Joe Vitale - No limits. All the secrets of finding miracles using the secret Hawaiian system

Electricity meters

Did you know that there are four phrases that will help you create the life you want? Repeating these phrases will help clear your subconscious of limiting attitudes and you can finally receive all the gifts of life.

The power of these phrases is taught by the ancient Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono. It was described in Vitale’s book “Life Without Limits.” “No Limits” is a continuation of the bestseller in which Joe Vitale offers another key to the Ho'oponopono method, revealing all its secrets and secrets.

Joe is sure that what prevents us from getting what we want is the blocks that accumulate in our subconscious throughout our lives. So, for example, we can ask the Universe for the job of our dreams as much as we want, but if the subconscious mind believes that we are unworthy of this job, we will not get it.

Miracles happen only to those who are ready for them. The Ho'oponopono method and four magic phrases will help you open up to new possibilities and realize your desires for health, happiness, love and wealth.

From the author

The world is made of data, and it should be cleared of it. But we can perceive this data only with our senses. In other words, nothing exists outside of our consciousness. We experience all our problems within ourselves - and within ourselves we must cleanse ourselves. But how to do it correctly?

  • Notice something is wrong. It could be a thought, a person, an event, or something else. This is an incentive. Let's say you have identified some external problem. Once you begin to practice Living Without Limits, you will realize that the cause of the problem lies within you.
  • Start clearing yourself of negative emotions. There is no need to try to correct (clean) another person, his thoughts, situation or anything else external. The problem lies entirely with you: only I know about it; I am the only one who has to solve it (clean it up).
  • Let events take their course until you get inspired to take action. Purify each of your intentions three times. If after cleansing three times your decision does not change, it begins to work. That is, when you receive an impulse to do something to solve a problem, it is advisable to cleanse yourself three times before doing anything. This ensures that action is driven by inspiration and not memory.




Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhanevsky

© Joe Vitale, 2014

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

O infinite divine mind,

Through my higher self

Cleanse this book of all negative energy,

Which is present both outside and inside,

So that this book can become a perfect vessel

For you.


My experience with Morrna Simeon

When Joe Vitale asked me to share my experience with Morrna Simeon, the majestic Kahuna of Lapa'au (known in Hawaiian folklore as the "Word Healer" and "Keeper of Secrets"), I immediately felt a sense of lightness and deep peace. which I always felt when I was next to her. She was a wonderful person. In some ways, she reminded me of my maternal grandmother, Amelie, who raised me in Chile and loved me immensely.

Of course, it didn't take me long to realize that Morrna was special - very special! She changed everything around her. She always offered help to those who needed it. Looking at the man, she seemed to see much more than just his physical body. She was a true healer.

In 1984, she moved into our spacious estate on La Jolla Farms Road, one of the prestigious neighborhoods of La Jolla (San Diego County, California). The estate consisted of four separate houses, including a cozy little cottage where Morrna lived for three months.

Within a few weeks of her arrival, almost everyone who came to see us asked if we had hired a new gardener or perhaps changed something in the landscape design - everything was so filled with life and beauty. Nature itself changed in her presence. For me, in my early thirties, this was an extraordinary experience. After all, then I was just studying the general spiritual principles that have reigned on Earth since ancient times.

Sometimes, upon returning from trips where I taught Money & You seminars, Morrna gave me special Ho'oponopono sessions, during which I cleared negative energy. After them, I felt as if I had just taken a shower. It was truly divine. She constantly recommended clearing your energy by performing certain actions and repeating the word Ho'oponopono.

Morrna was truly special.

She is dedicated to adapting the Ho'oponopono method (part of the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Huna) to modern times and helping people free themselves from the trauma and negative memories that fill their minds. These traumas and memories have a huge impact on every moment of a person's life.

Morrna's decision to reveal the age-old secrets of the Hawaiian people was not widely accepted in certain circles, so she was exiled. But Morrna loved people endlessly and sought to help them get rid of unconscious behavior and cleanse the subconscious. She was determined to teach people to free their minds from the limitations or fetters that they themselves had created over the centuries, and to show how to harmonize the inner family that is in each of us:

Aumakua: au (meaning "bathe" or "swim")

Makua: father (combined with the previous word means "to abide in the Holy Spirit")

Wuhan: mother (consciousness)

Unihipili: child (subconscious)

I became convinced that just saying the word Ho’oponopono cleanses the surrounding space. With this simple technique I cleansed myself.

But let me tell you how I first met Morrna.

My buddy, Eric Smith, introduced me to her through a Ho'oponopono class she taught with Dr. Stan Ihaliakala (another incredible man known as Dr. Hugh Len). This was in Los Angeles around 1983. It is noteworthy that this happened in November. But this is not only the month of my birth, but also the most beautiful time of the year: autumn in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern.

I will never forget that weekend.

Wonderful people attended the classes and we became very close friends during the three days of cleansing, during which we got rid of the chains that bound us, or the shackles that we ourselves create by becoming attached to people, places and things. During the purification process, we had to make a lot of different lists: people with whom we had ever had any relationship or who had some influence on us; places where we lived; cars; situations that negatively affected us - that is, any humiliating experience we remember. We were asked to put down on paper feelings of shame or guilt that were ingrained in our subconscious.

At times, the seminar participants felt extremely uncomfortable. It was especially awkward to list my sexual partners. That's when I realized how important it is to protect someone's energy. After all, when you enter into a sexual relationship with someone, you absorb not only his energy, but also the energy of everyone with whom he (or she) has ever had sexual contact - and this can be the energy of hundreds of people!

Morrna and Stan turned out to be excellent teachers. They taught us, told us many wonderful stories, and gave examples. I remembered a lot of interesting things. Let’s say that Morrna really liked the performance of actor Tom Selleck, the star of the television series “Private Detective Magnum,” which was filmed in Hawaii.

Morrna treated this actor in a special way. I had met him in Hawaii the year before and considered him very lucky to have someone like Morrna in his life. When he gave up the hectic life of celebrity and moved to a quiet place with his new wife and child, I was sure that it was the Ho'oponopono mentor who influenced him. Now he is acting in films again, in the television series “Blue Bloods”.

Morrna explained to us that actors, celebrities, sports stars, politicians - in general, all public people - are more susceptible to danger than others, their energy is vulnerable, since all attention is directed towards them. These people have the potential to have millions of bonds resulting from increased attention, sexual desires, positive and negative thoughts of their admirers, weakening their vitality, willpower and ability to purify.

I must say, this was not the most pleasant discovery! I began to think that perhaps this is why the lives of many attractive sex symbols, such as Marilyn Monroe, turned out to be so dramatic!

I began to look at things differently.

Joe Vitale

No restrictions. All the secrets of finding miracles using the secret Hawaiian system




Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhanevsky

© Joe Vitale, 2014

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

O infinite divine mind,

Through my higher self

Cleanse this book of all negative energy,

Which is present both outside and inside,

So that this book can become a perfect vessel

For you.


My experience with Morrna Simeon

When Joe Vitale asked me to share my experience with Morrna Simeon, the majestic Kahuna of Lapa'au (known in Hawaiian folklore as the "Word Healer" and "Keeper of Secrets"), I immediately felt a sense of lightness and deep peace. which I always felt when I was next to her. She was a wonderful person. In some ways, she reminded me of my maternal grandmother, Amelie, who raised me in Chile and loved me immensely.

Of course, it didn't take me long to realize that Morrna was special - very special! She changed everything around her. She always offered help to those who needed it. Looking at the man, she seemed to see much more than just his physical body. She was a true healer.

In 1984, she moved into our spacious estate on La Jolla Farms Road, one of the prestigious neighborhoods of La Jolla (San Diego County, California). The estate consisted of four separate houses, including a cozy little cottage where Morrna lived for three months.

Within a few weeks of her arrival, almost everyone who came to see us asked if we had hired a new gardener or perhaps changed something in the landscape design - everything was so filled with life and beauty. Nature itself changed in her presence. For me, in my early thirties, this was an extraordinary experience. After all, then I was just studying the general spiritual principles that have reigned on Earth since ancient times.

Sometimes, upon returning from trips where I taught Money & You seminars, Morrna gave me special Ho'oponopono sessions, during which I cleared negative energy. After them, I felt as if I had just taken a shower. It was truly divine. She constantly recommended clearing your energy by performing certain actions and repeating the word Ho'oponopono.

Morrna was truly special.

She is dedicated to adapting the Ho'oponopono method (part of the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Huna) to modern times and helping people free themselves from the trauma and negative memories that fill their minds. These traumas and memories have a huge impact on every moment of a person's life.

Morrna's decision to reveal the age-old secrets of the Hawaiian people was not widely accepted in certain circles, so she was exiled. But Morrna loved people endlessly and sought to help them get rid of unconscious behavior and cleanse the subconscious. She was determined to teach people to free their minds from the limitations or fetters that they themselves had created over the centuries, and to show how to harmonize the inner family that is in each of us:

Aumakua: au (meaning "bathe" or "swim")

Makua: father (combined with the previous word means "to abide in the Holy Spirit")

Wuhan: mother (consciousness)

Unihipili: child (subconscious)

I became convinced that just saying the word Ho’oponopono cleanses the surrounding space. With this simple technique I cleansed myself.

But let me tell you how I first met Morrna.

My buddy, Eric Smith, introduced me to her through a Ho'oponopono class she taught with Dr. Stan Ihaliakala (another incredible man known as Dr. Hugh Len). This was in Los Angeles around 1983. It is noteworthy that this happened in November. But this is not only the month of my birth, but also the most beautiful time of the year: autumn in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern.

I will never forget that weekend.

Wonderful people attended the classes and we became very close friends during the three days of cleansing, during which we got rid of the chains that bound us, or the shackles that we ourselves create by becoming attached to people, places and things. During the purification process, we had to make a lot of different lists: people with whom we had ever had any relationship or who had some influence on us; places where we lived; cars; situations that negatively affected us - that is, any humiliating experience we remember. We were asked to put down on paper feelings of shame or guilt that were ingrained in our subconscious.

At times, the seminar participants felt extremely uncomfortable. It was especially awkward to list my sexual partners. That's when I realized how important it is to protect someone's energy. After all, when you enter into a sexual relationship with someone, you absorb not only his energy, but also the energy of everyone with whom he (or she) has ever had sexual contact - and this can be the energy of hundreds of people!

Morrna and Stan turned out to be excellent teachers. They taught us, told us many wonderful stories, and gave examples. I remembered a lot of interesting things. Let’s say that Morrna really liked the performance of actor Tom Selleck, the star of the television series “Private Detective Magnum,” which was filmed in Hawaii.

Morrna treated this actor in a special way. I had met him in Hawaii the year before and considered him very lucky to have someone like Morrna in his life. When he gave up the hectic life of celebrity and moved to a quiet place with his new wife and child, I was sure that it was the Ho'oponopono mentor who influenced him. Now he is acting in films again, in the television series “Blue Bloods”.

Morrna explained to us that actors, celebrities, sports stars, politicians - in general, all public people - are more susceptible to danger than others, their energy is vulnerable, since all attention is directed towards them. These people have the potential to have millions of bonds resulting from increased attention, sexual desires, positive and negative thoughts of their admirers, weakening their vitality, willpower and ability to purify.

I must say, this was not the most pleasant discovery! I began to think that perhaps this is why the lives of many attractive sex symbols, such as Marilyn Monroe, turned out to be so dramatic!

I began to look at things differently.

Quotes 21

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not think about each other separately, but all together.

When a person makes a complaint to me, you or someone else, he rarely has something personally against me or you. His actions are determined by the program. The trouble is this: if you see something bad in another person, then it is present in you too. Dr. Hew Len often said, “Have you noticed that you always find yourself in the middle of problems?” You are there because you are part of them. Although it would be more correct to say: you are part of the program. Your program attracts another person with the same program. It is like a reflection in a mirror. You see yourself in it. Everything that happens in life is a reflection of you. Everything that happens in the external world is a projection of internal programs.

I act according to the ideas that come to me. Ideas arise in my mind and I act on them. Cleansing is the most important thing - as I cleanse, new ideas come to me. Ceeport® means Clean, erase, erase, while returning back to Port. Cleansing is the only way to achieve quick results. My well-being is improving. One must constantly watch the “baseball” (The baseball is God.) and concentrate on returning to the zero state - no memories,

Are you concerned about your financial situation? In other words, there is a reason that forces you to focus on something. And most often it is not very pleasant and bothers you. Ho'oponopono helps relieve anxiety. When some external problem arises, to get rid of it you should turn to this method and begin to cleanse yourself. After such a long philosophical explanation, I will say (and I can confirm this with examples from my own life) that Ho’oponopono really works wonders regarding money and attracting it.

called the subconscious. I'm going to take you on a journey into it. So now close your eyes and relax. The relationships I will talk about are the most important creation of God. They are more important than any others in your life. Therefore, remain in a relaxed state and do not open your eyes while I talk about the most significant relationship in the world from my point of view - between the conscious and subconscious - which can be compared to the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother (consciousness) can take care of her child, or she can ignore him. Let's abstract for a moment from the terminology, according to which consciousness is the mother element of creation, and the subconscious is the daughter (child). It should be noted that it is the child who is burdened with the burden of memories from the moment of the creation of the world. So when you're depressed, it means

Joe Vitale

No restrictions. All the secrets of finding miracles using the secret Hawaiian system




Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhanevsky

© Joe Vitale, 2014

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (* * *

O infinite divine mind,
Through my higher self
Cleanse this book of all negative energy,
Which is present both outside and inside,
So that this book can become a perfect vessel
For you.


My experience with Morrna Simeon

When Joe Vitale asked me to share my experience with Morrna Simeon, the majestic Kahuna of Lapa'au (known in Hawaiian folklore as the "Word Healer" and "Keeper of Secrets"), I immediately felt a sense of lightness and deep peace. which I always felt when I was next to her. She was a wonderful person. In some ways, she reminded me of my maternal grandmother, Amelie, who raised me in Chile and loved me immensely.

Of course, it didn't take me long to realize that Morrna was special - very special! She changed everything around her. She always offered help to those who needed it. Looking at the man, she seemed to see much more than just his physical body. She was a true healer.

In 1984, she moved into our spacious estate on La Jolla Farms Road, one of the prestigious neighborhoods of La Jolla (San Diego County, California). The estate consisted of four separate houses, including a cozy little cottage where Morrna lived for three months.

Within a few weeks of her arrival, almost everyone who came to see us asked if we had hired a new gardener or perhaps changed something in the landscape design - everything was so filled with life and beauty. Nature itself changed in her presence. For me, in my early thirties, this was an extraordinary experience. After all, then I was just studying the general spiritual principles that have reigned on Earth since ancient times.

Sometimes, upon returning from trips where I taught Money & You seminars, Morrna gave me special Ho'oponopono sessions, during which I cleared negative energy. After them, I felt as if I had just taken a shower. It was truly divine. She constantly recommended clearing your energy by performing certain actions and repeating the word Ho'oponopono.

Morrna was truly special.

She is dedicated to adapting the Ho'oponopono method (part of the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Huna) to modern times and helping people free themselves from the trauma and negative memories that fill their minds. These traumas and memories have a huge impact on every moment of a person's life.

Morrna's decision to reveal the age-old secrets of the Hawaiian people was not widely accepted in certain circles, so she was exiled. But Morrna loved people endlessly and sought to help them get rid of unconscious behavior and cleanse the subconscious. She was determined to teach people to free their minds from the limitations or fetters that they themselves had created over the centuries, and to show how to harmonize the inner family that is in each of us:

Aumakua: au (meaning "bathe" or "swim")

Makua: father (combined with the previous word means "to abide in the Holy Spirit")

Wuhan: mother (consciousness)

Unihipili: child (subconscious)

I became convinced that just saying the word Ho’oponopono cleanses the surrounding space. With this simple technique I cleansed myself.

But let me tell you how I first met Morrna.

My buddy, Eric Smith, introduced me to her through a Ho'oponopono class she taught with Dr. Stan Ihaliakala (another incredible man known as Dr. Hugh Len). This was in Los Angeles around 1983. It is noteworthy that this happened in November. But this is not only the month of my birth, but also the most beautiful time of the year: autumn in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern.

I will never forget that weekend.

Wonderful people attended the classes and we became very close friends during the three days of cleansing, during which we got rid of the chains that bound us, or the shackles that we ourselves create by becoming attached to people, places and things. During the purification process, we had to make a lot of different lists: people with whom we had ever had any relationship or who had some influence on us; places where we lived; cars; situations that negatively affected us - that is, any humiliating experience we remember. We were asked to put down on paper feelings of shame or guilt that were ingrained in our subconscious.

At times, the seminar participants felt extremely uncomfortable. It was especially awkward to list my sexual partners. That's when I realized how important it is to protect someone's energy. After all, when you enter into a sexual relationship with someone, you absorb not only his energy, but also the energy of everyone with whom he (or she) has ever had sexual contact - and this can be the energy of hundreds of people!

Morrna and Stan turned out to be excellent teachers. They taught us, told us many wonderful stories, and gave examples. I remembered a lot of interesting things. Let’s say that Morrna really liked the performance of actor Tom Selleck, the star of the television series “Private Detective Magnum,” which was filmed in Hawaii.

Morrna treated this actor in a special way. I had met him in Hawaii the year before and considered him very lucky to have someone like Morrna in his life. When he gave up the hectic life of celebrity and moved to a quiet place with his new wife and child, I was sure that it was the Ho'oponopono mentor who influenced him. Now he is acting in films again, in the television series “Blue Bloods”.