Terms of reference for construction. Terms of reference for designing a house

Wire section calculation

Technical task- this is the initial document intended for the design development of a construction object, containing all the data about the object and all the characteristics that the object should have after completion of work. Judging by the text composition, we can say that the terms of reference for construction are an example of what the customer wants.

Approximate content of the terms of reference

The ideal drafted terms of reference for the construction design should include all the information that the customer can provide.

The customer must clearly understand what he wants to get at the output, and convey this information to the contractor.

The terms of reference usually consists of the following sections.

common data

This section should contain the following information (at the discretion of the customer):

  • Justification of construction - an order of the head of the customer organization or another document.
  • Type of construction - newly started, reconstruction or other.
  • Full name of the client organization.
  • Information about the features of the site allocated for construction - geological features, type of soil, location of groundwater, the presence of vegetation for felling.
  • The main requirements for the object: type of object, purpose, number of storeys, the possibility of using standard projects or only individual ones, the building area and the admissibility of using the underground space of the site.
  • Priority of construction - if there is a priority for the start-up of equipment or installations at the facility.
  • Necessary dates for the start and completion of construction. Desired delivery date. This item must be present in any technical task. The date of delivery of the object must be earlier or coincide with the date of the contract.
  • The degree of reliability of the building (in accordance with the requirements of GOST 54257-2010).
  • The design characteristic is the number of stages.
  • Availability of initial documentation for construction, including all permits.

Design Requirements

  • The completeness of urban planning solutions is the need for landscaping, landscaping of the site. This paragraph should also contain requirements for the placement of the construction object on the site.
  • Site architecture, including façade solutions and building energy efficiency solutions. At this point, you can also specify the number of balconies, windows, the placement of the main and emergency exits and their design.
  • Features of constructive solutions: the proposed type of foundation, walls and ceilings.
  • Finishing solutions: the possibility of using local or imported materials, recommendations on their use and on the choice of colors.
  • Engineering solutions: efficient location of utility networks, including a solution for optimizing water supply and sanitation.
  • Energy supply of the facility and its efficiency. In this paragraph, you can even include the required number of outlets in each room.
  • Lighting design. The item may include the requirement to carry out the necessary calculation of the lighting standards for each room in the facility.
  • The need to design security systems (burglar and fire alarms or both security and fire separately), data transmission systems and other systems (ventilation, heating, air conditioning).
  • The infrastructure of the object and the site - the presence of parking lots, footpaths, well-maintained access roads.
  • Customer requirements for the content of design and estimate documents and the form of their provision.
  • The need for feasibility studies of all calculations.

Additional instructions

This paragraph should indicate those requirements of the customer that are not reflected in the previous paragraphs. For example, the availability of demonstration materials, the need to develop various passports for a future facility, the number of copies of project documentation.

As practice shows, such a complete construction task is developed only in cases of large newly organized construction of objects, including shopping centers and residential complexes. The information on each item should be as complete as the customer sees fit.

Terms of reference design options

There are no uniform requirements for the design of technical specifications.

That is, the form of the task is almost arbitrary, but as understandable as possible for the performer. You can complete the task in the form of continuous formatted text, or you can also in tabular form.

Responsibility in the preparation of terms of reference

When drawing up such a document as a technical assignment for the construction of a building, the customer needs to formulate all the important points as clearly as possible. The content of the task should not cause controversial issues or double perception. This document has legal weight and is mandatory attached to the contract between the contractor and the customer in the form of one of the main applications. For the correctness of the assignment, administrative responsibility lies with the direct executor.

Have you decided to build your own country house in order to be able to enjoy peace, quiet and clean air in your free time? You can only be congratulated! Yes, a lot of trouble awaits you - buying a plot, building a house, resolving legal issues, but the result is definitely worth it. But before starting construction, you should transfer the terms of reference for the design of the building to specialists in order to get a full-fledged project of the future home.

Building project example

Before you start drawing up a full-fledged project at home, you need to do some preliminary work. And draw up a document on the basis of which the architects will work on its implementation. This document will be the terms of reference for the design of the house.

It presents the regulatory and technical requirements, the purpose of the future structure, the time limits for the execution of work, and many other things important for the construction. The preparation of this document involves various measurements and studies.

Here, many people have a question - do you need a project at all? After all, a small house of one or two floors is being built, and not a skyscraper! So is the project a necessity or would it be a waste of money in this case? This is a very serious issue that should be dealt with before making important decisions.

This document is a fundamental element of the project, and consequently the construction itself. This document regulates the relationship between the client and the contractor.

According to the terms of reference, the work is carried out in the prescribed manner, the principles and tasks of the contractor's activities are determined. Thus, it turns out that according to this document, the client can visit the facility under construction and check the compliance of the work performed with the project documentation.

At the same time, for the contractor, the terms of reference for designing a house are all the necessary data that give a complete picture of the parameters of the planned building and the ability to actually draw up a specific plan for the implementation of this.

Pros and cons of building with a project

First you need to decide on the minuses - there are much fewer of them. Or rather, just two:

  1. You will have to spend a decent amount on designing a house. In some cases, the cost of the project reaches 3-5% of the cost of the house, which scares away potential home owners;
  2. When the task of completing the work on drafting a project is transferred to specialists, you will not always be able to quickly see the result of the work. Some companies, not appreciating the time of their client, can provide a finished project only after a few months.

Finished building project

On this, the shortcomings of the construction with the project end. Then there are only the advantages, which, according to most people, outweigh the disadvantages:

As you can see, there are much more pluses than minuses. Now you can decide for yourself whether to spend money on building design or whether to try to do all the work without a project.

Is the existence of the project a necessity from a legal point of view

Often people who decide to build their own house simply do not know if they will receive a building permit if they do not have a project for the future building. Because of this, they cannot make the right decision. In some cases, they waste money, and in others, they get to work, only to find out very soon that the construction is being carried out illegally.

The Urban Planning Code contains article No. 51, which says that it is possible to obtain a building permit without a finished project. So, only the developer himself decides whether to spend money on the project or not.

However, there are certain limitations here.

The area of ​​the house should be no more than 1500 m2, and the house itself should not have more than 3 floors.

Although, such houses are built by an extremely small number of people, and those who can afford it will certainly not be forced to save money, and will be able to afford the services of even the most expensive designer.

How a project is created

A project can be created in different ways. Some future home owners prefer to do all the work themselves. To what extent is this justified and is it permissible at all? This will be discussed below.

An alternative to independent drafting is the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with a specialized company. In this case, you will get only the preparation of the terms of reference - the rest of the work will be done by the specialists themselves. However, for many inexperienced people, such a statement can frankly frighten.

Sample cooperation agreement

When developing this document, the features of specific construction works are taken into account. It is the specifics of the future construction that determine the design features of the task. At the same time, the client must, without fail, transfer to the contractor all the initial documents, including permits on the approval of the place of future construction, justification of investments, and an act of site selection.

The terms of reference for designing a house should be drawn up taking into account information on the implementation of a set of activities in research, architectural planning and experimental design areas. Also, the document must necessarily reflect the possibility of connecting the future building to engineering systems and communications.

In fact, the terms of reference are often drawn up during a normal conversation with specialists. You will be asked leading questions, and from the answers received, the terms of reference are formed, on the basis of which the project of your house will be developed.

Typically, the questions might be:

  • Structure, what shape and size do you plan to order?
  • Will it be connected to engineering networks, and if so, to which ones?
  • What materials will be used in construction?
  • What should be the design of the main elements?
  • What construction timeline will suit you?
  • How much are you willing to spend on building a house?

As you can see, these are fairly simple questions that every person who can at least vaguely imagine his future home can answer. Based on your answers, specialists will be able to draw up a detailed project.

Moreover, most often several projects are compiled so that you can choose exactly the one that would suit your taste. By the way, the best solution would be to entrust the design of the house and its construction to one company.

This will achieve several benefits:

  1. You can get a certain discount, since you order a whole range of services from one company (with such significant costs, even a saving of 1-2% will be a considerable amount).
  2. If any defects are found during the operation of the building, you know exactly who was the culprit of their occurrence, and you can go to court. If the project was developed by one company, and another was engaged in the construction of the house, it is highly likely that representatives of the companies will blame each other, which will make it almost impossible to find the last one.

We create a project on our own

So, you have decided to develop a project according to which the house of your dreams will be built. As mentioned above, this is legally quite legal - you can simply sketch out an approximate project, which will indicate the shape and size of the premises, and start construction based on this project. As a result, you can save tens of thousands of dollars. But is this method always optimal?

Home design mistakes

The advantages of such a solution include savings and short terms, but this is where the advantages end. But the risk of making mistakes is quite large if you have never developed building projects. In addition, poor knowledge of the building materials market often prevents amateurs from choosing the most effective technologies and solutions. It is possible that as a result the built house will be very different from the one you imagined in your dreams.

In general, self-design is permissible only in cases where you are building a small country house. In many cases, its low weight eliminates the need for a massive foundation. In addition, if it will be used only in the warm season, there is no need to connect it to various communications - the only exception is electricity.

Professional foundation waterproofing

If the house needs a high-quality foundation, reliable vapor barrier and thermal insulation, and for a comfortable year-round living it is necessary to connect heating, cold and hot water supply, connect sewage and carry out gasification, it would be better to entrust the work to professionals. An amateur simply will not be able to take into account all the nuances, as a result of which a lot of effort, time and money will be spent, and the built house will leave much to be desired.

Entrust the work to professionals

It was said above that, turning to specialists, you will be forced to spend a significant amount on paying their labor. However, it will pay off in full in the future.

Considering all the difficulties of preparing for the creation of a project, it is common practice to transfer such concerns for the creation and collection of all accompanying documentation to specialists.

Many people, realizing this, often turn to design companies, even if they want to build a country house.

True, in such situations they usually apply for such a service as preliminary design. This is the cheapest service, as it only provides for the creation of a project for the exterior design of the house. The rest of the work will have to be done independently. But the house will look just great - because real professionals have worked on its design.

So, you contact a construction company, answer questions from specialists, and based on your answers, a technical assignment is drawn up. It is a support for the implementation of the entire complex of construction works, so the terms of reference should be as complete as possible.

It is mandatory to include:

When the terms of reference are drawn up and formalized, further work is carried out by experienced designers. But there can be two options: buying a finished project or creating an individual one.

The first option will cost you much cheaper - most often a finished project can be purchased by spending from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

In addition, you do not have to wait for specialists to develop a new project. You will simply be shown several dozen projects, each of which will meet your requirements in most respects. You will only need to choose the option that seems most suitable to you.

An example of a two-family house project

Alas, this solution does not suit everyone. It is possible that the project you like is designed for two parents and two children of the same sex. And you need a house where parents, two children of different sexes and one elderly person will live.

As a result, you will have to put up with a number of difficulties - to make changes to standard project no one will agree, since this will have to make a number of calculations and measurements. Think seriously! After all, you are building a house in which you will live for many years, not a few weeks!

And you certainly should not try to make adjustments yourself - this is fraught with the destruction of the house if you are not familiar with all the intricacies of the strength of materials and theoretical mechanics.

Ordering an individual project will cost much more. Its cost is several times higher than the cost of the finished project. But, choosing this option, you can demand that the project meet your requirements to the smallest detail. The size and location of rooms, the number of windows, the type of stairs, the location of sockets, the location of the bathroom - all this will be taken into account in accordance with your wishes.

The video details how to order a technical task for designing a house.

Yes, you will have to shell out a large amount, and wait several weeks or even months before the project is created from scratch. But as a result, you will get a house that will definitely not disappoint you either now or in many years.

Now, knowing about the different options for designing a house, you will surely be able to make the right decision, which you will not have to regret.

The terms of reference are understood as specialized documentation containing the main requirements of the customer for the objects of procurement, which defines a list of conditions under which the procurement will be carried out, what work is to be performed. Despite the fact that the legislation does not provide for the mandatory preparation of terms of reference for the performance of works and other services, this form of documentation is widespread, since thanks to the terms of reference, labor and time resources are saved at the following stages:

  • Planning stage;
  • Drawing up the final documentation of the forthcoming purchase, notices, project contracts;
  • The stage of direct execution of the terms of the contract.

By filling out the terms of reference (hereinafter referred to as TOR) before placing a notice of the planned purchase, an optimal calculation of the time required for the performance of work or provision of goods, the selection of qualified specialists is achieved. Also, a properly drawn up TOR allows you to specify the object of procurement as much as possible, describing it as clearly and in detail as possible. Based on the pre-prepared TOR, a final assessment of the compliance of the procurement result with the initially declared characteristics is carried out.

Based on the information contained in this document, it becomes possible:

  • Formation of a plan, a procurement project;
  • Determining the cost of the contract, both initial and maximum possible;
  • Drawing up a notice of procurement;
  • Formation of a schedule for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • Preparation of basic documentation, including contract drafts;
  • Evaluation of proposals received from those wishing to participate in the procurement;
  • Conclusion of the contract and control over its execution.

How to make a form

As a rule, the terms of reference are drawn up by the contract manager in tandem with the specialists of the legal department, after which the document is certified by a person authorized to make decisions related to the procurement. It is advisable to sign the document no more than 10 days before the date of formation of the notice and other related procurement documents. The terms of reference include:

  • Basic information about the planned purchase;
  • General information about the procurement object;
  • Requirements for performers;
  • What conditions must be observed in the execution of the contract;
  • Information about available applications.

Note! When drawing up TK, one should be guided by objectivity, using understandable and concise formulations that do not contain contradictions. The requirements of the ToR should be formed in accordance with the established practice, without contradicting the norms of the law.

When drawing up the TOR, it should be taken into account that, according to the terms of reference, the risks and burdens of suppliers and contractors should not exceed those assumed by the customer, otherwise this may lead to an increase in the cost of the contract, or to refusal to submit applications for participation.

For construction and installation works

The terms of reference for the performance of construction and installation works must contain the necessary criteria, according to which the required work must be carried out. When compiling the document, you should specify:

  • The object of the auction. What kind of work should be done in accordance with the future contract;
  • Location address. The exact location of the objects on which it is required to carry out construction and installation work;
  • Terms of work. This paragraph, as a rule, lists the nature of the soil, engineering and geological characteristics, for example, the level of the depth of groundwater and other characteristics that are significant during future construction;
  • The nature of construction and installation work is indicated - whether it will be new construction or work will be carried out at an already erected facility;
  • Method of implementation, for example, in a row;
  • The next paragraph contains information about the availability of design estimates and who compiled it;
  • Technical and economic characteristics of the construction object;
  • The next paragraph describes the functions that the customer of construction and installation works assumes, including accounting, monitoring the progress of construction at all stages, organizing work and granting permission to carry out construction and installation works;
  • Requirements for the contractor with a list of works to be performed by the contractor;
  • Stages of construction and deadlines for the implementation of a certain volume according to the distribution into stages;
  • Organizational requirements, for example, the need for compliance of the work performed with the requirements of GOST, and the current SNiPs;
  • At the end point, the terms are indicated in which construction and installation work must be carried out in full.

For electrical work

When drawing up the TOR for electrical work, the same principles apply as in the previous example. The items provide the following information:

  • Place of performance of work;
  • Deadlines;
  • given short description required work;
  • Performer requirements.

Important! Due to the specifics of certain types of work, which include, in particular, electrical work, along with the standard requirements for auction participants, the customer may put forward special conditions in the terms of reference.

So, these may be requirements for the provision of information on admission to certain types of work, the availability of technical resources for their implementation, the provision of confirmation of the qualification level of the workers of the participant applying for participation in the auction.

To perform work under 44-FZ

According to the requirements of Federal Law No. 44-FZ, the customer must be guided by uniform requirements regarding the description of the object of procurement when preparing documents, regardless of the methods of actual execution of the contract. When issuing a TOR, the customer must be guided by the following directives:

  1. When describing the objects of the auction, one should be guided by the criteria of objectivity;
  2. Functionality, technical and operational characteristics of the procurement object should be present in the description, if necessary;
  3. The TOR should be neutral in nature, not containing an excessive number of excessive requirements in order to limit the number of potential participants.

Customers are obliged to rely on the provisions of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services", according to the requirements of which, the choice of a contractor or supplier is carried out according to the strict rules of an electronic auction, the winner of which, as a rule, becomes a participant, offering the lowest price. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare the correct terms of reference, taking into account all the nuances of the ongoing procurement.

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    Perform in accordance with the technical conditions, the requirements of the current regulatory documents. Provide for the project:

    1.Power supply

    The project provides for the required number of distribution (main) electrical panels that are power supply centers for large tenants (grocery hypermarket, electronics supermarket, etc.)

    2. Main switchboard (MSB)

    Provide for the installation of the required number of main switchboards. Each main switchboard must have two main busbar sections with circuit breakers. Provide a sectional switch between sections.

    The technical characteristics of the main switchboard are to be determined by the project, to use the IEK equipment or other certified equipment.

    MSB-0.4 kV cabinets must be one- or two-sided maintenance (specify in the project). In each MSB (ASU) it is necessary to provide a reserve of 15% of automatic switches for outgoing lines and a reserve of 15% of free space for the possible installation of additional equipment (circuit breakers, etc.).

    3. Accounting for electricity

    Commercial electricity metering should be provided on the introductory panels of the main switchboard with calculated three-phase meters.

    4.Electric panel boards

    Panel boards should be mounted and floor-mounted in housings with a protection class of at least IP20. In technical and wet rooms, provide for the installation of shields with a protection class of at least IP44. Use circuit breakers as protection devices for group cables extending from shields. As introductory switching devices in the boards, take - knife switches. Use thermal relays as motor overload protection devices.

    Develop emergency lighting boards (ESA). Boards must be equipped with contactors, lighting control using buttons and switches. Develop power supply panels for power outlets and working lighting (SchRO).

    Develop power supply panels for rental areas (SCHRA).

    To develop power supply panels for computer sockets (SC) for office premises.

    Develop power supply panels for technological equipment (SC).

    Shields (shells) should be manufactured by Schneider Electric and IEK.

    Switching and protective equipment should be provided by Schneider Electric and IEC.

    5. Main cable routes

    The main cable routes should be made with steel hot-dip galvanized ladder-type cable shelves and sheet cable trays or wire trays.

    Lay electrical and low-current cables through different cable shelves or one by one through a metal partition.

    The supply main lines should be made with a PVC-insulated cable. Lay the cables openly in the cable trays. Power cables (up to switchboards) should have a throughput margin of 10-15%. All metal cable structures are grounded

    6. Wiring

    For electrical wiring, use PVC-insulated cables with copper conductors. Lay cables:

    Hidden in PVC pipes behind suspended ceilings;

    Hidden in PVC pipes in grooves with subsequent sealing;

    Open on cable shelves;

    Open in decorative cable ducts and skirting boards (office premises).

    The type of cable laying in the room is determined in accordance with the draft design. Make the wiring replaceable.

    7. Wiring and wiring products

    Develop a power network of household sockets. Distribute sockets throughout the premises based on the location of technological equipment and household needs. All electrical installation products must be of the appropriate protection category, depending on the category of the room.

    To connect personal computers, provide for the installation of four power outlets at workplaces, two of which must be powered from the power distribution network of computers from the corresponding switchboards.

    8. Electric lighting

    The project provides for the following types of lighting of the premises of the building: working, emergency.

    The voltage of the general lighting network is 380/220 V, the voltage on the lamps is 220 V, the maintenance lighting voltage is -36 V.

    To illuminate the premises, use luminaires with fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps and incandescent lamps in accordance with the purpose of the premises, architectural and technical requirements.

    Along the evacuation routes, provide for the installation of light indicators with a stencil on the front side indicating the direction of the exit. Connect light indicators to the emergency lighting network.

    Provide for a power reserve for the installation of advertising design of facades, displays, shop windows according to the data provided by the Customer.

    Provide lighting for corridors, passages, general premises. Lighting for tenants is not provided.

    Use lamps manufactured by Lighting Technologies.

    Wiring accessories - produced by Schneider Electric and DKS.

    Cable support systems - DCS.

    9.Power supply of fire fighting systems

    Provide power supply for fire alarm systems, smoke exhaust systems and air overpressure from the ATS section of the main switchboard, or from two or two inputs (provide for the installation of an ATS device locally).

    Lay mutually redundant cables of fire protection systems along different routes.

    10. Grounding

    Apply earthing system type TN-C-S. As a grounding device, use the reinforced concrete base of the building (if necessary, make an external lightning protection circuit from a 5x40 strip). The project provides for a potential equalization system.

    11.Lightning protection

    Lightning protection of the building shall be performed in accordance with RD 34.21.122-87.

    12. Transformer substation and main switchboard

    Provide a built-in transformer substation.

    Accept the following equipment:

    Switchgear high voltage– brand RM-6 manufactured by Schneider Electric;

    low voltage switchgear - based on components (switching devices, switchboards, etc.) manufactured by Schneider Electric;

    transformers - dry brands Trihal manufactured by Schneider Electric.

    design consulting