What kind of people know how to be faithful? Devotion and fidelity - what is it? Unconventional train of thought

Wiring diagram

Loyalty is a concept that can be viewed from different angles. It is difficult to give a clear definition of this word, because each person’s point of view depends on his experience, age, experiences in life and his own attitudes.

In addition, you can consider different types of fidelity, because you can keep it not only to your loved one. To understand this concept, it is worth not only considering the definition given in the explanatory dictionary, but also finding out what types of fidelity there are, what determines a person’s decision to remain faithful to someone or something.

Definition of the term

Loyalty is steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary. This is the quality of a person as an individual to once make a decision and follow his choice, brushing aside all doubts.

In essence, fidelity is a line of behavior chosen in accordance with life values. It cannot arise without an object of attention, internal or external. This spiritual need is generated by someone or something. As a rule, loyalty is shown to loved ones, friends, words, God, principles and beliefs, heart, Motherland, family.

Alternative definitions of the concept

The question of how you understand the meaning of the word “loyalty” can have many answers, depending on the person trying to define it. It could be:

  • “the right path” or “the right answer”, i.e. correct;
  • “sure thing” means fundamentally reliable;
  • “faithful person” - authoritative, serviceable.

Often, accidental or deliberate mistakes lead to a violation of fidelity. And this is already betrayal, first of all, to yourself, your rules, and then to the object of attention. Such cases are associated with certain losses, moral and sometimes physical. And depending on the situation they are experienced differently.

Loyalty to friendship

Loyalty is the main condition of true friendship, which requires a large amount of time, patience and dedication, not demanding anything in return. Not everyone is given the honor of becoming a friend.

Friendship arises on the basis of common interests, mutual sympathy, trust and is the highest moral value. It is acquired for a reason, but lives and develops according to its own scenario. It is very important to have a friend nearby in difficult times. And if he is both in grief and in joy, then wings grow. And then human possibilities become unlimited. Historical victories, scientific discoveries, and adventures are impossible without true friends.

Loyalty to duty

A sense of duty goes hand in hand with patriotism. And loyalty to him is the core on which perseverance and responsibility for words and deeds, courage and honesty, constant readiness to overcome all kinds of hardships and hardships, professional, physical and psychological preparation are strung. It cannot be borrowed, imposed or taken away. This is a gift of conscience and steadfastness of soul.

When taking the oath, soldiers swear allegiance to their homeland. In combat conditions, soldiers carry wounded soldiers out from under bullets, true to their sense of duty. Even medals and badges “For fidelity to duty” are awarded to the worthy. This type of loyalty manifests itself in politics and in religion. Presidents of all countries of the world take an oath of allegiance to the interests of the state. In ancient times, subjects swore faith in kings, and servants kept the secret of the Order. The priests died for their faith, but did not betray it, because faith in God is the basis of any fidelity.

Love and loyalty

The meaning of the word “fidelity” in the relationship between a man and a woman does not allow for compromise or double morality. Deep feelings arise only with complete trust, sincerity and openness. There are no vows or promises needed here. People have found each other, all doubts have melted away, the conscious choice is final and is not subject to outside comments. In this case, the desire to be faithful arises on its own and does not require effort. The need to look for someone better is simply eradicated, because there is no better person to be found.

This is an internal, unconscious, but therefore a real decision - to remain faithful. The meaning of this word in this context is beyond doubt - do not allow anyone into your life except the chosen person. And let them say that in modern society this concept is losing its value, that loyalty has practically disappeared. It is unlikely that this will ever happen. Because if a person loves, then he makes a silent decision to be faithful and does everything possible to create a family idyll, peace of mind and sexual harmony.

If two loyalties are combined into one family life, then this will be the key to happiness. This includes freedom from temptations, responsibility for a loved one, and fulfillment of obligations.

Parents have always been role models for their children. And if they are faithful to the interests of the family, this will serve as a good example to the younger generation in their future adult life. Over the years, people become closer, because love is the friend of fidelity.

Swan fidelity

Animals do not have such a high organization of the brain as humans do, so in most cases they are polygamous. This preserves populations and species viability. But we can also single out those for whom love and loyalty are the most important feelings. These are penguins, wolves, foxes, beavers, gibbons, turtle doves, barn owls, albatrosses, eagles and, of course, swans.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “swan fidelity” received the right to life precisely from white swans. These birds are a symbol of fidelity. They create married couples for life and remain faithful even after the death of their partner. They can sympathize, care for, heal, feed and give tenderness to their loved ones until their last breath. And after their death, they refuse to fly, remain in the place of their former happiness and remain faithful.

Loyalty is a facet of human relationships. Where she settles, a reliable and bright fortress will grow, where anger and jealousy, rage and fear will never wander. It is difficult to be faithful, but you need to try to open the door to this pure, kind and immaculate spiritual quality.

Loyalty is a very deep and multifaceted concept. A person can be faithful to his work, to his spoken words, to his loved one. Be that as it may, the word “loyalty” always implies endless devotion beyond other factors.

But how many truly faithful people are there now? Humanity is accustomed to living, trusting instincts and desires, and not according to God's laws, avoiding negative actions. I remember the work of G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The reader is shown here a dog's loyalty and devotion, which is rarely inherent in humans. The dog was waiting for its owner from the hospital, wandered through the streets, but still died of melancholy, not knowing that Ivan Ivanovich had returned for her. The story can bring tears, it penetrates deep into the soul and is remembered forever, you only have to read it once. It shows true loyalty in friendship and devotion to one person. Other people were ready to shelter the dog, but he continued to wait only for his owner.

Also, the theme of fidelity was widely discussed in the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". By force of circumstances, the hero of the story, Pyotr Grinev, went to public service, and Masha remained waiting for him. Shvabrin, who was defeated in the duel, was angry and offended. This man was desperately trying to persuade the girl to marry. But Masha was adamant, she waited and loved only Peter. Such relationships can serve as a good example of fidelity. Not every person, being far away, is able to maintain a sound mind and devotion towards a loved one. Maria did it.

I believe that a person, first of all, must be true to himself, his principles and beliefs. If we follow these simple rules of life, then loyalty will become an integral part of our character. You will not need to think about the correctness of your actions, because a faithful person always keeps “devotion” in his heart and mind.

Together with the article “Essay on the topic “What does it mean to be faithful?” read:

  1. Determination

The ability to make decisions is a sure sign of smart people. These people know how to calculate the exact action, they believe in themselves and listen to their intuition. In life, we often find ourselves in a situation of choice: What to cook for dinner? What to do in your free time? What to buy for dinner? An intelligent person knows how to comprehend a situation, determine the pros and cons, see prospects and come to the right decision. All these features lead an intelligent person to success.

  1. Decent environment

As a rule, smart, educated people are surrounded by their own kind. They love to meet new people, but they maintain relationships with few, but only with those who are truly interesting to them. Such people do not have many friends, but they have several real ones who will come to the rescue at any time.

  1. Using Opportunities Wisely

Smart people are able to see and take advantage of opportunities, which is helped by such qualities as diligence, responsibility, attention and determination. While many people often hope for luck, smart people are well aware that nothing happens in life just like that. To get what you want, you need to make at least some effort. Smart people are not afraid of responsibility and difficulties, and therefore know how to use a chance and achieve success.

  1. Unconventional train of thought

Yes, the thinking of smart people is non-standard. They think differently and are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Smart people are always adequate and understand that there is not only black or only white in life, but there are many shades. Smart people are ready to listen to any opinion, even if it seems stupid to them. This happens because smart people are not limited in their thinking.

  1. Continuous development

Smart people learn throughout their lives. They are always aware of all world events, receive a variety of skills and abilities that they find application for. As a rule, their activities benefit themselves and others, that is, they do not waste time. Thus, smart people are constantly developing.

  1. Having a sense of humor

Smart people understand that there is no way in our lives without laughter and fun. Joyful events add bright colors and contrasts to our everyday lives. Smart people often joke, even in the most difficult situations; they like to relax the environment around them and create a fun atmosphere.

  1. Speech and movement

Measured speech and calm movements. The fact is that smart people always know what they are saying and what they are doing, and therefore their actions and speech are calm and confident.

We hope that everything written above can be said about you, and if, in your opinion, something is missing, it is never too late to fill in the gaps.

I will give you one hint for your final exam. One day, you will stand before God and He will evaluate your faithfulness. He will look at seven different aspects of your life to judge your fidelity. Therefore, you should take special interest in how to develop these seven areas of your personal life and your ministry.

1. Do you have the right goals? A faithful person knows what is important in life and what is not. A faithful person knows how to rationally use the life given to him. A faithful man gives an account of his life. A faithful person distinguishes the significant from the insignificant.

In Prov. 28:20 says: “A faithful man abounds in blessings, and he who hastens to get rich will not go unpunished.”. This verse contrasts loyalty with the desire to get rich quickly. This is not about making money. It talks about the need to understand that there is more to life than the accumulation of things. The Bible teaches that we must live in this materialistic world like a fish swimming upstream. Loyalty is proven by our refusal to accept the values ​​of a system that says the “almighty dollar” is the #1 goal in our lives. Faithfulness is often demonstrated by choosing a less expensive lifestyle to free up time for service.

2. Do you care about other people's interests? The second criterion by which God will evaluate our faithfulness is our attitude towards the needs of other people. Have we cared about the relationships of others, not just our own relationships?

Loyalty swims against the tide of modern culture, which asks: “What is there for me here? What are my needs, my ambitions, my desires, my goals, my pain, my values, my gain, my gain?” But God says that our faithfulness is expressed in our other-centeredness, when we share our lives with others, focusing on other people's needs and not just our own.

3. Do you live honorably before unbelievers? In other words, the measure of fidelity is the quality of your testimony to the outside world. The Bible teaches that a pastor must be “blameless” in the community and have a good reputation, not only among believers, but also among unbelievers. When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will not look at your eloquence, He will be interested in how you prove yourself to others.

4. Do you keep your promises? When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will remember all your promises. Proverbs 20:25 says: “The net for a person is to make a vow hastily, and after the vow to reflect”. It is much easier to get into debt than to pay off debt (which is a promise to pay back money). It's easier to start a relationship than to end it. It's easier to write a schedule than to live by it. But the Bible says, “If you say it, do it.” Keep your promises. The No. 1 reason for grievances and indignations is failure to fulfill promises.

5. Are you developing your God-given gifts? The Bible places great emphasis on using the gifts and talents God has given us. God has invested in your life and expects a return. 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Serve one another, each with the gift that you have received, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”. Notice it says that if you don't use your spiritual gifts, you become an infidel. Loyalty is based on what we do with what we have.

6. Do you keep God's commandments? In 1 Samuel 2:35 God says: “And I will appoint for myself a faithful priest”, and emphasizes - “He will do according to My heart and according to My soul”. God determines loyalty as “obedience to the commandments of Christ.” We may be gifted leaders and speakers, but disobedience disqualifies us from God's definition of faithful. It's simple, but very important.

7. Do you pass on your knowledge to others? The Bible teaches a lot about the principle of multiplication. You must pass on what you have received to the faithful, and so on. None of us would be here today if it were not for the faithfulness of men and women over 2,000 years of the Church. We teach today because some faithful men and women took the time to write the Scriptures, others preserved the Scriptures, and others translated the Scriptures. We sit here because faithful people have testified to us.

If God has taught you any spiritual truth, it is your responsibility to pass it on to others.

How can I become faithful? Galatians 5:22-23 says: “The fruit of the Spirit is faith (faithfulness in some translations)”. This is one of the nine gifts. When the Holy Spirit works in my life, I will be faithful. How do you know if you are filled with the Spirit? What sign? Maybe some kind of emotional experience?


Not always. You can experience something and still not be filled with the Spirit. What sign? Fetus. How can I show that I am filled with the Spirit? I show this when I am faithful in what God expects of me.

Rick Warren is the founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, one of the largest and most influential churches in America. Rick is the New York Times bestselling author of The Purpose Driven Life. His book, The Purpose Driven Church, has been named one of the Christian books that changed the world in the 20th century. He is also the founder of pastors.com, a global community of pastors.

Translation - Sergey Karpenko For