Setting up an information system for a specific user. Setting up roles, access rights, and user interfaces

Electrical measuring instruments

A typical configuration contains tools and mechanisms that restrict user access to information. On the one hand, this will provide a certain degree of information security for the enterprise, and on the other hand, it will make it easier for users to work. information system. Such mechanisms are very broad and developed, besides, they are built simultaneously on the mechanisms of the applied solution and on the system capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 technological platform. This combination of tools allows for very flexible control of user access to information. Issues of restricting user rights when deploying an information system, as a rule, are dealt with by implementation specialists or IT specialists. Over time, there is always the possibility of changing the settings defined at the deployment stage of the system.

Relatively speaking, user access to information is limited by two basic mechanisms of the platform:

    user roles,


In the first case, with user roles, we are talking about real protection, when access to specific users or user groups is limited to some information in an obvious way. In the case of protecting the use of information by the interface mechanism, we talk about implicit protection - the user does not see some directories or documents in his interface, and he does not have access to other interfaces. In a typical solution, the latter possibility is not used - any user can turn on any interface, since it is not known in advance what functions a particular user will perform in a particular enterprise. If the role structure of the enterprise is defined, then this option is the most "cheap" in terms of implementation and understandable from the standpoint of use.

Users are the cornerstone of any information system. In the event that they effectively use the functionality of the applied solution and the capabilities inherent in it, one can say about the success of the implementation and the effectiveness of the information system. When there is one or another misunderstanding by users of the functionality of the applied solution or a general negative attitude towards the process of its implementation, then it is highly likely that investments in the information system will be ineffective. Therefore, during implementation, it is necessary to correctly build the cultivation and inclusion in the work of users of the future information system.

Let's look at the software mechanisms that allow you to describe and manage user parameters in the information system.

a list of users

The formation of a list of users (see Fig. 1) of the information system can be carried out in two ways. Consider the "traditional", which is carried out in two stages:

    first in the "Configurator" mode (menu "Administration - Users").

    then, in the "1C:Enterprise" mode, the parameters of the entries defined at the previous stage are described.

Fig.1. Users

This division of the process of determining the user in the information system is explained by the fact that:

    access to the infobase must be restricted to users explicitly defined by the system administrator,

    setting of some parameters can be described only by the values ​​of the infobase itself (for example, all default values).

Since the described scenario for defining users is too large, for the convenience of administration in 1C:Enterprise mode, an additional mechanism for editing user accounts is provided (see Figure 2). Thanks to it, you can describe all user parameters in one place.

Fig.2. User Options

A user can be assigned multiple roles at the same time. In addition to assigning roles, it defines:

    full username,

    the password that is used to gain access to the information system,

    the main interface that will be used for this user when he starts the system in "1C:Enterprise" mode,

    configuration language.

After a new user is created in the "Configurator" mode and the system starts in the "1C:Enterprise" mode on behalf of this user, information about the user will be automatically entered into the "Users" directory of the infobase, about which a corresponding message will be generated. The list of users can be combined into groups, since the analyzed directory supports a hierarchy. For example, you can create such user groups: cashiers, accountants, administrator. True, only those users who perform administrative functions have the rights to such actions. The list is accessed through the menu "Tools - Users - List of users", and the settings for the current user are accessed through the menu "Tools - User settings".

The code of the elements of the reference book "Users" is textual. As the meaning of the code, the "Username" is entered, which is assigned to this user in the Configurator in the list of system users. When you log in, the configuration sets the user that works with the system, by matching the name of this user in the Configurator and his name in the "Users" directory.


You do not need to specify a user name of more than 50 characters when changing it in the configurator mode, since user recognition in the "Users" directory, regardless of this, will be displayed only by the first 50 characters of his name.

If the creation of the list of users in the "Configurator" mode was ignored, all infobase users are recognized by one lookup element: "Unauthorized". In addition, thanks to the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a system conflict will not occur when accessing the same infobase from not one, but several users with such identification. As a result, it is impossible to restrict access to information, as well as setting individual user parameters, and fiscal control of user actions in IS.

The attribute "Individual" indicates the relationship between the elements of the directories "Users" and "Individuals". You can leave this item blank. Thus, the list of users of the system and the list of individuals of the enterprise can be varied.

User settings

User settings allow you to control the behavior of the application solution depending on what role the described user plays in the enterprise. You need to understand that the parameters set in the user settings can greatly change the behavior of standard mechanisms and their details.

In the elements of the "Users" reference book on the "Settings" tab (see Fig. 3), the personal settings of the current user are assigned. It is recommended to set these settings right away, since they are the ones that mainly determine the behavior of the system for any user:

    settings from the "Built-in mail client" group control the behavior of the mail client for a particular user. The mail client built into the application solution is an alternative to external programs that work with mail (MS Oitlook, The Bat);

    parameters from the "Basic values ​​for substitution in documents and directories" group make it possible to substitute the corresponding values ​​into the same type details of directories, documents, reports and application solution processing. If you use this mechanism wisely, then the time that users spend on working with information system objects is greatly reduced, and many types of input errors are turned off. It is better to set the parameter values ​​in this group after the proper lookups are filled;

    parameters from the "Functions panel" group control the behavior of the "Functions panel" service mechanism, thanks to which you can quickly navigate through the areas of the information system and receive context-sensitive help. This mechanism is useful when getting started;

    other settings control the behavior of the system to the extent of its specifically defined elements. For example, when you turn on the control of correspondence of accounts, postings that are entered by a manual operation will be compared with the data of the information register "Correct correspondence of accounting accounts", which will not slightly limit the capabilities of a particular user. But in parallel, the second user's information system will behave differently (the described flag is turned off).

Fig.3. User Settings

The "Contact information" tab includes information about the user's contact information - address, e-mail address, phone number. This functionality is universal, that is, in exactly the same way, the accumulation of contact information about the counterparties of the enterprise and individuals is performed.

We are found: fb me, setting up an information system for a specific user, setting the parameters of user records, Koristuvachі: keruvannya list and settings Sharing access to information Interface, how to restrict rights to user directories in accounting 8 2, setting up the system for a specific user 1s, the system gives users, 1s enterprise to restrict access to the configurator, Managing lists users 1C 8 2, Infobase Parameters Management

User interface- a set of commands of the main menu and toolbars configured to work with specific data objects - documents, directories, magazines, etc.

The main window can be divided into the following sections: title, menu, toolbar, workspace, and user help.

header is the top line of the window. In the title of the main window, the program usually shows the name of the database, for example "1C: Enterprise. INCOM PLUS".

Main menu is a summary of commands. There are several dozen such commands in the program, so it is customary to combine them into a group.

The menu includes the following items: "File", "Edit", "Operations", Bank, "Cashier", "Purchase", "Sale", "Warehouse", "Production", "OS", "Intangible assets", "Salary", "Personnel", "Reports", "Enterprise", "Service", "Windows", "Help" Each menu item corresponds to a specific area of ​​accounting.

· "Help" is a group of commands for calling on the computer screen reference information on working with the configuration.

· "Enterprise" - allows you to access directories, processing, settings.

· "Reports" - designed to obtain effective information. The information is presented in an easy-to-view and analyze form. Reports are divided into standard, specialized and regulated.

"Purchase", "Sale", "Bank", "Cashier", "OS", "Intangible assets", "Salary", "Personnel", "Production", "Warehouse" - these are groups of commands for working with documents, directories , reports, processing of a certain area of ​​accounting and tax accounting.

If you move the mouse cursor over any item of the main menu, the configuration will open the submenu of this item.

There are directories in the group of commands for working with documents ("Purchase", "Warehouse", "Bank", "OS", "Intangible assets", "Salary", "Personnel"). In the program, directories are located at the end of the list of the drop-down item of the main menu.

In the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration, directories are present only in those groups of commands where they are needed.

Below the menu bar of the main program window is a toolbar.

Toolbar- these are icons, pictograms, tool buttons that serve to execute the most frequently used commands.

Clue- a small line with explanatory text.

The remaining space of the main window below the toolbar is called desktop(field) of the program.

The desktop may be occupied by the function bar.

The function panel allows you to see the sequence of actions, business processes. The function panel is divided into accounting areas: "Getting Started", "Enterprise", "Bank", "Cash Desk", "Purchase", "Sale", "Warehouse", "Production", "OS", "Intangible Assets", "Salary ” and “Personnel”. Such a division of the Functions Panel is made in the configuration in order to limit the visibility of certain sections of the account to certain users. In addition, being on the desired tab of the Functions Panel, the accountant can open only those directories, documents, journals, processing and reports that are inherent in a particular section of accounting. Each tab of the Functions Panel shows schematically the sequence of work in this section. When you open it again, the Functions panel opens on the same tab where you finished your work. The function bar is customizable. If the user does not need to see any bookmarks, then they can be removed using the "Settings" button.

The function panel also includes the "Monitor" and "Manager" tabs, which will be useful for an accountant to prepare information for planning meetings and meetings, and for a manager to analyze the company's activities.

In 1C:Enterprise, the user works with the window system. There are two types of windows: main and auxiliary.

The main application window is intended for navigating the application and calling various commands, while the auxiliary window is for working with specific infobase objects (for example, documents or list items), building reports, or performing data processing.

By default, each window appears on the taskbar and in the window switcher by pressing the Alt + Tab keys. You can switch between windows of the same session using the Ctrl + Tab keys.

As soon as we start working in the program, it will open new windows and place them on its desktop. As a result, several windows will appear on the working field of the main window. New windows have a lower rank relative to the main program window. In the operating system, they are called operational (slave) windows. A child window can be minimized, that is, reduced to the size of the title, while dropping it to the bottom of the desktop of the main window. A sub-window can be expanded, but not to the full screen of the computer, but to the entire desktop of the main window. The window that is on top of all other windows is the active window. If you need to make active a window that is not currently visible on the screen, use the main menu "Windows". If you need to close everything at once window, then you need to use the main menu item "Windows / Close All".

1C:Enterprise provides the ability to create a list of users who are allowed to work with the system. This list will be used to authorize the user at login. Please note that the list of users is not part of the configuration: it is created separately in the specific organization in which the system is used.

A password can be set for each user to log into the system.

There must be at least one user in the system who has administrative rights and allows authentication using 1C:Enterprise tools.

For each user, on the "Settings" tab, you can specify the values ​​that will be substituted into documents by default.

The user list assigns a role, primary interface, and working language to a specific user in user mode.

A role is a description of the powers of various categories of users to access information processed by the system.

The list of users can be set both in the configurator mode and in the user mode.

In user mode, in addition, user settings are set:

Basic values ​​for substitution,

Function panel;

Request the type of operation when entering a new document;

Account correspondence control;

Do not use a recruitment assistant;

Main start date of reports;

The registration log stores information about user actions related to changes in the information database, both in configuration mode and in 1C:Enterprise mode (Service/Logbook menu).

In the configuration, it is possible to view the list of active users (menu "Tools/Active users").

The list of active users contains a list of users currently connected to the infobase.

Chapter Setting Users and Rights contains settings for access groups, user administration, allows you to manage user settings. The user subsystem in the system is fully implemented using standard 1C:Enterprise subsystems. The documentation covers the following guides in detail: Users , Access groups , Access group profiles . The remaining settings are fully described in the documentation on the site

Setting the flag Group of users allows you to combine system users into groups.

Setting the flag allows you to flexibly configure the rights and restrictions of access to directories, documents and other program data.

Setting the flag Allow access to external users provides partners with remote access to the program. When this flag is set, the function becomes unavailable. Show in selection list – system users are not displayed in the selection list when entering the program.


In the directory Users a record of users who work with the program is kept. Each directory entry corresponds to one infobase user account.

User access rights are defined access groups in which it is included. Each access group, in turn, contains a link to a reference element Access groups profile. The roles defined in an access group completely depend on the profile specified in it.

The list of users can be divided into groups, which allows them to be combined, for example, by work shifts, territorial divisions, etc.

To create a new user, you must specify it Full name and fill in the details.

Setting the flag Show in selection list allows you to display the system user in the selection list when entering the program.

If the user is not an active user of the system (for example, he was fired, was created by mistake, etc.), but he is referenced by system objects, then such a user cannot be deleted from the infobase. In order to hide such users in the selection lists, you need to set the flag Not valid .

Individual - if necessary, specify an entry in the directory Individualscorresponding to the created user.

Setting the flag Login to the program is allowed , allows the user to log into the program.

In the tab The main thing information on user authentication in the system is indicated.

Name (for login) – specify the name that will be displayed in the selection list when entering the program.

Setting the flag Authentication 1C:Enterprise defines how to enter the application using the username and password specified for the 1C:Enterprise user.

By pressing the button Set password it is possible to specify a password.

By pressing the button Create a password, the password is generated automatically.

When setting the flag Require a password to be set at login , the user will independently set the password when entering the program for the first time.

When setting the flag The user is not allowed to change the password , the user will not be able to change the password by himself.

Setting the flag OpenID Authentication determines how to enter the application using the name specified for the 1C:Enterprise user, which is passed to the authentication service via the OpenID protocol. This method is used only when connecting via a web server.

Setting the flag Operating system authentication defines how to enter the application using the name and password specified for the operating system user associated with the 1C:Enterprise user.

Start mode – Specifies the application launch mode.

In the tab Addresses, phones user contact information.

Email - specifies the user's email address.

Telephone - the contact phone number of the user is indicated.

In the tab UAV the main point of departure, the counterparty to which the user belongs, the contract with the sales agent if the user is a ticket sales agent, and the main cash desk of the cash register are indicated.

Main point of departure - the point of departure is indicated, which will be set for the user by default, for example, in RMK.

counterparty – indicates the counterparty to which the user belongs.

Sales agent agreement – specify the contract if the user is a ticket agent.

KKM main cash desk - indicates the KKM cash desk, which will be used by default.

Setting the flag Keep a log of calls to sales web service functions includes a log entry for calling web service functions. Relevant for external users and for analysis of problematic situations.

The comments tab contains additional information about the user.

When you click on a command bar link Access rights , it is possible to include/exclude the current user in access groups, also change access groups, and view the list of roles that are assigned to the user.

Access groups

In the directory Access groups group setting of user access rights is carried out. By default, the access group is defined in the system. Administrators. An access group defines a set of actions with infobase data that members of this group can perform. As a rule, groups correspond to different job responsibilities (or activities) of users of the system. The user can simultaneously enter one or more access groups, which together form his personal access rights settings.

Access groups can be combined into groups (folders) for convenience.

To create an access group, you must define it Name and fill in the details.

Group (folder) – specifies the group that the current access group belongs to.

Profile – specifies the access rights template users, specifies the allowed actions (roles). An access group is always associated with one of the available access group profiles, which typically combine multiple configuration roles. When a user is included in an access group, they are assigned all the roles defined in the access group profile.

Access group cashiers linked to profile Cashier , which includes roles for ticket sales and bus station services. These roles are assigned to all cashiers listed in the access group cashiers .

In the tab Members specifies the users who are members of the current access group.

In the tab Access restrictions the types of access are configured, which are determined by the restrictions of the access group profile, for example, the types of booking allowed.

To set up restrictions in the tabular part of the form, you need to add the allowed values ​​of access types.

This setting is available if the flag is set Restrict access at the record level In chapter Administration - User and rights settings .

In the tab Description additional information about the access group is indicated.

Access group profiles

Directory Access group profiles is used to assign rights to a group of users, while the profile contains information about the roles and types of access available to members of this group. By default, the main profiles that are used in the system are defined.

Show – list filtering is specified: All profiles, Supplied, Unsupplied, Obsolete.

Purpose – specify filtering of the list by purpose: users or external users.

Access group profiles can be combined into groups (folders) for convenience.

The following profiles are defined in the system by default:

    Administrator– predefined profile with role Full rights;

    Data Administrator– a profile with all rights, except for administrative functions, for example, adding users, launching the configurator, etc.;

    Accountant– a predefined profile designed to control the accounting in the system, for example, checking the amounts of the landing list, generating reports on transportation, etc.;

    - a profile designed to configure data synchronization, for example, with the 1C: Accounting program;

    Transport organization specialist– a predefined profile designed for scheduling, working with carriers;

    Reference– predefined profile, has roles defined for the cashier, without the right to use the equipment;

    Senior Transportation Specialist– a predefined profile designed to generate a schedule, work with carriers, create conditions for working with carriers, ticket agents.

To create a profile, you must define it Name and fill in the details.

Group (folder) – specify the group that includes the current access group profile.

Purpose – specify the purpose of the profile: users, external users.

In the tab Permitted actions (roles) it is necessary to mark the roles that will be available to users with the current profile.

In the tab Description a text description of the created access group profile is specified.

· ability to install, debug software and configure hardware to enter information systems into trial operation;

the ability to maintain the operability of information systems and technologies in the specified functional characteristics and compliance with quality criteria;

readiness to adapt applications to changing operating conditions;

ability to draw up instructions for the operation of information systems;

· ability to design basic and applied information technologies;

· the ability to search for new competitive ideas and implement them in projects;

the ability to conduct a pre-project survey of the design object, a systematic analysis of the subject area, their relationships;

mastering the skills of professional activity by students.

As a result of mastering the program of industrial practice, the student must consolidate skills:

· carry out maintenance of the information system, customization for a specific user, according to the technical documentation;

Maintain documentation up to date;

make a decision to expand the functionality of the information system, to terminate the operation of the information system or its reengineering;

identify technical problems that arise during the operation of the system;

Produce documentation at the maintenance stage;

· to save and restore the database of the information system;

create backup plans, determine the backup interval;

· to organize multi-level access of information system users within their competence to manipulate data using the database query language, to determine data integrity constraints;

· highlight the life cycles of designing computer systems;

· use methods and criteria for evaluating the subject area and methods for determining the strategy for the development of enterprise business processes;

· to build the architectural scheme of the enterprise; to analyze the subject area;

· to select a model for building an information system and software;

· draw up program and technical documentation, using the standards for the design of program documentation;

apply the requirements of regulatory documents to the main types of products (services) and processes;

apply quality system documentation;

apply the basic rules and documents of the certification system of the Russian Federation;

· to select the necessary information, software and hardware in the formation and modification of the AIS;

gain experience:

installation, configuration and maintenance of one of the information systems;

implementation of regulations for updating, technical support and data recovery of the information system;

saving and restoring the database of the information system;

organization of user access to the information system within the competence of a particular user;

· ensuring the collection of data for the analysis of the use and functioning of the information system and participation in the development of project and reporting documentation;

determination of the composition of equipment and software for the development of an information system;

Use of information system programming tools;

participation in experimental testing of the information system at the stage of trial operation and finding coding errors in the developed modules of the information system;

development of fragments of documentation for the operation of the information system;

participation in the assessment of the quality and economic efficiency of the information system;

Modifications of individual modules of the information system;

interaction with related specialists in the development of methods, tools and technologies for the use of objects of professional activity;

Competency Code

Formed competencies

The results of mastering the discipline

Collect data to analyze the use and functioning of the information system, participate in the preparation of reporting documentation, take part in the development of project documentation for the modification of the information system.

conduct a domain analysis

Interact with related specialists in the development of methods, tools and technologies for the use of objects of professional activity

to carry out the development of standard technological processes for automated information processing;

use database management systems in the development and operation of AIS;

Modify individual modules of the information system in accordance with the work assignment, document the changes made

Use AIS design methods, determine the main stages of AIS development.

Participate in experimental testing of the information system at the stage of trial operation, fix the identified coding errors in the developed modules of the information system

identify technical problems that arise during the operation of the system;

apply the basics of computer science and programming to

design, construction and testing of software products;

use methods for managing requirements development processes, risk assessment, acquisition, design, construction, testing, evolution and maintenance of an information system.

Develop fragments of documentation for the operation of the information system

apply techniques and methods for the rational operation of AIS;

keep documentation up to date;

produce documentation at the maintenance stage;

Participate in the assessment of the quality and economic efficiency of the information system

Participate in the assessment of the quality and economic efficiency of the information system;

allocate life cycles of designing computer systems;

the ability to formalize the subject area of ​​a software project and develop specifications for software product components

Perform installation and configuration of the information system within its competence, document the results of work

Use the methods of restoration and maintenance of information systems.

Advise users of the information system and develop fragments of a methodology for training users of the information system

apply the basic rules and documents of the certification system of the Russian Federation;

Follow the regulations for updating, technical support and data recovery of the information system, work with technical documentation

to develop, modify, adapt and maintain typical AIS components;

install, adapt, maintain and operate standard AIS software;

carry out maintenance of the information system, customization for a specific user in accordance with the technical documentation;

apply the requirements of regulatory documents to the main types of products (services) and processes;

Ensure the organization of access for users of the information system within its competence

use technologies for building and operating distributed information systems;

ensure information protection and access control to information resources in the AIS;

organize multi-level access of users of the information system within its competence;

Participate in development terms of reference

develop terms of reference and design technical and working documentation of the system;

Program in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

carry out the design of information systems from the stage of setting the task to software implementation

Apply testing techniques for developing applications.

Test developed applications with changing program parameters.

Generate reporting documentation based on the results of work.

Prepare reports on the operation of information systems.

Prepare program documentation in accordance with accepted standards.

Apply information technology for the preparation of technical documentation.

Use criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the information system.

determine the effectiveness of the information system and evaluate its scientific and technical level

4 . Structure and content of work practice


(practice in the specialty profile)

professional module

"Participation in the development of information systems"

1. Goals and objectives of the module

The purpose of mastering the module by students is to master the methodology for designing, implementing and operating individual tasks and subsystems of information systems, studying automated tools and systems that implement information systems, acquiring skills in researching and designing subsystems of information systems. An information systems technician in the specialty 230401.51 Information systems (by industry)) when mastering the content of the education block PP.02 "Internship (internship in the specialty)" must gain practical experience in solving the following professional tasks, in accordance with the types of professional activity:

collection and analysis of initial data for design;

participation in the design of software and hardware (systems, devices, parts, programs, databases, etc.) in accordance with the terms of reference using design automation tools;

preparation of design and working technical documentation;

· participation in the control of compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents;

· Participation in the preliminary feasibility study of design calculations.

The tasks of the module are:

· mastering in practice the methods of pre-project survey of the object of informatization, conducting a systematic analysis of the results of the survey when building an information system model;

· acquisition of practical experience in the development of information systems;

study of the technology of registration, collection and transmission of information in the information system, familiarization with the characteristics of peripheral, terminal and computer equipment and the features of their operation;

· acquisition of skills of work with local and global computer networks;

study of enterprise documentation, obtaining knowledge on the design of technical and working projects of information systems;

· instilling the skill of a systematic approach in the design of information systems;

· acquaintance with the system of classification and coding of information in the conditions of economic information systems;

analysis of the characteristics of information processes and the formation of initial data for their design;

Acquisition of skills in the maintenance of computer technology and computer networks and information systems;

preparation and systematization of the necessary materials for the implementation of the course project in one of the disciplines of the specialty.

3. Competencies of the student, formed as a result of mastering the module:

As a result of mastering the module, the student must consolidate skills:

· carry out mathematical and informational formulation of problems for information processing, use information processing algorithms for various applications;

· be able to solve applied issues of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems;

· use structural, object-oriented programming and scripting languages ​​to create independent programs, develop a graphical interface for the application;

create a project for the development of an application and formulate its tasks, carry out project management using tools;

gain practical experience:

use of information processing tools;

participation in the development of technical specifications;

Formation of reporting documentation based on the results of work;

use of standards in the design of program documentation;

programming in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications;

use of criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the functioning of the information system;

application of testing methodology for developed applications;

management of the application development process using tools;

In the process of mastering the professional module, students develop the following competencies:

Formed competencies

The result of the development of PP

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

Be able to analyze ways of practical application of information systems

Own methods of information systems analysis

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

Be able to organize their own activities in accordance with the set practical task

Own methods of performing professional tasks

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

Be able to make decisions in various practical situations

Own methods of information processing and decision-making models

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Be able to process information used in solving practical problems

Be proficient in the use of technical and software informatization tools

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Be able to effectively apply information and communication technologies in solving professional problems

Have the skills to use modern information and communication technologies

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

Be able to communicate with colleagues in the performance of assigned professional tasks

Possess social communication skills

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks.

Be able to see the intended consequences of decisions made

To have the ability to be responsible for the decisions made in the performance of professional tasks

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

Be able to effectively assess their own level of professional training

Possess the skills of self-education and development of their professional qualities

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

Be able to apply self-education skills to master new information technologies

Maintain up-to-date information on modern information technology in professional activity

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

To be able to apply practical knowledge in the field of professional activity in the performance of military duty

Have a desire to replenish knowledge in the field of professional activity

PC 2.1. Participate in the development of technical specifications.

Be able to create an application development project and formulate its tasks

Own the main ways of processing information and methods for solving problems of information processing

PC 2.2. Program in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

To be able to carry out mathematical and informational formulation of problems for information processing, use languages ​​of structural, object-oriented programming and scripting language to create independent programs

Own the methods of system programming in accordance with the requirements of the terms of reference

PC 2.3. Apply testing techniques for developing applications.

Be able to solve applied issues of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems

Own the methods of testing developed applications

PC 2.4. Generate reporting documentation based on the results of work.

Be able to perform project management using tools

Own methods of generating reporting documentation based on the results of work

PC 2.5. Prepare program documentation in accordance with accepted standards.

Be able to draw up program documentation based on the results of work

Own methods of using standards in the design of program documentation

PC 2.6. Use criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the information system.

Be able to use information processing algorithms for various applications

Own methods of using criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the functioning of the information system

4. Structure and content of practice

4.1. The volume and types of educational work on industrial practice

PP.02 Industrial practice (practice in the specialty profile)

8. Organizational issues, orientation lecture, safety briefing, job distribution.

9. Familiarization with the structure and nature of the unit's activities. Clarification of the task for practice.

10. Work at workplaces or in divisions of the enterprise.

11. Fulfillment of individual tasks.

12. Excursions and lectures provided by the practice program.

13. Collection of materials for course design.

14. Making a report on practice, defending the report, passing the test.

15. Familiarization with the enterprise, its production, organizational and functional structure, economic characteristics and performance indicators of the enterprise.

16. The study of new technological means of information systems used in the enterprise.

17. The study of the main design decisions on information systems in the enterprise (in the organization).

18. Acquaintance with the methodology of design, implementation and operation of information systems.

19. Studying the technology of collecting, registering and processing information at a given enterprise.

20. Studying the state of information systems at the enterprise with the issuance of an assessment of the scientific and technical level of the system.

21. Identification of shortcomings in the implementation of information systems in the enterprise, their assessment and specific proposals for their elimination.

22. Development of proposals for improving the existing information system, as well as a proposal for the introduction of new systems.

23. Acquisition of practical skills in specific jobs.

24. Use of design methods in the field of informatics in the creation of information technology.

25. Using the methods of the theory of information processes and systems in the practice of designing information systems.

26. Use of programming languages, modern application software packages for research and design of information systems and their subsystems.

27. Studying the basics of finance, organizing money circulation and lending to an enterprise, acquiring skills in using a financial and credit mechanism in order to increase the efficiency of an enterprise and draw up a financial plan.

28. Studying the organization of payroll at the enterprise, acquiring the skills of designing labor processes, taking into account a complex of technical, economic, psychophysiological and social factors, assessing the costs and results of labor.

This article will focus on setting user access rights to 1C system objects.

In 1C 8, a separate metadata object is used to manage user access, which is called Roles.

Note! This article is written to help programmers. Setting rights in user mode using the example of 1C Accounting is discussed in.

A role defines the set of user rights that it has. The mechanism of roles is very similar to the rights mechanisms of Windows Active Directory. For each of the objects (directories, documents), the developer sets his own set of rights - read / write / add / change / ...

A set of available rights − collection of all permissions in user roles.

If we open the Role metadata object, we can see the following picture:

The object has two tabs - Rights and Restriction Templates. Rights - the main tab, Templates - a tab for setting rights at the record level in 1C ( RLS). This is very important topic, I will try to describe it in future articles.

We will consider only the tab Rights.

  • Objects— list of , to which the rights will be set.
  • Rights— a list of possible rights settings for setting.
  • Data Access Restriction- role fields for customization

Pay attention to the checkboxes at the bottom:

  • Set permissions for new objects- if the flag is set for the role, permission rights will be automatically set on new metadata objects. I recommend installing it if you often forget to set permissions for new objects.
  • Set permissions for attributes and tabular parts by default- flag, when set, the details and tabular parts will inherit the rights of the owner (directory, document, etc.)
  • Independent rights of subordinate objects— if the flag is set, then the system, when determining the right to the configuration object, will take into account the rights to the parent object

Permission settings for the entire configuration

If we open the Role and click on the configuration root, we will see the following settings:

More about each of rights to the entire configuration:

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  • Administration— administration of the infobase (requires the "Data Administration" right)
  • Data administration— the right to administrative actions over the data
  • Updating the database configuration- right to
  • Exclusive mode- use of exclusive mode
  • Active Users— view the list of active users
  • - registration log
  • - the right to launch a thin client
  • - the right to launch the web client
  • fat client- the right of the role of launching a thick client
  • Outer join- the right to start an external connection
  • Automation- the right to use automation
  • All Functions Mode- in managed application mode
  • Saving user data— permission or prohibition to save user data (settings, favorites, history). This is especially true for 1C managed forms.
  • Interactive opening of external processing- opening external processing
  • Interactive opening of external reports- opening external reports
  • Conclusion— printing, writing and copying to the clipboard

Setting 1C 8.2 rights to other metadata objects

For the rest of the main objects (directories, constants, documents, registers ...), the set of rights for the role is quite standard:

  • Reading- reading (software)
  • Addendum- adding (software)
  • Change- change (software)
  • Removal- uninstall (software)
  • View- view
  • Interactive add- interactive addition
  • Editing- editing
  • Interactive deletion flag- interactive mark for deletion
  • Interactive unmarking deletion- unmark for deletion
  • Interactive deletion of flagged— deleting marked objects
  • Input by line- use input mode by line
  • Interactive removal- direct deletion (shift + del)

Rights only for documents:

  • Interactive holding— carrying out
  • Cancellation– cancellation of documents
  • Interactive holding non-real-time- posting (by standard form commands) a document in off-line mode
  • Interactive undo— interactive cancellation
  • Interactive change of held- Editing the posted document. If the right for the role is not set, then the user cannot delete a posted document, set a deletion flag, repost, or make it unposted. The form of such a document opens in view mode.

P.S. If you still couldn’t figure out the user roles, you can order.
Video with an example of setting rights in 1C accounting 3.0: