International Day Against RPP. International Day Against Drug Addiction

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June 26 is the International Day Against Drug Use and Illicit Trafficking.

On June 26, the world community celebrates a holiday of global significance - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

Holiday International Day Against Drug Addiction was established in 1987 by the UN General Assembly as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to create an international society free from drug abuse. The decision was taken on 7 December 1987 on the basis of the recommendation of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Control, which adopted a comprehensive multidisciplinary action plan for drug abuse control.

Drug problems in 1998 was devoted to a special session held by the UN General Assembly. This session resulted in the goal of substantially reducing the world drug problem by 2008. But, according to UN estimates, the global number of people who use drugs is currently at least 185 million people (that is, 3% of the total population of our planet, or about 12% of the population aged 15 to 30 years). Unfortunately, the demographic consequences of drug addiction are becoming more ominous every day. The proportion of minors and adolescents among those who use drugs is increasing, and the number of women who are addicted to this terrible addiction is also increasing. Narcologists are very concerned about the problem of drug addiction, among their statements is the fact that if 3-4 years ago the average age of young drug addicts was 16-17 years, today this figure has dropped to 13-14 years. According to statistics, over the past ten to twelve years, the number of women using narcotic and psychotropic drugs has increased sevenfold.

Drug addiction is perhaps one of the most terrible phenomena of our modernity. Every day more and more people fall into the terrible network of vice, trying to hide from daily problems with it. The price for such experiments on one's own life is infinitely high, and the results are sometimes irreversible. Even after undergoing a special course of treatment, a person cannot be freed from drug addiction. After many years, there may be an unbearable craving to return to drugs again. And what used to seem like an easy escape from the daily routine of life, turns into endless days of absolute emptiness and nightmare. The choice of a person is his step, but to choose from two possible options "for" and "against" drugs is an unforgivable and harmful decision for anyone.

All over the world, people whose immediate concern is the health of the nation are uniting their efforts to remind humanity once again what a terrible disease drug addiction is. In Russia, from the beginning of the activities of the drug control authorities, on July 1, it will be 4 years. The tasks of the Federal Service for Control over the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances are both the detection of crime and the struggle to reduce the drug addiction of society through large-scale preventive work. Under the motto "NO to drugs!" organized numerous sports competitions and sports and recreational activities, meetings with schoolchildren and students, teachers and parents.

Unfortunately, at present, drug addiction is a very profitable business that allows you to enrich yourself on the misfortunes of others. The states of the Near and Middle East and Asia are considered to be places of concentration of drug trafficking. Afghanistan is the world's largest supplier of heroin. The countries of Latin America also occupy a considerable share in the distribution of narcotic drugs.

According to indicators, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the growth of drug crime has increased significantly. According to the official statistics of the Russian Federal Service for Controlling the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the number of drug addicts in Russia has increased ninefold over the past ten years. In 2006, about 390,000 drug addicts were officially registered in Russia. About 4-5 million Russians regularly use drugs; among them - adolescents and young people aged 11 to 24 - up to 2 million people. It is noteworthy that 60% of drug users are the younger generation of Russians aged 18 to 30 years. Moreover, these data are just the tip of the iceberg - in fact, there are much more drug addicts in Russia; some experts put the figure at more than 10 million people. Approximately 10 billion dollars a year is illicit drug trafficking in Russia, and 25% of crimes are somehow related to drug addicts.

Of course, the rapid growth in the number of drug addicts is of particular concern to the world and Russian public. In this regard, on June 26, in many cities of Russia, various actions are being held to prevent drug addiction and drug use among young people.

Addiction problems

In recent years, the use of narcotic and toxic substances by children and adolescents has become a real disaster for our country. The scale of the unfolding "drug addiction epidemic" is impressive even in terms of official statistics, which do not fully reflect the situation. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, about 70% of adolescents (both boys and girls) have tried drugs at least once. The number of juveniles registered in drug dispensaries, suffering from drug and substance abuse has increased dozens of times. In some cities, in a number of educational institutions, drug addiction has become total.

For the sake of acquiring drugs, many go to crime, up to 70% of female drug addicts are engaged in prostitution. Each drug user involves another 5-10 people. All of them are potential distributors of infectious diseases, in particular viral hepatitis. To date, one of the leading causes of death in children and adolescents are complications associated with drug use.

The real threat to society is the significant increase in the number of people infected with HIV. In Russia, the transmission of HIV infection is associated primarily with infection that occurs when drug addicts share a syringe. Of all those infected in the country, about 80% are drug addicts who became infected while injecting drugs.

drug addiction today

Drug addiction today is one of the main problems of the entire world community. However, in our country mass drug addiction is a fairly new phenomenon. Until recently, the mention of drugs could only be found in works of fiction describing the period of the civil war and post-war devastation, and in rare films of foreign production.

Now that the situation has changed dramatically, information about narcotic drugs, addiction to them and the consequences of this phenomenon should be ubiquitous. Only in this way can many be saved from terrible misfortune.

Almost everyone can become victims of drug addiction, but to a greater extent this applies to young people. Addiction to drugs turns into a tragedy for the addicts themselves, grief for their parents and a lot of serious problems for teachers and educators. These problems, for all their seriousness and even tragedy, are very delicate and require a cautious, balanced approach.

Drug addiction is a total defeat of the personality, moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is accompanied by complications from the side of physical health. Many addiction treatment professionals refer to it as a "biopsychosocial-spiritual" disorder. This means that the person who takes drugs gradually loses self-respect; destroys his best moral qualities; becomes mentally not quite normal; loses friends, then family; cannot acquire a profession or forgets the one he used to have; gets involved in a criminal environment; brings an abyss of misfortune to himself and others and, finally, slowly and surely destroys his body.

Another feature of drug addiction is that it, as a pathological condition, is irreversible to a certain extent, and some of the negative changes that have occurred in the body remain forever. If a person who has long given up heroin again decides to “get high once”, he will inevitably have to go through all the circles of drug addiction again. Therefore, doctors try not to talk about “recovered addicts”, but prefer the term “inactive addicts” (that is, not using drugs at the moment, and the “moment” is long, even life-long).

On the other hand, the consequences of drug addiction in the human psyche can be compensated, although very difficult. However, for most drug addicts, it remains a lifelong diagnosis.

Drug addicts (often also their relatives) realize too late that this is not just “pampering”, but already a real addiction. Sometimes addiction develops after six months or even a year, more often after 2-3 months, but often a person becomes addicted after the first injection of heroin. What will happen to this or that particular individual is never known in advance.

International Day Against Drug Use and Illicit Traffic contributes to the introduction into the public masses of a serious problem of our time - the problem of drug addiction. The solution to this issue should be of concern to every person anywhere in the world. Only thanks to the efforts of the joint struggle can we count on positive results in solving the global problem of our time - drug addiction.

Back to holiday calendar

June 26 is a holiday of worldwide significance. This is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking. It was established in 1987 as an expression of the determination of the UN General Assembly to strengthen its activities and create a world society free from drug abuse. The basis for this decision was the recommendations of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Control, which adopted an extensive plan of action to combat drug addiction.

In 1998, a special session of the UN General Assembly was held, which set the goal of significantly reducing such a harmful phenomenon in the world as drug addiction by 2008. But the UN has released figures showing that more than 185 million people are currently using drugs worldwide. This is 3% of all mankind and 12% of people aged 15 to 30 years. With each passing day, the consequences of drug addiction are becoming more threatening in demographic terms. Drugs take possession of minors and adolescents, the number of women who use drugs is increasing.

Narcologists are especially concerned about this problem, as they have data that 3 years ago the average age of drug addicts was 16-17 years old, and now it has dropped to 13-14 years. Over the past decade, the number of women taking narcotic and psychotropic drugs has increased sevenfold!

Drug addiction, without exaggeration, can be called the most terrible phenomenon of our century. Every day more and more people fall into its insidious networks, trying to escape from problems and stresses. But the price of such an "escape" turns out to be too high, and the results of the experiment on oneself are mostly irreversible. Even a special course of treatment for drug addiction is not always able to free a person from this addiction. After several years without drugs, a former addict often relapses. And those feelings that seemed to be a salvation from real problems and failures become an endless nightmare and absolute emptiness. Therefore, initially choosing drugs as a means of escaping life's problems is an unforgivable and disastrous decision for every person.

People around the world who care about the health of their nation will unite in the fight against such a terrible phenomenon as drug addiction. That is why the World Day against Drug Addiction was established, reminding all of humanity of this terrible disease.

The fight against drug addiction in Russia

Drug control authorities have been operating in our country for four years. The task of the Federal Service for Control over the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances includes the identification of crimes and measures to combat drug addiction, preventive work to reduce the drug addiction of society. In Russia, under the slogan “NO to drugs!” there are numerous sports and health events, meetings with students, schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

Unfortunately, drug addiction is an incredibly lucrative business these days. Numerous drug dealers do not disdain the opportunity to profit from someone else's grief. It is known that the drug trade is concentrated in Asia, the countries of the Near and Middle East, and Latin America. Afghanistan is the world's largest supplier of heroin.

After the collapse of the USSR, the level of drug crime in Russia and neighboring countries has increased significantly. According to the data of the Russian Federal Service for the Control of the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the number of drug addicts in Russia has increased 9 times over the past decade. Drugs are used daily by 4-5 million Russians, of which about 2 million are children and young people aged 11-24. This is only official data, in fact, the number of drug addicts in the country is much higher. According to some experts in this field, there are 10 million drug addicts in Russia. 25% of all crimes in the country, one way or another, are related to drug addiction.

Of course, the rapid spread of drug addiction causes concern to the public around the world. Therefore, on the day of the fight against drug addiction in many cities of our country, various preventive actions are being taken against the spread and use of drugs among young people.

Drug addiction is the main problem of modern society

The world community considers drug addiction the most serious problem of our time. But in Russia this phenomenon is relatively new. More recently, references to drugs such as drugs were found only in books about civil war and post-war devastation, or in some foreign films.

At present, the situation, unfortunately, has deteriorated much, and methods of combating drug addiction must necessarily include the wide dissemination of information about narcotic drugs, the emergence of painful dependence on drugs and the consequences of their use. This is the only way to save the younger generation from this disaster.

Young people are the most victims of drug addiction. Addiction to drugs turns into a tragedy for the young man himself, and for his family and teachers. But for all its seriousness, this problem is very delicate, and therefore requires a balanced approach.

Drug addiction leads to a total defeat of the individual and serious complications of physical health. Many experts in the field refer to drug addiction as a "biopsychosocial-spiritual" disorder. That is, a drug addicted person gradually loses respect for himself, loses his moral qualities and mental balance. Due to an abnormal psyche, he cannot communicate with family and friends, is unable to find a profession, and even loses his skills in the business that he owned before his illness. Being involved in a criminal environment, he brings only misfortunes to the people around him, and slowly but inevitably destroys his life.

Another dangerous feature of drug addiction is the irreversibility of this pathological condition. That is, part of the changes that the body has undergone due to the action of drugs remains forever. If an addict who has managed to live without heroin for a long time decides to experience a “high” once, then he will have to go through the whole circle of drug hell. It is for this reason that doctors usually do not use the phrase “recovered addicts”, they say “inactive addicts” - that is, those who are not currently using drugs. Well, if this "moment" lasts a lifetime. Unfortunately, for most drug addicts, mental disorders remain a lifelong diagnosis, although the consequences of drug addiction in the human psyche are compensated to some extent.

International Day Against Drug Addiction contributes to the mass solution of such a serious problem of our time as drug addiction. This question should not leave indifferent any person on Earth. Only through joint efforts can positive results be achieved in solving the global problem of our days - drug addiction.

Probably, today everyone knows what drug addiction is and what its scale is. Many treat such people with contempt and condemnation, but you should know that once falling into this trap, a person is no longer able to control himself - his personality is destroyed, physical health is also affected. Drug addiction has destroyed many families, but the sad thing is that the number of drug addicts is growing every year, and today this problem even affects children. According to UN estimates, there are at least 185 million people who use drugs worldwide today, and the average age of this group of people, unfortunately, is decreasing every year.

This disaster is much larger than we might think, because drug addiction is not only a tragedy of an individual or family. It is also one of the reasons for the demographic crisis, the birth of sick children, the decline in the general health of the nation, as well as the increase in the level of crime throughout the world.

When is World Drug Abuse Day celebrated?

In order to draw public attention to this global problem of the whole world, in 1987, at the 42nd session, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that decided to celebrate the International Day against Drug Addiction on June 26 every year.

Today, health organizations are developing special programs to control the spread of drugs. A number of large-scale projects have been launched to inform children and adolescents about drug addiction, as well as to prevent and combat drug use.

Events for the day of the fight against drug addiction

The events dedicated to this day are to inform the population, especially adolescents and children, about the dangers of this kind of entertainment and the serious consequences that they carry. Schools and other educational institutions hold themed class hours and talks with medical professionals who can convey the extent of the danger of drug addiction, as well as the fact that drug addicts are seriously ill and need help first of all.

Also in different cities of the world, concert programs and events are held under the slogans “Choose life”, “Drugs: don’t get in, it will kill!”, “Drug is a killer”, photo exhibitions are organized that demonstrate the horrific scale of drug addiction in the modern world.

This year, for the 30th time the whole world will celebrate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. We decided to figure out what changes have taken place during this time and find out why this memorable day has two dates. We will also consider the experience of one country that managed to defeat drug addiction.

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June 26th is World Anti-Drug Day

By 1987, it was already known about various types of narcotic substances that had managed to take or cripple the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The UN decided that the actions of the authorities at the local level of each of the states are not enough to overcome the drug mafia and decided to celebrate the day on which the whole world will speak loudly and without embarrassment about drugs.

This is how the date of June 26 appeared, on this International Day every year there is its own crown. For example, in 2003 it sounded simply: "Let's talk about drugs", in 2010 - "Yes to health, no to drugs."

The UN every year prepares reports on drugs. In the so-called report, the head of UNODC talks about the level of drug use, trends in the world, as well as how accessible the treatment of drug addicts and HIV infected is.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, the dynamics of the spread of narcotic substances remains practically unchanged. It seems, the world is losing the war on drugs because almost nothing has changed in 30 years. Every year there are new types of drugs, drug dealers manage to find new ways to plant more and more people, including teenagers and children.

Where did the second date March 1 come from

Surprisingly, on the Internet, different sources interpret the same information in different ways. The well-known encyclopedia says that the correct day for the fight against drugs is June 26, it was determined by the UN General Assembly on December 7, 1987.

How, then, did another date for celebrating the International Day appear? We assume that this date is celebrated in schools around the world. Activities for the International Day Against Drug Addiction, acting out scenarios and class hours only possible during school hours.

The country that won the war on drugs

16 years ago, this European country had the largest number of HIV-infected drug addicts. With almost 1% of the population addicted to heroin, this country had the highest death rate from AIDS in the EU.

After the coup in the mid-70s, drugs poured in from all over the world, drug traffickers supplied cocaine from Africa, heroin came into the country from the Middle East, and hashish from Afghanistan. From such abundance, the population, which for a long time lived in a rigid autocracy, simply blew its head off and freedom meant drug use.

This is a country called Portugal. For two decades, the authorities have traditionally fought drug addiction with the use of force, but in 2001 a revolutionary decision was made. Portuguese decriminalized the possession of absolutely all varieties of drugs. They began to fight the disease itself, not the people.

Under the new laws and programs, instead of imprisonment, those who were caught in possession of psychotropic substances paid a fine and were sent "on a commission." Decriminalization differs from legalization in that pharmacies and shopping centers stopped selling ecstasy and LSD as lollipops to children.

As a result of the administrative process, the drug addict could receive a fine of up to 150 euros, he could be banned from holding high positions, attending nightclub parties, traveling abroad and carrying weapons.
The main task of the commission, which includes 3 people - a lawyer, a social worker and a psychologist, is not to punish a person for possession, but to try to cure him of drug addiction.

Across Portugal began to open centers to help drug addicts, where they were detoxified and helped to rehabilitate.

All these measures have led to a rapid drop in all indicators of drug addiction and HIV. In 2001, 80 deaths from drugs were recorded, in 2012 only 16, cases of HIV in 2001 - 1000 people, after 11 years only 56.

Portugal is at odds with the whole world and on the International Day against Drugs, we all should talk about this country and its methods. Governments of other countries should take the example of the Portuguese and start treating people, and not jail them for their habits.

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June 26 is World Day Against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking around the world. How is the situation in Russia, and what measures are being taken to combat this social disease in Russia?

Polina Skryabina / Health Info

It all started in 1987 with a UN initiative: drug addiction and the drug business were recognized as global problems, which it was decided to fight with the efforts of all countries. Since then, every year on June 26, World Day Against Drug Addiction, all countries unite to once again draw public attention to the problems of drug addiction.

Where did addiction come from?

- The problems of drug addiction are the consequences of the Second World War, almost philosophically concludes Evgeny Bryun, the chief specialist in narcology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. - And the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism reached its peak in the 1950s and 60s, and since then, despite all the efforts of the UN, drug addiction has been winning.

According to expert estimates, today in Russia there are up to 2 million drug addicts, about 5 million use drugs from time to time. Moreover, 90% of drug addicts in our country are heroin addicts. There are no such frightening statistics in any country, and Russia is rightfully considered the heroin leader. It is scary to imagine what would happen if our law enforcement agencies did not stop 40% of the drug flow into the country?

What caused such a sharp jump in both alcoholism and drug addiction in the society of the 50s? Are only the severe consequences of war for the psyche of people? According to Yevgeny Bryun, drug addiction has another reason. This is a consumer society, a cult of the body, getting pleasure and acquiring various kinds of addictions, including alcohol and drugs.

Proceeding from this, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Russian Narcological League see their main goal in the fight against drug addiction to reduce the demand for drugs. But how difficult it is to achieve this goal! What measures are proposed to be introduced to overcome drug addiction in Russia?

Warn to win

First, prevention. Drug addiction - the same painful insatiability, a kind of bulimia. And, as you know, the best treatment for a disease, even a public one, is prevention. And the first tool for the prevention of drug addiction is a change in society's attitude towards it. Unfortunately, drug addicts, like alcoholics, are feared and hated. Any employer, having learned that his employee is a drug addict, acts irresponsibly and hurries to get rid of him. That is why the Ministry of Health and Social Development is developing a bill that will oblige the employer to test their employees for drugs, and if an employee becomes drug addicted, then not to fire him, but to treat him.

Another powerful tool for prevention is public awareness. Don't be afraid to give real numbers. This will force parents to warn their children from harm. So, for example, few parents know that the lower age threshold for drug addiction in Russia has dropped, and now it is 11-12 years old. And the average age of addiction to drugs occurs at 15-17 years.

What makes children at that age take drugs? According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Demography of the State Educational Institution Higher School of Economics, for 60% of adolescent drug addicts, the cause of addiction is the situation of “nowhere to go”, helplessness, misunderstanding and indifference on the part of loved ones. Given the fact that teenagers are at risk, moralizing alone is not enough. Continuous prohibitions and accusations of sinfulness will only alienate them, lower their self-esteem. Intimidation can play the same cruel joke. Therefore, the best option is objective information, facts about the consequences of taking drugs. Both social advertising and mass media popular among young people, as well as social networks, are effective.

Unfortunately, social advertising in general, and anti-drug advertising in particular, is practically not developed. While television and the Internet are actually the habitat of teenagers. Meanwhile, employees of the Federal Drug Control Service, until recently, simply did not even know that by going to their page on the social network, anyone can “order” almost any drug and get it just as easily. And, as a rule, users of these sites "dabble" with narcotic mixtures, and, according to doctors, they are sometimes more dangerous than "hard" drugs. Having smoked such a mixture, a person can partially lose his memory, “earn” a mental deviation, and even commit suicide.

The test won't lie

Every day, 80 people die from drugs in Russia, and the army of drug addicts does not decrease - every year more than 250 people become drug addicts. Is it possible to cure our society of drug addiction? The authorities are sure yes. So, in addition to prevention and anti-drug propaganda, it is planned to introduce mandatory testing of students in order to identify drug users early.

“Sooner or later, this system will take root in Russia, since its effectiveness is beyond doubt,” Evgeny Bryun, president of the Russian Narcological League, is sure.

Such testing has already been carried out in several universities. As a result, 15% of students who use drugs were identified. A year later, during which anonymous treatment of drug addicts was carried out, the same testing showed that only 2 out of 15% remained. However, not all schools and universities will meet this halfway: not a single director wishes his school to advertise truthful statistics, but his university - no rector. Therefore, in the future, the consent of the management will not be required: testing will be enshrined in new legislative norms.

Treat don't ask

As you know, drug addiction goes hand in hand with criminal offenses, and the most common among them is theft. Therefore, a bill is being prepared that will allow criminal drug addicts to choose treatment instead of going to prison. But the whole problem is that most drug addicts refuse medical help. What to do? If you don't want to, we'll force you... and send you to a medical and labor dispensary. In this, the Ministry of Health and Social Development sees a way out of a difficult situation and relies both on the experience of the USSR with its labor camps, and on the experience of Western colleagues.

So, in many European countries, for example, in France, there are so-called drug courts. If a drug addict commits a criminal offense, then he can choose either to go to jail or undergo voluntary-compulsory treatment. If our country follows this path, then, according to Yevgeny Bryun, it will be a real “social pressure” on drug addiction and all its attendant problems: the incidence of AIDS (and approximately 70% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts), drug-related crime, cases of suicide.

Desomorphine is coming

The real scourge of our country is heroin addiction - a rather expensive "pleasure". And addicts turn to cheaper drugs like desomorphine. But if heroin addicts live on average up to 5 years or longer, then desomorphine addicts - a maximum of 2 years! And given that 5-6 doses cost a drug addict only 200 rubles, it is not surprising that over the past 10 years the number of desomorphine addicts has increased 50 times. And while this opioid drug is absolutely available: anyone can buy its components in a pharmacy, including codeine-containing drugs.

However, the law prohibiting the release of such drugs without a doctor's prescription is in no hurry to take. The Ministry of Health and Social Development decided to take a timeout, having soberly assessed the situation: Russian polyclinics are less than 50% staffed. And this means that huge queues in clinics cannot be avoided. The law is now expected to come into force in June 2012.

Correct substitution

As you know, the United States was the first to use substitution therapy for the treatment of drug addicts. Beginning in the 1960s, heroin addicts have been "cared for" by the state at 33 cents a day for methadone, the opiate substitute for heroin. If a heroin addict or his relatives have money, then he is sent for treatment to a special rehabilitation center, where drug addiction is treated, and not drowned out by opiates.

Against substitution therapy with methadone and the chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Yevgeny Bryun. In his opinion, this is only an escape from the problem, not a solution to it. Therefore, Russia does not plan to adopt the experience of the West. However, he is in no hurry to refuse substitution therapy. Therefore, the chosen course is substitution therapy with opiate antagonists, coupled with the rehabilitation of patients under the supervision of physicians. And, of course, no fight against drugs is possible without international cooperation, including with the countries that are the sources of the main drug flows: Afghanistan, Iran. Only by uniting all countries against drug addiction and by forming a responsible society can the problem be overcome.

Today, drug use is a recognized evil. Many countries are suffering from a real epidemic. On December 7, 1987, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution No. 42/112, in which it decided to celebrate June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as a sign of expressing its determination to strengthen activities and cooperation to achieve the goal of creating an international society free from addiction.

In April 2016, the UN General Assembly held a Special Session on the World Drug Problem. This Special Session marked an important milestone in achieving the goal set out in the policy document "Political Declaration and Plan of Action for International Cooperation towards a Comprehensive and Balanced Strategy to Combat the World Drug Problem".

The outcome document presents recommendatory measures to reduce supply and demand and to expand access to controlled medicines which will prevent their misuse. The recommendations also cover the areas of human rights; children, youth, women and communities; new challenges, including new psychoactive substances; strengthening international cooperation and sustainable development. The paper emphasizes proportionate national sentencing policies and practices in drug-related offences, and highlights the role of prevention and treatment.

In 2018, International Day Against Drug Abuse will be held under the motto "Let's build our lives - our society - our personalities without drugs."

Today, drug addiction has affected all countries of the world. According to the most rough estimates of experts, from 3 to 4 percent of the world's inhabitants use drugs.

For Russia, the problem of drug addiction is a global threat to the health of the country's population. In Russia, over 560,000 drug addicts are registered in narcological dispensaries. The total number of Russians who episodically use drugs and psychotropic substances exceeds 8.5 million people, 1.5 million of whom use heroin. More than 100,000 Russians die from an overdose every year. Any of the drugs destroys health, the addict "burns out" in 4-5 years. Dependence occurs sometimes after one or two doses.

The problem of drug addiction is one of the most urgent for both health care and society as a whole. This is due to the severe medical and social consequences of substance abuse, among which characteristic personality changes are in the first place. Negative medical consequences include: the presence of a number of somatic diseases in patients, the spread of HIV infection, viral hepatitis B and C, and premature mortality. A third of HIV-infected people got their virus from a drug syringe.

The negative social consequences of drug addiction include: a low percentage of employment, a high frequency of criminal behavior and convictions, and violations of family ties.

For Moscow region the problem of drug addiction is very acute. The average relative indicator of the general incidence of drug addiction in the Moscow Region in 2017 decreased and amounted to 228.9 per 100 thousand of the population (in 2016 - 234.1 per 100 thousand of the population). In 2015, this figure reached its peak - 236.9 per 100,000 population.

In 2017, the average relative indicator of the primary incidence of drug addiction decreased to 12.0 per 100 thousand of the population (in 2016 - 13.7 per 100 thousand of the population). In 2015, this indicator reached its peak - 18.4 per 100,000 population.

The average relative indicator of the overall incidence of substance abuse has been decreasing in recent years, reaching 7.0 per 100 thousand of the population (in 2016 - 7.8 per 100 thousand of the population against 8.2 in 2015).

Leaders in the prevalence of drug addiction, whose indicators significantly exceed the average regional level, are the following municipalities: Orekhovo-Zuyevo (591.2), Serpukhov (502.3), Noginsk (367.5), Serebryanye Prudy (366.8), Podolsk (331.4), Pavlovsky Posad (314.5), Schelkovo (252.0).

Significantly indicators below the regional average in municipalities: Lotoshino (30.2), Stupino (74.2), Shakhovskaya (89.4), Bronnitsy (107.2), Volokolamsk (111.8), Solnechnogorsk (117.9).

In recent years, drugs have become "younger". Cases of initiation to narcotic and toxic substances of children aged 10-13 have become more frequent. The main drug users are young people under 30 years old.

The goal of preventive anti-drug work should be to reduce the demand for drugs, especially among the youth. It is recommended to focus on information propaganda - to talk more about the dangers of drugs and early detection, that is, testing. The main object of preventive work should be children under 12-14 years old, and preventive work should be carried out both by teachers together with medical workers at school, and necessarily by parents in the family.

According to Professor L.M. Roshal, “Drug addiction is a huge business that affects people and, above all, children. Family daily prevention of drug addiction is necessary. Parents need to have a clear understanding of what work to do with their children so they can resist the temptation of the first puff. Our task is to counter the spread of drug addiction at all levels - from the family to the state."

The main goal of prevention is to form among the population, and especially among young people, an active life position of rejection of drug use for non-medical purposes. It is necessary to strive to curb the initiation of children and young people to drugs through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of anti-drug attitudes, and involvement in sports. Anti-smoking and anti-alcohol propaganda should be part of anti-drug propaganda, since drugs often follow smoking and alcohol consumption.

In order to raise awareness of the population, especially young people, about the harmful effects of drugs on the body, to attract the attention of government agencies and the public to the problem of drug addiction, the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of the GAUZMO KTsVMiR) recommends organizing the following information and educational events in the municipalities of the Moscow Region events dedicated to the International Day against drug addiction:

  • to widely inform the population about the International Day against Drug Addiction, including through the media;
  • organize and conduct thematic seminars and conferences for doctors and paramedical workers;
  • organize speeches by experts on the problem of drug addiction on radio and television;
  • publish articles in the local press, highlight the theme of the International Day against Drug Abuse on Internet sites;
  • use means of visual propaganda, issue thematic information stands and sanitary bulletins in medical organizations;
  • together with the sports committee to organize sports competitions under the motto "Sport against drugs";
  • organize mass actions (health exercises, flash mobs, dance workouts) with the involvement of young people, incl. members of public volunteer organizations whose activities are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as when interacting with representatives of education, social protection, sports and youth policy, culture, and media people;
  • distribute thematic memos, leaflets, booklets.

Please submit a report on the activities carried out to the Moscow Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Branch for Medical Prevention of the GAUZMO KTsVMiR) by e-mail [email protected] by August 10, 2018.

“Let's talk about drug addiction”, “drugs are not child's play”, “yes to health, no to drugs”, “drugs are harm” - these are the slogans with which Russia and the entire world community celebrates on June 26 every year.

A progressive disease caused by the use of narcotic substances ruthlessly cripple the fate of dependent people. In search of new sensations, oblivion of mental suffering, the “poor fellows” fall into vicious networks. According to statistics covering the world, approximately 185 million people use drugs. Most of them are between 15 and 30 years old. The rate of female drug addiction is growing rapidly.


The origin of the idea to celebrate the International Day against Drug Addiction and Illicit Trafficking is considered to be 1987. Awareness of the growing worldwide problem of drug addiction prompted the world community to resort to decisive action. It was on June 26 that the first anti-drug plan for the strategic fight against drug addiction was approved at the International Conference. At the same time, the representatives of the conference decided and recommended to the UN General Assembly to establish an annual celebration of this day as a reminder of clearly set goals: to create an international society without drugs. December 7, 1987 - the decision was made.

End of winter. 1909 Another world event. The Shanghai Opium Commission, with representatives from 13 other countries, including Russia, met to find a way to localize the supply of drugs from Asian countries. A subsequent session, held in 1998, was also devoted to the fight against drugs.

To date, prolonged restrictive measures that have lasted for more than a century have not changed the situation. The problem of "drug addicts" remains global and is growing. Drug dealers do not want to part with a profitable business and find new ways to sell drugs. The ban on some drugs gives rise to the birth, demand and distribution of others.


Every year, on June 26, an occasion to unite again to say “NO” to drugs. Mass actions are taking place all over the world with the distribution of leaflets, T-shirts and other paraphernalia with propagandistic inscriptions. With lectures, thematic social polls, sports competitions, the organizers are trying to encourage people to a healthy lifestyle. Do not stand aside law enforcement agencies that conduct conversations with schoolchildren. Stars participate in charity concerts. Interested youth disseminate information about the dangers of drugs through social networks. Programs of relevant subjects are broadcast on television channels and radio. Newspaper articles are published.

In Russia, annual plans for preventive measures are created, records are kept, round tables are held, millions are allocated for the rehabilitation and return to the society of drug addicts.