What is the name of a very sensitive person - is it bad. What is hypersensitivity and how to live with it People who are hypersensitive to its elements

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Highly sensitive people, or “new introverts,” are the names of those who react more sharply than others to noise or fuss, quickly get tired of society and love solitude. These people subtly feel the world and pay attention to the smallest details, so they often make excellent poets, artists and writers. However, it’s hard for them to live among others: too often they have to make excuses for their fatigue and unsociableness, criticism hurts too much, too much energy is spent on empathy, and also on meeting the standards accepted in society.

Ilse Sand, a Danish writer and certified psychotherapist, who has experienced first hand all the hardships and joys of the life of highly sensitive people, tells how new introverts can finally stop trying to rebuild themselves and start living their own pleasure in harmony with themselves and their feelings.

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Preface to the second edition

I am glad to present you the second edition of the book Close to the Heart. So far, the fourth printing of the first edition has ended in stores - in other words, more than 5,000 copies have already been sold. The book has also been translated into Swedish, and the included test is used by psychologists throughout Scandinavia.

I supplemented the second edition with a chapter devoted to scientific research on this issue. In addition, I removed the discussion of anger, as it is reproduced in full in New Paths in the Labyrinth of Feelings, and also included a number of reflections on other relevant topics in the new edition.


This book is designed for people with hypersensitivity, psychologically too vulnerable. But it was also written for people with an ordinary level of sensitivity, since life often brings them together with extremely impressionable personalities.

Throughout my life, I managed to visit a priest and a psychotherapist, thanks to which I met a lot of people. Talking with the most sensitive of them, I realized every time that I would be of real help to such people, just by telling them about this feature of their nature.

For this reason, in this book, I have chosen to pay special attention to the stories of those patients and clients through which we understand what it means to be so vulnerable in the modern world. All the patients I cite in this work are highly sensitive, but in some cases we can recognize ourselves.

I have repeatedly seen living evidence of how a person still managed to get along with his own sensitivity, gain courage and become himself, and therefore I sincerely hope that this book will help many other people in this.

In chapter 1 I describe the character traits of sensitive natures. There are no identical people, and hypersensitive people are no exception. Perhaps in some of the examples I have described you will recognize yourself, and some others, on the contrary, will not be easy to understand. However, I hope that these tips will be useful to you, even if only some of the traits I have described seem familiar.

The chapters can be read separately, independently of each other, so if you find some of them too easy or, conversely, too overloaded with theoretical calculations, I recommend that you simply scroll through them without reading.

At the end of the book there is a test recently developed by Danish scientists, thanks to which you can determine the level of your own sensitivity. In addition, in this book you will find a list of activities that bring joy and peace to sensitive people. This list contains various activities that are most suitable for both those who have enough strength and those who are looking for peace.


Sensitivity or, as psychologists call it, sensitivity, is a quality that can be considered both a punishment and a godsend. Personally, for many years I considered it a hindrance, believing that in some situations it limited my actions. And I considered myself an introvert until I read about the character traits of people with hypersensitivity.

During lectures at the university, I always took a break and told students that I needed to be alone for a while. People around always treated such requests with understanding. In addition, there were often people among the listeners who later informed me that sometimes they also felt the need to be alone. As a rule, they also thanked me for daring to admit this fact aloud.

Considering this feature of my own as a hindrance, I will nevertheless be immodest and say that it is compensated by many other qualities. I have a highly developed imagination - for example, I always come up with and develop topics for a lecture course very quickly, thanks to which I have found excellent speakers and lecturers over the years.

Self-esteem in many hypersensitive individuals is underestimated. It seems to us that completely different behavioral types are valued in the outside world. Some sensitive people have confessed to me that all their lives they went out of their way to keep up with others and meet other people's expectations. And only when they retired did they get the opportunity to live calmly and “slowly”. Surely you, too, at times want to learn how to live without worries, to “harden” a little and experience the same feelings that most of the people around you experience. Loving yourself, so vulnerable and sensitive, is very difficult - especially when life requires completely opposite qualities from you. Perhaps you have already tried to re-educate yourself for the sake of other people's requirements - and therefore now you need to learn again to love the real you, the way you really are. The first step in this direction is to learn to evaluate not the quantity of your actions, but their quality. You may have time to do much less than others, but everything that you do is most likely done very well. In other words, you are clearly not a champion in long jumps, but few people can compete with you in high jumps.

Comparing myself over the years with those around me, I constantly came to the conclusion that I was not up to par. This upset me terribly, and so I tried to avoid such thoughts, trying to focus on my positive qualities.

Perhaps you, too, are tormented by the realization that you do not know much. But as soon as you start thinking about it, those around you immediately notice the shortcoming you have discovered. Perhaps you are not as efficient as others, but as soon as you notice this, your colleagues also do not remain indifferent: “What, are you going home? Already?" And after that, you completely forget that in a relatively short time spent at work, you managed to do as many things as an ordinary person would not have done in a day.

I sincerely hope that this book will help sensitive individuals and just vulnerable people to pay attention to the positive qualities that they possess.

Increased sensitivity most often enriches the personality ... This advantage can turn into a huge disadvantage only in the most difficult and unusual situations, when self-control collapses under the influence of out of control feelings.

It would be a huge mistake to consider sensitivity as a painful component of personality. If this were true, then approximately one-fourth of the entire population of the earth could be called pathologically ill.

C. G. Jung, 1955

Chapter 1

Hypersensitivity - what is it?

Two different subspecies

Approximately every fifth individual is characterized by increased psychological vulnerability, and this applies not only to people. Higher vertebrates can also be conditionally divided into two groups - sensitive and coarser. The latter are determined and more willing to take risks.

We humans are divided not only by gender, but also by belonging to one of two psychological types. And the difference between these types is often more significant than between the sexes.

Hypersensitivity is a phenomenon noticed by psychologists for a long time, but before it was called differently, for example, introversion. According to the American psychologist Elaine Eyron, who first described the features of a hypersensitive personality, she herself believed for some time that introversion and hypersensitivity were the same thing, until she found that 30% of hypersensitive people are extroverts.

“Hypersensitive individuals are called constrained, anxious or shy. These qualities can really manifest themselves if such people find themselves in an unusual environment, not finding support and help from others. However, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that we experience in unusual conditions, in a familiar and peaceful environment, we are happier than everyone else.

That we are more difficult to tolerate unfamiliar environments and are happier in a calm atmosphere is scientifically proven: according to the study, children whose reaction to difficulties was sharply negative (that is, hypersensitive children) were more likely to get sick and make mistakes when they found themselves in a hostile environment. However, in a familiar peaceful environment, the same children got sick less often than the rest.

Observation and thoughtfulness

The nervous system of hypersensitive individuals is distinguished by a special sensitivity. We notice many nuances and analyze them deeper than everyone else. We have a rich imagination and vivid imagination, thanks to which even the most insignificant events of the surrounding reality encourage us to build hypotheses and draw conclusions. Thus, our internal "hard drive" fills up faster, and we experience overexcitation.

From an overabundance of impressions, I personally get the feeling that more information simply won’t fit into my head. When I communicate with unfamiliar people, a similar feeling can occur in about half an hour or an hour. I am quite capable of pulling myself together and carrying on a conversation, listening to the interlocutor and pretending that everything is as it should be. However, it takes a lot of strength for me, and afterwards I feel completely overwhelmed.

There is nothing wrong with overexcitation, but if you are hypersensitive, then in such a situation you will feel an overabundance of information earlier than ordinary people, which will cause a desire to withdraw and withdraw into yourself.

You may recognize yourself in the description below. Eric (48) says that when he gets excited, he tries to hide and be alone with himself for a while, but secretly, because he is afraid that others will consider him arrogant, uncommunicative or withdrawn:

During big family celebrations, such as birthdays, I often lock myself in the closet, look in the mirror, and wash my hands for a long time, thoroughly lathering them. But at this moment, someone is sure to pull the handle of the toilet door, and I have to leave my quiet and peaceful refuge. One day I decided to hide behind a newspaper - I sat in a corner, unfolded the newspaper, brought it closer to my face and closed my eyes, enjoying the peace. But my uncle, a well-known joker, quietly crept up to me, snatched the newspaper from my hands and announced loudly: “Aha! Here is our recluse and got caught! Everyone laughed, and I was ready to fall through the ground.

Eric, 48

As a hypersensitive person, you are quickly tired not only of negative impressions - even when you are at a fun holiday, at a certain moment you seem to be oversaturated, and in the midst of the celebration you feel an acute desire to withdraw into yourself. At times like this, this shortcoming depresses us a lot, because most of the time we want to be as "hardy" as everyone else. Leaving the holiday before everyone else, we, firstly, feel embarrassed in front of the hosts, who beg us to stay. Secondly, we ourselves are sorry to leave the holiday and we are afraid to seem boring or ignorant to other guests.

The cause of increased excitability lies in our overly sensitive nervous system, but thanks to it we are able to experience genuine joy.

For example, those pleasant and calm impressions that arise when we listen to music or birdsong, look at pictures, inhale aromas, taste something delicious or admire a majestic landscape, awaken in us a feeling akin to inner jubilation. We are able to fully appreciate the beautiful, and this gives us incomparable pleasure.

sensitivity to sensations

If you are hypersensitive, you may find it difficult to distract yourself from extraneous sounds, smells, or visual stimuli. At times, sensations imposed from the outside drive you crazy. Sounds that people around you barely notice seem like a terrible noise that interferes with your concentration.

For example, on New Year's Eve, the sky, colored with fireworks, will surely delight you, which cannot be said about the explosions of firecrackers. It seems that these sounds penetrate into every cell, play on the nerves, therefore, under New Year and after that you are not yourself.

When I lecture or do therapy with hypersensitives, I ask the audience to share their best and worst experiences. Often, New Year's Eve falls into the list of the worst, and the reason for this is the explosions of firecrackers. Supersensitive people are annoyed even by completely harmless sounds - for example, steps in the apartment from above. In addition, they are distinguished by a very sensitive sleep.

From the outside, the hypersensitive seem to be very picky: in particular, they cannot stand the cold and draft, so they try to avoid parties under open sky. A visit to the hairdresser sometimes turns into a real torture because of the harsh chemical odors. Visiting smokers, they also have a hard time. Even if the owner tries not to smoke in front of the guest, the smell of tobacco, eaten into the furniture and curtains, will certainly reach the sensitive nose. I was told about one poor fellow who even quit his job because his colleagues were constantly listening to the radio and it prevented him from concentrating.

Hypersensitive individuals are rare guests in a cafe where loud music is playing or too crowded. It is generally difficult for highly sensitive people to find a cafe to their taste - especially if they are tired, hungry and not walking alone.

I'm so hard to please that sometimes I hate myself. Less fastidious do not even imagine how easy life is for them!

Susanna, 23 years old

As highly sensitive people, many things are not easy for us. Our pain threshold is lower than others, and therefore the hostility from the outside world hurts us much more.


Many hypersensitive natures admit that they hate quarrels and swearing. They can hardly stand it when others quarrel or are simply in a bad mood. However, this feature also has its advantages: we are able to be sensitive and responsive to the feelings of others. For this reason, we often choose professions that enable us to help others, and we often succeed in this endeavor.

Hypersensitive people who work in the healthcare system report that they often feel exhausted at the end of the working day. Due to our impressionability, excessive sensitivity and inability to abstract, we allow other people's experiences to influence us and therefore, when we come home, we still think about work.

If your work is connected with people, I advise you to take care of yourself, because stress leads to the most deplorable consequences.

I am often asked whether it is possible to get rid of excessive impressionability in oneself. Thanks to hypersensitivity, a person has a kind of invisible antennas that allow him to capture the mood of others. From time to time, I myself want to get rid of these antennae forever and thus cut off the endless stream of impressions. I want to be blind, deaf and insensible. And although this is most likely impossible, any of us is quite capable of controlling our own perception.

If you feel that your friend or colleague is not happy with you, you can draw one of two conclusions: “He is angry with me. What did I do wrong? or "He just doesn't know how to solve his own problems, and that's why he's upset." By choosing the second way of reasoning, you will significantly reduce the degree of your own experiences. In chapter 8, I explain the relationship between feelings and thoughts in more detail.

Under favorable circumstances, excessive sensitivity brings certain benefits. So, psychologist and neurologist Susan Hart noted the following pattern:

Babies who are more responsive to their environment are more likely to respond to stimuli. If at the same time the child is surrounded by love and brought up in a calm environment, then he shows a greater interest in life and the ability to empathize, knows how to rejoice and more easily achieves a state of harmony with the outside world.

Susan Hart, 2009

Highly sensitive people who grew up in a favorable environment learn from childhood to see a certain advantage in their features. However, those who did not receive affection and love in childhood, having matured, can also learn to support themselves and manage their lives in such a way as to turn hypersensitivity into an advantage.

Responsibility and integrity

An experiment involving highly sensitive four-year-olds showed that such children were less likely to lie, break rules less often, and act selfishly less often, even when they thought no one was watching them. In addition, they solve moral dilemmas in a more socially responsible way.

Many highly sensitive individuals sometimes take responsibility for the whole world. Often, from a very early age, we catch discontent from others and do our best to correct the situation.

Feeling that my mother was unhappy with something, I was ready to do anything to help her, and came up with different ways to make her life easier. One day, for example, I decided that I would smile at everyone we met on the street - both acquaintances and strangers. I thought that in this case they would all decide that my mother is a real sorceress, because she managed to raise such a cute child.

Hanna, 57 years old

Feeling disharmony, you immediately try to correct the situation and take control of the situation. For example, if someone is arguing at a party, you patiently listen to the dissatisfied, try to console them or offer various ways solving their problem. As a result, you soon get tired and leave the party, and former enemies forget about the quarrel and continue to have fun.

End of introductory segment.

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Do you feel like your reactions to things are stronger than others? Are you worried about how other people feel? Do you prefer quiet rather than chaotic environments?

If the above applies to you, then you may be very sensitive. The personality trait - which was first researched by Elaine A. Aron, Ph.D. in the early 1990s - is relatively common, in about one in five people. Aron has written many writings and books about over-sensitivity, including such as "Very Sensitive People", also developed a test () that will help you determine if you are a very sensitive person.

Although the recent interest in introversion—driven largely by broad subject publications, including Susan Cain's book The Silence—has brought more interest in personality traits than less stimulation and more sensitivity, Aron has observed that highly sensitive people still tend to generally considered a "minority".

But "minority" doesn't mean it's a bad thing - in fact, a very sensitive person combines many positive characteristics. The following are some of the common traits common to all sensitive people.

1. Their feelings are deeper

One of the hallmarks of highly sensitive people is the ability to feel deeper than their less sensitive peers. "They like to take things at a deep level," Ted Zeff, Ph.D., author of The Sensitive People's Survival Guide and other books about highly sensitive people, says HuffPost. "They are very intuitive and can go a lot further to figure things out."

2. They are more emotionally responsive

Very sensitive people react more strongly to the situation. For example, they will be more empathetic and care about a friend's problems, says Aron. They may also care more about other people who are victims of negative actions.

3. They are used to hearing: “Don’t take everything so personally” or “Why are you so sensitive?”

Depending on the culture, sensitivity can be seen as a valuable asset or a negative trait, Zeff explains. In some of his studies, Zeff says that highly sensitive men from different countries The men he worked with - such as Thailand and India - were rarely or never teased, while North American men were often or always teased. "So many of them are very cultured - the same person who said, 'in certain cultures, it's considered a valuable asset.'

4. They are used to working alone

Highly sensitive people tend to avoid being on a sports team where there is a sense that everyone is constantly watching the other's actions, Zeff says. In his research, the majority of highly sensitive people interviewed prefer individual sports - biking, running, hiking - rather than group sports. It's not a generally accepted rule, though - some very sensitive people have had parents who taught them that it would be easier for them to become a member of a group sport, says Zeff.

5. They take longer to make decisions.

Highly sensitive people are more knowledgeable and granular in their decision making, Aron says. Even if it’s not a “right” or “wrong” decision—it’s impossible to pick the “wrong” flavor of ice cream, for example—highly sensitive people will tend to take longer to choose because they weigh every possible outcome.” Aron advises: "Think as long as the situation allows, and ask for more time if you need it," she wrote in a recent issue of the Comfort Zone newsletter. “During this time, try to claim a minute, an hour, a day, or even a week that will get you on the right track. What is it like? Often, on the other side of the decision, things look different, and this gives you a chance to more vividly imagine that you are already there. One exception: One day a very sensitive person comes to the conclusion that in this situation this is the right decision, and in another situation this is the right decision, and in the future he or she will quickly make these decisions.

6. They are more frustrated if they make "bad" or "wrong" decisions.

Can you imagine how you feel when you make the wrong decision? For highly sensitive people, "these emotions are heightened because they are more emotionally active" explains Aaron.

7. They are extremely attentive to detail.

Very sensitive people are the first to notice the details in the room, the new shoes you put on, or changes in the weather.

8. Not all highly sensitive people are introverts.

About 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts. referring to Aaron. He explains that many times highly sensitive people who were also extroverts grew up in a close-knit community - whether it was a dead end, a small town, or with a parent who worked as a priest or rabbi - and interacted with a large number of people in this way.

9. They work well as a team.

Because highly sensitive people are deep thinkers, they are valuable employees and team members. says Aron. However, they are well suited to those command positions where you do not need to make the final decision. For example, if a highly sensitive person is part of the medical team, he or she is valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of the patient being operated on, until someone else ultimately decides whether the patient needs surgery.

10. They are most prone to anxiety or depression (but only if there have been a lot of negative experiences in the past)

“If you have enough bad experiences, especially in early life, you don’t feel safe in the world or you don’t feel confident at home…or at school, your nervous system is too “anxious,” Aron says. But needless to say, all highly sensitive people will continue to worry - having a supportive environment can go a long way towards being protected from all of this. Parents of highly sensitive children especially need to "understand that these are truly great kids, but they need to be kept on the right track," says Aron. “You can overprotect them, but you must not underprotect them. You have to titrate them when they are young so they feel confident and feel good.”

11. Annoying sound further irritates a very sensitive person.

It's hard to say that someone is a fan of annoying sound, but very sensitive people are even more sensitive to chaos and noise. That's why they tend to be more depressed about being too active, Aron says.

12. Violent movies are the worst

Because very sensitive people sympathize even more and get annoyed even faster. Violent films or horror films are not their forte, Aron says.

13. They are easier to make cry.

That's why it's important for highly sensitive people to put themselves in a situation where they don't feel upset or somehow "wrong" to cry easily, Zeff says. If their friends and family are aware that it's easy - that they can easily be made to cry - and support this form of expression, then "lightly crying" will not be seen as something shameful.

14. They have good manners

Very sensitive people are also very conscientious people, as Aaron says. Therefore, they are likely to be attentive and possess good manners- and always notice unscrupulous people. For example, a highly sensitive person may be more aware of where their shopping cart is in the store - not because they are afraid someone might steal something from there, but because they don't want their cart to get in the way of someone else. .

15. For very sensitive people, the consequences of criticism are greatly amplified.

Highly sensitive people have a response to criticism that is more intense the less sensitive the person is. As a result, they may use certain tactics to avoid criticism, including flatterers (so that no one criticizes them), by criticizing themselves first, and avoiding sources of criticism, Aron says.

People can say something negative, [and] a non-HSP (highly sensitive person) can say “Never mind” and not respond to them, Zeff says. But HPS will feel it very deeply.

16. Cabinets = good. Open offices = bad

Since highly sensitive people prefer to work alone, they also prefer a solitary work environment. Zeff says many highly sensitive people enjoy working from home or being self-employed because they can control the incentives of their work environment. Those who don't have the luxury of creating their own flexible work schedules (and environments), Zeff notes that highly sensitive people can enjoy working in an office - where they have more privacy and less noise - than in open offices.

When you think about the secret of successful people, what qualities do you think help them achieve success? You will be amazed by their ingenuity and creativity in solving problems. Or maybe you will be overwhelmed by their emotional intelligence and fantastic ability to make contacts with other people.

This is just a partial list of the qualities of highly sensitive people (HSPs), who make up 20% of the world's population.

Despite popular belief, highly sensitive people often make great leaders. They tend to be successful professionally. They are both disliked and highly valued for their commitment to the cause, even if they are good at ruffling the nerves of their colleagues from time to time.

High sensitivity is a feature that is misunderstood. I myself belong to a highly sensitive people, therefore, more than once suffered because of my empathy and always experiencing character. Fortunately, attitudes towards sensitivity have changed in society, partly due to the recognition and acceptance of the principle of neurodiversity. It is that neurological differences between people are normal.

Being very sensitive is a superpower, but only if you use it correctly. Otherwise, it, on the contrary, can complicate your life.

In order to survive in our world, highly sensitive people have to be guided by certain principles that relate to absolutely everything - love, work, and even how to live with such a feature of the psyche so that it does not hurt.

The Secret Life of Highly Sensitive People
It consists in the fact that they notice every little thing, they just read between the lines. Believe it or not, highly sensitive people make wonderful entrepreneurs, namely marketers, because they are great at networking, listening to other people, empathizing with them.

Highly sensitive people are very conscientious.

Details, structure, organization are your forte. After all, you are so deeply immersed in the process that you can easily develop long-term plans and think through the best solutions. And this, you see, is a valuable help.

Highly sensitive people can concentrate on an idea with real fanaticism. All these qualities contribute to success in our difficult times. information technologies and clip thinking.

Highly sensitive people are more creative and creative.

There are many highly sensitive people among the world famous artists and artists. Why? Hypersensitivity and a rich inner world make them just made for success.

So use your natural curiosity, ask questions, use your gift. All this distinguishes you from other people and is a big plus.

Highly sensitive people do everything with genuine passion.

You are very proud and try to make as few mistakes as possible. You are equally passionate about your work and relationships. It is felt. As a rule, such people are interested in many things and know how to do a lot, which often makes them pioneers in a particular industry.

HSP and success
Can your hypersensitivity interfere with your life? Of course, this cannot be ruled out. But with a certain amount of balance and thoughtfulness, you can turn this feature of yours into a huge force.

Try to get feedback.

Most highly sensitive people, despite the fact that they communicate well with others, feel very uncomfortable during public meetings or presentations. One critical remark is enough for them to survive for several days later.

Therefore, if you are a highly sensitive person, always be ready to play with high stakes. You must be ready for any questions, calculate everything one step ahead. Prepare a few blanks on how you will react if something goes wrong during the discussion.

For example: “Let's return to the discussion of this point a little later”, “Quite a difficult question. What is your vision of the situation?”, “Thanks for the feedback. Give me some time to process what I've heard.

Don't react - answer.

Life does not always go according to the intended scenario, therefore, HSPs should develop the ability to respond correctly to its challenges. In order not to panic and not succumb to emotions, learn to put a barrier between what is happening and your reaction to it.

For example, when your partner leaves dirty dishes in the sink for the umpteenth time, don't let the stress wash over you. HSPs are felt more and more acutely and deeply, so such a reaction will only aggravate everything.

An explosion or, conversely, silence - these reactions are not constructive. Instead, take a deep breath and count to five before answering. This will help you curb your emotions.

Quietly ask yourself why you are unhappy. Take time out and come back to discuss the problem later. Write down your thoughts before answering. There is nothing to be ashamed of in this pause. In fact, this is a sign of your maturity, thoughtful attitude to life and healthy self-control.

Set reasonable boundaries.

It is important for highly sensitive people to conserve their energy without wasting it on trifles. You spend all day passing through yourself the feelings and moods of other people, which is why it is so important. Naturally, all the negativity affects you. It can even be noise in the room, bad music and so on - all this affects sensitive people.

Simple, at first glance, things can help you with this. You can, for example, come to the office half an hour earlier to be quiet during this time, to tune in to the working day. For example, I always set aside 15-30 minutes between meetings to be alone, to concentrate.

Managing your energy effectively comes down to setting strong boundaries and being mindful of what you let into your life. Keep toxic people out of your way, don't let the media influence you. Learn to relax and rest.

If HSP is your loved one or colleague
Highly sensitive people make excellent life partners and community leaders. Although it must be admitted that loving them, living or working next to them is quite difficult. You cannot (and don't even try) to change them. But you can always support them with the following tricks:

If you work with HSP:

Keep them up to date on everything that's happening. Maximum information! Highly sensitive people perceive new and most complex information very well, because the more they know, the more effective they work. Whenever possible, always give them time to prepare. For example, familiarize them with the agenda ahead of time. Focus on coaching, not criticism.

If you love HSP:

Be sure to set aside time when your partner can be alone or in silence. Be prepared that he will suffer from insomnia. It can be very difficult for them to fall asleep because of their active and inquisitive mind.

Be patient with them during misunderstandings. Don't be offended when they want to be alone. You will always have time to catch up - during trips to theaters, museums or trips out of town. HSPs love to get new knowledge, as well as nature, art, and are always happy to embark on pleasant and funny adventures with you.

Whether your highly sensitive person is your spouse, brother, or co-worker, try to keep that personality in mind and use it for the benefit of your relationship or work.

It will not always be easy, but over time you will realize that it was worth it: very sensitive people change our world for the better.

When I was in kindergarten, a boy from my group threw my favorite book off the balcony, says 20-year-old Anna. “I remember crying terribly—not because of the book, but because I hated that boy.” The main sign of hypersensitivity is strong emotions that can arise due to the most insignificant reasons.

Some of us are just more acutely aware of everything that happens to them, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. According to psychologist Elaine Aron, there are approximately 20% of hypersensitive people (hypersensitives) in society. This means that one or more of your acquaintances, friends or relatives, most likely, belongs to their number.

Here's what to remember when dealing with hypersensitives. Elaine Eyron is a psychologist and author of The Hypersensitive Nature. How to succeed in a crazy world” (Azbuka-Atticus, 2014).

Hypersensitive people may cry when they are happy, sad, or irritated. This does not mean that they are bad. They just experience everything that happens to them very intensely, and tears help emotional release.

Introversion can go hand in hand with hypersensitivity, but this is not always the case. In fact, as Elaine Ayron discovered, 30% of hypersensitive people are extroverts. Often they require even more attention because they find it difficult to regulate their emotional state, they are more dependent on others and may experience a kind of intoxication from impressions.

The ability to quickly and confidently make decisions is not the strongest feature of hypersensitivity. Even when it comes to such banal things as choosing a cafe for lunch. The reason is that they are very afraid of making the wrong choice: suddenly the food in the cafe will be too expensive, the music will be too loud, the waiters will ignore them, and their companion will not like it there.

“If you are used to ending messages with a smiley, but this time you put an end to it, be sure: we will definitely note this,” says Anna. “And we’ll probably start to get nervous.” Hypersensitives tend to be very sensitive to what's going on in their environment and instantly notice when things aren't going their way.

If you need a friendly shoulder, feel free to contact them. Hypersensitives can make small talk, but they do best in the role of an attentive listener. You can be sure that they will not interrupt you, will not become distracted and change the subject.

A high-speed train, car horns, overly sociable colleagues ... All this not only annoys us - we suffer, as if every sound is driven into our heads with a hammer. According to Elaine Ayron, it's all about the reduced threshold of sensitivity, because of which any stimulus is felt more strongly.

The ideal option is to work at home or in any quiet place. This allows you to focus and keep your nerves in order. “Hypersensitivity people are able to take advantage of their ability to observe,” says Elaine Ayron. “They have a knack for thinking about ideas and then presenting them in a way that will be taken seriously.” Their analytical skills and attentiveness to other people's comments make them excellent teammates (as long as they are not put in charge of making major decisions).

A horror movie or a thriller is not the best choice if you want to invite a hypersensitive person to the cinema. The tendency to empathize, combined with an increased susceptibility to emotionally charged images, can cause shock in them.

9. They don't take criticism well.
Avoidance of anything that can cause too much excitement, a hallmark of hypersensitivity. As a result, they try to do everything possible so that they themselves do not hurt the feelings of others and not cause their displeasure.

When communicating with hypersensitives, avoid ridicule. Of course, they themselves can love good jokes and try to relate to life with humor, but even the hint that something may be wrong with them makes them nervous.

Pain is also a kind of stimulation. Not surprisingly, hypersensitives perceive it more acutely. Elaine Ayron's research has confirmed that hypersensitive people have a low pain threshold, and the expectation of pain (for example, in the dentist's office) can make you feel pain even when no one touches them.

Hypersensitives find it difficult to make new acquaintances. The stress of uncertainty, the expectation of possible awkwardness, the painful guessing of what the interlocutor is thinking, all this tires them. Hypersensitive people tend to find a reliable, empathetic partner with whom they can relax and who they can completely trust.

Hypersensitivity is not just a whim or a lack of character. Elaine Eyron found that areas of the brain associated with empathy and cognition in hypersensitive people become more aroused when they are shown photos of a face with traces of strong emotions. In other words, this behavior is biologically programmed.

If there is an oversensitive person in your environment, try to be sensitive to him. Most likely, he himself understands his own characteristics well, therefore he behaves carefully and considerately. But he expects understanding from you too.

Do you know who they are highly sensitive personalities? Or maybe you, without knowing it, are such a person? Read on and you will learn a lot of interesting things!

6. They enjoy being alone.

They love being alone because it allows them to be alone with themselves and their emotions.

Therefore, they are usually referred to as introverts. This is probably due to hypersensitivity, which makes it more difficult for them to interact with the outside world.

7. They know how to sacrifice themselves

They always want to help other people and make their lives as easy as possible. High sensitivity brings the realization that they can make the world a little better.

8. They cry and laugh

Highly sensitive individuals live in a world of emotions and are able to switch quickly. That is why they can quickly let go of the shackling heavy thoughts and look at the world in a new way.

9. Thoughtful and responsible

That is why they work well in a team and successfully fulfill all their goals and objectives. If you are working on any project with such a person, consider yourself lucky. He will give 100% to his common cause.