova is engaged in the production of educational literature, scientific and methodological manuals and other literature, which contributes to improving the quality of education of students;
  • Scientific and Information Library Center named after Academician L.I. Abalkin, where there are more than 500 thousand books, while 7000 of them are old editions - both Russian and English;
  • Career Development Center, whose employees organize practice and internships for students, so that from their student days they learn to apply the knowledge gained at the university in practice;
  • a hostel for non-resident students, which is located a three-minute walk from the university and where there is everything a student needs for full life and recreation - a gym, a device through which students can drink free coffee, free wi-fi in the lounges;
  • a sanatorium-dispensary, where both students and employees can receive good medical care at any time;
  • Association of university graduates, which organizes meetings of graduates who can help future graduates of the university with employment.

Organization of leisure for students of the REU. G. V. Plekhanova

The university administration believes that for the full development of the personality of students, in addition to lectures and practical classes, he should have a choice of what he wants to do in his spare time. For these purposes, the University has a House of Culture of the University "Congress Center", where students can participate in a pop vocal group, in which they will develop their vocal talents, or in the Student Song Club "Me and My Guitar", where you can learn how to play this guitar. musical instrument and try yourself as an author and performer of beautiful songs. In addition, the DC "Congress Center" has its own literary association, where lovers of prose and poetry gather and share discussions of their favorite works, and also has its own dance group "Helikon", participating in which the guys show their dancing and acting talents.

The university has its own sports club, which contributes to the improvement of the students of the PRUE. GV Plekhanov with the help of physical culture and sports. It has its own billiards club, a fitness room, a fight club where students go in for boxing, karate and kickboxing, as well as sections where children can play volleyball, football, table tennis, rugby, hockey and basketball. And the girls of the university will be able to perfectly prove themselves in the SABOTAGE cheerleading team, traveling together with the sports teams of the university to interuniversity competitions in various sports.

In the summer, students can go to the Anapa sports and recreation center, located on the Black Sea coast. Here the guys have a great vacation, relax, swim in the sea, dance at discos, participate in various competitions and become a big friendly family.

Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

About the University

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov is the first higher economic educational institution in the country, leading its history from 1907.
To date, the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov University trains highly qualified specialists not only in the field of economics, but also in jurisprudence, management, business, commodity science and trade.
The university includes more than 30 branches in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. In total, more than 82,000 students study at the Russian Economic University (including all branches and all forms of education). More than 26,000 students study on the Moscow campus. The University has 14 faculties and 67 departments (5 of them are basic). Education is conducted in more than 60 undergraduate programs and 60 master's programs. Postgraduate studies are conducted in 22 areas, doctoral studies - in 2 areas.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics offers a full cycle of continuing education from lyceum to doctoral studies and DBA programs.
The structure of the REU includes an economic lyceum (enrollment is conducted in grades 9-11) and three divisions that implement SPO programs - the Moscow Industrial and Economic College, the Moscow Instrument-Making College, and the Moscow Technological College of Nutrition.
Business education is represented at the university by MBA, DBA programs, as well as numerous short-term professional development programs. Since 1997, the PRUE has been implementing a presidential program for the training of managerial personnel.


To date, the University has more than 120 partner universities in 30 countries around the world. There are 17 programs of double and triple diplomas, implemented jointly with 14 foreign partner universities.
There are many English-language programs at REU, including those of the IBS-Plekhanov faculty, where teaching is conducted entirely in English.
REU them. G.V. Plekhanov became the only Russian university awarded four stars out of five possible in the QS Stars University Ratings. Quality of education, employment of graduates, distance/online education of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanov was rated by the experts with the highest score - 5 stars.

Educational infrastructure

To carry out the training of highly qualified specialists, unique educational laboratories have been created at the university (a laboratory for financial research, a laboratory for merchandising and examination of goods, a laboratory for criminalistics and special equipment, an educational laboratory for information security, etc.), a center for collective use, a business incubator, a center for youth entrepreneurship, information -library center, career development center.
The business incubator allows students to engage in project, research, innovation and entrepreneurial activities already in the process of learning. Plekhanovites can provide a business plan or a description of a business idea. The best works are selected, actively developed and attracted new investors.
The information and library center includes various databases and 1 million copies of literature (including the fund of rare books).

Extracurricular activities and infrastructure

Much attention is paid to the extracurricular activities of students in the PRUE. This includes participation in student scientific conferences, various sports and cultural events, volunteer movements, work in intellectual clubs, attending business trainings, open lectures by famous entrepreneurs and politicians.
The main campus of REU is located in the center of Moscow, it has 8 academic buildings, a cultural center, gyms and a swimming pool, as well as several of its own hostels. Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities of students in REU. This includes participation in student scientific conferences, various sports and cultural events, volunteer movements, work in intellectual clubs, attending business trainings, open lectures by famous entrepreneurs and politicians.

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in 1907. For more than 100 years, the university has always been closely connected with the national economy: the development of commerce and food production technology at the beginning of the 20th century, then the development of commodity science, the growth of the cooperative movement, the creation of state economic statistics and planning systems, economic reforms 1965-1970 years, macroeconomic and sectoral studies in the 1980s, promoting the formation of market structures in the 1990s. The scientific school of the university (academicians L. Abalkin, A. Aganbegyan, V. Mayevsky, L. Grinberg, V. Makarov, P. Bunich, V. Ivanter, V. Kuleshov, corresponding member R. Grinberg) has long been the core of academic economic Russian communities. The high practical orientation of education and its connection with the realities of the economic situation in the country have been a unique characteristic of the university for many years. In 2012-2015, the PRUE was enlarged by joining the Saratov State Socio-Economic University, the Russian State University of Trade and Economics and the Moscow state university economics, statistics and informatics.

Currently at the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, training is carried out across the entire spectrum of educational programs: from secondary general education to the training of graduate students and doctoral students. Training at the PRUE is organized in Moscow and 22 branches located in the cities of the Russian Federation and abroad. More than 50,000 students and 780 graduate students study at the REU under higher education programs, 2,500 teachers work, including more than 20,000 students and 580 graduate students at the head university, 1,200 teachers work. 8,400 students and over 400 teachers work at the PRUE under the programs of secondary vocational education, including 3,500 students and 150 teachers at the head university.

Attraction of highly qualified teaching staff, development and implementation of innovative educational programs, including double and triple degree programs with leading foreign universities, and the use of modern educational technologies ensure the training of highly qualified specialists who are in demand by the professional community in Russia and the world.

The mission of the Russian Economic University is to promote the sustainable socio-economic development of Russia through the formation of human and intellectual capital.

The strategic goal of the PRUE for the period is to build an effective multi-level system of continuous education in the field of economics and related fields of knowledge that meets the needs of the state, society and the individual, the formation of a university whose educational and research activities have wide international and national recognition and provide a resource base for its further sustainable development.

The specificity of the PRUE is that it preserves the traditions of domestic education in the field of economics, updating them based on the requirements of the real economy and modern international standards. One of the strengths of the national economic school is the use of economic-mathematical and economic-statistical (econometric) methods for substantiating economic theories and solutions.

The advantage of the current educational model of the PRUE is a combination of economic and management education, focused on practice, strong mathematical (statistical) and legal training and the use of information technology. Orientation towards practice is ensured, among other things, due to the presence of natural science departments and the backlog of expertise in the field of trade, commodity science, economics and enterprise management, as well as related specialties. In-depth mathematical training is provided by a high proportion of disciplines that actively use the economic and statistical apparatus and information technology.

Since 2012, PRUE has been included in the QS World University Rankings. Over the past two years, PRUE has been improving its position in regional rankings (QS University Rankings: BRICS, QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe & Central Asia), in international Internet rankings Webometrics, Alexa, 4ICU. Since 2015, the PRUE has been providing information for participation in the THE WUR rating.